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RESEARCH REPORT 1-05 (May 2005)


Report Compiled by
Dr. Xiaoyun Yang, Director of Information Reporting Services
Strategy Development and Analysis
UNC Office of the President

(May 2005)

The University of North Carolina presents the thirty-seventh annual Statistical Abstract of

Higher Education in North Carolina. This abstract covers the breadth of higher education

activities in the State in their quantitative aspect, from simple counts of enrollment and degrees

conferred to complex analyses of the flow of student transfers among institutions. This wide

range of information, collected and published annually, should be useful to members of the public

and to planners and educators in educational institutions and government agencies. It is hoped

that the information will aid in the more effective use of resources allocated to higher education.

The data for the abstract were assembled by the Strategy Development and Analysis

Division of the Office of the President of the University of North Carolina from information

supplied by the colleges and universities. I especially wish to acknowledge the work of Dr.

Xiaoyun Yang and other staff of the Strategy Development and Analysis Division for generating

data and for their meticulous care in assembling and editing the abstract. Acknowledgement is

also due to assisting officials at the institutions, public and private, for their continuing and

wholehearted cooperation. To all, I express my sincere appreciation.

Molly Corbett Broad


UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AR007.U/5-26-05

















A. Sources of Data 165

B. Definitions of Terms 166

C. North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, 168

Enrollment by Race, Residency Status, Gender, and Class Level

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AR006.U/9-7-05

Table Page


1. General Characteristics of Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and
Universities, Fall 2004 5

2. Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution,
Residence Status, Full-Time and Part-Time, and Gender, Fall 2004 6

3. Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution,
Class, and Level of Instruction, Fall 2004 9

4. Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution,
Level of Instruction, and Residence Status, Fall 2004 12

5. Full-Time Equivalent Degree Credit Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by
Institution, Level of Instruction, and Residence Status, Fall 2004 15

6. Total Curriculum Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Community Colleges by
Institution, Residence Status, Full-Time and Part-Time, and Gender, Fall 2004 18

7. Percentage Age Distribution of Undergraduate Degree Credit Enrollment by Institution, Fall 2004 19

8. Home County of In-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina
Colleges and Universities by Type of Institution, Fall 2004 22

9. Home State of Out-of-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina
Colleges and Universities by Type of Institution, Fall 2004 24

10. Home County of In-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in the University of
North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004 25

11. Home State of Out-of-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in the University
of North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004 27

12. Home County of Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Community Colleges by
County, Fall 2004 28

13. Home State of Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Community Colleges by
State, Fall 2004 30

14. Geographic Origin of Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina
Colleges and Universities by Institution, Fall 2004 31

15. Graduate and First Professional Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges
and Universities, Fall 2004 34

16. Upper-Division Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in the
University of North Carolina by Field of Study, Fall 2004 35

17. Summer School Unduplicated Headcount Enrollment and Credit Hours Registered in North
Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2004 36

18. Headcount and Percent of Foreign Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges
and Universities by Institution and Level of Instruction, Fall 2004 38

19. Racial Composition of Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and
Universities, Fall 2004 39

Table Page

20. Extension Credit Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004 42


21. Degree Credit Enrollment Trends in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 1900 - Fall 2004 45

22. Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities and Percentage
Change by Institution, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004 46

23. Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment by Residence Status in North Carolina Colleges and
Universities, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004 49

24. Percentages of Out-of-State Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Public
Colleges and Universities, Fall 1999 - Fall 2004 50

25. Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment Trends by Level of Instruction in North Carolina Colleges and
Universities, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004 51

26. Trend in County Origin of In-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North
Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004 52

27. Trend in State Origin of Out-of-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North
Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004 54


28. Undergraduate Transfers to North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004 57

29. Undergraduate Transfer Students at North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Type of Institution
and Gender, Fall 2004 58

30. Undergraduate Transfer Students from Two-Year Colleges to Senior Colleges and Universities in
North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004 59

31. Undergraduate Transfer Students from Senior Colleges and Universities to Senior Colleges and
Universities in North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004 61

32. Undergraduate Transfer Students from Senior Colleges and Universities to Two-Year Colleges in
North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004 63

33. Undergraduate Transfer Students from Two-Year Colleges to Two-Year Colleges in North Carolina
by Institution, Fall 2004 65

34. Undergraduate Transfer Students from Out-of-State Colleges and Universities to North Carolina
Colleges and Universities by State, Fall 2004 67

35. Transfers into Non-College Parallel Programs at North Carolina Community Colleges from Other
Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004 68


36. Number of Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, 2000-01
- 2003-04 72

37. Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Field of Study, Level of Degree,
Race, and Gender, 2003-04 73

38. Number of Bachelor's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by
Institution, Gender, and Field of Study, 2003-04 78

Table Page

39. First Professional Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Universities by Institution, Gender, and
Field of Study, 2003-04 82

40. Number of Master's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution,
Gender, and Field of Study, 2003-04 83

41. Number of Doctorate Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution,
Gender, and Field of Study, 2003-04 86

42. Degrees and Awards Based on Less Than Four Years Work Beyond High School at North Carolina
Colleges and Universities, 2003-04 87


43. Academic Rank and Gender of Full-Time Faculty in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by
Institution, Fall 2004 91

44. Highest Earned Degree Held by Full-Time Faculty in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by
Institution and Academic Rank, Fall 2004 94


45. Library Resources in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, 2003-04 102

46. Library Services in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Fall 2004 104

47. Library Operating Expenditures in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-04 107


48. Undergraduate Tuition and Required Fees Combined for North Carolina Colleges and Universities,
2000-01 to 2004-05 112

49. Costs to Undergraduate Students at North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution,
2004-05 115

50. Detailed Listing of Required Fees Charged to Regular Undergraduate Students in North Carolina
Colleges and Universities by Institution, 2004-05 117

51. Costs to Students in First Professional Degree Programs at North Carolina Universities by
Institution and Type of Program, 2004-05 119

52. Costs to Graduate Students at North Carolina Universities by Institution, 2004-05 119


53. Average SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in the University of North Carolina,
Fall 1994 - Fall 2004 124

54. Distribution of SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004 125

55. Averages and Quartiles of SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in the University of North Carolina,
Fall 2004 126

56. Averages and Quartiles of SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in North Carolina Private Colleges
and Universities, Fall 2004 127

57. High School Class Rank of Entering Freshmen in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004 131

Table Page

58. High School Class Rank of Entering Freshmen in North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities,
Fall 2004 132

59. Number of Freshman Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees in the University of North Carolina,
Fall 2004 133

60. Number of Freshman Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees in North Carolina Private Colleges
and Universities, Fall 2004 134

61. Number of Undergraduate Transfer Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees in the University of
North Carolina, Fall 2004 137

62. Number of Undergraduate Transfer Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees in North Carolina
Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004 138

63. Number of Graduate Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees in the University of North Carolina,
Fall 2004 141

64. Number of First Professional Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees in the University of North
Carolina, Fall 2004 141


65. Undergraduate Student Aid Expenditures by Program and Sector, 2003-04 143

66. Grants and Scholarships Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and
Universities, 2003-04 145

67. Guaranteed Loan Programs and Other Loan and Work Programs Provided to Undergraduate
Students in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-04 148

68. Scholarship/Loans Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and

Universities, 2003-04 154

69. North Carolina Legislative Tuition Grants (NCLTG) and State Contractual Scholarship Funds
(SCSF) Awarded to Students in North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities, 2003-04 157

70. Financial Aid for Graduate Students in North Carolina Universities, 2003-04 158

71. Financial Aid for First Professional Students in North Carolina Universities, 2003-04 158


72. Capacity and Utilization of Dormitories in the University of North Carolina, Fall 1994 to Fall 2004 161

73. Enrollment by Type of Housing in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004 162

74. Enrollment by Type of Housing in North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004 163


Figure Page

1. North Carolina Post-Secondary Institutions, 2004-05 (Map) ix

2. Student Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Residence Status, Fall 2004 3

3. Student Enrollment in North Carolina Public Colleges and Universities by Residence Status,
Fall 2004 3

4. Student Enrollment in North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities by Residence Status,
Fall 2004 3

5. Geographic Origin of Undergraduate Students in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004 4

6. Enrollment by Residence Status in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004 44

7. Institutional Origin of Undergraduate Transfers in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall
2004 56

8. Bachelor's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 1993-94 - 2003-04 70

9. Master's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 1993-94 - 2003-04 70

10. Doctorate and First Professional Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities,
1993-94 - 2003-04 70

11. Bachelor's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Field of Study,
2003-04 71

12. Percentages of Full-Time Instructional Faculty Holding a Doctorate or First Professional Degree in
Each Academic Rank at North Carolina Senior Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004 90

13. Ranges of Combined Tuition and Required Fees Charged to Undergraduate Students in North
Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2004-05 111

14. SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in the University of North Carolina, Fall 1994 – Fall 2004 121

15. Comparison of SAT Statistics of First-Time Freshmen in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004 122

16. Percent of Freshman Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees in the University of North Carolina
by Carnegie Category, Fall 2004 123

17. Percent Dormitory Utilization in the University of North Carolina, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004 160

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AR009.U/9-7-05


The Statistical Abstract of Higher Education in North Carolina, 2004-05 has been compiled to give

a detailed statistical view of higher education in North Carolina. This abstract presents both past and

current (2004-05 academic year) information. It is designed to provide legislators, educators, and other

interested citizens of North Carolina with a statistical account of higher education in this State. From this

abstract, the reader can gain some knowledge about who is being educated, where they are being

educated, and the resources supporting their education.

The data reported herein were compiled from online forms from the individual institutions by the

Strategy Development and Analysis Division of Office of the President of the University of North Carolina

in the summer and fall of 2004 for processing during the 2004-2005 academic year. The forms are

designed to satisfy both Federal and State data requests (see Appendix A).

The staff of the Strategy Development and Analysis Division makes every effort to verify the validity

and reliability of the data reported by the institutions. The ultimate responsibility for the accuracy of the

data, of course, lies with the individual institutions since they originate the reports on which this abstract is

based. In certain instances discrepancies may appear to be present, when in reality the data reported

may reflect different interpretations of definitions by respondents in different institutions. Wherever

possible, these apparent discrepancies are explained by footnotes. For example, because of its unique

student body, which consists of both college and high school students, data for North Carolina School of

the Arts may not be directly comparable to other institutions in some tables in which they are presented. If

a comparison or a trend study is conducted, please notice that East Coast Bible College was closed on

August 31, 1999. Anson Community College changed its name to South Piedmont Community College in

the fall of 1999. Beginning in 2000 and 2001, University of North Carolina and private institutions

enrollment data combine both resident and extension credit respectively. Cabarrus College of Health

Sciences has begun offering baccalaureate degrees and has been moved from the "Junior Colleges"

category to the "Senior Colleges and Universities" category.

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AR008.U/5-26-05

Figure 1. UNC-GA ProgAssess/Map.AG005.T.U/9-7-05






1 83 1



53 PE

67 69 RQ116

Post-Secondary WATAUGA 40 UI
NS 3
92 73 108 106 34 AN
Institutions MI
TC 5 12 BERTIE Albemarle Sound
2 HE AVERY 16 115 7 89 ALAMANCE
6 2
LL CALDWELL 117 78 111 51
23 17 WAKE
95 BURKE 96 35
3 HAYWOOD 109 72 93 26 49 105 76 74 HYDE 3
SWAIN 82 94 55 19
41 9 2
GRAHAM 84 80 102 MOORE 27
4 15 42 CLEVELAND 77 66 50 4
POLK 38 91 75 62 113 LENOIR
79 21 STANLY CRAVEN Pamlico Sound
87 103 MONTGOMERY 99
5 4 97
63 56 61 5
A B C D E 110 36 ONSLOW
30 25
1 Appalachian State University - G2 58
2 East Carolina University - P3
3 Elizabeth City State University - R2 COLUMBUS NEW
4 Fayetteville State University - M5 HANOVER
64 24 7
5 North Carolina Agricultural and 38 Gaston College - G4
L 14 Legend:
Technical State University - K2 39 Guilford Technical Community College - K2 BRUNSWICK
6 North Carolina Central University - M2 40 Halifax Community College - O1 University of North Carolina 16
7 North Carolina School of the Arts - J2 41 Haywood Community College - C3 22 Public Community College 58

8 North Carolina State University - M3 42 Isothermal Community College - F4 8
9 University of North Carolina at Asheville - D3 43 James Sprunt Community College - O5 M N O P Private Senior College or University 36 T
10 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - L3 44 Johnston Community College - N4 Private Junior College 1
11 University of North Carolina at Charlotte - H4 45 Lenoir Community College - O4
12 University of North Carolina at Greensboro - K2 46 Martin Community College - P3 PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS Theological Seminary 1
13 University of North Carolina at Pembroke - L6 47 Mayland Community College - F2 SENIOR COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Bible Colleges 5
14 University of North Carolina at Wilmington - O7 48 McDowell Technical Community College - F3 75 Barber-Scotia College - I4
Total 117
15 Western Carolina University - C4 49 Mitchell Community College - H3 76 Barton College - O3
16 Winston-Salem State University - I2 50 Montgomery Community College - J4 77 Belmont Abbey College - H4
51 Nash Community College - O2 78 Bennett College - K2
COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGES 52 Pamlico Community College - Q5 79 Brevard College - D4 103 Queens College - H4
17 Alamance Community College - K3 53 Piedmont Community College - L1 80 Cabarrus College of Hlth. Sciences - I4 104 St. Andrews Presbyterian College - K6
18 Asheville-Buncombe Technical 54 Pitt Community College - P3 81 Campbell University, Inc. - M4 105 St. Augustine’s College - M3
Community College - E3 55 Randolph Community College - J3 82 Catawba College - I3 106 Salem College - J2
19 Beaufort County Community College - Q3 56 Richmond Community College - K5 83 Chowan College - P1 107 Shaw University - M3
20 Bladen Community College - M6 57 Roanoke-Chowan Community College - Q2 84 Davidson College - H4 108 Wake Forest University - I2
21 Blue Ridge Community College - E4 58 Robeson Community College - L6 85 Duke University - M2 109 Warren Wilson College - E3
22 Brunswick Community College - N8 59 Rockingham Community College - K1 86 Elon College - K2 110 Wingate University - I5
23 Caldwell Community College and 60 Rowan-Cabarrus Community College - I3 87 Gardner-Webb University - G4
Technical Institute - G3 61 Sampson Community College - N5 88 Greensboro College - K2 JUNIOR COLLEGES
24 Cape Fear Community College - O7 62 Sandhills Community College - K4 89 Guilford College - J2 111 Louisburg College - N2
25 Carteret Community College - Q6 63 South Piedmont Community College - J5 90 High Point University - J2
26 Catawba Valley Community College - H3 64 Southeastern Community College - M7 91 Johnson C. Smith University - H4 THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY
27 Central Carolina Community College - L4 65 Southwestern Community College - C4 92 Lees-McRae College - F2 112 Southeastern Baptist Theological
28 Central Piedmont Community College - H4 66 Stanly Community College - J4 93 Lenoir-Rhyne College - G3 Seminary - M2
29 Cleveland Community College - G4 67 Surry Community College - I1 94 Livingstone College - I3
30 Coastal Carolina Community College - O6 68 Tri-County Community College - A5 95 Mars Hill College - E3 BIBLE COLLEGES
31 College of the Albemarle - R2 69 Vance-Granville Community College - N1 96 Meredith College - M3 113 Heritage Bible College - M4
32 Craven Community College - P5 70 Wake Technical Community College - M3 97 Methodist College - M5 114 John Wesley College - K2
33 Davidson County Community College - I3 71 Wayne Community College - N4 98 Montreat College - E3 115 Piedmont Baptist College - J2
34 Durham Technical Community College - M2 72 Western Piedmont Community 99 Mount Olive College - N4 116 Roanoke Bible College - R1
35 Edgecombe Community College - O3 College - F3 100 North Carolina Wesleyan College - O3 117 Winston-Salem Bible College - I2
36 Fayetteville Technical Community College - M5 73 Wilkes Community College - H2 101 Peace College - M3
37 Forsyth Technical Community College - J2 74 Wilson Technical Community College - O3 102 Pfeiffer University - J4


Table 19 includes extension program students for UNC and private institutions. Data for private institutions
were not released by IPEDS before publication date and fall 2003 data were used.

Figure 2. Student Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Residence Status, Fall 2004

Figure 3. Student Enrollment in North Carolina Public Colleges and Universities by Residence Status, Fall

Figure 4. Student Enrollment in North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities by Residence Status,
Fall 2004

Figure 5. Geographic Origin of Undergraduate Students in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004

Table 1. General Characteristics of Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and
Universities, Fall 2004

Table 2. Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution,
Residence Status, Full-Time and Part-Time, and Gender, Fall 2004

Table 3. Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution,
Class, and Level of Instruction, Fall 2004

Table 4. Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Level
of Instruction, and Residence Status, Fall 2004

Table 5. Full-Time Equivalent Resident Credit Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by
Institution, Level of Instruction, and Residence Status, Fall 2004

Table 6. Total Curriculum Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Community Colleges by
Institution, Residence Status, Full-Time and Part-Time, and Gender, Fall 2004

Table 7. Percentage Age Distribution of Undergraduate Degree Credit Enrollment by Institution, Fall 2004

Table 8. Home County of In-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina
Colleges and Universities by Type of Institution, Fall 2004

Table 9. Home State of Out-of-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina
Colleges and Universities by Type of Institution, Fall 2004

Table 10. Home County of In-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in the University of
North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004

Table 11. Home State of Out-of-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in the University of
North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004

Table 12. Home County of Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Community Colleges by
County, Fall 2004

Table 13. Home State of Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Community Colleges by State,
Fall 2004

Table 14. Geographic Origin of Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges
and Universities by Institution, Fall 2004

Table 15. Graduate and First Professional Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and
Universities, Fall 2004

Table 16. Upper-Division Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in the
University of North Carolina by Field of Study, Fall 2004

Table 17. Summer School Unduplicated Headcount Enrollment and Credit Hours Registered in North Carolina
Colleges and Universities, 2004

Table 18. Headcount and Percent of Foreign Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges
and Universities by Institution and Level of Instruction, Fall 2004

Table 19. Racial Composition of Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and
Universities, Fall 2004

Table 20. Extension Credit Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

Figure 2. Student Enrollment in North Carolina Figure 3. Student Enrollment in North Carolina
Colleges and Universities by Public Colleges and Universities by
Residence Status, Fall 2004 Residence Status, Fall 2004

Out-of- (2,324)

In-State Out-of-State (163,181)
(163,181) (26,434)

State Out-of-
(2,324) State


Univ. of North Carolina* Private Institutions**

Univ. of North Carolina* Community Colleges***
Community Colleges***

Figure 4. Student Enrollment in North Carolina

Private Colleges and Universities by
Residence Status, Fall 2004

State In-State
(30,868) (50,432)

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AG009.U/9-1-05
*Includes military center. **Includes theological seminary and Bible colleges.
***Includes only associate degree students (AA, AFA, AS, AGE).

Figure 5. Geographic Origin of Undergraduate Students in the
University of North Carolina, Fall 2004

ASU 6.2% 8.4% 75.0% 10.2%

ECU 11.3% 12.3% 61.4% 14.7%

ECSU 21.9% 10.6% 53.5% 13.8%

FSU 46.1% 14.0% 29.5% 10.1%

NCA&T 18.1% 9.4% 49.1% 23.2%

NCCU 25.2% 18.7% 45.1% 10.8%

NCSA (College) 13.8% 6.0% 28.0% 52.0%

NCSA (High Sch.) 9.0% 21.8% 34.5% 34.5%

NCSU 29.0% 8.3% 54.1% 8.3%

UNC-A 31.9% 11.8% 41.6% 14.5%

UNC-CH 6.8%6.2% 68.5% 18.3%

UNC-C 32.3% 19.6% 37.3% 10.6%

UNC-G 24.8% 20.9% 46.2% 7.9%

UNC-P 31.6% 30.4% 33.7% 4.1%

UNC-W 20.1% 4.7% 61.6% 13.5%

WCU 6.2% 12.8% 71.1% 9.6%

WSSU 26.1% 12.7% 52.0% 8.9%

UNC Total 20.4% 12.2% 54.8% 12.3%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

County of Location Adjacent Counties Other NC Counties Out-of-State

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AG008.U/7-12-05

Table 1. General Characteristics of Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in
North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

Enrollment Public Institutions Private Institutions All Institutions

Characteristics Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Junior and Senior Institutions

Two-Year Institutions 46,647 * 19.7% 571 0.7% 47,218 14.9%
Senior Institutions 189,615 80.3% 80,729 ** 99.3% 270,344 85.1%

Men 101,193 42.8% 34,953 43.0% 136,146 42.9%
Women 135,069 57.2% 46,347 57.0% 181,416 57.1%

Residence Status
In-State 207,504 87.8% 50,432 62.0% 257,936 81.2%
Out-of-State 28,758 12.2% 30,868 38.0% 59,626 18.8%

Attendance Status
Full-Time 174,091 73.7% 68,520 84.3% 242,611 76.4%
Part-Time 62,171 26.3% 12,780 15.7% 74,951 23.6%

Level of Instruction
Entering Freshman 40,369 17.1% 14,122 17.4% 54,491 17.2%
Other Freshman 34,776 14.7% 6,430 7.9% 41,206 13.0%
Sophomore 44,013 18.6% 14,268 17.5% 58,281 18.4%
Junior 32,508 13.8% 13,501 16.6% 46,009 14.5%
Senior & Fifth Year 38,273 16.2% 14,486 17.8% 52,759 16.6%
Special/Unclassified 6,743 2.9% 2,156 2.7% 8,899 2.8%

Total Undergraduate 196,682 83.3% 64,963 79.9% 261,645 82.4%

First Professional 3,364 1.4% 5,098 6.3% 8,462 2.7%

Graduate 36,216 15.3% 11,239 13.8% 47,455 14.9%

Grand Total 236,262 100.0% 81,300 100.0% 317,562 100.0%

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT043.U/8-31-05
* Includes only college transfer students (AA, AFA, AS).
** Includes a theological seminary and Bible colleges.

Table 2
Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities
by Institution, Residence Status, Attendance Status, and Gender, Fall 2004

______________In-State___________ ____________Out-of-State___________ ______________Full-Time__________ ______________Part-Time__________ ________________Total____________

Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 6,284 6,871 13,155 728 770 1,498 6,395 6,334 12,729 617 1,307 1,924 7,012 7,641 14,653
East Carolina 7,659 12,040 19,699 1,188 1,880 3,068 7,205 10,746 17,951 1,642 3,174 4,816 8,847 13,920 22,767
Academic Affairs 7,324 10,830 18,154 1,155 1,782 2,937 6,900 9,693 16,593 1,579 2,919 4,498 8,479 12,612 21,091
Health Affairs 335 1,210 1,545 33 98 131 305 1,053 1,358 63 255 318 368 1,308 1,676
Elizabeth City 813 1,318 2,131 150 189 339 900 1,235 2,135 63 272 335 963 1,507 2,470
Fayetteville 1,581 3,373 4,954 191 296 487 1,403 2,536 3,939 369 1,133 1,502 1,772 3,669 5,441
N.C. A and T 3,773 4,318 8,091 1,093 1,199 2,292 4,256 4,699 8,955 610 818 1,428 4,866 5,517 10,383
N.C. Central 2,229 4,726 6,955 276 496 772 1,959 3,606 5,565 546 1,616 2,162 2,505 5,222 7,727
N.C. School of the Arts 225 153 378 238 172 410 416 300 716 47 25 72 463 325 788
High School* 69 105 174 23 69 92 92 174 266 - - - 92 174 266
N.C. State 14,728 11,284 26,012 2,283 1,662 3,945 13,076 9,772 22,848 3,935 3,174 7,109 17,011 12,946 29,957
UNC-Asheville 1,305 1,751 3,056 210 308 518 1,239 1,696 2,935 276 363 639 1,515 2,059 3,574
UNC-Chapel Hill 8,390 12,223 20,613 2,898 3,367 6,265 9,416 12,806 22,222 1,872 2,784 4,656 11,288 15,590 26,878
Academic Affairs 7,337 10,084 17,421 2,591 2,788 5,379 8,362 10,590 18,952 1,566 2,282 3,848 9,928 12,872 22,800
Health Affairs 1,053 2,139 3,192 307 579 886 1,054 2,216 3,270 306 502 808 1,360 2,718 4,078
UNC-Charlotte 7,753 9,790 17,543 1,120 1,183 2,303 6,470 7,301 13,771 2,403 3,672 6,075 8,873 10,973 19,846
UNC-Greensboro 4,316 9,501 13,817 531 981 1,512 3,521 7,599 11,120 1,326 2,883 4,209 4,847 10,482 15,329
UNC-Pembroke 1,705 3,113 4,818 90 119 209 1,388 2,072 3,460 407 1,160 1,567 1,795 3,232 5,027
UNC-Wilmington 3,975 6,078 10,053 603 918 1,521 4,015 5,887 9,902 563 1,109 1,672 4,578 6,996 11,574
Western Carolina 3,472 4,045 7,517 343 536 879 3,084 3,229 6,313 731 1,352 2,083 3,815 4,581 8,396
Winston-Salem 1,304 3,085 4,389 143 273 416 1,263 2,858 4,121 184 500 684 1,447 3,358 4,805

UNC Total 69,512 93,669 163,181 12,085 14,349 26,434 66,006 82,676 148,682 15,591 25,342 40,933 81,597 108,018 189,615

Community Colleges
Alamance 364 473 837 1 3 4 221 267 488 144 209 353 365 476 841
Asheville-Buncombe 458 632 1,090 8 10 18 308 374 682 158 268 426 466 642 1,108
Beaufort Co. 80 125 205 1 - 1 36 50 86 45 75 120 81 125 206
Bladen 70 397 467 - 1 1 42 221 263 28 177 205 70 398 468
Blue Ridge 238 434 672 19 10 29 171 207 378 86 237 323 257 444 701
Brunswick 107 213 320 8 4 12 70 118 188 45 99 144 115 217 332
Caldwell 541 454 995 12 4 16 155 169 324 398 289 687 553 458 1,011
Cape Fear 1,348 1,303 2,651 102 103 205 995 887 1,882 455 519 974 1,450 1,406 2,856
Carteret 158 277 435 7 20 27 107 163 270 58 134 192 165 297 462
Catawba Valley 503 618 1,121 - 4 4 182 246 428 321 376 697 503 622 1,125
Central Carolina 273 388 661 10 10 20 90 124 214 193 274 467 283 398 681
Central Piedmont 1,828 2,217 4,045 55 57 112 1,068 1,193 2,261 815 1,081 1,896 1,883 2,274 4,157
Cleveland 148 206 354 2 1 3 103 121 224 47 86 133 150 207 357
Coastal Carolina 530 1,027 1,557 246 559 805 408 907 1,315 368 679 1,047 776 1,586 2,362
Coll. of Albemarle 194 356 550 3 6 9 120 218 338 77 144 221 197 362 559
Craven 286 451 737 148 148 296 182 279 461 252 320 572 434 599 1,033
Davidson County 223 254 477 1 1 2 165 176 341 59 79 138 224 255 479
Durham 391 427 818 7 9 16 187 178 365 211 258 469 398 436 834
Edgecombe 83 199 282 - - - 60 95 155 23 104 127 83 199 282
Fayetteville 417 826 1,243 75 211 286 303 634 937 189 403 592 492 1,037 1,529
Forsyth 606 744 1,350 4 3 7 382 402 784 228 345 573 610 747 1,357
Gaston 544 632 1,176 2 9 11 395 396 791 151 245 396 546 641 1,187
Guilford 1,140 1,254 2,394 18 5 23 204 238 442 954 1,021 1,975 1,158 1,259 2,417
Halifax 97 240 337 - 1 1 68 129 197 29 112 141 97 241 338
Table 2
Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities
by Institution, Residence Status, Attendance Status, and Gender, Fall 2004

______________In-State___________ ____________Out-of-State___________ ______________Full-Time__________ ______________Part-Time__________ ________________Total____________

Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Haywood 97 146 243 3 1 4 77 104 181 23 43 66 100 147 247
Isothermal 187 289 476 3 2 5 139 183 322 51 108 159 190 291 481
James Sprunt 58 142 200 - - - 41 74 115 17 68 85 58 142 200
Johnston 243 403 646 - 2 2 169 251 420 74 154 228 243 405 648
Lenoir 232 604 836 2 2 4 171 373 544 63 233 296 234 606 840
Martin 20 60 80 - - - 17 40 57 3 20 23 20 60 80
Mayland 87 188 275 1 1 2 26 36 62 62 153 215 88 189 277
McDowell 74 98 172 - - - 54 63 117 20 35 55 74 98 172
Mitchell 245 314 559 3 2 5 181 207 388 67 109 176 248 316 564
Montgomery 31 58 89 - - - 18 34 52 13 24 37 31 58 89
Nash 209 272 481 1 1 2 139 156 295 71 117 188 210 273 483
Pamlico 6 34 40 - - - 3 19 22 3 15 18 6 34 40
Piedmont 72 140 212 - - - 50 94 144 22 46 68 72 140 212
Pitt 463 441 904 19 12 31 135 142 277 347 311 658 482 453 935
Randolph 142 304 446 - 2 2 96 176 272 46 130 176 142 306 448
Richmond 82 151 233 1 3 4 59 85 144 24 69 93 83 154 237
Roanoke-Chowan 40 78 118 - - - 23 54 77 17 24 41 40 78 118
Robeson 103 274 377 - - - 66 155 221 37 119 156 103 274 377
Rockingham 250 282 532 6 2 8 182 172 354 74 112 186 256 284 540
Rowan-Cabarrus 536 792 1,328 1 3 4 368 491 859 169 304 473 537 795 1,332
Sampson 97 151 248 1 2 3 72 94 166 26 59 85 98 153 251
Sandhills 296 434 730 7 21 28 245 321 566 58 134 192 303 455 758
South Piedmont 51 88 139 - - - 22 25 47 29 63 92 51 88 139

Southeastern 236 576 812 6 3 9 197 400 597 45 179 224 242 579 821
Southwestern 159 245 404 4 3 7 112 151 263 51 97 148 163 248 411
Stanly 114 289 403 1 2 3 84 160 244 31 131 162 115 291 406
Surry 330 355 685 22 14 36 286 265 551 66 104 170 352 369 721
Tri-County 85 182 267 4 10 14 49 102 151 40 90 130 89 192 281
Vance-Granville 155 223 378 - - - 118 142 260 37 81 118 155 223 378
Wake 2,293 2,213 4,506 74 51 125 1,312 1,122 2,434 1,055 1,142 2,197 2,367 2,264 4,631
Wayne 398 838 1,236 54 36 90 124 255 379 328 619 947 452 874 1,326
Western Piedmont 269 380 649 2 4 6 175 239 414 96 145 241 271 384 655
Wilkes 251 323 574 10 11 21 211 216 427 50 118 168 261 334 595
Wilson 103 168 271 1 - 1 71 102 173 33 66 99 104 168 272
Comm. Coll. Total 18,641 25,682 44,323 955 1,369 2,324 11,114 14,295 25,409 8,482 12,756 21,238 19,596 27,051 46,647

Public Total 88,153 119,351 207,504 13,040 15,718 28,758 77,120 96,971 174,091 24,073 38,098 62,171 101,193 135,069 236,262

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Barton 243 741 984 88 159 247 294 678 972 37 222 259 331 900 1,231
Belmont Abbey 182 335 517 132 142 274 294 414 708 20 63 83 314 477 791
Bennett - 142 142 - 362 362 - 502 502 - 2 2 - 504 504
Brevard 140 139 279 170 135 305 295 254 549 15 20 35 310 274 584
Cabarrus 28 278 306 - - - 21 196 217 7 82 89 28 278 306
Campbell 2,895 3,071 5,966 536 480 1,016 2,104 2,338 4,442 1,327 1,213 2,540 3,431 3,551 6,982
Catawba 458 525 983 188 224 412 627 694 1,321 19 55 74 646 749 1,395
Chowan 179 147 326 207 154 361 370 291 661 16 10 26 386 301 687
Davidson 168 148 316 679 719 1,398 847 867 1,714 - - - 847 867 1,714
Duke 3,218 3,194 6,412 3,321 3,037 6,358 6,425 5,903 12,328 114 328 442 6,539 6,231 12,770
Table 2
Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities
by Institution, Residence Status, Attendance Status, and Gender, Fall 2004

______________In-State___________ ____________Out-of-State___________ ______________Full-Time__________ ______________Part-Time__________ ________________Total____________

Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Elon 613 849 1,462 1,240 2,094 3,334 1,754 2,828 4,582 99 115 214 1,853 2,943 4,796
Gardner-Webb 1,001 1,962 2,963 342 419 761 1,064 1,738 2,802 279 643 922 1,343 2,381 3,724
Greensboro 372 525 897 173 156 329 463 469 932 82 212 294 545 681 1,226
Guilford 604 1,102 1,706 349 456 805 834 1,239 2,073 119 319 438 953 1,558 2,511
High Point 695 1,251 1,946 395 501 896 923 1,516 2,439 167 236 403 1,090 1,752 2,842
Johnson C. Smith 199 257 456 396 563 959 561 792 1,353 34 28 62 595 820 1,415
Lees-McRae 224 338 562 166 147 313 366 471 837 24 14 38 390 485 875
Lenoir-Rhyne 439 820 1,259 127 193 320 487 801 1,288 79 212 291 566 1,013 1,579
Livingstone 273 291 564 239 213 452 493 492 985 19 12 31 512 504 1,016
Mars Hill 333 617 950 232 202 434 527 709 1,236 38 110 148 565 819 1,384
Meredith 35 1,878 1,913 6 250 256 1 1,591 1,592 40 537 577 41 2,128 2,169
Methodist 706 763 1,469 595 213 808 1,002 782 1,784 299 194 493 1,301 976 2,277
Montreat 306 538 844 80 79 159 379 608 987 7 9 16 386 617 1,003
Mount Olive 1,025 1,444 2,469 62 52 114 750 1,114 1,864 337 382 719 1,087 1,496 2,583
N.C. Wesleyan 655 851 1,506 178 92 270 655 585 1,240 178 358 536 833 943 1,776
Peace - 616 616 - 79 79 - 667 667 - 28 28 - 695 695
Pfeiffer 636 1,138 1,774 130 149 279 518 694 1,212 248 593 841 766 1,287 2,053
Queens 350 1,162 1,512 175 420 595 328 838 1,166 197 744 941 525 1,582 2,107
Saint Andrews 139 255 394 140 207 347 261 413 674 18 49 67 279 462 741
Saint Augustine's 305 335 640 408 347 755 690 643 1,333 23 39 62 713 682 1,395
Salem 39 787 826 - 288 288 10 730 740 29 345 374 39 1,075 1,114
Shaw 617 1,323 1,940 393 376 769 872 1,476 2,348 138 223 361 1,010 1,699 2,709
Wake Forest 1,327 1,249 2,576 2,010 1,918 3,928 3,235 3,040 6,275 102 127 229 3,337 3,167 6,504

Warren Wilson 65 74 139 271 455 726 335 515 850 1 14 15 336 529 865
Wingate 427 543 970 276 314 590 644 755 1,399 59 102 161 703 857 1,560
Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total 18,896 29,688 48,584 13,704 15,595 29,299 28,429 37,643 66,072 4,171 7,640 11,811 32,600 45,283 77,883

Junior College
Louisburg 266 177 443 88 40 128 345 213 558 9 4 13 354 217 571

Private Sr. & Jr. Total 19,162 29,865 49,027 13,792 15,635 29,427 28,774 37,856 66,630 4,180 7,644 11,824 32,954 45,500 78,454

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary 682 227 909 911 290 1,201 1,020 288 1,308 573 229 802 1,593 517 2,110
Heritage 58 38 96 3 3 6 50 26 76 11 15 26 61 41 102
John Wesley 88 74 162 1 7 8 60 60 120 29 21 50 89 81 170
Piedmont 85 71 156 66 44 110 125 102 227 26 13 39 151 115 266
Roanoke 36 24 60 56 56 112 81 71 152 11 9 20 92 80 172
Winston-Salem 11 11 22 2 2 4 3 4 7 10 9 19 13 13 26
Sem. & Bible Coll. Total 960 445 1,405 1,039 402 1,441 1,339 551 1,890 660 296 956 1,999 847 2,846

Private Total 20,122 30,310 50,432 14,831 16,037 30,868 30,113 38,407 68,520 4,840 7,940 12,780 34,953 46,347 81,300

Grand Total 108,275 149,661 257,936 27,871 31,755 59,626 107,233 135,378 242,611 28,913 46,038 74,951 136,146 181,416 317,562

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR002/30AUG05
*High school figures are not included in totals.
Table 3
Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Class, and Level of Instruction, Fall 2004

First-Time Other Senior & Special/ Total
Institution Freshmen Freshmen Sophomore Junior 5th Yr* Unclassified Undergrad. First Prof.** Graduate Grand Total
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 2,516 820 2,888 2,942 3,390 590 13,146 - 1,507 14,653
East Carolina 3,512 1,519 3,959 3,731 4,685 104 17,510 293 4,964 22,767
Academic Affairs 3,510 1,518 3,949 3,559 4,173 104 16,813 - 4,278 21,091
Health Affairs 2 1 10 172 512 - 697 293 686 1,676
Elizabeth City 560 310 527 443 445 152 2,437 - 33 2,470
Fayetteville 763 664 870 838 1,193 82 4,410 - 1,031 5,441
N.C. A and T 2,231 1,560 1,819 1,617 1,842 52 9,121 - 1,262 10,383
N.C. Central 1,164 373 1,437 1,194 1,271 589 6,028 427 1,272 7,727
N.C. School of the Arts 152 56 176 165 133 10 692 - 96 788
High School*** 144 - 122 - - - 266 - - 266
N.C. State 3,957 990 4,537 4,673 6,145 2,452 22,754 299 6,904 29,957
UNC-Asheville 707 228 684 708 905 307 3,539 - 35 3,574
UNC-Chapel Hill 3,589 38 3,772 4,112 4,554 460 16,525 2,345 8,008 26,878
Academic Affairs 3,589 38 3,772 3,839 4,284 459 15,981 835 5,984 22,800
Health Affairs - - - 273 270 1 544 1,510 2,024 4,078
UNC-Charlotte 2,629 1,268 3,392 3,763 4,420 403 15,875 - 3,971 19,846
UNC-Greensboro 2,178 1,066 2,671 2,399 3,032 277 11,623 - 3,706 15,329
UNC-Pembroke 760 534 897 985 766 566 4,508 - 519 5,027
UNC-Wilmington 1,897 232 2,470 2,637 2,894 384 10,514 - 1,060 11,574
Western Carolina 1,578 533 1,397 1,378 1,764 135 6,785 - 1,611 8,396
Winston-Salem 901 704 1,026 923 834 180 4,568 - 237 4,805

UNC Total 29,094 10,895 32,522 32,508 38,273 6,743 150,035 3,364 36,216 189,615

Community Colleges
Alamance 229 525 87 - - - 841 - - 841
Asheville-Buncombe 151 573 384 - - - 1,108 - - 1,108
Beaufort Co. 52 95 59 - - - 206 - - 206
Bladen 70 276 122 - - - 468 - - 468
Blue Ridge 187 345 169 - - - 701 - - 701
Brunswick 117 129 86 - - - 332 - - 332
Caldwell 306 692 13 - - - 1,011 - - 1,011
Cape Fear 746 831 1,279 - - - 2,856 - - 2,856
Carteret 113 192 157 - - - 462 - - 462
Catawba Valley 282 828 15 - - - 1,125 - - 1,125
Central Carolina 118 351 212 - - - 681 - - 681
Central Piedmont 204 2,197 1,756 - - - 4,157 - - 4,157
Cleveland 49 207 101 - - - 357 - - 357
Coastal Carolina 822 1,022 518 - - - 2,362 - - 2,362
Coll. of Albemarle 132 419 8 - - - 559 - - 559
Craven 312 419 302 - - - 1,033 - - 1,033
Davidson County 145 227 107 - - - 479 - - 479
Durham 73 447 314 - - - 834 - - 834
Edgecombe 35 154 93 - - - 282 - - 282
Fayetteville 469 684 376 - - - 1,529 - - 1,529
Forsyth 361 695 301 - - - 1,357 - - 1,357
Gaston 368 500 319 - - - 1,187 - - 1,187
Guilford 805 1,548 64 - - - 2,417 - - 2,417
Halifax 57 148 133 - - - 338 - - 338
Haywood 40 120 87 - - - 247 - - 247
Table 3
Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Class, and Level of Instruction, Fall 2004

First-Time Other Senior & Special/ Total
Institution Freshmen Freshmen Sophomore Junior 5th Yr* Unclassified Undergrad. First Prof.** Graduate Grand Total
Isothermal 102 266 113 - - - 481 - - 481
James Sprunt 34 75 91 - - - 200 - - 200
Johnston 112 364 172 - - - 648 - - 648
Lenoir 249 343 248 - - - 840 - - 840
Martin 21 45 14 - - - 80 - - 80
Mayland 31 230 16 - - - 277 - - 277
McDowell 41 77 54 - - - 172 - - 172
Mitchell 186 238 140 - - - 564 - - 564
Montgomery 13 63 13 - - - 89 - - 89
Nash 127 235 121 - - - 483 - - 483
Pamlico 8 25 7 - - - 40 - - 40
Piedmont 29 97 86 - - - 212 - - 212
Pitt 138 781 16 - - - 935 - - 935
Randolph 123 206 119 - - - 448 - - 448
Richmond 51 91 95 - - - 237 - - 237
Roanoke-Chowan 32 61 25 - - - 118 - - 118
Robeson 108 202 67 - - - 377 - - 377
Rockingham 170 234 136 - - - 540 - - 540
Rowan-Cabarrus 404 775 153 - - - 1,332 - - 1,332
Sampson 58 138 55 - - - 251 - - 251
Sandhills 220 321 217 - - - 758 - - 758
South Piedmont 40 97 2 - - - 139 - - 139
Southeastern 125 422 274 - - - 821 - - 821
Southwestern 93 225 93 - - - 411 - - 411

Stanly 131 205 70 - - - 406 - - 406
Surry 216 282 223 - - - 721 - - 721
Tri-County 45 128 108 - - - 281 - - 281
Vance-Granville 107 183 88 - - - 378 - - 378
Wake 1,213 2,290 1,128 - - - 4,631 - - 4,631
Wayne 404 892 30 - - - 1,326 - - 1,326
Western Piedmont 155 272 228 - - - 655 - - 655
Wilkes 174 253 168 - - - 595 - - 595
Wilson 72 141 59 - - - 272 - - 272
Comm. Coll. Total 11,275 23,881 11,491 - - - 46,647 - - 46,647

Public Total 40,369 34,776 44,013 32,508 38,273 6,743 196,682 3,364 36,216 236,262

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Barton 262 116 306 234 275 38 1,231 - - 1,231
Belmont Abbey 174 99 149 195 155 19 791 - - 791
Bennett 172 64 107 90 71 - 504 - - 504
Brevard 157 98 112 108 96 13 584 - - 584
Cabarrus 34 153 86 13 12 8 306 - - 306
Campbell 739 707 1,174 1,212 1,221 190 5,243 982 757 6,982
Catawba 260 172 320 283 307 33 1,375 - 20 1,395
Chowan 290 5 148 106 128 10 687 - - 687
Davidson 462 2 470 317 451 12 1,714 - - 1,714
Duke 1,640 45 1,513 1,188 1,721 194 6,301 1,664 4,805 12,770
Elon 1,232 94 1,162 1,062 993 79 4,622 - 174 4,796
Gardner-Webb 390 142 370 652 997 24 2,575 194 955 3,724
Table 3
Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Class, and Level of Instruction, Fall 2004

First-Time Other Senior & Special/ Total
Institution Freshmen Freshmen Sophomore Junior 5th Yr* Unclassified Undergrad. First Prof.** Graduate Grand Total
Greensboro 249 106 238 234 183 155 1,165 - 61 1,226
Guilford 479 313 563 526 542 88 2,511 - - 2,511
High Point 429 167 593 706 710 14 2,619 - 223 2,842
Johnson C. Smith 431 168 291 245 228 52 1,415 - - 1,415
Lees-McRae 193 144 147 216 175 - 875 - - 875
Lenoir-Rhyne 322 125 322 297 287 54 1,407 - 172 1,579
Livingstone 269 171 234 209 129 4 1,016 - - 1,016
Mars Hill 348 128 288 243 287 90 1,384 - - 1,384
Meredith 408 109 416 384 490 202 2,009 - 160 2,169
Methodist 518 444 385 309 455 104 2,215 - 62 2,277
Montreat 132 108 234 237 178 58 947 - 56 1,003
Mount Olive 277 406 510 669 529 192 2,583 - - 2,583
N.C. Wesleyan 321 294 306 386 469 - 1,776 - - 1,776
Peace 202 92 185 110 95 11 695 - - 695
Pfeiffer 191 126 220 255 353 34 1,179 - 874 2,053
Queens 245 356 266 300 320 114 1,601 - 506 2,107
Saint Andrews 203 68 157 132 147 34 741 - - 741
Saint Augustine's 328 427 274 187 154 25 1,395 - - 1,395
Salem 155 38 215 211 235 53 907 - 207 1,114
Shaw 449 450 503 537 465 112 2,516 167 26 2,709
Wake Forest 1,119 31 1,016 973 965 24 4,128 997 1,379 6,504
Warren Wilson 210 39 201 173 158 11 792 - 73 865
Wingate 358 40 367 258 293 15 1,331 120 109 1,560
Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total 13,648 6,047 13,848 13,257 14,274 2,066 63,140 4,124 10,619 77,883

Junior College
Louisburg 317 119 131 - - 4 571 - - 571

Private Sr. & Jr. Total 13,965 6,166 13,979 13,257 14,274 2,070 63,711 4,124 10,619 78,454

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary 42 76 119 115 93 81 526 974 610 2,110
Heritage 22 34 17 20 9 - 102 - - 102
John Wesley 11 37 37 41 44 - 170 - - 170
Piedmont 45 88 55 29 34 5 256 - 10 266
Roanoke 30 17 60 37 28 - 172 - - 172
Winston-Salem 7 12 1 2 4 - 26 - - 26
Sem. & Bible Coll. Total 157 264 289 244 212 86 1,252 974 620 2,846

Private Total 14,122 6,430 14,268 13,501 14,486 2,156 64,963 5,098 11,239 81,300

Grand Total 54,491 41,206 58,281 46,009 52,759 8,899 261,645 8,462 47,455 317,562

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR003/30AUG05
*Fifth-year includes students in programs requiring five years of study for a bachelor's degree (architecture, engineering, etc.)
**First Professional includes students in programs requiring at least two academic years of college work for entrance (law, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, and theology).
***High school figures are not included in totals.
Table 4
Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities
by Institution, Level of Instruction, and Residence Status, Fall 2004

_______________Undergraduate_____________ _____________First Professional__________ _________________Graduate________________ _______________All Students______________

Out-of- % Out- Out-of- % Out- Out-of- % Out- Out-of- % Out-
Institution In-State State Total of-State In-State State Total of-State In-State State Total of-State In-State State Total of-State
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 11,802 1,344 13,146 10.2% - - - . 1,353 154 1,507 10.2% 13,155 1,498 14,653 10.2%
East Carolina 14,920 2,590 17,510 14.7% 292 1 293 0.3% 4,487 477 4,964 9.6% 19,699 3,068 22,767 13.4%
Academic Affairs 14,267 2,546 16,813 15.1% - - - . 3,887 391 4,278 9.1% 18,154 2,937 21,091 13.9%
Health Affairs 653 44 697 6.3% 292 1 293 0.3% 600 86 686 12.5% 1,545 131 1,676 7.8%
Elizabeth City 2,099 338 2,437 13.8% - - - . 32 1 33 3.0% 2,131 339 2,470 13.7%
Fayetteville 3,961 449 4,410 10.1% - - - . 993 38 1,031 3.6% 4,954 487 5,441 8.9%
N.C. A and T 7,002 2,119 9,121 23.2% - - - . 1,089 173 1,262 13.7% 8,091 2,292 10,383 22.0%
N.C. Central 5,372 656 6,028 10.8% 378 49 427 11.4% 1,205 67 1,272 5.2% 6,955 772 7,727 9.9%
N.C. School of the Arts 332 360 692 52.0% - - - . 46 50 96 52.0% 378 410 788 52.0%
High School* 174 92 266 34.5% - - - . - - - . 174 92 266 34.5%
N.C. State 20,844 1,910 22,754 8.3% 267 32 299 10.7% 4,901 2,003 6,904 29.0% 26,012 3,945 29,957 13.1%
UNC-Asheville 3,025 514 3,539 14.5% - - - . 31 4 35 11.4% 3,056 518 3,574 14.4%
UNC-Chapel Hill 13,496 3,029 16,525 18.3% 2,031 314 2,345 13.3% 5,086 2,922 8,008 36.4% 20,613 6,265 26,878 23.3%
Academic Affairs 13,006 2,975 15,981 18.6% 641 194 835 23.2% 3,774 2,210 5,984 36.9% 17,421 5,379 22,800 23.5%
Health Affairs 490 54 544 9.9% 1,390 120 1,510 7.9% 1,312 712 2,024 35.1% 3,192 886 4,078 21.7%
UNC-Charlotte 14,191 1,684 15,875 10.6% - - - . 3,352 619 3,971 15.5% 17,543 2,303 19,846 11.6%
UNC-Greensboro 10,702 921 11,623 7.9% - - - . 3,115 591 3,706 15.9% 13,817 1,512 15,329 9.8%
UNC-Pembroke 4,320 188 4,508 4.1% - - - . 498 21 519 4.0% 4,818 209 5,027 4.1%
UNC-Wilmington 9,094 1,420 10,514 13.5% - - - . 959 101 1,060 9.5% 10,053 1,521 11,574 13.1%
Western Carolina 6,128 657 6,785 9.6% - - - . 1,389 222 1,611 13.7% 7,517 879 8,396 10.4%
Winston-Salem 4,158 410 4,568 8.9% - - - . 231 6 237 2.5% 4,389 416 4,805 8.6%

UNC Total 131,446 18,589 150,035 12.3% 2,968 396 3,364 11.7% 28,767 7,449 36,216 20.5% 163,181 26,434 189,615 13.9%

Community Colleges
Alamance 837 4 841 0.4% - - - . - - - . 837 4 841 0.4%
Asheville-Buncombe 1,090 18 1,108 1.6% - - - . - - - . 1,090 18 1,108 1.6%
Beaufort Co. 205 1 206 0.4% - - - . - - - . 205 1 206 0.4%
Bladen 467 1 468 0.2% - - - . - - - . 467 1 468 0.2%
Blue Ridge 672 29 701 4.1% - - - . - - - . 672 29 701 4.1%
Brunswick 320 12 332 3.6% - - - . - - - . 320 12 332 3.6%
Caldwell 995 16 1,011 1.5% - - - . - - - . 995 16 1,011 1.5%
Cape Fear 2,651 205 2,856 7.1% - - - . - - - . 2,651 205 2,856 7.1%
Carteret 435 27 462 5.8% - - - . - - - . 435 27 462 5.8%
Catawba Valley 1,121 4 1,125 0.3% - - - . - - - . 1,121 4 1,125 0.3%
Central Carolina 661 20 681 2.9% - - - . - - - . 661 20 681 2.9%
Central Piedmont 4,045 112 4,157 2.6% - - - . - - - . 4,045 112 4,157 2.6%
Cleveland 354 3 357 0.8% - - - . - - - . 354 3 357 0.8%
Coastal Carolina 1,557 805 2,362 34.0% - - - . - - - . 1,557 805 2,362 34.0%
Coll. of Albemarle 550 9 559 1.6% - - - . - - - . 550 9 559 1.6%
Craven 737 296 1,033 28.6% - - - . - - - . 737 296 1,033 28.6%
Davidson County 477 2 479 0.4% - - - . - - - . 477 2 479 0.4%
Durham 818 16 834 1.9% - - - . - - - . 818 16 834 1.9%
Edgecombe 282 - 282 . - - - . - - - . 282 - 282 .
Fayetteville 1,243 286 1,529 18.7% - - - . - - - . 1,243 286 1,529 18.7%
Forsyth 1,350 7 1,357 0.5% - - - . - - - . 1,350 7 1,357 0.5%
Gaston 1,176 11 1,187 0.9% - - - . - - - . 1,176 11 1,187 0.9%
Guilford 2,394 23 2,417 0.9% - - - . - - - . 2,394 23 2,417 0.9%
Halifax 337 1 338 0.2% - - - . - - - . 337 1 338 0.2%
Table 4
Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities
by Institution, Level of Instruction, and Residence Status, Fall 2004

_______________Undergraduate_____________ _____________First Professional__________ _________________Graduate________________ _______________All Students______________

Out-of- % Out- Out-of- % Out- Out-of- % Out- Out-of- % Out-
Institution In-State State Total of-State In-State State Total of-State In-State State Total of-State In-State State Total of-State
Haywood 243 4 247 1.6% - - - . - - - . 243 4 247 1.6%
Isothermal 476 5 481 1.0% - - - . - - - . 476 5 481 1.0%
James Sprunt 200 - 200 . - - - . - - - . 200 - 200 .
Johnston 646 2 648 0.3% - - - . - - - . 646 2 648 0.3%
Lenoir 836 4 840 0.4% - - - . - - - . 836 4 840 0.4%
Martin 80 - 80 . - - - . - - - . 80 - 80 .
Mayland 275 2 277 0.7% - - - . - - - . 275 2 277 0.7%
McDowell 172 - 172 . - - - . - - - . 172 - 172 .
Mitchell 559 5 564 0.8% - - - . - - - . 559 5 564 0.8%
Montgomery 89 - 89 . - - - . - - - . 89 - 89 .
Nash 481 2 483 0.4% - - - . - - - . 481 2 483 0.4%
Pamlico 40 - 40 . - - - . - - - . 40 - 40 .
Piedmont 212 - 212 . - - - . - - - . 212 - 212 .
Pitt 904 31 935 3.3% - - - . - - - . 904 31 935 3.3%
Randolph 446 2 448 0.4% - - - . - - - . 446 2 448 0.4%
Richmond 233 4 237 1.6% - - - . - - - . 233 4 237 1.6%
Roanoke-Chowan 118 - 118 . - - - . - - - . 118 - 118 .
Robeson 377 - 377 . - - - . - - - . 377 - 377 .
Rockingham 532 8 540 1.4% - - - . - - - . 532 8 540 1.4%
Rowan-Cabarrus 1,328 4 1,332 0.3% - - - . - - - . 1,328 4 1,332 0.3%
Sampson 248 3 251 1.1% - - - . - - - . 248 3 251 1.1%
Sandhills 730 28 758 3.6% - - - . - - - . 730 28 758 3.6%
South Piedmont 139 - 139 . - - - . - - - . 139 - 139 .

Southeastern 812 9 821 1.0% - - - . - - - . 812 9 821 1.0%
Southwestern 404 7 411 1.7% - - - . - - - . 404 7 411 1.7%
Stanly 403 3 406 0.7% - - - . - - - . 403 3 406 0.7%
Surry 685 36 721 4.9% - - - . - - - . 685 36 721 4.9%
Tri-County 267 14 281 4.9% - - - . - - - . 267 14 281 4.9%
Vance-Granville 378 - 378 . - - - . - - - . 378 - 378 .
Wake 4,506 125 4,631 2.6% - - - . - - - . 4,506 125 4,631 2.6%
Wayne 1,236 90 1,326 6.7% - - - . - - - . 1,236 90 1,326 6.7%
Western Piedmont 649 6 655 0.9% - - - . - - - . 649 6 655 0.9%
Wilkes 574 21 595 3.5% - - - . - - - . 574 21 595 3.5%
Wilson 271 1 272 0.3% - - - . - - - . 271 1 272 0.3%
Comm. Coll. Total 44,323 2,324 46,647 4.9% - - - . - - - . 44,323 2,324 46,647 4.9%

Public Total 175,769 20,913 196,682 10.6% 2,968 396 3,364 11.7% 28,767 7,449 36,216 20.5% 207,504 28,758 236,262 12.1%

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Barton 984 247 1,231 20.0% - - - . - - - . 984 247 1,231 20.0%
Belmont Abbey 517 274 791 34.6% - - - . - - - . 517 274 791 34.6%
Bennett 142 362 504 71.8% - - - . - - - . 142 362 504 71.8%
Brevard 279 305 584 52.2% - - - . - - - . 279 305 584 52.2%
Cabarrus 306 - 306 0.0% - - - . - - - . 306 - 306 0.0%
Campbell 4,519 724 5,243 13.8% 781 201 982 20.4% 666 91 757 12.0% 5,966 1,016 6,982 14.5%
Catawba 963 412 1,375 29.9% - - - . 20 - 20 0.0% 983 412 1,395 29.5%
Chowan 326 361 687 52.5% - - - . - - - . 326 361 687 52.5%
Davidson 316 1,398 1,714 81.5% - - - . - - - . 316 1,398 1,714 81.5%
Duke 918 5,383 6,301 85.4% 1,390 274 1,664 16.4% 4,104 701 4,805 14.5% 6,412 6,358 12,770 49.7%
Table 4
Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities
by Institution, Level of Instruction, and Residence Status, Fall 2004

_______________Undergraduate_____________ _____________First Professional__________ _________________Graduate________________ _______________All Students______________

Out-of- % Out- Out-of- % Out- Out-of- % Out- Out-of- % Out-
Institution In-State State Total of-State In-State State Total of-State In-State State Total of-State In-State State Total of-State
Elon 1,332 3,290 4,622 71.1% - - - . 130 44 174 25.2% 1,462 3,334 4,796 69.5%
Gardner-Webb 1,980 595 2,575 23.1% 152 42 194 21.6% 831 124 955 12.9% 2,963 761 3,724 20.4%
Greensboro 857 308 1,165 26.4% - - - . 40 21 61 34.4% 897 329 1,226 26.8%
Guilford 1,706 805 2,511 32.0% - - - . - - - . 1,706 805 2,511 32.0%
High Point 1,729 890 2,619 33.9% - - - . 217 6 223 2.6% 1,946 896 2,842 31.5%
Johnson C. Smith 456 959 1,415 67.7% - - - . - - - . 456 959 1,415 67.7%
Lees-McRae 562 313 875 35.7% - - - . - - - . 562 313 875 35.7%
Lenoir-Rhyne 1,093 314 1,407 22.3% - - - . 166 6 172 3.4% 1,259 320 1,579 20.2%
Livingstone 564 452 1,016 44.4% - - - . - - - . 564 452 1,016 44.4%
Mars Hill 950 434 1,384 31.3% - - - . - - - . 950 434 1,384 31.3%
Meredith 1,768 241 2,009 11.9% - - - . 145 15 160 9.3% 1,913 256 2,169 11.8%
Methodist 1,417 798 2,215 36.0% - - - . 52 10 62 16.1% 1,469 808 2,277 35.4%
Montreat 790 157 947 16.5% - - - . 54 2 56 3.5% 844 159 1,003 15.8%
Mount Olive 2,469 114 2,583 4.4% - - - . - - - . 2,469 114 2,583 4.4%
N.C. Wesleyan 1,506 270 1,776 15.2% - - - . - - - . 1,506 270 1,776 15.2%
Peace 616 79 695 11.3% - - - . - - - . 616 79 695 11.3%
Pfeiffer 966 213 1,179 18.0% - - - . 808 66 874 7.5% 1,774 279 2,053 13.5%
Queens 1,084 517 1,601 32.2% - - - . 428 78 506 15.4% 1,512 595 2,107 28.2%
Saint Andrews 394 347 741 46.8% - - - . - - - . 394 347 741 46.8%
Saint Augustine's 640 755 1,395 54.1% - - - . - - - . 640 755 1,395 54.1%
Salem 620 287 907 31.6% - - - . 206 1 207 0.4% 826 288 1,114 25.8%
Shaw 1,757 759 2,516 30.1% 158 9 167 5.3% 25 1 26 3.8% 1,940 769 2,709 28.3%
Wake Forest 1,169 2,959 4,128 71.6% 466 531 997 53.2% 941 438 1,379 31.7% 2,576 3,928 6,504 60.3%

Warren Wilson 137 655 792 82.7% - - - . 2 71 73 97.2% 139 726 865 83.9%
Wingate 769 562 1,331 42.2% 97 23 120 19.1% 104 5 109 4.5% 970 590 1,560 37.8%
Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total 36,601 26,539 63,140 42.0% 3,044 1,080 4,124 26.1% 8,939 1,680 10,619 15.8% 48,584 29,299 77,883 37.6%

Junior College
Louisburg 443 128 571 22.4% - - - . - - - . 443 128 571 22.4%

Private Sr. & Jr. Total 37,044 26,667 63,711 41.8% 3,044 1,080 4,124 26.1% 8,939 1,680 10,619 15.8% 49,027 29,427 78,454 37.5%

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary 307 219 526 41.6% 349 625 974 64.1% 253 357 610 58.5% 909 1,201 2,110 56.9%
Heritage 96 6 102 5.8% - - - . - - - . 96 6 102 5.8%
John Wesley 162 8 170 4.7% - - - . - - - . 162 8 170 4.7%
Piedmont 147 109 256 42.5% - - - . 9 1 10 10.0% 156 110 266 41.3%
Roanoke 60 112 172 65.1% - - - . - - - . 60 112 172 65.1%
Winston-Salem 22 4 26 15.3% - - - . - - - . 22 4 26 15.3%
Sem. & Bible Coll. Total 794 458 1,252 36.5% 349 625 974 64.1% 262 358 620 57.7% 1,405 1,441 2,846 50.6%

Private Total 37,838 27,125 64,963 41.7% 3,393 1,705 5,098 33.4% 9,201 2,038 11,239 18.1% 50,432 30,868 81,300 37.9%

Grand Total 213,607 48,038 261,645 18.3% 6,361 2,101 8,462 24.8% 37,968 9,487 47,455 19.9% 257,936 59,626 317,562 18.7%

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR004/30AUG05
*High school figures are not included in totals.
Table 5
Full-Time Equivalent Degree Credit Enrollment in North Carolina College and Universities
by Institution, Level of Instruction, and Residence Status, Fall 2004

_______________Undergraduate_____________ _____________First Professional__________ _________________Graduate________________ _______________All Students______________

Institution In-State Out-of-State Total In-State Out-of-State Total In-State Out-of-State Total In-State Out-of-State Total
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 11,206 1,316 12,523 - - - 1,068 145 1,213 12,274 1,462 13,736
East Carolina 14,082 2,547 16,630 292 1 293 3,357 406 3,764 17,731 2,955 20,687
Academic Affairs 13,479 2,504 15,983 - - - 2,817 329 3,146 16,296 2,833 19,130
Health Affairs 602 43 646 292 1 293 540 77 617 1,435 122 1,557
Elizabeth City 1,934 333 2,267 - - - 23 1 24 1,958 334 2,292
Fayetteville 3,658 404 4,063 - - - 653 26 679 4,311 430 4,742
N.C. A and T 6,651 2,081 8,732 - - - 848 144 993 7,500 2,226 9,726
N.C. Central 4,670 645 5,316 376 49 425 890 57 948 5,937 752 6,689
N.C. School of the Arts 327 358 685 - - - 45 50 95 372 408 781
High School* 174 92 266 - - - - - - 174 92 266
N.C. State 18,732 1,769 20,501 266 32 298 3,588 1,776 5,365 22,587 3,577 26,165
UNC-Asheville 2,703 500 3,203 - - - 18 2 21 2,721 502 3,224
UNC-Chapel Hill 13,086 2,995 16,081 2,000 291 2,292 3,801 2,558 6,359 18,888 5,844 24,733
Academic Affairs 12,608 2,941 15,550 615 171 787 2,764 1,925 4,690 15,988 5,038 21,027
Health Affairs 478 53 531 1,385 120 1,505 1,036 632 1,669 2,899 806 3,706
UNC-Charlotte 12,718 1,556 14,274 - - - 2,300 493 2,794 15,019 2,050 17,069
UNC-Greensboro 9,885 886 10,771 - - - 2,212 515 2,728 12,098 1,401 13,499
UNC-Pembroke 3,687 181 3,869 - - - 335 15 350 4,023 197 4,220
UNC-Wilmington 8,589 1,396 9,986 - - - 700 80 780 9,289 1,477 10,766
Western Carolina 5,673 522 6,195 - - - 987 192 1,179 6,661 714 7,375
Winston-Salem 3,846 398 4,244 - - - 197 5 203 4,044 403 4,448
UNC Total 121,455 17,891 139,346 2,935 373 3,308 21,028 6,472 27,501 145,418 24,737 170,156

Community Colleges
Alamance 665 4 669 - - - - - - 665 4 669
Asheville-Buncombe 893 16 909 - - - - - - 893 16 909
Beaufort Co. 147 - 147 - - - - - - 147 - 147
Bladen 365 1 366 - - - - - - 365 1 366
Blue Ridge 504 26 530 - - - - - - 504 26 530
Brunswick 251 12 263 - - - - - - 251 12 263
Caldwell 586 9 595 - - - - - - 586 9 595
Cape Fear 2,245 182 2,427 - - - - - - 2,245 182 2,427
Carteret 348 23 371 - - - - - - 348 23 371
Catawba Valley 702 2 704 - - - - - - 702 2 704
Central Carolina 309 5 314 - - - - - - 309 5 314
Central Piedmont 3,094 103 3,197 - - - - - - 3,094 103 3,197
Cleveland 292 3 295 - - - - - - 292 3 295
Coastal Carolina 1,273 565 1,838 - - - - - - 1,273 565 1,838
Coll. of Albemarle 444 9 453 - - - - - - 444 9 453
Craven 558 174 732 - - - - - - 558 174 732
Davidson County 414 2 416 - - - - - - 414 2 416
Durham 582 16 598 - - - - - - 582 16 598
Edgecombe 221 - 221 - - - - - - 221 - 221
Fayetteville 1,032 219 1,251 - - - - - - 1,032 219 1,251
Forsyth 1,074 7 1,081 - - - - - - 1,074 7 1,081
Gaston 985 10 995 - - - - - - 985 10 995
Guilford 1,093 11 1,104 - - - - - - 1,093 11 1,104
Halifax 268 1 269 - - - - - - 268 1 269
Table 5
Full-Time Equivalent Degree Credit Enrollment in North Carolina College and Universities
by Institution, Level of Instruction, and Residence Status, Fall 2004

_______________Undergraduate_____________ _____________First Professional__________ _________________Graduate________________ _______________All Students______________

