Artificial Intelligence: Analysis of Various Agent Programming Languages

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3rd International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART)

College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad

Artificial Intelligence: Analysis of various Agent

Programming Languages
Ashish Bishnoi1, Rupal Gupta2
Department of Computer Applications, CCSIT, TMU, Moradabad

Abstract—Artificial Intelligence is one of the emerging areas of part of technology industry and impact of AI can be
computer science which provides different methods or
technologies that can be used to improve the efficiency of existing
felt around us as it is used in domains such as
systems and make them more users friendly. Intelligent Agent is expert system, robotics, computer games, space
one of the AI technology that had tremendous potential. In this research, automobile industry, defence etc. AI
paper, we analyse the various programming languages emerged
for the development of Intelligent Agent.
systematizes and automates intellectual tasks and is
therefore potentially relevant to any sphere of
Keywords— Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Agent, human intellectual activity [4]. The main areas of
Programming , Languages. AI research include reasoning, knowledge, planning,
learning, communication, perception and the ability
to move and manipulate objects [5]. One of the
Artificial Intelligence is one of the newest fields objectives of Artificial Intelligence researcher’s to
of intellectual research; its foundation began develop software’s which are intelligent enough to
thousands of years ago where human fantasy of know the preference, habits of the user and
having intelligent and thinking machines appears in customize the software according to user
myths or stories. [1] Human likeness believed to preferences so obtained.
have intelligence tools was built in every major In this research paper, we first describe the
civilization such as cult images in Egypt and Intelligent Agents and their importance in different
Greece, humanoid automations in Yanshi etc. [2]. environments. Next, we discuss the features of
In beginning of 20 century, artificial beings or various programming approaches emerged and can
machines becomes a common character in novel or be used to implement Intelligent Agents. Finally,
stories based on science fiction. The discipline of we specify why JAVA is suitable for writing the
Artificial Intelligence was founded at a conference code of Intelligent Agents.
in Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire,
Germany in 1956 [3]. II. INTELLIGENT AGENT
Researchers working in the field of computer An intelligent agent is a set of independent
science describe – “Artificial Intelligence is the software tools or components linked with other
study of systems that act in a way that to any applications and database running on one or several
observer would appear to be intelligent”. Artificial computer environments. The prime objective of an
Intelligence provides methods and algorithms based intelligent agent is to store the user preferences
on the intelligent behavior of humans and other dynamically related to an application and
animals to solve complex problems. To develop implement the same when user accesses the same
these methods, algorithms and tools, a continuous application. Hewitt in 1977, describes the agent for
rigorous research is conducted which requires lot of the first time in its Actor Model. According to
resources. Sometimes this research had seen Hewitt, agent is a self-contained, interactive and
success in the form of expert systems and failure of concurrently executing object having some internal
LISP machines. Now days, AI becomes an essential state and communication capability.

3rd International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART)
College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad

Agents are linked with research areas like autonomous programs used for operator assistance
robotics, Artificial Intelligence, distributed systems or data mining (sometimes referred to as bots) are
and computer graphics. In simple words, an agent also called “intelligent agents”. An Artificial
can be described as an entity that is able to carry out Intelligent agent should have the properties like:
some task, usually to help a human user. [8] Agents Intelligence, Autonomy, Mobility, Reliability,
embedded in the software are known as software Ability to learn, Cooperation, Versatility etc.
agents which is a computer program designed to Implementation of agents can be done using
carry out some task on behalf of a user ex – Office different programming approaches or languages as
Assistant in Microsoft Office. A software agent the agent possess different properties and used in
having intelligence as its property is known as different environments. In next section, we describe
Artificial Intelligence Agent. Intelligent agents are the programming approaches that can be used for
the foremost requirement of developing intelligent developing the various agents.
systems and software’s.
Intelligent Agent (IA) is an autonomous entity
which observes i.e. learn from its environment and To develop any piece of software components,
use their knowledge to acts upon an environment specialised languages are required commonly
and directs its activity towards achieving goals. [7] known as programming languages. In history of
They may be very simple or very complex: a reflex computer science different programming paradigms
machine such as a thermostat is an intelligent agent, are emerged to fulfil the need of software industry.
as is a human being, as is a community of human From the birth of Intelligent Agents, till date
beings working together towards a goal. various programming languages have been
developed to develop different types of agents.
These languages are described below-
Sensor A. Agent Programming Languages
In mid 1980’s, the need for standardisation of
What is the
world like software tools is identified for the development of
now ENVIRONMENT reliable agents based software as a number of
Condition- prototypical agent languages is emerging. [Gasser
action (if- Action to be
then) rules done et al., 1987]. By an agent language, we means a
system that allows one to program hardware or
Actuators software computer systems in terms of some of the
actions concepts developed by agent theorists. Agent
language at least must include some structure
Fig. 1 Simplex reflex agent corresponding to an agent and attributes such as
Intelligent agents are often described beliefs, goals or other mentalistic notions used to
schematically as an abstract functional system program agents.
similar to a computer program. For this reason, B. Concurrent Object Languages
intelligent agents are sometimes called abstract Concurrent object languages are in many respects
intelligent agents (AIA) to distinguish them from the ancestors of agent languages. The notion of a
their real world implementations as computer self contained concurrently executing object, with
systems, biological systems, or organizations. In some internal state that is not directly accessible to
computer science, the term intelligent agent may be the outside world, responding to messages from
used to refer to a software agent that has some other such objects is very close to the concept of an
intelligence, regardless if it is not a rational agent agent as we have defined it. The earliest concurrent
by Russell and Norvig’s definition. [6] For example, object framework was Hewitt’s Actor Model

