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This book critiques the magnetic signature reduction of the submarine by eddy currents produced in

currents which can be reduced by active signature reduction technique and another is corrosion related
magnetic signature which is reduced by decamping system.

John’s book powerfully demonstrates the various method of reducing magnetic signature of the
submarine. This technique used to minimize the role-induced eddy currents, magnetic detection uses to
corrosion and degaussing technique which ultimately minimize magnetic signature of the field and could
be prevent from the danger.

John neglects to mention about the acoustic signature which is the major source of vibration and noise.
The diesel-electric engine vibration could be easily detectable.

the magnetic signature reduction techniques require precise calibration and constant monitoring the
parameters affecting the magnetic signatures. The cost is the important factor because this kind of
precision requires modern solutions.

This book provides details on one of the six leaps in naval submarine developments that is Stealth

This book critiques the sources of submarine electromagnetic field signatures and reduction techniques
used for magnetic silencing including active and passive techniques which plays a crucial role in maintain
the stealth of submarine.

John’s book powerfully demonstrates the sources of magnetic signatures such as roll-induces eddy
currents, ferromagnetic vessels, corrosion related sources and stay fields and also elaborates their
reduction techniques.

The passive signature reduction technique is implement by decreasing the size of the vessel of using
material with low magnetic permeability

Any magnetic field component that require further reduction after the application of passive techniques
can be compensated by artificially generating a flux distribution whose pattern is the negative of the
residual field. Degaussing was the first active signature cancellation system.

However, a degaussing system, which is a magnetic source, cannot effectively cancel the fields
originating from electric sources produced by corrosion or cathodic protection system currents.

Corrosion- related signatures are actively reduced with a deaming system, which is composed of
impressed current cathodic protection system anodes that have been positioned on ships hull to
minimize the vessels signature.

John neglects to mention about the acoustic signature which is the major source of vibration and noise
in diesel engines submarine which compromise their stealth.

This book concludes that physics of shipboard sources has to be understood to design signature
reduction technologies
This book concludes that submarine design effects the underwater electromagnetic filed signatures.
Material selection must be done keeping in view of electrical and magnetic properties, because they
have major consideration with respect to ferromagnetic, eddy current and CRM signatures.

The first rule in the development of any signature reduction system is to eliminate as many of the
sources as is technically feasible and affordable before attempting to actively cancel the remaining

Constructing naval vessels from nonmagnetic and no conducting material could yield significant
reduction in its total magnetic field signature produced by ferromagnetic , eddy current, and CRM

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