Institution In-State Out-of-State Total In-State Out-of-State Total In-State Out-of-State Total In-State Out-of-State Total
Haywood 214 4 218 - - - - - - 214 4 218
Isothermal 399 4 403 - - - - - - 399 4 403
James Sprunt 157 - 157 - - - - - - 157 - 157
Johnston 538 - 538 - - - - - - 538 - 538
Lenoir 685 3 688 - - - - - - 685 3 688
Martin 68 - 68 - - - - - - 68 - 68
Mayland 133 - 133 - - - - - - 133 - 133
McDowell 148 - 148 - - - - - - 148 - 148
Mitchell 470 3 473 - - - - - - 470 3 473
Montgomery 70 - 70 - - - - - - 70 - 70
Nash 381 2 383 - - - - - - 381 2 383
Pamlico 32 - 32 - - - - - - 32 - 32
Piedmont 181 - 181 - - - - - - 181 - 181
Pitt 506 22 528 - - - - - - 506 22 528
Randolph 360 2 362 - - - - - - 360 2 362
Richmond 189 3 192 - - - - - - 189 3 192
Roanoke-Chowan 99 - 99 - - - - - - 99 - 99
Robeson 306 - 306 - - - - - - 306 - 306
Rockingham 444 7 451 - - - - - - 444 7 451
Rowan-Cabarrus 1,094 3 1,097 - - - - - - 1,094 3 1,097
Sampson 206 2 208 - - - - - - 206 2 208
Sandhills 646 23 669 - - - - - - 646 23 669
South Piedmont 81 - 81 - - - - - - 81 - 81
Southeastern 704 8 712 - - - - - - 704 8 712

Southwestern 330 6 336 - - - - - - 330 6 336
Stanly 320 2 322 - - - - - - 320 2 322
Surry 598 35 633 - - - - - - 598 35 633
Tri-County 207 12 219 - - - - - - 207 12 219
Vance-Granville 324 - 324 - - - - - - 324 - 324
Wake 3,470 102 3,572 - - - - - - 3,470 102 3,572
Wayne 713 47 760 - - - - - - 713 47 760
Western Piedmont 541 5 546 - - - - - - 541 5 546
Wilkes 497 18 515 - - - - - - 497 18 515
Wilson 222 - 222 - - - - - - 222 - 222
Comm. Coll. Total 33,678 1,713 35,391 - - - - - - 33,678 1,713 35,391

Public Total 155,133 19,604 174,737 2,935 373 3,308 21,028 6,472 27,501 179,096 26,450 205,547

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Barton 859 245 1,104 - - - - - - 859 245 1,104
Belmont Abbey 477 272 749 - - - - - - 477 272 749
Bennett 140 362 502 - - - - - - 140 362 502
Brevard 261 301 563 - - - - - - 261 301 563
Cabarrus 268 - 268 - - - - - - 268 - 268
Campbell 3,593 677 4,270 743 198 941 403 63 466 4,739 938 5,677
Catawba 935 410 1,346 - - - 6 - 6 941 410 1,352
Chowan 314 359 673 - - - - - - 314 359 673
Davidson 316 1,398 1,714 - - - - - - 316 1,398 1,714
Duke 910 5,357 6,267 1,384 274 1,658 3,959 674 4,633 6,253 6,305 12,558
Table 5
Full-Time Equivalent Degree Credit Enrollment in North Carolina College and Universities
by Institution, Level of Instruction, and Residence Status, Fall 2004

_______________Undergraduate_____________ _____________First Professional__________ _________________Graduate________________ _______________All Students______________

Institution In-State Out-of-State Total In-State Out-of-State Total In-State Out-of-State Total In-State Out-of-State Total
Elon 1,256 3,276 4,532 - - - 100 42 142 1,356 3,318 4,674
Gardner-Webb 1,814 568 2,383 142 37 179 619 96 715 2,575 702 3,278
Greensboro 722 303 1,025 - - - 30 13 43 752 316 1,068
Guilford 1,476 801 2,278 - - - - - - 1,476 801 2,278
High Point 1,635 884 2,520 - - - 160 5 165 1,795 889 2,685
Johnson C. Smith 441 946 1,387 - - - - - - 441 946 1,387
Lees-McRae 562 313 875 - - - - - - 562 313 875
Lenoir-Rhyne 1,030 310 1,340 - - - 84 4 88 1,114 314 1,428
Livingstone 552 444 996 - - - - - - 552 444 996
Mars Hill 870 428 1,298 - - - - - - 870 428 1,298
Meredith 1,564 224 1,788 - - - 74 11 85 1,638 235 1,873
Methodist 1,192 752 1,944 - - - 52 10 62 1,244 762 2,006
Montreat 781 154 935 - - - 54 2 56 835 156 991
Mount Olive 2,115 113 2,228 - - - - - - 2,115 113 2,228
N.C. Wesleyan 1,106 247 1,353 - - - - - - 1,106 247 1,353
Peace 600 79 679 - - - - - - 600 79 679
Pfeiffer 881 211 1,092 - - - 532 42 574 1,413 253 1,666
Queens 815 497 1,312 - - - 302 70 372 1,117 567 1,685
Saint Andrews 363 344 707 - - - - - - 363 344 707
Saint Augustine's 616 750 1,366 - - - - - - 616 750 1,366
Salem 514 282 796 - - - 127 1 128 641 283 924
Shaw 1,648 733 2,381 146 8 154 22 1 23 1,816 743 2,559
Wake Forest 1,151 2,929 4,081 465 531 996 905 434 1,339 2,522 3,894 6,417
Warren Wilson 132 653 785 - - - 2 71 73 134 724 858

Wingate 744 560 1,304 97 23 120 52 5 57 893 588 1,481
Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total 32,659 26,187 58,847 2,977 1,072 4,049 7,483 1,545 9,029 43,120 28,805 71,925

Junior College
Louisburg 434 127 561 - - - - - - 434 127 561

Private Sr. & Jr. Total 33,093 26,314 59,408 2,977 1,072 4,049 7,483 1,545 9,029 43,554 28,932 72,486

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary 236 177 413 309 578 887 176 245 421 721 1,000 1,721
Heritage 81 6 87 - - - - - - 81 6 87
John Wesley 143 8 151 - - - - - - 143 8 151
Piedmont 138 102 240 - - - 6 1 7 144 103 247
Roanoke 54 110 164 - - - - - - 54 110 164
Winston-Salem 12 4 16 - - - - - - 12 4 16
Sem. & Bible Coll. Total 664 407 1,071 309 578 887 182 246 428 1,155 1,231 2,386

Private Total 33,757 26,721 60,479 3,286 1,651 4,937 7,665 1,791 9,457 44,709 30,164 74,873

Grand Total 188,890 46,326 235,216 6,221 2,024 8,246 28,694 8,263 36,958 223,806 56,614 280,420

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR002/30AUG05
*High school figures are not included in totals.
Table 6
Total Curriculum Degree Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Community Colleges by Institution, Residence Status, Attendance Status, and Gender, Fall 2004

______________In-State___________ ____________Out-of-State___________ ______________Full-Time__________ ______________Part-Time__________ ________________Total____________

Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Alamance 1,540 2,928 4,468 3 7 10 584 1,101 1,685 959 1,834 2,793 1,543 2,935 4,478
Asheville-Buncombe 2,434 3,531 5,965 38 40 78 969 1,249 2,218 1,503 2,322 3,825 2,472 3,571 6,043
Beaufort Co. 525 1,030 1,555 1 3 4 202 338 540 324 695 1,019 526 1,033 1,559
Bladen 283 1,096 1,379 - 2 2 156 610 766 127 488 615 283 1,098 1,381
Blue Ridge 754 1,272 2,026 25 17 42 358 455 813 421 834 1,255 779 1,289 2,068
Brunswick 260 656 916 12 9 21 133 318 451 139 347 486 272 665 937
Caldwell 1,596 1,961 3,557 15 9 24 458 554 1,012 1,153 1,416 2,569 1,611 1,970 3,581
Cape Fear 3,039 3,689 6,728 168 173 341 1,675 1,762 3,437 1,532 2,100 3,632 3,207 3,862 7,069
Carteret 520 1,131 1,651 24 67 91 233 488 721 311 710 1,021 544 1,198 1,742
Catawba Valley 1,819 2,886 4,705 2 8 10 543 794 1,337 1,278 2,100 3,378 1,821 2,894 4,715
Central Carolina 1,661 2,807 4,468 150 79 229 596 766 1,362 1,215 2,120 3,335 1,811 2,886 4,697
Central Piedmont 6,511 9,269 15,780 188 266 454 2,681 3,215 5,896 4,018 6,320 10,338 6,699 9,535 16,234
Cleveland 1,008 1,919 2,927 12 7 19 429 841 1,270 591 1,085 1,676 1,020 1,926 2,946
Coastal Carolina 1,074 1,866 2,940 354 860 1,214 682 1,479 2,161 746 1,247 1,993 1,428 2,726 4,154
Coll. of Albemarle 687 1,476 2,163 4 14 18 311 619 930 380 871 1,251 691 1,490 2,181
Craven 972 1,618 2,590 242 291 533 407 748 1,155 807 1,161 1,968 1,214 1,909 3,123
Davidson County 1,032 2,215 3,247 6 1 7 526 950 1,476 512 1,266 1,778 1,038 2,216 3,254
Durham 1,881 3,505 5,386 55 80 135 667 946 1,613 1,269 2,639 3,908 1,936 3,585 5,521
Edgecombe 669 1,887 2,556 - 3 3 206 734 940 463 1,156 1,619 669 1,890 2,559
Fayetteville 2,381 5,572 7,953 896 1,178 2,074 1,320 3,004 4,324 1,957 3,746 5,703 3,277 6,750 10,027
Forsyth 2,501 4,466 6,967 24 17 41 1,108 1,590 2,698 1,417 2,893 4,310 2,525 4,483 7,008
Gaston 1,573 3,541 5,114 19 31 50 792 1,482 2,274 800 2,090 2,890 1,592 3,572 5,164
Guilford 4,081 5,297 9,378 46 29 75 810 893 1,703 3,317 4,433 7,750 4,127 5,326 9,453
Halifax 428 1,241 1,669 2 6 8 274 705 979 156 542 698 430 1,247 1,677
Haywood 796 1,112 1,908 12 7 19 361 480 841 447 639 1,086 808 1,119 1,927
Isothermal 746 1,310 2,056 5 7 12 363 742 1,105 388 575 963 751 1,317 2,068
James Sprunt 397 931 1,328 - 2 2 217 436 653 180 497 677 397 933 1,330
Johnston 1,385 2,441 3,826 2 11 13 706 929 1,635 681 1,523 2,204 1,387 2,452 3,839
Lenoir 729 1,760 2,489 5 11 16 433 899 1,332 301 872 1,173 734 1,771 2,505
Martin 212 711 923 1 9 10 91 408 499 122 312 434 213 720 933

Mayland 634 695 1,329 6 6 12 147 135 282 493 566 1,059 640 701 1,341
McDowell 500 715 1,215 - - - 240 334 574 260 381 641 500 715 1,215
Mitchell 721 1,599 2,320 8 8 16 367 663 1,030 362 944 1,306 729 1,607 2,336
Montgomery 309 517 826 10 1 11 145 213 358 174 305 479 319 518 837
Nash 795 1,696 2,491 4 4 8 353 635 988 446 1,065 1,511 799 1,700 2,499
Pamlico 162 221 383 - - - 83 100 183 79 121 200 162 221 383
Piedmont 1,021 1,392 2,413 21 7 28 431 582 1,013 611 817 1,428 1,042 1,399 2,441
Pitt 2,417 3,580 5,997 65 58 123 629 995 1,624 1,853 2,643 4,496 2,482 3,638 6,120
Randolph 697 1,487 2,184 5 7 12 302 619 921 400 875 1,275 702 1,494 2,196
Richmond 439 1,131 1,570 5 8 13 247 615 862 197 524 721 444 1,139 1,583
Roanoke-Chowan 186 783 969 25 - 25 82 435 517 129 348 477 211 783 994
Robeson 584 1,841 2,425 2 2 4 368 943 1,311 218 900 1,118 586 1,843 2,429
Rockingham 701 1,430 2,131 19 14 33 337 668 1,005 383 776 1,159 720 1,444 2,164
Rowan-Cabarrus 1,903 3,686 5,589 8 13 21 1,009 1,845 2,854 902 1,854 2,756 1,911 3,699 5,610
Sampson 391 1,096 1,487 1 6 7 191 449 640 201 653 854 392 1,102 1,494
Sandhills 1,088 2,116 3,204 40 90 130 668 1,095 1,763 460 1,111 1,571 1,128 2,206 3,334
South Piedmont 477 1,268 1,745 1 10 11 127 342 469 351 936 1,287 478 1,278 1,756
Southeastern 680 1,320 2,000 10 7 17 395 795 1,190 295 532 827 690 1,327 2,017
Southwestern 618 1,317 1,935 12 21 33 299 625 924 331 713 1,044 630 1,338 1,968
Stanly 699 1,279 1,978 10 8 18 362 582 944 347 705 1,052 709 1,287 1,996
Surry 1,133 1,877 3,010 70 84 154 660 868 1,528 543 1,093 1,636 1,203 1,961 3,164
Tri-County 318 672 990 8 25 33 110 262 372 216 435 651 326 697 1,023
Vance-Granville 1,377 2,919 4,296 3 7 10 616 1,309 1,925 764 1,617 2,381 1,380 2,926 4,306
Wake 5,212 6,334 11,546 133 127 260 2,284 2,107 4,391 3,061 4,354 7,415 5,345 6,461 11,806
Wayne 1,104 1,952 3,056 100 66 166 366 573 939 838 1,445 2,283 1,204 2,018 3,222
Western Piedmont 1,020 1,809 2,829 3 5 8 475 861 1,336 548 953 1,501 1,023 1,814 2,837
Wilkes 866 1,575 2,441 29 34 63 544 795 1,339 351 814 1,165 895 1,609 2,504
Wilson 576 1,502 2,078 6 5 11 279 745 1,024 303 762 1,065 582 1,507 2,089
Total 70,122 122,933 193,055 2,915 3,867 6,782 30,407 49,725 80,132 42,630 77,075 119,705 73,037 126,800 199,837
UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR006/30AUG05
Table 7
Percentage Age Distribution of Undergraduate Degree Credit Enrollment by Institution, Fall 2004

Total Under-
graduate Average
Institution <18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25-30 31-35 36-40 41-50 51-64 65+ Unknown Enrollment Age
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 1.2 16.4 17.8 18.5 17.5 11.8 4.7 2.5 5.0 1.5 1.1 1.7 0.5 0.0 0.0 13,146 21.5
East Carolina 0.5 17.1 17.3 17.0 15.7 10.6 4.9 2.8 6.5 2.6 1.9 2.4 0.5 0.0 0.0 17,510 22.1
Elizabeth City 0.8 18.8 15.9 14.9 11.6 8.3 4.1 2.5 7.3 4.3 3.8 6.2 1.4 0.1 0.0 2,437 23.8
Fayetteville 0.8 14.0 14.5 12.8 12.2 7.9 5.2 2.9 10.0 6.7 4.4 7.1 1.5 0.1 0.0 4,410 24.8
N.C. A and T 1.6 21.1 19.8 16.6 14.0 8.4 4.2 2.3 5.1 2.6 1.7 2.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 9,121 21.6
N.C. Central 0.8 14.4 14.1 12.8 10.3 7.3 4.2 3.9 14.0 6.9 4.2 5.1 1.9 0.0 0.1 6,028 24.7
N.C. School of the Arts 1.0 17.1 18.9 21.8 18.1 10.7 4.0 1.6 5.1 1.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 692 20.7
N.C. State 0.9 15.5 17.7 17.0 16.7 11.5 4.8 2.5 7.3 2.4 1.2 1.6 0.6 0.1 0.0 22,754 21.8
UNC-Asheville 0.8 17.0 16.0 12.2 14.0 9.4 5.5 3.5 10.9 3.3 2.3 2.8 1.6 0.4 0.1 3,539 23.2
UNC-Chapel Hill 1.0 18.5 21.7 22.1 21.9 6.9 1.9 1.0 2.7 1.0 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.0 0.0 16,525 20.5
UNC-Charlotte 0.4 14.0 14.6 14.0 13.5 10.2 5.9 4.1 12.5 4.6 2.6 2.7 0.8 0.1 0.0 15,875 23.2
UNC-Greensboro 0.5 16.3 16.2 15.3 14.0 9.6 5.3 3.3 9.2 3.9 2.5 2.9 0.9 0.0 0.1 11,623 22.8
UNC-Pembroke 0.5 13.9 13.2 10.2 9.5 7.7 4.4 3.5 13.9 7.6 5.3 8.1 2.0 0.0 0.0 4,508 25.8
UNC-Wilmington 0.6 15.6 16.4 16.3 18.2 10.8 4.7 3.2 7.8 2.4 1.2 2.0 0.7 0.1 0.0 10,514 22.0
Western Carolina 0.3 19.0 19.4 14.5 12.8 8.8 4.3 2.5 7.0 3.8 2.6 3.7 1.2 0.0 0.1 6,785 22.8
Winston-Salem 0.9 16.1 17.2 13.2 12.1 7.0 3.6 2.6 9.3 6.0 4.4 5.9 1.6 0.1 0.0 4,568 24.3
UNC Total 0.8 16.5 17.3 16.3 15.6 9.7 4.5 2.8 7.8 3.2 2.0 2.7 0.8 0.1 0.0 150,035 22.4

Community Colleges*
Alamance 8.8 8.6 10.2 8.2 6.0 4.5 3.6 2.9 13.8 9.2 7.3 11.2 5.5 0.2 . 4,478 28.3
Asheville-Buncombe 11.4 9.1 8.9 7.3 6.0 4.7 4.2 4.2 15.1 9.2 5.8 9.6 4.0 0.4 0.0 6,043 27.2
Beaufort Co. 9.5 8.1 8.6 7.1 5.0 3.3 2.7 2.9 16.2 10.8 8.3 13.3 3.8 0.4 . 1,559 28.8

Bladen 4.3 4.7 6.4 5.1 4.7 4.1 3.6 3.4 17.7 15.1 11.5 12.8 5.6 0.9 0.1 1,381 31.1
Blue Ridge 5.8 8.4 12.1 8.8 5.8 5.0 3.8 3.2 12.2 8.7 6.6 12.7 6.3 0.6 . 2,068 29.0
Brunswick 2.5 9.7 13.3 10.4 6.6 4.2 2.8 3.6 14.9 8.5 6.4 12.5 4.2 0.4 . 937 28.2
Caldwell 9.5 8.5 9.8 8.6 6.4 6.1 4.0 3.4 14.2 9.3 6.9 9.0 3.5 0.6 . 3,581 27.2
Cape Fear 4.6 9.5 12.5 12.2 8.7 7.2 5.6 4.3 14.6 6.6 4.4 6.3 3.1 0.3 0.0 7,069 25.7
Carteret 4.6 9.0 9.4 8.5 7.3 5.5 4.1 3.5 16.4 8.2 6.4 11.1 5.4 0.5 . 1,742 28.5
Catawba Valley 4.7 9.5 11.3 8.8 6.3 4.7 3.5 2.8 14.2 11.0 8.0 10.7 4.2 0.2 0.0 4,715 28.2
Central Carolina 12.3 8.8 8.0 6.4 4.9 4.7 3.5 2.7 14.2 10.5 7.7 11.9 4.0 0.3 0.1 4,697 28.1
Central Piedmont 2.6 7.5 9.8 8.6 7.2 6.0 5.0 3.8 16.5 10.1 7.4 10.3 4.5 0.7 . 16,234 28.6
Cleveland 12.5 8.1 7.6 6.4 3.8 4.4 2.8 2.2 13.4 10.9 9.2 13.4 4.7 0.5 0.1 2,946 29.1
Coastal Carolina 2.0 7.5 10.8 8.9 7.1 6.8 5.8 5.3 18.3 9.8 6.3 9.0 2.3 0.1 . 4,154 27.1
Coll. of Albemarle 10.3 10.2 9.8 7.6 6.6 4.8 3.6 3.1 13.3 7.9 6.4 10.3 5.2 0.8 . 2,181 27.9
Craven 3.0 6.5 8.8 7.9 7.4 5.8 4.6 4.3 17.1 9.9 7.5 12.0 4.5 0.6 . 3,123 29.0
Davidson County 6.9 9.8 9.1 6.9 4.4 3.6 3.1 2.7 16.0 10.7 9.6 11.8 5.2 0.1 0.0 3,254 29.0
Durham 3.5 3.9 6.0 5.1 4.6 4.5 4.1 4.1 21.5 14.1 10.1 13.4 4.7 0.3 . 5,521 30.6
Edgecombe 14.0 7.9 5.2 5.0 4.5 3.0 3.6 3.2 15.2 11.3 8.4 13.2 5.0 0.4 . 2,559 29.2
Fayetteville 2.7 5.8 6.7 6.2 5.7 5.2 4.8 4.2 20.7 13.5 9.0 11.5 3.8 0.3 0.0 10,027 29.5
Forsyth 3.4 7.8 10.3 8.0 6.0 4.8 4.0 3.7 16.2 10.4 9.3 11.7 4.2 0.2 0.0 7,008 28.8
Gaston 5.2 8.9 9.7 8.0 5.4 4.2 3.7 2.8 14.8 10.6 8.2 12.0 6.0 0.5 . 5,164 29.4
Guilford 0.9 7.5 10.9 9.7 8.3 6.4 5.4 5.2 17.2 10.0 6.4 8.7 3.2 0.3 0.0 9,453 27.5
Halifax 3.9 6.7 8.3 6.4 5.7 3.9 3.6 3.1 15.6 11.7 10.6 14.5 5.6 0.2 . 1,677 30.4
Haywood 16.6 8.8 8.8 8.1 5.1 3.4 2.7 2.5 13.0 8.8 6.6 8.7 4.6 2.3 . 1,927 27.9
Isothermal 5.6 10.2 9.6 6.4 4.8 3.2 2.2 2.4 12.4 11.2 9.5 14.3 7.2 1.0 . 2,068 30.6
James Sprunt 15.7 7.0 6.3 7.1 4.0 3.3 3.5 2.0 14.0 10.3 7.7 13.7 4.9 0.5 . 1,330 28.8
Johnston 18.1 9.1 8.5 7.0 4.8 4.0 2.6 2.5 12.3 9.0 7.7 10.4 3.6 0.4 0.0 3,839 27.1
Lenoir 3.5 7.7 10.4 7.6 5.4 4.2 3.1 3.2 15.6 10.8 9.4 13.5 5.2 0.6 . 2,505 29.8
Martin 14.4 7.7 7.8 7.0 4.4 3.2 2.9 3.2 13.4 9.2 7.9 12.9 5.8 0.2 . 933 28.7
Table 7
Percentage Age Distribution of Undergraduate Degree Credit Enrollment by Institution, Fall 2004

Total Under-
graduate Average
Institution <18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25-30 31-35 36-40 41-50 51-64 65+ Unknown Enrollment Age
Mayland 21.7 10.7 8.9 6.1 5.1 3.5 3.1 3.1 12.4 7.2 6.4 8.1 3.3 0.3 . 1,341 25.8
McDowell 5.9 8.7 7.4 6.6 3.5 4.5 3.2 2.9 17.4 10.3 9.6 12.4 6.6 0.9 . 1,215 30.3
Mitchell 6.0 8.6 11.7 9.2 4.6 4.4 4.2 3.4 13.6 10.1 8.6 12.3 3.3 0.2 . 2,336 28.2
Montgomery 12.3 7.8 7.4 6.3 4.8 2.7 3.0 2.7 15.2 9.6 7.3 12.7 7.2 1.1 . 837 29.7
Nash 7.0 9.3 10.7 7.7 5.2 3.9 3.7 3.8 14.6 9.3 8.3 11.5 4.6 0.4 0.1 2,499 28.4
Pamlico 8.9 8.4 2.6 4.7 4.4 3.4 4.4 3.7 18.3 11.7 8.4 15.1 5.5 0.5 . 383 30.4
Piedmont 20.8 8.6 5.9 5.1 3.0 3.4 3.1 2.6 12.1 11.3 6.8 11.6 5.0 0.4 0.0 2,441 28.0
Pitt 3.2 10.8 13.2 10.8 8.2 6.5 4.5 4.0 14.4 7.7 5.7 8.1 2.7 0.2 . 6,120 26.2
Randolph 7.0 10.1 8.9 7.8 6.4 4.6 2.9 4.0 14.8 9.5 9.2 10.5 3.9 0.2 . 2,196 28.1
Richmond 4.0 5.9 10.8 7.8 5.6 4.9 3.2 3.9 16.5 11.8 9.3 11.4 4.8 0.1 . 1,583 29.1
Roanoke-Chowan 8.1 7.4 6.9 6.1 5.2 5.3 3.9 4.3 15.8 10.8 8.4 13.1 4.3 0.2 . 994 29.0
Robeson 1.9 5.8 6.5 6.3 4.9 4.7 3.4 4.0 19.5 12.9 9.7 14.2 5.8 0.5 . 2,429 30.9
Rockingham 4.5 10.6 11.8 8.6 5.6 5.1 3.3 3.2 13.3 10.2 6.9 11.1 5.4 0.4 . 2,164 28.4
Rowan-Cabarrus 4.0 8.1 9.4 7.4 5.4 4.3 3.8 3.9 14.8 9.7 8.3 13.4 7.2 0.2 . 5,610 30.0
Sampson 6.0 7.9 9.4 7.6 5.8 4.3 3.9 3.7 17.9 9.1 7.4 12.1 4.2 0.8 . 1,494 28.8
Sandhills 5.6 10.4 12.4 8.9 6.2 5.0 3.7 3.0 13.9 9.5 7.1 9.0 4.4 0.9 . 3,334 27.7
South Piedmont 9.3 7.3 7.5 6.9 5.1 4.0 3.1 3.2 12.7 9.9 9.7 14.7 6.0 0.5 . 1,756 30.0
Southeastern 6.3 10.2 11.2 10.5 7.4 5.8 3.3 3.2 13.1 9.1 6.6 9.1 3.2 1.1 . 2,017 27.2
Southwestern 8.6 8.2 10.2 8.0 6.4 4.5 3.9 3.4 14.9 9.2 7.6 9.5 5.1 0.6 . 1,968 28.1
Stanly 4.9 8.8 10.4 7.9 4.9 3.7 3.5 2.7 11.6 11.5 11.3 14.0 4.6 0.4 . 1,996 29.7
Surry 6.5 12.7 12.7 9.2 6.3 4.0 2.7 2.8 11.2 9.2 7.0 10.7 4.2 0.9 . 3,164 27.7
Tri-County 7.2 8.1 11.2 7.0 6.0 4.2 2.2 3.0 14.1 9.4 9.3 12.1 5.4 0.8 . 1,023 29.2
Vance-Granville 6.9 7.2 8.0 6.4 4.8 3.3 3.2 2.9 15.7 12.2 9.6 14.0 5.6 0.2 0.0 4,306 30.0
Wake 1.3 6.7 10.4 9.8 7.7 6.7 5.1 4.4 18.2 9.9 7.1 9.2 3.2 0.2 . 11,806 27.7

Wayne 3.9 9.6 11.8 9.5 7.5 5.3 4.2 3.3 15.3 9.4 7.1 9.7 3.0 0.2 . 3,222 27.3
Western Piedmont 4.6 7.1 8.5 7.2 5.6 5.0 4.0 3.3 17.2 10.9 8.7 12.7 4.9 0.2 . 2,837 29.4
Wilkes 9.7 12.4 12.4 8.2 5.3 4.2 3.3 2.3 11.9 9.4 6.7 9.9 3.8 0.4 . 2,504 27.0
Wilson 2.3 5.1 6.1 7.2 5.4 4.6 3.9 3.2 18.1 12.9 10.3 14.2 6.2 0.3 . 2,089 31.0
Comm. Coll. Total 5.9 8.2 9.6 8.1 6.1 5.0 4.0 3.6 15.7 10.2 7.8 11.0 4.4 0.4 0.0 199,837 28.4

Public Total 3.7 11.7 12.9 11.6 10.2 7.0 4.2 3.2 12.3 7.2 5.3 7.4 2.9 0.3 0.0 349,872 25.8

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Barton 1.2 17.5 14.7 14.9 13.9 6.2 3.7 1.9 7.6 6.7 4.1 6.0 1.4 0.4 0.0 1,231 24.3
Belmont Abbey 0.6 11.3 14.0 12.8 13.9 8.1 4.8 2.3 9.9 6.8 5.1 9.2 1.3 0.0 0.0 791 25.4
Bennett 2.8 26.6 18.8 14.9 17.1 8.1 4.8 1.6 3.2 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 504 20.3
Brevard 1.5 20.0 20.7 15.2 17.5 11.0 5.0 2.1 3.6 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.0 584 21.0
Cabarrus 0.0 9.2 9.5 10.1 10.1 6.9 7.5 6.9 18.0 6.2 5.9 7.5 2.3 0.0 0.0 306 26.3
Campbell 1.0 12.1 10.6 11.2 11.5 7.4 4.5 3.9 14.9 9.0 6.7 6.2 0.9 0.0 0.0 5,243 25.5
Catawba 0.4 13.2 15.7 12.5 14.0 9.7 4.0 2.1 9.7 7.3 4.5 5.8 1.0 0.0 0.0 1,375 24.4
Chowan 0.0 21.4 22.0 17.2 16.3 9.6 4.4 1.9 3.1 1.5 0.3 1.9 0.6 0.0 0.0 687 21.1
Davidson 1.1 22.1 27.1 20.4 23.5 5.1 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 1,714 19.6
Duke 1.6 22.0 25.3 22.9 22.3 4.1 0.7 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 6,301 19.6
Elon 2.6 23.8 24.1 22.3 19.6 4.8 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 4,622 19.8
Gardner-Webb 0.3 13.4 11.1 10.8 12.4 7.0 3.6 2.6 10.7 8.2 6.9 9.3 2.3 0.0 1.3 2,575 26.1
Greensboro 3.9 19.0 15.3 13.6 12.3 7.0 3.4 2.7 7.7 3.7 3.3 5.3 2.6 0.1 0.0 1,165 23.8
Guilford 4.7 13.0 11.7 9.4 9.1 4.5 2.5 2.3 13.0 10.8 7.8 9.1 2.0 0.0 0.0 2,511 26.6
High Point 0.5 11.2 14.3 12.4 12.4 6.4 3.9 2.5 12.8 9.1 6.1 6.9 1.5 0.1 0.0 2,619 25.6
Johnson C. Smith 0.8 20.8 22.8 18.0 15.3 10.3 4.2 2.0 2.5 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.1 0.1 1.3 1,415 20.3
Lees-McRae 0.2 14.7 19.0 17.4 13.5 9.6 4.1 2.7 6.9 3.9 3.1 3.2 1.1 0.0 0.6 875 22.7
Table 7
Percentage Age Distribution of Undergraduate Degree Credit Enrollment by Institution, Fall 2004

Total Under-
graduate Average
Institution <18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25-30 31-35 36-40 41-50 51-64 65+ Unknown Enrollment Age
Lenoir-Rhyne 3.1 20.6 17.9 17.6 15.0 5.7 2.9 1.5 6.0 3.4 2.3 2.9 1.1 0.0 0.0 1,407 22.2
Livingstone 1.2 17.9 18.0 14.6 14.1 11.3 5.6 4.0 4.4 1.4 1.7 2.1 3.1 0.0 0.7 1,016 22.5
Mars Hill 0.7 17.3 18.8 13.2 11.6 7.0 3.7 1.8 8.2 5.1 4.6 5.9 2.1 . . 1,384 24.2
Meredith 2.5 18.6 14.1 17.6 14.7 5.6 2.7 2.6 9.3 4.3 3.0 3.9 0.9 0.0 0.0 2,009 23.0
Methodist 0.2 12.7 15.6 12.7 11.9 9.9 4.5 5.6 11.2 5.2 3.4 3.6 0.5 0.1 2.9 2,215 22.9
Montreat 0.5 7.4 7.6 9.2 6.7 5.4 3.9 2.3 13.1 13.1 8.9 17.6 4.1 0.1 0.1 947 30.4
Mount Olive 0.0 3.9 4.8 4.3 6.0 5.1 4.4 4.0 18.7 14.6 12.3 17.7 4.3 0.0 0.0 2,583 31.8
N.C. Wesleyan 0.2 12.7 10.8 6.3 5.7 4.8 3.3 2.9 14.3 13.1 9.6 11.8 4.1 0.0 0.3 1,776 28.9
Peace 0.6 20.6 23.6 19.9 14.4 9.9 3.5 3.3 2.2 0.9 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 695 20.5
Pfeiffer 2.1 15.2 11.3 11.2 10.7 5.3 4.3 3.1 10.9 8.9 7.7 7.4 1.5 0.1 0.3 1,179 25.7
Queens 0.2 10.2 13.8 13.4 11.7 7.6 3.5 2.5 12.7 8.0 5.1 8.1 3.0 0.1 0.1 1,601 26.2
Saint Andrews 1.9 21.6 20.1 14.3 14.4 6.9 4.9 2.0 4.7 3.0 2.2 3.0 0.7 0.0 0.4 741 21.8
Saint Augustine's 2.9 16.4 22.5 17.4 13.2 8.2 4.8 2.9 5.9 2.0 1.4 1.6 0.7 0.0 0.0 1,395 21.5
Salem 2.8 13.3 13.8 12.2 12.5 5.3 2.1 1.9 8.2 5.2 5.6 11.9 5.1 0.2 0.0 907 27.2
Shaw 0.2 8.1 10.2 8.8 9.8 8.5 4.5 3.7 11.4 8.3 7.3 10.7 5.0 0.1 3.3 2,516 27.4
Wake Forest 0.7 21.6 25.5 23.0 21.7 6.1 0.8 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 . 4,128 19.7
Warren Wilson 1.4 17.7 21.5 19.8 17.2 10.2 5.6 2.7 3.3 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.4 792 20.3
Wingate 0.5 18.8 23.5 20.1 18.0 7.7 3.6 1.1 2.3 1.1 0.9 0.7 1.0 0.1 0.5 1,331 20.8
Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total 1.3 16.3 17.2 15.3 14.6 6.7 3.1 2.2 7.6 5.1 3.8 5.0 1.4 0.0 0.4 63,140 23.5

Junior College
Louisburg 3.0 32.2 39.4 14.2 4.7 2.3 1.2 1.1 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 571 19.3

Private Sr. & Jr. Total 1.3 16.4 17.4 15.3 14.5 6.6 3.1 2.2 7.5 5.0 3.8 5.0 1.4 0.0 0.4 63,711 23.5

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary 1.1 5.9 9.1 10.6 8.7 9.3 5.5 3.4 17.3 10.1 7.2 10.1 1.5 0.0 0.0 526 27.3
Heritage 0.0 3.9 6.9 5.9 5.9 4.9 2.9 1.0 10.8 7.8 14.7 24.5 10.8 0.0 0.0 102 34.8
John Wesley 0.6 2.4 3.5 5.3 4.7 5.9 2.4 4.7 11.2 12.9 17.6 21.8 7.1 0.0 0.0 170 34.1
Piedmont 0.8 12.5 15.6 11.7 15.2 10.2 7.8 2.0 9.4 5.1 3.9 5.1 0.8 0.0 0.0 256 23.8
Roanoke 2.3 13.4 15.1 21.5 14.5 6.4 1.2 2.3 6.4 4.7 2.3 6.4 2.9 0.6 0.0 172 24.4
Sem. & Bible Coll. Total 1.1 7.7 10.4 11.3 10.1 8.2 4.7 2.9 12.7 8.5 7.9 11.3 3.1 0.1 0.0 1,226 27.7

Private Total 1.3 16.2 17.3 15.2 14.4 6.7 3.1 2.2 7.6 5.1 3.9 5.1 1.4 0.0 0.4 64,937 23.6

Grand Total 3.3 12.4 13.6 12.2 10.8 7.0 4.1 3.1 11.6 6.9 5.1 7.1 2.6 0.2 0.1 414,809 25.5

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR007/31AUG05
*Community college figures include all curriculum students.
Table 8
Home County of In-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment
in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Type of Institution, Fall 2004

_________Public Institutions_________ ________Private Institutions_________

Community Senior Junior Grand
Home County UNC Colleges* Total Colleges** College Total Total
Alamance 1,862 594 2,456 534 2 536 2,992
Alexander 315 170 485 104 - 104 589
Alleghany 110 65 175 35 - 35 210
Anson 302 58 360 98 1 99 459
Ashe 278 145 423 49 1 50 473
Avery 234 129 363 70 - 70 433
Beaufort 660 206 866 115 8 123 989
Bertie 399 52 451 90 - 90 541
Bladen 464 325 789 104 3 107 896
Brunswick 735 430 1,165 148 2 150 1,315
Buncombe 3,306 1,028 4,334 817 3 820 5,154
Burke 973 651 1,624 291 - 291 1,915
Cabarrus 2,292 727 3,019 654 - 654 3,673
Caldwell 899 438 1,337 175 - 175 1,512
Camden 167 43 210 17 - 17 227
Carteret 884 466 1,350 140 4 144 1,494
Caswell 230 67 297 35 - 35 332
Catawba 1,750 907 2,657 682 - 682 3,339
Chatham 636 192 828 142 3 145 973
Cherokee 262 163 425 43 - 43 468
Chowan 309 35 344 25 1 26 370
Clay 119 53 172 12 - 12 184
Cleveland 1,097 402 1,499 479 1 480 1,979
Columbus 742 655 1,397 137 1 138 1,535
Craven 1,235 727 1,962 269 3 272 2,234
Cumberland 5,882 1,191 7,073 2,514 9 2,523 9,596
Currituck 274 98 372 43 - 43 415
Dare 479 190 669 68 3 71 740
Davidson 1,674 591 2,265 597 1 598 2,863
Davie 501 139 640 147 - 147 787
Duplin 545 321 866 213 2 215 1,081
Durham 4,611 636 5,247 871 39 910 6,157
Edgecombe 786 287 1,073 256 3 259 1,332
Forsyth 5,842 1,206 7,048 1,984 4 1,988 9,036
Franklin 484 134 618 187 63 250 868
Gaston 2,204 952 3,156 762 - 762 3,918
Gates 189 35 224 41 - 41 265
Graham 79 59 138 16 - 16 154
Granville 556 142 698 153 9 162 860
Greene 217 105 322 44 2 46 368
Guilford 9,269 2,081 11,350 2,923 6 2,929 14,279
Halifax 847 307 1,154 198 7 205 1,359
Harnett 829 399 1,228 632 1 633 1,861
Haywood 741 244 985 90 - 90 1,075
Henderson 1,076 522 1,598 256 - 256 1,854
Hertford 414 83 497 158 1 159 656
Hoke 473 97 570 133 - 133 703
Hyde 59 15 74 5 3 8 82
Iredell 1,560 665 2,225 450 1 451 2,676
Jackson 601 720 1,321 63 - 63 1,384
Johnston 1,305 743 2,048 539 8 547 2,595
Jones 115 74 189 29 2 31 220
Lee 713 329 1,042 218 - 218 1,260
Lenoir 908 633 1,541 230 3 233 1,774
Lincoln 726 350 1,076 218 - 218 1,294
Macon 407 135 542 32 - 32 574
Madison 141 33 174 110 - 110 284
Martin 392 97 489 76 2 78 567
Mcdowell 469 210 679 144 1 145 824
Mecklenburg 13,268 3,575 16,843 2,908 10 2,918 19,761

Table 8
Home County of In-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment
in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Type of Institution, Fall 2004

_________Public Institutions_________ ________Private Institutions_________

Community Senior Junior Grand
Home County UNC Colleges* Total Colleges** College Total Total
Mitchell 162 104 266 72 - 72 338
Montgomery 243 130 373 121 2 123 496
Moore 1,016 499 1,515 315 2 317 1,832
Nash 1,277 430 1,707 511 17 528 2,235
New Hanover 3,897 1,578 5,475 474 2 476 5,951
Northampton 357 76 433 89 - 89 522
Onslow 1,757 1,537 3,294 1,194 1 1,195 4,489
Orange 2,896 400 3,296 423 12 435 3,731
Pamlico 162 72 234 35 1 36 270
Pasquotank 852 186 1,038 67 - 67 1,105
Pender 516 190 706 122 - 122 828
Perquimans 228 45 273 19 - 19 292
Person 417 181 598 96 1 97 695
Pitt 3,090 657 3,747 399 10 409 4,156
Polk 175 74 249 44 - 44 293
Randolph 1,348 586 1,934 455 3 458 2,392
Richmond 554 235 789 108 1 109 898
Robeson 2,248 651 2,899 137 5 142 3,041
Rockingham 1,000 448 1,448 249 - 249 1,697
Rowan 1,378 660 2,038 924 1 925 2,963
Rutherford 567 474 1,041 228 1 229 1,270
Sampson 721 312 1,033 229 1 230 1,263
Scotland 653 89 742 107 1 108 850
Stanly 735 329 1,064 356 - 356 1,420
Stokes 459 194 653 162 1 163 816
Surry 751 428 1,179 278 - 278 1,457
Swain 149 60 209 127 - 127 336
Transylvania 313 144 457 119 - 119 576
Tyrrell 63 4 67 13 - 13 80
Union 1,870 421 2,291 492 4 496 2,787
Vance 593 114 707 128 10 138 845
Wake 16,547 4,334 20,881 4,150 130 4,280 25,161
Warren 252 54 306 69 9 78 384
Washington 293 32 325 33 - 33 358
Watauga 1,153 392 1,545 59 - 59 1,604
Wayne 1,567 1,151 2,718 1,213 9 1,222 3,940
Wilkes 696 368 1,064 175 - 175 1,239
Wilson 1,001 314 1,315 465 6 471 1,786
Yadkin 427 174 601 130 - 130 731
Yancey 167 70 237 67 - 67 304
Unknown - - - 368 - 368 368
Total 131,446 44,323 175,769 37,395 443 37,838 213,607
UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR017/30AUG05

*Community Colleges includes only college transfer students (AA, AFA, AS). **Includes a theological seminary and Bible colleges.

Table 9
Home State of Out-of-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment
in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Type of Institution, Fall 2004

_________Public Institutions_________ ________Private Institutions_________

Community Senior Junior Grand
Home State UNC Colleges* Total Colleges** College Total Total
Alabama 172 30 202 280 - 280 482
Alaska 23 6 29 16 - 16 45
Arizona 45 33 78 97 - 97 175
Arkansas 43 14 57 62 - 62 119
California 295 114 409 667 2 669 1,078
Colorado 131 23 154 180 - 180 334
Connecticut 371 19 390 665 - 665 1,055
Delaware 148 6 154 198 2 200 354
Dist. of Columbia 607 5 612 303 - 303 915
Florida 822 245 1,067 2,154 3 2,157 3,224
Georgia 1,174 93 1,267 1,721 2 1,723 2,990
Hawaii 13 7 20 25 - 25 45
Idaho 11 11 22 26 - 26 48
Illinois 284 77 361 490 - 490 851
Indiana 106 27 133 211 - 211 344
Iowa 45 17 62 48 - 48 110
Kansas 42 8 50 78 - 78 128
Kentucky 106 23 129 236 - 236 365
Louisiana 83 27 110 131 2 133 243
Maine 53 7 60 166 - 166 226
Maryland 1,908 67 1,975 2,614 6 2,620 4,595
Massachusetts 337 23 360 854 - 854 1,214
Michigan 181 57 238 242 - 242 480
Minnesota 63 23 86 140 1 141 227
Mississippi 57 17 74 59 - 59 133
Missouri 95 22 117 195 - 195 312
Montana 13 4 17 23 - 23 40
Nebraska 21 1 22 22 - 22 44
Nevada 10 8 18 26 - 26 44
New Hampshire 89 7 96 164 2 166 262
New Jersey 1,221 60 1,281 1,429 5 1,434 2,715
New Mexico 20 13 33 31 - 31 64
New York 1,279 154 1,433 1,692 4 1,696 3,129
North Dakota 9 5 14 11 - 11 25
Ohio 489 81 570 976 1 977 1,547
Oklahoma 56 25 81 70 - 70 151
Oregon 24 15 39 69 - 69 108
Pennsylvania 928 83 1,011 1,482 3 1,485 2,496
Rhode Island 62 3 65 119 2 121 186
South Carolina 1,112 123 1,235 1,746 6 1,752 2,987
South Dakota 10 6 16 21 - 21 37
Tennessee 432 64 496 654 - 654 1,150
Texas 381 166 547 903 2 905 1,452
Utah 14 9 23 17 - 17 40
Vermont 65 4 69 107 1 108 177
Virginia 3,020 179 3,199 3,399 72 3,471 6,670
Washington 78 31 109 171 - 171 280
West Virginia 100 28 128 263 2 265 393
Wisconsin 92 18 110 120 2 122 232
Wyoming 4 2 6 14 - 14 20
Territories 38 8 46 42 2 44 90
Foreign Countries 1,600 214 1,814 1,356 6 1,362 3,176
Unknown 207 12 219 212 - 212 431
Total 18,589 2,324 20,913 26,997 128 27,125 48,038
UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR018/30AUG05

*Community Colleges includes only college transfer students (AA, AFA, AS). **Includes a theological seminary and Bible colleges.

Table 10
Home County of In-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment
in the University of North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004

Alamance 165 175 4 16 174 45 3 248 23 254 99 443 23 95 46 49 1,862
Alexander 123 9 1 2 1 5 - 34 2 19 48 17 3 15 26 10 315
Alleghany 49 4 - - 2 1 1 12 3 4 8 5 - 7 8 6 110
Anson 11 18 1 18 25 13 1 38 2 20 56 23 27 9 5 35 302
Ashe 166 4 - - - 1 - 26 5 28 15 8 1 11 10 3 278
Avery 161 3 - - - - 1 19 7 14 1 8 3 6 11 - 234
Beaufort 9 387 25 7 31 16 1 74 - 41 16 20 4 18 5 6 660
Bertie - 105 86 19 62 43 - 34 - 19 1 6 5 4 3 12 399
Bladen 9 52 4 68 37 18 1 51 1 32 18 16 93 52 1 11 464
Brunswick 25 67 2 21 30 21 1 84 7 61 38 32 23 289 18 16 735
Buncombe 377 49 1 2 34 25 11 359 1,130 343 200 170 4 72 506 23 3,306
Burke 310 43 - - 5 2 1 107 74 75 67 109 3 29 129 19 973
Cabarrus 173 97 7 8 40 29 2 271 20 223 1,083 77 12 114 99 37 2,292
Caldwell 476 24 - - 9 3 1 86 11 78 76 40 1 9 76 9 899
Camden 4 22 75 1 5 2 - 24 1 7 2 2 2 17 3 - 167
Carteret 32 307 10 6 13 4 1 166 9 101 21 46 9 141 14 4 884
Caswell 15 13 1 4 53 19 - 21 1 16 9 45 4 5 8 16 230
Catawba 454 107 3 - 20 8 3 264 39 183 316 133 9 60 116 35 1,750
Chatham 46 56 - 5 42 25 2 121 16 112 26 102 15 40 16 12 636
Cherokee 21 9 - 1 - 1 - 25 18 25 3 7 2 4 142 4 262
Chowan 4 83 115 9 12 4 - 28 - 19 3 6 3 9 6 8 309
Clay 9 4 - - - - - 3 5 6 - 6 - 1 85 - 119
Cleveland 205 48 4 3 29 16 1 153 10 112 268 62 7 25 117 37 1,097
Columbus 16 96 2 54 49 29 2 93 2 47 30 24 158 115 7 18 742
Craven 50 507 24 35 51 39 1 198 7 87 32 42 9 111 25 17 1,235
Cumberland 144 563 25 2,036 362 151 4 560 15 391 287 223 721 221 41 138 5,882
Currituck 5 95 79 2 4 3 - 32 - 20 7 8 2 15 2 - 274
Dare 24 157 38 - 1 4 1 88 3 48 8 18 5 78 6 - 479
Davidson 213 99 1 9 84 18 4 231 20 158 284 272 20 83 68 110 1,674
Davie 72 45 - - 10 - 2 58 12 38 74 87 4 21 39 39 501

Duplin 5 121 12 31 54 39 - 80 1 31 6 16 11 115 9 14 545
Durham 219 205 10 40 369 1,522 9 706 35 628 169 310 43 165 53 128 4,611
Edgecombe 12 246 43 30 87 94 - 93 1 47 7 41 1 24 10 50 786
Forsyth 541 269 15 46 362 144 96 686 110 579 456 913 29 212 188 1,196 5,842
Franklin 23 93 6 13 33 48 - 118 5 41 12 25 7 25 16 19 484
Gaston 320 82 9 14 67 32 2 246 33 203 690 154 15 62 217 58 2,204
Gates 1 46 74 3 17 2 - 16 - 11 1 11 2 4 - 1 189
Graham 11 2 - - 1 2 - 9 1 2 2 - - - 47 2 79
Granville 13 74 4 8 43 98 - 100 2 62 21 45 17 37 16 16 556
Greene 6 96 1 6 13 20 - 34 2 13 4 1 - 10 2 9 217
Guilford 632 379 18 47 1,655 178 28 1,076 78 932 451 2,886 60 355 217 277 9,269
Halifax 17 206 97 50 114 97 - 95 - 61 5 35 13 29 3 25 847
Harnett 38 130 4 157 54 40 - 150 5 56 29 25 29 75 26 11 829
Haywood 75 9 1 - 1 1 2 61 55 54 26 31 1 25 399 - 741
Henderson 148 30 1 - 11 4 3 93 187 95 137 50 3 46 262 6 1,076
Hertford 4 107 118 15 52 26 - 43 - 19 3 12 3 4 3 5 414
Hoke 12 27 4 119 46 26 - 18 3 15 16 14 133 17 4 19 473
Hyde - 34 5 - 2 2 - 7 1 3 1 1 - 1 1 1 59
Iredell 232 99 2 1 39 19 2 191 28 137 451 93 13 85 106 62 1,560
Jackson 15 16 - - - 1 1 39 15 30 18 20 3 15 426 2 601
Johnston 37 356 6 27 57 38 2 412 4 95 28 52 22 128 30 11 1,305
Jones 4 20 6 16 15 9 - 15 1 9 2 4 - 7 3 4 115
Lee 52 134 1 27 26 16 1 142 3 91 34 62 31 50 17 26 713
Lenoir 12 389 5 28 72 61 1 109 1 85 16 28 2 52 11 36 908
Lincoln 145 20 - 4 8 1 1 81 17 70 258 18 4 32 57 10 726
Macon 36 7 1 - 6 - - 20 18 22 17 5 3 6 265 1 407
Madison 18 2 - - 2 - 1 11 40 18 7 5 2 - 32 3 141
Martin 2 174 25 26 6 30 1 57 - 20 1 19 3 12 1 15 392
Mcdowell 114 36 - - 22 4 - 45 39 26 49 20 2 6 99 7 469
Mecklenburg 1,238 450 54 108 599 342 29 1,453 139 1,670 5,139 505 112 484 431 515 13,268
Mitchell 62 3 - - - - - 21 18 8 10 16 1 4 14 5 162
Montgomery 14 23 5 16 8 2 - 37 3 10 31 48 11 12 8 15 243
Table 10
Home County of In-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment
in the University of North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004

Moore 106 99 3 23 35 10 8 199 18 124 35 73 139 107 24 13 1,016
Nash 62 395 35 24 65 54 2 291 6 148 23 50 16 76 13 17 1,277
New Hanover 119 306 7 30 64 49 9 524 40 307 131 113 30 2,116 24 28 3,897
Northampton 2 76 47 13 62 52 - 32 1 20 2 25 2 8 2 13 357
Onslow 45 405 11 63 64 38 3 209 10 122 44 76 62 537 49 19 1,757
Orange 247 120 5 13 67 155 10 393 128 1,131 89 300 31 135 53 19 2,896
Pamlico 3 55 6 11 6 8 - 23 3 14 4 5 1 20 1 2 162
Pasquotank 9 119 534 1 19 25 2 55 2 44 4 9 2 22 4 1 852
Pender 17 76 5 16 24 13 - 70 1 28 12 22 8 206 4 14 516
Perquimans 2 48 111 1 4 10 - 29 1 4 3 6 - 6 3 - 228
Person 42 37 2 5 41 67 - 69 5 29 16 47 6 12 18 21 417
Pitt 66 1,992 23 27 115 86 - 261 14 201 54 69 8 100 14 60 3,090
Polk 24 7 1 - 3 - - 12 32 24 24 9 2 3 32 2 175
Randolph 109 90 - 4 107 7 3 180 15 124 131 385 25 69 67 32 1,348
Richmond 13 52 4 40 27 18 1 39 3 31 42 29 189 29 10 27 554
Robeson 16 123 5 130 74 42 4 135 5 101 39 48 1,425 72 7 22 2,248
Rockingham 87 79 4 9 128 7 1 131 13 81 33 322 14 42 22 27 1,000
Rowan 140 93 5 5 44 30 2 201 25 121 369 97 7 81 73 85 1,378
Rutherford 107 10 - - 13 4 3 54 41 32 84 34 8 12 155 10 567
Sampson 16 111 4 146 42 34 2 144 - 52 14 25 29 84 8 10 721
Scotland 20 53 6 37 51 27 - 48 1 44 27 26 267 22 4 20 653
Stanly 61 35 2 16 15 13 1 104 5 52 277 52 12 36 29 25 735
Stokes 65 40 - 1 9 - - 45 7 39 50 101 4 21 31 46 459
Surry 163 49 - - 18 5 5 118 17 58 99 72 15 41 36 55 751
Swain 8 2 - - - - - 8 4 10 4 2 - 1 110 - 149
Transylvania 48 8 - - 2 1 - 23 50 30 28 8 1 9 101 4 313
Tyrrell 2 12 16 - 7 6 - 10 - 2 - 2 - 6 - - 63
Union 248 87 25 12 21 26 6 268 24 177 637 48 21 107 120 43 1,870
Vance 18 80 18 9 80 140 - 71 2 47 7 52 12 23 4 30 593
Wake 1,153 2,056 31 72 517 784 38 6,614 161 2,113 508 814 180 1,039 336 131 16,547

Warren 7 39 20 11 37 48 - 32 - 19 1 13 4 4 5 12 252
Washington 2 77 84 5 32 19 - 30 1 12 1 - - 13 2 15 293
Watauga 817 11 1 - 1 - 2 93 30 71 43 26 1 30 23 4 1,153
Wayne 31 531 25 50 116 78 2 261 6 135 29 71 31 125 15 61 1,567
Wilkes 312 14 1 - 8 6 2 61 11 65 77 45 11 15 47 21 696
Wilson 37 366 15 29 54 65 - 177 4 113 14 31 4 63 15 14 1,001
Yadkin 104 33 8 - 2 2 2 45 2 31 37 70 5 24 32 30 427
Yancey 48 1 - - 2 - - 13 49 16 6 3 - 3 24 2 167
Unknown - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In-State Total 11,802 14,920 2,099 3,961 7,002 5,372 332 20,844 3,025 13,496 14,191 10,702 4,320 9,094 6,128 4,158 131,446

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR019/08APR05
Table 11
Home State of Out-of-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment
in the University of North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004

Alabama 30 7 1 3 9 2 2 27 19 41 12 5 2 5 4 3 172
Alaska 2 - 1 - 3 - 1 6 - 6 - - - 2 - 2 23
Arizona 2 2 - 8 2 1 4 6 - 13 1 1 1 4 - - 45
Arkansas 6 3 - 1 2 1 1 11 5 7 2 1 - 1 2 - 43
California 10 11 5 12 46 10 17 27 4 84 30 16 4 8 5 6 295
Colorado 5 7 - 3 17 2 6 17 7 34 9 10 2 10 1 1 131
Connecticut 13 50 7 5 26 7 3 22 12 73 57 29 9 41 4 13 371
Delaware 3 34 1 2 18 5 - 16 1 16 8 13 1 26 - 4 148
Dist. of Columbia 17 15 21 56 264 90 2 29 2 44 6 7 4 2 - 48 607
Florida 133 55 6 19 22 19 27 123 39 225 55 25 5 21 43 5 822
Georgia 278 36 8 15 179 20 19 78 56 189 67 29 3 38 148 11 1,174
Hawaii - 1 - 1 1 - 2 - 1 4 2 1 - - - - 13
Idaho 1 1 - 1 - - 1 - - 6 - - - - 1 - 11
Illinois 15 21 - 7 28 5 9 28 17 81 26 8 3 25 3 8 284
Indiana 14 9 3 1 9 3 3 12 3 13 11 6 1 14 1 3 106
Iowa 2 - - 1 1 - 2 8 2 16 4 - - 7 1 1 45
Kansas 2 - - 2 2 1 2 7 - 16 2 1 1 4 1 1 42
Kentucky 15 1 - 3 6 2 3 10 5 29 15 2 1 9 3 2 106
Louisiana 9 2 - 5 7 2 1 11 7 18 9 5 1 3 3 - 83
Maine 1 9 - 2 - - - 9 5 6 5 6 1 7 2 - 53
Maryland 35 493 41 35 351 108 18 164 27 239 86 71 12 183 10 35 1,908
Massachusetts 6 39 1 6 12 15 4 62 8 73 39 13 7 34 8 10 337
Michigan 6 7 2 5 35 9 4 21 6 33 21 10 2 12 3 5 181
Minnesota 5 4 - - 3 - 5 6 2 10 12 4 2 8 2 - 63
Mississippi 9 3 2 6 2 - 2 6 2 11 7 - 2 2 2 1 57
Missouri 2 2 - 4 6 6 3 6 4 42 8 3 - 6 2 1 95
Montana 2 1 - - - - - 4 1 2 2 - - - 1 - 13
Nebraska - - - 1 2 2 1 2 - 8 1 1 - 2 1 - 21
Nevada - 1 1 - 3 - 2 1 - 1 - - - - - 1 10
New Hampshire 7 10 1 1 - 2 1 14 3 19 15 5 1 7 3 - 89

New Jersey 27 295 15 21 91 57 15 95 9 169 109 95 10 181 6 26 1,221
New Mexico - - - 2 5 - 2 4 - 5 1 - - - 1 - 20
New York 19 121 22 36 162 69 20 119 15 259 189 65 15 127 7 34 1,279
North Dakota - - - 1 2 - - 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 9
Ohio 25 40 1 9 60 14 8 47 16 106 47 31 - 64 10 11 489
Oklahoma 5 3 - 5 4 2 4 8 4 10 5 1 - 3 1 1 56
Oregon 1 2 - - 3 - 4 3 2 4 2 1 - - 2 - 24
Pennsylvania 33 165 12 8 80 15 16 114 24 160 114 52 9 110 10 6 928
Rhode Island 1 10 - 1 1 - - 13 1 8 14 1 - 9 3 - 62
South Carolina 173 36 6 80 176 41 20 113 19 105 123 24 22 33 65 76 1,112
South Dakota - - - 5 1 - - 1 - - - 1 - - 1 1 10
Tennessee 127 10 - 2 4 4 12 33 38 130 23 8 1 19 19 2 432
Texas 18 15 3 7 27 4 44 44 10 122 43 16 4 17 3 4 381
Utah 1 1 - - - - - 1 - 6 - 4 - 1 - - 14
Vermont 1 7 - 1 - - 4 8 3 4 11 8 2 14 2 - 65
Virginia 199 837 163 31 376 86 37 323 57 218 126 165 22 272 41 67 3,020
Washington 8 1 2 3 8 1 7 9 1 17 4 4 1 6 3 3 78
West Virginia 17 11 - - 4 1 2 9 6 17 12 8 1 10 - 2 100
Wisconsin 3 4 - 2 8 1 5 3 2 21 17 5 3 11 6 1 92
Wyoming - 1 - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - 4
Territories 2 - 1 4 2 2 - 9 1 2 9 3 1 2 - - 38
Foreign Countries 54 207 12 24 49 29 15 220 64 257 268 99 32 56 199 15 1,600
Unknown - - - 2 - 18 - - 3 49 52 57 - 3 23 - 207
Out-of-State Total 1,344 2,590 338 449 2,119 656 360 1,910 514 3,029 1,684 921 188 1,420 657 410 18,589

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR020/08APR05
Table 12
Home County of Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Community Colleges by County, Fall 2004

________________College Transfer_______________ __________________________Other_________________________________

Certif- Transi- Curriculum
County AA AFA AS Total AGE AAS Diploma icate tional Total Total
Alamance 412 2 180 594 30 1,703 247 237 657 2,874 3,468
Alexander 139 3 28 170 1 326 30 51 97 505 675
Alleghany 44 1 20 65 8 103 5 26 77 219 284
Anson 33 1 24 58 23 324 33 50 127 557 615
Ashe 127 - 18 145 6 241 16 30 75 368 513

Avery 119 - 10 129 6 93 40 47 145 331 460

Beaufort 151 - 55 206 197 609 49 73 235 1,163 1,369
Bertie 46 - 6 52 60 304 17 16 102 499 551
Bladen 317 2 6 325 80 419 29 83 144 755 1,080
Brunswick 315 2 113 430 68 432 82 160 91 833 1,263

Buncombe 763 17 248 1,028 20 1,815 198 252 1,876 4,161 5,189
Burke 528 20 103 651 31 1,380 169 161 407 2,148 2,799
Cabarrus 683 7 37 727 41 1,076 147 452 493 2,209 2,936
Caldwell 361 17 60 438 4 784 90 462 474 1,814 2,252
Camden 37 1 5 43 30 40 5 11 47 133 176

Carteret 364 19 83 466 28 762 51 99 285 1,225 1,691

Caswell 49 3 15 67 8 334 178 104 333 957 1,024
Catawba 734 16 157 907 26 1,911 171 263 553 2,924 3,831
Chatham 148 - 44 192 19 387 68 57 332 863 1,055
Cherokee 162 - 1 163 - 289 28 35 118 470 633

Chowan 29 3 3 35 28 114 5 19 112 278 313

Clay 52 - 1 53 1 96 11 9 28 145 198
Cleveland 347 2 53 402 341 1,070 174 330 793 2,708 3,110
Columbus 614 17 24 655 24 485 141 131 301 1,082 1,737
Craven 588 24 115 727 312 883 48 120 349 1,712 2,439

Cumberland 1,027 - 164 1,191 1,317 2,549 132 302 1,383 5,683 6,874
Currituck 80 7 11 98 53 67 9 14 29 172 270
Dare 163 3 24 190 51 124 14 13 125 327 517
Davidson 381 6 204 591 85 1,776 194 358 424 2,837 3,428
Davie 117 1 21 139 7 359 30 48 86 530 669

Duplin 261 2 58 321 52 524 89 187 366 1,218 1,539

Durham 454 - 182 636 663 1,193 151 119 973 3,099 3,735
Edgecombe 216 - 71 287 13 996 69 127 652 1,857 2,144
Forsyth 994 8 204 1,206 56 3,000 293 291 752 4,392 5,598
Franklin 116 - 18 134 108 493 51 58 200 910 1,044

Gaston 795 20 137 952 745 1,414 148 187 764 3,258 4,210
Gates 30 - 5 35 29 66 10 9 19 133 168
Graham 59 - - 59 - 121 - 9 43 173 232
Granville 123 - 19 142 235 579 103 258 347 1,522 1,664
Greene 93 4 8 105 12 286 21 24 118 461 566

Guilford 1,765 35 281 2,081 1,072 3,544 127 339 966 6,048 8,129
Halifax 252 - 55 307 154 683 94 135 140 1,206 1,513
Harnett 302 - 97 399 138 911 205 156 478 1,888 2,287
Haywood 205 3 36 244 118 650 83 49 526 1,426 1,670
Henderson 432 11 79 522 10 605 110 92 423 1,240 1,762

Hertford 69 - 14 83 71 326 12 36 71 516 599

Hoke 79 2 16 97 102 355 22 39 123 641 738
Hyde 12 - 3 15 11 55 1 56 47 170 185
Iredell 521 30 114 665 27 1,211 130 254 554 2,176 2,841
Jackson 614 6 100 720 156 1,468 209 203 411 2,447 3,167

Johnston 509 34 200 743 307 1,105 302 132 1,138 2,984 3,727
Jones 63 - 11 74 13 98 11 6 28 156 230
Lee 233 7 89 329 16 760 115 82 297 1,270 1,599
Lenoir 565 5 63 633 14 823 77 72 231 1,217 1,850
Lincoln 290 16 44 350 153 593 107 100 256 1,209 1,559

Macon 134 - 1 135 5 311 33 22 148 519 654

Madison 23 - 10 33 1 175 11 36 146 369 402
Martin 88 - 9 97 47 501 25 64 155 792 889
McDowell 201 - 9 210 163 503 75 154 203 1,098 1,308

Table 12
Home County of Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Community Colleges by County, Fall 2004

________________College Transfer_______________ __________________________Other_________________________________

Certif- Transi- Curriculum
County AA AFA AS Total AGE AAS Diploma icate tional Total Total
Mecklenburg 2,834 101 640 3,575 1,190 3,373 407 381 4,676 10,027 13,602

Mitchell 101 - 3 104 6 133 145 34 172 490 594

Montgomery 101 2 27 130 30 344 40 50 194 658 788
Moore 323 25 151 499 68 1,021 72 72 360 1,593 2,092
Nash 307 1 122 430 42 1,309 162 95 403 2,011 2,441
New Hanover 1,249 4 325 1,578 505 1,133 270 249 691 2,848 4,426

Northampton 62 - 14 76 78 193 34 41 97 443 519

Onslow 1,341 46 150 1,537 26 839 106 167 304 1,442 2,979
Orange 273 - 127 400 102 572 132 79 593 1,478 1,878
Pamlico 63 2 7 72 26 210 82 25 77 420 492
Pasquotank 152 11 23 186 125 171 47 75 117 535 721

Pender 162 - 28 190 101 287 81 58 135 662 852

Perquimans 34 5 6 45 25 63 8 15 42 153 198
Person 148 - 33 181 19 647 128 83 375 1,252 1,433
Pitt 588 2 67 657 245 2,357 181 164 638 3,585 4,242
Polk 64 1 9 74 2 114 17 18 61 212 286

Randolph 537 4 45 586 96 1,112 83 395 381 2,067 2,653

Richmond 174 11 50 235 170 663 64 40 106 1,043 1,278
Robeson 639 2 10 651 665 1,421 211 178 332 2,807 3,458
Rockingham 355 12 81 448 33 760 314 177 305 1,589 2,037
Rowan 649 1 10 660 8 1,380 144 597 310 2,439 3,099

Rutherford 406 - 68 474 33 1,017 65 151 309 1,575 2,049

Sampson 276 - 36 312 303 604 95 136 235 1,373 1,685
Scotland 72 3 14 89 97 516 21 32 65 731 820
Stanly 288 - 41 329 6 703 188 78 305 1,280 1,609
Stokes 166 2 26 194 4 454 65 97 151 771 965

Surry 320 - 108 428 4 787 72 347 336 1,546 1,974

Swain 59 - 1 60 2 194 18 13 48 275 335
Transylvania 127 3 14 144 3 236 34 32 108 413 557
Tyrrell 4 - - 4 6 35 1 7 11 60 64
Union 339 8 74 421 106 868 154 117 707 1,952 2,373

Vance 107 - 7 114 237 592 61 102 143 1,135 1,249

Wake 3,073 7 1,254 4,334 632 4,646 777 542 1,347 7,944 12,278
Warren 48 - 6 54 85 226 30 36 51 428 482
Washington 26 1 5 32 31 152 8 29 45 265 297
Watauga 360 17 15 392 5 206 19 90 189 509 901

Wayne 673 20 458 1,151 41 1,112 119 149 403 1,824 2,975
Wilkes 327 8 33 368 10 890 31 99 312 1,342 1,710
Wilson 222 2 90 314 60 1,065 85 121 303 1,634 1,948
Yadkin 147 1 26 174 5 346 25 130 194 700 874
Yancey 63 - 7 70 6 114 36 45 143 344 414

Grand Total 35,687 659 7,977 44,323 12,634 77,069 9,727 12,655 36,647 148,732 193,055
UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR021/30AUG05
Note: Associate Degree (AA - Associate of Arts, AFA - Associate of Fine Arts, AS - Associate of Science, AGE - Associate of General Education,
AAS - Associate of Applied Science); Diploma (a planned program of study requiring 36-48 semester credit hours);
Certificate (a planned program of study requiring 12-18 semester credit hours); Transitional (special unclassified students and cooperative programs).