3rd International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART)
College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad

[Hewitt, 1977; Agha, 1986]; another well known To overcome limitations of AGENT0, Thomas in
example is the ABCL system [Yonezawa, 1990]. 1993 develop Planning Communicating Agents
C. Agent Oriented Programming
(PLACA). Agents in PLACA are programmed in
much the same way as in AGENT0’s, in terms of
The key idea that informs this agent oriented mental change rules. [9] The logical component of
programming paradigm is that of directly PLACA is similar to AGENT0’s, but includes
programming agents in terms of the socialist, operators for planning to do actions and achieve
mentalist, intentional notions that agent theorists goals. The semantics of the logic and its properties
have developed to represent the properties of agents. are examined in detail.
The motivation behind such a proposal is that
humans use intentional stance as an abstraction E. Concurrent METATEM
mechanism for representing the properties of Fisher in 1994 designs a new language which
complex systems. In the same way, language use overcomes the drawback of both AGENT0 and
the intentional stance to describe humans, it might PLACA, that is, the relationship between the logic
be useful to use the intentional stance to program and interpreted programming language is only
machines. According to Shoham, agent loosely defined: in neither case the programming
programming language must have: A logical system language can truly execute the associated language.
for defining the mental state of agents; Interpreted A Concurrent METATEM system contains a
programming language for programming agents and number of concurrently executing agents, each of
Agentification process, for compiling agent which is able to communicate with its peers via
programs into low level executable systems. asynchronous broadcast message passing. Each
AGENT0 was developed by Shoham which agent is programmed by giving it a temporal logic
includes the components specified above. specification of the behaviour which is intended to
In this language, an agent is specified in terms of be displayed by the agent. An agent’s specification
a set of capabilities, a set of initial beliefs and is executed directly to generate its behaviour.
commitments, and a set of commitment rules. The Execution of the agent program corresponds to
key component, which determines how the agent iteratively building a logical model for the temporal
acts, is the commitment rule set. Each commitment agent’s specification. It is possible to prove that the
rule contains a message condition, a mental procedure used to an execute agent specification is
condition, and an action. In order to determine correct, in that if it is possible to satisfy the
whether such a rule fires, the message condition is specification, then the agent will do so [Barringer et
matched against the beliefs of the agent. Actions al., 1989]. The logical semantics of Concurrent
may be private, corresponding to an internally METATEM are closely related to the semantics of
executed subroutine, or communicative messages. temporal logic itself. This means that, amongst
Messages are constrained to be one of three types: other things, the specification and verification of
‘requests’ or ‘unrequests’ to perform or refrain from Concurrent METATEM systems is a realistic
actions, and inform messages, which pass on proposition.
information. Request and unrequest messages F. TELESCRIPT
typically result in the agent’s commitments being
modified; inform messages typically result in the TELESCRIPT is first commercial agent language
agent’s commitments being modified; inform developed by General Magic Inc. It is a language
messages result in a change to the agent’s beliefs. based environment for constructing agent societies.
In agent oriented programming, agents are not able TELESCRIPT technology is based on places and
to plan and communicate requests for action via agents which are key concepts of it. Places are
high level goals. virtual locations that are occupied by agents.
Agents are the providers and consumers of goods in
D. Planning Communicating Agents(PLACA)

