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Kraftshala Live Launchpad - Next Steps


Step 1: Explore channels and build a micro-strategy for penetration into your campus -
○ Emails - from professors, career development cell, placement committee, alumni
committee etc.
○ Announcement during online engagement sessions (due to Covid such
engagement would have moved online) - classes, exams, other important
announcements by the campus etc.
○ WhatsApp Messages - in the groups where the TG is present, broadcast
messages to all students from the college, alumni database etc.
○ Engage with smallers groups within the TG directly - Concalls with POCs in the
campus, an online session to brief them on the Launchpad etc.
○ Additional Channels - Online platforms like - Quora, FB, Instagram, LinkedIn,
D2C etc. (This might not be a campus specific activity, and though your efforts
here might not translate a 100% in driving attendance from your campus, it will
definitely drive the overall numbers)
1. While you reach out to your own campus, you are also encouraged to figure out ways of
reaching out to other campuses (inform the Kraftshala Team in case you are doing so)
2. Identify the Super TG (Hint: These people are passionate about exploring/pursuing a career
outside of Technology or specifically in marketing. The folks who go out of the way to accelerate
their careers) and ensure you’ve recognized the appropriate channels for them. They shouldn’t
be missing these sessions.

Step 2:
a. Chart out the activation plan for the channels identified to drive participation in Kraftshala
Live. Remember that the consumer moves from Awareness -> Consideration -> Trial.
Plan about how you will make them aware about the Launchpad series, get them to
understand its relevance for them and then eventually attend the sessions.

Note: There will be dropout at every stage and thus the plans need to be made accordingly. For
instance, if 80 students register for the sessions, only about ~20 will actually attend. For 80
students to register for the sessions, you’d have to reach out to (spread awareness) ~400

b. List down the evaluation metrics that you will use to measure progress of these
activities, for instance
i. engagement on emails and whatsapp messages - number of replies, open and
click rate of emails through tools like bitly, read receipts of whatsapp messages,
ii. entries in the intent form
iii. inputs from Kraftshala on how many students have registered for the sessions,
iv. in case you take a session then the attendance of the session, or in case you
decide to call some of the students - their response, etc.

Execution (from 29th onwards):

Step 3: Kick-start the activation via the selected channels
Communication Objective:
● Awareness - To introduce Kraftshala LIVE Launchpad and get them excited about it.
Think what will make them believe that, usually personal experiences help achieve that.
● Consideration - Address questions, host personal sessions and direct them to
Launchpad’s webpage, social media handles, etc.

Measure the impact through the evaluation metrics defined in the strategy stage (define new
metrics, if required) and improvise.

Step 4: Drive registrations for Kraftshala LIVE Launchpad

Communication Objective: To get them to register for Kraftshala LIVE launchpad series. Help
them understand why the sessions are important for them.

Step 4: Driving Final attendance for Kraftshala LIVE Launchpad

Communication Objective: Building salience such that they don't miss out on the session
through regular reminders, checking-in with the registered students etc.

Step 5: Closure - Taking feedback from the students who attend the sessions.

1. We will share the marketing material with you before you start your execution.
2. You can float an intent form to evaluate the impact of your activities (decide at what point in
time is it best done) and plan how you will increase that number and how will you ensure
students who have shown interest go on to attend the Launchpad sessions.

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