Table 13
Home State of Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Community Colleges by State, Fall 2004

________________College Transfer_______________ __________________________Other_________________________________

Certif- Transi- Curriculum
State AA AFA AS Total AGE AAS Diploma icate tional Total Total
Alabama 21 - 9 30 7 15 5 5 24 56 86
Alaska 6 - - 6 5 13 2 - 13 33 39
Arizona 29 - 4 33 7 17 3 1 21 49 82
Arkansas 7 1 6 14 3 9 - 2 8 22 36
California 92 - 22 114 34 52 20 4 124 234 348
Colorado 19 - 4 23 7 14 3 2 13 39 62
Connecticut 18 - 1 19 7 11 2 1 15 36 55
Delaware 5 - 1 6 4 6 - - 4 14 20
Dist of Columbia 4 - 1 5 2 1 25 - 6 34 39
Florida 199 3 43 245 49 117 26 11 171 374 619

Georgia 74 - 19 93 29 72 20 13 56 190 283

Hawaii 7 - - 7 3 7 - - 5 15 22
Idaho 9 - 2 11 2 4 - - 2 8 19
Illinois 62 - 15 77 16 46 8 7 45 122 199
Indiana 21 - 6 27 5 17 1 6 18 47 74
Iowa 15 1 1 17 6 4 1 - 5 16 33
Kansas 4 - 4 8 6 5 4 1 9 25 33
Kentucky 19 - 4 23 2 18 3 1 14 38 61
Louisiana 21 1 5 27 9 22 2 2 13 48 75
Maine 6 - 1 7 2 3 1 2 7 15 22

Maryland 59 - 8 67 14 46 9 4 38 111 178

Massachusetts 19 - 4 23 7 14 3 3 12 39 62
Michigan 50 2 5 57 13 29 7 7 32 88 145
Minnesota 21 - 2 23 4 4 - 1 12 21 44
Mississippi 14 - 3 17 2 9 3 1 12 27 44
Missouri 18 1 3 22 3 14 2 3 26 48 70
Montana 3 - 1 4 2 4 1 - 3 10 14
Nebraska 1 - - 1 2 4 - - 3 9 10
Nevada 7 - 1 8 3 4 3 - 8 18 26
New Hampshire 7 - - 7 - 9 1 1 9 20 27

New Jersey 53 - 7 60 15 35 7 3 32 92 152

New Mexico 12 - 1 13 1 7 1 - 4 13 26
New York 133 - 21 154 34 88 18 13 93 246 400
North Dakota 3 - 2 5 1 2 1 - 3 7 12
Ohio 71 - 10 81 12 40 8 10 42 112 193
Oklahoma 20 1 4 25 6 7 2 1 15 31 56
Oregon 8 1 6 15 3 9 - 1 10 23 38
Pennsylvania 76 - 7 83 18 51 15 6 69 159 242
Rhode Island 2 - 1 3 1 6 - - 1 8 11
South Carolina 109 3 11 123 33 121 31 21 91 297 420

South Dakota 4 1 1 6 2 1 1 - 8 12 18
Tennessee 50 1 13 64 15 53 7 5 56 136 200
Texas 134 2 30 166 59 87 8 11 118 283 449
Utah 8 - 1 9 1 5 2 - 4 12 21
Vermont 4 - - 4 2 6 1 1 3 13 17
Virginia 144 - 35 179 28 190 31 45 101 395 574
Washington 23 - 8 31 16 29 1 2 27 75 106
West Virginia 24 - 4 28 4 21 9 2 21 57 85
Wisconsin 12 3 3 18 5 12 3 1 6 27 45
Wyoming 1 - 1 2 1 2 - - 6 9 11

Foreign 143 3 68 214 114 224 17 15 182 552 766

Territories 7 - 1 8 4 15 - 1 13 33 41
Unknown 7 - 5 12 2 26 - 1 31 60 72

Grand Total 1,885 24 415 2,324 632 1,627 318 217 1,664 4,458 6,782
UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR022/30AUG05
Note: Associate Degree (AA - Associate of Arts, AFA - Associate of Fine Arts, AS - Associate of Science, AGE - Associate of General Education,
AAS - Associate of Applied Science);
Diploma (a planned program of study requiring 36-48 semester credit hours);
Certificate (a planned program of study requiring 12-18 semester credit hours);
Transitional (special unclassified students and cooperative programs).

Table 14
Geographic Origin of Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment
in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Fall 2004

______County of Location_____ _____Adjacent Counties_____ __All Other N.C. Counties__ _______Out-of-State________ __________Total____________
Number of Percent Number of Percent Number of Percent Number of Percent Number of Percent
Institution Students of Total Students of Total Students of Total Students of Total Students of Total
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 817 6.2% 1,115 8.4% 9,870 75.0% 1,344 10.2% 13,146 100.0%
East Carolina 1,992 11.3% 2,165 12.3% 10,763 61.4% 2,590 14.7% 17,510 100.0%
Elizabeth City 534 21.9% 260 10.6% 1,305 53.5% 338 13.8% 2,437 100.0%
Fayetteville 2,036 46.1% 620 14.0% 1,305 29.5% 449 10.1% 4,410 100.0%
N.C. A and T 1,655 18.1% 864 9.4% 4,483 49.1% 2,119 23.2% 9,121 100.0%
N.C. Central 1,522 25.2% 1,129 18.7% 2,721 45.1% 656 10.8% 6,028 100.0%
N.C. School of the Arts 96 13.8% 42 6.0% 194 28.0% 360 52.0% 692 100.0%
High School* 24 9.0% 58 21.8% 92 34.5% 92 34.5% 266 100.0%
N.C. State 6,614 29.0% 1,898 8.3% 12,332 54.1% 1,910 8.3% 22,754 100.0%
UNC-Asheville 1,130 31.9% 420 11.8% 1,475 41.6% 514 14.5% 3,539 100.0%
UNC-Chapel Hill 1,131 6.8% 1,039 6.2% 11,326 68.5% 3,029 18.3% 16,525 100.0%
UNC-Charlotte 5,139 32.3% 3,119 19.6% 5,933 37.3% 1,684 10.6% 15,875 100.0%
UNC-Greensboro 2,886 24.8% 2,436 20.9% 5,380 46.2% 921 7.9% 11,623 100.0%
UNC-Pembroke 1,425 31.6% 1,372 30.4% 1,523 33.7% 188 4.1% 4,508 100.0%
UNC-Wilmington 2,116 20.1% 495 4.7% 6,483 61.6% 1,420 13.5% 10,514 100.0%
Western Carolina 426 6.2% 875 12.8% 4,827 71.1% 657 9.6% 6,785 100.0%
Winston-Salem 1,196 26.1% 584 12.7% 2,378 52.0% 410 8.9% 4,568 100.0%

UNC Total 30,715 20.4% 18,433 12.2% 82,298 54.8% 18,589 12.3% 150,035 100.0%

Community Colleges

Alamance 520 61.8% 264 31.3% 53 6.3% 4 0.4% 841 100.0%
Asheville-Buncombe 920 83.0% 124 11.1% 46 4.1% 18 1.6% 1,108 100.0%
Beaufort Co. 162 78.6% 41 19.9% 2 0.9% 1 0.4% 206 100.0%
Bladen 228 48.7% 232 49.5% 7 1.4% 1 0.2% 468 100.0%
Blue Ridge 438 62.4% 207 29.5% 27 3.8% 29 4.1% 701 100.0%
Brunswick 281 84.6% 14 4.2% 25 7.5% 12 3.6% 332 100.0%
Caldwell 366 36.2% 492 48.6% 137 13.5% 16 1.5% 1,011 100.0%
Cape Fear 1,532 53.6% 287 10.0% 832 29.1% 205 7.1% 2,856 100.0%
Carteret 384 83.1% 34 7.3% 17 3.6% 27 5.8% 462 100.0%
Catawba Valley 796 70.7% 299 26.5% 26 2.3% 4 0.3% 1,125 100.0%
Central Carolina 239 35.0% 337 49.4% 85 12.4% 20 2.9% 681 100.0%
Central Piedmont 3,334 80.2% 582 14.0% 129 3.1% 112 2.6% 4,157 100.0%
Cleveland 313 87.6% 37 10.3% 4 1.1% 3 0.8% 357 100.0%
Coastal Carolina - - - - 1,557 65.9% 805 34.0% 2,362 100.0%
Coll. of Albemarle 173 30.9% 100 17.8% 277 49.5% 9 1.6% 559 100.0%
Craven - - - - 737 71.3% 296 28.6% 1,033 100.0%
Davidson County 408 85.1% 61 12.7% 8 1.6% 2 0.4% 479 100.0%
Durham 498 59.7% 299 35.8% 21 2.5% 16 1.9% 834 100.0%
Edgecombe 206 73.0% 67 23.7% 9 3.1% - - 282 100.0%
Fayetteville 1,065 69.6% 138 9.0% 40 2.6% 286 18.7% 1,529 100.0%
Forsyth 992 73.1% 315 23.2% 43 3.1% 7 0.5% 1,357 100.0%
Gaston 834 70.2% 316 26.6% 26 2.1% 11 0.9% 1,187 100.0%
Guilford 1,913 79.1% 348 14.3% 133 5.5% 23 0.9% 2,417 100.0%
Halifax 264 78.1% 68 20.1% 5 1.4% 1 0.2% 338 100.0%
Haywood 211 85.4% 28 11.3% 4 1.6% 4 1.6% 247 100.0%
Isothermal 429 89.1% 43 8.9% 4 0.8% 5 1.0% 481 100.0%
James Sprunt 179 89.5% 17 8.5% 4 2.0% - - 200 100.0%
Table 14
Geographic Origin of Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment
in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Fall 2004

______County of Location_____ _____Adjacent Counties_____ __All Other N.C. Counties__ _______Out-of-State________ __________Total____________
Number of Percent Number of Percent Number of Percent Number of Percent Number of Percent
Institution Students of Total Students of Total Students of Total Students of Total Students of Total
Johnston 532 82.0% 107 16.5% 7 1.0% 2 0.3% 648 100.0%
Lenoir 561 66.7% 215 25.5% 60 7.1% 4 0.4% 840 100.0%
Martin 52 65.0% 26 32.5% 2 2.5% - - 80 100.0%
Mayland 84 30.3% 106 38.2% 85 30.6% 2 0.7% 277 100.0%
McDowell 161 93.6% 11 6.3% - - - - 172 100.0%
Mitchell 473 83.8% 74 13.1% 12 2.1% 5 0.8% 564 100.0%
Montgomery 72 80.8% 13 14.6% 4 4.4% - - 89 100.0%
Nash 333 68.9% 138 28.5% 10 2.0% 2 0.4% 483 100.0%
Pamlico 33 82.5% 6 15.0% 1 2.5% - - 40 100.0%
Piedmont 164 77.3% 44 20.7% 4 1.8% - - 212 100.0%
Pitt 573 61.2% 120 12.8% 211 22.5% 31 3.3% 935 100.0%
Randolph 404 90.1% 36 8.0% 6 1.3% 2 0.4% 448 100.0%
Richmond 164 69.1% 63 26.5% 6 2.5% 4 1.6% 237 100.0%
Roanoke-Chowan 71 60.1% 47 39.8% - - - - 118 100.0%
Robeson 362 96.0% 9 2.3% 6 1.5% - - 377 100.0%
Rockingham 402 74.4% 93 17.2% 37 6.8% 8 1.4% 540 100.0%
Rowan-Cabarrus 612 45.9% 628 47.1% 88 6.6% 4 0.3% 1,332 100.0%
Sampson 230 91.6% 17 6.7% 1 0.3% 3 1.1% 251 100.0%
Sandhills 457 60.2% 239 31.5% 34 4.4% 28 3.6% 758 100.0%
South Piedmont 37 26.6% 88 63.3% 14 10.0% - - 139 100.0%
Southeastern 603 73.4% 165 20.0% 44 5.3% 9 1.0% 821 100.0%
Southwestern 176 42.8% 194 47.2% 34 8.2% 7 1.7% 411 100.0%
Stanly 309 76.1% 80 19.7% 14 3.4% 3 0.7% 406 100.0%

Surry 389 53.9% 260 36.0% 36 4.9% 36 4.9% 721 100.0%
Tri-County 157 55.8% 102 36.2% 8 2.8% 14 4.9% 281 100.0%
Vance-Granville 100 26.4% 219 57.9% 59 15.6% - - 378 100.0%
Wake 3,841 82.9% 313 6.7% 352 7.6% 125 2.6% 4,631 100.0%
Wayne 1,058 79.7% 137 10.3% 41 3.0% 90 6.7% 1,326 100.0%
Western Piedmont 545 83.2% 92 14.0% 12 1.8% 6 0.9% 655 100.0%
Wilkes 327 54.9% 194 32.6% 53 8.9% 21 3.5% 595 100.0%
Wilson 232 85.2% 30 11.0% 9 3.3% 1 0.3% 272 100.0%

Comm. Coll. Total 30,199 64.7% 8,616 18.4% 5,508 11.8% 2,324 4.9% 46,647 100.0%

Public Total 60,914 30.9% 27,049 13.7% 87,806 44.6% 20,913 10.6% 196,682 100.0%

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Barton 236 19.1% 357 29.0% 391 31.7% 247 20.0% 1,231 100.0%
Belmont Abbey 260 32.8% 153 19.3% 104 13.1% 274 34.6% 791 100.0%
Bennett 53 10.5% 12 2.3% 77 15.2% 362 71.8% 504 100.0%
Brevard 67 11.4% 66 11.3% 146 25.0% 305 52.2% 584 100.0%
Cabarrus 139 45.4% 143 46.7% 24 7.8% - 0.0% 306 100.0%
Campbell 413 7.8% 2,141 40.8% 1,965 37.4% 724 13.8% 5,243 100.0%
Catawba 420 30.5% 263 19.1% 280 20.3% 412 29.9% 1,375 100.0%
Chowan 84 12.2% 70 10.1% 172 25.0% 361 52.5% 687 100.0%
Davidson 80 4.6% 31 1.8% 205 11.9% 1,398 81.5% 1,714 100.0%
Duke 87 1.3% 228 3.6% 603 9.5% 5,383 85.4% 6,301 100.0%
Elon 178 3.8% 213 4.6% 941 20.3% 3,290 71.1% 4,622 100.0%
Gardner-Webb 343 13.3% 502 19.4% 1,135 44.0% 595 23.1% 2,575 100.0%
Table 14
Geographic Origin of Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment
in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Fall 2004

______County of Location_____ _____Adjacent Counties_____ __All Other N.C. Counties__ _______Out-of-State________ __________Total____________
Number of Percent Number of Percent Number of Percent Number of Percent Number of Percent
Institution Students of Total Students of Total Students of Total Students of Total Students of Total
Greensboro 388 33.3% 183 15.7% 286 24.5% 308 26.4% 1,165 100.0%
Guilford 1,067 42.4% 344 13.6% 295 11.7% 805 32.0% 2,511 100.0%
High Point 538 20.5% 943 36.0% 248 9.4% 890 33.9% 2,619 100.0%
Johnson C. Smith 201 14.2% 31 2.1% 224 15.8% 959 67.7% 1,415 100.0%
Lees-McRae 47 5.3% 76 8.6% 439 50.1% 313 35.7% 875 100.0%
Lenoir-Rhyne 337 23.9% 300 21.3% 456 32.4% 314 22.3% 1,407 100.0%
Livingstone 166 16.3% 46 4.5% 352 34.6% 452 44.4% 1,016 100.0%
Mars Hill 94 6.7% 367 26.5% 489 35.3% 434 31.3% 1,384 100.0%
Meredith 783 38.9% 237 11.7% 748 37.2% 241 11.9% 2,009 100.0%
Methodist 961 43.3% 105 4.7% 351 15.8% 798 36.0% 2,215 100.0%
Montreat 175 18.4% 71 7.4% 544 57.4% 157 16.5% 947 100.0%
Mount Olive 799 30.9% 422 16.3% 1,248 48.3% 114 4.4% 2,583 100.0%
N.C. Wesleyan 79 4.4% 390 21.9% 1,037 58.3% 270 15.2% 1,776 100.0%
Peace 243 34.9% 60 8.6% 313 45.0% 79 11.3% 695 100.0%
Pfeiffer 165 13.9% 284 24.0% 517 43.8% 213 18.0% 1,179 100.0%
Queens 741 46.2% 173 10.8% 170 10.6% 517 32.2% 1,601 100.0%
Saint Andrews 36 4.8% 87 11.7% 271 36.5% 347 46.8% 741 100.0%
Saint Augustine's 262 18.7% 82 5.8% 296 21.2% 755 54.1% 1,395 100.0%
Salem 387 42.6% 127 14.0% 106 11.6% 287 31.6% 907 100.0%
Shaw 611 24.2% 212 8.4% 934 37.1% 759 30.1% 2,516 100.0%
Wake Forest 237 5.7% 158 3.8% 774 18.7% 2,959 71.6% 4,128 100.0%
Warren Wilson 31 3.9% 11 1.3% 95 11.9% 655 82.7% 792 100.0%
Wingate 200 15.0% 211 15.8% 358 26.8% 562 42.2% 1,331 100.0%

Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total 10,908 17.2% 9,099 14.4% 16,594 26.2% 26,539 42.0% 63,140 100.0%

Junior College
Louisburg 63 11.0% 190 33.2% 190 33.2% 128 22.4% 571 100.0%

Private Sr. & Jr. Total 10,971 17.2% 9,289 14.5% 16,784 26.3% 26,667 41.8% 63,711 100.0%

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary 117 22.2% 78 14.8% 112 21.2% 219 41.6% 526 100.0%
Heritage 22 21.5% 45 44.1% 29 28.4% 6 5.8% 102 100.0%
John Wesley 91 53.5% 54 31.7% 17 10.0% 8 4.7% 170 100.0%
Piedmont 76 29.6% 34 13.2% 37 14.4% 109 42.5% 256 100.0%
Roanoke 14 8.1% 6 3.4% 40 23.2% 112 65.1% 172 100.0%
Winston-Salem 26 100.0%
Sem. & Bible Coll. Total 320 26.1% 217 17.6% 235 19.1% 454 37.0% 1,252 100.0%

Private Total 11,291 17.3% 9,506 14.6% 17,019 26.2% 27,121 41.7% 64,963 100.0%

Grand Total 72,205 27.5% 36,555 13.9% 104,825 40.0% 48,034 18.3% 261,645 100.0%

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR023/30AUG05
*High school figures are not included in totals.
Table 15
Graduate and First Professional Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

___________________First Professional____________________ _________________________Graduate________________________ __________________________Total__________________________

________In-State_______ ______Out-of-State_____ ________In-State_______ ______Out-of-State_____ ________In-State_______ ______Out-of-State_____
Institution Total Men Women Men Women Total Men Women Men Women Total Men Women Men Women
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian - - - - - 1,507 405 948 67 87 1,507 405 948 67 87
East Carolina 293 147 145 - 1 4,964 1,404 3,083 194 283 5,257 1,551 3,228 194 284
Elizabeth City - - - - - 33 4 28 - 1 33 4 28 - 1
Fayetteville - - - - - 1,031 197 796 9 29 1,031 197 796 9 29
N.C. A and T - - - - - 1,262 380 709 103 70 1,262 380 709 103 70
N.C. Central 427 161 217 12 37 1,272 290 915 29 38 1,699 451 1,132 41 75
N.C. School of the Arts - - - - - 96 21 25 28 22 96 21 25 28 22
N.C. State 299 46 221 - 32 6,904 2,554 2,347 1,320 683 7,203 2,600 2,568 1,320 715
UNC-Asheville - - - - - 35 14 17 - 4 35 14 17 - 4
UNC-Chapel Hill 2,345 933 1,098 135 179 8,008 1,885 3,201 1,386 1,536 10,353 2,818 4,299 1,521 1,715
UNC-Charlotte - - - - - 3,971 1,143 2,209 353 266 3,971 1,143 2,209 353 266
UNC-Greensboro - - - - - 3,706 955 2,160 220 371 3,706 955 2,160 220 371
UNC-Pembroke - - - - - 519 152 346 9 12 519 152 346 9 12
UNC-Wilmington - - - - - 1,060 334 625 43 58 1,060 334 625 43 58
Western Carolina - - - - - 1,611 507 882 92 130 1,611 507 882 92 130
Winston-Salem - - - - - 237 54 177 - 6 237 54 177 - 6
UNC Total 3,364 1,287 1,681 147 249 36,216 10,299 18,468 3,853 3,596 39,580 11,586 20,149 4,000 3,845

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Campbell 982 353 428 86 115 757 257 409 57 34 1,739 610 837 143 149
Catawba - - - - - 20 - 20 - - 20 - 20 - -
Duke 1,664 747 643 152 122 4,805 2,021 2,083 390 311 6,469 2,768 2,726 542 433
Elon - - - - - 174 55 75 11 33 174 55 75 11 33
Gardner-Webb 194 104 48 33 9 955 266 565 40 84 1,149 370 613 73 93
Greensboro - - - - - 61 - 40 5 16 61 - 40 5 16
High Point - - - - - 223 78 139 2 4 223 78 139 2 4

Lenoir-Rhyne - - - - - 172 41 125 1 5 172 41 125 1 5
Meredith - - - - - 160 19 126 2 13 160 19 126 2 13
Methodist - - - - - 62 11 41 2 8 62 11 41 2 8
Montreat - - - - - 56 30 24 1 1 56 30 24 1 1
Pfeiffer - - - - - 874 251 557 28 38 874 251 557 28 38
Queens - - - - - 506 148 280 24 54 506 148 280 24 54
Salem - - - - - 207 17 189 - 1 207 17 189 - 1
Shaw 167 79 79 6 3 26 5 20 - 1 193 84 99 6 4
Wake Forest 997 266 200 293 238 1,379 510 431 235 203 2,376 776 631 528 441
Warren Wilson - - - - - 73 1 1 20 51 73 1 1 20 51
Wingate 120 35 62 13 10 109 33 71 2 3 229 68 133 15 13
Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total 4,124 1,584 1,460 583 497 10,619 3,743 5,196 820 860 14,743 5,327 6,656 1,403 1,357

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary 974 293 56 535 90 610 165 88 238 119 1,584 458 144 773 209
Piedmont - - - - - 10 9 - 1 - 10 9 - 1 -
Sem. & Bible Coll. Total 974 293 56 535 90 620 174 88 239 119 1,594 467 144 774 209

Private Total 5,098 1,877 1,516 1,118 587 11,239 3,917 5,284 1,059 979 16,337 5,794 6,800 2,177 1,566

Grand Total 8,462 3,164 3,197 1,265 836 47,455 14,216 23,752 4,912 4,575 55,917 17,380 26,949 6,177 5,411

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR024/08APR05
Table 16. Upper-Division Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in the University of North Carolina by Field of Study, Fall 2004

Agric.& Nat.
Area Studies
Business &
Computer &
Info. Sc.
Fine & Applied
Library Science
Pub. Affairs &
Institution and Level of Instruction Total
Upper-Division Undergraduate - 14 - 165 1,296 442 97 1,389 208 461 41 200 88 - 238 - 26 123 322 557 455 73 - 137 6,332
Master's - - 22 32 65 - 15 773 19 14 17 87 12 - 34 87 9 12 47 72 37 9 81 19 1,463
Doctorate - - - - - - - 44 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44
East Carolina
Upper-Division Undergraduate - 25 1 308 937 481 62 1,193 704 477 26 973 294 - 143 - 17 76 217 379 323 30 - 1,750 8,416
Master's - - 30 69 533 - 18 891 116 77 - 677 51 - 124 178 9 51 69 347 79 33 66 1,238 4,656
Doctorate - - - 83 - - - 138 - - - 45 - - 7 - - - - - - 35 - - 308
First Professional - - - - - - - - - - - 293 - - - - - - - - - - - - 293
Elizabeth City
Upper-Division Undergraduate - - - 64 193 9 63 146 28 51 - - - - 36 - 11 24 40 134 41 - - 48 888
Master's - - - 3 - - - 21 - - - - - - - - 9 - - - - - - - 33
Upper-Division Undergraduate - - - 116 424 - 93 360 - 72 13 49 - - 50 - 16 18 167 226 192 - - 235 2,031
Master's - - - 11 38 - - 177 - - - - - - 13 - 10 - 31 38 42 - - 623 983
Doctorate - - - - - - - 48 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 48
N.C. A and T
Upper-Division Undergraduate 105 13 - 76 574 187 119 207 839 233 11 253 101 - 75 - 29 34 153 183 149 8 - 110 3,459
Master's 52 - - 21 38 - 55 562 245 - - - 21 - 21 - 10 18 - 63 - - - 79 1,185
Doctorate - - - - - - - - 77 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 77
N.C. Central
Upper-Division Undergraduate 11 - - 104 448 65 74 299 - 90 7 140 105 - 53 - 13 31 114 340 195 - - 376 2,465
Master's - - - 22 60 - 53 252 - - - 59 35 - 17 193 8 18 59 190 31 - - 275 1272
First Professional - - - - - - - - - - - - - 427 - - - - - - - - - - 427
N.C. School of the Arts
Upper-Division Undergraduate - - - - - - - - - 250 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250
Master's - - - - - - - - - 93 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - 96
N.C. State
Upper-Division Undergraduate 947 148 - 1,131 1,321 621 480 435 2,807 94 67 4 - - 281 - 158 283 334 358 831 74 - 444 10,818
Master's 270 138 - 140 366 44 282 576 863 34 22 12 - - 164 - 81 102 5 123 103 110 6 989 4,430
Doctorate 164 21 - 307 - - 120 340 718 - - 46 - - - - 183 237 110 51 161 16 - - 2,474

First Professional - - - - - - - - - - - 299 - - - - - - - - - - - - 299
Upper-Division Undergraduate 86 - - 86 172 68 95 - - 129 57 - - - 126 - 39 61 147 - 93 41 - 413 1,613
Master's - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 - 5 35
UNC-Chapel Hill
Upper-Division Undergraduate 90 - 327 883 810 1,433 64 185 - 258 200 530 25 - 503 . 130 347 805 383 1,171 88 - 434 8,666
Master's 71 87 11 96 915 79 115 333 14 66 65 1,096 - - 40 172 8 30 26 410 44 60 5 995 4,738
Doctorate 76 22 - 738 67 67 112 197 97 42 160 347 - - 184 44 82 313 156 58 361 45 - 102 3,270
First Professional - - - - - - - - - - - 1,532 - 703 - - - - - - - - - 110 2,345
Upper-Division Undergraduate - 122 75 365 1,997 308 300 721 876 301 84 236 104 - 301 - 69 144 495 481 478 - - 726 8,183
Master's - 34 - 33 438 29 175 816 188 10 33 241 - - 91 - 15 59 59 173 75 66 - 1,026 3,561
Doctorate - - - 22 - - 64 135 88 - - - - - - - 38 23 - 28 - 12 - - 410
Upper-Division Undergraduate - - 36 262 946 114 234 846 - 512 58 427 320 - 342 - 23 54 250 380 323 120 - 184 5,431
Master's - - - 59 343 - 74 470 - 177 17 397 21 - 105 251 8 18 25 226 99 140 17 707 3,154
Doctorate - - - - 15 - - 256 - 71 - - 35 - 58 - - - 34 52 12 10 - 9 552
Upper-Division Undergraduate - - 12 136 325 63 44 424 - 57 2 66 - - 34 - 7 68 59 223 142 - - 89 1,751
Master's - - - - 31 - - 263 - - - - - - - - - 1 - 99 - - - 125 519
Upper-Division Undergraduate 44 - - 380 849 - 71 508 - 242 54 212 - - 517 - 37 160 235 348 258 - - 1,616 5,531
Master's 13 - - 50 161 - - 178 - - 7 19 - - 110 - 24 90 51 55 - 121 - 176 1055
Doctorate - - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
Western Carolina
Upper-Division Undergraduate 33 - - 65 602 123 43 733 212 169 9 322 1 - 71 - 18 47 84 400 102 - - 108 3,142
Master's - - - 18 412 - - 500 8 20 - 176 - - 30 - 7 19 42 52 - - 29 223 1,536
Doctorate - - - - - - - 75 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75
Upper-Division Undergraduate - - - 83 196 70 115 160 - 28 7 669 - - 19 - 13 15 70 88 123 32 - 69 1,757
Master's - - - - 27 - 18 42 - - - 150 - - . - - - - - - - - - 237
UNC Total
Upper-Division Undergraduate 1,316 322 451 4,224 11,090 3,984 1,954 7,606 5,674 3,424 636 4,081 1,038 - 2,789 - 606 1,485 3,492 4,480 4,876 466 - 6,739 70,733
Master's 406 259 63 554 3,427 152 805 5,854 1,453 491 161 2,914 140 - 749 881 198 418 414 1,848 510 569 207 6,480 28,953
Doctorate 240 43 - 1,155 82 67 296 1,233 980 113 160 438 35 - 249 44 303 573 300 189 534 118 - 111 7,263
First Professional - - - - - - - - - - - 2,124 - 1,130 - - - - - - - - - 110 3,364
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT018.U/4-13-05 Note: Upper-division enrollment is the junior and senior year of study. Figures do not include students enrolled in graduate courses who are not candidates for advanced degrees.
Table 17
Summer School Unduplicated Headcount Enrollment and Credit Hours Registered in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2004

_____________Undergraduate__________ __________Post-Baccalaureate________ _____________All Students___________

In-State Out-of-State Total In-State Out-of-State Total In-State Out-of-State Total
Undu- Credit Undu- Credit Undu- Credit Undu- Credit Undu- Credit Undu- Credit Undu- Credit Undu- Credit Undu- Credit
plicated Hours plicated Hours plicated Hours plicated Hours plicated Hours plicated Hours plicated Hours plicated Hours plicated Hours
Head- Regis- Head- Regis- Head- Regis- Head- Regis- Head- Regis- Head- Regis- Head- Regis- Head- Regis- Head- Regis-
Institution Count tered Count tered Count tered Count tered Count tered Count tered Count tered Count tered Count tered
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 4,449 28,157 611 3,635 5,060 31,792 1,009 5,508 74 440 1,083 5,948 5,458 33,665 685 4,075 6,143 37,740
East Carolina 6,132 42,630 648 3,979 6,780 46,609 3,002 17,074 185 924 3,187 17,998 9,134 59,704 833 4,903 9,967 64,607
Fayetteville 1,952 14,554 218 1,617 2,170 16,171 660 3,143 38 186 698 3,329 2,612 17,697 256 1,803 2,868 19,500
N.C. A and T 3,350 21,688 406 2,627 3,756 24,315 421 2,275 29 90 450 2,365 3,771 23,963 435 2,717 4,206 26,680
N.C. Central 2,193 16,114 154 1,102 2,347 17,216 650 3,205 40 218 690 3,423 2,843 19,319 194 1,320 3,037 20,639
N.C. School of the Arts 19 43 24 49 43 92 - - - - - - 19 43 24 49 43 92
N.C. State 8,728 51,480 647 3,770 9,375 55,250 1,777 5,947 422 772 2,199 6,719 10,505 57,427 1,069 4,542 11,574 61,969
UNC-Asheville 954 4,616 83 442 1,037 5,058 9 37 - - 9 37 963 4,653 83 442 1,046 5,095
UNC-Chapel Hill 5,326 34,112 939 5,866 6,265 39,978 2,882 16,562 986 4,828 3,868 21,391 8,205 50,674 1,924 10,694 10,129 61,369
UNC-Charlotte 5,587 33,088 455 2,573 6,042 35,661 1,802 8,634 154 569 1,956 9,203 7,389 41,722 609 3,142 7,998 44,864
UNC-Greensboro 3,411 21,133 199 1,194 3,610 22,327 1,534 6,926 147 619 1,681 7,545 4,945 28,059 346 1,813 5,291 29,872
UNC-Pembroke 2,081 12,912 71 454 2,152 13,366 312 1,715 23 98 335 1,813 2,393 14,627 94 552 2,487 15,179
UNC-Wilmington 3,928 23,600 383 2,176 4,311 25,776 397 2,143 19 78 416 2,221 4,325 25,743 402 2,254 4,727 27,997
Western Carolina 1,901 10,953 376 2,411 2,277 13,364 823 4,191 311 1,513 1,134 5,704 2,724 15,144 687 3,924 3,411 19,068
Winston-Salem 1,558 10,054 75 446 1,633 10,500 201 1,303 5 32 206 1,335 1,759 11,357 80 478 1,839 11,835

UNC Total 51,569 325,134 5,289 32,341 56,858 357,475 15,479 78,664 2,433 10,367 17,912 89,031 67,045 403,798 7,721 42,708 74,766 446,506

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Barton 267 1,514 41 220 308 1,734 - - - - - - 267 1,514 41 220 308 1,734
Belmont Abbey 84 39 4 18 88 57 - - - - - - 84 39 4 18 88 57
Brevard 42 204 79 433 121 637 - - - - - - 42 204 79 433 121 637

Cabarrus 135 633 - - 135 633 - - - - - - 135 633 - - 135 633
Campbell 1,907 10,918 257 1,232 2,164 12,150 474 2,297 113 356 587 2,653 2,381 13,215 370 1,588 2,751 14,803
Catawba 324 1,710 40 215 364 1,925 15 78 - - 15 78 339 1,788 40 215 379 2,003
Chowan 55 280 38 195 93 475 - - - - - - 55 280 38 195 93 475
Duke 154 1,036 750 5,576 904 6,612 1,033 5,672 1,493 10,657 2,526 16,329 1,187 6,708 2,243 16,233 3,430 22,941
Elon 246 1,476 412 2,391 658 3,867 135 1,145 27 448 162 1,593 381 2,621 439 2,839 820 5,460
Gardner-Webb 1,007 6,911 173 1,138 1,180 8,049 743 4,181 88 456 831 4,637 1,750 11,092 261 1,594 2,011 12,686
Greensboro 236 1,256 40 261 276 1,517 119 1,659 8 90 127 1,749 355 2,915 48 351 403 3,266
Guilford 385 2,565 121 869 506 3,434 - - - - - - 385 2,565 121 869 506 3,434
High Point 867 6,322 144 1,018 1,011 7,340 102 358 3 15 105 373 969 6,680 147 1,033 1,116 7,713
Johnson C. Smith 112 568 140 694 252 1,262 - - - - - - 112 568 140 694 252 1,262
Lees-McRae 122 661 59 274 181 935 - - - - - - 122 661 59 274 181 935
Lenoir-Rhyne 326 2,044 56 368 382 2,412 139 687 4 19 143 706 465 2,731 60 387 525 3,118
Mars Hill 338 2,059 69 527 407 2,586 - - - - - - 338 2,059 69 527 407 2,586
Meredith 668 3,552 38 230 706 3,782 108 486 1 1 109 487 776 4,038 39 231 815 4,269
Methodist 560 3,866 408 1,841 968 5,707 6 138 1 23 7 161 566 4,004 409 1,864 975 5,868
Montreat 625 4,418 65 333 690 4,751 59 324 2 13 61 337 684 4,742 67 346 751 5,088
Mount Olive 352 1,802 13 72 365 1,874 - - - - - - 352 1,802 13 72 365 1,874
Peace 81 320 9 40 90 360 - - - - - - 81 320 9 40 90 360
Pfeiffer 380 2,266 26 145 406 2,411 571 2,907 41 195 612 3,102 951 5,173 67 340 1,018 5,513
Queens 431 2,299 94 431 525 2,730 399 2,075 41 374 440 2,449 830 4,374 135 805 965 5,179
Saint Andrews 86 524 26 86 112 610 - - - - - - 86 524 26 86 112 610
Saint Augustine's 307 1,858 153 817 460 2,675 - - - - - - 307 1,858 153 817 460 2,675
Salem 112 772 15 102 127 874 90 391 - - 90 391 202 1,163 15 102 217 1,265
Shaw 538 3,384 92 597 630 3,981 78 534 3 24 81 558 616 3,918 95 621 711 4,539
Wake Forest 306 2,316 734 5,780 1,040 8,096 725 4,796 210 1,076 935 5,872 1,031 7,112 944 6,856 1,975 13,968
Warren Wilson 4 22 9 36 13 58 - - - - - - 4 22 9 36 13 58
Wingate 152 773 66 370 218 1,143 94 492 4 15 98 507 246 1,265 70 385 316 1,650

Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total 11,209 68,368 4,171 26,309 15,380 94,677 4,890 28,220 2,039 13,762 6,929 41,982 16,099 96,588 6,210 40,071 22,309 136,659
Table 17
Summer School Unduplicated Headcount Enrollment and Credit Hours Registered in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2004

_____________Undergraduate__________ __________Post-Baccalaureate________ _____________All Students___________

In-State Out-of-State Total In-State Out-of-State Total In-State Out-of-State Total
Undu- Credit Undu- Credit Undu- Credit Undu- Credit Undu- Credit Undu- Credit Undu- Credit Undu- Credit Undu- Credit
plicated Hours plicated Hours plicated Hours plicated Hours plicated Hours plicated Hours plicated Hours plicated Hours plicated Hours
Head- Regis- Head- Regis- Head- Regis- Head- Regis- Head- Regis- Head- Regis- Head- Regis- Head- Regis- Head- Regis-
Institution Count tered Count tered Count tered Count tered Count tered Count tered Count tered Count tered Count tered
Junior College
Louisburg 71 421 13 82 84 503 - - - - - - 71 421 13 82 84 503

Private Sr. & Jr. Total 11,280 68,789 4,184 26,391 15,464 95,180 4,890 28,220 2,039 13,762 6,929 41,982 16,170 97,009 6,223 40,153 22,393 137,162

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary 65 268 47 183 112 451 141 540 248 1,064 389 1,604 206 808 295 1,247 501 2,055
Heritage 10 26 - - 10 26 - - - - - - 10 26 - - 10 26
John Wesley 41 243 - - 41 243 - - - - - - 41 243 - - 41 243
Piedmont 32 257 39 342 71 599 1 6 - - 1 6 33 263 39 342 72 605

Sem. & Bible Coll. Total 148 794 86 525 234 1,319 142 546 248 1,064 390 1,610 290 1,340 334 1,589 624 2,929

Private Total 11,428 69,583 4,270 26,916 15,698 96,499 5,032 28,766 2,287 14,826 7,319 43,592 16,460 98,349 6,557 41,742 23,017 140,091

Grand Total 62,997 394,717 9,559 59,257 72,556 453,974 20,511 107,430 4,720 25,193 25,231 132,623 83,505 502,147 14,278 84,451 97,783 586,598

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR026/14APR05

Table 18
Headcount and Percent of Foreign Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment
in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution and Level of Instruction, Fall 2004

_________Undergraduate_________ _______First Professional______ ___________Graduate____________ _____________Total_____________

Percent Percent Percent Percent
Institution Men Women Total of Total Men Women Total of Total Men Women Total of Total Men Women Total of Total
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 26 28 54 1.8% - - - 0.0% 10 11 21 0.5% 36 39 75 1.1%
East Carolina 103 104 207 7.0% - - - 0.0% 64 65 129 3.3% 167 169 336 4.8%
Elizabeth City 6 6 12 0.4% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 6 6 12 0.2%
Fayetteville 10 14 24 0.8% - - - 0.0% 4 7 11 0.3% 14 21 35 0.5%
N.C. A and T 29 20 49 1.7% - - - 0.0% 71 24 95 2.5% 100 44 144 2.1%
N.C. Central 9 20 29 1.0% - 3 3 2.0% 11 8 19 0.5% 20 31 51 0.7%
N.C. School of the Arts 5 10 15 0.5% - - - 0.0% 6 6 12 0.3% 11 16 27 0.4%
High School* - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 8 12 -
N.C. State 128 92 220 7.4% - - - 0.0% 945 416 1,361 35.2% 1,073 508 1,581 22.7%
UNC-Asheville 30 34 64 2.2% - - - 0.0% - 2 2 0.1% 30 36 66 0.9%
UNC-Chapel Hill 140 117 257 8.7% 4 8 12 7.9% 580 478 1,058 27.4% 724 603 1,327 19.0%
UNC-Charlotte 158 110 268 9.0% - - - 0.0% 251 121 372 9.6% 409 231 640 9.2%
UNC-Greensboro 46 53 99 3.3% - - - 0.0% 97 110 207 5.4% 143 163 306 4.4%
UNC-Pembroke 18 14 32 1.1% - - - 0.0% 3 6 9 0.2% 21 20 41 0.6%
UNC-Wilmington 26 30 56 1.9% - - - 0.0% 9 7 16 0.4% 35 37 72 1.0%
Western Carolina 44 155 199 6.7% - - - 0.0% 38 60 98 2.5% 82 215 297 4.3%
Winston-Salem 3 12 15 0.5% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 3 12 15 0.2%

UNC Total 781 819 1,600 54.0% 4 11 15 9.9% 2,089 1,321 3,410 88.3% 2,874 2,151 5,025 72.0%

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Barton 16 9 25 0.8% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 16 9 25 0.4%
Belmont Abbey 15 21 36 1.2% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 15 21 36 0.5%
Bennett - 8 8 0.3% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% - 8 8 0.1%
Brevard 2 4 6 0.2% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 2 4 6 0.1%
Cabarrus - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0%
Campbell 76 78 154 5.2% 18 33 51 33.6% 23 17 40 1.0% 117 128 245 3.5%
Catawba 12 10 22 0.7% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 12 10 22 0.3%
Chowan 2 1 3 0.1% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 2 1 3 0.0%
Davidson 35 31 66 2.2% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 35 31 66 0.9%
Duke 147 145 292 9.9% 24 13 37 24.3% 97 54 151 3.9% 268 212 480 6.9%
Elon 25 40 65 2.2% - - - 0.0% 3 3 6 0.2% 28 43 71 1.0%
Gardner-Webb 8 9 17 0.6% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 8 9 17 0.2%
Greensboro 8 3 11 0.4% - - - 0.0% 5 16 21 0.5% 13 19 32 0.5%
Guilford 13 18 31 1.0% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 13 18 31 0.4%
High Point - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0%
Johnson C. Smith 3 2 5 0.2% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 3 2 5 0.1%
Lees-McRae - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0%
Lenoir-Rhyne 3 2 5 0.2% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 3 2 5 0.1%
Livingstone 9 14 23 0.8% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 9 14 23 0.3%
Mars Hill 19 15 34 1.1% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 19 15 34 0.5%
Meredith 2 24 26 0.9% - - - 0.0% 1 3 4 0.1% 3 27 30 0.4%
Methodist 23 30 53 1.8% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 23 30 53 0.8%
Montreat 4 5 9 0.3% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 4 5 9 0.1%
Mount Olive 8 6 14 0.5% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 8 6 14 0.2%
N.C. Wesleyan - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0%
Peace - 6 6 0.2% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% - 6 6 0.1%
Pfeiffer 17 9 26 0.9% - - - 0.0% 7 7 14 0.4% 24 16 40 0.6%
Queens 7 4 11 0.4% - - - 0.0% 4 - 4 0.1% 11 4 15 0.2%
Saint Andrews 26 12 38 1.3% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 26 12 38 0.5%
Saint Augustine's 33 50 83 2.8% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 33 50 83 1.2%
Salem - 67 67 2.3% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% - 67 67 1.0%
Shaw 25 28 53 1.8% - - - 0.0% - 1 1 0.0% 25 29 54 0.8%
Wake Forest 22 29 51 1.7% 11 12 23 15.1% 93 67 160 4.1% 126 108 234 3.4%
Warren Wilson 18 21 39 1.3% - - - 0.0% 1 2 3 0.1% 19 23 42 0.6%
Wingate 27 20 47 1.6% - - - 0.0% 1 - 1 0.0% 28 20 48 0.7%

Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total 605 721 1,326 44.8% 53 58 111 73.0% 235 170 405 10.5% 893 949 1,842 26.4%

Junior College
Louisburg 4 2 6 0.2% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 4 2 6 0.1%

Private Sr. & Jr. Total 609 723 1,332 45.0% 53 58 111 73.0% 235 170 405 10.5% 897 951 1,848 26.5%

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary 11 8 19 0.6% 22 4 26 17.1% 31 16 47 1.2% 64 28 92 1.3%
Heritage 1 - 1 0.0% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 1 - 1 0.0%
John Wesley - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0%
Piedmont 7 3 10 0.3% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% 7 3 10 0.1%
Roanoke - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0% - - - 0.0%

Sem. & Bible Coll. 19 11 30 1.0% 22 4 26 17.1% 31 16 47 1.2% 72 31 103 1.5%


Private Total 628 734 1,362 46.0% 75 62 137 90.1% 266 186 452 11.7% 969 982 1,951 28.0%

Grand Total 1,409 1,553 2,962 100% 79 73 152 100% 2,355 1,507 3,862 100% 3,843 3,133 6,976 100%

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR027/30AUG05
*High school figures are not included in totals.

Table 19. Racial Composition of Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

Black White American Indian Asian Hispanic Other

Institution Men Women Total % of T. Men Women Total % of T. Men Women Total % of T. Men Women Total % of T. Men Women Total % of T. Men Women Total % of T. Total
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 275 275 550 3.8% 6,369 6,946 13,315 90.9% 25 22 47 0.3% 61 106 167 1.1% 89 99 188 1.3% 193 193 386 2.6% 14,653
East Carolina 1,022 2,332 3,354 14.7% 7,148 10,702 17,850 78.4% 65 103 168 0.7% 225 300 525 2.3% 141 200 341 1.5% 246 283 529 2.3% 22,767
Elizabeth City 768 1,165 1,933 78.3% 172 313 485 19.6% 2 4 6 0.2% 8 9 17 0.7% 3 9 12 0.5% 10 7 17 0.7% 2,470
Fayetteville 1,377 2,702 4,079 75.0% 270 691 961 17.7% 21 49 70 1.3% 19 36 55 1.0% 67 154 221 4.1% 18 37 55 1.0% 5,441
N.C. A and T 4,230 5,000 9,230 88.9% 379 348 727 7.0% 16 14 30 0.3% 57 42 99 1.0% 42 39 81 0.8% 142 74 216 2.1% 10,383
N.C. Central 1,980 4,202 6,182 80.0% 353 744 1,097 14.2% 18 30 48 0.6% 24 40 64 0.8% 29 66 95 1.2% 101 140 241 3.1% 7,727
N.C. School of Arts 43 23 66 8.4% 378 265 643 81.6% 2 0 2 0.3% 12 10 22 2.8% 19 12 31 3.9% 9 15 24 3.0% 788
N.C. State 1,303 1,596 2,899 9.7% 13,209 9,732 22,941 76.6% 116 80 196 0.7% 910 680 1,590 5.3% 371 309 680 2.3% 1,102 549 1,651 5.5% 29,957
UNC-Asheville 53 53 106 3.0% 1,337 1,874 3,211 89.8% 7 3 10 0.3% 24 22 46 1.3% 26 33 59 1.7% 68 74 142 4.0% 3,574
UNC-Chapel Hill 809 1,877 2,686 10.0% 8,371 11,294 19,665 73.2% 85 136 221 0.8% 684 883 1,567 5.8% 271 396 667 2.5% 1,068 1,004 2,072 7.7% 26,878
UNC-Charlotte 933 1,975 2,908 14.7% 6,884 7,954 14,838 74.8% 25 42 67 0.3% 448 485 933 4.7% 174 286 460 2.3% 409 231 640 3.2% 19,846
UNC-Greensboro 599 2,101 2,700 17.6% 3,598 7,274 10,872 70.9% 12 40 52 0.3% 144 272 416 2.7% 90 195 285 1.9% 404 600 1,004 6.5% 15,329
UNC-Pembroke 396 746 1,142 22.7% 974 1,635 2,609 51.9% 314 714 1,028 20.4% 38 41 79 1.6% 47 65 112 2.2% 26 31 57 1.1% 5,027
UNC-Wilmington 168 363 531 4.6% 4,113 6,177 10,290 88.9% 43 64 107 0.9% 58 118 176 1.5% 90 146 236 2.0% 106 128 234 2.0% 11,574
Western Carolina 245 180 425 5.1% 3,269 3,953 7,222 86.0% 66 72 138 1.6% 29 30 59 0.7% 47 44 91 1.1% 159 302 461 5.5% 8,396
Winston-Salem 1,198 2,714 3,912 81.4% 225 568 793 16.5% 3 9 12 0.2% 10 19 29 0.6% 10 38 48 1.0% 1 10 11 0.2% 4,805
UNC Total 15,399 27,304 42,703 22.5% 57,049 70,470 127,519 67.3% 820 1,382 2,202 1.2% 2,751 3,093 5,844 3.1% 1,516 2,091 3,607 1.9% 4,062 3,678 7,740 4.1% 189,615
Community Colleges*
Alamance 233 753 986 22.0% 1,141.0 1,943.0 3,084 68.9% 3 15 18 0.4% 34 37 71 1.6% 48 73 121 2.7% 84 114 198 4.4% 4,478
Asheville-Buncombe 135 234 369 6.1% 2,196.0 3,126.0 5,322 88.1% 5 13 18 0.3% 16 33 49 0.8% 41 46 87 1.4% 79 119 198 3.3% 6,043

Beaufort County 122 442 564 36.2% 387.0 568.0 955 61.3% 3 0 3 0.2% 0 5 5 0.3% 11 12 23 1.5% 3 6 9 0.6% 1,559
Bladen 95 491 586 42.4% 165.0 401.0 566 41.0% 8 180 188 13.6% 1 3 4 0.3% 10 8 18 1.3% 4 15 19 1.4% 1,381
Blue Ridge 23 82 105 5.1% 705.0 1,144.0 1,849 89.4% 1 4 5 0.2% 11 8 19 0.9% 33 34 67 3.2% 6 17 23 1.1% 2,068
Brunswick 42 158 200 21.3% 221.0 486.0 707 75.5% 2 4 6 0.6% 1 3 4 0.4% 4 7 11 1.2% 2 7 9 1.0% 937
Caldwell 58 92 150 4.2% 1,483.0 1,805.0 3,288 91.8% 3 3 6 0.2% 12 16 28 0.8% 18 26 44 1.2% 37 28 65 1.8% 3,581
Cape Fear 339 644 983 13.9% 2,660.0 2,973.0 5,633 79.7% 21 29 50 0.7% 26 33 59 0.8% 59 70 129 1.8% 102 113 215 3.0% 7,069
Carteret 38 138 176 10.1% 478.0 992.0 1,470 84.4% 2 9 11 0.6% 4 12 16 0.9% 6 17 23 1.3% 16 30 46 2.6% 1,742
Catawba Valley 183 277 460 9.8% 1,445.0 2,368.0 3,813 80.9% 1 12 13 0.3% 131 141 272 5.8% 49 79 128 2.7% 12 17 29 0.6% 4,715
Central Carolina 414 793 1,207 25.7% 1,245.0 1,876.0 3,121 66.4% 13 31 44 0.9% 20 18 38 0.8% 88 123 211 4.5% 31 45 76 1.6% 4,697
Central Piedmont 1,567 3,390 4,957 30.5% 4,243.0 5,006.0 9,249 57.0% 22 51 73 0.4% 362 400 762 4.7% 332 459 791 4.9% 173 229 402 2.5% 16,234
Cleveland 186 519 705 23.9% 800.0 1,356.0 2,156 73.2% 5 5 10 0.3% 11 12 23 0.8% 10 21 31 1.1% 8 13 21 0.7% 2,946
Coastal Carolina 296 608 904 21.8% 923.0 1,774.0 2,697 64.9% 17 32 49 1.2% 53 87 140 3.4% 130 210 340 8.2% 9 15 24 0.6% 4,154
Col. Of Albemarle 140 401 541 24.8% 509.0 1,033.0 1,542 70.7% 7 14 21 1.0% 3 5 8 0.4% 17 18 35 1.6% 15 19 34 1.6% 2,181
Craven 188 484 672 21.5% 919.0 1,272.0 2,191 70.2% 2 7 9 0.3% 21 35 56 1.8% 54 66 120 3.8% 30 45 75 2.4% 3,123
Davidson County 128 381 509 15.6% 842.0 1,744.0 2,586 79.5% 12 10 22 0.7% 25 33 58 1.8% 21 34 55 1.7% 10 14 24 0.7% 3,254
Durham 668 1,821 2,489 45.1% 989.0 1,390.0 2,379 43.1% 7 16 23 0.4% 135 167 302 5.5% 85 123 208 3.8% 52 68 120 2.2% 5,521
Edgecombe 329 1,175 1,504 58.8% 313.0 668.0 981 38.3% 0 18 18 0.7% 3 5 8 0.3% 18 16 34 1.3% 6 8 14 0.5% 2,559
Fayetteville 1,043 2,747 3,790 37.8% 1,620.0 2,938.0 4,558 45.5% 70 198 268 2.7% 81 123 204 2.0% 301 468 769 7.7% 162 276 438 4.4% 10,027
Forsyth 503 1,246 1,749 25.0% 1,846.0 2,964.0 4,810 68.6% 22 26 48 0.7% 23 56 79 1.1% 78 125 203 2.9% 53 66 119 1.7% 7,008
Gaston 172 680 852 16.5% 1,320.0 2,715.0 4,035 78.1% 6 17 23 0.4% 16 27 43 0.8% 53 83 136 2.6% 25 50 75 1.5% 5,164
Guilford 1,145 2,063 3,208 33.9% 2,666.0 2,850.0 5,516 58.4% 20 29 49 0.5% 119 161 280 3.0% 107 103 210 2.2% 70 120 190 2.0% 9,453
Halifax 219 731 950 56.6% 193.0 474.0 667 39.8% 10 24 34 2.0% 2 7 9 0.5% 3 5 8 0.5% 3 6 9 0.5% 1,677
Haywood 6 17 23 1.2% 780.0 1,069.0 1,849 96.0% 6 13 19 1.0% 3 5 8 0.4% 10 10 20 1.0% 3 5 8 0.4% 1,927
Isothermal 84 227 311 15.0% 641.0 1,043.0 1,684 81.4% 3 5 8 0.4% 1 6 7 0.3% 11 20 31 1.5% 11 16 27 1.3% 2,068
James Sprunt 130 395 525 39.5% 243.0 498.0 741 55.7% 3 2 5 0.4% 0 1 1 0.1% 19 28 47 3.5% 2 9 11 0.8% 1,330
Table 19. (Cont.) Racial Composition of Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

Black White American Indian Asian Hispanic Other

Institution Men Women Total % of T. Men Women Total % of T. Men Women Total % of T. Men Women Total % of T. Men Women Total % of T. Men Women Total % of T. Total
Community Colleges (Cont.)
Johnston 297 496 793 20.7% 991 1,825 2,816 73.4% 14 15 29 0.8% 14 13 27 0.7% 44 88 132 3.4% 27 15 42 1.1% 3,839
Lenoir 239 810 1,049 41.9% 469 893 1,362 54.4% 1 5 6 0.2% 1 4 5 0.2% 9 28 37 1.5% 15 31 46 1.8% 2,505
Martin 99 422 521 55.8% 110 287 397 42.6% 0 3 3 0.3% 0 2 2 0.2% 2 0 2 0.2% 2 6 8 0.9% 933
Mayland 54 3 57 4.3% 573 688 1,261 94.0% 3 1 4 0.3% 0 5 5 0.4% 8 3 11 0.8% 2 1 3 0.2% 1,341
McDowell 38 41 79 6.5% 441 655 1,096 90.2% 2 4 6 0.5% 10 6 16 1.3% 6 4 10 0.8% 3 5 8 0.7% 1,215
Mitchell 79 331 410 17.6% 597 1,194 1,791 76.7% 2 2 4 0.2% 16 37 53 2.3% 29 30 59 2.5% 6 13 19 0.8% 2,336
Montgomery 48 121 169 20.2% 239 364 603 72.0% 3 4 7 0.8% 8 9 17 2.0% 20 15 35 4.2% 1 5 6 0.7% 837
Nash 190 681 871 34.9% 552 917 1,469 58.8% 14 36 50 2.0% 3 10 13 0.5% 15 14 29 1.2% 25 42 67 2.7% 2,499
Pamlico 67 80 147 38.4% 83 134 217 56.7% 2 2 4 1.0% 0 1 1 0.3% 7 1 8 2.1% 3 3 6 1.6% 383
Piedmont 351 574 925 37.9% 634 785 1,419 58.1% 8 16 24 1.0% 4 3 7 0.3% 20 6 26 1.1% 25 15 40 1.6% 2,441
Pitt 568 1,382 1,950 31.9% 1,754 2,049 3,803 62.1% 8 11 19 0.3% 18 32 50 0.8% 43 46 89 1.5% 91 118 209 3.4% 6,120
Randolph 47 161 208 9.5% 606 1,266 1,872 85.2% 3 8 11 0.5% 11 12 23 1.0% 26 37 63 2.9% 9 10 19 0.9% 2,196
Richmond 121 403 524 33.1% 286 607 893 56.4% 26 111 137 8.7% 8 11 19 1.2% 2 7 9 0.6% 1 0 1 0.1% 1,583
Roanoke-Chowan 119 536 655 65.9% 87 234 321 32.3% 3 6 9 0.9% 1 4 5 0.5% 1 3 4 0.4% 0 0 0 0.0% 994
Robeson 204 566 770 31.7% 178 422 600 24.7% 188 832 1,020 42.0% 4 4 8 0.3% 7 14 21 0.9% 5 5 10 0.4% 2,429
Rockingham 110 375 485 22.4% 581 1,028 1,609 74.4% 1 5 6 0.3% 6 6 12 0.6% 9 14 23 1.1% 13 16 29 1.3% 2,164
Rowan-Cabarrus 300 896 1,196 21.3% 1,518 2,677 4,195 74.8% 9 15 24 0.4% 34 41 75 1.3% 44 64 108 1.9% 6 6 12 0.2% 5,610
Sampson 110 438 548 36.7% 249 566 815 54.6% 13 45 58 3.9% 0 4 4 0.3% 19 44 63 4.2% 1 5 6 0.4% 1,494
Sandhills 188 657 845 25.3% 826 1,270 2,096 62.9% 34 146 180 5.4% 11 18 29 0.9% 22 30 52 1.6% 47 85 132 4.0% 3,334
South Piedmont 113 505 618 35.2% 342 738 1,080 61.5% 2 9 11 0.6% 5 2 7 0.4% 9 13 22 1.3% 7 11 18 1.0% 1,756
Southeastern 195 431 626 31.0% 435 808 1,243 61.6% 30 73 103 5.1% 4 2 6 0.3% 11 5 16 0.8% 15 8 23 1.1% 2,017

Southwestern 7 16 23 1.2% 548 1,133 1,681 85.4% 48 153 201 10.2% 3 6 9 0.5% 12 10 22 1.1% 12 20 32 1.6% 1,968
Stanly 81 168 249 12.5% 580 1,075 1,655 82.9% 3 4 7 0.4% 27 28 55 2.8% 5 8 13 0.7% 13 4 17 0.9% 1,996
Surry 43 68 111 3.5% 1,106 1,827 2,933 92.7% 1 4 5 0.2% 12 7 19 0.6% 31 45 76 2.4% 10 10 20 0.6% 3,164
Tri-County 1 4 5 0.5% 320 669 989 96.7% 0 9 9 0.9% 1 3 4 0.4% 2 7 9 0.9% 2 5 7 0.7% 1,023
Vance-Granville 569 1,467 2,036 47.3% 691 1,342 2,033 47.2% 10 25 35 0.8% 8 6 14 0.3% 39 34 73 1.7% 63 52 115 2.7% 4,306
Wake 1,014 1,771 2,785 23.6% 3,653 3,844 7,497 63.5% 39 39 78 0.7% 257 356 613 5.2% 230 279 509 4.3% 152 172 324 2.7% 11,806
Wayne 326 696 1,022 31.7% 780 1,162 1,942 60.3% 13 17 30 0.9% 23 37 60 1.9% 36 54 90 2.8% 26 52 78 2.4% 3,222
Western Piedmont 87 139 226 8.0% 810 1,533 2,343 82.6% 5 3 8 0.3% 69 82 151 5.3% 17 14 31 1.1% 35 43 78 2.7% 2,837
Wilkes 47 83 130 5.2% 821 1,482 2,303 92.0% 2 3 5 0.2% 7 10 17 0.7% 10 18 28 1.1% 8 13 21 0.8% 2,504
Wilson 156 827 983 47.1% 396 619 1,015 48.6% 1 3 4 0.2% 3 6 9 0.4% 15 35 50 2.4% 11 17 28 1.3% 2,089
CC Total 14,354 36,137 50,491 25.3% 52,229 80,569 132,798 66.5% 762 2,376 3,138 1.6% 1,682 2,206 3,888 1.9% 2,366 3,254 5,620 2.8% 1,644 2,258 3,902 2.0% 199,837
PUBLIC TOTAL 29,753 63,441 93,194 23.9% 109,278 151,039 260,317 66.8% 1,582 3,758 5,340 1.4% 4,433 5,299 9,732 2.5% 3,882 5,345 9,227 2.4% 5,706 5,936 11,642 3.0% 389,452
Senior Colleges and Universities
Barber-Scotia Data Not Available
Barton 51 207 258 21.0% 236 638 874 71.0% 1 2 3 0.2% 4 6 10 0.8% 11 16 27 2.2% 28 31 59 4.8% 1,231
Belmont Abbey 29 69 98 12.3% 226 358 584 73.0% 1 1 2 0.3% 3 6 9 1.1% 25 13 38 4.8% 32 37 69 8.6% 800
Bennett 0 484 484 95.8% 0 0 0 0.0% 0 2 2 0.4% 0 3 3 0.6% 0 6 6 1.2% 0 10 10 2.0% 505
Brevard 23 13 36 6.2% 264 242 506 86.6% 5 3 8 1.4% 2 1 3 0.5% 9 8 17 2.9% 7 7 14 2.4% 584
Cabarrus 1 16 17 5.6% 27 257 284 92.8% 0 0 0 0.0% 0 1 1 0.3% 0 2 2 0.7% 0 2 2 0.7% 306
Campbell 454 551 1,005 14.4% 2,501 2,541 5,042 72.2% 19 23 42 0.6% 0 0 0 0.0% 196 161 357 5.1% 261 275 536 7.7% 6,982
Catawba 110 100 210 15.1% 495 618 1,113 79.8% 6 2 8 0.6% 6 3 9 0.6% 10 11 21 1.5% 19 15 34 2.4% 1,395
Chowan 114 83 197 28.7% 239 191 430 62.6% 2 1 3 0.4% 3 5 8 1.2% 6 7 13 1.9% 22 14 36 5.2% 687
Davidson 49 58 107 6.2% 660 674 1,334 77.8% 4 4 8 0.5% 22 18 40 2.3% 34 38 72 4.2% 78 75 153 8.9% 1,714
Duke 399 705 1,104 8.6% 3,815 3,597 7,412 58.0% 21 26 47 0.4% 640 647 1,287 10.1% 278 306 584 4.6% 1,386 950 2,336 18.3% 12,770
Table 19. (Cont.) Racial Composition of Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

Black White American Indian Asian Hispanic Other

Institution Men Women Total % of T. Men Women Total % of T. Men Women Total % of T. Men Women Total % of T. Men Women Total % of T. Men Women Total % of T. Total
Senior Colleges & Univ. (Cont.)
Elon 148 194 342 7.1% 1,546 2,562 4,108 85.7% 3 5 8 0.2% 16 27 43 0.9% 22 30 52 1.1% 118 125 243 5.1% 4,796
Gardner-Webb 208 389 597 16.1% 1,036 1,876 2,912 78.8% 8 9 17 0.5% 5 16 21 0.6% 14 26 40 1.1% 57 53 110 3.0% 3,697
Greensboro 111 121 232 18.9% 400 522 922 75.2% 2 2 4 0.3% 3 9 12 1.0% 14 17 31 2.5% 15 10 25 2.0% 1,226
Guilford 134 407 541 21.5% 734 1,010 1,744 69.5% 11 19 30 1.2% 16 23 39 1.6% 21 23 44 1.8% 37 76 113 4.5% 2,511
High Point 179 505 684 24.1% 775 1,095 1,870 65.8% 0 8 8 0.3% 18 21 39 1.4% 27 35 62 2.2% 91 88 179 6.3% 2,842
Johnson C. Smith 590 815 1,405 99.3% 2 0 2 0.1% 1 1 2 0.1% 1 0 1 0.1% 0 2 2 0.1% 1 2 3 0.2% 1,415
Lees-McRae 35 18 53 6.0% 319 434 753 85.5% 19 8 27 3.1% 5 3 8 0.9% 9 9 18 2.0% 17 5 22 2.5% 881
Lenoir-Rhyne 66 62 128 8.1% 460 899 1,359 86.1% 2 4 6 0.4% 16 19 35 2.2% 7 10 17 1.1% 15 19 34 2.2% 1,579
Livingstone 476 467 943 92.8% 3 5 8 0.8% 1 1 2 0.2% 0 0 0 0.0% 5 2 7 0.7% 27 29 56 5.5% 1,016
Mars Hill 114 49 163 11.8% 415 726 1,141 82.4% 6 7 13 0.9% 4 8 12 0.9% 10 19 29 2.1% 16 10 26 1.9% 1,384
Meredith 7 199 206 9.5% 23 1,726 1,749 80.7% 0 9 9 0.4% 1 34 35 1.6% 2 45 47 2.2% 8 114 122 5.6% 2,168
Methodist 225 235 460 20.2% 891 561 1,452 63.8% 7 9 16 0.7% 20 23 43 1.9% 85 64 149 6.5% 73 84 157 6.9% 2,277
Montreat 47 139 186 18.6% 285 344 629 62.9% 34 103 137 13.7% 5 5 10 1.0% 2 8 10 1.0% 10 18 28 2.8% 1,000
Mount Olive 234 498 732 28.3% 714 826 1,540 59.6% 2 5 7 0.3% 4 12 16 0.6% 31 26 57 2.2% 102 129 231 8.9% 2,583
N.C. Wesleyan 283 461 744 41.9% 432 385 817 46.0% 5 5 10 0.6% 10 10 20 1.1% 25 9 34 1.9% 73 77 150 8.5% 1,775
Peace 0 89 89 12.8% 0 534 534 76.8% 0 5 5 0.7% 0 11 11 1.6% 0 20 20 2.9% 0 36 36 5.2% 695
Pfeifer 158 425 583 28.4% 525 754 1,279 62.3% 1 8 9 0.4% 10 12 22 1.1% 9 19 28 1.4% 63 69 132 6.4% 2,053
Queens 56 266 322 15.3% 407 1,212 1,619 76.8% 1 9 10 0.5% 12 25 37 1.8% 21 40 61 2.9% 28 30 58 2.8% 2,107
St. Andrews 40 44 84 11.3% 195 388 583 78.7% 4 4 8 1.1% 4 3 7 0.9% 5 9 14 1.9% 31 14 45 6.1% 741
St. Augustine's 652 613 1,265 90.7% 4 4 8 0.6% 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0 0.0% 7 10 17 1.2% 50 55 105 7.5% 1,395

Salem 4 199 203 18.2% 34 737 771 69.2% 0 2 2 0.2% 0 15 15 1.3% 1 23 24 2.2% 0 99 99 8.9% 1,114
Shaw 899 1,524 2,423 89.4% 11 35 46 1.7% 0 1 1 0.0% 0 1 1 0.0% 2 4 6 0.2% 98 134 232 8.6% 2,709
Wake Forest 213 247 460 7.1% 2,773 2,595 5,368 82.5% 9 12 21 0.3% 139 130 269 4.1% 77 75 152 2.3% 126 108 234 3.6% 6,504
Warren Wilson 11 3 14 1.6% 291 487 778 89.9% 2 3 5 0.6% 4 7 11 1.3% 8 9 17 2.0% 20 20 40 4.6% 865
Wingate 87 63 150 9.6% 527 662 1,189 76.2% 9 4 13 0.8% 10 12 22 1.4% 9 17 26 1.7% 61 99 160 10.3% 1,560
Private Sr. Total 6,207 10,318 16,525 21.2% 21,265 29,495 50,760 65.2% 186 307 493 0.6% 983 1,116 2,099 2.7% 982 1,119 2,101 2.7% 2,970 2,919 5,889 7.6% 77,867
Junior College
Louisburg 149 119 268 46.9% 184 89 273 47.8% 0 1 1 0.2% 4 1 5 0.9% 14 4 18 3.2% 4 2 6 1.1% 571
Priv. Sr.&Jr. Total 6,356 10,437 16,793 21.4% 21,449 29,584 51,033 65.1% 186 308 494 0.6% 987 1,117 2,104 2.7% 996 1,123 2,119 2.7% 2,974 2,921 5,895 7.5% 78,438
Theological Seminary and Bible Colleges
Southeastern 19 16 35 1.7% 1,463 453 1,916 90.8% 10 0 10 0.5% 12 5 17 0.8% 19 8 27 1.3% 69 35 104 4.9% 2,109
Heritage 13 9 22 21.6% 45 27 72 70.6% 1 2 3 2.9% 0 1 1 1.0% 0 2 2 2.0% 2 0 2 2.0% 102
John Wesley 20 34 54 31.8% 67 44 111 65.3% 0 1 1 0.6% 1 0 1 0.6% 1 2 3 1.8% 0 0 0 0.0% 170
Piedmont 6 2 8 2.8% 151 104 255 88.9% 0 0 0 0.0% 17 2 19 6.6% 3 1 4 1.4% 1 0 1 0.3% 287
Roanoke 4 9 13 7.6% 85 67 152 88.4% 1 0 1 0.6% 0 1 1 0.6% 2 3 5 2.9% 0 0 0 0.0% 172
Winston-Salem 10 5 15 53.6% 4 2 6 21.4% 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0 0.0% 3 4 7 25.0% 28
Sem./Bible Total 72 75 147 5.1% 1,815 697 2,512 87.6% 12 3 15 0.5% 30 9 39 1.4% 25 16 41 1.4% 75 39 114 4.0% 2,868
PRIVATE TOTAL 6,428 10,512 16,940 20.8% 23,264 30,281 53,545 65.9% 198 311 509 0.6% 1,017 1,126 2,143 2.6% 1,021 1,139 2,160 2.7% 3,049 2,960 6,009 7.4% 81,306
GRAND TOTAL 36,181 73,953 110,134 23.4% 132,542 181,320 313,862 66.7% 1,780 4,069 5,849 1.2% 5,450 6,425 11,875 2.5% 4,903 6,484 11,387 2.4% 8,755 8,896 17,651 3.7% 470,758
UNC-OP SDA/Abs.AT016.U/9-1-05
Note: Data include extension program students for UNC and private institutions.
* Represents total curriculum headcount enrollment.
** Source: IPEDS data as reported by institutions. Data appearing in other tables in this abstract reflect data as reported by the institutions to UNC-OP.
Table 20
Extension Credit Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

________In-State___________ ______Out-of-State_________ __________Total____________

Institution Student Level Headcount FTE Headcount FTE Headcount FTE
Public Institutions
Appalachian Undergraduate 613 278 3 1 616 280
Grad./First Prof. 653 441 10 4 663 445
Total 1,266 719 13 6 1,279 725
East Carolina Undergraduate 1,576 711 89 30 1,665 742
Grad./First Prof. 2,361 1,501 151 97 2,512 1,599
Total 3,937 2,213 240 128 4,177 2,341
Elizabeth City Undergraduate 298 102 30 8 328 111
Fayetteville Undergraduate 362 93 50 13 412 106
Grad./First Prof. 354 164 18 8 372 173
Total 716 257 68 22 784 279
N.C. A and T Undergraduate 718 231 147 43 865 275
Grad./First Prof. 271 165 21 12 292 177
Total 989 396 168 55 1,157 452
N.C. Central Undergraduate 742 261 2 - 744 261
Grad./First Prof. 277 157 8 5 285 163
Total 1,019 419 10 6 1,029 425
N.C. State Undergraduate 1,726 564 179 56 1,905 620
Grad./First Prof. 775 450 171 96 946 546
Total 2,501 1,014 350 152 2,851 1,167
UNC-Asheville Undergraduate 86 22 - - 86 22
UNC-Chapel Hill Undergraduate 474 142 49 14 523 156
Grad./First Prof. 1,170 772 463 319 1,633 1,092
Total 1,644 915 512 333 2,156 1,248
UNC-Charlotte Undergraduate 104 43 15 5 119 49
Grad./First Prof. 396 235 28 14 424 250
Total 500 278 43 20 543 299
UNC-Greensboro Undergraduate 448 166 24 9 472 175
Grad./First Prof. 536 307 19 11 555 318
Total 984 473 43 21 1,027 494
UNC-Pembroke Undergraduate 1,220 459 25 9 1,245 468
Grad./First Prof. 143 76 5 2 148 79
Total 1,363 536 30 11 1,393 547
UNC-Wilmington Undergraduate 306 140 10 3 316 143
Grad./First Prof. 99 54 2 1 101 55
Total 405 194 12 4 417 199
Western Carolina Undergraduate 424 167 173 44 597 211
Grad./First Prof. 276 172 94 71 370 244
Total 700 339 267 116 967 455
Winston-Salem Undergraduate 223 182 4 2 227 184
UNC Total Undergraduate 9,320 3,565 800 243 10,120 3,808
Grad./First Prof. 7,311 4,499 990 645 8,301 5,145
Total 16,631 8,065 1,790 888 18,421 8,954

Private Institutions
Bennett Undergraduate - - 1 1 1 1
Campbell Undergraduate 2,519 1,656 33 18 2,552 1,674
Grad./First Prof. 164 111 16 8 180 119
Total 2,683 1,767 49 26 2,732 1,793
Mount Olive Undergraduate 1,035 892 4 4 1,039 896
St. Andrews Undergraduate 88 64 1 1 89 65
Southeastern Seminary Undergraduate - - 3 2 3 2
Grad./First Prof. 16 11 64 42 80 53
Total 16 11 67 44 83 55
Private Total Undergraduate 3,642 2,612 42 26 3,684 2,638
Grad./First Prof. 180 122 80 50 260 172
Total 3,822 2,734 122 76 3,944 2,810

All Institutions
Grand Total Undergraduate 12,962 6,177 842 269 13,804 6,446
Grad./First Prof. 7,491 4,621 1,070 695 8,561 5,317
Total 20,453 10,799 1,912 964 22,365 11,764

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR029/08APR05



UNC institutions include extension credit beginning in 1999. Private institutions include extension credit
beginning in 2001. Campbell University included extension credit prior to Fall 1991. Mount Olive College and
Montreat College also include an off-campus site in their degree credit enrollment. Barber-Scotia College did not
provide enrollment data for fall 1991.