3rd International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART)
College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad

the electronic marketplace applications that generality of APRIL comes at the expense of
TELESCRIPT was developed to support. Agents powerful abstractions, including plans and multi-
are software processes that can move from one agent plans. The language was originally envisaged
place to another, for that their program and state are as the implementation language for MAIL. The
encoded and transmitted across a network to MAIL system has been used to implement several
another place, where execution recommences. prototype multi-agent systems, including an urban
Agents are able to communicate with one-another traffic management scenario. [Haugeneder and
in standard way whether they are present on same Steiner, 1994]
or different location.
TELESCRIPT technology consists of four
components: (1) TELESCRIPT language which is Java is an object oriented programming language
designed for carrying out complex communication which was originally designed for developing
tasks: such as navigation, (2)Authentication control, embedded software for consumer electronics
(3) TELESCRIPT protocol set - These protocols initially named “OAK”. Java is developed in 1995
deal primarily with the encoding and decoding of and is a remake of Oak developed in 1991. Java is
agents, to support transportation between places. (4) considered as one of the most suitable programming
Set of software tools to support the TELESCRIPT language to develop Intelligent Agents for different
applications. applications working in different domains.
Characteristics of Java programming language
G. Agent Behaviour Language (ABLE) which makes it suitable for development of
ABLE was developed by a group at Philips intelligent agent or applications based on them –
research labs in the UK to develop agents in terms Java is “architecture neutral” which makes it ideal
of simple, rule like licences. Licences may include for the development of intelligent agents as they
some representation of time: they loosely resemble can be transported across a network and executed
behaviors in the subsumption architectures. ABLE on any target computer system. [10]
can be compiled down to a simple digital machine Java Virtual Machine has inbuilt security
realised in the ‘C’ programming language. The idea mechanisms to protect against malicious or errant
is similar to situated automata, though there appears code.
to be no equivalent theoretical foundation. The Autonomy –In Agent application, an agent is
result of compilation process is a very fast autonomous component that can have a separate
implementation, which has been used to control a thread of control. Java supports threaded
Compact Disk-Interactive (CD-I) application. applications and provides support for autonomy.
ABLE has recently been extended to a version Communication -The agent is informed about any
called Real-Time ABLE (RTA). change in the environment by sending it an event.
H. APRIL and MAIL An event is nothing more than a method or message
call, in which information is passed along with the
APRIL [McCabe and Clark,1995] and MAIL
method call that defines what happened or what
[Haugeneder et al., 1994] are two languages for
action agent has to perform, as well as data required
developing multi-agent applications that were
to process the event. [11]
developed as part of the ESPIRIT project
Intelligence – This property of agent can be
IMAGINE. The two languages are intended to fulfil
implemented using range of hard coded procedures
quite different roles. APRIL was designed to
or object-oriented logic to sophisticated reasoning
provide core features which are required to realize
and learning capabilities. Java provides the entire
most agent architectures and systems. It provides
basic functions needed to support these behaviours.
facilities for multitasking, communication, pattern
Object Oriented – Intelligent agent based
matching and symbolic processing capabilities. The
applications have two major aspects which are -

3rd International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART)
College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad

knowledge representation and algorithms that In this paper, we first discuss the Artificial
manipulate those representations. All knowledge Intelligence, its emergence and various applications
representations are based on the use of slots or of AI in modern world. Intelligent Agents are
attributes that hold information regarding some discussed as foremost component required for
entity, and links or references to other entities. Java developing intelligent systems. In the section
objects can be used to encode the data and related to Intelligent Agent, we list various traits of
behaviour as well as the relationships between the agent and after it different programming
entities. Java can easily be used to implement approaches or languages emerged for development
Artificial Intelligence knowledge representation of the agent. We also identify the limitation of each
methods such as frames, semantic nets, and if-then approach and finally figure out how Java is most
rules etc. suitable language for the development of Intelligent
Mobility – There are several different aspects to Agents. We conclude this paper with remark that
mobility in the context of Intelligent Agents and there is need for programming language for agent
their applications. Java’s portable byte codes and development which requires least coding and
Java archive (JAR) files allow groups of compiled provide inbuilt support for methods of knowledge
Java classes to be sent over a network and then representation so that developer can focus more on
executed on the target machine. Java applets functional implementation of Intelligent Agents.
provide a mechanism for running Java code
remotely via a Web browser.
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