Transcript 8 - Histogram Excel

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Alright we then moved to the next set of data, which was bills and if I scroll down here I can

see, ah
yes, it's about 200 because it starts 201 there. So that would be 200 bills here. We talked about well
what we were going to do is break them into categories, 0 up to 15, 15 up to 30, 30 up to 45, and we
have all of these bins here. Now at this stage what do we do? Well we want to talk about a histogram
the good thing is in Excel it can do lots with histogram very easily but notice it uses the upper limits
of the categories. That's what it uses. So if we go to data and then along the right here we should we
have a data analysis tab. If we don't we go back or as I don't we go back to file, and then we go down
to here options, then we go to add-ins, then we go to go, and we want to tick the analysis toolpak and
go okay. Notice now we have data analysis so let's click on that. We simply go histogram, it says
input range. So here we select all of these bills, notice it could get a bit cumbersome to get all of them
so is there a way to do this easier and the answer is yes. Hit the top one, shift and control holding both
shift and control then press down and it selects the whole column, isn't that great? Then in the bin
range, let's have another practice. Bin range is those upper limits of the category so I'm going to click
on bins, shift control down, that would have been easy to do without doing that but just to give us
practice. Now labels, I have to tick labels because I included the names of the columns. If you didn't
you would not take labels but you have to be consistent. Now I say output range. If you want your
graph in a new worksheet you can do that but I just want my new graph and notice I need to select
output range about there just a long sign. And you need to tick chart output, otherwise it won't know
to actually produce the graph and then you simply tick okay. And here it is. Notice I've got my bins,
I've got my frequency now, but it's not looking that nice so we need to do some things to this to make
it look a bit prettier. Firstly we don't have anything in this more category at the end so why don't we
just, see here get the arrow move that up so we get rid of that more category, but histograms have no
gaps between them as well so we need to look at that. So I'm going to right click on one of the blue
bars, format data series, and see this gap width here we want to reduce that to zero. Now that's starting
to look better. We don't need the series name because we've only got one thing so let's delete that.
And I could of course resize this, maybe I'll move my histogram here, and we could go into this title
and say it's the upper limit and we should go into this chart title and talk about the, you know, bills of
first customers, and so on. Now, what if we wanted relative frequency? Very interesting so let's try
that now, let's do relative frequency. To resize I might just hover here, see that special icon, and
double click resizes that nicely. Double click there we go, and relative frequency that was frequency
divided by total so I need the total. So instead of having more here maybe let's just call it the sum and
here I'm going to go equals sum, and in Excel that just adds things up, equals sum, open brackets,
highlight my whole area, or I could have clicked on the first shift ctrl down and closed brackets. 200,
excellent. So I should do equals, frequency, divided by the sum, there's my relative frequency. So now
what you can do in Excel, see this as I change I go to the bottom right it changes to that plus now
double click there and it fills down that formula and it says okay frequency divided by ah the sum that
one's also moved down. So what we need to tell Excel is each time we want the frequency to move
down but the 200 should never change. So how we did that is when we should have selected G3
divided by the sum, we should have hit F4. Press the f4 key or you can write in the dollar signs and
that fixes that cell. So when I double click now, let's go into one of these, notice always referring to
that same fixed cell down the bottom. Now let's just drag across my sum with that plus symbol, you
can drag that across now it does the sum of this column. The sum of the relative frequency is 1
excellent. What if I wanted a relative frequency histogram? Click here, change frequency to relative
frequency and it just changed and you would have to change your chart type axis title here as well.
And we should have a better chart title but I'll leave that with you to play around with those things.

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