Community colleges include only college transfer students (AA, AFA, AS).

Figure 6. Enrollment by Residence Status in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 1994- Fall 2004

Table 21. Degree Credit Enrollment Trends in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 1900 - Fall 2004

Table 22. Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities and Percentage
Change by Institution, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

Table 23. Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment by Residence Status in North Carolina Colleges and
Universities, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

Table 24. Percentages of Out-of-State Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Public Colleges
and Universities, Fall 1999 - Fall 2004

Table 25. Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment Trends by Level of Instruction in North Carolina Colleges and
Universities, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

Table 26. Trend in County Origin of In-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North
Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

Table 27. Trend in State Origin of Out-of-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North
Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

Figure 6. Enrollment by Residence Status in North Carolina
Colleges and Universities, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004




















Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Public In-State Public Out-of-State Private In-State Private Out-of-State

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AG010.U/9-1-05

Table 21. Degree Credit* Enrollment Trends in North Carolina
Colleges and Universities, Fall 1900 - Fall 2004

Year Public Institutions** Private Institutions*** Grand

(Fall) Number Percent Number Percent Total
1900 1,766 37.6% 2,932 62.4% 4,698
1910 2,581 39.2% 4,005 60.8% 6,586
1920 4,751 59.7% 3,210 40.3% 7,961
1930 9,324 49.3% 9,605 50.7% 18,929
1940 15,233 47.7% 16,713 52.3% 31,946
1950 23,870 53.4% 20,872 46.6% 44,742
1960 35,894 53.1% 31,679 46.9% 67,573
1965 60,922 58.1% 43,930 41.9% 104,852
1966 67,065 59.5% 45,740 40.5% 112,805
1967 73,708 61.1% 46,850 38.9% 120,558
1968 79,076 62.3% 47,763 37.7% 126,839
1969 84,427 63.9% 47,708 36.1% 132,135
1970 92,597 65.9% 47,888 34.1% 140,485
1971 96,371 66.0% 49,636 34.0% 146,007
1972 98,407 66.5% 49,618 33.5% 148,025
1973 101,378 67.5% 48,883 32.5% 150,261
1974 108,638 68.9% 49,040 31.1% 157,678
1975 119,294 70.7% 49,350 29.3% 168,644
1976 117,468 69.8% 50,788 30.2% 168,256
1977 120,684 69.9% 51,862 30.1% 172,546
1978 122,148 70.0% 52,248 30.0% 174,396
1979 127,078 70.3% 53,756 29.7% 180,834
1980 132,381 70.6% 55,133 29.4% 187,514
1981 133,283 70.8% 54,895 29.2% 188,178
1982 134,607 71.2% 54,563 28.8% 189,170
1983 134,833 70.9% 55,468 29.1% 190,301
1984 139,961 71.5% 55,883 28.5% 195,844
1985 145,325 71.9% 56,660 28.1% 201,985
1986 149,681 72.5% 56,852 27.5% 206,533
1987 151,442 72.1% 58,500 27.9% 209,942
1988 158,806 72.1% 61,397 27.9% 220,203
1989 165,968 72.5% 63,106 27.5% 229,074
1990 170,422 72.7% 63,881 27.3% 234,303
1991 175,881 74.1% 61,494 25.9% 237,375
1992 182,526 74.3% 63,011 25.7% 245,537
1993 185,279 74.4% 63,622 25.6% 248,901
1994 188,774 74.8% 63,647 25.2% 252,421
1995 192,066 74.9% 64,268 25.1% 256,334
1996 192,469 74.5% 66,024 25.5% 258,493
1997 190,728 73.8% 67,744 26.2% 258,472
1998 194,124 73.8% 68,847 26.2% 262,971
1999 199,720 74.2% 69,415 25.8% 269,135
2000 201,130 74.0% 70,507 26.0% 271,637
2001 210,659 73.5% 75,797 26.5% 286,456
2002 220,519 73.9% 78,028 26.1% 298,547
2003 227,866 73.9% 80,296 26.1% 308,162
2004 236,262 74.4% 81,300 25.6% 317,562
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT031.U/9-1-05
*University of North Carolina institutions include extension credit beginning in 2000.
**Includes only college transfer students (AA, AFA, AS) in community colleges.
***Includes seminary and Bible colleges and includes extension credit beginning in 2001.

Table 22
Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities
and Percentage Change by Institution, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

______Fall 2004_______
Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall % Change
Institution 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Number Over 2003
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 11,866 12,020 11,909 12,108 12,386 12,779 13,227 13,762 14,178 14,343 14,653 2.2%
East Carolina 17,567 17,445 17,479 17,846 17,799 18,811 18,750 19,412 20,577 21,756 22,767 4.6%
Elizabeth City 2,099 1,981 1,919 1,920 1,903 1,966 2,035 2,004 2,150 2,308 2,470 7.0%
Fayetteville 4,109 4,009 3,951 3,916 3,943 4,875 4,487 5,010 5,308 5,329 5,441 2.1%
N.C. A and T 8,050 7,846 7,533 7,468 7,354 7,603 7,748 8,319 9,115 10,030 10,383 3.5%
N.C. Central 5,655 5,470 5,400 5,664 5,580 5,595 5,476 5,753 6,519 7,191 7,727 7.5%
N.C. School of the Arts 644 679 732 771 772 794 768 789 817 792 788 -0.5%
N.C. State 27,577 27,537 27,169 27,529 27,176 28,011 28,619 29,286 29,637 29,854 29,957 0.3%
UNC-Asheville 3,165 3,222 3,092 3,179 3,175 3,226 3,292 3,293 3,391 3,446 3,574 3.7%
UNC-Chapel Hill 24,260 24,144 23,674 23,668 23,827 24,653 24,892 25,494 26,028 26,359 26,878 2.0%
UNC-Charlotte 15,513 15,895 15,795 16,370 16,670 16,950 17,241 18,308 18,916 19,605 19,846 1.2%
UNC-Greensboro 12,094 12,644 12,323 12,308 12,700 13,322 13,125 13,775 14,453 14,870 15,329 3.1%
UNC-Pembroke 3,017 3,000 3,006 3,034 2,998 3,062 3,445 3,933 4,432 4,722 5,027 6.5%
UNC-Wilmington 8,435 8,601 9,077 9,176 9,643 9,967 10,100 10,799 10,918 11,079 11,574 4.5%
Western Carolina 6,619 6,551 6,511 6,531 6,287 6,580 6,699 6,863 7,033 7,561 8,396 11.0%
Winston-Salem 2,845 2,781 2,781 2,865 2,778 2,788 2,857 2,992 3,495 4,102 4,805 17.1%
UNC Total 153,515 153,825 152,351 154,353 154,991 160,982 162,761 169,792 176,967 183,347 189,615 3.4%

Military Centers
Ft. Bragg 807 772 727 774 511 - - - - - - .

Community Colleges*

Alamance - 485 486 560 587 607 563 601 683 743 841 13.2%
Asheville-Buncombe 792 806 859 585 682 763 862 1,055 1,011 1,097 1,108 1.0%
Beaufort Co. 372 343 328 308 216 319 166 193 157 200 206 3.0%
Bladen - 226 263 66 59 75 106 117 495 567 468 -17.5%
Blue Ridge 481 478 502 422 463 519 516 597 659 680 701 3.1%
Brunswick - 346 315 304 329 410 368 359 336 333 332 -0.3%
Caldwell 960 997 1,050 737 734 715 880 997 937 974 1,011 3.8%
Cape Fear 1,104 1,458 1,689 1,775 2,023 2,455 2,667 2,953 3,322 3,465 2,856 -17.6%
Carteret 449 492 430 299 288 332 347 414 503 480 462 -3.8%
Catawba Valley 805 692 649 637 690 764 815 934 955 1,011 1,125 11.3%
Central Carolina 123 279 408 523 473 530 533 548 640 467 681 45.8%
Central Piedmont 4,742 4,802 4,912 3,373 3,630 4,741 3,903 3,359 3,699 3,881 4,157 7.1%
Cleveland 388 446 597 425 451 466 333 358 309 346 357 3.2%
Coastal Carolina 1,800 2,005 2,058 1,706 1,940 2,031 2,047 2,197 2,192 2,290 2,362 3.1%
Coll. of Albemarle 834 761 781 1,023 784 852 561 608 506 560 559 -0.2%
Craven 821 814 811 929 982 1,088 892 924 986 1,020 1,033 1.3%
Davidson County 696 595 610 382 406 397 374 445 513 491 479 -2.4%
Durham 962 990 1,031 994 1,205 1,175 857 976 1,035 1,064 834 -21.6%
Edgecombe 181 153 182 188 176 199 199 209 222 280 282 0.7%
Fayetteville 717 790 796 2,628 3,399 3,828 947 1,012 1,192 1,358 1,529 12.6%
Forsyth 567 677 776 829 952 1,054 1,163 1,123 1,256 1,342 1,357 1.1%
Gaston 1,754 1,714 1,599 1,225 1,028 1,277 1,073 1,088 1,154 1,211 1,187 -2.0%
Guilford 1,553 1,589 1,794 1,669 1,553 1,789 2,022 2,148 2,148 1,263 2,417 91.4%
Halifax 269 274 265 327 361 363 232 223 356 349 338 -3.2%
Haywood 196 184 197 231 249 250 210 249 266 232 247 6.5%
Isothermal 567 602 599 430 433 466 422 437 484 445 481 8.1%
James Sprunt 172 254 261 168 166 161 166 162 183 177 200 13.0%
Johnston 653 652 640 486 571 656 536 549 526 586 648 10.6%
Lenoir 736 647 626 499 553 606 595 721 736 830 840 1.2%
Table 22
Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities
and Percentage Change by Institution, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

______Fall 2004_______
Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall % Change
Institution 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Number Over 2003
Martin 123 152 117 103 96 87 75 87 86 89 80 -10.1%
Mayland - 159 172 118 134 154 167 181 192 228 277 21.5%
McDowell 108 80 118 218 230 231 173 193 179 184 172 -6.5%
Mitchell 493 479 486 363 406 421 444 507 521 529 564 6.6%
Montgomery 22 30 51 66 71 62 57 48 67 65 89 36.9%
Nash 424 422 450 398 420 438 450 516 469 482 483 0.2%
Pamlico - 4 20 33 35 39 42 43 44 39 40 2.6%
Piedmont 81 112 122 93 127 185 163 189 204 186 212 14.0%
Pitt 1,575 1,677 1,679 986 988 1,012 1,023 1,096 1,096 1,232 935 -24.1%
Randolph - 272 303 239 273 287 322 334 330 404 448 10.9%
Richmond 245 256 220 274 283 311 218 254 277 251 237 -5.6%
Roanoke-Chowan - 122 128 117 119 103 116 108 119 114 118 3.5%
Robeson 113 142 165 156 209 229 241 252 313 328 377 14.9%
Rockingham 643 627 568 449 479 483 580 584 516 516 540 4.7%
Rowan-Cabarrus 560 716 744 667 853 913 978 1,134 1,115 1,238 1,332 7.6%
Sampson 195 183 217 325 367 356 208 254 291 290 251 -13.4%
Sandhills 789 834 815 661 675 698 655 636 692 752 758 0.8%
South Piedmont 21 44 77 107 145 121 128 127 135 125 139 11.2%
Southeastern 735 697 712 570 642 616 664 705 742 772 821 6.3%
Southwestern 73 73 92 320 377 394 353 372 425 399 411 3.0%
Stanly 156 142 178 154 189 210 221 309 340 366 406 10.9%
Surry 980 1,072 990 680 723 782 776 821 829 732 721 -1.5%
Tri-County 375 305 324 229 251 264 221 268 269 270 281 4.1%
Vance-Granville 446 510 506 365 427 439 265 203 235 338 378 11.8%

Wake 924 1,162 1,910 2,349 2,771 3,212 3,233 3,644 3,932 4,414 4,631 4.9%
Wayne 1,197 1,148 1,124 846 934 1,058 1,071 1,173 1,275 886 1,326 49.7%
Western Piedmont 663 645 706 487 487 475 509 512 578 656 655 -0.2%
Wilkes 692 708 728 369 344 418 477 538 585 594 595 0.2%
Wilson 125 145 155 131 184 206 184 223 235 298 272 -8.7%
Comm. Coll. Total 34,452 37,469 39,391 35,601 38,622 43,092 38,369 40,867 43,552 44,519 46,647 4.8%

Public Total 188,774 192,066 192,469 190,728 194,124 204,074 201,130 210,659 220,519 227,866 236,262 3.7%

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities**
Barber-Scotia 432 436 440 500 488 480 543 566 613 742 - .
Barton 1,465 1,401 1,295 1,303 1,271 1,231 1,202 1,220 1,245 1,188 1,231 3.6%
Belmont Abbey 918 816 902 902 939 926 917 873 883 847 791 -6.6%
Bennett 655 620 550 617 603 640 619 521 486 429 504 17.5%
Brevard - 658 655 707 674 700 710 701 664 604 584 -3.3%
Cabarrus - - - - - - 259 280 381 242 306 26.4%
Campbell 3,201 3,119 3,253 3,359 3,271 3,266 3,490 6,522 6,686 6,841 6,982 2.1%
Catawba 1,056 1,102 1,171 1,307 1,255 1,217 1,342 1,453 1,557 1,471 1,395 -5.2%
Chowan 813 782 746 755 691 726 774 763 776 772 687 -11.0%
Davidson 1,614 1,616 1,613 1,623 1,639 1,652 1,679 1,673 1,645 1,712 1,714 0.1%
Duke 11,352 11,511 11,589 11,581 11,564 11,811 12,176 11,795 12,488 12,398 12,770 3.0%
Elon 3,496 3,479 3,588 3,685 3,845 3,961 4,138 4,341 4,432 4,584 4,796 4.6%
Gardner-Webb 2,259 2,428 2,689 2,932 2,920 3,042 3,194 3,564 3,806 3,864 3,724 -3.6%
Greensboro 992 1,017 1,023 1,051 982 991 973 1,139 1,205 1,217 1,226 0.7%
Guilford 1,602 1,512 1,426 1,402 1,398 1,245 1,255 1,490 1,801 2,101 2,511 19.5%
High Point 2,452 2,516 2,596 2,743 3,030 2,831 2,788 2,752 2,750 2,918 2,842 -2.6%
Johnson C. Smith 1,413 1,398 1,427 1,357 1,443 1,546 1,576 1,595 1,537 1,474 1,415 -4.0%
Lees-McRae 511 475 453 431 584 643 713 792 864 928 875 -5.7%
Table 22
Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities
and Percentage Change by Institution, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

______Fall 2004_______
Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall % Change
Institution 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Number Over 2003
Lenoir-Rhyne 1,418 1,555 1,579 1,616 1,594 1,482 1,439 1,456 1,492 1,550 1,579 1.9%
Livingstone 836 750 727 906 944 1,095 1,018 1,018 1,003 1,005 1,016 1.1%
Mars Hill 1,325 1,300 1,299 1,244 1,265 1,224 1,219 1,242 1,276 1,305 1,384 6.1%
Meredith 2,355 2,477 2,574 2,552 2,612 2,643 2,595 2,466 2,328 2,152 2,169 0.8%
Methodist 1,907 1,830 1,736 1,721 1,851 1,973 2,134 2,143 2,180 2,255 2,277 1.0%
Montreat 317 360 1,018 1,021 1,053 1,205 1,203 1,112 1,070 1,035 1,003 -3.1%
Mount Olive 874 970 1,073 1,036 1,026 1,135 1,026 1,203 2,213 2,289 2,583 12.8%
N.C. Wesleyan 840 775 802 858 922 924 894 1,891 753 1,695 1,776 4.8%
Peace - 424 459 503 564 583 603 630 649 699 695 -0.6%
Pfeiffer 1,057 1,214 1,534 1,814 1,682 1,612 1,496 1,671 1,892 2,027 2,053 1.3%
Queens 1,543 1,557 1,564 1,652 1,715 1,563 1,596 1,702 1,753 1,964 2,107 7.3%
Saint Andrews 617 604 558 477 546 527 515 704 613 693 741 6.9%
Saint Augustine's 1,673 1,639 1,584 1,639 1,598 1,492 1,465 1,360 1,502 1,635 1,395 -14.7%
Salem 901 915 930 1,002 1,029 1,023 1,027 1,074 1,028 1,091 1,114 2.1%
Shaw 2,432 2,485 2,262 2,327 2,569 2,670 2,527 2,523 2,683 2,616 2,709 3.6%
Wake Forest 5,728 5,885 6,016 6,124 6,082 6,082 6,173 6,271 6,410 6,444 6,504 0.9%
Warren Wilson 611 675 687 731 789 831 799 853 828 844 865 2.5%
Wingate 1,383 1,375 1,268 1,230 1,239 1,214 1,283 1,357 1,433 1,495 1,560 4.3%
Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total 60,048 61,676 63,086 64,708 65,677 66,186 67,360 72,716 74,925 77,126 77,883 1.0%

Junior College
Brevard 663 - - - - - - - - - - .
Cabarrus - - 150 173 169 266 - - - - - .
Louisburg 526 554 525 473 487 507 543 464 384 502 571 13.7%

Peace 413 - - - - - - - - - - .
Saint Mary's 226 222 142 110 - - - - - - - .
Jr. Coll. Total 1,828 776 817 756 656 773 543 464 384 502 571 13.7%

Private Sr. & Jr. Total 61,876 62,452 63,903 65,464 66,333 66,959 67,903 73,180 75,309 77,628 78,454 1.1%

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary 811 999 1,244 1,328 1,584 1,722 1,858 1,920 1,989 1,967 2,110 7.3%
East Coast 315 193 181 174 183 - - - - - - .
Heritage 53 53 84 108 77 86 76 50 78 109 102 -6.4%
John Wesley 127 122 161 167 158 154 172 178 151 142 170 19.7%
Piedmont 317 284 270 321 314 295 299 265 273 263 266 1.1%
Roanoke 121 135 152 156 155 160 159 170 186 187 172 -8.0%
Winston-Salem 27 30 29 26 43 39 40 34 42 - 26 .
Sem. & Bible Coll. Total 1,771 1,816 2,121 2,280 2,514 2,456 2,604 2,617 2,719 2,668 2,846 6.7%

Private Total 63,647 64,268 66,024 67,744 68,847 69,415 70,507 75,797 78,028 80,296 81,300 1.3%

Grand Total 252,421 256,334 258,493 258,472 262,971 273,489 271,637 286,456 298,547 308,162 317,562 3.1%

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR031/30AUG05
Note: UNC institutions include extension credit beginning in 1999; private institutions include extension credit beginning in 2001.
*Missing value represents a technical community college. **Missing value represents a two-year college.
Table 23
Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment by Residence Status in
North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

______________________Public Institutions_________________ ______________________Private Institutions_____________________ ________________________All Institutions____________________

Type of Out-of- % Out-of- Out-of- % Out-of- Out-of- % Out-of-
Enrollment Total In-State State State Total In-State State State Total In-State State State
Total Enrollment
1994 188,774 164,815 23,959 12.7% 63,647 33,528 30,119 47.3% 252,421 198,343 54,078 21.4%
1995 192,066 168,025 24,041 12.5% 64,268 33,420 30,848 48.0% 256,334 201,445 54,889 21.4%
1996 192,469 169,178 23,291 12.1% 66,024 34,494 31,530 47.8% 258,493 203,672 54,821 21.2%
1997 190,728 166,874 23,854 12.5% 67,744 35,781 31,963 47.2% 258,472 202,655 55,817 21.6%
1998 194,124 169,408 24,716 12.7% 68,847 36,472 32,375 47.0% 262,971 205,880 57,091 21.7%
1999 204,074 177,391 26,683 13.1% 69,415 36,933 32,482 46.8% 273,489 214,324 59,165 21.6%
2000 201,130 175,164 25,966 12.9% 70,507 40,350 30,157 42.8% 271,637 215,514 56,123 20.7%
2001 210,659 183,212 27,447 13.0% 75,797 46,393 29,404 38.8% 286,456 229,605 56,851 19.8%
2002 220,519 192,582 27,937 12.7% 78,028 47,895 30,133 38.6% 298,547 240,477 58,070 19.5%
2003 227,866 199,804 28,062 12.3% 80,296 49,949 30,347 37.8% 308,162 249,753 58,409 19.0%
2004 236,262 207,504 28,758 12.2% 81,300 50,432 30,868 38.0% 317,562 257,936 59,626 18.8%

Undergraduate Enrollment
1994 159,625 141,558 18,067 11.3% 52,800 27,365 25,435 48.2% 212,425 168,923 43,502 20.5%
1995 162,829 144,721 18,108 11.1% 53,023 26,903 26,120 49.3% 215,852 171,624 44,228 20.5%
1996 163,692 146,379 17,313 10.6% 54,002 27,540 26,462 49.0% 217,694 173,919 43,775 20.1%
1997 161,853 143,892 17,961 11.1% 55,293 28,354 26,939 48.7% 217,146 172,246 44,900 20.7%
1998 164,993 146,269 18,724 11.3% 56,265 28,986 27,279 48.5% 221,258 175,255 46,003 20.8%
1999 172,467 152,567 19,900 11.5% 56,397 29,393 27,004 47.9% 228,864 181,960 46,904 20.5%
2000 169,040 150,378 18,662 11.0% 56,920 30,071 26,849 47.2% 225,960 180,449 45,511 20.1%
2001 176,434 156,696 19,738 11.2% 61,706 35,046 26,660 43.2% 238,140 191,742 46,398 19.5%

2002 183,883 163,981 19,902 10.8% 62,538 36,185 26,353 42.1% 246,421 200,166 46,255 18.8%
2003 189,672 169,449 20,223 10.7% 64,456 37,799 26,657 41.4% 254,128 207,248 46,880 18.4%
2004 196,682 175,769 20,913 10.6% 64,963 37,838 27,125 41.8% 261,645 213,607 48,038 18.4%

First-Time Freshmen
1994 34,393 29,904 4,489 13.1% 12,972 5,203 7,769 59.9% 47,365 35,107 12,258 25.9%
1995 36,344 31,923 4,421 12.2% 13,005 5,236 7,769 59.7% 49,349 37,159 12,190 24.7%
1996 38,100 33,689 4,411 11.6% 12,565 5,111 7,454 59.3% 50,665 38,800 11,865 23.4%
1997 42,393 36,903 5,490 13.0% 13,151 5,380 7,771 59.1% 55,544 42,283 13,261 23.9%
1998 46,233 40,103 6,130 13.3% 13,580 5,678 7,902 58.2% 59,813 45,781 14,032 23.5%
1999 49,406 42,911 6,495 13.1% 13,631 5,812 7,819 57.4% 63,037 48,723 14,314 22.7%
2000 44,492 38,967 5,525 12.4% 13,587 6,072 7,515 55.3% 58,079 45,039 13,040 22.5%
2001 41,085 35,824 5,261 12.8% 14,024 6,353 7,671 54.7% 55,109 42,177 12,932 23.5%
2002 38,427 33,331 5,096 13.3% 14,084 6,575 7,509 53.3% 52,511 39,906 12,605 24.0%
2003 39,556 34,452 5,104 12.9% 14,181 6,497 7,684 54.2% 53,737 40,949 12,788 23.8%
2004 40,369 34,939 5,430 13.5% 14,122 6,318 7,804 55.3% 54,491 41,257 13,234 24.3%

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR032/30AUG05
Note: UNC institutions include extension credit beginning in 1999; private institutions include extension credit beginning in 2001. Community colleges include college transfer students (AA, AFA, AS).
Table 24
Percentages of Out-of-State Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in
North Carolina Public Colleges and Universities, Fall 1999 - Fall 2004

___________________Entering Freshmen____________________ ____________________Undergraduates______________________ ___________________Total Enrollment_____________________

Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall
Institution 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
University of North Carolina*
Appalachian 12.9% 15.7% 14.9% 13.6% 12.8% 10.5% 11.6% 12.2% 12.0% 11.2% 11.1% 10.2% 11.5% 12.1% 11.8% 11.1% 11.0% 10.2%

East Carolina 21.5% 19.7% 16.4% 20.9% 18.0% 19.9% 14.6% 15.2% 14.6% 15.5% 15.0% 14.8% 13.7% 14.2% 13.7% 14.4% 13.9% 13.5%

Elizabeth City 11.9% 20.5% 18.6% 19.4% 13.8% 17.0% 9.7% 11.8% 12.9% 13.4% 12.9% 13.9% 9.7% 11.7% 12.8% 13.3% 12.7% 13.7%

Fayetteville 16.6% 10.6% 12.0% 10.7% 10.0% 18.2% 15.8% 14.0% 13.0% 10.8% 9.1% 10.2% 14.0% 12.1% 11.3% 9.6% 8.2% 9.0%

N.C. A and T 20.0% 19.4% 20.0% 22.6% 24.2% 25.7% 17.2% 18.0% 19.5% 20.3% 21.3% 23.2% 17.2% 18.1% 19.4% 19.9% 20.7% 22.1%

N.C. Central 13.3% 10.1% 17.3% 17.8% 17.2% 20.2% 11.9% 10.3% 10.4% 9.9% 10.6% 10.9% 10.4% 9.2% 9.3% 8.7% 9.4% 10.0%

N.C. School of the Arts 57.4% 58.7% 54.5% 63.5% 59.3% 48.7% 50.8% 53.5% 51.7% 54.7% 55.2% 52.0% 51.4% 53.1% 52.0% 54.5% 53.7% 52.0%

N.C. State 12.4% 10.9% 12.4% 10.5% 11.0% 9.8% 8.8% 8.6% 8.8% 8.2% 8.5% 8.4% 12.6% 13.2% 13.7% 13.0% 12.9% 13.2%

UNC-Asheville 14.6% 17.9% 14.9% 17.8% 21.4% 19.8% 11.0% 11.1% 11.2% 11.1% 13.4% 14.5% 10.9% 10.9% 11.1% 11.0% 13.3% 14.5%

UNC-Chapel Hill 20.6% 18.1% 17.4% 17.7% 17.6% 18.3% 17.8% 18.0% 18.6% 18.6% 18.4% 18.3% 24.7% 25.1% 25.3% 25.6% 24.4% 23.3%

UNC-Charlotte 14.6% 14.5% 14.8% 12.6% 13.4% 12.5% 11.8% 11.8% 12.0% 11.4% 11.0% 10.6% 12.0% 12.6% 12.8% 12.3% 12.0% 11.6%

UNC-Greensboro 13.9% 12.4% 13.6% 12.5% 9.7% 10.4% 10.5% 9.6% 9.6% 9.7% 8.3% 7.9% 11.1% 10.8% 10.7% 11.0% 9.9% 9.9%

UNC-Pembroke 6.0% 6.2% 5.6% 8.6% 6.9% 5.4% 3.2% 3.5% 4.1% 4.8% 4.9% 4.2% 3.0% 3.3% 4.1% 4.7% 4.8% 4.2%

UNC-Wilmington 17.7% 19.8% 19.5% 15.7% 13.4% 20.1% 13.3% 13.8% 14.4% 13.8% 13.2% 13.5% 13.2% 13.8% 14.2% 13.5% 12.9% 13.1%

Western Carolina 9.7% 9.3% 14.7% 11.8% 8.3% 7.9% 8.5% 8.7% 10.8% 9.7% 9.4% 9.7% 8.8% 9.2% 11.1% 10.4% 9.4% 10.5%

Winston-Salem 9.4% 11.1% 10.6% 10.5% 12.4% 11.7% 6.6% 6.7% 7.5% 7.6% 8.4% 9.0% 6.6% 6.7% 7.5% 7.5% 8.3% 8.7%

UNC Total 16.2% 15.5% 15.6% 15.6% 14.7% 15.4% 12.5% 12.5% 12.8% 12.5% 12.4% 12.4% 14.2% 14.5% 14.7% 14.5% 14.1% 13.9%

Military Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Community Colleges** 10.2% 8.5% 7.9% 7.9% 8.3% 8.5% 8.8% 6.0% 6.0% 5.3% 5.1% 5.0% 8.8% 6.0% 6.0% 5.3% 5.1% 5.0%

Public Total 13.1% 12.4% 12.8% 13.3% 12.9% 13.5% 11.5% 11.0% 11.2% 10.8% 10.7% 10.6% 13.1% 12.9% 13.0% 12.7% 12.3% 12.2%

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR033/30AUG05

*Includes extension students beginning in 1999.

**Community Colleges Includes only college transfer students (AA, AFA, AS).
Table 25
Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment in North Carolina Colleges and Universities
by Level of Instruction, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall
Level of Instruction 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Public Institutions
Entering Freshmen 34,393 36,344 38,100 42,393 46,233 49,406 44,492 41,085 38,427 39,556 40,369
Other Freshmen 22,743 23,933 25,472 21,464 22,034 22,627 22,078 27,213 32,386 33,589 34,776
Sophomore 34,850 35,634 34,632 31,849 31,836 32,886 35,104 38,738 40,590 41,504 44,013
Junior 27,881 27,030 26,185 27,270 27,072 27,387 27,602 28,997 30,189 31,403 32,508
Senior and Fifth Year 32,453 32,447 32,340 31,824 31,710 33,278 32,711 33,267 35,198 36,640 38,273
Special/Unclassified 7,305 7,441 6,963 7,053 6,108 6,883 7,053 7,134 7,093 6,980 6,743

Undergraduate Total 159,625 162,829 163,692 161,853 164,993 172,467 169,040 176,434 183,883 189,672 196,682

First Professional 2,645 2,604 2,876 3,033 3,057 3,155 3,223 3,251 3,346 3,384 3,364
Graduate 26,504 26,633 25,901 25,842 26,074 28,452 28,867 30,974 33,290 34,810 36,216

Total 188,774 192,066 192,469 190,728 194,124 204,074 201,130 210,659 220,519 227,866 236,262

Private Institutions
Entering Freshmen 12,972 13,005 12,565 13,151 13,580 13,631 13,587 14,024 14,084 14,181 14,122
Other Freshmen 4,834 4,957 4,767 4,928 4,790 4,865 4,555 5,480 5,710 6,503 6,430
Sophomore 11,807 11,776 12,005 11,717 12,069 12,670 12,560 13,528 13,788 14,022 14,268
Junior 10,498 10,659 11,203 11,478 11,341 10,914 11,527 13,854 14,237 13,084 13,501
Senior and Fifth Year 10,831 10,880 11,802 12,151 12,358 12,257 12,330 12,267 11,975 14,106 14,486
Special/Unclassified 1,858 1,746 1,660 1,868 2,127 2,060 2,361 2,553 2,745 2,560 2,156

Undergraduate Total 52,800 53,023 54,002 55,293 56,265 56,397 56,920 61,706 62,538 64,456 64,963

First Professional 3,768 3,922 4,196 4,223 4,524 4,417 3,556 4,834 4,916 5,088 5,098
Graduate 7,079 7,323 7,826 8,228 8,058 8,601 10,031 9,257 10,574 10,752 11,239

Total 63,647 64,268 66,024 67,744 68,847 69,415 70,507 75,797 78,028 80,296 81,300

All Institutions
Entering Freshmen 47,365 49,349 50,665 55,544 59,813 63,037 58,079 55,109 52,511 53,737 54,491
Other Freshmen 27,577 28,890 30,239 26,392 26,824 27,492 26,633 32,693 38,096 40,092 41,206
Sophomore 46,657 47,410 46,637 43,566 43,905 45,556 47,664 52,266 54,378 55,526 58,281
Junior 38,379 37,689 37,388 38,748 38,413 38,301 39,129 42,851 44,426 44,487 46,009
Senior and Fifth Year 43,284 43,327 44,142 43,975 44,068 45,535 45,041 45,534 47,173 50,746 52,759
Special/Unclassified 9,163 9,187 8,623 8,921 8,235 8,943 9,414 9,687 9,838 9,540 8,899

Undergraduate Total 212,425 215,852 217,694 217,146 221,258 228,864 225,960 238,140 246,421 254,128 261,645

First Professional 6,413 6,526 7,072 7,256 7,581 7,572 6,779 8,085 8,262 8,472 8,462
Graduate 33,583 33,956 33,727 34,070 34,132 37,053 38,898 40,231 43,864 45,562 47,455

Total 252,421 256,334 258,493 258,472 262,971 273,489 271,637 286,456 298,547 308,162 317,562

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR034/30AUG05
Note: UNC institutions include extension credit beginning in 1999; private institutions include extension credit beginning in 2001. Community colleges include college transfer students (AA, AFA, AS).
Table 26
Trend in County Origin of In-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment
in North Carolina Colleges and Universities Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

_____Fall 2004______
Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall % Change
County 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Number Over 2003
Alamance 2,262 2,497 2,514 2,538 2,502 2,554 2,476 2,581 2,690 2,843 2,992 5.2%
Alexander 475 466 451 450 439 456 464 506 545 542 589 8.6%
Alleghany 175 176 183 180 188 177 188 180 192 199 210 5.5%
Anson 384 376 365 393 401 417 379 434 451 472 459 -2.7%
Ashe 554 525 518 396 409 390 372 422 431 416 473 13.7%
Avery 284 334 326 322 342 361 364 432 456 439 433 -1.3%
Beaufort 1,141 1,122 1,116 1,078 1,014 1,076 967 934 993 1,014 989 -2.4%
Bertie 392 395 398 415 448 456 504 509 526 536 541 0.9%
Bladen 569 697 716 593 580 623 689 710 929 947 896 -5.3%
Brunswick 900 1,217 1,184 1,169 1,154 1,260 1,213 1,273 1,334 1,379 1,315 -4.6%
Buncombe 4,302 4,277 4,337 4,290 4,385 4,423 4,548 4,892 4,963 5,005 5,154 2.9%
Burke 1,592 1,647 1,752 1,512 1,520 1,558 1,609 1,665 1,792 1,883 1,915 1.6%
Cabarrus 2,391 2,502 2,567 2,573 2,722 2,872 3,002 3,283 3,425 3,650 3,673 0.6%
Caldwell 1,246 1,212 1,226 1,063 1,126 1,143 1,239 1,408 1,368 1,399 1,512 8.0%
Camden 178 177 191 213 196 217 188 172 186 195 227 16.4%
Carteret 1,224 1,244 1,201 1,070 1,137 1,282 1,291 1,429 1,524 1,480 1,494 0.9%
Caswell 329 309 304 313 285 293 309 293 315 320 332 3.7%
Catawba 2,953 2,848 2,819 2,773 2,818 2,939 2,967 3,144 3,153 3,239 3,339 3.0%
Chatham 697 711 757 757 753 762 793 882 903 935 973 4.0%
Cherokee 517 491 524 477 436 451 407 455 469 478 468 -2.0%
Chowan 410 387 367 400 341 370 309 329 340 351 370 5.4%
Clay 202 186 208 178 177 187 170 177 192 198 184 -7.0%
Cleveland 1,989 2,111 2,252 1,975 1,988 2,055 1,900 1,976 1,974 2,023 1,979 -2.1%
Columbus 1,285 1,312 1,259 1,173 1,275 1,285 1,352 1,394 1,535 1,579 1,535 -2.7%
Craven 1,971 1,924 1,918 2,000 2,010 2,128 1,985 2,030 2,222 2,254 2,234 -0.8%
Cumberland 6,800 6,861 6,784 7,533 7,677 8,403 7,372 8,433 8,997 9,213 9,596 4.1%
Currituck 288 299 283 328 300 304 281 339 354 370 415 12.1%
Dare 595 616 651 730 648 679 663 710 691 724 740 2.2%

Davidson 2,578 2,476 2,575 2,423 2,432 2,470 2,467 2,615 2,745 2,795 2,863 2.4%
Davie 668 650 655 634 660 661 740 755 802 841 787 -6.4%
Duplin 869 974 964 797 849 829 853 918 1,004 1,061 1,081 1.8%
Durham 4,927 4,975 4,972 5,087 5,102 5,258 5,071 5,456 5,719 5,934 6,157 3.7%
Edgecombe 1,197 1,190 1,243 1,222 1,166 1,203 1,169 1,179 1,206 1,274 1,332 4.5%
Forsyth 7,625 7,602 7,498 7,675 7,568 7,801 7,867 8,086 8,519 8,736 9,036 3.4%
Franklin 699 718 689 664 738 741 749 768 771 806 868 7.6%
Gaston 3,971 3,958 3,897 3,683 3,521 3,787 3,569 3,607 3,737 3,889 3,918 0.7%
Gates 211 216 213 236 234 250 245 229 239 257 265 3.1%
Graham 129 141 121 122 131 127 118 123 127 131 154 17.5%
Granville 814 821 818 740 727 787 667 715 697 780 860 10.2%
Greene 346 335 320 294 333 325 318 368 365 352 368 4.5%
Guilford 11,555 11,695 11,581 11,578 12,330 11,252 12,001 12,063 12,609 12,749 14,279 12.0%
Halifax 1,240 1,208 1,189 1,229 1,287 1,298 1,176 1,178 1,323 1,418 1,359 -4.1%
Harnett 1,447 1,422 1,454 1,515 1,515 1,544 1,493 1,587 1,784 1,839 1,861 1.1%
Haywood 981 941 976 976 983 1,036 966 1,032 1,043 1,035 1,075 3.8%
Henderson 1,480 1,512 1,572 1,420 1,496 1,605 1,611 1,768 1,825 1,817 1,854 2.0%
Hertford 499 553 592 563 564 556 553 571 610 628 656 4.4%
Hoke 466 458 476 470 520 576 520 576 622 677 703 3.8%
Hyde 97 96 93 86 92 98 84 97 96 98 82 -16.3%
Iredell 2,088 2,066 2,057 1,976 1,982 2,077 2,170 2,330 2,475 2,605 2,676 2.7%
Jackson 789 734 707 754 731 822 766 784 883 1,257 1,384 10.1%
Johnston 1,919 1,966 1,986 1,923 1,948 2,012 1,981 2,228 2,304 2,439 2,595 6.3%
Jones 186 182 198 186 215 239 220 227 219 230 220 -4.3%
Lee 766 890 942 1,002 959 994 998 1,098 1,169 1,197 1,260 5.2%
Lenoir 1,619 1,526 1,499 1,424 1,439 1,539 1,438 1,634 1,675 1,775 1,774 -0.0%
Lincoln 1,153 1,163 1,161 1,078 1,072 1,186 1,180 1,224 1,257 1,251 1,294 3.4%
Macon 433 405 416 506 548 549 541 561 605 598 574 -4.0%
Madison 336 321 324 309 313 278 300 270 264 266 284 6.7%
Martin 596 590 566 570 567 567 515 534 575 596 567 -4.8%
Mcdowell 670 639 632 673 680 728 691 791 757 822 824 0.2%
Mecklenburg 16,514 16,542 17,238 16,829 17,477 18,650 18,171 18,121 18,697 19,310 19,761 2.3%
Table 26
Trend in County Origin of In-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment
in North Carolina Colleges and Universities Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

_____Fall 2004______
Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall % Change
Institution 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Number Over 2003
Mitchell 343 324 284 258 264 267 275 295 317 343 338 -1.4%
Montgomery 354 349 372 403 412 384 368 433 428 429 496 15.6%
Moore 1,255 1,350 1,332 1,242 1,291 1,424 1,446 1,617 1,705 1,766 1,832 3.7%
Nash 2,001 1,946 1,926 1,912 1,996 1,965 1,966 2,144 2,006 2,164 2,235 3.2%
New Hanover 4,439 4,703 4,836 4,930 5,285 5,324 5,537 5,763 6,063 6,238 5,951 -4.6%
Northampton 447 446 431 448 456 489 444 483 526 546 522 -4.3%
Onslow 3,038 3,269 3,232 2,658 2,739 2,949 3,042 4,353 4,466 4,473 4,489 0.3%
Orange 2,628 2,703 2,726 2,756 2,834 2,999 2,971 3,158 3,340 3,561 3,731 4.7%
Pamlico 195 188 202 228 227 253 241 243 250 267 270 1.1%
Pasquotank 1,061 984 962 1,040 1,036 1,057 933 974 1,065 1,095 1,105 0.9%
Pender 549 572 581 590 635 685 692 723 844 869 828 -4.7%
Perquimans 286 255 249 264 233 252 233 241 270 284 292 2.8%
Person 541 559 585 580 584 635 608 626 639 670 695 3.7%
Pitt 3,345 3,586 3,669 3,682 3,601 3,742 3,737 3,851 3,917 4,122 4,156 0.8%
Polk 246 278 244 229 233 277 256 250 281 292 293 0.3%
Randolph 1,553 1,817 1,964 1,918 1,846 1,951 1,938 2,080 2,174 2,198 2,392 8.8%
Richmond 855 841 823 846 841 940 864 964 1,012 974 898 -7.8%
Robeson 2,281 2,295 2,347 2,360 2,348 2,358 2,351 2,614 2,976 3,021 3,041 0.6%
Rockingham 1,732 1,696 1,644 1,582 1,535 1,607 1,640 1,661 1,660 1,676 1,697 1.2%
Rowan 2,110 2,183 2,287 2,307 2,493 2,509 2,561 2,778 2,888 2,902 2,963 2.1%
Rutherford 1,140 1,133 1,180 1,043 1,034 1,105 1,106 1,171 1,231 1,167 1,270 8.8%
Sampson 1,073 1,048 1,071 1,184 1,213 1,225 1,108 1,200 1,262 1,248 1,263 1.2%
Scotland 786 827 839 842 820 873 782 851 883 922 850 -7.8%
Stanly 1,010 1,042 1,041 1,059 1,111 1,194 1,203 1,296 1,363 1,401 1,420 1.3%
Stokes 614 637 644 631 623 667 678 698 726 756 816 7.9%
Surry 1,476 1,562 1,528 1,287 1,385 1,492 1,463 1,466 1,445 1,440 1,457 1.1%
Swain 207 194 195 244 234 228 229 241 274 283 336 18.7%
Transylvania 574 593 571 594 584 604 586 603 574 573 576 0.5%

Tyrrell 96 93 92 94 88 103 85 86 85 82 80 -2.4%
Union 1,830 1,925 1,911 1,905 2,025 2,128 2,150 2,256 2,480 2,603 2,787 7.0%
Vance 721 746 766 755 759 716 649 624 700 804 845 5.0%
Wake 16,178 16,339 16,982 17,727 18,358 19,604 19,994 21,981 22,631 24,242 25,161 3.7%
Warren 296 293 273 296 333 348 304 328 336 374 384 2.6%
Washington 373 380 355 351 359 360 359 373 349 374 358 -4.2%
Watauga 1,296 1,470 1,516 1,460 1,428 1,457 1,536 1,600 1,662 1,641 1,604 -2.2%
Wayne 3,161 3,148 3,175 2,919 2,884 3,195 3,054 3,372 3,661 3,521 3,940 11.9%
Wilkes 1,204 1,245 1,236 1,033 1,008 1,062 1,118 1,176 1,181 1,216 1,239 1.8%
Wilson 1,520 1,526 1,549 1,534 1,520 1,622 1,522 1,658 1,649 1,762 1,786 1.3%
Yadkin 654 635 575 521 521 635 591 627 652 669 731 9.2%
Yancey 229 258 256 235 248 241 257 287 303 352 304 -13.6%
Unknown 8 12 5 55 43 68 363 112 219 382 368 -3.7%
Total 168,678 171,334 173,251 171,538 174,917 181,960 180,449 191,742 200,166 207,248 213,607 3.1%

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR035/30AUG05

Note: Includes only college transfer students (AA, AFA, AS) at community colleges.
UNC institutions include extension credit beginning in 1999; private institutions include extension credit beginning in 2001.
Table 27
Trend in State Origin of Out-of-State Undergraduate Degree Credit Headcount Enrollment
in North Carolina Colleges and Universities Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

_____Fall 2004______
Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall % Change
State 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Number Over 2003
Alabama 343 346 362 403 440 455 442 465 489 466 482 3.4%
Alaska 48 47 43 56 74 74 64 60 55 61 45 -26.2%
Arizona 91 106 96 121 140 180 136 145 131 139 175 25.8%
Arkansas 82 87 89 102 114 143 113 120 105 108 119 10.1%
California 847 920 926 1,056 1,089 1,105 996 991 1,035 1,077 1,078 0.0%
Colorado 178 204 212 234 265 214 228 236 250 297 334 12.4%
Connecticut 1,087 1,107 1,101 1,065 1,086 1,082 981 1,023 1,010 971 1,055 8.6%
Delaware 455 441 443 470 459 463 427 408 377 355 354 -0.2%
Dist. of Columbia 531 550 522 610 650 602 602 596 631 754 915 21.3%
Florida 3,626 3,591 3,486 3,443 3,422 3,540 3,276 3,282 3,213 3,268 3,224 -1.3%
Foreign Countries 2,409 2,478 2,585 2,626 2,791 3,128 2,991 3,236 3,196 3,187 3,176 -0.3%
Georgia 2,468 2,347 2,404 2,422 2,447 2,498 2,482 2,736 2,853 2,913 2,990 2.6%
Hawaii 43 50 36 52 53 60 44 45 46 46 45 -2.1%
Idaho 30 34 32 46 26 29 26 29 31 35 48 37.1%
Illinois 670 708 732 768 792 853 798 792 794 848 851 0.3%
Indiana 296 307 302 327 343 388 359 362 366 377 344 -8.7%
Iowa 68 66 71 74 85 105 107 103 114 109 110 0.9%
Kansas 104 96 97 96 123 123 129 149 150 149 128 -14.0%
Kentucky 311 338 345 373 388 399 385 367 360 349 365 4.5%
Louisiana 253 256 275 281 311 276 288 276 265 273 243 -10.9%
Maine 168 170 174 189 181 201 198 228 213 228 226 -0.8%
Maryland 3,304 3,295 3,284 3,451 3,545 3,692 3,774 3,854 4,013 4,239 4,595 8.3%
Massachusetts 785 901 912 959 954 918 931 1,032 1,028 1,100 1,214 10.3%
Michigan 498 509 504 520 582 577 548 519 528 538 480 -10.7%
Minnesota 134 144 161 171 186 190 200 193 195 219 227 3.6%
Mississippi 124 145 148 152 149 162 150 140 143 117 133 13.6%
Missouri 241 250 252 299 299 316 313 323 325 335 312 -6.8%
Montana 39 25 23 34 44 43 37 44 39 38 40 5.2%

Nebraska 59 67 64 75 62 54 54 52 51 49 44 -10.2%
Nevada 34 28 37 32 49 50 48 50 53 42 44 4.7%
New Hampshire 161 177 175 200 238 244 214 254 263 276 262 -5.0%
New Jersey 3,498 3,460 3,245 3,127 3,032 2,805 2,575 2,511 2,453 2,548 2,715 6.5%
New Mexico 62 64 69 77 83 72 80 71 58 70 64 -8.5%
New York 3,478 3,602 3,660 3,671 3,569 3,416 3,108 3,035 2,979 2,920 3,129 7.1%
North Dakota 8 5 16 27 21 19 14 13 18 27 25 -7.4%
Ohio 1,034 1,094 1,076 1,178 1,258 1,345 1,360 1,432 1,423 1,511 1,547 2.3%
Oklahoma 100 101 108 107 132 127 132 137 149 137 151 10.2%
Oregon 85 93 97 107 129 139 128 118 118 110 108 -1.8%
Pennsylvania 2,071 2,128 2,185 2,313 2,424 2,421 2,341 2,419 2,418 2,391 2,496 4.3%
Rhode Island 144 140 156 190 184 181 179 180 186 198 186 -6.0%
South Carolina 3,176 3,265 3,398 3,303 3,326 3,325 3,369 3,454 3,239 3,128 2,987 -4.5%
South Dakota 16 14 15 9 11 24 22 30 25 23 37 60.8%
Tennessee 839 843 849 921 1,036 1,111 1,152 1,209 1,202 1,200 1,150 -4.1%
Territories 107 137 115 136 208 236 229 149 206 197 90 -54.3%
Texas 836 821 890 1,055 1,214 1,296 1,241 1,297 1,295 1,381 1,452 5.1%
Utah 33 34 26 39 61 44 44 41 46 36 40 11.1%
Vermont 145 157 159 178 185 174 169 176 181 191 177 -7.3%
Virginia 6,479 6,321 6,170 6,058 6,132 6,321 6,253 6,469 6,523 6,491 6,670 2.7%
Washington 129 128 155 190 208 232 219 235 264 261 280 7.2%
West Virginia 430 450 449 445 463 438 427 430 396 428 393 -8.1%
Wisconsin 163 171 178 211 205 225 210 221 236 229 232 1.3%
Wyoming 19 19 21 23 21 25 21 16 17 28 20 -28.5%
Unknown 601 909 786 762 541 764 897 645 501 412 431 4.6%
Total 42,940 43,746 43,716 44,834 45,830 46,904 45,511 46,398 46,255 46,880 48,038 2.5%

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR036/30AUG05

Note: Includes only college transfer students (AA, AFA, AS) at community colleges.
UNC institutions include extension credit beginning in 1999; private institutions include extension credit beginning in 2001.


Figure 7. Institutional Origin of Undergraduate Transfers in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

Table 28. Undergraduate Transfers to North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

Table 29. Undergraduate Transfer Students at North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Type of Institution
and Gender, Fall 2004

Table 30. Undergraduate Transfer Students from Two-Year Colleges to Senior Colleges and Universities in
North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004

Table 31. Undergraduate Transfer Students from Senior Colleges and Universities to Senior Colleges and
Universities in North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004

Table 32. Undergraduate Transfer Students from Senior Colleges and Universities to Two-Year Colleges in
North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004

Table 33. Undergraduate Transfer Students from Two-Year Colleges to Two-Year Colleges in North Carolina
by Institution, Fall 2004

Table 34. Undergraduate Transfer Students from Out-of-State Colleges and Universities to North Carolina
Colleges and Universities by State, Fall 2004

Table 35. Transfers into Non-College Parallel Programs at North Carolina Community Colleges from Other
Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

Figure 7. Institutional Origin of Undergraduate Transfers
in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004



Transfers from:
8,000 Private Junior
Community Colleges
Private Senior
University of North Carolina





2,000 2,211 1,454

1,000 2,134
Transfers to Transfers to Private Transfers to Transfers to Private
University of NC Senior Community Junior

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AG011.U/7-12-05

Table 28
Undergraduate Transfers to North Carolina Colleges and Universities,
Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

_____Fall 2004______
Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall % Change
Type of Institution 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Number Over 2003
To The University of North Carolina
From Community Colleges 4,249 4,028 4,050 4,222 3,912 3,896 4,415 4,565 5,002 5,365 5,803 8.1%
From Private Junior Colleges 327 268 111 130 65 78 71 63 69 53 66 24.5%
From The University of North Carolina 2,158 2,073 2,001 2,038 1,977 1,962 1,918 2,018 2,036 2,114 2,134 0.9%
From Private Senior Instititutions 823 770 835 793 757 708 781 815 762 833 805 -3.3%
Unknown from In-State 8 8 18 25 20 14 16 13 10 12 27 125.0%
From Out-of-State Institutions 2,821 2,751 2,759 2,795 2,707 2,616 2,741 2,989 2,766 2,783 2,790 0.2%
Subtotal 10,386 9,898 9,774 10,003 9,438 9,274 9,942 10,463 10,645 11,160 11,625 4.1%

To Community Colleges
From Community Colleges 806 794 863 736 804 915 1,022 1,178 1,221 1,405 1,454 3.4%
From Private Junior Colleges 73 87 55 54 45 44 47 69 71 67 72 7.4%
From The University of North Carolina 628 631 773 610 651 734 742 734 745 886 958 8.1%
From Private Senior Instititutions 306 282 316 225 264 273 238 261 266 322 375 16.4%
From Out-of-State Institutions 1,105 1,253 1,458 1,411 1,663 1,675 1,273 1,355 1,328 1,402 1,532 9.2%
Subtotal 2,918 3,047 3,465 3,036 3,427 3,641 3,322 3,597 3,631 4,082 4,391 7.5%

To Private Senior Institutions*

From Community Colleges 1,546 1,604 1,927 2,009 1,630 1,526 1,546 1,811 2,142 2,117 2,211 4.4%
From Private Junior Colleges 124 96 88 113 85 41 57 527 480 558 453 -18.8%
From The University of North Carolina 519 468 536 498 441 486 423 436 449 501 595 18.7%
From Private Senior Instititutions 290 274 300 257 262 256 292 244 290 323 356 10.2%
From Out-of-State Institutions 1,630 1,565 1,659 1,530 1,443 1,309 1,298 1,330 1,447 1,594 1,682 5.5%

Subtotal 4,109 4,007 4,510 4,407 3,861 3,618 3,616 4,348 4,808 5,093 5,297 4.0%

To Junior Colleges
From Community Colleges 24 16 44 47 40 44 1 2 3 3 7 133.3%
From Private Junior Colleges 2 - - - 1 1 - - - - - -
From The University of North Carolina 10 7 27 23 13 16 - 1 1 1 7 600.0%
From Private Senior Instititutions 6 9 6 9 5 6 - - 2 1 2 100.0%
From Out-of-State Institutions 31 13 14 19 19 10 2 - 3 3 6 100.0%
Subtotal 73 45 91 98 78 77 3 3 9 8 22 175.0%

Total Transfers to North Carolina 17,486 16,997 17,840 17,544 16,804 16,610 16,883 18,411 19,093 20,343 21,335 4.8%

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR037/14APR05
Note: UNC institutions include extension transfers beginning in 1999; private institutions include extension transfers beginning in 2001.
*Private senior institutions include Bible colleges and a seminary.
Table 29
Undergraduate Transfers at North Carolina Colleges and Universities
by Type of Institution and Gender, Fall 2004

Transferred from Transferred from

Junior Institutions in N.C. Senior Institutions in N.C.
Transferred Transferred Transferred
from Unknown from All from
Community Private Private North Carolina North Carolina Out-of-State
Colleges Junior Total UNC Senior Total Institutions Institutions Institutions Grand Total
Type of Institution and Gender
University of North Carolina*
Men 2,450 25 2,475 906 314 1,220 11 3,706 1,197 4,903
Women 3,353 41 3,394 1,228 491 1,719 16 5,129 1,593 6,722
Total 5,803 66 5,869 2,134 805 2,939 27 8,835 2,790 11,625

Private Senior Institutions**

Men 590 279 869 168 142 310 - 1,179 780 1,959
Women 1,621 174 1,795 427 214 641 - 2,436 902 3,338
Total 2,211 453 2,664 595 356 951 - 3,615 1,682 5,297

All Senior Institutions

Men 3,040 304 3,344 1,074 456 1,530 11 4,885 1,977 6,862
Women 4,974 215 5,189 1,655 705 2,360 16 7,565 2,495 10,060
Total 8,014 519 8,533 2,729 1,161 3,890 27 12,450 4,472 16,922

Community Colleges
Men 511 28 539 416 160 576 - 1,115 519 1,634
Women 943 44 987 542 215 757 - 1,744 1,013 2,757
Total 1,454 72 1,526 958 375 1,333 - 2,859 1,532 4,391

Private Junior Colleges
Men 2 - 2 2 2 4 - 6 5 11
Women 5 - 5 5 - 5 - 10 1 11
Total 7 - 7 7 2 9 - 16 6 22

All Junior Colleges

Men 513 28 541 418 162 580 - 1,121 524 1,645
Women 948 44 992 547 215 762 - 1,754 1,014 2,768
Total 1,461 72 1,533 965 377 1,342 - 2,875 1,538 4,413

All Institutions
Men 3,553 332 3,885 1,492 618 2,110 11 6,006 2,501 8,507
Women 5,922 259 6,181 2,202 920 3,122 16 9,319 3,509 12,828
Total 9,475 591 10,066 3,694 1,538 5,232 27 15,325 6,010 21,335

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR038/14APR05
*Includes extension students transferring to UNC institutions. **Includes Bible colleges, a seminary, and extension students.
Table 30. Undergraduate Transfer Students from Two-Year Colleges to Senior Colleges and Universities in North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004

Transferred from Community Colleges

Blue Ridge
Cape Fear
College of
James Sprunt
The University of North Carolina
Appalachian 4 3 2 - 5 - 42 3 2 45 6 20 20 3 2 - 4 6 - 2 16 22 6 1 5 13 - 2 1 - 7 16 13 2
East Carolina 6 4 24 5 2 2 1 20 25 6 10 17 1 25 17 58 2 11 28 20 8 7 8 12 - - 10 23 49 12 - 3 5 2
Elizabeth City - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 75 - - - - 1 - - - 8 - - 1 - 1 1 - - - -
Fayetteville - 1 - 8 - - - - - - 12 - - 3 - 1 - 2 1 129 1 1 - - - - 2 5 - - - - - 1
N.C. A and T 14 - - 2 - 1 3 2 - - 3 3 - 4 - 3 2 5 - 7 10 - 75 - - - 3 1 1 - - - - 1
N.C. Central 4 1 - - - 1 - 1 - - 2 2 - - - 2 - 68 3 2 2 - 2 3 - - - 4 2 3 - - 1 -
N.C. School of the Arts - - - - - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
N.C. State 8 4 2 - - - - 14 4 3 10 10 1 3 5 4 4 29 2 7 6 4 9 2 2 2 3 12 6 - - - 1 -
UNC-Asheville - 55 - - 11 - 1 6 - 2 - 1 2 2 - - 1 1 - - - 1 2 - 1 4 - - - - 1 - 1 -
UNC-Chapel Hill 25 4 - - - - 5 8 - 4 7 13 - 4 4 1 1 41 - 6 4 1 5 - - - - 3 1 1 - - 1 1
UNC-Charlotte 1 11 2 2 7 1 14 13 - 34 3 421 17 2 1 - 14 8 - 7 15 52 25 1 - 9 1 1 1 - 1 1 31 3
UNC-Greensboro 42 5 1 - 2 4 4 5 - 7 9 20 - 3 2 - 14 12 - 4 62 12 121 - 2 5 - 5 - - 1 1 8 2
UNC-Pembroke - 1 - 27 - 1 1 - - 1 9 3 - 1 - 1 1 - - 66 1 1 1 - 1 1 - - 2 - - - - -
UNC-Wilmington 10 5 - 6 2 24 3 347 14 5 5 17 1 90 9 7 6 6 - 10 10 7 10 1 - - 14 9 9 - 1 - 5 -
Western Carolina 2 47 - 1 20 1 1 2 3 4 1 13 10 3 4 - 3 1 - 1 5 6 7 1 46 36 - 1 - - - 7 4 1
Winston-Salem 1 - - 2 - 1 - 2 - 3 2 9 2 1 - - 16 2 - 3 98 3 14 1 - 5 - - - - - 1 2 3
UNC Total 117 141 32 53 49 36 75 423 50 114 79 550 54 144 119 78 68 192 34 265 239 117 285 30 57 75 34 66 73 17 11 29 72 16
Private Senior Institutions
Barber-Scotia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Barton - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 - - - - 4 - - - 19 2 - - - - -
Belmont Abbey - - - - - - - - - 1 - 15 3 - 1 - - - - - 1 24 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
Bennett - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brevard - 1 - - 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cabarrus - 1 - - - - - - - - - 10 - - - - 1 1 - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - 2 -
Campbell 4 1 - - 1 1 - 1 1 1 19 - - 26 2 2 3 4 - 31 - 1 1 - - 1 1 7 4 - - - - -
Catawba 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - 2 - - - - 9 - - - 3 - 2 - - - 1 - - - - - 6 -
Chowan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Davidson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Duke 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Elon 4 - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
Gardner-Webb - 1 - - 1 1 12 - - 44 1 21 52 1 - - - 1 - - 16 39 - - 1 28 - 1 1 - 4 8 17 9
Greensboro 2 - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - 2 1 - 2 6 1 9 - - - - - - - - - - -
Guilford 13 - - - - - 2 1 - - 1 1 - - 1 - 6 3 - - 14 - 99 1 - - - - - - - 1 - 1
High Point - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - 15 - - 2 34 - 33 - - - - 1 - - - - - -
Johnson C. Smith - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lees-McRae - - - - - - 5 - - 3 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 2 1 -
Lenoir-Rhyne - - - - - - 6 1 - 36 - 2 - - - - - 1 - - 1 2 - - - 1 - - - - 1 6 - -
Livingstone - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - 1 -
Mars Hill - 10 - - 3 - - - - - 1 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 1 - 1 - - 10 6 - -
Meredith 1 - - - - - - 6 - - 1 1 - - - - - 11 - 2 2 - - - - - - 2 - - - - - -
Methodist 1 - - - - - - - - - 6 1 - - - - - - - 41 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Montreat - 20 - - 2 - 1 - - 1 - 55 2 - - - - 1 - 2 1 1 1 - 4 - 1 1 - - 1 6 2 -
Mount Olive - - 1 2 - - - 9 3 - 2 1 - 1 - 5 - 3 1 3 - - - 3 - - 12 4 7 - - - - -
N.C. Wesleyan - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - - 2 - - - - 5 - - - - 1 1 - - - -
Peace - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 2 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 1 - - - - - - 2 - - - - - -
Pfeiffer - - - - 1 - 1 - 1 - - 27 - - - - 1 2 - - 4 - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - 1 5
Queens - 1 - - - - 1 2 - 4 - 83 1 1 - - - 2 - 1 - 17 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Saint Andrews 1 - - - - - - - - - 2 2 - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
Saint Augustine's - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - -
Salem 1 - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - 1 - - 1 24 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - 1
Shaw - - 1 1 - 1 - - - - 4 - - - - 1 7 1 7 1 - - 1 2 - - - - 3 2 - - - -
Wake Forest - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Warren Wilson - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - - -
Wingate - - - - - - - - - - - 6 - 1 - - 1 - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
Southeastern Seminary 2 - - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Heritage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 1 - - - - -
John Wesley - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 2 - - - 1 - 6 - - - - - - - - - - -
Piedmont - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
Roanoke - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Winston-Salem - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Private Senior Total 31 38 3 3 10 4 31 20 7 93 42 237 58 33 4 9 48 35 18 89 114 87 162 15 11 32 16 40 20 3 31 29 30 18
GRAND TOTAL 148 179 35 56 59 40 106 443 57 207 121 787 112 177 123 87 116 227 52 354 353 204 447 45 68 107 50 106 93 20 42 58 102 34
Table 30. Undergraduate Transfer Students from Two-Year Colleges to Senior Colleges and Universities in North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004

Transferred from CC (Cont.)


