Factory Resetting A GXP 2140 When You Know None of The Passwords! - GXP21xx Series Enterprise IP Phones

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Factory Resetting a GXP 2140 when you know none of the

IP Voice Telephony
GXP21xx Series Enterprise IP Phones

Wansbroughs 2018-08-21 14:48:36 UTC #1

Hi Folks,

I have a bunch of GXP 2140’s that i need factory resetting but i don’t know any of the passwords.

I am prompted for this when i both try a factory reset from the phone and when i am logging in to the internet pages for
the phones

I have tried the various default ones listed and tried the MAC address and IP address also

I have trawled the internet in hope but i can’t find anything!

Please can someone come up with a magic cure

Kind Regards

rtl 2018-08-21 14:54:29 UTC #2

If you don’t have the passwords the only way is to provision the handsets with known passwords.
Firstly set option 66 on your DHCP server to a TFTP server on your network
copy appropriate provisioning files to the root of the tftp server.
reboot the handsets
There was a thread about this with 2160 handsets a week or so ago https://forums.grandstream.com/t/factory-

SmartVox 2018-08-21 15:09:06 UTC #3

@rtl ’s favorite topic. @Wansbroughs , you really don’t have much choice (other than finding the person who knows
the passwords). You must set up provisioning and create a base configuration to send to the phone(s) to reset
everything. This is often done by service providers to prevent someone from taking the phone home from their desk
and repurposing it for something else while the employer sits and files paperwork for stolen/missing property.

Need to hard reset my grandstream phone

Wansbroughs 2018-08-22 09:11:04 UTC #4

Hi RTL when i click on the link it says i “do not have access to that topic”

Could you help me further

What file extention is the config file? I have found a load of .xml files that seem to pertain to this particular handset

rtl 2018-08-22 09:13:48 UTC #5

First of all what firmware version are the handsets on

Wansbroughs 2018-08-22 09:23:34 UTC #6

rtl 2018-08-22 09:33:10 UTC #7

OK, I suggest that you you upgrade to the latest stable version,
First we need to get access to the handsets. Change option 66 on your DHCP server to the ip address of a PC on your
network running a TFTP server. Copy a provisioning file into the tfp server’s directory. Reboot the handset and it should
provision from the tftp server. You may want to set up a TFTP and DHCP server off your main network for this.
The attached cfg.xml will provision the handset with a web password of password cfg.zip (240 Bytes)

Wansbroughs 2018-08-22 11:33:58 UTC #8


That worked thanks so much!

Is there any way to configure the VLAN setting as part of the cfg.xml file? So that when we send out the config file to all
phones they automatically fix themselves?

(SOLVED) Recover GXP1610 with disabled web access and locked menu

Restore to Factory Default Setting a GXP1450 without admin password

GXV3140 factory reset

rtl 2018-08-22 11:39:07 UTC #9

I suggest you look at this document

635.72 KB

and this will give you a reference to the p values


SmartVox 2018-08-22 12:25:23 UTC #10

Hi RTL when i click on the link it says i “do not have access to that topic”

This is @drostoker ’s favorite topic. You have to subscribe to the category in order to see it. @grandstream has made
it default to almost nothing when you first sign on, which is why everything is posted (incorrectly) in “site-feedback.”

Unfortunately, I never got the welcome email, because I was an old old user when the forum was converted from the
old version to this version, so I’m not sure how you subscribe to categories.

drostoker 2018-08-22 14:08:15 UTC #11

The link needed is https://forums.grandstream.com/groups.

Maybe @grandstream should put this link somewhere visible on the site.

SmartVox 2018-08-22 14:16:17 UTC #12


Maybe @grandstream should put this link somewhere visible on the site.

If only there were some sort of FAQ that could be used?

bobf 2019-01-05 10:38:00 UTC #13

I tried this several times without succes.

My DHCP server sends out option 66 with (my laptop with tftp server) I notice it picks up the address but
never retrieves the cfg file.
The phone is provisioned from Broadsoft platform where the Keypad is locked down (no factory reset in system menu)
and the webinterface is shut down by some setting. The provider doesn’t know how to fix this.

Firmware is so the hard keys (1+9) are not working yet.

bobf 2019-01-07 20:24:59 UTC #15

I managed to fix it with another DHCP server where I also put option 66 to my laptop and now it did work, I got the
newer firmware and I could set the password through the cfg.xml file. Thanks!

SmartVox 2019-01-10 15:48:22 UTC #16

Congratulations! It may be a pain to set up, but this is a very effective way to make sure you have 100% control over
these phones.

hbizri 2019-07-01 13:08:50 UTC #17


Looks interesting that the DHCP thing works fine for you, I had the same password issue for GXV3240.
Could you send me more detail & step by step the process.

SmartVox 2019-07-01 14:37:08 UTC #18

This topic should have been locked and marked as solved. However, since you have the same basic problem, I’ll let the
thread hijack go.

Basic steps are:

Set up a TFTP server on your network

Set up a DHCP server (or configure an existing one) that sets option 66 to be the address of your TFTP server
Put config files that match cfgaabbccddeeff.xml (or just cfgaabbccddeeff, depending on how you make your config
files) where aabbccddeeff is the MAC address of the phone
The config file should contain all the necessary passwords and configuration to allow you to reset the phone

The config file is easiest to generate from a Zero Config on a UCM device or using the Grandstream XML config
generator from http://www.grandstream.com/support/tools

Anything more specific than this is really beyond the scope of this forum. You should be comfortable with setting up and
configuring TFTP, DHCP, and XML config files if you’re going to manage Grandstream devices.

SmartVox 2019-11-15 13:54:47 UTC #19

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