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Part 1-
1- Read the material attached and jot down what called your attention the most.
There are a couple of things that cought my attention. First is the fact that
Claudius II cancelled all marriages and engagements because he needed to
have more soldiers joining his armies, I never thought that this kind of things
could be done. And in second place it is the love that Saint Valentine and the
guard’s daughter had to each other.
2- What is love? Describe it in your own words.
Love is a feeling, maybe the most important feeling that a living creature can
ever feel. I can not find the words to describe what is love, but I may know a
few things about what it can do to a person and also what a person feels
because of love. Once you are in love it seems that everything in you life makes
perfect sense, you smile all the time, you sing love songs, you can even feel that
you can fly. It’s like a magical thing. When you love someone you definitely
want to protect that person and make they feel as much happiness as possible.
3- Write a definition of love.
4-  To like another adult very much and be romantically and sexually attracted to
them or to have strong feelings or liking a friend or person in your family.
(Cambridge dictionary)
5- Research about different types of love.
According to the ancient Greeks there are eight different kinds of love:
1 – Agape – unconditional love.
2 - Eros – Romanic love.
3 – Filia – affectionate love.
4 – Philautia – self love.
5 – Storge – familiar love.
6 – Pragma – enduring love.
7 – Ludus – Playful love.
8 – Mania – obsesive love.

Part 2-
1- Choose a song to work with the topic of “Love”.
2- Prepare a lesson
3- The lesson should:
- explore listening comprehension first (understanding of words and filling
planks or choosing options, understanding ideas etc.)
- Explore content: love
- Include visual aids, realia, etc. (resources to enhance meaning)

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