C.C. Total
St. Mary's
Private Jr.
The University of North Carolina
Appalachian 1 - 4 3 2 1 - - 5 6 - 8 - - 4 1 40 5 2 18 4 44 66 2 489 2 - 2 491
East Carolina 26 1 - 214 3 2 3 1 1 6 2 7 - 5 - - 6 1 13 48 45 5 3 23 838 8 1 9 847
Elizabeth City - - 1 4 - - 6 - - 1 - 3 - 1 - - - - - 2 - - - - 107 2 - 2 109
Fayetteville 1 - - - 1 1 - 10 - - 8 5 1 5 - 1 - - - 4 4 - - - 208 1 1 2 210
N.C. A and T 1 - - 5 11 1 - - 9 3 - 2 - 1 - - - - 2 3 4 - - - 182 - - 0 182
N.C. Central - - 5 - - - - - 1 2 - 1 - - - - - - 17 30 1 - - - 160 1 - 1 161
N.C. School of the Arts - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 6 - - 0 6
N.C. State 11 - 1 3 - 1 - - 3 4 4 14 - 4 - - 7 - 9 178 13 5 3 5 422 5 - 5 427
UNC-Asheville - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 2 - 3 - - 7 - 2 1 1 110 1 - 1 111
UNC-Chapel Hill 1 - 2 2 2 - - - - 1 - 7 - 3 3 - 2 - 5 31 9 - - - 208 2 1 3 211
UNC-Charlotte 2 - 2 3 - 7 - - - 69 1 10 5 1 - 25 8 - 4 14 1 13 10 4 878 2 10 12 890
UNC-Greensboro - - 6 1 25 3 - - 33 9 - 18 - 2 - 5 16 - 9 18 2 5 7 1 513 4 - 4 517
UNC-Pembroke - - - 1 - 43 - 56 - 1 2 56 1 34 - - 1 - - 3 - - - 1 318 3 - 3 321
UNC-Wilmington 1 - 2 4 2 2 - 1 4 2 11 20 - 19 3 2 6 - 5 30 8 4 3 2 764 13 - 13 777
Western Carolina - - - 1 3 - - - 1 3 - 1 1 - 57 3 5 24 3 7 - 13 4 1 358 1 2 3 361
Winston-Salem - - 2 2 3 - - - 4 14 - 3 - 1 - 2 23 - 1 4 2 2 7 1 242 1 5 6 248
UNC Total 44 1 25 243 53 61 9 68 61 121 28 156 8 77 69 39 117 30 70 397 93 93 105 41 5,803 46 20 66 5,869
Private Senior Institutions
Barber-Scotia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - 0 0
Barton 18 - - 9 - - - - - 1 1 - - 1 - - - - 4 6 8 - - 15 96 2 - - 2 98
Belmont Abbey - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 47 - - - 0 47
Bennett - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 3 - - - 0 3
Brevard - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 1 - - 1 4
Cabarrus - - - - - - - - - 31 - - - - - 5 - - - - - - - - 53 - 2 - 2 55
Campbell 1 - 1 2 - - - 2 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - 24 1 - - 1 146 3 348 - 351 497
Catawba - - - - 1 - - - - 44 - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - 72 - - - 0 72
Chowan - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - 0 3

Davidson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - 0 0
Duke - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - 0 2
Elon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 - - - 0 7
Gardner-Webb - - 1 - 3 6 - - 5 3 - 3 - 2 1 4 25 1 1 1 1 13 32 - 361 - - - 0 361
Greensboro - - - - 5 - - - 4 - - - - - - 2 1 - - - - - - - 37 4 1 - 5 42
Guilford 1 - 2 1 8 1 - - 23 - - - - - 1 1 - - - 2 - - - - 184 - 20 - 20 204
High Point - - 1 1 10 - - - 2 1 - - - 1 - 1 8 - - - - 1 - - 113 - 10 - 10 123
Johnson C. Smith - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 2 1 - 3 6
Lees-McRae - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33 - - - - 1 4 - 65 - - - 0 65
Lenoir-Rhyne - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 18 1 - 77 1 - - 1 78
Livingstone - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 5 - 2 - 2 7
Mars Hill - - - - 1 - - - 1 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - 4 2 - 49 - 2 - 2 51
Meredith 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 42 3 - 1 - 74 1 - - 1 75
Methodist - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 - - - 0 50
Montreat - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - 1 - 29 - - 1 - 1 - 3 - - 139 2 - - 2 141
Mount Olive - - - 2 - - - - - - 11 - - 4 - 1 - - - - 26 - - 2 103 2 - - 2 105
N.C. Wesleyan 17 - - 2 - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 1 - - - 2 36 13 - - 13 49
Peace - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 12 - - 1 - 26 6 - - 6 32
Pfeiffer - - - - 3 - - - - 23 - - 1 - - 17 - - 1 - - - 4 - 94 - 1 - 1 95
Queens - - 5 - - - - - - 10 - - - - 1 8 - - - 1 - - - - 138 - 13 - 13 151
Saint Andrews - - - - - 3 - - - - - 12 - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 25 1 - - 1 26
Saint Augustine's - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 2 - - - 1 6 - 1 - 1 7
Salem - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - 41 - - - 0 41
Shaw 2 - 3 11 1 1 8 - - 1 - - - 1 - - - - 3 8 1 1 - 3 76 - 2 - 2 78
Wake Forest - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - 7 - 7 7
Warren Wilson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - 7 - - - 0 7
Wingate - - 8 - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - 2 1 - - - - - 1 - 24 1 - - 1 25
Southeastern Seminary 1 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 2 4 - - - - 16 1 1 - 2 18
Heritage - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - 0 4
John Wesley - - - - 2 - - - 2 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - 18 - 2 - 2 20
Piedmont - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - 6 - - - 0 6
Roanoke - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - 0 2
Winston-Salem - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - 0 0
Private Senior Total 41 0 22 31 34 13 12 2 41 118 14 17 2 12 33 43 80 2 14 106 41 41 47 24 2,211 40 413 0 453 2,664
GRAND TOTAL 85 1 47 274 87 74 21 70 102 239 42 173 10 89 102 82 197 32 84 503 134 134 152 65 8,014 86 433 0 519 8,533
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT032.U/4-15-05
Table 31. Undergraduate Transfer Students from Senior Colleges and Universities to
Senior Colleges and Universities in North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004

Transferred from the University of North Carolina Transferred from Priv. Sr. Institutions

N.C. School of Arts


Western Carolina
UNC-Chapel Hill



Belmont Abbey
Elizabeth City

East Carolina

N.C. A and T

N.C. Central

UNC Total
N.C. State





The University of North Carolina

Appalachian - 17 - 1 1 - - 24 7 7 26 19 2 2 20 1 127 - - - - 2 - 4 1 1 - -
East Carolina 16 - 16 7 9 9 - 31 3 10 15 23 11 25 11 5 191 - 14 - - 1 1 17 6 4 - -
Elizabeth City 1 3 - 1 7 3 - - 1 1 - - - 1 - 1 19 3 3 - - 1 - 2 - 5 - -
Fayetteville 3 4 2 - 9 3 - 2 - 2 1 3 6 1 1 3 40 1 1 - 1 - - 6 - - - -
N.C. A and T 2 6 - 8 - 8 - 7 - 3 6 19 1 - 1 14 75 3 - - 5 1 - 1 - 1 - -
N.C. Central - 3 4 7 13 - 1 10 1 10 4 8 - 1 4 8 74 1 - - 1 - - 3 - 1 - 3
N.C. School of Arts 2 - - - - - - 2 - 1 - 4 - - - - 9 - - - - - - - - - - -
N.C. State 28 36 2 4 15 5 - 233 5 15 27 19 7 22 14 2 434 - - - - 2 - 6 - - - 1
UNC-Asheville 3 4 - - - - - 4 - 4 5 5 - 2 4 - 31 - - - - 2 - 1 - 1 - -
UNC-Chapel Hill 30 17 - 2 3 2 1 72 8 - 21 29 6 40 2 - 233 - - - - 1 1 4 - - 1 1
UNC-Charlotte 49 32 1 7 26 10 1 42 10 21 - 48 10 26 24 10 317 8 1 8 - - 1 5 2 - 1 1
UNC-Greensboro 35 26 1 5 17 7 6 26 7 13 24 - 7 14 8 6 202 1 1 3 - - - 7 2 1 2 1
UNC-Pembroke 4 5 - 11 5 5 - 9 - 2 5 7 - 5 4 1 63 1 - - 1 - - 10 1 - - -
UNC-Wilmington 24 32 3 6 - 2 1 23 5 8 16 20 16 - 10 - 166 - - - - 1 - 17 1 3 - -
Western Carolina 7 5 - - - 2 - 10 6 3 10 8 - 2 - 1 54 1 - 1 - 2 - 1 2 2 - -
Winston-Salem 3 4 4 4 27 5 - 3 - 4 16 24 1 3 1 - 99 7 - 1 1 - 1 5 1 - - -

UNC Total 207 194 33 63 132 61 10 498 53 104 176 236 67 144 104 52 2,134 26 20 13 9 13 4 89 16 19 4 7

Private Senior Institutions

Barber-Scotia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - -
Barton - 3 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 2 - 1 3 - - 15 - - - - - - - - 1 - 1
Belmont Abbey 1 - - 1 1 - 1 1 - - 2 1 - 1 1 1 11 1 - - - - - - 1 - - -
Bennett - - - - 1 - - - - 1 - 1 - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - -
Brevard - 1 - - - - - - - - 2 1 - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - -
Cabarrus 1 3 - - - - - 2 - 2 18 1 - 1 - - 28 - - - - - - - 1 - - -
Campbell 1 4 - 2 - 1 - 5 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 29 2 - 1 - 1 - - - - - -
Catawba - - 1 1 - - - - - 1 5 - - - - 1 9 3 - - - - - 1 - - - -
Chowan - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
Davidson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - -
Duke - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
Elon - - 1 - - - - - - 2 - 2 - - - - 5 - 2 - - - - 1 - - - -
Gardner-Webb 7 - - - 3 2 1 3 1 2 11 1 - 1 3 2 37 2 - 4 - 1 2 3 - - - 1
Greensboro - 2 - - 2 - - 1 - - - 6 1 1 - 1 14 1 - - - - - 1 - - - -
Guilford 1 - 1 1 19 2 - 3 2 1 1 29 - 1 - 3 64 - - - 3 - - 1 - - - -
High Point 3 - 1 - 5 - - 4 - - 4 11 - - 1 5 34 - - - - - - 1 - - - -
Johnson C. Smith - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 6 - - - - - - - - - -
Lees-McRae 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 4 - - - - - - - - - - -
Lenoir-Rhyne 2 1 - - - - - 4 1 3 4 2 - 1 5 1 24 - 1 1 - - - - - - - -
Livingstone - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 20 - - - - - - - - - -
Mars Hill 4 - - - - - - - 3 1 - - - - 6 - 14 - - - - - - - - - - -
Meredith 2 5 - - - - - 16 1 6 2 2 - 2 1 - 37 - - - - - - 1 - - - -
Methodist - 3 1 10 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 4 2 1 - - 25 - - - - - - 11 - - - -
Montreat 5 1 - 1 - 1 - 4 1 2 3 3 - 1 12 1 35 - - 2 - 5 - - 1 1 - -
Mount Olive 1 8 - 2 - 1 - 1 - - - - 1 1 - 1 16 - 3 - - - - - - - - -
N.C. Wesleyan - 1 - 1 3 - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - 7 1 1 - - - - - - - - -
Peace - 4 - 1 1 - - 2 - - - - 1 1 - - 10 - - - - - - - - 1 - -
Pfeiffer 2 2 - 1 - - - 3 - - 7 2 - 1 - - 18 1 - - - - - - - - - -
Queens 4 6 - - 1 - - 2 8 - 49 3 - 4 3 1 81 1 - 2 - - - 1 - - - -
Saint Andrews - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - 3 - - - - - - 1 - - - -
Saint Augustine's - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - -
Salem - 1 - 1 - - - 2 - - 2 3 - 2 - 4 15 - - - - - - - - - - -
Shaw - 3 4 2 1 8 - 5 - - - 1 - - 2 - 26 7 - - 1 - - - - 1 - -
Wake Forest - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - -
Warren Wilson 1 - - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - 1 -
Wingate - 1 - - - - - 1 - - 2 - - - 1 - 5 2 - 1 - 2 - - - - - -
Southeastern Sem. 1 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 3 - - - - - - 2 - - - -
Heritage - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
John Wesley - - - - 4 - - 2 - 1 - 2 - - - - 9 - - - - - - - - - - -
Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - -
Roanoke - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
Winston-Salem - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - -

Private Sr. Total 38 53 11 26 42 18 4 65 18 30 118 78 10 24 38 22 595 47 7 11 4 9 2 24 3 4 1 2

GRAND TOTAL 245 247 44 89 174 79 14 563 71 134 294 314 77 168 142 74 2,729 73 27 24 13 22 6 ## 19 23 5 9

Table 31. (Cont.) Undergraduate Transfer Students from Senior Colleges and Universities to
Senior Colleges and Universities in North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004

Transferred from Private Senior Institutions (Cont.)

Sem.&Bible Coll.
N.C. Wesleyan

St. Augustine's

Warren Wilson

Priv. Sr. Total


Wake Forest
St. Andrews
Mount Olive

J.C. Smith
High Point

Mars Hill



Institution Total

The University of North Carolina

Appalachian 4 3 7 1 3 1 13 5 - - - 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 - - - - 1 1 5 1 61 188
East Carolina 4 - 1 1 5 - - - - 2 5 4 1 6 11 5 - 1 1 1 - 3 - - 2 - 96 287
Elizabeth City - - 1 - - - - 1 2 - - - - 1 1 - - - 1 2 - 3 - - - - 26 45
Fayetteville - - - - 1 - - - 2 - 1 8 - 1 2 1 - - 1 3 - 3 - - - - 32 72
N.C. A and T - - - 3 4 1 - - 6 - 1 1 - - 2 1 1 - - 5 - 1 - - - 1 38 113
N.C. Central 1 - - - - 1 - - 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 1 - - - 9 - 8 - - 1 1 38 112
N.C. School of Arts - - 1 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 12
N.C. State 5 1 3 - 2 - 1 - - 1 12 1 2 1 2 11 2 1 - 3 - 2 2 1 4 - 66 500
UNC-Asheville 2 - - 2 - - - 2 - - - - 3 - - - - - - - 1 - - 3 - - 17 48
UNC-Chapel Hill 5 1 1 - - - - 2 - 1 10 2 - - - 4 - - - 1 2 - 1 1 1 - 40 273
UNC-Charlotte 8 6 1 - 3 9 2 7 3 4 4 2 3 - - 1 9 7 3 1 2 1 2 - 13 - 118 435
UNC-Greensboro 7 6 7 10 2 - 2 4 - 1 3 1 2 1 - 2 - 2 2 - 4 - 4 1 2 - 81 283
UNC-Pembroke - - 2 - - 1 2 1 1 - - 6 - - - - - - 4 1 - - - - 2 - 33 96
UNC-Wilmington 5 1 3 2 3 - 2 - 1 - 6 1 1 1 2 6 1 - - - - - 1 - 2 - 60 226
Western Carolina 2 3 1 - - - 1 2 - 2 - - 4 1 - 1 1 - - - - - 1 2 - - 30 84
Winston-Salem 1 1 1 1 6 7 1 4 8 1 - 1 1 - - - - - - 6 6 5 - - - - 66 165

UNC Total 44 22 29 21 29 20 24 28 25 12 45 29 19 14 22 34 15 12 12 32 15 26 12 9 32 3 805 2,939

Private Senior Institutions

Barber-Scotia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0
Barton - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - 3 4 5 - - - - - 3 - - - - 19 34
Belmont Abbey - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 4 15
Bennett - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 4
Brevard - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 5
Cabarrus 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 32
Campbell - - - - - - - - - - 1 5 - - - - - - 1 1 - 1 - - - - 13 42
Catawba - - - - - - 1 - - 3 - 1 - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - - 2 1 14 23
Chowan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 2
Davidson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0
Duke 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3
Elon - - 3 - 1 - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 10 15
Gardner-Webb - - - - 2 1 2 2 1 3 - - 4 - - - 1 1 - - - - - - 1 - 31 68
Greensboro 2 - - 2 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - 2 - - - - 1 - 12 26
Guilford - - 5 - 8 - - - - - - 5 - - - - - - - 2 - - 1 - - 1 26 90
High Point - - - 2 - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - 1 - - - 8 42
Johnson C. Smith - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 8 9
Lees-McRae - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 4
Lenoir-Rhyne 2 4 - - 1 - 2 - - 1 - 1 - - - - 1 - 1 - - - - - 1 - 16 40
Livingstone - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 21 21
Mars Hill 1 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - 3 - - 1 1 - - - - - - 1 1 - 10 24
Meredith - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 6 - - - 1 - 1 - - - - 11 48
Methodist - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - 3 - - - - 16 41
Montreat - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - 1 - 2 18 53
Mount Olive - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 3 - - - 2 9 25
N.C. Wesleyan - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 3 - - - - 7 14
Peace - - 1 - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - 6 16
Pfeiffer - - - - - 1 - - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - 2 - 7 25
Queens 2 - - - - 3 - 2 - 1 1 1 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - 3 - 19 100
Saint Andrews - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 2 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 6 9
Saint Augustine's - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 4 4
Salem - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 1 5 20
Shaw - - - 3 - 3 - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - 1 - - - - - - 18 44
Wake Forest - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0
Warren Wilson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 4
Wingate 1 - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 9 14
Southeastern Sem. - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 8 12 15
Heritage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 1
John Wesley - 1 - 1 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 7 16
Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0
Roanoke - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2
Winston-Salem - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1

Private Sr. Total 11 8 10 9 19 10 7 5 3 13 8 16 10 8 14 13 7 2 2 11 3 16 5 2 13 17 356 951

GRAND TOTAL 55 30 39 30 48 30 31 33 28 25 53 45 29 22 36 47 22 14 14 43 18 42 17 11 45 20 1,161 3,890

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT033.U/4-18-05

Table 32. Undergraduate Transfer Students from Senior Colleges and Universities to Two-Year Colleges in North Carolina, Fall 2004
Transferred from the University of North Carolina Transferred from Priv. Sr. Institutions

East Carolina
Elizabeth City
N.C. A and T
N.C. Central
N.C. School of
N.C. State
UNC Total

Community Colleges
Alamance 2 1 - - - - - 2 1 4 - 3 - 1 1 - 15 - 1 - - 1 - 2 - - - -
Asheville-Buncombe 2 1 - - 1 - - - 2 - 3 2 - - - - 11 - - - - - - - - - - -
Beaufort Co. - 1 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - -
Bladen - - - 1 - - - 1 - 1 - 1 7 2 - - 13 - - - - - - - - - - -
Blue Ridge 4 - - - - - - - 1 - 2 - - 1 - - 8 - - - - - - - - - - -
Brunswick - 3 1 - 4 1 - - - - 1 2 - 1 - - 13 - - 1 - - - 1 - - - -
Caldwell 32 1 1 - - - 1 2 1 - 1 4 1 2 3 - 49 - - - - - - - - - - -
Cape Fear 6 23 1 3 2 - 1 10 2 3 10 12 4 28 4 2 111 - 5 - - 1 - 6 - 1 - -
Carteret - 4 - - - - - 1 - - - 1 1 - - - 7 - - - - - - - - - - -
Catawba Valley 7 - - - 1 - - - 2 1 2 1 - - - - 14 - - - - - - - - - - -
Central Carolina 3 2 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 1 1 - - 1 10 - - - - - - 1 - - - -
Central Piedmont 1 1 - 1 3 1 - 2 - 1 8 2 1 1 - - 22 2 - - - - - 2 1 - - -
Cleveland 1 1 - - 1 - - 1 - 1 - - - - 1 - 6 - - - - - - 1 - - - -
Coastal Carolina 1 5 - - 1 1 - 4 - - 2 2 1 1 2 - 20 - - 1 - - - 13 - 1 - -
Coll. of Albemarle - 4 9 - 1 - - - 1 1 1 - - 1 - - 18 - 1 - - - - 2 - - - -
Craven - 3 - 1 - 1 - 2 - - - - 1 - - - 8 - - 1 - - - 1 - - - -
Davidson County - 1 - - - 1 - - - - 2 1 1 - - - 6 - - - - - - - - - - -
Durham 1 2 - - - 1 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 15 - 1 - - - - - - - - -
Edgecombe 1 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - -
Fayetteville - 3 - 9 6 2 1 3 - - 1 2 6 3 1 1 38 - - - - - - 7 1 - - -
Forsyth 1 5 - 1 1 1 - 2 - - 5 8 1 1 4 2 32 - - - - 1 - - 1 - - -
Gaston 3 4 - - 1 - - 3 - 3 11 2 - 1 3 1 32 1 - 3 - - - - - - - -
Guilford 10 5 1 - 32 6 1 6 - - 14 83 3 5 6 3 175 - 1 1 3 - - 3 1 - - -
Halifax - 2 - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - 1 - 1 - -
Haywood - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 2 - 3 - - - - 1 - - - - - -
Isothermal - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - -
James Sprunt - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - -
Johnston 2 6 1 1 - - - 6 - - - 3 - 1 - 1 21 - 1 - - - - 1 - 1 - -

Lenoir - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 4 1 - - - - - 3 - - - -
Martin - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - 3 - - - - - - 1 - - - -
Mayland 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
McDowell - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
Mitchell - - - - - - - - - - 3 - 1 - 1 - 5 - - - - - - - - - - -
Montgomery - - - 1 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - -
Nash - 2 - 1 - - - 2 - - - - - - - - 5 - 2 - - - - - - - - -
Pamlico - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - -
Piedmont 0 - - -
Pitt 1 10 3 - 3 1 - 3 - - 3 - 1 1 1 2 29 - 3 - - - - 1 - 1 - -
Randolph - 1 - - 1 - - - - - 1 3 - - - - 6 - - - - - - - - - - -
Richmond - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 3 - - - 4 1 - - - - - - - - - -
Roanoke-Chowan - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
Robeson - 1 - 1 - - - 1 - - 1 - 2 - - - 6 - - - - - - - - - - -
Rockingham 1 2 - - 3 - - 1 - - - 8 - - - - 15 - - - - - - - - - - -
Rowan-Cabarrus 3 6 - 1 - - - 1 - - 10 1 - - 1 1 24 - - - - - - 1 2 - - -
Sampson - - - 3 - - - 1 - - - - 1 3 - 1 9 - - - 1 - - - - - - -
Sandhills - 3 - - - - - - - 1 - 2 2 2 - - 10 - - - - - - - - - - -
South Piedmont 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - -
Southeastern - 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 6 1 - - - - - - - - - -
Southwestern 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - 2 - - 5 - 9 - - - - - - - - - - -
Stanly 1 - - - - - - 1 - - 2 - - 1 1 - 6 2 - - - 1 - - - - - -
Surry 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 2 - - - - - - - 1 - - -
Tri-County - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
Vance-Granville - 2 - - - 1 - - - 2 - - - - - 1 6 - 2 - - - - 1 - - - -
Wake 5 20 - 2 7 - - 38 1 4 11 11 3 3 7 - 112 - 1 - - - - 5 2 1 - -
Wayne 1 5 - 1 2 - - - - 2 - - 2 - 1 - 14 - - - - - - - - 1 - -
Western Piedmont 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
Wilkes 2 1 - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - 5 - - - - - - 1 - - - -
Wilson - 2 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 4 1 3 - - - - 1 - - - -
Comm. Colleges Total 96 140 18 31 76 19 4 102 12 28 97 163 44 62 47 19 958 10 22 7 4 5 0 56 9 7 0 0
Private Junior College
Louisburg - 2 - 1 - - 1 1 - - 1 1 - - - - 7 - 1 - - - - 1 - - - -
GRAND TOTAL 96 142 18 32 76 19 5 103 12 28 98 164 44 62 47 19 965 10 23 7 4 5 0 57 9 7 0 0
Table 32. (Cont.) Undergraduate Transfer Students from Senior Colleges and Universities to Two-Year Colleges in North Carolina, Fall 2004
Transferred from Private Senior Institutions (Cont.)


High Point
J.C. Smith
Mars Hill
Mount Olive
St. Andrews
Wake Forest
Priv. Sr. Total

Institution Total
Community Colleges
Alamance - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 8 23
Asheville-Buncombe - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 13
Beaufort Co. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 3
Bladen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 13
Blue Ridge - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 9
Brunswick - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 3 16
Caldwell - - - - - - 8 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 10 59
Cape Fear - - 2 - - - 1 1 - - 2 1 3 1 - - 1 3 - - - - 1 - - 2 31 142
Carteret - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 7
Catawba Valley - 1 1 - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - 6 20
Central Carolina 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 2 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 6 16
Central Piedmont - - - - - 3 1 1 2 - - 1 - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - 15 37
Cleveland - 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 10
Coastal Carolina - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 1 - - 1 - 1 - - - - - - 22 42
Coll. of Albemarle - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 5 23
Craven - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 12
Davidson County - - 1 - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 9
Durham - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 17
Edgecombe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 4
Fayetteville - - - - - - - - - - - 10 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 19 57
Forsyth - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - 6 38
Gaston - 3 - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - 1 1 - 1 - - - - 1 3 16 48
Guilford - - 7 5 7 - 1 1 - 1 2 2 2 1 - 1 1 1 2 1 1 - - 1 1 4 51 226
Halifax - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 5 9
Haywood - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 4
Isothermal - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - 3 6
James Sprunt - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3
Johnston - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 - - - 1 - - - - - - 8 29

Lenoir - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - 8 12
Martin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 2 5
Mayland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 1
McDowell - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2
Mitchell 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3 8
Montgomery - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 3
Nash - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - 4 9
Pamlico - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2
Piedmont 0 0
Pitt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 1 - - - - - - - - - - 9 38
Randolph - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 6
Richmond - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - - - - - 3 7
Roanoke-Chowan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 2
Robeson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 6
Rockingham - - 1 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 4 19
Rowan-Cabarrus 1 - - - 1 - - 1 - 1 - - - - - - 2 - - - - 1 - - - 2 12 36
Sampson - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 11
Sandhills - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 2 12
South Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 2 3
Southeastern - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 4 10
Southwestern - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 9
Stanly - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - 7 13
Surry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3
Tri-County - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2
Vance-Granville - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 6 12
Wake 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 4 4 - 2 - 6 1 - 1 4 - 4 - - - - 44 156
Wayne - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - 10 24
Western Piedmont - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 5
Wilkes - 1 - 1 - - 2 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 7 12
Wilson - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 10
Comm. Colleges Total 5 12 16 10 11 6 17 9 3 8 8 26 7 25 9 16 9 7 6 12 1 7 3 2 7 13 375 1,333
Private Junior Colleges
Louisburg - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 9
GRAND TOTAL 5 12 16 10 11 6 17 9 3 8 8 26 7 25 9 16 9 7 6 12 1 7 3 2 7 13 377 1,342
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT034.U/4-19-05
Table 33. Undergraduate Transfer Students from Two-Year Colleges to Two-Year Colleges in North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004
Transferred from Community Colleges

Blue Ridge
Cape Fear
College of

Community Colleges
Alamance - - - - - - - 1 - - 2 - - - - - - 7 - 1 - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
Asheville-Buncombe 1 - - - 2 - 1 1 - 1 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 1 - - 1 - - - - -
Beaufort Co. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bladen - - - - - 1 - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Blue Ridge - 8 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - -
Brunswick - - - - - - 1 3 - - - - - - - - 1 - - 2 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
Caldwell 1 - - - - - - - - 10 - 6 2 - - 1 1 - - - - 1 - - 1 2 - - - - - - 1 -
Cape Fear 2 4 1 5 2 12 2 - 6 1 2 23 1 13 3 9 1 5 1 5 4 3 4 - 2 2 6 4 5 - - 2 1 -
Carteret 1 - - - - - - 4 - - 1 - - 1 - 2 - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - -
Catawba Valley - - - - - - - 2 - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - 5 -
Central Carolina 2 - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - 1 1 - 1 - 3 - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - -
Central Piedmont - 1 - - 1 - 2 1 - - 1 - 1 2 - - 1 - - 1 2 3 1 - - 1 - - - - 1 - 1 -
Cleveland - 1 - - - - - - 1 2 - 1 - - - - - - - - - 13 - - - 7 - - - - - 1 - -
Coastal Carolina 2 - - 1 - - 1 5 7 - - 1 - - - 4 - 2 1 2 - - - - - - 14 - 5 - - - 1 -
Coll. of Albemarle - 1 2 - - - - 1 - - - - - 2 - 2 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1
Craven - - - - - - - 1 5 1 - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 5 - - - - -
Davidson County - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
Durham 1 - - - - - - 2 - 1 1 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
Edgecombe - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - -
Fayetteville - - - 5 - - - - - - 12 - - 1 - - - 1 1 - - - 1 - - - - 2 - - - - - -
Forsyth - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 2 2 - - - - 7 - - - - - - - - - - -
Gaston - - - - - - 1 1 - 9 - 21 13 - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - 4 -
Guilford 16 - - - - - - 5 - 1 2 4 - 1 1 1 12 - 3 - - 1 - 2 1 - - - 2 - 1 - - 5
Halifax - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Haywood - 3 - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1
Isothermal - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
James Sprunt - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - -
Johnston - - - - - 1 - 1 - - 3 1 - 1 - - 1 3 - 2 - - - - 1 1 - - 1 - - - - -

Lenoir - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - 1 - 1 2 - - - 1 - - - 8 - - - - - - 1
Martin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mayland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
McDowell - 4 - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 3 - - - - 1 - - -
Mitchell - - - - - - - - - 1 - 4 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - -
Montgomery - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nash - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - -
Pamlico - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pitt - - 5 - 1 - - 3 3 - 2 2 1 5 7 3 - - 3 - - - - - - - 3 - 9 3 - - 1 -
Randolph 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1
Richmond - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 -
Roanoke-Chowan - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - -
Robeson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rockingham - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - 6 - - - - - - - - - - -
Rowan-Cabarrus - - - - - - 1 - - - - 6 1 1 - - 5 - - - 2 - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - -
Sampson - - - 2 - - - - - - 3 - - - - 1 - - - 2 - - - - - - 4 2 - - - - - -
Sandhills - - - - - - - 1 - - 3 - - - - - - - - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
South Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Southeastern - - - 6 - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Southwestern - 2 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - -
Stanly - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Surry - - - - - - 3 - - 1 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - 1 -
Tri-County - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Vance-Granville - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 - 1 - - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - 1
Wake 4 3 - 1 1 1 5 5 2 2 7 8 - 7 2 1 - 12 - 8 4 1 7 2 - - - 7 3 1 - - - 2
Wayne - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 5 2 6 - - - - -
Western Piedmont - - - - - - 5 - - 5 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - 5 - -
Wilkes - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 - - 1 - - 3 - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 -
Wilson 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - -
Comm. Coll. Total 32 28 8 21 11 15 24 45 25 36 44 91 22 44 14 28 32 36 25 44 21 25 43 5 11 22 43 21 40 6 4 8 18 18
Private Junior College
Louisburg - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - -
GRAND TOTAL 32 28 8 21 11 15 24 45 25 36 44 91 22 44 14 29 32 37 25 44 21 25 43 5 11 22 43 21 41 6 4 8 18 18
Table 33. (Cont.) Undergraduate Transfer Students from Two-Year Colleges to Two-Year Colleges in North Carolina by Institution, Fall 2004
Transferred from CC (Cont.)


C.C. Total
Private Jr.
Community Colleges
Alamance - - 4 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 2 - - - 1 1 - - - - 22 - - 0 22
Asheville-Buncombe - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 2 - 1 - - 19 - - 0 19
Beaufort Co. - 1 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - 0 3
Bladen - - - - - - - 23 - - 2 - - 6 - - - - - - - - - - 40 1 - 1 41
Blue Ridge - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - 13 - - 0 13
Brunswick - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - 1 - - 2 - - - - 13 - - 0 13
Caldwell - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 - 3 - - - - 3 1 - 35 1 - 1 36
Cape Fear - 1 2 1 1 1 - - 2 - 7 8 - 4 1 2 5 - 2 17 8 1 1 1 196 2 6 8 204
Carteret - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 - 1 1 14
Catawba Valley - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 4 - - 16 - - 0 16
Central Carolina - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 4 - 4 20
Central Piedmont - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 1 - - 1 1 2 1 - 29 - 6 6 35
Cleveland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26 - 1 1 27
Coastal Carolina - - - 4 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 3 - - - 56 - 2 2 58
Coll. of Albemarle - - - 1 - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 1 16 1 - 1 17
Craven - 4 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - 22 - - 0 22
Davidson County - - - - 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 7 - - 0 7
Durham 1 - 3 3 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 4 3 - - - - 25 - - 0 25
Edgecombe 5 - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 - - 0 8
Fayetteville - - - 2 - 1 - 6 - 1 6 8 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - 49 1 1 2 51
Forsyth - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - 16 - - 0 16
Gaston - - - 1 - 1 - - - 2 1 - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - 60 1 11 12 72
Guilford - - 2 4 13 2 - 1 14 5 - 1 - - - 1 4 - 4 - - 3 2 3 117 1 8 9 126
Halifax 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 1 - - - 1 11 1 - 1 12
Haywood - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 6 - - - - 1 - - - - 15 - - 0 15
Isothermal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 5 - - 0 5
James Sprunt - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - 0 5
Johnston 1 - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 12 3 1 1 1 39 1 1 2 41

Lenoir - - - 8 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 1 8 - 1 - 36 - 1 1 37
Martin - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - - 0 5
Mayland - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - 0 0
McDowell - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 6 - - 18 - - 0 18
Mitchell - - - 1 - - - - - 3 - - - - - - 2 - - - - 1 - - 14 - 2 2 16
Montgomery - - - - 4 - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 6 - - 0 6
Nash - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 2 9 - - 0 9
Pamlico - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - 0 1
Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - 0 1
Pitt 6 2 - - - 2 1 2 - - - - - - - - 1 - 4 - 3 - - - 72 - - 0 72
Randolph - 1 - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 - - 0 10
Richmond 1 - - - 1 - - 5 1 - - 7 2 - - - - - - 1 1 - - - 23 - - 0 23
Roanoke-Chowan - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 5 - - 0 5
Robeson - - - - - 2 - - - - 1 - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - 12 - - 0 12
Rockingham - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 2 - 2 16
Rowan-Cabarrus - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - 2 - - 1 - - - - - 23 - 5 5 28
Sampson - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - 18 - 1 1 19
Sandhills - - - - - 13 - 2 - - 1 - - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - 1 31 - 1 1 32
South Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - 0 4
Southeastern - - - - - - - 4 - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 16 - - 0 16
Southwestern - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 6 - - 0 6
Stanly - - - - 1 1 - - - 2 - - 2 - - - - - - 1 - - - - 14 - - 0 14
Surry - - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - 15 - 1 1 16
Tri-County - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - 3 - - 0 3
Vance-Granville - - 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 1 - - - 12 3 - 3 15
Wake 5 - - 6 1 - - - 1 2 1 5 - 1 - - 1 - 6 - 4 - - 1 130 5 - 5 135
Wayne - - - 3 - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 20 - - 0 20
Western Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 19 - - 0 19
Wilkes - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - 19 - - 0 19
Wilson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 - - - 6 - - 0 6
Comm. Coll. Total 20 9 18 46 27 25 5 46 24 19 25 36 4 19 16 8 28 1 28 55 37 24 12 12 1,454 24 48 72 1,526
Private Junior Colleges
Louisburg - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 2 - - - - 7 - - 0 7
GRAND TOTAL 20 9 18 46 27 25 5 46 24 19 25 36 4 19 16 8 28 1 30 57 37 24 12 12 1461 24 48 72 1,533
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT035.U/6-28-04
Table 34
Undergraduate Transfer Students from Out-of-State Colleges and Universities to Junior Colleges and Universities in North Carolina by State, Fall 2004

_________________________Transferred To:_______________________
Private Community Private Percent
Transferred From: UNC Senior Colleges Junior Total of Total
Alabama 57 63 42 - 162 2.7%
Alaska 5 4 3 - 12 0.2%
Arizona 32 29 35 - 96 1.6%
Arkansas 11 6 8 - 25 0.4%
California 91 49 80 - 220 3.6%
Colorado 32 22 27 - 81 1.3%
Connecticut 44 16 11 - 71 1.1%
Delaware 14 5 6 - 25 0.4%
District of Columbia 24 11 13 - 48 0.8%
Florida 163 138 130 1 432 7.1%
Georgia 134 79 69 - 282 4.6%
Hawaii 8 3 7 - 18 0.3%
Idaho 3 1 5 - 9 0.1%
Illinois 60 31 35 - 126 2.1%
Indiana 41 26 19 - 86 1.4%
Iowa 16 16 12 - 44 0.7%
Kansas 29 38 17 - 84 1.4%
Kentucky 37 14 24 - 75 1.2%
Louisiana 30 13 15 - 58 0.9%
Maine 5 7 6 - 18 0.3%
Maryland 133 95 55 - 283 4.7%
Massachusetts 63 24 27 - 114 1.9%
Michigan 52 24 43 - 119 1.9%
Minnesota 14 10 10 - 34 0.5%
Mississippi 21 18 22 - 61 1.0%
Missouri 31 21 18 - 70 1.1%
Montana 6 1 3 - 10 0.1%
Nebraska 16 - 4 - 20 0.3%
Nevada 5 1 5 - 11 0.1%
New Hampshire 7 3 7 - 17 0.2%
New Jersey 80 48 34 - 162 2.7%
New Mexico 6 1 13 - 20 0.3%
New York 270 133 104 - 507 8.4%
North Dakota 2 2 5 - 9 0.1%
Ohio 75 40 48 - 163 2.7%
Oklahoma 23 9 14 - 46 0.7%
Oregon 15 4 8 - 27 0.4%
Pennsylvania 120 65 52 - 237 3.9%
Rhode Island 12 3 5 - 20 0.3%
South Carolina 220 144 101 1 466 7.7%
South Dakota 2 6 4 - 12 0.2%
Tennessee 90 36 33 - 159 2.6%
Texas 82 55 92 - 229 3.8%
Utah 14 3 7 - 24 0.4%
Vermont 9 10 3 - 22 0.3%
Virginia 282 160 142 3 587 9.8%
Washington 17 14 18 - 49 0.8%
West Virginia 19 22 30 1 72 1.2%
Wisconsin 13 10 7 - 30 0.5%
Wyoming 2 3 3 - 8 0.1%
Territories 7 3 3 - 13 0.2%
Foreign Countries 178 37 48 - 263 4.3%
Unknown 68 106 - - 174 2.9%
Total 2,790 1,682 1,532 6 6,010 100.1%

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR043/14APR05

Table 35
Transfers into Non-College Parallel Programs at North Carolina Community Colleges from Other Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

Transferred Transferred
From Two-Year Institutions in N.C. From Four-Year Institutions in N.C. Transferred From
Community Private Private All Out-of-State Grand
Colleges Junior Total UNC Senior Total N.C. Institutions Institutions Total
Transferred to:
Alamance 61 1 62 29 20 49 111 47 158
Asheville-Buncombe 59 4 63 49 16 65 128 83 211
Beaufort 39 - 39 11 1 12 51 4 55
Beaufort Co. - - - - - - - - -
Bladen 33 - 33 6 1 7 40 3 43
Blue Ridge 19 - 19 8 4 12 31 33 64
Brunswick 44 3 47 14 5 19 66 20 86
Caldwell 62 1 63 26 6 32 95 25 120
Cape Fear 109 4 113 61 13 74 187 66 253
Carteret 65 1 66 6 7 13 79 41 120
Catawba Valley 78 3 81 18 13 31 112 51 163
Central Carolina 129 10 139 61 25 86 225 92 317
Central Piedmont 129 22 151 123 46 169 320 288 608
Cleveland 37 1 38 7 5 12 50 15 65
Coastal Carolina 54 4 58 9 4 13 71 102 173
Coll. of Albemarle - - - - - - - - -
College of the 16 - 16 12 - 12 28 28 56
Craven 25 1 26 3 3 6 32 11 43
Davidson 88 2 90 26 14 40 130 23 153
Davidson County - - - - - - - - -
Durham 25 - 25 26 11 37 62 38 100
Edgecombe 101 1 102 16 8 24 126 14 140
Fayetteville 66 - 66 27 11 38 104 93 197
Forsyth 105 5 110 66 22 88 198 75 273
Gaston - - - - - - - - -
Gaston College 47 7 54 20 8 28 82 34 116
Guilford 123 6 129 179 49 228 357 133 490
Halifax 27 1 28 12 4 16 44 22 66
Haywood 58 - 58 12 7 19 77 13 90
Isothermal 11 - 11 6 1 7 18 13 31
James Sprunt 46 2 48 7 2 9 57 4 61
Johnston 76 - 76 25 12 37 113 31 144
Lenoir 64 2 66 7 5 12 78 25 103
Martin 36 1 37 13 2 15 52 10 62
Mayland 5 - 5 3 3 6 11 - 11
McDowell 39 - 39 6 2 8 47 6 53
Mitchell 28 2 30 10 7 17 47 30 77
Montgomery 37 1 38 6 4 10 48 10 58
Nash 52 3 55 19 6 25 80 7 87
Pamlico 9 - 9 - 1 1 10 1 11
Piedmont 10 - 10 5 - 5 15 5 20
Pitt 144 - 144 98 11 109 253 44 297
Randolph 61 8 69 19 9 28 97 38 135
Richmond 30 - 30 11 5 16 46 12 58
Roanoke-Chowan 5 - 5 2 1 3 8 5 13
Robeson - - - - - - - - -
Rockingham 24 3 27 11 3 14 41 30 71
Rowan-Cabarrus 51 4 55 29 14 43 98 55 153
Sampson 16 - 16 5 1 6 22 3 25
Sandhills 106 - 106 18 6 24 130 44 174
South Piedmont 16 1 17 13 4 17 34 12 46
Southeastern 10 - 10 6 1 7 17 2 19
Southwestern 39 - 39 13 3 16 55 24 79
Stanly 72 - 72 15 14 29 101 16 117
Surry 37 1 38 10 9 19 57 30 87
Tri-County 7 - 7 - 1 1 8 5 13
Vance-Granville 42 7 49 27 13 40 89 78 167
Wake 124 6 130 197 60 257 387 245 632
Wayne 35 2 37 8 10 18 55 28 83
Western Piedmont 101 - 101 11 1 12 113 15 128
Wilkes 44 - 44 4 2 6 50 15 65
Wilson 41 - 41 18 9 27 68 11 79
Total 3,017 120 3,137 1,449 525 1,974 5,111 2,208 7,319

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR044/01SEP05



The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) developed the
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) in 1980. The purpose of the CIP is to provide a taxonomic scheme
that will support the accurate tracking, assessment, and reporting of fields of study and program completions
activity. CIP revisions occurred in 1985, 1990, and 2000. The 1990 edition of CIP (CIP-1990) was implemented
in 1992. The 2000 edition of the CIP (CIP-2000) was adopted in 2002.

Therefore, the CIP-1990 was used to track degrees conferred in North Carolina colleges and universities
before 2002. The CIP-2000 has been used since 2002-2003 academic year.

Figure 8. Bachelor's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 1993-94 - 2003-04

Figure 9. Master's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 1993-94 - 2003-04

Figure 10. Doctorate and First Professional Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities,
1993-94 - 2003-04

Figure 11. Bachelor's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Field of Study, 2003-

Table 36. Number of Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, 2000-01 -

Table 37. Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Field of Study, Level of Degree,
Race, and Gender, 2003-04

Table 38. Number of Bachelor's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution,
Gender, and Field of Study, 2003-04

Table 39. First Professional Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Universities by Institution, Gender, and Field
of Study, 2003-04

Table 40. Number of Master's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution,
Gender, and Field of Study, 2003-04

Table 41. Number of Doctorate Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution,
Gender, and Field of Study, 2003-04

Table 42. Degrees and Awards Based on Less Than Four Years Work Beyond High School at North Carolina
Colleges and Universities, 2003-04

Figure 8. Bachelor's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges
and Universities, 1993-43 - 2003-04
University of North
Private Colleges and
12,000 Universities










Figure 9. Master's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges
and Universities, 1993-94 - 2003-04
8,000 8,311
7,000 University of North
4,000 Private Colleges and 3,214
3,000 Universities











Figure 10. Doctorate and First Professional Degrees Conferred by North

Carolina Colleges and Universities, 1993-94 - 2003-04
Private - First Professional 1,241
UNC - Doctorate 836
UNC - First Professional

300 318
Private - Doctorate











UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AG012.U/7-12-05

Figure 11. Bachelor's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina
Colleges and Universities by Field of Study, 2003-04
Agriculture and Natural 559
Resources 99
Architecture and Environ. 162
Design 0
Area Studies
Biological Sciences
550 4,825

Business and Management

Computer & Info. Sciences
Fine and Applied Arts
Foreign Languages
Health Professions
Home Economics
793 University of North Carolina
275 Private Institutions
Physical Sciences
Public Affairs and Services
Social Sciences
Interdisciplinary Studies
Other Fields*

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AG013.U/7-12-05
*Includes Law and Theology.

Table 36. Number of Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, 2000-01 - 2003-04

Bachelor's First Professional Master's Doctorate

No. of No. of No. of 2003-2004 No. of No. of No. of 2003-2004 No. of No. of No. of 2003-2004 No. of No. of No. of 2003-2004
Degrees Degrees Degrees No. of % Change Degrees Degrees Degrees No. of % Change Degrees Degrees Degrees No. of % Change Degrees Degrees Degrees No. of % Change
Institution 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Degrees 2002-03 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Degrees 2002-03 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Degrees 2002-03 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Degrees 2002-03
Appalachian 2,071 2,196 2,233 2,508 12.3% - - - - - 430 484 429 545 27.0% 3 2 4 8 100.0%
East Carolina 2,773 2,833 2,849 3,024 6.1% 71 69 66 80 21.2% 927 904 996 1,059 6.3% 16 17 11 21 90.9%
Elizabeth City 353 299 311 358 15.1% - - - - - - 9 5 5 0.0% - - - - -
Fayetteville 571 563 720 689 -4.3% - - - - - 129 86 79 82 3.8% 6 10 4 7 75.0%
N.C. A and T 895 908 955 920 -3.7% - - - - - 191 218 238 299 25.6% 7 11 3 21 600.0%
N.C. Central 696 655 604 656 8.6% 100 100 87 93 6.9% 293 272 257 300 16.7% - - - - -
N.C. School of Arts 126 109 124 123 -0.8% - - - - - 32 28 26 28 7.7% - - - - -
N.C. State 3,826 3,928 4,371 4,555 4.2% 70 75 73 76 4.1% 1,189 1,179 1,501 1,403 -6.5% 306 300 322 338 5.0%
UNC-Asheville 498 500 571 589 3.2% - - - - - 11 7 5 7 40.0% - - - - -
UNC-Chapel Hill 3,407 3,560 3,741 3,715 -0.7% 598 589 672 587 -12.6% 1,676 1,638 1,739 1,872 7.6% 398 390 412 439 6.6%
UNC-Charlotte 2,367 2,484 2,644 2,782 5.2% - - - - - 565 639 705 849 20.4% 24 34 20 26 30.0%
UNC-Greensboro 1,794 1,826 1,884 2,076 10.2% - - - - - 813 730 729 1,016 39.4% 68 76 67 85 26.9%
UNC-Pembroke 498 503 536 612 14.2% - - - - - 47 46 128 130 1.6% - - - - -
UNC-Wilmington 1,890 1,968 2,116 2,139 1.1% - - - - - 240 238 245 303 23.7% - - - - -
Western Carolina 1,042 1,139 1,093 1,157 5.9% - - - - - 327 331 340 394 15.9% 6 4 7 5 -28.6%
Winston-Salem 514 501 511 538 5.3% - - - - - - - 10 19 N/A - - - - -
UNC Total 23,321 23,972 25,263 26,441 4.7% 839 833 898 836 -6.9% 6,870 6,809 7,432 8,311 11.8% 834 844 850 950 11.8%
Barber-Scotia 57 55 108 36 -66.7% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Barton 237 267 248 231 -6.9% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Belmont Abbey 132 201 161 173 7.5% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bennett 92 92 87 74 -14.9% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Brevard 82 101 189 162 -14.3% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cabarrus 2 5 6 6 0.0% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Campbell 794 892 842 836 -0.7% 200 217 222 213 -4.1% 130 189 188 195 3.7% - - - - -
Catawba 245 240 245 328 33.9% - - - - - 7 4 0 8 N/A - - - - -
Chowan 105 94 110 115 4.5% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Davidson 444 434 409 426 4.2% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Duke 1,685 1,673 1,580 1,595 0.9% 470 471 413 510 23.5% 1,084 1,172 1,145 1,268 10.7% 259 246 253 259 2.4%
Elon 757 842 874 889 1.7% - - - - - 119 76 50 60 20.0% - - - - -

Gardner-Webb 530 625 636 644 1.3% 20 12 21 29 38.1% 150 177 281 372 32.4% - - - - -
Greensboro 134 159 170 167 -1.8% - - - - - - - - 8 N/A - - - - -
Guilford 263 286 253 353 39.5% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
High Point 579 603 547 529 -3.3% - - - - - 47 53 55 50 -9.1% - - - - -
Johnson C. Smith 183 224 243 255 4.9% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lees-McRae 102 151 149 147 -1.3% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lenoir-Rhyne 236 286 255 253 -0.8% - - - - - 23 29 27 36 33.3% - - - - -
Livingstone 97 121 125 144 15.2% 13 13 - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - -
Mars Hill 191 220 220 241 9.5% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Meredith 503 521 548 480 -12.4% - - - - - 46 43 47 38 -19.1% - - - - -
Methodist 265 294 271 270 -0.4% - - - - - - - - 7 N/A - - - - -
Montreat 219 216 208 211 1.4% - - - - - 26 41 41 3 -92.7% - - - - -
Mount Olive 471 412 490 502 2.4% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
N.C. Wesleyan 376 376 409 430 5.1% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Peace 97 119 116 89 -23.3% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pfeiffer 178 229 211 248 17.5% - - - - - 239 206 238 301 26.5% - - - - -
Queens 220 219 203 219 7.9% - - - - - 133 101 143 139 -2.8% - - - - -
St. Andrews 89 134 122 115 -5.7% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
St. Augustine's 234 221 235 213 -9.4% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Salem 163 168 135 168 24.4% - - - - - 17 15 16 24 50.0% - - - - -
Shaw 439 374 374 413 10.4% 22 24 19 19 0.0% - - - 4 N/A - - - - -
Wake Forest 901 906 916 1,000 9.2% 261 274 270 271 0.4% 462 441 477 547 14.7% 25 24 35 39 11.4%
Warren Wilson 138 167 147 154 4.8% - - - - - 28 35 21 26 23.8% - - - - -
Wingate 209 195 210 258 22.9% - - - - - 29 34 33 36 9.1% - - - - -
Southeastern Sem. 31 61 75 78 4.0% 75 143 166 199 19.9% 57 111 65 88 35.4% 12 20 20 20 0.0%
East Coast* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Heritage 7 9 8 10 25.0% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
John Wesley 32 48 29 29 0.0% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Piedmont 41 31 28 36 28.6% - - - - - 7 10 4 4 0.0% - - - - -
Roanoke 22 25 26 18 -30.8% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Winston-Salem 0 0 0 4 N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Private Total 11,582 12,296 12,218 12,549 2.7% 1,061 1,154 1,111 1,241 11.7% 2,605 2,738 2,831 3,214 13.5% 296 290 308 318 3.2%
Grand Total 34,903 36,268 37,481 38,990 4.0% 1,900 1,987 2,009 2,077 3.4% 9,475 9,547 10,263 11,525 12.3% 1,130 1,134 1,158 1,268 9.5%
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT040.U/4-22-05 Note: Bachelor's includes post-baccalaureate certificates and Master's includes post-master's certificates.
* East Coast closed on August 31, 1999.
Table 37
Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Field of Study, Level of Degree, Race, and Gender, 2003-2004

Field of Study, American Indian or Asian or

Level of Degree, _Non-Resident Alien_ _______Black________ ___Alaska Native____ __Pacific Islander__ ______Hispanic______ _______White________ ______Unknown_______ ______All Races_______
and Sector Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Agriculture & Natural Sciences
UNC 4 2 6 12 30 42 2 1 3 4 4 8 1 6 7 251 241 492 1 - 1 275 284 559
Private - 1 1 2 3 5 - - - - - - - 2 2 40 51 91 - - - 42 57 99
Total 4 3 7 14 33 47 2 1 3 4 4 8 1 8 9 291 292 583 1 - 1 317 341 658
UNC 13 5 18 3 5 8 - - - 1 1 2 1 - 1 44 59 103 - - - 62 70 132
Private - - - 1 1 2 - - - 5 6 11 - 1 1 17 46 63 1 - 1 24 54 78
Total 13 5 18 4 6 10 - - - 6 7 13 1 1 2 61 105 166 1 - 1 86 124 210
UNC 7 5 12 1 1 2 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 20 8 28 - - - 29 14 43
Private 1 - 1 - - - - - - 2 - 2 - 1 1 6 - 6 - - - 9 1 10
Total 8 5 13 1 1 2 - - - 3 - 3 - 1 1 26 8 34 - - - 38 15 53
Architecture & Environmental Design
UNC - 1 1 5 4 9 - - - - 4 4 4 1 5 98 44 142 1 - 1 108 54 162
Private - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total - 1 1 5 4 9 - - - - 4 4 4 1 5 98 44 142 1 - 1 108 54 162
UNC 3 - 3 2 1 3 - - - - 1 1 - 1 1 31 35 66 - 1 1 36 39 75
Private - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 3 - 3 2 1 3 - - - - 1 1 - 1 1 31 35 66 - 1 1 36 39 75
UNC 1 2 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 3 - - - 1 5 6
Private - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 1 2 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 3 - - - 1 5 6
Area Studies
UNC - 5 5 14 33 47 2 6 8 1 6 7 3 8 11 44 87 131 1 4 5 65 149 214
Private - 2 2 2 4 6 - - - 1 - 1 1 4 5 5 13 18 - 6 6 9 29 38

Total - 7 7 16 37 53 2 6 8 2 6 8 4 12 16 49 100 149 1 10 11 74 178 252
UNC 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 10 20 - - - 12 10 22
Private - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 10 20 - - - 12 10 22
Biological Sciences
UNC 4 10 14 59 215 274 7 12 19 33 61 94 9 16 25 346 660 1,006 10 18 28 468 992 1,460
Private 2 8 10 16 64 80 1 1 2 14 14 28 4 7 11 126 277 403 1 15 16 164 386 550
Total 6 18 24 75 279 354 8 13 21 47 75 122 13 23 36 472 937 1,409 11 33 44 632 1,378 2,010
UNC 7 10 17 4 13 17 - 1 1 7 9 16 1 2 3 50 90 140 3 2 5 72 127 199
Private - 4 4 - 3 3 - - - 2 3 5 - - - 12 12 24 3 2 5 17 24 41
Total 7 14 21 4 16 20 - 1 1 9 12 21 1 2 3 62 102 164 6 4 10 89 151 240
UNC 19 19 38 3 1 4 - 1 1 6 3 9 1 - 1 52 48 100 1 1 2 82 73 155
Private 1 - 1 - 2 2 - - - 6 8 14 3 1 4 30 21 51 1 1 2 41 33 74
Total 20 19 39 3 3 6 - 1 1 12 11 23 4 1 5 82 69 151 2 2 4 123 106 229
Business and Management
UNC 69 56 125 352 574 926 23 20 43 76 94 170 25 38 63 1,946 1,507 3,453 21 24 45 2,512 2,313 4,825
Private 54 49 103 275 436 711 6 7 13 14 20 34 25 38 63 1,110 1,196 2,306 30 55 85 1,514 1,801 3,315
Total 123 105 228 627 1,010 1,637 29 27 56 90 114 204 50 76 126 3,056 2,703 5,759 51 79 130 4,026 4,114 8,140
UNC 109 80 189 49 48 97 1 1 2 33 29 62 20 8 28 655 391 1,046 22 11 33 889 568 1,457
Private 124 42 166 91 107 198 1 3 4 52 24 76 28 10 38 769 401 1,170 127 46 173 1,192 633 1,825
Total 233 122 355 140 155 295 2 4 6 85 53 138 48 18 66 1,424 792 2,216 149 57 206 2,081 1,201 3,282
UNC - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 4 5 - - - 1 5 6
Private 1 - 1 - - - - - - 1 2 3 - - - 1 4 5 - - - 3 6 9
Total 1 1 2 - - - - - - 1 2 3 - - - 2 8 10 - - - 4 11 15
UNC 3 8 11 101 181 282 4 5 9 5 21 26 8 18 26 506 914 1,420 7 9 16 634 1,156 1,790
Private 3 10 13 38 75 113 - - - - 6 6 1 3 4 137 308 445 5 3 8 184 405 589
Table 37
Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Field of Study, Level of Degree, Race, and Gender, 2003-2004

Field of Study, American Indian or Asian or

Level of Degree, _Non-Resident Alien_ _______Black________ ___Alaska Native____ __Pacific Islander__ ______Hispanic______ _______White________ ______Unknown_______ ______All Races_______
and Sector Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Total 6 18 24 139 256 395 4 5 9 5 27 32 9 21 30 643 1,222 1,865 12 12 24 818 1,561 2,379
UNC 1 4 5 - 2 2 - - - - 1 1 1 2 3 9 22 31 - - - 11 31 42
Private 2 2 4 1 5 6 - - - - - - - 1 1 5 20 25 - - - 8 28 36
Total 3 6 9 1 7 8 - - - - 1 1 1 3 4 14 42 56 - - - 19 59 78
UNC - - - 1 1 2 - - - - - - - 1 1 7 9 16 - - - 8 11 19
Private - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total - - - 1 1 2 - - - - - - - 1 1 7 9 16 - - - 8 11 19
Computer & Information Sciences
UNC 19 7 26 113 84 197 3 1 4 52 24 76 12 4 16 373 64 437 11 5 16 583 189 772
Private 18 9 27 82 106 188 1 2 3 12 5 17 7 1 8 170 86 256 18 1 19 308 210 518
Total 37 16 53 195 190 385 4 3 7 64 29 93 19 5 24 543 150 693 29 6 35 891 399 1,290
UNC 150 52 202 27 28 55 - 1 1 35 35 70 4 3 7 106 40 146 2 6 8 324 165 489
Private 9 - 9 - - - - - - 5 3 8 - - - 7 5 12 - - - 21 8 29
Total 159 52 211 27 28 55 - 1 1 40 38 78 4 3 7 113 45 158 2 6 8 345 173 518
UNC 4 3 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 6 12 - - - 10 9 19
Private - - - - - - - - - 3 - 3 1 - 1 2 1 3 - - - 6 1 7
Total 4 3 7 - - - - - - 3 - 3 1 - 1 8 7 15 - - - 16 10 26
UNC 14 121 135 42 213 255 4 26 30 4 18 22 5 19 24 323 1,444 1,767 5 16 21 397 1,857 2,254
Private - 5 5 7 33 40 1 1 2 - - - - 5 5 73 480 553 1 - 1 82 524 606
Total 14 126 140 49 246 295 5 27 32 4 18 22 5 24 29 396 1,924 2,320 6 16 22 479 2,381 2,860
UNC 4 14 18 71 321 392 8 17 25 3 17 20 3 11 14 338 1,247 1,585 3 9 12 430 1,636 2,066
Private - 3 3 5 35 40 3 2 5 1 2 3 2 11 13 65 198 263 1 11 12 77 262 339

Total 4 17 21 76 356 432 11 19 30 4 19 23 5 22 27 403 1,445 1,848 4 20 24 507 1,898 2,405
UNC 1 - 1 9 26 35 - 2 2 - 4 4 - 2 2 43 83 126 - 2 2 53 119 172
Private - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 1 - 1 9 26 35 - 2 2 - 4 4 - 2 2 43 83 126 - 2 2 53 119 172
UNC 57 4 61 208 107 315 10 3 13 118 30 148 16 9 25 1,230 273 1,503 6 1 7 1,645 427 2,072
Private 6 2 8 12 12 24 1 - 1 33 14 47 5 - 5 108 40 148 9 1 10 174 69 243
Total 63 6 69 220 119 339 11 3 14 151 44 195 21 9 30 1,338 313 1,651 15 2 17 1,819 496 2,315
UNC 222 49 271 41 23 64 1 - 1 25 10 35 3 4 7 222 59 281 - - - 514 145 659
Private - - - - - - 1 - 1 24 9 33 1 3 4 32 5 37 2 - 2 60 17 77
Total 222 49 271 41 23 64 2 - 2 49 19 68 4 7 11 254 64 318 2 - 2 574 162 736
UNC 64 12 76 7 9 16 - - - 5 1 6 - - - 22 9 31 - - - 98 31 129
Private 3 2 5 - - - 1 - 1 11 5 16 - - - 10 3 13 - - - 25 10 35
Total 67 14 81 7 9 16 1 - 1 16 6 22 - - - 32 12 44 - - - 123 41 164
Fine & Applied Arts
UNC 4 9 13 92 91 183 3 5 8 6 24 30 15 15 30 404 651 1,055 14 13 27 538 808 1,346
Private 5 4 9 16 27 43 1 1 2 - 1 1 3 3 6 99 323 422 3 7 10 127 366 493
Total 9 13 22 108 118 226 4 6 10 6 25 31 18 18 36 503 974 1,477 17 20 37 665 1,174 1,839
UNC 5 7 12 6 3 9 - 1 1 1 7 8 2 1 3 54 103 157 1 1 2 69 123 192
Private - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3 4 - - - 1 3 4
Total 5 7 12 6 3 9 - 1 1 1 7 8 2 1 3 55 106 161 1 1 2 70 126 196
UNC - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - 6 9 15 - - - 7 9 16
Private - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 1 5 - - - 4 1 5
Total - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - 10 10 20 - - - 11 10 21
Foreign Languages
UNC 1 2 3 4 23 27 - 4 4 1 2 3 4 13 17 59 133 192 3 2 5 72 179 251
Private - - - 2 9 11 - - - 1 4 5 3 7 10 26 90 116 2 5 7 34 115 149
Table 37
Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Field of Study, Level of Degree, Race, and Gender, 2003-2004

Field of Study, American Indian or Asian or

Level of Degree, _Non-Resident Alien_ _______Black________ ___Alaska Native____ __Pacific Islander__ ______Hispanic______ _______White________ ______Unknown_______ ______All Races_______
and Sector Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Total 1 2 3 6 32 38 - 4 4 2 6 8 7 20 27 85 223 308 5 7 12 106 294 400
UNC 2 7 9 - - - - - - - - - 1 4 5 16 19 35 - - - 19 30 49
Private - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - 1 2 3 - - - 2 2 4
Total 2 7 9 - - - - - - 1 - 1 1 4 5 17 21 38 - - - 21 32 53
UNC 1 3 4 1 1 2 - - - - 1 1 - - - 8 14 22 - - - 10 19 29
Private - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - 4 4 - - - - 6 6
Total 1 4 5 1 1 2 - - - - 1 1 - 1 1 8 18 26 - - - 10 25 35
Health Professions
UNC - 8 8 36 305 341 8 16 24 6 31 37 4 12 16 182 1,070 1,252 2 12 14 238 1,454 1,692
Private 1 1 2 11 43 54 1 2 3 - 6 6 7 4 11 78 336 414 2 10 12 100 402 502
Total 1 9 10 47 348 395 9 18 27 6 37 43 11 16 27 260 1,406 1,666 4 22 26 338 1,856 2,194
UNC 12 12 24 6 96 102 1 2 3 9 14 23 4 13 17 169 599 768 2 7 9 203 743 946
Private 3 5 8 4 39 43 1 1 2 1 8 9 1 1 2 52 180 232 - 11 11 62 245 307
Total 15 17 32 10 135 145 2 3 5 10 22 32 5 14 19 221 779 1,000 2 18 20 265 988 1,253
UNC 4 13 17 - 1 1 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 8 17 25 1 - 1 14 31 45
Private - - - - 2 2 - - - - - - 1 - 1 10 18 28 1 1 2 12 21 33
Total 4 13 17 - 3 3 - - - 1 - 1 1 - 1 18 35 53 2 1 3 26 52 78
First Professional
UNC 1 1 2 16 25 41 2 5 7 24 22 46 1 9 10 187 221 408 - 1 1 231 284 515
Private 1 5 6 11 15 26 1 1 2 31 10 41 4 3 7 93 110 203 2 1 3 143 145 288
Total 2 6 8 27 40 67 3 6 9 55 32 87 5 12 17 280 331 611 2 2 4 374 429 803
Home Economics
UNC - 4 4 13 117 130 1 1 2 3 8 11 - 5 5 11 245 256 - 11 11 28 391 419
Private - 1 1 1 3 4 - - - - 1 1 - - - - 36 36 - - - 1 41 42

Total - 5 5 14 120 134 1 1 2 3 9 12 - 5 5 11 281 292 - 11 11 29 432 461
UNC 2 1 3 2 12 14 1 - 1 1 3 4 - - - 3 23 26 - 1 1 9 40 49
Private - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 2 - - - - 2 2
Total 2 1 3 2 12 14 1 - 1 1 3 4 - - - 3 25 28 - 1 1 9 42 51
UNC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 2 - - - 1 1 2
Private - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 2 - - - 1 1 2
UNC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Private - - - 1 7 8 - - - - - - - 1 1 10 41 51 - - - 11 49 60
Total - - - 1 7 8 - - - - - - - 1 1 10 41 51 - - - 11 49 60
UNC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Private 11 2 13 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 2 13
Total 11 2 13 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 2 13
First Professional
UNC 1 - 1 21 44 65 2 4 6 6 9 15 2 7 9 110 113 223 - 2 2 142 179 321
Private 1 2 3 14 19 33 3 1 4 15 8 23 6 8 14 251 194 445 15 9 24 305 241 546
Total 2 2 4 35 63 98 5 5 10 21 17 38 8 15 23 361 307 668 15 11 26 447 420 867
UNC 2 4 6 52 150 202 1 9 10 7 13 20 2 12 14 395 625 1,020 6 14 20 465 827 1,292
Private 3 5 8 51 64 115 2 1 3 6 11 17 6 5 11 235 389 624 3 12 15 306 487 793
Total 5 9 14 103 214 317 3 10 13 13 24 37 8 17 25 630 1,014 1,644 9 26 35 771 1,314 2,085
UNC 1 10 11 6 22 28 - - - 3 3 6 - 1 1 64 144 208 2 2 4 76 182 258
Private - - - - 3 3 - - - - - - - - - 21 46 67 2 2 4 23 51 74
Total 1 10 11 6 25 31 - - - 3 3 6 - 1 1 85 190 275 4 4 8 99 233 332
UNC 1 1 2 1 1 2 - - - - - - - - - 8 17 25 - - - 10 19 29
Private - 1 1 3 2 5 - - - 2 - 2 - - - 7 6 13 - - - 12 9 21
Total 1 2 3 4 3 7 - - - 2 - 2 - - - 15 23 38 - - - 22 28 50
Table 37
Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Field of Study, Level of Degree, Race, and Gender, 2003-2004

Field of Study, American Indian or Asian or

Level of Degree, _Non-Resident Alien_ _______Black________ ___Alaska Native____ __Pacific Islander__ ______Hispanic______ _______White________ ______Unknown_______ ______All Races_______
and Sector Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Library Science
UNC 2 7 9 4 16 20 - 2 2 - 4 4 1 - 1 18 218 236 1 3 4 26 250 276
Private - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 2 7 9 4 16 20 - 2 2 - 4 4 1 - 1 18 218 236 1 3 4 26 250 276
UNC - 2 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 - - - 1 4 5
Private - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total - 2 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 - - - 1 4 5
UNC - 1 1 20 24 44 - 1 1 12 5 17 - 1 1 126 83 209 2 - 2 160 115 275
Private 5 7 12 9 16 25 1 - 1 2 3 5 - - - 45 54 99 2 2 4 64 82 146
Total 5 8 13 29 40 69 1 1 2 14 8 22 - 1 1 171 137 308 4 2 6 224 197 421
UNC 16 18 34 2 4 6 - - - 2 2 4 1 - 1 25 36 61 - - - 46 60 106
Private - 1 1 - - - - - - 1 1 2 - - - 7 2 9 - - - 8 4 12
Total 16 19 35 2 4 6 - - - 3 3 6 1 - 1 32 38 70 - - - 54 64 118
UNC 11 3 14 1 - 1 - - - 2 1 3 - - - 10 9 19 - - - 24 13 37
Private - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 1 - 1 5 - 5 - - - 7 - 7
Total 11 3 14 1 - 1 - - - 3 1 4 1 - 1 15 9 24 - - - 31 13 44
Physical Sciences
UNC 7 3 10 23 34 57 7 2 9 20 16 36 4 2 6 237 175 412 - 2 2 298 234 532
Private 1 3 4 3 14 17 - - - 6 4 10 5 - 5 77 45 122 5 3 8 97 69 166
Total 8 6 14 26 48 74 7 2 9 26 20 46 9 2 11 314 220 534 5 5 10 395 303 698
UNC 13 9 22 6 6 12 - - - 3 2 5 1 4 5 68 39 107 1 - 1 92 60 152
Private - - - - 3 3 - - - 2 2 4 1 - 1 5 9 14 - - - 8 14 22

Total 13 9 22 6 9 15 - - - 5 4 9 2 4 6 73 48 121 1 - 1 100 74 174
UNC 14 5 19 2 1 3 - - - 1 3 4 1 1 2 34 20 54 - - - 52 30 82
Private 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 - 1 6 - 6 - - - 15 6 21 - - - 24 8 32
Total 15 6 21 3 2 5 1 - 1 7 3 10 1 1 2 49 26 75 - - - 76 38 114
UNC 2 6 8 54 255 309 2 14 16 8 23 31 7 21 28 261 866 1,127 4 13 17 338 1,198 1,536
Private 3 8 11 35 141 176 1 3 4 6 19 25 10 20 30 127 442 569 8 17 25 190 650 840
Total 5 14 19 89 396 485 3 17 20 14 42 56 17 41 58 388 1,308 1,696 12 30 42 528 1,848 2,376
UNC - 1 1 3 11 14 1 - 1 2 2 4 - - - 22 86 108 - 3 3 28 103 131
Private - - - - 2 2 - - - - - - - - - 6 18 24 1 - 1 7 20 27
Total - 1 1 3 13 16 1 - 1 2 2 4 - - - 28 104 132 1 3 4 35 123 158
UNC - 3 3 1 2 3 - - - - 1 1 - 1 1 21 19 40 - - - 22 26 48
Private - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - 1 1 1 5 6 - - - 1 7 8
Total - 3 3 1 3 4 - - - - 1 1 - 2 2 22 24 46 - - - 23 33 56
Public Affairs & Services
UNC 3 2 5 178 341 519 18 21 39 6 17 23 11 14 25 509 669 1,178 3 6 9 728 1,070 1,798
Private 4 9 13 138 253 391 1 5 6 8 13 21 12 8 20 292 387 679 9 21 30 464 696 1,160
Total 7 11 18 316 594 910 19 26 45 14 30 44 23 22 45 801 1,056 1,857 12 27 39 1,192 1,766 2,958
UNC 6 3 9 20 70 90 2 6 8 4 9 13 3 13 16 151 308 459 4 6 10 190 415 605
Private - - - 1 2 3 - - - 1 10 11 - - - 14 33 47 2 1 3 18 46 64
Total 6 3 9 21 72 93 2 6 8 5 19 24 3 13 16 165 341 506 6 7 13 208 461 669
UNC - 1 1 1 1 2 - - - 1 2 3 - 1 1 5 7 12 1 1 2 8 13 21
Private - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total - 1 1 1 1 2 - - - 1 2 3 - 1 1 5 7 12 1 1 2 8 13 21
Social Sciences
UNC 10 11 21 218 433 651 14 22 36 37 29 66 20 21 41 1,181 945 2,126 22 20 42 1,502 1,481 2,983
Private 14 20 34 102 227 329 5 4 9 30 32 62 29 29 58 705 607 1,312 33 29 62 918 948 1,866
Table 37
Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Field of Study, Level of Degree, Race, and Gender, 2003-2004

Field of Study, American Indian or Asian or

Level of Degree, _Non-Resident Alien_ _______Black________ ___Alaska Native____ __Pacific Islander__ ______Hispanic______ _______White________ ______Unknown_______ ______All Races_______
and Sector Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Total 24 31 55 320 660 980 19 26 45 67 61 128 49 50 99 1,886 1,552 3,438 55 49 104 2,420 2,429 4,849
UNC 10 19 29 7 13 20 - 1 1 3 3 6 2 1 3 105 91 196 1 1 2 128 129 257
Private 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 3 5 8 2 - 2 10 9 19 2 - 2 18 16 34
Total 11 19 30 7 14 21 - 2 2 6 8 14 4 1 5 115 100 215 3 1 4 146 145 291
UNC 8 8 16 1 3 4 - 1 1 1 1 2 - 1 1 24 27 51 - 1 1 34 42 76
Private - 1 1 - 3 3 1 - 1 3 - 3 1 2 3 19 12 31 - - - 24 18 42
Total 8 9 17 1 6 7 1 1 2 4 1 5 1 3 4 43 39 82 - 1 1 58 60 118
UNC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Private 1 1 2 7 3 10 2 - 2 - - - 1 1 2 97 47 144 - 1 1 108 53 161
Total 1 1 2 7 3 10 2 - 2 - - - 1 1 2 97 47 144 - 1 1 108 53 161
UNC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Private 13 4 17 4 4 8 - 1 1 5 1 6 2 - 2 64 44 108 5 1 6 93 55 148
Total 13 4 17 4 4 8 - 1 1 5 1 6 2 - 2 64 44 108 5 1 6 93 55 148
UNC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Private 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 17 1 18 - - - 19 1 20
Total 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 17 1 18 - - - 19 1 20
First Professional
UNC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Private 13 1 14 22 19 41 1 - 1 2 - 2 - - - 265 81 346 3 - 3 306 101 407
Total 13 1 14 22 19 41 1 - 1 2 - 2 - - - 265 81 346 3 - 3 306 101 407
Interdisciplinary Studies
UNC 1 1 2 16 18 34 - 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 75 83 158 1 4 5 97 112 209
Private 3 3 6 13 41 54 1 - 1 2 1 3 - 1 1 38 102 140 - 8 8 57 156 213

Total 4 4 8 29 59 88 1 2 3 4 3 7 2 3 5 113 185 298 1 12 13 154 268 422
UNC 2 3 5 4 9 13 - - - 1 3 4 1 - 1 43 80 123 2 1 3 53 96 149
Private 1 - 1 2 1 3 - - - 12 7 19 - 5 5 17 30 47 2 1 3 34 44 78
Total 3 3 6 6 10 16 - - - 13 10 23 1 5 6 60 110 170 4 2 6 87 140 227
UNC - 4 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 3 7 - - - 4 7 11
Private - - - - - - - - - 1 1 2 - - - 3 4 7 - - - 4 5 9
Total - 4 4 - - - - - - 1 1 2 - - - 7 7 14 - - - 8 12 20
All Disciplines
UNC 200 265 465 1,612 3,232 4,844 109 171 280 401 432 833 152 237 389 8,557 10,779 19,336 120 174 294 11,151 15,290 26,441
Private 123 148 271 823 1,581 2,404 25 27 52 135 154 289 119 139 258 3,598 5,350 8,948 131 196 327 4,954 7,595 12,549
Total 323 413 736 2,435 4,813 7,248 134 198 332 536 586 1,122 271 376 647 12,155 16,129 28,284 251 370 621 16,105 22,885 38,990
UNC 582 311 893 263 703 966 15 32 47 133 155 288 49 68 117 2,203 3,699 5,902 44 54 98 3,289 5,022 8,311
Private 164 63 227 109 206 315 6 8 14 115 81 196 37 32 69 1,105 1,065 2,170 148 75 223 1,684 1,530 3,214
Total 746 374 1,120 372 909 1,281 21 40 61 248 236 484 86 100 186 3,308 4,764 8,072 192 129 321 4,973 6,552 11,525
UNC 135 85 220 29 48 77 - 4 4 19 17 36 2 7 9 281 315 596 3 5 8 469 481 950
Private 9 6 15 4 11 15 3 - 3 36 16 52 7 6 13 130 86 216 2 2 4 191 127 318
Total 144 91 235 33 59 92 3 4 7 55 33 88 9 13 22 411 401 812 5 7 12 660 608 1,268
First Professional
UNC 2 1 3 37 69 106 4 9 13 30 31 61 3 16 19 297 334 631 - 3 3 373 463 836
Private 15 8 23 47 53 100 5 2 7 48 18 66 10 11 21 609 385 994 20 10 30 754 487 1,241
Total 17 9 26 84 122 206 9 11 20 78 49 127 13 27 40 906 719 1,625 20 13 33 1,127 950 2,077

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR046/08APR05
Table 38. Number of Bachelor's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Gender, and Field of Study, 2003-04

Institution Grand
and Gender

Agriculture and
Nat. Resources
Architecture &
Environ. Des.
Area Studies
Business and
Computer &
Information Sc.
Fine and Applied
Library Science
Public Affairs
and Services
Social Sciences
Men - 5 - 16 393 110 25 90 70 60 11 26 1 - 55 - 7 19 47 99 121 - 14 1,169
Women - 1 - 34 198 120 1 326 11 101 14 77 41 - 75 - 5 7 112 115 85 - 16 1,339
Total - 6 - 50 591 230 26 416 81 161 25 103 42 - 130 - 12 26 159 214 206 - 30 2,508
East Carolina
Men - 15 0 66 296 104 37 50 187 51 0 60 8 - 27 - 13 24 32 74 164 - 9 1,217
Women - 4 2 107 288 140 2 275 16 114 10 333 112 - 50 - 5 20 88 115 116 - 10 1,807
Total - 19 2 173 584 244 39 325 203 165 10 393 120 - 77 - 18 44 120 189 280 - 19 3,024
Elizabeth City
Men - - - 8 26 8 12 7 7 5 - - - - 8 - 1 2 4 18 5 - - 111
Women - - - 22 64 2 15 21 2 8 - - - - 19 - 2 3 6 63 20 - - 247
Total - - - 30 90 10 27 28 9 13 - - - - 27 - 3 5 10 81 25 - - 358
Men - - - 5 65 - 19 12 - 10 1 1 - - 0 - 3 4 10 40 49 - - 219
Women - - - 27 99 - 12 60 - 18 4 5 - - 20 - 2 3 55 53 112 - - 470
Total - - - 32 164 - 31 72 - 28 5 6 - - 20 - 5 7 65 93 161 - - 689
N.C. A and T
Men 8 4 - 0 63 25 27 8 151 37 0 6 5 - 1 - 3 2 9 11 20 - 0 380
Women 19 3 - 20 111 40 18 29 83 22 0 54 28 - 17 - 5 3 32 23 33 - 0 540
Total 27 7 - 20 174 65 45 37 234 59 0 60 33 - 18 - 8 5 41 34 53 - 0 920
N.C. Central
Men 1 - - 13 47 4 15 14 - 6 0 7 6 - 11 - 1 4 9 39 29 0 - 206
Women 2 - - 11 81 7 8 69 - 11 2 50 36 - 15 - 2 2 30 59 65 0 - 450
Total 3 - - 24 128 11 23 83 - 17 2 57 42 - 26 - 3 6 39 98 94 0 - 656
N.C. School of Arts
Men - - - - - - - - - 62 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 62
Women - - - - - - - - - 61 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 61

Total - - - - - - - - - 123 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 123
N.C. State
Men 208 36 - 126 333 63 170 61 965 54 14 0 - - 60 - 57 91 43 54 218 - 36 2,589
Women 177 26 - 270 247 196 24 90 281 70 25 0 - - 64 - 38 70 112 50 193 - 33 1,966
Total 385 62 - 396 580 259 194 151 1246 124 39 0 - - 124 - 95 161 155 104 411 - 69 4,555
Men 13 - - 9 34 19 34 - 0 23 5 - - - 9 - 3 12 7 - 48 - 9 225
Women 37 - - 13 43 27 13 - 0 22 28 - - - 23 - 4 6 68 - 68 - 12 364
Total 50 - - 22 77 46 47 - 0 45 33 - - - 32 - 7 18 75 - 116 - 21 589
UNC-Chapel Hill
Men 8 - 50 103 228 177 41 3 - 34 12 21 3 - 68 - 29 70 75 41 434 - 17 1,414
Women 29 - 111 196 163 437 14 80 - 68 48 232 12 - 151 - 16 44 278 110 297 - 15 2,301
Total 37 - 161 299 391 614 55 83 - 102 60 253 15 - 219 - 45 114 353 151 731 - 32 3,715
Men - 48 10 31 375 44 90 30 231 44 10 10 1 - 24 - 19 19 38 62 157 - - 1,243
Women - 20 26 73 345 94 30 188 32 72 16 140 20 - 50 - 11 22 155 105 140 - - 1,539
Total - 68 36 104 720 138 120 218 263 116 26 150 21 - 74 - 30 41 193 167 297 - - 2,782
Men - - 2 28 173 33 36 30 - 72 9 19 3 - 65 - 2 2 26 38 103 - 2 643
Women - - 6 60 216 23 21 178 - 155 13 187 141 - 131 - 6 5 70 88 121 - 12 1,433
Total - - 8 88 389 56 57 208 - 227 22 206 144 - 196 - 8 7 96 126 224 - 14 2,076
Men 0 - 3 10 39 8 11 11 - 1 0 1 - - 8 - 3 11 3 50 27 - - 186
Women 0 - 4 23 67 19 5 73 - 13 0 29 - - 13 - 3 8 21 73 75 - - 426
Total 0 - 7 33 106 27 16 84 - 14 0 30 - - 21 - 6 19 24 123 102 - - 612
Men 27 - - 41 275 - 39 38 - 60 7 9 - - 107 - 13 27 23 92 80 - 0 838
Women 19 - - 104 261 - 6 213 - 41 14 81 - - 178 - 9 22 137 132 84 - 0 1,301
Total 46 - - 145 536 - 45 251 - 101 21 90 - - 285 - 22 49 160 224 164 - 0 2,139
Western Carolina
Men 10 - - 7 144 29 8 39 34 15 3 31 1 - 20 - 3 11 6 90 34 - 2 487
Women 1 - - 13 108 37 2 233 2 30 1 90 1 - 16 - 5 12 20 70 29 - 0 670
Total 11 - - 20 252 66 10 272 36 45 4 121 2 - 36 - 8 23 26 160 63 - 2 1,157
Men - - - 5 21 10 19 4 - 4 0 47 - - 2 - 3 0 6 20 13 - 8 162
Women - - - 19 22 14 18 22 - 2 4 176 - - 5 - 2 7 14 14 43 - 14 376
Total - - - 24 43 24 37 26 - 6 4 223 - - 7 - 5 7 20 34 56 - 22 538
Table 38. Number of Bachelor's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Gender, and Field of Study, 2003-04

Institution Grand
and Gender

Agriculture and
Nat. Resources
Architecture &
Environ. Des.
Area Studies
Business and
Computer &
Information Sc.
Fine and Applied
Health Professions
Home Economics
Library Science
Physical Sciences
Public Affairs and
Social Sciences

Men 275 108 65 468 2,512 634 583 397 1,645 538 72 238 28 - 465 - 160 298 338 728 1,502 - 97 11,151
Women 284 54 149 992 2,313 1,156 189 1,857 427 808 179 1,454 391 - 827 - 115 234 1,198 1,070 1,481 - 112 15,290
Total 559 162 214 1,460 4,825 1,790 772 2,254 2,072 1,346 251 1,692 419 - 1,292 - 275 532 1,536 1,798 2,983 - 209 26,441

Men - - - 2 4 1 - 1 - - - - - - 0 - 2 - - 2 1 - 1 14
Women - - - 1 9 2 - 0 - - - - - - 0 - 0 - - 1 8 - 1 22
Total - - - 3 13 3 - 1 - - - - - - 0 - 2 - - 3 9 - 2 36
Men 1 - 0 3 24 5 3 5 - 4 - 1 - - 4 - 2 0 0 6 5 - - 63
Women 0 - 0 8 33 8 0 25 - 9 - 31 - - 6 - 1 1 7 34 5 - - 168
Total 1 - 0 11 57 13 3 30 - 13 - 32 - - 10 - 3 1 7 40 10 - - 231
Belmont Abbey
Men - - - 3 37 - 5 9 - - - - - - 2 - - - 1 - 11 0 0 68
Women - - - 8 37 - 2 31 - - - - - - 4 - - - 3 - 9 6 5 105
Total - - - 11 74 - 7 40 - - - - - - 6 - - - 4 - 20 6 5 173
Men - - - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 - 0 - - 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
Women - - - 11 6 9 3 3 - 1 - 0 - - 3 - 3 0 11 9 14 - 1 74
Total - - - 11 6 9 3 3 - 1 - 0 - - 3 - 3 0 11 9 14 - 1 74
Men 7 - - 3 23 - - - - 11 - 0 - - 3 - 1 - 0 19 6 - 13 86
Women 4 - - 6 11 - - - - 16 - 1 - - 10 - 0 - 0 9 0 - 19 76
Total 11 - - 9 34 - - - - 27 - 1 - - 13 - 1 - 0 28 6 - 32 162

Men - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Women - - - - - - - - - - - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - 6
Total - - - - - - - - - - - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - 6
Men - - - 7 183 9 19 8 - 8 0 42 1 5 18 - 0 2 43 20 70 - - 435
Women - - - 27 150 21 7 30 - 17 0 25 9 4 16 - 2 2 55 20 16 - - 401
Total - - - 34 333 30 26 38 - 25 0 67 10 9 34 - 2 4 98 40 86 - - 836
Men 3 - - 6 62 5 32 8 - 3 0 2 - 0 2 - 1 2 0 14 3 - 0 143
Women 2 - - 5 64 13 26 17 - 10 1 8 - 4 7 - 1 0 3 7 17 - 0 185
Total 5 - - 11 126 18 58 25 - 13 1 10 - 4 9 - 2 2 3 21 20 - 0 328
Men - - - 2 7 7 - 2 - 3 - - - - 1 - 3- 0 21 6 - 0 52
Women - - - 6 13 3 - 9 - 4 - - - - 3 - 0- 4 20 1 - 0 63
Total - - - 8 20 10 - 11 - 7 - - - - 4 - 3- 4 41 7 - 0 115
Men - - - 16 - - - - - 8 5 - - - 34 - 5 12 20 - 99 - 4 203
Women - - - 28 - - - - - 21 17 - - - 51 - 5 2 30 - 62 - 7 223
Total - - - 44 - - - - - 29 22 - - - 85 - 10 14 50 - 161 - 11 426
Men 7 - 6 41 - - 34 - 161 6 12 16 - - 46 - 14 38 29 56 318 - 10 794
Women 12 - 21 66 - - 9 - 60 22 27 70 - - 65 - 12 15 114 97 199 - 12 801
Total 19 - 27 107 - - 43 - 221 28 39 86 - - 111 - 26 53 143 153 517 - 22 1,595
Men 2 - - 8 118 58 11 4 1 20 0 13 - - 14 - 3 5 10 16 34 - 0 317
Women 9 - - 29 92 119 3 76 0 35 7 19 - - 44 - 7 5 38 36 52 - 1 572
Total 11 - - 37 210 177 14 80 1 55 7 32 - - 58 - 10 10 48 52 86 - 1 889
Men - - - 2 112 1 2 0 - 2 0 0 - - 23 - 5 1 5 20 55 - - 228
Women - - - 5 157 2 0 29 - 7 4 61 - - 9 - 4 1 17 9 111 - - 416
Total - - - 7 269 3 2 29 - 9 4 61 - - 32 - 9 2 22 29 166 - - 644
Men - - - 4 26 - - 4 - 6 1 1 - - 9 - 5- 3 13 12 - 1 85
Women - - - 12 12 - - 15 - 8 3 1 - - 8 - 1- 8 5 6- 3 82
Total - - - 16 38 - - 19 - 14 4 2 - - 17 - 6- 11 18 18 - 4 167
Table 38. Number of Bachelor's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Gender, and Field of Study, 2003-04

Institution Grand
and Gender

Agriculture and
Nat. Resources
Architecture &
Environ. Des.
Area Studies
Business and
Computer &
Information Sc.
Fine and Applied
Health Professions
Home Economics
Library Science
Physical Sciences
Public Affairs and
Social Sciences

Men 0 - 0 9 33 - 26 0 - 7 2 3 - - 7 - 2 5 3 28 18 - 2 145
Women 3 - 3 15 35 - 11 9 - 14 6 5 - - 19 - 1 3 23 28 26 - 7 208
Total 3 - 3 24 68 - 37 9 - 21 8 8 - - 26 - 3 8 26 56 44 - 9 353
High Point
Men 0 - - 4 97 - 38 0 - 4 0 4 - - 8 - 0 1 6 21 9 - 1 193
Women 0 - - 12 156 - 21 36 - 12 1 7 - - 12 - 2 3 39 23 11 - 1 336
Total 0 - - 16 253 - 59 36 - 16 1 11 - - 20 - 2 4 45 44 20 - 2 529
J.C. Smith
Men - - - 2 22 7 23 1 7 2 1 0 - - 2 - 0 0 1 15 8 - 6 97
Women - - - 8 25 12 18 4 9 0 1 0 - - 11 - 3 3 18 26 10 - 10 158
Total - - - 10 47 19 41 5 16 2 2 0 - - 13 - 3 3 19 41 18 - 16 255
Men 3 - - 2 6 2 1 4 - 0 - 2 - - 1 - - - 0 3 6 - 0 30
Women 1 - - 3 11 5 0 54 - 3 - 24 - - 1 - - - 3 2 9 - 1 117
Total 4 - - 5 17 7 1 58 - 3 - 26 - - 2 - - - 3 5 15 - 1 147
Men 0 - - 6 21 2 6 3 - 7 2 4 0 - 7 - 0 3 3 5 10 0 0 79
Women 1 - - 2 33 10 0 18 - 2 3 42 5 - 8 - 1 0 19 3 26 0 1 174
Total 1 - - 8 54 12 6 21 - 9 5 46 5 - 15 - 1 3 22 8 36 0 1 253
Men - - - 2 13 - 20 0 2 1 - - - - 3 - 0 - 3 16 7 0 - 67
Women - - - 3 22 - 3 2 0 0 - - - - 1 - 3 - 5 25 13 0 - 77
Total - - - 5 35 - 23 2 2 1 - - - - 4 - 3 - 8 41 20 0 - 144
Mars Hill
Men - - - 3 41 1 8 9 - 5 2 2 - - 8 - 3 3 3 3 16 - - 107

Women - - - 10 26 1 0 35 - 11 3 5 - - 2 - 1 1 9 20 10 - - 134
Total - - - 13 67 2 8 44 - 16 5 7 - - 10 - 4 4 12 23 26 - - 241
Men 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 5 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 5
Women 0 - 1 7 109 24 7 6 - 77 9 37 27 39 21 - 7 3 43 15 37 - 6 475
Total 0 - 1 7 109 24 7 6 - 77 9 37 27 44 21 - 7 3 43 15 37 - 6 480
Men - - - 2 75 5 2 2 - 1 4 0 - - 6 - 0 1 0 20 10 1- 129
Women - - - 14 35 5 0 13 - 3 4 5 - - 7 - 2 1 8 23 20 1- 141
Total - - - 16 110 10 2 15 - 4 8 5 - - 13 - 2 2 8 43 30 2- 270
Men 2 - 1 - 55 - - 1 - 0 - - - - 7 - 1 - - 8 0 - 0 75
Women 1 - 0 - 98 - - 8 - 3 - - - - 12 - 0 - - 11 2 - 1 136
Total 3 - 1 - 153 - - 9 - 3 - - - - 19 - 1 - - 19 2 - 1 211
Mount Olive
Men - - - 1 130 - 11 0 - 4 - 0 - - 5 - 0 - 3 39 2 10 0 205
Women - - - 0 213 - 14 8 - 5 - 1 - - 5 - 0 - 5 38 1 6 1 297
Total - - - 1 343 - 25 8 - 9 - 1 - - 10 - 0 - 8 77 3 16 1 502
N.C. Wesleyan
Men 2 - - 0 78 - 36 3 - 0 - 0 - - 1 - 4 0 18 21 8 - - 171
Women 1 - - 5 107 - 54 2 - 1 - 1 - - 5 - 4 4 32 36 7 - - 259
Total 3 - - 5 185 - 90 5 - 1 - 1 - - 6 - 8 4 50 57 15 - - 430
Men - - - 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 0 - - - 0 - 0 - 0 0
Women - - - 5 16 22 - - - 10 1 - - - 5 - - - 16 - 0 - 14 89
Total - - - 5 16 22 - - - 10 1 - - - 5 - - - 16 - 0 - 14 89
Men 0 - 0 1 38 1 3 2 0 3 - 2 - 1 1 - 1 0 1 31 6 3 4 98
Women 1 - 0 1 45 8 0 28 0 5 - 7 - 2 5 - 1 1 5 27 7 5 2 150
Total 1 - 0 2 83 9 3 30 0 8 - 9 - 3 6 - 2 1 6 58 13 8 6 248
Men - - 2 3 31 7 - 0 - 1 0 1 - - 3 - 0 - 1 0 5 - - 54
Women - - 4 6 43 29 - 5 - 8 3 25 - - 18 - 0 - 14 4 6 - - 165
Total - - 6 9 74 36 - 5 - 9 3 26 - - 21 - 0 - 15 4 11 - - 219
Table 38. Number of Bachelor's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Gender, and Field of Study, 2003-04

Institution Grand
and Gender

Agriculture and
Nat. Resources
Architecture &
Environ. Des.
Area Studies
Business and
Computer &
Information Sc.
Fine and Applied
Health Professions
Home Economics
Library Science
Physical Sciences
Public Affairs and
Social Sciences

St. Andrews
Men - - 0 2 15 2 - 2 - 2 - 0 - - 5 - 0 0 1 3 10 - 4 46
Women - - 0 6 13 3 - 8 - 0 - 9 - - 9 - 0 0 3 1 16 - 1 69
Total - - 0 8 28 5 - 10 - 2 - 9 - - 14 - 0 0 4 4 26 - 5 115
St. Augustine's
Men - - - 2 32 5 8 0 - 2 - - - - 1 - 4 0 2 10 5 - - 71
Women - - - 6 42 10 17 3 - 5 - - - - 3 - 2 1 9 22 22 - - 142
Total - - - 8 74 15 25 3 - 7 - - - - 4 - 6 1 11 32 27 - - 213
Men - - - 0 0 0 - - - 0 0 - - - 2 - 0 1 0 - 1 - 0 4
Women - - - 7 22 21 - - - 22 6 - - - 25 - 6 3 15 - 34 - 3 164
Total - - - 7 22 21 - - - 22 6 - - - 27 - 6 4 15 - 35 - 3 168
Men 0 - - 0 41 10 11 0 - 2 - 0 - - 26 - 0 0 4 24 5 - 2 125
Women 3 - - 3 79 8 13 1 - 2 - 2 - - 17 - 3 2 13 90 34 - 18 288
Total 3 - - 3 120 18 24 1 - 4 - 2 - - 43 - 3 2 17 114 39 - 20 413
Wake Forest
Men - - - 22 140 45 9 3 0 8 4 1 - - 45 - 5 20 26 11 144 - - 483
Women - - - 42 61 56 2 15 0 23 19 0 - - 52 - 10 16 68 29 124 - - 517
Total - - - 64 201 101 11 18 0 31 23 1 - - 97 - 15 36 94 40 268 - - 1,000
Warren Wilson
Men 15 - 0 3 - - - 1 - 5 0 - - - 4 - - 2 1 0 22 - 4 57
Women 19 - 0 4 - - - 8 - 3 0 - - - 10 - - 1 3 4 28 - 17 97
Total 34 - 0 7 - - - 9 - 8 0 - - - 14 - - 3 4 4 50 - 21 154
Men - - - 3 44 11 - 2 - 2 1 4 - - 8 - 3 1 1 19 6 - 5 110

Women - - - 15 17 14 - 14 - 7 0 6 - - 13 - 0 1 10 22 5 - 24 148
Total - - - 18 61 25 - 16 - 9 1 10 - - 21 - 3 2 11 41 11 - 29 258
Southeastern Seminary
Men - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54 - 54
Women - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 - 24
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 78 - 78
Men - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
Women - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
Total - - - - - - - 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10
John Wesley
Men - - - - 6 - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - 10 - 18
Women - - - - 9 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - 1 - 11
Total - - - - 15 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - 11 - 29
Men - - - - 0 - - 0 3 - - 2 - - 0 - - - - - - 18 - 23
Women - - - - 0 - - 9 0 - - 4 - - 0 - - - - - - 0 - 13
Total - - - - 0 - - 9 3 - - 6 - - 0 - - - - - - 18 - 36
Men - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 - 8
Women - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 - 10
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 - 18
Men - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - 4
Women - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - 0
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - 4
Men 42 0 9 164 1,514 184 308 82 174 127 34 100 1 11 306 - 64 97 190 464 918 108 57 4,954
Women 57 0 29 386 1,801 405 210 524 69 366 115 402 41 49 487 - 82 69 650 696 948 53 156 7,595
Total 99 0 38 550 3,315 589 518 606 243 493 149 502 42 60 793 - 146 166 840 1,160 1,866 161 213 12,549
Men 317 108 74 632 4,026 818 891 479 1,819 665 106 338 29 11 771 - 224 395 528 1,192 2,420 108 154 16,105
Women 341 54 178 1,378 4,114 1,561 399 2,381 496 1,174 294 1,856 432 49 1,314 - 197 303 1,848 1,766 2,429 53 268 22,885
Total 658 162 252 2,010 8,140 2,379 1,290 2,860 2,315 1,839 400 2,194 461 60 2,085 - 421 698 2,376 2,958 4,849 161 422 38,990
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT041.U/4-28-05
Table 39. First Professional Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Universities
by Institution, Gender, and Field of Study, 2003-04

Institution Veterinary Grand

and Gender Dentistry Medicine Pharmacy Medicine Law Theology Total
East Carolina
Men - 42 - - - - 42
Women - 38 - - - - 38
Total - 80 - - - - 80
N.C. Central
Men - - - - 33 - 33
Women - - - - 60 - 60
Total - - - - 93 - 93
N.C. State
Men - - - 22 - - 22
Women - - - 54 - - 54
Total - - - 76 - - 76
UNC-Chapel Hill
Men 43 80 44 - 109 - 276
Women 27 74 91 - 119 - 311
Total 70 154 135 - 228 - 587
Men 43 122 44 22 142 - 373
Women 27 112 91 54 179 - 463
Total 70 234 135 76 321 - 836
Men - - 19 - 59 23 101
Women - - 58 - 39 15 112
Total - - 77 - 98 38 213
Men - 59 - - 171 58 288
Women - 45 - - 128 49 222
Total - 104 - - 299 107 510
Men - - - - - 24 24
Women - - - - - 5 5
Total - - - - - 29 29
Men - - - - - 9 9
Women - - - - - 10 10
Total - - - - - 19 19
Wake Forest
Men - 65 - - 75 11 151
Women - 42 - - 74 4 120
Total - 107 - - 149 15 271
Southeastern Seminary
Men - - - - - 181 181
Women - - - - - 18 18
Total - - - - - 199 199
Men - 124 19 - 305 306 754
Women - 87 58 - 241 101 487
Total - 211 77 - 546 407 1,241
Men 43 246 63 22 447 306 1,127
Women 27 199 149 54 420 101 950
Total 70 445 212 76 867 407 2,077
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT037.U/4-5-05

Table 40. Number of Master's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Gender, and Field of Study, 2003-04

Institution Grand
and Gender Total

Agriculture and
Natural Resources
Architecture &
Environ. Des.
Area Studies
Biological Sciences
Business and
Computer & Infor-
mation Sciences
Fine and Applied Arts
Foreign Languages
Health Professions
Home Economics
Library Science
Physical Sciences
Public Affairs and
Social Sciences


Men - - 3 5 36 - 2 59 5 3 1 2 0 - 2 1 2 3 5 17 16 - 2 164
Women - - 4 7 33 - 2 210 3 3 1 50 4 - 1 14 2 1 21 18 5 - 2 381
Total - - 7 12 69 - 4 269 8 6 2 52 4 - 3 15 4 4 26 35 21 - 4 545
East Carolina
Men - - 4 9 111 - 11 66 25 14 - 33 2 - 10 0 2 12 3 35 22 - 11 370
Women - - 4 7 95 - 1 207 5 15 - 101 19 - 29 47 2 8 25 105 15 - 4 689
Total - - 8 16 206 - 12 273 30 29 - 134 21 - 39 47 4 20 28 140 37 - 15 1,059
Elizabeth City
Men - - - 0 - - - 0 - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - 0
Women - - - 0 - - - 5 - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - 5
Total - - - 0 - - - 5 - - - - - - - - 0 - - - - - - 5
Men - - - 0 5 - - 9 - - - - - - 0 - 2 - 1 0 2 - - 19
Women - - - 3 6 - - 49 - - - - - - 0 - 1 - 0 0 4 - - 63
Total - - - 3 11 - - 58 - - - - - - 0 - 3 - 1 0 6 - - 82
N.C. A and T
Men 8 - - 0 6 - 15 23 76 - - - 4 - 6 - 4 1 - 0 - - - 143
Women 3 - - 1 5 - 7 99 25 - - - 7 - 7 - 0 2 - 0 - - - 156
Total 11 - - 1 11 - 22 122 101 - - - 11 - 13 - 4 3 - 0 - - - 299
N.C. Central

Men - - - 3 11 - 12 20 - - - 1 0 - 0 6 0 1 2 6 2 - - 64
Women - - - 6 11 - 22 93 - - - 20 4 - 4 49 2 1 7 12 5 - - 236
Total - - - 9 22 - 34 113 - - - 21 4 - 4 55 2 2 9 18 7 - - 300
N.C. School of Arts
Men - - - - - - - - - 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
Women - - - - - - - - - 17 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17
Total - - - - - - - - - 28 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28
N.C. State
Men 42 18 - 21 77 0 113 62 325 7 0 2 - - 14 - 18 27 3 14 21 - 12 776
Women 52 13 - 32 69 9 34 161 92 13 0 1 - - 31 - 33 14 10 19 34 - 10 627
Total 94 31 - 53 146 9 147 223 417 20 0 3 - - 45 - 51 41 13 33 55 - 22 1,403
Men - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 3
Women - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 4
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 7
UNC-Chapel Hill
Men 12 16 5 18 344 11 51 41 11 11 14 90 - - 13 10 7 20 8 44 30 - 5 761
Women 15 20 2 38 151 17 31 181 8 17 26 299 - - 28 56 10 15 9 142 26 - 20 1,111
Total 27 36 7 56 495 28 82 222 19 28 40 389 - - 41 66 17 35 17 186 56 - 25 1,872
Men - 2 - 2 89 0 96 29 69 0 1 12 - - 4 - 2 10 4 14 11 - 4 349
Women - 6 - 2 49 5 38 214 12 0 1 76 - - 23 - 0 3 11 37 16 - 7 500
Total - 8 - 4 138 5 134 243 81 0 2 88 - - 27 - 2 13 15 51 27 - 11 849
Men - - - 4 73 - 24 43 - 23 3 48 3 - 17 9 3 1 1 28 16 - 6 302
Women - - - 18 57 - 29 176 - 56 2 136 6 - 30 84 4 4 6 56 18 - 32 714
Total - - - 22 130 - 53 219 - 79 5 184 9 - 47 93 7 5 7 84 34 - 38 1,016
Men - - - - 6 - - 26 - - - - - - - - - - - 13 - - - 45
Women - - - - 3 - - 75 - - - - - - - - - - - 7 - - - 85
Total - - - - 9 - - 101 - - - - - - - - - - - 20 - - - 130
Table 40. Number of Master's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Gender, and Field of Study, 2003-04

Institution Grand
and Gender Total

Agriculture and
Natural Resources
Architecture &
Environ. Des.
Area Studies
Biological Sciences
Business and
Computer & Infor-
mation Sciences
Fine and Applied Arts
Foreign Languages
Health Professions
Home Economics
Library Science
Physical Sciences
Public Affairs and
Social Sciences

University of North Carolina (Continued)

Men - - - 7 53 - - 12 - - - 0 - - 9 - 4 13 1 7 1 - 10 117
Women - - - 10 30 - - 62 - - - 6 - - 24 - 5 11 8 13 0 - 17 186
Total - - - 17 83 - - 74 - - - 6 - - 33 - 9 24 9 20 1 - 27 303
Western Carolina
Men - - 0 3 78 - - 38 3 0 - 14 - - 1 - 2 4 0 12 7 - - 162
Women - - 0 3 59 - - 97 0 2 - 46 - - 5 - 1 1 6 6 6 - - 232
Total - - 0 6 137 - - 135 3 2 - 60 - - 6 - 3 5 6 18 13 - - 394
Winston Salem
Men - - - - 0 - 0 2 - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Women - - - - 0 - 1 7 - - - 8 - - - - - - - - - - - 16
Total - - - - 0 - 1 9 - - - 9 - - - - - - - - - - - 19
Men 62 36 12 72 889 11 324 430 514 69 19 203 9 0 76 26 46 92 28 190 128 0 53 3,289
Women 70 39 10 127 568 31 165 1,636 145 123 30 743 40 0 182 250 60 60 103 415 129 0 96 5,022
Total 132 75 22 199 1,457 42 489 2,066 659 192 49 946 49 0 258 276 106 152 131 605 257 0 149 8,311
Men - - - - 66 - - 9 - - - 1 - - - - - - - 0 - - 2 78
Women - - - - 55 - - 37 - - - 15 - - - - - - - 3 - - 7 117
Total - - - - 121 - - 46 - - - 16 - - - - - - - 3 - - 9 195

Men - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
Women - - - - - - - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
Total - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
Men 24 - - 11 525 - 11 - 60 1 2 17 - - 6 - 7 7 4 14 18 30 28 765
Women 54 - - 15 171 - 6 - 17 1 2 116 - - 6 - 1 10 5 34 16 17 32 503
Total 78 - - 26 696 - 17 - 77 2 4 133 - - 12 - 8 17 9 48 34 47 60 1,268
Men - - - - 28 - - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - - - - - 35
Women - - - - 9 - - - - - - 16 - - - - - - - - - - - 25
Total - - - - 37 - - - - - - 23 - - - - - - - - - - - 60
Men - - - - 82 - - 45 - - - 0 - - 0 - - - 1 2 - - - 130
Women - - - - 110 - - 104 - - - 17 - - 2 - - - 5 4 - - - 242
Total - - - - 192 - - 149 - - - 17 - - 2 - - - 6 6 - - - 372
Men - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
Women - - - - - - - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
Total - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
High Point
Men - - - - 17 - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17
Women - - - - 33 - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33
Total - - - - 50 - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50
Men - - - - 10 - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13
Women - - - - 3 - - 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23
Total - - - - 13 - - 23 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36
Men - - - - 3 - - 0 - 0 - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - 3
Women - - - - 26 - - 5 - 2 - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - 35
Total - - - - 29 - - 5 - 2 - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - 38
Table 40. Number of Master's Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Gender, and Field of Study, 2003-04

Institution Grand
and Gender Total

Agriculture and
Natural Resources
Architecture &
Environ. Des.
Area Studies
Biological Sciences
Business and
Computer & Infor-
mation Sciences
Fine and Applied Arts
Foreign Languages
Health Professions
Home Economics
Library Science
Physical Sciences
Public Affairs and
Social Sciences


Men - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Women - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - - 4
Total - - - - - - - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - - - - - 7
Men - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
Women - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Total - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Men - - - - 138 - - - - - - 21 - - - - - - - - - 0 - 159
Women - - - - 100 - - - - - - 37 - - - - - - - - - 5 - 142
Total - - - - 238 - - - - - - 58 - - - - - - - - - 5 - 301
Men - - - - 44 6 - 1 - - - 0 - - 8 - - - - - - - - 59
Women - - - - 27 17 - 12 - - - 6 - - 18 - - - - - - - - 80
Total - - - - 71 23 - 13 - - - 6 - - 26 - - - - - - - - 139
Men - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Women - - - - - - - 21 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21
Total - - - - - - - 24 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24

Men - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - 3
Women - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - 4
Wake Forest
Men - - - 6 267 2 10 11 - - - 13 - 11 2 - 1 1 2 2 0 - 4 332
Women - - - 9 86 11 2 38 - - - 34 - 2 6 - 3 4 10 5 0 - 5 215
Total - - - 15 353 13 12 49 - - - 47 - 13 8 - 4 5 12 7 0 - 9 547
Warren Wilson
Men - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - - 7
Women - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19 - - - - - - - - 19
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26 - - - - - - - - 26
Men - - - - 10 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
Women - - - - 12 - - 13 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25
Total - - - - 22 - - 14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36
Southeastern Seminary
Men - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56 - 56
Women - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32 - 32
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 88 - 88
Men - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - 4
Women - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - 0
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - 4
Men 24 0 0 17 1,192 8 21 77 60 1 2 62 0 11 23 0 8 8 7 18 18 93 34 1,684
Women 54 0 0 24 633 28 8 262 17 3 2 245 2 2 51 0 4 14 20 46 16 55 44 1,530
Total 78 0 0 41 1,825 36 29 339 77 4 4 307 2 13 74 0 12 22 27 64 34 148 78 3,214
Men 86 36 12 89 2,081 19 345 507 574 70 21 265 9 11 99 26 54 100 35 208 146 93 87 4,973
Women 124 39 10 151 1,201 59 173 1,898 162 126 32 988 42 2 233 250 64 74 123 461 145 55 140 6,552
Total 210 75 22 240 3,282 78 518 2,405 736 196 53 1,253 51 13 332 276 118 174 158 669 291 148 227 11,525
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT038.U/5-19-05
Table 41. Number of Doctorate Degrees Conferred by North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Gender, and Field of Study, 2003-04

Institution Grand
and Gender

Agriculture and
Natural Resources
Architecture &
Environ. Des.
Area Studies
Biological Sciences
Business and
Computer & Infor-
mation Sciences
Fine and Applied Arts
Foreign Languages
Health Professions
Home Economics
Library Science
Physical Sciences
Public Affairs and
Social Sciences
Men - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
Women - - - - - - - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
Total - - - - - - - 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
East Carolina
Men - - - 2 - - - 4 - - - 3 - - 0 - - - - - - - 1 10
Women - - - 2 - - - 9 - - - 0 - - 0 - - - - - - - 0 11
Total - - - 4 - - - 13 - - - 3 - - 0 - - - - - - - 1 21
Men - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
Women - - - - - - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
Total - - - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
N.C. A and T
Men - - - - - - - - 12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12
Women - - - - - - - - 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
Total - - - - - - - - 21 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21
N.C. State
Men 26 0 - 30 - - 2 24 76 - - 1 - - - - 19 21 6 4 10 - 2 221
Women 11 2 - 17 - - 4 32 14 - - 2 - - - - 9 5 7 3 9 - 2 117
Total 37 2 - 47 - - 6 56 90 - - 3 - - - - 28 26 13 7 19 - 4 338
UNC-Chapel Hill
Men 3 1 - 50 1 8 8 3 3 1 10 10 - - 8 1 5 31 11 1 24 - 0 179
Women 3 3 - 53 5 11 4 23 5 5 19 29 - - 12 4 4 25 13 6 33 - 3 260
Total 6 4 - 103 6 19 12 26 8 6 29 39 - - 20 5 9 56 24 7 57 - 3 439
Men - - - 0 - - 0 1 7 - - - - - - - 0 0 - 0 - - 0 8
Women - - - 1 - - 1 13 3 - - - - - - - 0 0 - 0 - - 0 18
Total - - - 1 - - 1 14 10 - - - - - - - 0 0 - 0 - - 0 26

Men - - - - 0 - - 15 - 6 - - 1 - 2 - - - 5 3 0 - 1 33
Women - - - - 0 - - 28 - 4 - - 1 - 7 - - - 6 4 0 - 2 52
Total - - - - 0 - - 43 - 10 - - 2 - 9 - - - 11 7 0 - 3 85
Men - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Women - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Total - - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Western Carolina
Men - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
Women - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Total - - - - - - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
Men 29 1 - 82 1 8 10 53 98 7 10 14 1 - 10 1 24 52 22 8 34 - 4 469
Women 14 5 - 73 5 11 9 119 31 9 19 31 1 - 19 4 13 30 26 13 42 - 7 481
Total 43 6 - 155 6 19 19 172 129 16 29 45 2 - 29 5 37 82 48 21 76 - 11 950
Men 9 - - 25 3 - 6 - 22 4 0 12 - - 12 - 7 19 1 - 24 - 3 147
Women 1 - - 25 6 - 1 - 10 1 6 21 - - 9 - 0 5 7 - 18 - 2 112
Total 10 - - 50 9 - 7 - 32 5 6 33 - - 21 - 7 24 8 - 42 - 5 259
Wake Forest
Men - - - 16 - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - 5 - - - - 1 25
Women - - - 8 - - - - 0 - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - 3 14
Total - - - 24 - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - 8 - - - - 4 39
Southeastern Seminary
Men - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19 - 19
Women - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1
Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 - 20
Men 9 - - 41 3 - 6 - 25 4 0 12 - - 12 - 7 24 1 - 24 19 4 191
Women 1 - - 33 6 - 1 - 10 1 6 21 - - 9 - 0 8 7 - 18 1 5 127
Total 10 - - 74 9 - 7 - 35 5 6 33 - - 21 - 7 32 8 - 42 20 9 318
Men 38 1 - 123 4 8 16 53 123 11 10 26 1 - 22 1 31 76 23 8 58 19 8 660
Women 15 5 - 106 11 11 10 119 41 10 25 52 1 - 28 4 13 38 33 13 60 1 12 608
Total 53 6 - 229 15 19 26 172 164 21 35 78 2 - 50 5 44 114 56 21 118 20 20 1,268
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT039.U/5-20-05
Table 42. Degrees and Awards Based on Less Than Four Years Work Beyond High School at North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-04

Business and Communications and Engineering and Science Allied Health and
Commerce Tech. Communications Tech. Engnr-Related Tech. Technologies Health Sciences All Other Total
Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates
<1 1 but Assoc. <1 1 but Assoc. <1 1 but Assoc. <1 1 but Assoc. <1 1 but Assoc. <1 1 but Assoc. <1 1 but Assoc.
Institution Yr. <4 Yrs. Degrees Yr. <4 Yrs. Degrees Yr. <4 Yrs. Degrees Yr. <4 Yrs. Degrees Yr. <4 Yrs. Degrees Yr. <4 Yrs. Degrees Yr. <4 Yrs. Degrees
University of North Carolina
N.C. School of Arts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 - - 12 -
N.C. State - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 127 - - 127
UNC-Chapel Hill - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 - - - - - 12 -
UNC Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 - - 12 127 - 24 127
Community Colleges
Alamance 29 7 73 - - - 4 2 22 - - - 58 25 65 81 18 101 172 52 261
Asheville-Buncombe 6 0 88 - - - - - 50 - - - 38 89 150 89 31 230 133 120 518
Beaufort Co. 3 0 42 - - - - 11 17 - - - 4 16 56 17 45 37 24 72 152
Bladen 9 4 38 - - - 19 1 1 - - - 0 29 - 49 10 56 77 44 95
Blue Ridge 5 4 16 - - - 0 0 3 - - - 2 2 5 18 12 19 25 18 43
Brunswick 19 5 23 - - - - - 4 - - - 20 47 5 104 28 54 143 80 86
Caldwell 41 7 56 - - - 16 - 29 - - - 8 20 100 176 16 106 241 43 291
Cape Fear 19 - 66 - - - 48 13 80 - - - 19 54 113 215 48 442 301 115 701
Carteret 1 2 36 21 - 8 - - - - - - - 40 40 69 13 73 91 55 157
Catawba Valley 9 - 99 - - 7 - - 38 - - - 21 40 124 89 42 152 119 82 420
Central Carolina 52 32 43 - 5 3 31 8 21 - - - 71 26 72 239 99 106 393 170 245
Central Piedmont 151 2 148 3 - 5 37 1 56 - - - 41 30 128 242 43 482 474 76 819
Cleveland 36 4 39 - 0 1 6 6 18 - - - 26 28 46 72 124 65 140 162 169
Coastal Carolina 13 - 61 - - - - - 4 - - - 47 42 87 57 78 274 117 120 426

Coll.of Albemarle 37 - 24 - - - 8 1 5 - - - 6 26 26 155 24 102 206 51 157
Craven 46 - 33 - - - 4 - 11 - - - 16 19 45 85 20 194 151 39 283
Davidson Co 39 12 45 - - - 6 3 9 - - - 31 44 74 213 56 78 289 115 206
Durham 18 4 73 - - - 6 - 10 - - - 26 32 70 85 5 129 135 41 282
Edgecombe - - 38 - - - - 6 6 - - - - 41 71 - 18 40 - 65 155
Fayetteville 160 - 163 - - - 2 1 26 - - - 50 65 163 182 124 514 394 190 866
Forsyth 65 17 149 - - - 41 - 42 - - - 26 86 239 136 65 146 268 168 576
Gaston 23 7 90 - - 2 12 3 23 - - - 57 41 131 338 76 219 430 127 465
Guilford - 44 120 - - 14 - 12 30 - - 2 - 80 131 - 142 315 0 278 612
Halifax - 22 38 - - - - 6 11 - - - 9 14 57 155 18 52 164 60 158
Haywood 10 0 36 - - - - - 22 - - - 3 - 31 45 29 143 58 29 232
Isothermal 53 11 64 - - 1 3 - 17 - - - 34 36 44 42 19 72 132 66 198
James Sprunt 63 4 33 - - - - - - - - - 7 15 41 126 53 93 196 72 167
Johnston 59 - 55 - - - - - 4 - - - 25 26 81 639 19 117 723 45 257
Lenoir 34 5 42 - - - 21 8 11 - - - - 38 66 122 25 115 177 76 234
Martin 4 1 21 - - - - - 2 - - - 4 11 16 17 4 31 25 16 70
Mayland 37 - 22 - - - 9 - 3 - - - 3 - 36 168 36 52 217 36 113
McDowell - 9 23 - - 6 1 1 4 - - - 6 20 16 40 29 59 47 59 108
Mitchell 12 5 70 - - - 15 - 8 - - - 10 8 34 63 20 93 100 33 205
Montgomery 9 3 24 - - - - - - - - - - 26 21 100 4 49 109 33 94
Nash 2 - 49 - - - 3 - 18 - - - 51 - 34 71 1 55 127 1 156
Pamlico 27 1 8 - - - - - - - - - 10 6 11 112 2 18 149 9 37
Piedmont 89 5 37 - - - 62 1 10 - - - 40 2 24 239 52 74 430 60 145
Pitt 47 2 94 - - - 3 1 18 - - - 78 18 165 103 9 181 231 30 458
Randolph - 6 47 - - 23 - 15 - - - - - - 24 - 57 112 0 78 206
Richmond 30 - 58 - - - 11 - 16 - - - 32 - 64 63 13 71 136 13 209
Table 42. Degrees and Awards Based on Less Than Four Years Work Beyond High School at North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-04

Business and Communications and Engineering and Science Allied Health and
Commerce Tech. Communications Tech. Engnr-Related Tech. Technologies Health Sciences All Other Total
Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates Certificates
<1 1 but Assoc. <1 1 but Assoc. <1 1 but Assoc. <1 1 but Assoc. <1 1 but Assoc. <1 1 but Assoc. <1 1 but Assoc.
Institution Yr. <4 Yrs. Degrees Yr. <4 Yrs. Degrees Yr. <4 Yrs. Degrees Yr. <4 Yrs. Degrees Yr. <4 Yrs. Degrees Yr. <4 Yrs. Degrees Yr. <4 Yrs. Degrees
Community Colleges (Cont.)
Roanoke-Chowan 22 - 30 - - - - - 2 - - - 13 - 29 6 19 39 41 19 100
Robeson - - 80 - - - - - 7 - - - 87 - 48 131 29 71 218 29 206
Rockingham 11 - 42 - - - 8 5 1 - - - 10 34 47 46 24 78 75 63 168
Rowan-Cabarrus 57 11 121 - - - 15 - 16 - - - - 36 59 179 39 127 251 86 323
Sampson 63 6 40 - - - 6 1 2 - - - - 18 25 132 7 62 201 32 129
Sandhills 20 1 76 - - - 9 - 34 - - - - 46 150 45 8 210 74 55 470
South Piedmont (Anson 38 4 62 - - - 13 - 1 - - - - 41 19 72 16 48 123 61 130
Southeastern 12 10 37 - - - 1 - 20 - - - 29 22 53 91 13 80 133 45 190
Southwestern 18 - 22 - - - - - 11 - - - 13 14 78 30 22 114 61 36 225
Stanly 40 9 52 - - - 23 - 36 - - - 24 10 83 87 44 71 174 63 242
Surry 11 4 84 - - - 1 1 17 - - - 6 23 78 26 36 234 44 64 413
Tri-County 23 1 68 - - - - - - - - - - - 28 5 30 74 28 31 170
Vance-Granville 75 - 96 - - - - 2 3 - - - - 22 89 79 69 96 154 93 284
Wake 132 13 196 - - - 25 1 80 - - - 24 46 135 153 47 429 334 107 840
Wayne 26 6 82 - - - - - 15 - - - 27 35 97 32 33 130 85 74 324
Western Piedmont 46 6 60 - - - 14 - 33 - - - 31 27 73 79 5 181 170 38 347
Wilkes 26 16 96 - - 2 35 6 48 - - - 2 19 71 44 30 222 107 71 439
Wilson 9 - 27 - - - 1 1 6 - - - - 36 26 89 32 86 99 69 145
Comm.Coll.Total 1886 312 3555 24 5 72 519 117 981 - - 2 1145 1571 3894 6142 2030 7673 9,716 4,035 16,177

Public Total 1886 312 3555 24 5 72 519 117 981 - - 2 1145 1583 3894 6142 2042 7800 9,716 4,059 16,304
Private Senior Institutions
Brevard - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - - 4
Cabarrus - - - - - - - - - - - - 190 11 41 - - - 190 11 41
Campbell - - 12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 265 - - 277
Chowan - - - - - 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
Gardner-Webb - - - - - - - - - - - - . . 51 - - - - - 51
Guilford 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 - -
Methodist - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 - - 14
Montreat - - 27 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32 - - 59
Mount Olive - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49 - - 54
Peace - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41 - - 41
Shaw - - 17 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - 20
Southeastern Sem. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 - - 10
Heritage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 - - 10
John Wesley - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 10 - 3 10
Roanoke - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - 7 2 - 7
Winston-Salem - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - 3
Private Sr. Total 7 - 63 - - 9 - - - - - - 190 11 92 2 3 446 199 14 610
Private Junior College
Louisburg - - 4 -- - - - - -- - - - - - 3 - - 61 - - 68
Private Total 7 - 67 - - 9 - - - - - - 190 11 95 2 3 507 199 14 678
Grand Total 1,893 312 3,622 24 5 81 519 117 981 - - 2 1,335 1,594 3,989 6,144 2,045 8,307 9,915 4,073 16,982
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT042.U/6-16-05


Detailed information about faculty salaries and compensation is available each year from the March/April
issue of Academe, the magazine of AAUP.

Figure 12. Percentage of Full-Time Instructional Faculty Holding a Doctorate or First Professional Degree in
Each Academic Rank at North Carolina Senior Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

Table 43. Academic Rank and Gender of Full-Time Faculty in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by
Institution, Fall 2004

Table 44. Highest Earned Degree Held by Full-Time Faculty in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by
Institution and Academic Rank, Fall 2004

Figure 12. Percentage of Full-Time Instructional Faculty Holding a
Doctorate or First Professional Degree in Each Academic Rank at North
Carolina Senior Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004
92.2% University of North Carolina
Private Senior Institutions*
86.5% 87.3%

80% 78.4%










Professor Asso. Prof. Asst. Prof. Instructor Other All Ranks

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AG006.U/7-12-05
*Excludes theological seminary and Bible colleges.

Table 43
Academic Rank and Gender of Full-Time Faculty in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, by Institution, Fall 2004

________Professor________ ___Associate Professor___ ___Assistant Professor___ ________Instructor_______ __________Other__________ __________Total__________

Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 171 64 235 90 76 166 89 79 168 2 1 3 45 57 102 397 277 674
East Carolina* 227 48 275 210 111 321 186 137 323 8 15 23 193 234 427 824 545 1,369
Elizabeth City 25 12 37 19 9 28 17 8 25 4 1 5 23 13 36 88 43 131
Fayetteville 33 13 46 43 13 56 48 39 87 3 2 5 22 21 43 149 88 237
N.C. A and T 73 14 87 85 46 131 44 30 74 - - - 28 19 47 230 109 339
N.C. Central 36 18 54 46 32 78 21 17 38 - - - 29 41 70 132 108 240
N.C. School of the Arts - - - - - - - - - 80 38 118 7 - 7 87 38 125
N.C. State* 568 88 656 328 97 425 194 124 318 2 7 9 100 130 230 1,192 446 1,638
UNC-Asheville 48 8 56 27 23 50 26 22 48 - - - 15 15 30 116 68 184
UNC-Chapel Hill* 612 168 780 281 147 428 236 149 385 3 2 5 382 485 867 1,514 951 2,465
UNC-Charlotte 156 28 184 147 79 226 125 96 221 - - - 58 98 156 486 301 787
UNC-Greensboro 112 44 156 85 77 162 90 94 184 3 2 5 55 133 188 345 350 695
UNC-Pembroke 27 10 37 33 23 56 31 31 62 8 2 10 28 26 54 127 92 219
UNC-Wilmington 110 31 141 80 39 119 76 55 131 - 1 1 23 49 72 289 175 464
Western Carolina 57 24 81 64 46 110 58 50 108 - - - 28 32 60 207 152 359
Winston-Salem 25 16 41 41 26 67 12 35 47 5 12 17 14 5 19 97 94 191
UNC Total 2,280 586 2,866 1,579 844 2,423 1,253 966 2,219 118 83 201 1,050 1,358 2,408 6,280 3,837 10,117

Community Colleges
Alamance - - - - - - - - - - - - 41 52 93 41 52 93
Asheville-Buncombe - - - - - - - - - - - - 58 84 142 58 84 142
Beaufort Co. - - - - - - - - - - - - 34 35 69 34 35 69
Bladen - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 25 35 10 25 35

Blue Ridge - - - - - - - - - - - - 36 39 75 36 39 75
Brunswick - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 21 35 14 21 35
Caldwell - - - - - - - - - - - - 46 71 117 46 71 117
Cape Fear - - - - - - - - - - - - 100 90 190 100 90 190
Carteret - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 37 55 18 37 55
Catawba Valley - - - - - - - - - - - - 68 68 136 68 68 136
Central Carolina - - - - - - - - - - - - 71 91 162 71 91 162
Central Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - - 137 156 293 137 156 293
Cleveland - - - - - - - - - - - - 36 35 71 36 35 71
Coastal Carolina - - - - - - - - - - - - 52 71 123 52 71 123
Coll. of Albemarle - - - - - - - - - - - - 38 41 79 38 41 79
Craven - - - - - - - - - - - - 31 43 74 31 43 74
Davidson County - - - - - - - - - - - - 36 48 84 36 48 84
Durham - - - - - - - - - - - - 61 78 139 61 78 139
Edgecombe - - - - - - - - - - - - 36 63 99 36 63 99
Fayetteville - - - - - - - - - - - - 141 154 295 141 154 295
Forsyth - - - - - - - - - - - - 76 100 176 76 100 176
Gaston - - - - - - - - - - - - 46 81 127 46 81 127
Guilford - - - - - - - - - - - - 122 120 242 122 120 242
Halifax - - - - - - - - - - - - 33 36 69 33 36 69
Haywood - - - - - - - - - - - - 43 24 67 43 24 67
Isothermal - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 40 64 24 40 64
James Sprunt - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 32 56 24 32 56
Johnston - - - - - - - - - - - - 61 61 122 61 61 122
Lenoir - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 52 92 40 52 92
Martin - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 15 28 13 15 28
Table 43
Academic Rank and Gender of Full-Time Faculty in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, by Institution, Fall 2004

________Professor________ ___Associate Professor___ ___Assistant Professor___ ________Instructor_______ __________Other__________ __________Total__________

Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Mayland - - - - - - - - - - - - 25 26 51 25 26 51
McDowell - - - - - - - - - - - - 23 25 48 23 25 48
Mitchell - - - - - - - - - - - - 27 39 66 27 39 66
Montgomery - - - - - - - - - - - - 18 13 31 18 13 31
Nash - - - - - - - - - - - - 27 57 84 27 57 84
Pamlico - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 15 26 11 15 26
Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - - 39 42 81 39 42 81
Pitt - - - - - - - - - - - - 57 90 147 57 90 147
Randolph - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 35 57 22 35 57
Richmond - - - - - - - - - - - - 33 40 73 33 40 73
Roanoke-Chowan - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 24 38 14 24 38
Robeson - - - - - - - - - - - - 23 53 76 23 53 76
Rockingham - - - - - - - - - - - - 33 36 69 33 36 69
Rowan-Cabarrus - - - - - - - - - - - - 45 86 131 45 86 131
Sampson - - - - - - - - - - - - 23 38 61 23 38 61
Sandhills - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 84 134 50 84 134
South Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - - 31 32 63 31 32 63
Southeastern - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 50 80 30 50 80
Southwestern - - - - - - - - - - - - 36 32 68 36 32 68
Stanly - - - - - - - - - - - - 35 47 82 35 47 82
Surry - - - - - - - - - - - - 39 65 104 39 65 104
Tri-County - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 17 39 22 17 39
Vance-Granville - - - - - - - - - - - - 47 99 146 47 99 146
Wake - - - - - - - - - - - - 141 206 347 141 206 347
Wayne - - - - - - - - - - - - 47 69 116 47 69 116

Western Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - - 37 39 76 37 39 76
Wilkes - - - - - - - - - - - - 39 34 73 39 34 73
Wilson - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 34 54 20 34 54
Comm. Coll. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,540 3,290 5,830 2,540 3,290 5,830

Public Total 2,280 586 2,866 1,579 844 2,423 1,253 966 2,219 118 83 201 3,590 4,648 8,238 8,820 7,127 15,947

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Barber-Scotia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Barton 14 8 22 14 12 26 11 20 31 - - - - - - 39 40 79
Belmont Abbey 8 2 10 12 10 22 4 3 7 - 2 2 - - - 24 17 41
Bennett 3 5 8 7 8 15 8 13 21 3 5 8 - - - 21 31 52
Brevard 12 7 19 10 9 19 10 8 18 2 1 3 - - - 34 25 59
Cabarrus - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 19 20 1 19 20
Campbell 30 4 34 54 16 70 29 32 61 6 4 10 1 - 1 120 56 176
Catawba 16 11 27 14 2 16 9 14 23 1 2 3 4 3 7 44 32 76
Chowan 5 2 7 8 4 12 17 8 25 2 - 2 - - - 32 14 46
Davidson 55 14 69 25 18 43 24 17 41 1 2 3 - 2 2 105 53 158
Duke** 379 82 461 154 82 236 147 82 229 - - - 11 13 24 691 259 950
Elon 38 9 47 53 45 98 46 49 95 4 6 10 4 7 11 145 116 261
Gardner-Webb 18 16 34 15 11 26 21 26 47 5 14 19 - - - 59 67 126
Greensboro 18 10 28 7 6 13 7 13 20 1 2 3 - - - 33 31 64
Guilford 18 8 26 12 5 17 17 25 42 5 6 11 - - - 52 44 96
High Point 25 8 33 27 16 43 22 17 39 6 3 9 - - - 80 44 124
Johnson C. Smith 7 2 9 16 11 27 23 18 41 6 7 13 - - - 52 38 90
Table 43
Academic Rank and Gender of Full-Time Faculty in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, by Institution, Fall 2004

________Professor________ ___Associate Professor___ ___Assistant Professor___ ________Instructor_______ __________Other__________ __________Total__________

Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Lees-McRae 9 5 14 4 8 12 14 8 22 2 7 9 - - - 29 28 57
Lenoir-Rhyne 28 13 41 11 11 22 7 15 22 1 3 4 - 1 1 47 43 90
Livingstone 9 7 16 6 8 14 7 13 20 4 5 9 1 - 1 27 33 60
Mars Hill 13 6 19 17 6 23 14 8 22 2 5 7 2 2 4 48 27 75
Meredith 17 27 44 12 21 33 11 34 45 5 4 9 - - - 45 86 131
Methodist 22 11 33 16 13 29 17 19 36 4 6 10 - - - 59 49 108
Montreat 6 2 8 9 2 11 10 1 11 - - - - - - 25 5 30
Mount Olive 11 6 17 11 6 17 14 12 26 3 3 6 - - - 39 27 66
N.C. Wesleyan 6 2 8 7 5 12 16 13 29 1 1 2 - - - 30 21 51
Peace 1 6 7 6 9 15 5 12 17 1 3 4 - - - 13 30 43
Pfeiffer 15 6 21 11 8 19 15 9 24 1 - 1 - - - 42 23 65
Queens 9 12 21 17 7 24 2 16 18 1 22 23 - - - 29 57 86
Saint Andrews 8 1 9 5 5 10 12 5 17 8 1 9 - - - 33 12 45
Saint Augustine's 7 3 10 15 8 23 25 25 50 19 27 46 - - - 66 63 129
Salem 9 2 11 8 11 19 8 15 23 1 1 2 - 1 1 26 30 56
Shaw 3 1 4 22 7 29 33 20 53 12 7 19 - - - 70 35 105
Wake Forest** 134 37 171 79 40 119 49 48 97 10 11 21 11 13 24 283 149 432
Warren Wilson - - - - - - - - - - - - 34 26 60 34 26 60
Wingate 18 8 26 18 8 26 15 19 34 2 5 7 - - - 53 40 93
Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total 971 343 1,314 702 438 1,140 669 637 1,306 119 165 284 69 87 156 2,530 1,670 4,200

Junior College
Louisburg 6 3 9 1 1 2 4 2 6 3 - 3 - - - 14 6 20

Private Sr. & Jr. Total 977 346 1,323 703 439 1,142 673 639 1,312 122 165 287 69 87 156 2,544 1,676 4,220

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary 26 - 26 18 1 19 10 1 11 1 - 1 - - - 55 2 57
Heritage - - - 2 1 3 - - - 3 - 3 - - - 5 1 6
John Wesley 3 - 3 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - 4 - 4
Piedmont 20 6 26 - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 6 26
Roanoke 3 2 5 1 1 2 3 - 3 1 - 1 - - - 8 3 11
Winston-Salem - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sem. & Bible Coll. Total 52 8 60 22 3 25 13 1 14 5 - 5 - - - 92 12 104

Private Total 1,029 354 1,383 725 442 1,167 686 640 1,326 127 165 292 69 87 156 2,636 1,688 4,324

Grand Total 3,309 940 4,249 2,304 1,286 3,590 1,939 1,606 3,545 245 248 493 3,659 4,735 8,394 11,456 8,815 20,271

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR052/06SEP05
Note: The University of North Carolina figures exclude Non-Resident Aliens. The 'Other' category includes faculty who have no academic rank.
Source: University of North Carolina - Office of Civil Rights data; all other institutions - NCHED A-5, Fall 2004.
*Includes medical and veterinary medical school faculty. **Excludes medical school faculty.
Table 44
Highest Earned Degree Held by Full-Time Faculty in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution and Academic Rank, Fall 2004

Institution and With Bachelor's With Master's With Doctor's or First

Academic Rank ______Degree or Lower______ ___________Degree_________ ________Professional Degree______ __________Total__________
Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Professor 2 0.9% 9 3.8% 224 95.3% 235 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 12 7.2% 154 92.8% 166 100.0%
Assistant Professor 1 0.6% 38 22.6% 129 76.8% 168 100.0%
Instructor - - 3 100.0% - - 3 100.0%
Other 6 5.9% 71 69.6% 25 24.5% 102 100.0%
Total 9 1.3% 133 19.7% 532 79.0% 674 100.0%
East Carolina*
Professor - - 17 6.2% 258 93.8% 275 100.0%
Associate Professor 1 0.3% 28 8.7% 292 91.0% 321 100.0%
Assistant Professor 2 0.6% 32 9.9% 289 89.5% 323 100.0%
Instructor 2 8.7% 14 60.9% 7 30.4% 23 100.0%
Other 16 3.7% 221 51.8% 190 44.5% 427 100.0%
Total 21 1.5% 312 22.8% 1,036 75.7% 1,369 100.0%
Elizabeth City
Professor - - 4 10.8% 33 89.2% 37 100.0%
Associate Professor 1 3.6% 3 10.7% 24 85.7% 28 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 9 36.0% 16 64.0% 25 100.0%
Instructor - - 5 100.0% - - 5 100.0%
Other 5 13.9% 19 52.8% 12 33.3% 36 100.0%
Total 6 4.6% 40 30.5% 85 64.9% 131 100.0%
Professor - - 2 4.3% 44 95.7% 46 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 1 1.8% 55 98.2% 56 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 12 13.8% 75 86.2% 87 100.0%
Instructor - - 5 100.0% - - 5 100.0%
Other - - 34 79.1% 9 20.9% 43 100.0%
Total - - 54 22.8% 183 77.2% 237 100.0%
N.C. A and T
Professor - - 4 4.6% 83 95.4% 87 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 11 8.4% 120 91.6% 131 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 13 17.6% 61 82.4% 74 100.0%
Other 3 6.4% 27 57.4% 17 36.2% 47 100.0%
Total 3 0.9% 55 16.2% 281 82.9% 339 100.0%
N.C. Central
Professor - - 6 11.1% 48 88.9% 54 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 5 6.4% 73 93.6% 78 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 7 18.4% 31 81.6% 38 100.0%
Other 2 2.9% 35 50.0% 33 47.1% 70 100.0%
Total 2 0.8% 53 22.1% 185 77.1% 240 100.0%
N.C. School of the Arts
Instructor 48 40.7% 52 44.0% 18 15.3% 118 100.0%
Other 7 100.0% - - - - 7 100.0%
Total 55 44.0% 52 41.6% 18 14.4% 125 100.0%
N.C. State*
Professor 1 0.2% 18 2.7% 637 97.1% 656 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 24 5.6% 401 94.4% 425 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 13 4.1% 305 95.9% 318 100.0%
Instructor - - 6 66.7% 3 33.3% 9 100.0%
Other 10 4.3% 127 55.3% 93 40.4% 230 100.0%
Total 11 0.7% 188 11.5% 1,439 87.8% 1,638 100.0%
Professor - - 5 8.9% 51 91.1% 56 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 6 12.0% 44 88.0% 50 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 4 8.3% 44 91.7% 48 100.0%
Other 3 10.0% 19 63.3% 8 26.7% 30 100.0%
Total 3 1.6% 34 18.5% 147 79.9% 184 100.0%
UNC-Chapel Hill*
Professor 2 0.3% 30 3.8% 748 95.9% 780 100.0%
Associate Professor 2 0.5% 23 5.4% 403 94.1% 428 100.0%
Assistant Professor 1 0.3% 23 6.0% 361 93.7% 385 100.0%
Instructor - - 5 100.0% - - 5 100.0%
Other 53 6.1% 170 19.6% 644 74.3% 867 100.0%
Total 58 2.4% 251 10.2% 2,156 87.4% 2,465 100.0%
Professor - - 9 4.9% 175 95.1% 184 100.0%
Associate Professor 2 0.9% 26 11.5% 198 87.6% 226 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 19 8.6% 202 91.4% 221 100.0%
Other 6 3.8% 111 71.2% 39 25.0% 156 100.0%
Total 8 1.0% 165 21.0% 614 78.0% 787 100.0%
Professor 1 0.6% 10 6.4% 145 93.0% 156 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 16 9.9% 146 90.1% 162 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 16 8.7 % 168 91.3% 184 100.0%
Instructor - - 5 100.0% - - 5 100.0%
Other 8 4.3% 133 70.7% 47 25.0% 188 100.0%
Total 9 1.3% 180 25.9% 506 72.8% 695 100.0%

Table 44
Highest Earned Degree Held by Full-Time Faculty in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution and Academic Rank, Fall 2004

Institution and With Bachelor's With Master's With Doctor's or First

Academic Rank ______Degree or Lower______ ___________Degree_________ ________Professional Degree______ __________Total__________
Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Professor - - 1 2.7% 36 97.3% 37 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 2 3.6% 54 96.4% 56 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 13 21.0% 49 79.0% 62 100.0%
Instructor 1 10.0% 9 90.0% - - 10 100.0%
Other 1 1.9% 42 77.7% 11 20.4% 54 100.0%
Total 2 0.9% 67 30.6% 150 68.5% 219 100.0%
Professor - - 6 4.3% 135 95.7% 141 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 2 1.7% 117 98.3% 119 100.0%
Assistant Professor 1 0.8% 31 23.7% 99 75.5% 131 100.0%
Instructor - - 1 100.0% - - 1 100.0%
Other 6 8.3% 46 63.9% 20 27.8% 72 100.0%
Total 7 1.5% 86 18.5% 371 80.0% 464 100.0%
Western Carolina
Professor - - 5 6.2% 76 93.8% 81 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 16 14.5% 94 85.5% 110 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 27 25.0% 81 75.0% 108 100.0%
Other 4 6.7% 30 50.0% 26 43.3% 60 100.0%
Total 4 1.1% 78 21.7% 277 77.2% 359 100.0%
Professor - - 3 7.3% 38 92.7% 41 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 10 14.9% 57 85.1% 67 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 20 42.6% 27 57.4% 47 100.0%
Instructor 1 5.9% 16 94.1% - - 17 100.0%
Other 7 36.8% 9 47.4% 3 15.8% 19 100.0%
Total 8 4.2% 58 30.4% 125 65.4% 191 100.0%
UNC Total
Professor 6 0.2% 129 4.5% 2,731 95.3% 2,866 100.0%
Associate Professor 6 0.2% 185 7.6% 2,232 92.2% 2,423 100.0%
Assistant Professor 5 0.2% 277 12.5% 1,937 87.3% 2,219 100.0%
Instructor 52 25.9% 121 60.2% 28 13.9% 201 100.0%
Other 137 5.7% 1,094 45.4% 1,177 48.9% 2,408 100.0%
Total 206 2.0% 1,806 17.9% 8,105 80.1% 10,117 100.0%

Community Colleges
Other 34 36.6% 52 55.9% 7 7.5% 93 100.0%
Other 47 33.1% 88 62.0% 7 4.9% 142 100.0%
Beaufort Co.
Other 33 47.8% 34 49.3% 2 2.9% 69 100.0%
Other 15 42.9% 19 54.2% 1 2.9% 35 100.0%
Blue Ridge
Other 27 36.0% 44 58.7% 4 5.3% 75 100.0%
Other 13 37.1% 16 45.8% 6 17.1% 35 100.0%
Other 49 41.9% 61 52.1% 7 6.0% 117 100.0%
Cape Fear
Other 63 33.2% 114 60.0% 13 6.8% 190 100.0%
Other 18 32.7% 34 61.8% 3 5.5% 55 100.0%
Catawba Valley
Other 53 39.0% 78 57.3% 5 3.7% 136 100.0%
Central Carolina
Other 86 53.1% 66 40.7% 10 6.2% 162 100.0%
Central Piedmont
Other 82 28.0% 177 60.4% 34 11.6% 293 100.0%
Other 30 42.3% 38 53.5% 3 4.2% 71 100.0%
Coastal Carolina
Other 33 26.8% 78 63.4% 12 9.8% 123 100.0%
Coll. of Albemarle
Other 22 27.8% 52 65.9% 5 6.3% 79 100.0%
Other 30 40.5% 41 55.4% 3 4.1% 74 100.0%
Davidson County
Other 77 91.7% - - 7 8.3% 84 100.0%
Other 43 30.9% 78 56.2% 18 12.9% 139 100.0%
Other 57 57.6% 39 39.4% 3 3.0% 99 100.0%
Other 95 32.2% 179 60.7% 21 7.1% 295 100.0%
Other 73 41.5% 88 50.0% 15 8.5% 176 100.0%
Other 27 21.3% 85 66.9% 15 11.8% 127 100.0%

Table 44
Highest Earned Degree Held by Full-Time Faculty in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution and Academic Rank, Fall 2004

Institution and With Bachelor's With Master's With Doctor's or First

Academic Rank ______Degree or Lower______ ___________Degree_________ ________Professional Degree______ __________Total__________
Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total
Public Institutions
Community Colleges
Other 98 40.5% 124 51.2% 20 8.3% 242 100.0%
Other 33 47.8% 30 43.5% 6 8.7% 69 100.0%
Other 27 40.3% 38 56.7% 2 3.0% 67 100.0%
Other 25 39.1% 35 54.6% 4 6.3% 64 100.0%
James Sprunt
Other 30 53.6% 25 44.6% 1 1.8% 56 100.0%
Other 70 57.4% 47 38.5% 5 4.1% 122 100.0%
Other 46 50.0% 40 43.5% 6 6.5% 92 100.0%
Other 13 46.4% 15 53.6% - - 28 100.0%
Other 24 47.1% 27 52.9% - - 51 100.0%
Other 16 33.3% 31 64.6% 1 2.1% 48 100.0%
Other 16 24.2% 46 69.7% 4 6.1% 66 100.0%
Other 18 58.1% 13 41.9% - - 31 100.0%
Other 35 41.7% 45 53.5% 4 4.8% 84 100.0%
Other 13 50.0% 11 42.3% 2 7.7% 26 100.0%
Other 44 54.4% 33 40.7% 4 4.9% 81 100.0%
Other 65 44.2% 75 51.0% 7 4.8% 147 100.0%
Other 28 49.1% 27 47.4% 2 3.5% 57 100.0%
Other 24 32.9% 47 64.4% 2 2.7% 73 100.0%
Other 13 34.2% 25 65.8% - - 38 100.0%
Other 37 48.7% 37 48.7% 2 2.6% 76 100.0%
Other 21 30.4% 42 60.9% 6 8.7% 69 100.0%
Other 65 49.6% 64 48.9% 2 1.5% 131 100.0%
Other 28 45.9% 31 50.8% 2 3.3% 61 100.0%
Other 51 38.1% 76 56.7% 7 5.2% 134 100.0%
South Piedmont
Other 36 57.2% 23 36.5% 4 6.3% 63 100.0%
Other 33 41.3% 45 56.2% 2 2.5% 80 100.0%
Other 27 39.7% 36 52.9% 5 7.4% 68 100.0%
Other 38 46.3% 43 52.5% 1 1.2% 82 100.0%
Other 36 34.6% 55 52.9% 13 12.5% 104 100.0%
Other 18 46.1% 18 46.2% 3 7.7% 39 100.0%
Other 66 45.2% 74 50.7% 6 4.1% 146 100.0%
Other 136 39.2% 188 54.2% 23 6.6% 347 100.0%
Other 58 50.0% 54 46.6% 4 3.4% 116 100.0%
Western Piedmont
Other 18 23.7% 55 72.4% 3 3.9% 76 100.0%
Other 26 35.6% 41 56.2% 6 8.2% 73 100.0%
Other 24 44.4% 29 53.7% 1 1.9% 54 100.0%
Comm. Coll. Total
Other 2,363 40.5% 3,106 53.3% 361 6.2% 5,830 100.0%

Professor 6 0.2% 129 4.5% 2,731 95.3% 2,866 100.0%
Associate Professor 6 0.2% 185 7.6% 2,232 92.2% 2,423 100.0%
Assistant Professor 5 0.2% 277 12.5% 1,937 87.3% 2,219 100.0%
Instructor 52 25.9% 121 60.2% 28 13.9% 201 100.0%
Other 2,500 30.3% 4,200 51.0% 1,5381 8.7% 8,238 100.0%

Table 44
Highest Earned Degree Held by Full-Time Faculty in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution and Academic Rank, Fall 2004

Institution and With Bachelor's With Master's With Doctor's or First

Academic Rank ______Degree or Lower______ ___________Degree_________ ________Professional Degree______ __________Total__________
Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities

Barber-Scotia Data Not Available

Professor - - 4 18.2% 18 81.8% 22 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 13 50.0% 13 50.0% 26 100.0%
Assistant Professor 2 6.5% 24 77.4% 5 16.1% 31 100.0%
Total 2 2.5% 41 51.9% 36 45.6% 79 100.0%
Belmont Abbey
Professor - - - - 10 100.0% 10 100.0%
Associate Professor - - - - 22 100.0% 22 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 1 14.3% 6 85.7% 7 100.0%
Instructor - - 2 100.0% - - 2 100.0%
Total - - 3 7.3% 38 92.7% 41 100.0%
Professor - - - - 8 100.0% 8 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 1 6.7% 14 93.3% 15 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 8 38.1% 13 61.9% 21 100.0%
Instructor - - 8 100.0% - - 8 100.0%
Total - - 17 32.7% 35 67.3% 52 100.0%
Professor - - 3 15.8% 16 84.2% 19 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 7 36.8% 12 63.2% 19 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 10 55.6% 8 44.4% 18 100.0%
Instructor 1 33.3% 2 66.7% - - 3 100.0%
Total 1 1.7% 22 37.3% 36 61.0% 59 100.0%
Other 5 25.0% 14 70.0% 1 5.0% 20 100.0%
Total 5 25.0% 14 70.0% 1 5.0% 20 100.0%
Professor - - - - 34 100.0% 34 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 2 2.9% 68 97.1% 70 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 3 4.9% 58 95.1% 61 100.0%
Instructor 1 10.0% 8 80.0% 1 10.0% 10 100.0%
Other 1 100.0% - - - - 1 100.0%
Total 2 1.1% 13 7.4% 161 91.5% 176 100.0%
Professor - - 2 7.4% 25 92.6% 27 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 3 18.8% 13 81.2% 16 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 9 39.1% 14 60.9% 23 100.0%
Instructor - - 3 100.0% - - 3 100.0%
Other - - 4 57.1% 3 42.9% 7 100.0%
Total - - 21 27.6% 55 72.4% 76 100.0%
Professor - - - - 7 100.0% 7 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 7 58.3% 5 41.7% 12 100.0%
Assistant Professor 2 8.0% 9 36.0% 14 56.0% 25 100.0%
Instructor - - 2 100.0% - - 2 100.0%
Total 2 4.3% 18 39.1% 26 56.6% 46 100.0%
Professor - - 3 4.3% 66 95.7% 69 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 4 9.3% 39 90.7% 43 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 2 4.9% 39 95.1% 41 100.0%
Instructor - - 3 100.0% - - 3 100.0%
Other - - 2 100.0% - - 2 100.0%
Total - - 14 8.9% 144 91.1% 158 100.0%
Professor 4 0.9% 7 1.5% 450 97.6% 461 100.0%
Associate Professor 2 0.8% 16 6.8% 218 92.4% 236 100.0%
Assistant Professor 2 0.9% 3 1.3% 224 97.8% 229 100.0%
Other 2 8.3% 10 41.7% 12 50.0% 24 100.0%
Total 10 1.1% 36 3.8% 904 95.1% 950 100.0%
Professor - - 2 4.3% 45 95.7% 47 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 11 11.2% 87 88.8% 98 100.0%
Assistant Professor 1 1.1% 24 25.3% 70 73.6% 95 100.0%
Instructor - - 9 90.0% 1 10.0% 10 100.0%
Other - - 11 100.0% - - 11 100.0%
Total 1 0.4% 57 21.8% 203 77.8% 261 100.0%

Table 44
Highest Earned Degree Held by Full-Time Faculty in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution and Academic Rank, Fall 2004

Institution and With Bachelor's With Master's With Doctor's or First

Academic Rank ______Degree or Lower______ ___________Degree_________ ________Professional Degree______ __________Total__________
Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total
Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Professor - - - - 34 100.0% 34 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 1 3.8% 25 96.2% 26 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 17 36.2% 30 63.8% 47 100.0%
Instructor - - 19 100.0% - - 19 100.0%
Total - - 37 29.4% 89 70.6% 126 100.0%
Professor - - 5 17.9% 23 82.1% 28 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 1 7.7% 12 92.3% 13 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 14 70.0% 6 30.0% 20 100.0%
Instructor - - 3 100.0% - - 3 100.0%
Total - - 23 35.9% 41 64.1% 64 100.0%
Professor - - 3 11.5% 23 88.5% 26 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 3 17.6% 14 82.4% 17 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 6 14.3% 36 85.7% 42 100.0%
Instructor - - 4 36.4% 7 63.6% 11 100.0%
Total - - 16 16.7% 80 83.3% 96 100.0%
High Point
Professor - - - - 33 100.0% 33 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 7 16.3% 36 83.7% 43 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 19 48.7% 20 51.3% 39 100.0%
Instructor - - 9 100.0% - - 9 100.0%
Total - - 35 28.2% 89 71.8% 124 100.0%
Johnson C. Smith
Professor - - - - 9 100.0% 9 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 1 3.7% 26 96.3% 27 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 13 31.7% 28 68.3% 41 100.0%
Instructor - - 13 100.0% - - 13 100.0%
Total - - 27 30.0% 63 70.0% 90 100.0%
Professor - - - - 14 100.0% 14 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 3 25.0% 9 75.0% 12 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 10 45.5% 12 54.5% 22 100.0%
Instructor 3 33.3% 6 66.7% - - 9 100.0%
Total 3 5.3% 19 33.3% 35 61.4% 57 100.0%
Professor - - 4 9.8% 37 90.2% 41 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 4 18.2% 18 81.8% 22 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 9 40.9% 13 59.1% 22 100.0%
Instructor - - 4 100.0% - - 4 100.0%
Other - - 1 100.0% - - 1 100.0%
Total - - 22 24.4% 68 75.6% 90 100.0%
Professor - - 6 37.5% 10 62.5% 16 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 3 21.4% 11 78.6% 14 100.0%
Assistant Professor 1 5.0% 16 80.0% 3 15.0% 20 100.0%
Instructor 2 22.2% 6 66.7% 1 11.1% 9 100.0%
Other - - 1 100.0% - - 1 100.0%
Total 3 5.0% 32 53.3% 25 41.7% 60 100.0%
Mars Hill
Professor - - 1 5.3% 18 94.7% 19 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 4 17.4% 19 82.6% 23 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 13 59.1% 9 40.9% 22 100.0%
Instructor - - 7 100.0% - - 7 100.0%
Other 1 25.0% 3 75.0% - - 4 100.0%
Total 1 1.3% 28 37.3% 46 61.4% 75 100.0%
Professor - - 3 6.8% 41 93.2% 44 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 3 9.1% 30 90.9% 33 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 18 40.0% 27 60.0% 45 100.0%
Instructor - - 9 100.0% - - 9 100.0%
Total - - 33 25.2% 98 74.8% 131 100.0%
Professor - - 3 9.1% 30 90.9% 33 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 13 44.8% 16 55.2% 29 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 18 50.0% 18 50.0% 36 100.0%
Instructor - - 10 100.0% - - 10 100.0%
Total - - 44 40.7% 64 59.3% 108 100.0%
Professor - - 1 12.5% 7 87.5% 8 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 3 27.3% 8 72.7% 11 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 2 18.2% 9 81.8% 11 100.0%
Total - - 6 20.0% 24 80.0% 30 100.0%
Mount Olive
Professor - - 2 11.8% 15 88.2% 17 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 5 29.4% 12 70.6% 17 100.0%

Table 44
Highest Earned Degree Held by Full-Time Faculty in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution and Academic Rank, Fall 2004

Institution and With Bachelor's With Master's With Doctor's or First

Academic Rank ______Degree or Lower______ ___________Degree_________ ________Professional Degree______ __________Total__________
Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total
Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Mount Olive
Assistant Professor - - 8 30.8% 18 69.2% 26 100.0%
Instructor - - 6 100.0% - - 6 100.0%
Total - - 21 31.8% 45 68.2% 66 100.0%
N.C. Wesleyan
Professor - - 1 12.5% 7 87.5% 8 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 2 16.7% 10 83.3% 12 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 10 34.5% 19 65.5% 29 100.0%
Instructor - - 2 100.0% - - 2 100.0%
Total - - 15 29.4% 36 70.6% 51 100.0%
Professor - - 1 14.3% 6 85.7% 7 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 6 40.0% 9 60.0% 15 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 2 11.8% 15 88.2% 17 100.0%
Instructor - - 4 100.0% - - 4 100.0%
Total - - 13 30.2% 30 69.8% 43 100.0%
Professor - - 2 9.5% 19 90.5% 21 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 2 10.5% 17 89.5% 19 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 18 75.0% 6 25.0% 24 100.0%
Instructor - - 1 100.0% - - 1 100.0%
Total - - 23 35.4% 42 64.6% 65 100.0%
Professor - - 2 9.5% 19 90.5% 21 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 2 8.3% 22 91.7% 24 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 5 27.8% 13 72.2% 18 100.0%
Instructor 1 4.3% 22 95.7% - - 23 100.0%
Total 1 1.2% 31 36.0% 54 62.8% 86 100.0%
Saint Andrews
Professor - - - - 9 100.0% 9 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 2 20.0% 8 80.0% 10 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 1 5.9% 16 94.1% 17 100.0%
Instructor - - 6 66.7% 3 33.3% 9 100.0%
Total - - 9 20.0% 36 80.0% 45 100.0%
Saint Augustine's
Professor - - - - 10 100.0% 10 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 1 4.3% 22 95.7% 23 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 36 72.0% 14 28.0% 50 100.0%
Instructor 6 13.0% 32 69.6% 8 17.4% 46 100.0%
Total 6 4.7% 69 53.4% 54 41.9% 129 100.0%
Professor - - - - 11 100.0% 11 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 2 10.5% 17 89.5% 19 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 5 21.7% 18 78.3% 23 100.0%
Instructor - - 2 100.0% - - 2 100.0%
Other - - 1 100.0% - - 1 100.0%
Total - - 10 17.9% 46 82.1% 56 100.0%
Professor - - - - 4 100.0% 4 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 2 6.9% 27 93.1% 29 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 13 24.5% 40 75.5% 53 100.0%
Instructor - - 18 94.7% 1 5.3% 19 100.0%
Total - - 33 31.4% 72 68.6% 105 100.0%
Wake Forest**
Professor - - 3 1.8% 168 98.2% 171 100.0%
Associate Professor 1 0.8% 12 10.1% 106 89.1% 119 100.0%
Assistant Professor 1 1.0% 4 4.1% 92 94.9% 97 100.0%
Instructor 3 14.3% 15 71.4% 3 14.3% 21 100.0%
Other 1 4.2% 7 29.2% 16 66.6% 24 100.0%
Total 6 1.4% 41 9.5% 385 89.1% 432 100.0%
Warren Wilson
Other - - 9 15.0% 51 85.0% 60 100.0%
Total - - 9 15.0% 51 85.0% 60 100.0%
Professor - - 2 7.7% 24 92.3% 26 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 4 15.4% 22 84.6% 26 100.0%
Assistant Professor 1 2.9% 1 2.9% 32 94.2% 34 100.0%
Instructor - - 6 85.7% 1 14.3% 7 100.0%
Total 1 1.1% 13 14.0% 79 84.9% 93 100.0%
Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total
Professor 4 0.3% 60 4.6% 1,250 95.1% 1,314 100.0%
Associate Professor 3 0.3% 150 13.2% 987 86.5% 1,140 100.0%
Assistant Professor 10 0.8% 351 26.9% 945 72.3% 1,306 100.0%
Instructor 17 6.0% 241 84.8% 26 9.2% 284 100.0%
Other 10 6.4% 63 40.4% 83 53.2% 156 100.0%
Total 44 1.0% 865 20.6% 3,291 78.4% 4,200 100.0%

Table 44
Highest Earned Degree Held by Full-Time Faculty in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution and Academic Rank, Fall 2004

Institution and With Bachelor's With Master's With Doctor's or First

Academic Rank ______Degree or Lower______ ___________Degree_________ ________Professional Degree______ __________Total__________
Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total Number Pct of Total
Private Institutions
Junior College
Professor - - 8 88.9% 1 11.1% 9 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 2 100.0% - - 2 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%
Instructor - - 3 100.0% - - 3 100.0%
Total - - 18 90.0% 2 10.0% 20 100.0%

Private Sr. & Jr. Total

Professor 4 0.3% 68 5.1% 1,251 94.6% 1,323 100.0%
Associate Professor 3 0.3% 152 13.3% 987 86.4% 1,142 100.0%
Assistant Professor 10 0.8% 356 27.1% 946 72.1% 1,312 100.0%
Instructor 17 5.9% 244 85.0% 26 9.1% 287 100.0%
Other 10 6.4% 63 40.4% 83 53.2% 156 100.0%
Total 44 1.0% 883 20.9% 3,293 78.1% 4,220 100.0%

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary
Professor - - - - 26 100.0% 26 100.0%
Associate Professor - - - - 19 100.0% 19 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - - - 11 100.0% 11 100.0%
Instructor - - - - 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
Total - - - - 57 100.0% 57 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 3 100.0% - - 3 100.0%
Instructor - - 2 66.7% 1 33.3% 3 100.0%
Total - - 5 83.3% 1 16.7% 6 100.0%
John Wesley
Professor - - - - 3 100.0% 3 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 1 100.0% - - 1 100.0%
Total - - 1 25.0% 3 75.0% 4 100.0%
Professor 7 26.9% 13 50.0% 6 23.1% 26 100.0%
Total 7 26.9% 13 50.0% 6 23.1% 26 100.0%
Professor - - 3 60.0% 2 40.0% 5 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 1 50.0% 1 50.0% 2 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 3 100.0% - - 3 100.0%
Instructor - - 1 100.0% - - 1 100.0%
Total - - 8 72.7% 3 27.3% 11 100.0%
Sem. & Bible Coll. Total
Professor 7 11.7% 16 26.7% 37 61.6% 60 100.0%
Associate Professor - - 5 20.0% 20 80.0% 25 100.0%
Assistant Professor - - 3 21.4% 11 78.6% 14 100.0%
Instructor - - 3 60.0% 2 40.0% 5 100.0%
Total 7 6.7% 27 26.0% 70 67.3% 104 100.0%

Private Total
Professor 11 0.8% 84 6.1% 1,288 93.1% 1,383 100.0%
Associate Professor 3 0.3% 157 13.5% 1,007 86.2% 1,167 100.0%
Assistant Professor 10 0.8% 359 27.1% 957 72.1% 1,326 100.0%
Instructor 17 5.8% 247 84.6% 28 9.6% 292 100.0%
Other 10 6.4% 63 40.4% 83 53.2% 156 100.0%
Total 51 1.2% 910 21.0% 3,363 77.8% 4,324 100.0%

Grand Total
Professor 17 0.4% 213 5.0% 4,019 94.6% 4,249 100.0%
Associate Professor 9 0.3% 342 9.5% 3,239 90.2% 3,590 100.0%
Assistant Professor 15 0.4% 636 17.9% 2,894 81.7% 3,545 100.0%
Instructor 69 14.0% 368 74.6% 56 11.4% 493 100.0%
Other 2,510 29.9% 4,263 50.8% 1,621 19.3% 8,394 100.0%
Total 2,620 12.9% 5,822 28.7% 11,829 58.4% 20,271 100.0%

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR053/06SEP05
Note: The University of North Carolina figures exclude Non-Resident Aliens. The 'Other' category includes faculty who have no academic rank.
Source: University of North Carolina - Office of Civil Rights data; all other institutions - NCHED A-5, Fall 2004.
*Includes medical and veterinary medical school faculty. **Excludes medical school faculty.



Table 45. Library Resources in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, 2003-04

Table 46. Library Services in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Fall 2004

Table 47. Library Operating Expenditures in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-04

Table 45. Library Resources in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, 2003-2004
Volumes of Books, Electronic
Serial Backfiles, & Audiovisual Number of Reference Sources
Other Paper Materials Number of Number of Materials Current Serial & Aggregation
Institution (Include Gov. Docu.) E-Books Microform Units Units Subscriptions Services
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 576,497 78,456 1,513,465 56,703 5,306 190
East Carolina* Data Not Available
Elizabeth City 193,880 - 487,832 488,718 1,785 -
Fayetteville 311,016 - 982,327 16,961 2,712 170
N.C. A and T 559,388 34,245 1,059,517 35,985 40,089 70,923
N.C. Central 572,000 - 516,304 2,427 1,928 -
N.C. School of the Arts 115,133 - 24,897 72,635 448 8
N.C. State 3,244,543 144,974 5,355,100 135,347 54,799 294
UNC-Asheville 387,513 100 857,210 10,768 3,929 81
UNC-Chapel Hill* 5,601,436 927 4,850,035 298,203 52,454 306
UNC-Charlotte 942,816 283 22,128,764 53,233 11,136 100
UNC-Greensboro 1,809,496 330,071 1,031,646 56,742 23,150 219
UNC-Pembroke 325,499 1,500 694,584 2,295 1,200 250
UNC-Wilmington 984,080 21,159 1,102,233 102,062 13,668 196
Western Carolina 702,142 22,559 1,512,547 14,032 3,330 170
Winston-Salem 209,170 14,000 272,001 2,394 1,016 -
UNC Total 16,534,609 648,274 42,388,462 1,348,505 216,950 72,907
Community Colleges
Alamance 27,443 - 25,943 3,629 205 3
Asheville-Buncombe 45,479 - 36,537 5,349 330 -
Beaufort County 33,625 - - 2,980 202 -
Bladen 24,771 - 37,052 3,298 130 -
Blue Ridge 36,077 - 25,177 1,674 216 -
Brunswick 20,032 - 35,076 - 69 -
Caldwell 50,499 - 0 5,592 223 52
Cape Fear 47,761 24,132 28,400 6,317 936 -
Carteret 20,438 - 7,268 1,726 117 -
Catawba Valley 39,009 - 1,309 2,401 225 -
Central Carolina 42,041 40 - 6,222 235 7
Central Piedmont 105,615 - 125,220 18,206 461 77
Cleveland 29,665 - 256 4,266 176 63
Coastal Carolina 44,062 - 698 8,831 10,266 -
College of the Albemarle 36,984 - 460 2,513 204 109
Craven 27,658 - 4,028 890 180 -
Davidson County 60,925 - 54,314 5,893 11,144 75
Durham 40,851 - 94,675 3,214 131 9
Edgecombe 41,179 - 54,841 2,757 245 -
Fayetteville 62,935 - 3,094 7,738 331 8
Forsyth 37,227 2,284 12,771 1,478 - 4
Gaston 51,585 - 46,000 3,140 192 4
Guilford 81,937 215 4,636 7,596 495 99
Halifax 34,427 - 3,043 1,434 268 5
Haywood 31,135 - 42,519 1,426 293 -
Isothermal 39,149 - 3,353 3,352 190 -
James Sprunt 25,756 - - - 183 2
Johnston 31,550 - - 4,445 348 15
Lenoir 47,544 - 13,786 2,171 101 19
Martin 37,367 - 1,612 11,451 226 -
Mayland 19,041 34,091 653 1,707 225 -
McDowell 27,854 - 3,009 12,050 212 4
Mitchell 40,882 - 34,614 2,221 142 3
Montgomery 16,384 - - 592 98 -
Nash 39,121 - - 1,228 99 4
Pamlico 21,765 - 949 14,453 217 -
Piedmont 12,941 - 37,890 3,200 155 4
Pitt 34,465 - 1,515 4,475 17,491 20
Randolph 39,176 - 25,216 5,177 10,970 75
Richmond 28,719 - 99 1,899 187 11
Roanoke-Chowan 36,618 - 24,260 745 173 -
Robeson 42,111 - 2,145 2,123 112 -
Rockingham 46,140 - 31,290 2,927 322 20
Rowan-Cabarrus 44,782 - 30,527 9,015 308 -
Sampson 28,244 - - 3,590 256 3
Sandhills 77,736 - 107,190 2,409 289 4
South Piedmont 21,569 - 86 2,130 140 -
Southeastern 63,917 - 164,226 7,219 241 19
Southwestern 30,130 - 3,544 6,626 210 103
Stanly 27,386 - 10,648 1,732 172 3

Table 45. (Cont.) Library Resources in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, 2003-2004
Volumes of Books, Electronic
Serial Backfiles, & Audiovisual Number of Reference Sources
Other Paper Materials Number of Number of Materials Current Serial & Aggregation
Institution (Include Gov. Docu.) E-Books Microform Units Units Subscriptions Services
Community Colleges (Cont.)
Surry 49,300 - 10,352 3,183 286 3
Tri-County 18,672 - - 4,820 180 -
Vance-Granville 42,595 - 26,000 2,289 348 -
Wake 78,494 - 42,500 8,401 453 4
Wayne 45,324 - 55,512 3,307 315 -
Western Piedmont 37,685 - 3,161 5,993 386 115
Wilkes 56,142 - 1,040 5,827 127 -
Wilson 38,466 - 44,853 7,658 442 4
Community Col.Total 2,320,385 60,762 1,323,347 256,985 62,878 950
Public Total 18,854,994 709,036 43,711,809 1,605,490 279,828 73,857
Private Institutions
Senior Colleges and Universities
Barber-Scotia 45,161 - 91,535 - 298 -
Barton 169,836 22,581 301,132 3,581 13,437 155
Belmont Abbey 117,295 20,000 115,122 7,211 384 2
Bennett 83,568 24,091 429 841 77 -
Brevard 57,002 - 3,336 4,042 693 46
Cabarrus 6,712 - - 775 84 -
Campbell 328,632 22,600 1,243,058 4,899 15,796 113
Catawba 165,585 16,384 618,211 26,430 16,762 121
Chowan 123,476 - 36,893 4,956 1,320 64
Davidson 611,926 - 491,420 11,854 2,688 1,737
Duke* 5,360,303 26,601 4,256,544 548,517 38,112 -
Elon 240,058 24,674 898,440 16,393 2,097 157
Gardner-Webb 230,531 - 644,767 10,031 11,143 22
Greensboro 108,100 11,173 2,981 2,735 154 -
Guilford 209,484 37,237 20,913 10,343 1,372 166
High Point 156,400 42,000 61,000 6,475 1,532 96
Johnson C. Smith 96,839 - 173,636 1,276 298 9
Lees-McRae Data Not Available
Lenoir-Rhyne 154,243 - 483,534 42,154 11,237 25
Livingstone 80,000 - - 1,000 50 -
Mars Hill 84,801 41,194 198,955 5,238 10,718 87
Meredith 186,100 33,611 15,626 12,997 669 112
Methodist 109,022 - 69,236 13,729 670 76
Montreat 81,002 50,000 117,155 3,191 193 18
Mount Olive 65,961 - 48,088 2,193 241 -
N.C. Wesleyan 93,265 - 34,227 2,161 480 79
Peace 51,483 - - 2,613 4,197 -
Pfeiffer 121,594 - 33,143 3,084 397 59
Queens 141,851 24,091 87,848 460 662 77
St. Andrews 110,553 22,751 14,659 897 14,368 60
St. Augustine's 92,500 - 1,050 700 225 -
Salem 134,408 34,673 319,030 12,846 694 58
Shaw 154,368 253 99,700 873 138 -
Wake Forest* 1,766,301 17,835 2,271,264 26,717 15,889 996
Warren Wilson 106,837 10,770 33,194 2,588 802 42
Wingate 106,583 - 13,936 7,547 159 24
Senior Col. & Univ. Total 11,751,780 482,519 12,800,062 801,347 168,036 4,401
Junior College
Louisburg 56,752 - 1,906 3,105 55 -
Private Sr & Jr Total 11,808,532 482,519 12,801,968 804,452 168,091 4,401
Theological Seminary
Southeastern Data Not Available
Bible Colleges
Heritage 20,585 - - 1,338 - -
John Wesley 35,700 - 95 3,917 103 -
Piedmont 50,228 - 4,051 3,722 219 -
Roanoke 30,084 - 448 2,713 188 5
Winston-Salem Data Not Available
Bible Colleges Total 136,597 0 4,594 11,690 510 5
Private Total 11,945,129 482,519 12,806,562 816,142 168,601 4,406
GRAND TOTAL 30,800,123 1,191,555 56,518,371 2,421,632 448,429 78,263
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.JT001A.U/7-7-05 *Includes Health Affairs and Medical School Library.

Table 46. Library Services in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Fall 2004

Interlibrary Loans Information Services Services in a Typical Week

Loans To Other Libraries Loans Received From Documents to Groups Refer-
Non- Other Libraries Delivered from Circulation (Presentations) Public ence
Return- Return- Return- Non- Commercial Transactions Total Services Gate Trans-
Institution able able Total able Returnable Total Services General Reserve Number Attendance Hours Count actions
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 18,624 1,797 20,421 13,566 2,976 16,542 910 216,393 91,696 411 7,945 99 14,632 1,106
East Carolina* Data Not Available
Elizabeth City 400 70 470 178 75 253 322 29,350 100 75 600 88 5,000 700
Fayetteville 761 548 1,309 325 338 663 - 17,927 5,011 83 1,721 90 5,428 882
N.C. A and T 533 386 919 391 1,091 1,482 153 131,974 10,699 479 5,275 135 7,650 600
N.C. Central - - - 441 259 700 - 15,000 8,500 129 2,950 110 2,100 200
N.C. School of the Arts 47 5 52 89 5 94 - 40,391 18,145 88 755 85 1,425 82
N.C. State 7,178 6,196 13,374 10,318 12,084 22,402 1,027 432,366 416,544 562 16,236 146 37,367 1,438
UNC-Asheville 7,224 174 7,398 17,760 456 18,216 1 114,401 8,544 221 5,947 93 7,319 366
UNC-Chapel Hill* 22,873 27,314 50,187 7,726 8,205 15,931 104 1,028,242 46,429 1,022 18,838 147 53,000 2,702
UNC-Charlotte 4,726 3,932 8,658 2,906 5,029 7,935 - 154,788 25,995 453 8,729 102 16,062 526
UNC-Greensboro 5,534 1,767 7,301 3,064 5,241 8,305 1,870 317,660 121,536 950 10,004 107 13,865 1,622
UNC-Pembroke 942 556 1,498 320 482 802 - 24,462 3,935 198 3,881 91 3,881 290
UNC-Wilmington 6,194 2,666 8,860 7,235 6,100 13,335 - 382,606 87,361 453 7,933 98 12,176 600
Western Carolina 14,016 1,796 15,812 9,969 1,268 11,237 1,504 101,528 31,370 315 6,539 110 10,245 615
Winston-Salem 800 - 800 199 - 199 - 17,250 4,822 150 2,904 85 1,443 43
UNC Total 89,852 47,207 137,059 74,487 43,609 118,096 5,891 3,024,338 880,687 5,589 100,257 1,586 191,593 11,772
Community Colleges

Alamance 40 - 40 90 - 90 - 7,101 5,000 85 1,370 64 2,900 1,100
Asheville-Buncombe 401 284 685 307 64 371 - 16,687 2,664 204 3,629 61 2,500 375
Beaufort County 382 55 437 443 25 468 - 13,330 520 68 1,147 69 1,674 350
Bladen 143 - 143 69 - 69 - 5,274 99 37 519 59 516 163
Blue Ridge 306 10 316 86 9 95 - 7,019 386 125 1,965 60 983 195
Brunswick 169 - 169 118 - 118 - 2,841 467 55 581 61 774 111
Caldwell - - - 12 - 12 - 9,483 1,775 121 1,847 62 2,223 203
Cape Fear 322 3 325 211 19 230 - 31,516 1,847 214 3,197 68 8,127 193
Carteret 259 2 261 469 12 481 - 9,908 852 53 829 67 1,117 184
Catawba Valley - - - 5 - 5 - 6,791 4,320 32 687 62 2,000 62
Central Carolina 647 5 652 874 1 875 - 16,346 947 112 1,953 62 2,160 180
Central Piedmont 189 51 240 211 45 256 - 25,131 2,703 334 5,651 65 9,994 948
Cleveland 210 1 211 571 59 630 - 12,467 486 102 1,781 60 4,000 -
Coastal Carolina 82 15 97 478 9 487 - 17,163 29,944 88 1,822 73 1,141 183
Col. of the Albemarle 130 - 130 282 - 282 - 5,563 615 27 447 65 2,618 450
Craven 190 - 190 205 - 205 - 2,038 129 67 912 64 471 226
Davidson County 144 - 144 28 - 29 - 22,474 581 99 2,105 64 4,019 185
Durham 210 - 210 136 2 138 - 12,473 9,403 219 4,110 67 2,500 81
Edgecombe 272 3 275 234 5 239 - 16,319 606 52 839 62 2,110 452
Fayetteville 628 59 687 347 29 376 - 29,689 1,169 110 1,850 66 3,000 250
Forsyth 97 7 104 329 6 335 - 7,667 2,135 88 1,516 65 2,368 85
Gaston 299 7 306 124 - 124 - 5,189 871 133 2,236 66 1,798 45
Guilford 362 2 364 60 19 79 - 21,288 1,084 171 2,273 68 4,121 684
Halifax 167 3 170 163 15 178 - 6,309 419 34 763 69 3,802 100
Haywood 280 26 306 200 3 203 - 3,867 - 21 250 46 385 150
Isothermal 90 6 96 190 12 202 - 8,948 491 48 1,105 62 798 650
James Sprunt 183 - 183 117 - 117 - 5,233 - 35 385 60 382 42
Table 46. (Cont.) Library Services in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Fall 2004
Interlibrary Loans Information Services Services in a Typical Week
Loans To Other Libraries Loans Received From Documents to Groups Refer-
Non- Other Libraries Delivered from Circulation (Presentations) Public ence
Return- Return- Return- Non- Commercial Transactions Total Services Gate Trans-
Institution able able Total able Returnable Total Services General Reserve Number Attendance Hours Count actions
Community Colleges (Cont.)
Johnston 386 - 386 155 - 155 - 13,636 700 60 1,822 61 5,000 250
Lenoir 22 2 24 24 23 47 - 5,257 11,097 243 4,020 60 3,050 728
Martin 297 - 297 47 0 47 - 23,732 116 93 2,300 65 1,617 105
Mayland 112 24 136 216 18 234 - 3,142 500 23 438 52 1,449 77
McDowell 223 1 224 50 1 51 - 9,508 221 34 403 60 370 100
Mitchell 1 2 3 3 4 7 - 45,108 8,790 36 823 60 1,922 2,265
Montgomery 1 - 1 - - - - 1,407 600 34 538 55 1,546 50
Nash 395 - 395 35 35 - 7,118 1,500 20 225 65 150 60
Pamlico 63 2 65 212 9 221 - 2,618 43 82 1,023 64 967 69
Piedmont 185 - 185 114 - 114 - 3,172 585 88 719 70 1,478 106
Pitt 439 14 453 731 7 738 - 17,689 6,030 212 3,929 68 3,873 350
Randolph 265 5 270 203 5 208 - 10,130 1,455 47 781 65 750 75
Richmond 78 6 84 150 5 155 - - 14 30 335 58 1,363 250
Roanoke-Chowan 215 - 215 206 - 206 - 12,239 2,810 732 6,882 65 2,303 316
Robeson 102 1 103 90 1 91 - 5,500 580 25 470 63 1,690 870
Rockingham 250 2 252 218 6 224 - 5,951 2,301 64 1,147 66 2,080 85
Rowan-Cabarrus 83 5 88 91 5 96 - 39,909 1,595 111 2,474 61 4,007 500
Sampson 288 33 321 124 4 128 - 6,664 321 100 1,500 60 578 100
Sandhills 455 - 455 382 - 382 - 23,243 2,728 100 1,600 70 2,194 285
South Piedmont 25 - 25 115 - 115 - 2,325 141 26 600 53 1,022 254
Southeastern 254 1 255 233 30 263 - 6,205 1,162 72 1,481 59 843 755

Southwestern 99 - 99 108 - 108 - 5,704 200 55 712 66 583 10
Stanly 329 - 329 176 4 180 - 13,867 - 42 620 54 2,420 480
Surry 70 - 70 19 22 41 - 6,930 - 58 1,078 62 1,253 135
Tri-County 169 - 169 52 - 52 - 8,199 - 45 332 59 661 31
Vance-Granville 487 3 490 229 12 241 - 23,915 4,472 168 3,360 62 3,428 225
Wake 411 - 411 481 - 481 - 40,940 3,693 282 5,418 75 10,463 340
Wayne 370 6 376 135 8 143 - 26,475 1,229 15 223 52 1,373 372
Western Piedmont 25 2 27 54 - 54 2 16,352 234 50 881 64 2,275 76
Wilkes 264 - 264 49 - 49 - 6,550 460 89 1,728 64 447 160
Wilson 172 2 174 35 - 35 - 41,503 214 91 1,488 61 414 105
Comm. Coll. Total 12,737 650 13,387 11,096 498 11,595 2 763,102 123,304 5,861 95,119 3,636 130,050 17,231
Public Total 102,589 47,857 150,446 85,583 44,107 129,691 5,893 3,787,440 1,003,991 11,450 195,376 5,222 321,643 29,003
Private Institutions
Senior Colleges and Universities
Barber-Scotia 261 - 261 21 - 21 - 848 75 23 302 78 1,894 156
Barton 348 146 494 202 95 297 - 9,922 1,626 60 1,158 87 1,468 129
Belmont Abbey 333 151 484 262 289 551 - 4,455 525 31 68 85 582 300
Bennett 100 10 110 242 - 242 - 1,909 989 10 168 82 805 144
Brevard 498 84 582 489 145 634 - 13,871 1,111 46 440 84 619 67
Cabarrus - 43 43 - 299 299 - 465 62 62 920 69 215 128
Campbell 1,014 590 1,604 1,086 1,389 2,475 - 43,104 44,188 128 2,846 103 11,074 1,038
Catawba 253 82 335 414 230 644 - 5,710 948 183 2,822 87 750 44
Chowan 731 317 1,048 93 74 167 - 5,340 356 35 531 82 1,154 33
Davidson 3,190 5,419 8,609 5,173 8,686 13,859 - 92,561 105,278 130 2,775 106 7,900 297
Duke* 17,878 27,534 45,412 11,381 6,783 18,164 - 537,599 - 911 9,782 119 60,000 2,188
Table 46. (Cont.) Library Services in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, Fall 2004
Interlibrary Loans Information Services Services in a Typical Week
Loans To Other Libraries Loans Received From Documents to Groups Refer-
Non- Other Libraries Delivered from Circulation (Presentations) Public ence
Return- Return- Return- Non- Commercial Transactions Total Services Gate Trans-
Institution able able Total able Returnable Total Services General Reserve Number Attendance Hours Count actions
Senior Colleges and Universities (Cont.)
Elon 3,434 903 4,337 2,534 3,330 5,864 - 67,990 12,466 178 3,952 108 15,813 159
Gardner-Webb 753 133 886 759 492 1,251 - 18,243 3,897 72 795 85 4,795 160
Greensboro 172 29 201 130 118 248 28 4,384 1,500 30 385 88 1,175 49
Guilford 1,671 46 1,717 1,259 275 1,534 - 40,212 19,620 27 425 104 3,782 109
High Point 494 246 740 670 700 1,370 120 25,884 336 177 2,690 90 2,519 450
Johnson C. Smith 199 41 240 124 148 272 - 3,422 1,556 110 1,154 84 3,634 205
Lees-McRae Data Not Available
Lenoir-Rhyne 531 227 758 306 371 677 - 8,109 17,828 38 950 90 2,646 26
Livingstone 200 - 200 10 - 10 - 1,200 500 35 630 74 700 40
Mars Hill 319 39 358 154 49 203 - 5,813 300 87 1,288 78 1,606 84
Meredith 608 126 734 245 241 486 5 30,576 9,334 251 2,481 102 3,349 356
Methodist 292 130 422 366 260 626 - 9,046 569 173 1,822 89 3,029 101
Montreat 462 47 509 414 124 538 - 5,474 1,101 112 1,385 82 1,054 40
Mount Olive 119 85 204 178 78 256 - 8,056 1,027 20 357 73 578 46
N.C. Wesleyan 120 92 212 242 348 590 - 4,687 731 67 828 90 2,419 105
Peace 100 66 166 102 470 572 - 11,108 2,000 11 138 85 600 30
Pfeiffer 261 44 305 384 101 485 - 6,204 1,506 29 458 81 1,244 20
Queens 890 193 1,083 281 449 730 - 18,757 5,819 105 800 88 3,012 126
St. Andrews 273 113 386 173 309 482 - 4,543 476 18 252 77 120 26
St. Augustine's - - - - - - - - 13,500 - - 82 2,000 230
Salem 1,264 22 1,286 1,652 355 2,007 37 13,838 4,656 42 655 92 450 32

Shaw - - - 8 15 23 - 1,272 1,835 16 472 88 80 254
Wake Forest* 1,416 15,272 16,688 2,687 4,670 7,357 2,545 172,503 22,276 717 6,765 108 17,027 531
Warren Wilson 505 154 659 806 516 1,322 - 27,323 4,046 47 686 81 3,136 51
Wingate 308 - 308 364 287 651 - 11,504 3,575 149 2,841 87 2,130 32
Sr. Col. & Univ. Total 38,997 52,384 91,381 33,211 31,696 64,907 2,735 1,215,932 285,612 4,130 54,021 3,088 163,359 7,786
Junior College
Louisburg 12 7 19 13 1 14 - 1,471 128 27 405 68 475 30

Private Sr.&Jr. Total 39,009 52,391 91,400 33,224 31,697 64,921 2,735 1,217,403 285,740 4,157 54,426 3,156 163,834 7,816
Seminary and Bible Colleges
Southeastern Data Not Available
Heritage - - - - - - - 3,260 420 2 68 55 75 35
John Wesley - - - - - - - 4,016 540 2 20 58 156 128
Piedmont - - - - - - - 11,539 828 5 145 66 956 90
Roanoke - 3 3 17 - 17 - 11,290 2,223 6 100 68 1,157 60
Winston-Salem Data Not Available
Bible Colleges Total 0 3 3 17 0 17 0 30,105 4,011 15 333 247 2,344 313
Private Total 39,009 52,394 91,403 33,241 31,697 64,938 2,735 1,247,508 289,751 4,172 54,759 3,403 166,178 8,129
Grand Total 141,598 100,251 241,849 ^ 118,824 75,804 194,629 8,628 5,034,948 1,293,742 15,622 250,135 8,625 487,821 37,132
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.JT001B.U/7-8-05
*Includes Health Affairs and Medical School Library.
Table 47. Library Operating Expenditures in North Carolina Collges and Universities, 2003-04
Salaries Information Resources Operating Expenditures
& Wages Current Serial Document Computer Bibliographic All Other Total
(excludes Books, Serial Backfiles, Subscriptions Delivery/ Hardware Utilities, Operating Library
Fringe and Other Materials (ongoing Interlibrary Other and Networks, & Expend- Operating
Institution Benefits) (one-time purchases) commitments) Loan Preservation Expenditures Software Consortia itures Expenditures
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 2,992,181 643,079 1,573,613 21,322 41,167 95,198 140,710 1,391 422,626 5,931,287
East Carolina* Data Not Available
Elizabeth City 772,669 171,110 238,070 7,500 6,277 - 30,000 - 49,448 1,275,074
Fayetteville 881,760 428,057 851,458 384 20,000 - 62,500 17,500 32,404 2,294,063
N.C. A and T 1,613,225 607,072 2,019,712 5,000 26,506 - 157,985 33,346 55,919 4,518,765
N.C. Central 1,048,312 110,000 624,546 - 23,800 - 29,715 125,000 12,500 1,973,873
N.C. School of the Arts 596,045 50,855 64,535 - 7,650 34,964 3,934 18,000 16,600 792,583
N.C. State 9,706,567 2,893,271 5,952,241 124,108 150,821 204,743 584,662 257,831 2,334,750 22,208,994
UNC-Asheville 783,714 263,413 524,250 2,026 7,932 34 82,475 48,567 147,412 1,859,823
UNC-Chapel Hill* 14,112,326 3,186,774 8,527,997 454 246,818 228,912 547,272 247,371 2,521,138 29,619,062
UNC-Charlotte 3,437,410 980,331 2,446,644 160,442 66,023 821,093 375,732 160,422 733,661 9,181,758
UNC-Greensboro 4,765,010 2,662,933 2,515,499 64,382 40,917 61,685 245,000 83,857 233,244 10,672,527
UNC-Pembroke 928,020 453,821 444,823 - 10,471 - 31,556 16,992 137,308 2,022,991
UNC-Wilmington 1,463,640 322,886 1,414,580 614 128,437 1,220 67,396 42,828 145,017 3,586,618
Western Carolina 1,447,701 418,879 630,650 22,158 18,704 11,702 24,489 34,657 1,241,889 3,850,829
Winston-Salem 686,127 309,677 131,506 1,652 1,166 92,241 107,660 7,200 120,796 1,458,025
UNC Total 45,234,707 13,502,158 27,960,124 410,042 796,689 1,551,792 2,491,086 1,094,962 8,204,712 101,246,272
Community Colleges
Alamance 257,736 50,159 49,992 493 - - - 9,900 47,000 415,280
Asheville-Buncombe 306,866 90,174 61,117 671 606 - 8,815 16,765 26,835 511,849
Beaufort County 173,421 31,286 14,071 660 - - 21,691 - 1,666 242,795
Bladen 139,985 9,632 15,120 32 - - - - 2,628 167,397

Blue Ridge 128,917 37,177 16,009 119 147 - - - 5,436 187,805
Brunswick 118,353 19,734 6,721 40 - - 9,600 - 7,022 161,470
Caldwell 246,854 71,580 11,269 214 - - 17,099 8,436 26,058 381,510
Cape Fear 638,476 150,788 79,633 0 2,628 - 15,920 13,770 244,661 1,145,876
Carteret 165,650 47,400 20,550 863 337 3,144 - 8,811 6,859 253,614
Catawba Valley 216,500 81,000 24,000 - - - 9,000 4,500 160,000 495,000
Central Carolina 293,350 21,595 42,727 - - 385 - - 24,270 382,327
Central Piedmont 1,028,643 82,521 77,442 489 - 11,524 17,432 5,982 45,150 1,269,183
Cleveland 235,978 52,449 33,885 787 255 12,066 40,870 1,495 11,915 389,700
Coastal Carolina 210,122 123,574 33,270 - - - - - 3,510 370,476
College of the Albemarle 174,415 52,425 13,838 37 816 - 3,510 - 15,806 260,847
Craven 180,673 39,715 5,483 155 108 - 7,395 7,500 6,073 247,102
Davidson County 292,624 38,924 41,183 75 230 - 6,721 1,649 6,513 387,919
Durham 230,501 50,145 39,499 118 460 - - - 6,651 327,374
Edgecombe 237,857 21,186 15,320 197 - - 3,100 5,697 0 283,357
Fayetteville 300,595 114,365 76,432 357 - - 19,839 - 81,901 593,489
Forsyth 417,386 42,048 43,549 347 - - 14,787 - 43,992 562,109
Gaston 312,328 38,128 41,806 265 - - 2,032 3,363 4,911 402,833
Guilford 416,400 22,955 113,970 478 287 - 13,593 3,218 47,797 618,698
Halifax 154,946 11,717 16,186 447 - - - 4,459 9,432 197,187
Haywood 144,193 35,165 13,500 480 760 - 2,000 100 0 196,198
Isothermal 195,162 31,744 14,796 466 - - 9,434 100 9,223 260,925
James Sprunt 91,959 27,731 11,265 95 - - 3,553 - 4,813 139,416
Johnston 235,562 78,054 42,354 0 - - 24,659 - 13,446 394,075
Lenoir 373,000 18,900 7,900 255 600 500 500 1,800 18,245 421,700
Martin 71,961 38,584 10,000 0 500 - 10,000 - 4,875 135,920
Mayland 95,500 22,972 11,730 100 1,900 - - 100 10,177 142,479
Table 47. (Cont.) Library Operating Expenditures in North Carolina Collges and Universities, 2003-04
Salaries Information Resources Operating Expenditures
& Wages Current Serial Document Computer Bibliographic All Other Total
(excludes Books, Serial Backfiles, Subscriptions Delivery/ Hardware Utilities, Operating Library
Fringe and Other Materials (ongoing Interlibrary Other and Networks, & Expend- Operating
Institution Benefits) (one-time purchases) commitments) Loan Preservation Expenditures Software Consortia itures Expenditures

Community Colleges (Cont.)

McDowell 112,635 36,026 10,178 447 419 - - 100 11,515 171,320
Mitchell 168,707 51,531 18,936 - 1,832 - 11,102 - 3,264 255,372
Montgomery 94,808 12,536 5,766 - - - 261 - 3,047 116,418
Nash 117,571 24,360 4,476 24 - - 1,531 - 2,776 150,738
Pamlico 135,927 6,976 4,478 300 - 5,671 7,385 165 6,167 167,069
Piedmont 235,977 47,934 18,067 210 - - - - 30,242 332,430
Pitt 542,139 83,300 48,899 492 - 10,463 12,591 - 21,318 719,202
Randolph 203,484 24,652 36,205 70 - 149 4,643 3,363 12,521 285,087
Richmond 237,439 18,947 19,623 600 - - 4,182 - 65,000 345,791
Roanoke-Chowan 115,380 18,912 22,683 24 - - 2,223 - 2,208 161,430
Robeson 333,360 42,225 7,509 0 - 33,592 48,801 - - 465,487
Rockingham 245,203 45,228 40,094 1,068 511 1,675 5,960 11,186 16,791 367,716
Rowan-Cabarrus 334,589 44,512 23,784 139 426 - 5,704 7,296 15,728 432,178
Sampson 153,111 26,838 19,618 63 - - 445 - 19,381 219,456
Sandhills 544,349 69,500 42,000 0 - 1,000 10,000 - 17,000 683,849
South Piedmont 203,304 29,338 14,398 0 - - - 3,663 41,919 292,622
Southeastern 193,460 28,509 32,215 432 - - - - 10,485 265,101
Southwestern 78,571 31,604 18,446 280 - - - 2,232 3,180 134,313
Stanly 138,774 29,227 19,374 36 - - - - 4,303 191,714
Surry 269,735 39,035 7,217 94 1,172 - 55,467 - 68,042 440,762
Tri-County 107,594 69,188 10,061 91 - - 16,762 2,500 135,509 341,705
Vance-Granville 257,739 91,647 28,605 300 - - 7,000 - 23,150 408,441
Wake 794,112 74,018 27,510 - - 1,088 - 21,984 918,712

Wayne 243,212 55,070 29,723 170 373 - - - 13,972 342,520
Western Piedmont 182,642 35,410 59,835 245 1,191 - 5,626 7,803 10,894 303,646
Wilkes 189,424 52,421 14,125 103 50 - 8,679 - 10,198 275,000
Wilson 150,862 80,620 45,000 600 1,750 - 1,500 3,545 - 283,877
Community Colleges Total 14,470,021 2,723,391 1,633,442 14,028 17,358 80,169 472,500 139,498 1,467,459 21,017,866
Public Total 59,704,728 16,225,549 29,593,566 424,070 814,047 1,631,961 2,963,586 1,234,460 9,672,171 122,264,138
Private Institutions
Senior Colleges and Universities
Barber-Scotia 132,900 101,219 20,000 128 - - 9,009 5,400 2,000 270,656
Barton 227,812 56,350 54,840 112 1,726 - 20,421 5,081 5,847 372,189
Belmont Abbey 311,942 28,157 52,788 40 1,086 - 2,777 40,961 12,500 450,251
Bennett 130,726 7,691 23,666 502 - - 5,190 - 27,512 195,287
Brevard 150,275 28,799 34,084 2,115 3,276 906 200 23,902 17,169 260,726
Cabarrus 64,740 2,945 29,829 161 - - 425 4,395 2,174 104,669
Campbell 957,108 340,885 873,410 6,438 3,000 1,000 43,373 56,950 316,738 2,598,902
Catawba 408,330 30,351 141,438 2,455 6,908 2,372 25,715 15,231 31,474 664,274
Chowan 168,232 128,537 191,088 1,623 2,949 - 19,108 9,475 11,190 532,202
Davidson 1,048,290 360,913 1,022,281 30,732 27,599 - 111,712 22,558 125,219 2,749,304
Duke* 13,842,586 3,471,359 7,609,382 10,118 330,086 78,932 1,568,483 257,205 2,988,777 30,156,928
Elon 775,785 631,499 530,614 - 17,825 - 685 119,614 285,739 2,361,761
Gardner-Webb 411,055 113,441 156,802 1,730 1,286 329 29,907 14,043 37,614 766,207
Greensboro 180,193 61,404 41,273 262 1,230 1,028 12,851 29,120 10,394 337,755
Guilford 360,118 112,775 240,687 550 4,536 - 3,636 58,304 20,917 801,523
High Point 352,000 192,000 151,000 6,000 - - 75,000 22,000 36,000 834,000
Johnson C. Smith 455,748 91,797 76,589 2,000 2,700 1,601 14,000 12,000 146,044 802,479
Lees-McRae Data Not Available
Table 47. (Cont.) Library Operating Expenditures in North Carolina Collges and Universities, 2003-04
Salaries Information Resources Operating Expenditures
& Wages Current Serial Document Computer Bibliographic All Other Total
(excludes Books, Serial Backfiles, Subscriptions Delivery/ Hardware Utilities, Operating Library
Fringe and Other Materials (ongoing Interlibrary Other and Networks, & Expend- Operating
Institution Benefits) (one-time purchases) commitments) Loan Preservation Expenditures Software Consortia itures Expenditures
Senior Colleges & Univ. (Cont.)
Lenoir-Rhyne 367,647 49,364 76,727 1,049 810 - - 22,350 23,891 541,838
Livingstone 159,600 36,500 7,200 200 - - 12,000 13,251 3,600 232,351
Mars Hill 237,000 22,280 64,976 140 - - - 14,500 6,520 345,416
Meredith 691,157 186,755 226,487 2,440 6,950 - 13,156 11,971 43,209 1,182,125
Methodist 294,786 56,461 105,478 1,437 3,939 - 21,410 - 13,267 496,778
Montreat 219,659 30,454 71,712 1,902 - 8,445 4,107 17,319 15,083 368,681
Mount Olive 127,277 30,300 26,000 650 100 - 4,000 19,400 5,249 212,976
N.C. Wesleyan 217,772 45,859 92,350 1,203 1,496 - 10,690 - 17,535 386,905
Peace 149,756 61,826 27,038 1,196 1,111 2,000 - 2,002 1,763 246,692
Pfeiffer 198,922 63,966 85,483 - 3,541 - 15,786 1,816 9,123 378,637
Queens 209,753 52,580 44,500 - - - 13,000 22,000 - 341,833
St. Andrews 171,987 20,600 53,356 1,580 785 - 17,152 6,461 8,332 280,253
St. Augustine's 282,000 200,000 18,000 - - 2,000 3,000 10,000 - 515,000
Salem 233,869 84,684 87,974 3,901 7,195 1,121 3,345 38,551 11,124 471,764
Shaw 372,083 85,402 47,190 71 5,312 4,430 25,940 - 9,860 550,288
Wake Forest* 4,219,724 1,056,899 4,412,520 33,254 89,769 6,969 176,150 126,197 487,893 10,609,375
Warren Wilson 328,081 99,165 66,905 1,000 1,100 10,995 696 26,300 17,454 551,696
Wingate 254,792 100,000 40,659 1,500 500 30,500 54,296 23,233 47,703 553,183
Sr. Col. & Univ. Total 28,713,705 8,043,217 16,804,326 116,489 526,815 152,628 2,317,220 1,051,590 4,798,914 62,524,904
Junior College
Louisburg 153,268 10,304 8,982 - 526 - 10,000 3,329 6,360 192,769
Private Sr.& Jr. Total 28,866,973 0 8,053,521 16,813,308 116,489 527,341 152,628 2,327,220 1,054,919 4,805,274 62,717,673
Theological Seminary

Southeastern Data Not Available
Bible Colleges
Heritage 34,000 2,200 1,652 - 25 - 764 - 11,340 49,981
John Wesley 62,230 10,519 2,100 - - 697 735 - - 76,281
Piedmont 95,298 4,262 14,813 - - - - - 10,595 124,968
Roanoke 78,475 14939 5,379 - 607 472 1,845 3,081 22,081 126,879
Winston-Salem Data Not Available
Bible Colleges Total 270,003 31,920 23,944 0 632 1,169 3,344 3,081 44,016 378,109
Private Total 29,136,976 8,085,441 16,837,252 116,489 527,973 153,797 2,330,564 1,058,000 4,849,290 63,095,782
Grand Total 88,841,704 24,310,990 46,430,818 540,559 1,342,020 1,785,758 5,294,150 2,292,460 14,521,461 185,359,920
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.JT002.U/7-11-05
*Includes Health Affairs and Medical School Library.


Figure 13. Ranges of Combined Tuition and Required Fees Charged to Undergraduate Students in North
Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2004-05

Table 48. Undergraduate Tuition and Required Fees Combined for North Carolina Colleges and Universities,
1999-2000 to 2004-05

Table 49. Costs to Undergraduate Students at North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, 2004-05

Table 50. Detailed Listing of Required Fees Charged to Regular Undergraduate Students in North Carolina
Colleges and Universities by Institution, 2004-05

Table 51. Costs to Students in First Professional Degree Programs at North Carolina Universities by Institution
and Type of Program, 2004-05

Table 52. Costs to Graduate Students at North Carolina Universities by Institution, 2004-05

Figure 13. Ranges of Combined Tuition and Required Fees Charged to Undergraduate
Students in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2004-05
32,000 32,000
In-State Out-of-State
30,720 30,720

30,000 30,000

28,000 28,000

26,000 26,000

24,000 24,000

22,000 22,000

20,000 20,000

18,000 18,000

16,000 15,834 16,000 15,834

14,000 14,000

12,000 12,000
11,125 11,125
11,125 11,125
11,125 10,814 11,125
10,000 10,000

8,000 8,000
6,750 6,767 6,750
6,000 6,000

4,000 4,000
3,339 High
2,000 1,306 2,000Low
0 0
UNC CC Priv.Sr.* Priv.Jr. UNC CC Priv.Sr.* Priv.Jr.

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AG007.U/7-12-05
*Excludes theological seminary and Bible colleges.

Table 48. Undergraduate Tuition and Required Fees Combined for North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 1999-00 to 2004-05

2004-05 & Change 2004-05 & Change
over Previous Year over Previous Year
INSTITUTION 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Amount %Change 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Amount %Change
University of North Carolina
Appalachian $1,832 $1,988 $2,308 $2,795 $2,927 $3,199 9.3% $9,102 $9,258 $10,230 $11,716 $12,294 $12,641 2.8%
East Carolina 1,998 2,257 2,566 2,980 3,131 3,454 10.3% 9,564 10,120 11,135 12,636 13,270 13,668 3.0%
Elizabeth City 1,631 1,686 1,840 2,162 2,176 2,475 13.7% 8,049 8,104 8,836 10,033 10,440 10,814 3.6%
Fayetteville 1,542 1,620 1,770 2,052 2,237 2,521 12.7% 8,812 8,890 9,692 10,967 11,598 11,957 3.1%
N.C. A and T 1,869 1,939 2,239 2,564 2,722 3,066 12.6% 9,139 9,209 10,161 11,485 12,089 12,508 3.5%
N.C. Central 1,887 1,975 2,350 2,675 2,802 3,042 8.6% 9,157 9,245 10,272 11,597 12,171 12,486 2.6%
N.C. School of the Arts 2,427 2,592 2,877 3,450 3,665 4,307 17.5% 11,055 11,220 12,282 14,050 14,795 15,587 5.4%
N.C. State 2,414 2,814 3,302 3,827 3,970 4,282 7.9% 11,580 11,980 13,294 15,111 15,818 16,180 2.3%
UNC-Asheville 1,889 1,993 2,426 2,884 3,031 3,323 9.6% 8,507 8,839 9,888 11,289 11,856 12,523 5.6%
UNC-Chapel Hill 2,314 2,710 3,219 3,856 4,072 4,451 9.3% 11,480 11,876 13,211 15,140 15,920 17,549 10.2%
UNC-Charlotte 1,916 2,134 2,456 2,944 3,105 3,473 11.9% 9,186 9,404 10,676 12,503 13,142 13,585 3.4%
UNC-Greensboro 2,136 2,309 2,601 2,993 3,124 3,435 10.0% 10,590 10,763 11,815 13,367 14,017 14,403 2.8%
UNC-Pembroke 1,706 1,860 2,069 2,365 2,565 2,825 10.1% 8,976 9,130 9,991 11,284 11,930 12,265 2.8%
UNC-Wilmington 2,054 2,360 2,627 3,074 3,362 3,626 7.9% 9,324 9,710 10,722 12,193 12,937 13,336 3.1%
Western Carolina 1,930 2,102 2,243 2,610 2,806 3,273 16.6% 9,200 9,372 10,165 11,525 12,167 12,709 4.5%
Winston-Salem 1,664 1,805 2,043 2,326 2,394 2,675 11.7% 8,082 8,223 9,039 10,197 10,659 11,015 3.3%
UNC Average 1,951 2,134 2,433 2,847 3,006 3,339 11.1% 9,488 9,709 10,713 12,193 12,819 13,327 4.0%
Community Colleges

Alamance 779 910 1,022 1,126 1,166 1,246 6.9% 4,783 5,462 5,574 6,134 6,334 6,782 7.1%
Asheville-Buncombe 772 903 1,015 1,123 1,163 1,243 6.9% 4,776 5,455 5,567 6,131 6,331 6,779 7.1%
Beaufort County 767 908 1,020 1,124 1,164 1,244 6.9% 4,771 5,460 5,572 6,132 6,332 6,780 7.1%
Bladen 787 918 1,030 1,134 1,194 1,282 7.4% 4,791 5,470 5,582 6,142 6,362 6,818 7.2%
Blue Ridge 779 895 1,022 1,126 1,206 1,286 6.6% 4,783 5,447 5,574 6,134 6,374 6,822 7.0%
Brunswick 810 941 1,033 1,137 1,209 1,289 6.6% 4,814 5,493 5,585 6,145 6,377 6,825 7.0%
Caldwell 781 912 1,024 1,128 1,168 1,248 6.8% 4,785 5,464 5,576 6,136 6,336 6,784 7.1%
Cape Fear 787 918 1,030 1,134 1,206 1,286 6.6% 4,791 5,470 5,582 6,142 6,374 6,822 7.0%
Carteret 776 907 1,019 1,143 1,183 1,263 6.8% 4,780 5,459 5,571 6,151 6,351 6,799 7.1%
Catawba Valley 773 903 1,016 1,120 1,160 1,240 6.9% 4,777 5,455 5,568 6,128 6,328 6,776 7.1%
Central Carolina 785 898 1,010 1,114 1,172 1,252 6.8% 4,789 5,450 5,562 6,122 6,340 6,788 7.1%
Central Piedmont 787 918 1,030 1,134 1,206 1,386 14.9% 4,791 5,470 5,582 6,142 6,374 6,922 8.6%
Cleveland 787 918 1,030 1,134 1,174 1,254 6.8% 4,791 5,470 5,582 6,142 6,342 6,790 7.1%
Coastal Carolina 764 910 1,022 1,126 1,166 1,246 6.9% 4,768 5,462 5,574 6,134 6,334 6,782 7.1%
College of the Albemarle 777 908 1,030 1,134 1,206 1,286 6.6% 4,781 5,460 5,582 6,142 6,374 6,822 7.0%
Craven 777 908 1,020 1,124 1,206 1,286 6.6% 4,781 5,460 5,572 6,132 6,374 6,822 7.0%
Davidson County 780 911 1,023 1,137 1,177 1,257 6.8% 4,784 5,463 5,575 6,145 6,345 6,793 7.1%
Durham 773 904 1,016 1,126 1,178 1,258 6.8% 4,777 5,456 5,568 6,134 6,346 6,794 7.1%
Edgecombe 770 904 1,016 1,120 1,160 1,240 6.9% 4,774 5,456 5,568 6,128 6,328 6,776 7.1%
Fayetteville 768 889 1,001 1,105 1,155 1,244 7.7% 4,772 5,441 5,553 6,113 6,323 6,780 7.2%
Forsyth 777 908 1,020 1,124 1,196 1,276 6.7% 4,781 5,460 5,572 6,132 6,364 6,812 7.0%
Gaston 773 890 1,002 1,109 1,218 1,298 6.6% 4,777 5,442 5,554 6,117 6,386 6,834 7.0%
Guilford 792 923 1,035 1,139 1,223 1,303 6.5% 4,795 5,475 5,587 6,147 6,391 6,839 7.0%
Table 48.(Cont.) Undergraduate Tuition and Required Fees Combined for North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 1999-00 to 2004-05

2004-05 & Change 2004-05 & Change
over Previous Year over Previous Year
INSTITUTION 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Amount % Change 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Amount % Change
Community Colleges (Cont.)
Halifax $771 $902 $1,014 $1,118 $1,196 $1,296 8.4% $4,775 $5,454 $5,566 $6,126 $6,364 $6,832 7.4%
Haywood 769 910 1,022 1,126 1,164 1,271 9.2% 4,773 5,462 5,574 6,134 6,332 6,807 7.5%
Isothermal 777 908 1,020 1,124 1,164 1,244 6.9% 4,781 5,460 5,572 6,132 6,332 6,780 7.1%
James Sprunt 777 908 1,020 1,134 1,174 1,286 9.5% 4,781 5,460 5,572 6,142 6,342 6,822 7.6%
Johnston 787 918 1,030 1,134 1,206 1,286 6.6% 4,791 5,470 5,582 6,142 6,374 6,822 7.0%
Lenoir 787 918 1,030 1,134 1,211 1,291 6.6% 4,791 5,470 5,582 6,142 6,379 6,827 7.0%
Martin 787 899 1,011 1,115 1,174 1,254 6.8% 4,791 5,451 5,563 6,123 6,342 6,790 7.1%
Mayland 780 908 1,020 1,124 1,164 1,244 6.9% 4,784 5,460 5,572 6,132 6,332 6,780 7.1%
McDowell 767 898 1,010 1,114 1,186 1,266 6.7% 4,771 5,450 5,562 6,122 6,354 6,802 7.1%
Mitchell 773 904 1,042 1,126 1,198 1,278 6.7% 4,777 5,456 5,594 6,134 6,366 6,814 7.0%
Montgomery 774 905 1,017 1,153 1,193 1,273 6.7% 4,778 5,457 5,569 6,161 6,361 6,809 7.0%
Nash 777 912 1,024 1,128 1,168 1,248 6.8% 4,781 5,464 5,576 6,136 6,336 6,784 7.1%
Pamlico 764 895 1,007 1,111 1,151 1,231 7.0% 4,768 5,447 5,559 6,119 6,319 6,767 7.1%
Piedmont 782 896 1,008 1,112 1,169 1,249 6.8% 4,786 5,448 5,560 6,120 6,337 6,785 7.1%
Pitt 789 976 1,032 1,136 1,212 1,292 6.6% 4,793 5,528 5,584 6,144 6,380 6,828 7.0%
Randolph 778 912 1,024 1,128 1,200 1,280 6.7% 4,782 5,464 5,576 6,136 6,368 6,816 7.0%
Richmond 777 908 1,020 1,134 1,164 1,254 7.7% 4,781 5,460 5,572 6,142 6,332 6,790 7.2%
Roanoke-Chowan 786 917 1,029 1,133 1,205 1,286 6.7% 4,790 5,469 5,581 6,141 6,373 6,822 7.0%
Robeson 777 908 1,020 1,124 1,196 1,276 6.7% 4,781 5,460 5,572 6,132 6,364 6,812 7.0%
Rockingham 786 917 1,029 1,169 1,225 1,305 6.5% 4,790 5,469 5,581 6,177 6,393 6,841 7.0%

Rowan-Cabarrus 781 912 1,024 1,128 1,200 1,280 6.7% 4,785 5,464 5,576 6,136 6,368 6,816 7.0%
Sampson 780 911 1,024 1,127 1,205 1,285 6.6% 4,784 5,463 5,576 6,135 6,373 6,821 7.0%
Sandhills 777 908 1,020 1,124 1,196 1,286 7.5% 4,781 5,460 5,572 6,132 6,364 6,822 7.2%
South Piedmont 770 901 1,013 1,119 1,191 1,271 6.7% 4,774 5,453 5,565 6,127 6,359 6,807 7.0%
Southeastern 777 908 1,020 1,124 1,199 1,280 6.8% 4,781 5,460 5,572 6,132 6,367 6,816 7.1%
Southwestern 778 909 1,025 1,128 1,168 1,249 6.9% 4,782 5,461 5,577 6,136 6,336 6,785 7.1%
Stanly 787 918 1,030 1,154 1,194 1,306 9.4% 4,791 5,470 5,582 6,162 6,362 6,842 7.5%
Surry 777 905 1,021 1,125 1,200 1,285 7.1% 4,781 5,457 5,573 6,133 6,368 6,821 7.1%
Tri-County 770 901 1,013 1,120 1,195 1,275 6.7% 4,774 5,453 5,565 6,128 6,363 6,811 7.0%
Vance-Granville 787 918 1,030 1,134 1,174 1,254 6.8% 4,791 5,470 5,582 6,142 6,342 6,790 7.1%
Wake 757 888 1,000 1,112 1,152 1,244 8.0% 4,761 5,440 5,552 6,120 6,320 6,780 7.3%
Wayne 781 912 1,024 1,128 1,168 1,248 6.8% 4,785 5,464 5,576 6,136 6,336 6,784 7.1%
Western Piedmont 768 907 1,019 1,123 1,163 1,243 6.9% 4,772 5,459 5,571 6,131 6,331 6,779 7.1%
Wilkes 787 918 1,030 1,134 1,181 1,271 7.6% 4,791 5,470 5,582 6,142 6,349 6,807 7.2%
Wilson 770 904 1,016 1,120 1,160 1,254 8.1% 4,774 5,456 5,568 6,128 6,328 6,790 7.3%
Comm. Colleges Average 778 909 1,021 1,128 1,185 1,270 7.2% 4,782 5,461 5,573 6,136 6,353 6,806 7.1%
Senior Colleges and Univ.
Barber-Scotia 7,866 8,700 9,048 9,048 9,448 N/A 7,866 8,700 9,048 9,048 9,448 N/A
Barton 10,834 11,462 12,264 13,074 14,278 15,596 9.2% 10,834 11,462 12,264 13,074 14,278 15,596 9.2%
Belmont Abbey 12,226 12,713 13,346 14,030 14,880 15,788 6.1% 12,226 12,713 13,346 14,030 14,880 15,788 6.1%
Bennett 8,460 9,222 10,006 10,596 10,978 12,226 11.4% 8,460 9,222 10,006 10,596 10,978 12,226 11.4%
Table 48.(Cont.) Undergraduate Tuition and Required Fees Combined for North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 1999-00 to 2004-05
2004-05 & Change 2004-05 & Change
over Previous Year over Previous Year
INSTITUTION 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Amount % Change 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Amount % Change
Senior Colleges and Univ. (Cont.)
Brevard $11,480 $12,175 $12,880 $13,700 $14,320 $14,740 2.9% $11,480 $12,175 $12,175 $12,880 $14,320 $14,740 2.9%
Cabarrus 5,000 6,050 6,365 6,845 6,150 6,750 9.8% 5,000 6,050 6,050 6,365 6,150 6,750 9.8%
Campbell 10,998 11,548 12,222 12,841 13,480 14,420 7.0% 10,998 11,548 11,548 12,222 13,480 14,420 7.0%
Catawba 12,600 13,330 14,240 15,300 16,400 17,600 7.3% 12,600 13,330 13,330 14,240 16,400 17,600 7.3%
Chowan 11,520 11,870 12,500 13,000 13,400 14,100 5.2% 11,520 11,870 11,870 12,500 13,400 14,100 5.2%
Davidson 22,228 23,095 23,995 24,930 25,903 27,171 4.9% 22,228 23,095 23,095 23,995 25,903 27,171 4.9%
Duke 24,751 25,630 26,768 27,844 29,345 30,720 4.7% 24,751 25,630 25,630 26,768 29,345 30,720 4.7%
Elon 12,896 13,781 14,560 15,505 16,570 17,555 5.9% 12,896 13,781 13,781 14,560 16,570 17,555 5.9%
Gardner-Webb 10,780 11,780 12,650 13,370 14,310 15,130 5.7% 10,780 11,780 11,780 12,650 14,310 15,130 5.7%
Greensboro 11,700 12,700 13,700 14,650 15,720 16,820 7.0% 11,700 12,700 12,700 13,700 15,720 16,820 7.0%
Guilford 16,061 16,815 17,645 18,366 19,186 20,270 5.6% 16,061 16,815 16,815 17,645 19,186 20,270 5.6%
High Point 11,760 12,440 13,150 13,900 14,710 15,700 6.7% 11,760 12,440 12,440 13,150 14,710 15,700 6.7%
Johnson C. Smith 9,974 11,605 11,971 12,444 13,062 13,712 5.0% 9,974 11,605 11,605 11,971 13,062 13,712 5.0%
Lees-McRae 10,710 11,340 12,442 13,488 14,500 15,228 5.0% 10,710 11,340 11,340 12,442 14,500 15,228 5.0%
Lenoir-Rhyne 12,796 13,356 14,086 14,986 16,450 17,850 8.5% 12,796 13,356 13,356 14,086 16,450 17,850 8.5%
Livingstone 8,820 8,820 9,410 10,788 12,298 13,527 10.0% 8,820 8,820 8,820 9,410 12,298 13,527 10.0%
Mars Hill 11,600 12,800 13,800 14,500 15,458 15,922 3.0% 11,600 12,800 12,800 13,800 15,458 15,922 3.0%
Meredith 9,290 9,840 13,100 15,100 18,065 19,000 5.2% 9,290 9,840 9,840 13,100 18,065 19,000 5.2%
Methodist 12,640 13,340 14,160 14,990 15,810 16,700 5.6% 12,640 13,340 13,340 14,160 15,810 16,700 5.6%
Montreat 10,862 11,730 12,318 13,448 14,120 15,108 7.0% 10,862 11,730 11,730 12,318 14,120 15,108 7.0%

Mount Olive 8,925 9,100 9,660 10,010 10,560 11,145 5.5% 8,925 9,100 9,100 9,660 10,560 11,145 5.5%
N.C. Wesleyan 8,656 9,236 9,768 10,960 12,443 14,814 19.1% 8,656 9,236 9,236 9,768 12,443 14,814 19.1%
Peace 8,885 9,924 10,865 12,450 15,925 16,881 6.0% 8,885 9,924 9,924 10,865 15,925 16,881 6.0%
Pfeiffer 10,844 11,380 12,066 12,780 13,550 14,570 7.5% 10,844 11,380 11,380 12,066 13,550 14,570 7.5%
Queens 10,140 10,680 11,360 12,290 15,700 17,008 8.3% 10,140 10,680 10,680 11,360 15,700 17,008 8.3%
St. Andrews 13,735 14,235 14,310 14,760 15,115 15,725 4.0% 13,735 14,235 14,235 14,310 15,115 15,725 4.0%
St. Augustine's 7,182 7,900 8,030 8,280 9,648 10,388 7.7% 7,182 7,900 7,900 8,030 9,648 10,388 7.7%
Salem 13,465 14,025 14,575 15,055 15,715 16,490 4.9% 13,465 14,025 14,025 14,575 15,715 16,490 4.9%
Shaw 6,854 7,430 7,732 8,898 9,178 9,438 2.8% 6,854 7,430 7,430 7,732 9,178 9,438 2.8%
Wake Forest 21,420 22,410 23,530 24,750 26,490 28,210 6.5% 21,420 22,410 22,410 23,530 26,490 28,210 6.5%
Warren Wilson 13,600 14,375 15,094 15,848 16,674 17,738 6.4% 13,600 14,375 14,375 15,094 16,674 17,738 6.4%
Wingate 12,650 13,050 13,880 14,550 15,200 16,000 5.3% 12,650 13,050 13,050 13,880 15,200 16,000 5.3%
Private Sr. Average 11,784 12,497 13,264 14,094 15,140 15,834 4.6% 11,784 12,497 12,568 13,322 15,140 15,834 4.6%
Junior Colleges
Louisburg 8,790 9,300 10,130 10,490 10,820 11,125 2.8% 8,790 9,300 9,300 10,130 10,820 11,125 2.8%
Junior Col. Average 8,790 9,300 10,130 10,490 10,820 11,125 2.8% 8,790 9,300 9,300 10,130 10,820 11,125 2.8%
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT004.U/1-24-05
Table 49. Costs to Undergraduate Students at North Carolina Colleges
and Universities by Institution, 2004-05


In- Out-of- REQUIRED Single Double BOARD (Meals per Week)
INSTITUTION State State FEES Occupancy Occupancy 19 - 21 14 - 15 <14
University of North Carolina
Appalachian $1,821 $11,263 $1,378 * $4,155 $2,860 $2,500 ** $2,040 ** $1,748 **
East Carolina 2,135 12,349 1,319 5,290 3,690 2,950 2,700 2,450
Elizabeth City 1,399 9,738 1,076 3,715 ^ 3,089 ^ 1,803 - -
Fayetteville 1,546 10,982 975 * - 2,320 1,800 1,500 1,200
N.C. A and T 1,769 11,211 1,297 3,493 2,893 2,300 2,205 2,075
N.C. Central 1,878 11,322 1,164 3,680 2,464 1,847 1,724 1,635
N.C. School of the Arts 2,755 14,035 1,552 3,900 3,035 2,665 - 2,221
N.C. State 3,205 15,103 1,077 3,330 2,990 - 1,610 1,530
UNC-Asheville 1,897 11,097 1,426 3,175 2,722 2,490 ^^ 2,490 ^^ 2,490 ^^
UNC-Chapel Hill 3,205 16,303 1,246 4,850 3,420 3,070 - -
UNC-Charlotte 2,129 12,241 1,344 4,036 2,724 - 2,580 ^^ 2,750 ^^
UNC-Greensboro 2,028 12,996 1,407 5,600 2,800 2,340 ** 2,200 ** 1,650 **
UNC-Pembroke 1,689 11,129 1,136 3,286 2,610 1,950 1,950 ^^ 1,950 ^^
UNC-Wilmington 1,928 11,638 1,698 4,168 3,896 2,356 2,356 ^^ 2,356 ^^
Western Carolina 1,651 11,087 1,622 * 3,564 2,128 2,400 2,100 1,900 ^^
Winston-Salem 1,451 9,791 1,224 - 3,030 2,106 - -

Community Colleges
Alamance 1,216 6,752 30 - - - - -
Asheville-Buncombe 1,216 6,752 27 - - - - -
Beaufort County 1,216 6,752 28 - - - - -
Bladen 1,216 6,752 66 - - - - -
Blue Ridge 1,216 6,752 70 - - - - -
Brunswick 1,216 6,752 73 - - - - -
Caldwell 1,216 6,752 32 - - - - -
Cape Fear 1,216 6,752 70 - - - - -
Carteret 1,216 6,752 47 - - - - -
Catawba Valley 1,216 6,752 24 - - - - -
Central Carolina 1,216 6,752 36 - - - - -
Central Piedmont 1,216 6,752 170 - - - - -
Cleveland 1,216 6,752 38 - - - - -
Coastal Carolina 1,216 6,752 30 - - - - -
College of the Albemarle 1,216 6,752 70 - - - - -
Craven 1,216 6,752 70 - - - - -
Davidson County 1,216 6,752 41 - - - - -
Durham 1,216 6,752 42 - - - - -
Edgecombe 1,216 6,752 24 - - - - -
Fayetteville 1,216 6,752 28 - - - - -
Forsyth 1,216 6,752 60 - - - - -
Gaston 1,216 6,752 82 - - - - -
Guilford 1,216 6,752 87 - - - - -
Halifax 1,216 6,752 80 - - - - -
Haywood 1,216 6,752 55 - - - - -
Isothermal 1,216 6,752 28 - - - - -
James Sprunt 1,216 6,752 70 - - - - -
Johnston 1,216 6,752 70 - - - - -
Lenoir 1,216 6,752 75 - - - - -
Martin 1,216 6,752 38 - - - - -
Mayland 1,216 6,752 28 - - - - -
McDowell 1,216 6,752 50 - - - - -
Mitchell 1,216 6,752 62 - - - - -
Montgomery 1,216 6,752 57 - - - - -
Nash 1,216 6,752 32 - - - - -
Pamlico 1,216 6,752 15 - - - - -
Piedmont 1,216 6,752 33 - - - - -
Pitt 1,216 6,752 76 - - - - -
Randolph 1,216 6,752 64 - - - - -
Richmond 1,216 6,752 38 - - - - -
Roanoke-Chowan 1,216 6,752 70 - - - - -
Robeson 1,216 6,752 60 - - - - -
Rockingham 1,216 6,752 89 - - - - -
Rowan-Cabarrus 1,216 6,752 64 - - - - -
Sampson 1,216 6,752 69 - - - - -
Sandhills 1,216 6,752 70 - - - - -
South Piedmont 1,216 6,752 55 - - - - -
Southeastern 1,216 6,752 64 - - - - -

Table 49. (Cont.) Costs to Undergraduate Students at North Carolina Colleges
and Universities by Institution, 2003-04


In- Out-of- REQUIRED Single Double BOARD (Meals per Week)
INSTITUTION State State FEES Occupancy Occupancy 19 - 21 14 - 15 <14
Community Colleges (Cont.)
Southwestern $1,216 $6,752 $33 - - - - -
Stanly 1,216 6,752 90 - - - - -
Surry 1,216 6,752 69 - - - - -
Tri-County 1,216 6,752 59 - - - - -
Vance-Granville 1,216 6,752 38 - - - - -
Wake 1,216 6,752 28 - - - - -
Wayne 1,216 6,752 32 - - - - -
Western Piedmont 1,216 6,752 27 - - - - -
Wilkes 1,216 6,752 55 - - - - -
Wilson 1,216 6,752 38 - - - - -

Senior Colleges and Univ.
Barber-Scotia No Data Available
Barton 14,384 14,384 1,212 $3,738 2,592 2,828 - -
Belmont Abbey 15,010 15,010 778 4,756 4,556 3,544 $4,308 $2,672
Bennett 10,726 10,726 1,500 3,653 2,715 2,737 - -
Brevard 14,450 14,450 290 6,230 - 7,080 &
Cabarrus 6,200 6,200 550 - - - - -
Campbell 14,200 14,200 220 3,100 2,400 2,700 - -
Catawba 17,600 17,600 - 5,700 3,350 2,250
Chowan 14,000 14,000 100 3,900 2,900 3,200 2,800 -
Davidson 26,211 26,211 960 - 4,083 3,649 3,145 2,622
Duke 29,770 29,770 950 - 4,610 3,910 - -
Elon 17,310 17,310 245 3,810 2,936 3,074 3,170 2,022
Gardner-Webb 14,960 14,960 170 3,830 2,730 2,610 2,520 2,390
Greensboro 16,600 16,600 220 6,700 3,350 3,110 - -
Guilford 19,940 19,940 330 6,360 3,440 2,890 $
High Point 14,290 14,290 1,410 3,540 2,890 3,890 - -
Johnson C. Smith 11,542 11,542 2,170 4,574 3,049 2,249 2,024 1,319
Lees-McRae 15,058 15,058 170 3,644 2,834 3,120 - -
Lenoir-Rhyne 17,120 17,120 730 4,900 3,200 3,100 ^^ 3,100 ^^ 3,100 ^^
Livingstone 11,421 11,421 2,106 3,979 2,779 3,140 - -
Mars Hill 14,630 14,630 1,292 ~ 3,617 2,782 2,900 - 1,870
Meredith 19,000 19,000 - 4,013 2,675 2,675 - -
Methodist 16,500 16,500 200 4,840 3,240 3,130 3,040 1,670
Montreat 15,108 15,108 - 3,370 2,470 2,592 - -
Mount Olive 10,950 10,950 195 2,400 2,000 2,600 - 1,300
N.C. Wesleyan 13,550 13,550 1,264 3,820 3,000 3,555 - -
Peace 16,881 16,881 - 5,045 4,545 1,981 - -
Pfeiffer 14,570 14,570 - 3,800 3,030 2,800 2,800 ^^ -
Queens 17,008 17,008 - 4,910 3,410 2,780 - -
St. Andrews 15,125 15,125 600 3,750 2,310 3,320 - -
St. Augustine's 10,388 10,388 - 2,436 2,436 2,876 - -
Salem 16,275 16,275 215 4,932 4,252 4,618 - -
Shaw 7,800 7,800 1,638 - 2,840 3,210 - -
Wake Forest 28,210 28,210 100 - 4,900 3,100 ~ 3,100 ~ 3,100 ~
Warren Wilson 17,438 17,438 300 3,989 2,639 2,639 2,389 -
Wingate 15,000 15,000 1,000 6,200 &

Junior College
Louisburg 10,230 10,230 895 4,565 3,815 2,485 - -

Theological Seminary
Southeastern 5,600 5,600 290 2,240 1,730 - - -

Bible Colleges
Heritage 4,000 4,000 600 1,840 1,440 - - 960
John Wesley 3,905 3,905 323 1,990 1,990 - - -
Piedmont 8,870 8,870 620 2,473 1,673 3,107 - -
Roanoke 5,990 5,990 994 4,000 2,510 2,260 # - 2,060
Winston-Salem~~ 2,325 2,325 75 - 1,000 - - -
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT002.U/1-21-05
* Excludes book rental fee. ** Other board plans as high, standard, and low options.
^ New and/or deluxe dorms and apartment complexes have an additional charge per year.
^^ Includes an extra charge to be used as a declining balance meal plan or simply as a debit card to be used for any number of meals.
& Room and board combined. $ Unlimited servings at a particular meal.
~ Average cost. # Seventeen or eighteen meals per week.

Table 50. Detailed Listing of Required Fees Charged to Regular Undergraduate Students
in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, 2004-05

Health Student Student Student Debt Total

Athletic Services Cultural Govern- Publi- Student Activities Service Ed./Tech. Other Required
Institution Fee Fee Series ment cations Union Fee Fee Fee Fees Fees
University of North Carolina
Appalachian* $351.00 $194.00 - $1.00 - - $331.00 $340.00 $118.00 $43.00 $1,378.00
East Carolina 336.00 180.00 - - - - 506.00 189.00 108.00 - 1,319.00
Elizabeth City 331.00 170.00 - 1.00 - - 436.00 - 138.00 - 1,076.00
Fayetteville* 273.00 115.00 - 1.00 - - 326.00 95.00 165.00 - 975.00
N.C. A and T 370.00 175.00 - 1.00 - 107.00 175.00 164.00 240.00 65.00 1,297.00
N.C. Central 320.00 174.00 - 1.00 - - 328.00 81.00 260.00 - 1,164.00
N.C. School of the Arts - 476.00 - 1.00 - - 457.00 200.00 260.00 158.00 1,552.00
N.C. State 94.00 183.00 - 10.00 $18.00 $149.00 11.00 53.00 350.00 209.00 1,077.00
UNC-Asheville 483.00 141.00 - 1.00 - - 438.00 220.00 143.00 - 1,426.00
UNC-Chapel Hill 99.00 312.00 - - - - 333.00 181.00 322.00 - 1,247.00
UNC-Charlotte 365.00 128.00 - 1.00 - - 374.00 271.00 152.00 53.00 1,344.00
UNC-Greensboro 361.00 199.00 - 1.00 - 272.00 308.00 - 216.00 50.00 1,407.00
UNC-Pembroke 371.00 125.00 - - - - 387.00 120.00 132.00 1.00 1,136.00
UNC-Wilmington 343.00 130.00 - - - - 518.00 332.00 375.00 - 1,698.00
Western Carolina* 428.00 191.00 - - - 183.00 213.00 366.00 170.00 71.00 1,622.00
Winston-Salem 336.00 157.00 - 1.00 - 115.00 320.00 - 275.00 20.00 1,224.00

Community Colleges
Alamance - - - - - - 30.00 - - - 30.00
Asheville-Buncombe - - - - - - 24.00 - - 3.00 27.00
Beaufort County - - - - - - 28.00 - - - 28.00
Bladen - - - - - - 38.00 - - 28.00 66.00
Blue Ridge - - - - - - 37.00 - 30.00 3.00 70.00
Brunswick - - - - - - 38.00 - 32.00 3.00 73.00
Caldwell - - - - - - 32.00 - - - 32.00
Cape Fear - - - - - - 38.00 - - 32.00 70.00
Carteret - - - - - - 24.00 - 20.00 3.00 47.00
Catawba Valley - 3.00 - - - - 21.00 - - - 24.00
Central Carolina - - - 36.00 - - - - - - 36.00
Central Piedmont - - - - - - 38.00 - - 132.00 170.00
Cleveland - - - - - - 38.00 - - - 38.00
Coastal Carolina - - - - - - 30.00 - - - 30.00
College of the Albemarle - - - - - - 38.00 - 32.00 - 70.00
Craven - - - - - - 28.00 - 32.00 10.00 70.00
Davidson County - - - - - - 38.00 - 3.00 41.00
Durham - - - - - - 42.00 - - 42.00
Edgecombe - - - - - - 24.00 - - 24.00
Fayetteville - - - - - - 28.00 - - 28.00
Forsyth - - - - - - 18.00 - 42.00 60.00
Gaston - - - - - - 8.00 - 74.00 82.00
Guilford - - - - - - 38.00 - 32.00 17.00 87.00
Halifax - - - - - - 36.00 - 24.00 20.00 80.00
Haywood - - - - - - 29.00 - - 26.00 55.00
Isothermal - - - - - - 28.00 - - - 28.00
James Sprunt - - - - - - 38.00 - 32.00 - 70.00
Johnston - - - - - - 38.00 - - 32.00 70.00
Lenoir - - - - - - 38.00 - 32.00 5.00 75.00
Martin - - - - - - 38.00 - - - 38.00
Mayland - - - - - - 28.00 - - - 28.00
McDowell - - - - - - 15.00 - 32.00 3.00 50.00
Mitchell - - - - - - 30.00 - 32.00 - 62.00
Montgomery - - - - - - 22.00 - 32.00 3.00 57.00
Nash - - - - - - 32.00 - - - 32.00
Pamlico - - - 15.00 - - - - - - 15.00
Piedmont - - - - - - 30.00 - - 3.00 33.00
Pitt - - - - - - 32.00 - 32.00 12.00 76.00
Randolph - - - - - - 32.00 - 32.00 - 64.00
Richmond - - - - - - 38.00 - - - 38.00
Roanoke-Chowan - 4.00 - - - - 34.00 - 32.00 - 70.00
Robeson - - - - - - 28.00 - 32.00 60.00
Rockingham - - - - - - 37.00 - 32.00 20.00 89.00
Rowan-Cabarrus - - - - - - 32.00 - - 32.00 64.00
Sampson - - - - - - 24.00 - - 45.00 69.00
Sandhills - - - - - - 38.00 - 32.00 - 70.00
South Piedmont - - - 20.00 - - - - 32.00 3.00 55.00

Table 50. (Cont.) Detailed Listing of Required Fees Charged to Regular Undergraduate Students
in North Carolina Colleges and Universities by Institution, 2004-05

Health Student Student Student Debt Total

Athletic Services Cultural Govern- Publi- Student Activities Service Other Required
Institution Fee Fee Series ment cations Union Fee Fee Fees Fees
Community Colleges (Cont.)
Southeastern - - - - - - $38.00 - $16.00 $10.00 $64.00
Southwestern - - - - - - 32.00 - - 1.00 33.00
Stanly - - - - - - 38.00 - - 52.00 90.00
Surry - $4.00 - - - - 28.00 - 32.00 5.00 69.00
Tri-County - - - - - - 24.00 - 32.00 3.00 59.00
Vance-Granville - - - - - - 38.00 - - - 38.00
Wake - - - - - - 20.00 - - 8.00 28.00
Wayne - - - - - - 32.00 - - - 32.00
Western Piedmont - - - - - - 24.00 - - 3.00 27.00
Wilkes - - - - - - 35.00 - 10.00 10.00 55.00
Wilson - - - - - - 24.00 - 10.00 4.00 38.00

Senior Colleges and Univ.
Barber-Scotia - - - - - - - - - - -
Barton - - - - - - 288.00 - 690.00 - 978.00
Belmont Abbey - - - - - - - - - 778.00 778.00
Bennett - - - - - - - - - 1,500.00 1,500.00
Brevard - 150.00 - 40.00 - - - - 100.00 - 290.00
Cabarrus - - - - - - 400.00 - 150.00 - 550.00
Campbell - - - 74.00 - - 22.00 - - 124.00 220.00
Catawba - - - - - - - - - - -**
Chowan - - - - - - 100.00 - - - 100.00
Davidson - - - - - - 262.00 - - 698.00 960.00
Duke - 524.00 - 242.00 - - 184.00 - - - 950.00
Elon - 105.00 - 140.00 - - - - - - 245.00
Gardner-Webb - - - - - - - - 170.00 - 170.00
Greensboro - - - - - - 220.00 - - - 220.00
Guilford - - - - - - 330.00 - - - 330.00
High Point - - - - - - - - - 1,410.00 1,410.00
Johnson C. Smith 103.00 126.00 46.00 109.00 60.00 250.00 - - - 1,476.00 2,170.00
Lees-McRae - - - - - - 170.00 - - - 170.00
Lenoir-Rhyne 40.00 40.00 20.00 35.00 50.00 60.00 140.00 - 280.00 65.00 730.00
Livingstone 301.00 226.00 125.00 - 137.00 - 144.00 - $490.00 683.00 2,106.00
Mars Hill - - - - - - - - - 1,292.00 1,292.00
Meredith - - - - - - - - - - -**
Methodist - 90.00 - - - - 110.00 - - - 200.00
Montreat - - - - - - - - - - -**
Mount Olive - - - - - - 120.00 - 75.00 - 195.00
N.C. Wesleyan - 164.00 - - - - 300.00 - 270.00 530.00 1,264.00
Peace - - - - - - - - - - -**
Pfeiffer - - - - - - - - - - -**
Queens - - - - - - - - - - -**
St. Andrews - 100.00 - - - - 500.00 - - - 600.00
St. Augustine's - - - - - - - - - - -**
Salem - - - 215.00 - - - - - - 215.00
Shaw - 218.00 - - - - - - - 1,420.00 1,638.00
Wake Forest - - - - - - 100.00 - - - 100.00
Warren Wilson - - - - - - 300.00 - - - 300.00
Wingate - - - 200.00 - - - - 200.00 600.00 1,000.00

Junior College
Louisburg 30.00 - 20.00 20.00 35.00 75.00 75.00 - - 640.00 895.00

Theological Seminary
Southeastern - - - - - - 290.00 - - - 290.00

Bible Colleges
Heritage - - - - - - - - - 600.00 600.00
John Wesley - - - - - - 205.00 - 50.00 68.00 323.00
Piedmont - - - - - - 500.00 - - 120.00 620.00
Roanoke - - - - - - - - - - -**
Winston-Salem Data not provided
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT001.U/6-13-05
*Excludes book rental fee.
**All required fees are included in tuition.

Table 51. Costs to Students in First Professional Degree Table 52. Costs to Graduate Students at
Programs at North Carolina Universities by North Carolina Universities
Institution and Type of Program, 2004-05 by Institution, 2004-05

Institution and Tuition Other Institution and Tuition Other

Type of Program In-State Out-of-State Required Fees Type of Program In-State Out-of-State Required Fees
University of North Carolina University of North Carolina
East Carolina Appalachian $1,893 $11,476 $1,378
Medicine $5,034 $30,024 $1,461 East Carolina 2,216 12,532 1,319
N.C. Central Elizabeth City 1,458 9,951 1,076
Law 2,170 14,030 1,239 Fayetteville 1,618 11,208 975
N.C. State N.C. A & T 1,841 11,426 1,297
Veterinary Medicine 8,357 31,120 1,088 N.C. Central 2,050 11,631 1,140
UNC-Chapel Hill N.C. School of the Arts 3,167 14,601 1,552
Medicine 7,635 33,001 1,242 N.C. State 3,413 15,461 1,088
Dentistry 9,435 28,117 1,497 UNC-Asheville 1,955 11,269 1,426
Pharmacy 8,180 24,315 1,241 UNC-Chapel Hill 3,413 16,661 1,238
Law 8,702 20,620 2,417 UNC-Charlotte 2,204 12,411 1,344
UNC-Greensboro 2,112 13,162 1,407
UNC-Pembroke 1,761 11,348 852
UNC-Wilmington 2,004 11,841 1,698
Private Institutions Western Carolina 1,723 11,308 1,622

Campbell Winston-Salem 1,510 10,003 1,224
Law 22,000 22,000 252
Pharmacy 19,230 19,230 213 Private Institutions
Theology 5,640 5,640 156 Campbell 215-442* 215-442* -
Duke Duke 23,300-35,450 23,300-35,450 604-929
Medicine 32,910 32,910 679 Elon 5,490-21,412 5,490-21,412 -
Law 33,870 33,870 664 Gardner-Webb 2,904-4,896 2,904-4,896 -
Theology 13,320 13,320 650 Greensboro 150-250* 150-250* -
Gardner-Webb High Point 404* 404* 100
Theology 4,266 4,266 - Lenoir-Rhyne 5,040-5,850 5,040-5,850 30
Shaw Meredith 345-435* 345-435* -
Theology 7,002 7,002 1,000 Methodist 22,500-23,500 22,500-23,500 200
Wake Forest Montreat 9,180-10,260^ 9,180-10,260^ 2,240 ^
Medicine 33,016 33,016 - Pfeiffer 3,015-7,290 3,015-7,290 -
Law 26,400 26,400 - Queens 245-560* 245-560* -
Theology 13,100 13,100 - Salem 717** 717** -
Southeastern Seminary Wake Forest 24,475-29,750 24,475-29,750 -
Theology 4,320 4,320 290 Warren Wilson 10,700 10,700 400-950
Southeastern Sem. 4,320 4,320 290
Piedmont 600-4,000 600-4,000 60-120
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT003A.U/2-9-05 UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT003B.U/2-11-05 *Charge per credit hour.
^Charge for entire 20-month program. **Charge per course.


Figure 14. SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in the University of North Carolina, Fall 1994 – Fall 2004

Figure 15. Comparison of SAT Statistics of First-Time Freshmen in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004

Figure 16. Percent of Freshman Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees in the University of North Carolina by
Carnegie Category, Fall 2004

Table 53. Average SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in the University of North Carolina, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

Table 54. Distribution of SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004

Table 55. Averages and Quartiles of SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in the University of North Carolina, Fall

Table 56. Averages and Quartiles of SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in North Carolina Private Colleges and
Universities, Fall 2004

Table 57. High School Class Rank of Entering Freshmen in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004

Table 58. High School Class Rank of Entering Freshmen in North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities,
Fall 2004

Table 59. Number of Freshman Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees in the University of North Carolina,
Fall 2004

Table 60. Number of Freshman Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees in North Carolina Private Colleges
and Universities, Fall 2004

Table 61. Number of Undergraduate Transfer Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees in the University of
North Carolina, Fall 2004

Table 62. Number of Undergraduate Transfer Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees in North Carolina
Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

Table 63. Number of Graduate Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees in the University of North Carolina,
Fall 2004

Table 64. Number of First Professional Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees in the University of North
Carolina, Fall 2004

Figure 14. SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in the University of North
Carolina, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004




1200 NCSU



1100 NCSA


1050 UNC-G

t institutions was
have been re-

950 UNC-P



1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AG002.U/7-12-05

Figure 15. Comparison of Recentered SAT Statistics of First-Time
Freshmen in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004

Top Quartile
Last Quartile


Recentered SAT Score



















UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AG003.U/2-7-05

Figure 16. Percent of Freshman Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees
in the University of North Carolina by Carnegie Category, Fall 2004

Research Extensive
In-State 59.8%

Out-of-State 27.6%

Research Intensive
In-State 76.2%

Out-of-State 75.8%

Master's I
In-State 74.5%

Out-of-State 68.6%

Baccalaureate - Liberal Arts

In-State 74.2%

Out-of-State 70.2%

Baccalaureate - General
In-State 81.2%

Out-of-State 69.8%

School of Art
In-State 50.0%

Out-of-State 38.7%

All Institutions
In-State 71.3%

Out-of-State 52.2%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Applied Accepted Enrolled

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AG001.U/7-12-05

Table 53. Average SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in the
University of North Carolina, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fallll
Institution 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Appalachian 1091 1094 1087 1076 1075 1092 1086 1101 1111 1115 1123
East Carolina 1019 1018 1015 1014 1019 1016 1035 1029 1036 1048 1043
Elizabeth City 883 857 840 825 823 823 822 837 817 848 841
Fayetteville 918 915 867 833 833 867 840 845 868 867 845
N.C. A and T 946 953 933 928 922 911 896 898 899 889 889
N.C. Central 962 931 912 894 898 876 860 861 852 834 855
N.C. School of the Arts 1109 1154 1107 1139 1136 1109 1104 1113 1154 1153 1105
N.C. State 1143 1149 1148 1154 1159 1179 1185 1175 1193 1195 1193
UNC-Asheville 1137 1133 1141 1150 1142 1151 1155 1160 1160 1166 1169
UNC-Chapel Hill 1211 1222 1222 1220 1230 1245 1251 1257 1267 1282 1287
UNC-Charlotte 1035 1035 1023 1015 1013 1034 1043 1052 1065 1069 1079

UNC-Greensboro 1041 1011 1027 1028 1030 1038 1037 1033 1035 1045 1045
UNC-Pembroke 942 938 898 914 921 932 927 924 934 950 948
UNC-Wilmington 1066 1062 1055 1080 1082 1086 1097 1091 1106 1104 1126
Western Carolina 977 965 983 980 998 994 1004 1011 1012 1023 1027
Winston-Salem 918 870 851 849 845 837 869 865 868 867 888

UNC Average 1074 1068 1061 1060 1064 1068 1073 1071 1072 1075 1079
N.C. Average
(All Test Takers) 964 970 976 978 982 986 988 992 998 1001 1006
U.S. Average
(All Test Takers) 1003 1010 1013 1016 1017 1016 1019 1020 1020 1026 1026
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT009.U/11-24-04
Note: In the fall of 1991, the method of calculating the average SAT score for the University of North Carolina and its constituent institutions
was changed to accomodate score data in unit record, rather than frequency distribution, format. Score averages dating back to 1981
have been revised to reflect the new method. All of these scores are recentered.
Table 54. Distribution of SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004

750-800 20 4 - - - - 1 53 12 303 16 11 2 9 3 1 435
700-749 61 15 - 2 2 5 5 178 46 518 35 46 2 33 12 - 960
650-699 216 83 1 8 6 10 13 397 114 860 112 74 9 129 49 1 2,082
600-649 461 276 9 11 37 22 18 816 171 911 291 237 18 362 123 13 3,776
550-599 653 619 17 26 115 39 25 998 162 574 507 384 52 507 256 31 4,965
500-549 628 864 36 73 293 80 17 733 102 236 795 523 128 516 348 87 5,459
450-499 325 832 104 122 518 181 11 285 56 112 614 515 199 226 420 190 4,710
400-449 123 368 134 230 566 286 7 91 16 39 199 273 181 64 257 274 3,108
350-399 18 77 134 192 354 229 3 16 2 3 16 59 76 6 31 131 1,347
300-349 3 6 68 83 147 96 - 4 - 1 3 7 10 - - 19 447
250-299 - 1 7 15 39 26 - - - - - 1 1 - - 2 92
200-249 - - 3 - 7 1 - - - - - - 1 - - 1 13
Not Available 8 367 47 1 147 189 52 * 386 * 26 32 41 48 81 45 79 151 1,700
Total Students 2,516 3,512 560 763 2,231 1,164 152 3,957 707 3,589 2,629 2,178 760 1,897 1,578 901 29,094
Mean 559 515 417 423 440 427 564 580 593 638 531 522 468 558 517 443 534

750-800 9 2 - - - - - 125 2 313 10 6 - 6 2 - 475
700-749 62 37 - 1 3 2 2 349 32 659 47 23 4 39 17 - 1,277
650-699 218 116 1 5 16 4 3 724 88 934 188 103 10 159 54 1 2,624
600-649 497 357 7 6 60 27 20 897 133 875 381 232 37 411 131 8 4,079
550-599 758 709 18 26 171 45 28 863 198 494 608 407 73 547 283 46 5,274
500-549 582 870 57 71 315 79 21 421 142 196 770 548 128 489 370 81 5,140
450-499 284 739 83 145 487 197 15 149 74 67 456 493 199 167 437 206 4,198
400-449 82 278 168 228 535 290 7 41 11 15 116 258 159 29 176 269 2,662
350-399 13 35 125 195 322 222 2 2 1 4 12 56 55 4 29 117 1,194
300-349 3 2 49 73 138 88 2 - - - - 4 13 1 - 17 390
250-299 - - 4 10 30 18 - - - - - - 1 - - 4 67
200-249 - - 1 2 7 3 - - - - - - - - - 1 14
Not Available 8 367 47 1 147 189 52 * 386 * 26 32 41 48 81 45 79 151 1,700
Total Students 2,516 3,512 560 763 2,231 1,164 152 3,957 707 3,589 2,629 2,178 760 1,897 1,578 901 29,094
Mean 564 528 424 422 449 428 541 613 576 649 548 523 480 568 517 445 545
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT023.U/1-4-05
*Includes Agricultural Institute students at NCSU and NCSA diploma students who are not required to have SAT scores.
Table 55. Averages and Quartiles of SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen
in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004

In-State Students Out-of-State Students All Students

Institution Verbal Math Total Verbal Math Total Verbal Math Total
Average Score 558 564 1122 568 563 1131 559 564 1123
Top Quartile Score (25%) 600 610 1210 620 600 1220 610 610 1220
Median Score (50%) 550 560 1110 570 560 1130 560 560 1120
Last Quartile Score (75%) 510 520 1030 520 520 1040 510 520 1030
East Carolina
Average Score 515 529 1044 518 526 1044 515 528 1043
Top Quartile Score (25%) 560 570 1130 560 570 1130 560 570 1130
Median Score (50%) 510 520 1030 520 520 1040 510 520 1030
Last Quartile Score (75%) 470 480 950 480 480 960 470 480 950
Elizabeth City
Average Score 415 424 839 429 421 850 417 424 841
Top Quartile Score (25%) 460 460 920 460 450 910 460 460 920
Median Score (50%) 410 420 830 430 410 840 410 420 830
Last Quartile Score (75%) 360 380 740 390 380 770 370 380 750
Average Score 425 421 846 413 425 838 423 422 845
Top Quartile Score (25%) 460 470 930 450 460 910 460 470 930
Median Score (50%) 410 420 830 400 420 820 410 420 830
Last Quartile Score (75%) 380 370 750 370 380 750 380 370 750
N.C. A and T
Average Score 426 438 864 481 482 963 440 449 889
Top Quartile Score (25%) 470 490 960 520 530 1050 490 500 990
Median Score (50%) 420 430 850 480 480 960 440 450 890
Last Quartile Score (75%) 380 390 770 440 440 880 390 400 790
N.C. Central
Average Score 424 429 853 438 422 860 427 428 855
Top Quartile Score (25%) 460 470 930 480 460 940 470 470 940
Median Score (50%) 410 420 830 430 420 850 420 420 840
Last Quartile Score (75%) 370 380 750 390 370 760 370 370 740
N.C. School of the Arts
Average Score 572 554 1126 557 528 1085 564 541 1105
Top Quartile Score (25%) 620 610 1230 630 590 1220 620 595 1215
Median Score (50%) 570 560 1130 570 540 1110 570 550 1120
Last Quartile Score (75%) 530 490 1020 500 490 990 510 490 1000
N.C. State
Average Score 581 614 1195 565 595 1160 580 613 1193
Top Quartile Score (25%) 630 660 1290 620 650 1270 630 660 1290
Median Score (50%) 580 610 1190 570 590 1160 580 610 1190
Last Quartile Score (75%) 530 570 1100 520 540 1060 530 570 1100
Average Score 591 575 1166 602 582 1184 593 576 1169
Top Quartile Score (25%) 640 620 1260 650 630 1280 650 620 1270
Median Score (50%) 600 570 1170 600 580 1180 600 580 1180
Last Quartile Score (75%) 540 520 1060 550 520 1070 540 520 1060
UNC-Chapel Hill
Average Score 632 643 1275 665 676 1341 638 649 1287
Top Quartile Score (25%) 680 690 1370 730 730 1460 690 700 1390
Median Score (50%) 630 640 1270 680 690 1370 640 650 1290
Last Quartile Score (75%) 580 600 1180 620 640 1260 590 600 1190
Average Score 532 548 1080 530 546 1076 531 548 1079
Top Quartile Score (25%) 570 590 1160 570 590 1160 570 590 1160
Median Score (50%) 520 540 1060 520 540 1060 520 540 1060
Last Quartile Score (75%) 480 500 980 490 500 990 480 500 980
Average Score 521 522 1043 528 532 1060 522 523 1045
Top Quartile Score (25%) 570 570 1140 570 590 1160 570 570 1140
Median Score (50%) 520 520 1040 530 520 1050 520 520 1040
Last Quartile Score (75%) 470 470 940 480 480 960 470 470 940
Average Score 469 480 949 460 465 925 468 480 948
Top Quartile Score (25%) 510 520 1030 490 520 1010 510 520 1030
Median Score (50%) 460 470 930 470 460 930 460 470 930
Last Quartile Score (75%) 420 430 850 410 430 840 420 430 850
Average Score 555 566 1121 569 577 1146 558 568 1126
Top Quartile Score (25%) 600 610 1210 610 620 1230 600 610 1210
Median Score (50%) 550 560 1110 570 580 1150 550 570 1120
Last Quartile Score (75%) 510 520 1030 530 540 1070 510 530 1040
Western Carolina
Average Score 510 516 1026 516 525 1041 510 517 1027
Top Quartile Score (25%) 560 560 1120 560 570 1130 560 560 1120
Median Score (50%) 500 510 1010 510 515 1025 500 510 1010
Last Quartile Score (75%) 460 470 930 470 470 940 460 470 930
Average Score 440 443 883 464 454 918 443 445 888
Top Quartile Score (25%) 470 480 950 490 490 980 480 480 960
Median Score (50%) 430 440 870 460 450 910 440 440 880
Last Quartile Score (75%) 400 400 800 410 410 820 400 400 800
UNC Average
Average Score 533 545 1078 540 546 1086 534 545 1079
Top Quartile Score (25%) 600 610 1210 600 610 1210 600 610 1210
Median Score (50%) 530 550 1080 530 540 1070 530 550 1080
Last Quartile Score (75%) 470 480 950 470 470 940 470 480 950
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT010.U/11-24-04
Note: The College Board has advised colleges and universities to report median and quartile scores in addition to simple
averages. The top quartile is the SAT score in which 25% of students score that high or higher. The median is the SAT
score in which 50% of students score that high or higher. The last quartile is the SAT score in which 75% of students score
that high or higher. The total scores may not match those in BOG report for some institutions due to roundings.

Table 56. Averages and Quartiles of SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in
North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

In-State Students Out-of-State Students All Students

Institution Verbal Math Total Verbal Math Total Verbal Math Total
Average Score Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Top Quartile Score (25%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Median Score (50%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Last Quartile Score (75%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Average Score 473 487 960 490 479 969 477 485 962
Top Quartile Score (25%) 560 570 1130 560 560 1120 560 570 1130
Median Score (50%) 470 490 960 480 480 960 470 480 950
Last Quartile Score (75%) 420 430 850 440 420 860 400 430 830
Belmont Abbey
Average Score 479 482 961 511 502 1013 498 493 991
Top Quartile Score (25%) 570 570 1140 580 560 1140 580 560 1140
Median Score (50%) 470 490 960 520 510 1030 510 500 1010
Last Quartile Score (75%) 430 450 880 450 460 910 440 450 890
Average Score 408 385 793 426 402 828 422 398 820
Top Quartile Score (25%) 445 450 895 470 450 920 470 450 920
Median Score (50%) 410 380 790 430 400 830 430 395 825
Last Quartile Score (75%) 365 340 705 370 355 725 370 350 720
Average Score 513 493 1006 501 493 994 507 493 1000
Top Quartile Score (25%) 618 594 1212 621 591 1212 622 594 1216
Median Score (50%) 509 488 997 489 489 978 500 490 990
Last Quartile Score (75%) 411 395 806 400 397 797 406 397 803
Average Score 476 483 959 Not Applicable 476 483 959
Top Quartile Score (25%) 510 490 1000 Not Applicable 510 490 1000
Median Score (50%) 480 480 960 Not Applicable 480 480 960
Last Quartile Score (75%) 450 450 900 Not Applicable 450 450 900
Average Score 545 555 1100 537 544 1081 540 551 1091
Top Quartile Score (25%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Median Score (50%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Last Quartile Score (75%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Average Score 512 516 1028 542 432 974 526 524 1050
Top Quartile Score (25%) 560 580 1140 620 570 1190 570 570 1140
Median Score (50%) 510 500 1010 530 540 1070 520 520 1040
Last Quartile Score (75%) 460 410 870 480 480 960 460 470 930
Average Score 440 450 890 430 430 860 435 440 875
Top Quartile Score (25%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Median Score (50%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Last Quartile Score (75%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Average Score 672 662 1334 678 677 1355 677 674 1351
Top Quartile Score (25%) 740 700 1440 730 720 1450 730 710 1440
Median Score (50%) 670 660 1330 690 680 1370 680 670 1350
Last Quartile Score (75%) 620 620 1240 630 640 1270 630 640 1270
Average Score Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Top Quartile Score (25%) 740 740 1480 750 780 1530 750 780 1530
Median Score (50%) 700 710 1410 700 730 1430 700 720 1420
Last Quartile Score (75%) 650 670 1320 660 680 1340 660 670 1330
Average Score 573 586 1159 584 589 1173 581 588 1169
Top Quartile Score (25%) 610 620 1230 620 630 1250 620 630 1250
Median Score (50%) 570 580 1150 580 590 1170 580 590 1170
Last Quartile Score (75%) 520 530 1050 540 550 1090 540 550 1090

Table 56. Averages and Quartiles of Recentered SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in
(Cont.) North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

In-State Students Out-of-State Students All Students

Institution Verbal Math Total Verbal Math Total Verbal Math Total
Average Score 499 506 1005 517 513 1030 505 508 1013
Top Quartile Score (25%) 570 560 1130 560 570 1130 560 570 1130
Median Score (50%) 500 510 1010 510 510 1020 500 510 1010
Last Quartile Score (75%) 430 440 870 470 460 930 450 450 900
Average Score 488 494 982 487 490 977 487 493 980
Top Quartile Score (25%) 530 550 1080 540 540 1080 540 550 1090
Median Score (50%) 480 500 980 480 490 970 480 490 970
Last Quartile Score (75%) 430 440 870 430 430 860 430 440 870
Average Score 555 546 1101 586 546 1132 575 546 1121
Top Quartile Score (25%) 640 600 1240 650 590 1240 640 600 1240
Median Score (50%) 550 540 1090 590 550 1140 580 550 1130
Last Quartile Score (75%) 480 470 950 520 490 1010 500 490 990
High Point
Average Score 521 524 1045 500 499 999 508 509 1017
Top Quartile Score (25%) 580 580 1160 560 550 1110 560 560 1120
Median Score (50%) 510 520 1030 500 500 1000 510 510 1020
Last Quartile Score (75%) 460 460 920 450 440 890 450 450 900
Johnson C. Smith
Average Score 451 451 902 449 452 901 450 452 902
Top Quartile Score (25%) 504 487 991 499 505 1004 500 506 1006
Median Score (50%) 440 448 888 445 444 889 446 445 891
Last Quartile Score (75%) 416 420 836 407 412 819 405 410 815
Average Score 480 490 970 490 490 980 490 490 980
Top Quartile Score (25%) 540 530 1070 550 520 1070 550 530 1080
Median Score (50%) 480 470 950 490 480 970 490 480 970
Last Quartile Score (75%) 420 440 860 430 440 870 430 440 870
Average Score 509 518 1027 528 522 1050 513 519 1032
Top Quartile Score (25%) 579 587 1166 585 568 1153 581 582 1163
Median Score (50%) 521 525 1046 528 527 1055 524 525 1049
Last Quartile Score (75%) 439 454 893 472 477 949 454 463 917
Average Score 370 377 747 396 383 779 387 381 768
Top Quartile Score (25%) 420 420 840 455 430 885 440 430 870
Median Score (50%) 370 360 730 400 380 780 390 370 760
Last Quartile Score (75%) 320 330 650 345 330 675 330 330 660
Mars Hill
Average Score 490 509 999 494 503 997 492 506 998
Top Quartile Score (25%) 550 565 1115 550 560 1110 550 560 1110
Median Score (50%) 480 510 990 485 500 985 480 500 980
Last Quartile Score (75%) 430 460 890 430 440 870 430 450 880
Average Score 520 518 1038 525 511 1036 521 517 1038
Top Quartile Score (25%) 570 560 1130 570 550 1120 570 560 1130
Median Score (50%) 520 510 1030 520 510 1030 520 510 1030
Last Quartile Score (75%) 460 460 920 480 470 950 470 470 940
Average Score 477 489 966 487 527 1014 482 508 990
Top Quartile Score (25%) 520 550 1070 540 580 1120 530 570 1100
Median Score (50%) 470 490 960 490 530 1020 480 510 990
Last Quartile Score (75%) 430 430 860 430 470 900 430 450 880
Average Score 525 531 1056 518 542 1060 527 524 1051
Top Quartile Score (25%) 695 590 1285 635 585 1220 670 588 1258
Median Score (50%) 475 525 1000 530 537 1067 528 550 1078
Last Quartile Score (75%) 415 470 885 460 475 935 427 473 900

Table 56. Averages and Quartiles of Recentered SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in
(Cont.) North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

In-State Students Out-of-State Students All Students

Institution Verbal Math Total Verbal Math Total Verbal Math Total
Mount Olive
Average Score 460 490 950 450 470 920 460 480 940
Top Quartile Score (25%) 500 520 1020 490 520 1010 540 530 1070
Median Score (50%) 470 480 950 440 450 890 460 480 940
Last Quartile Score (75%) 430 440 870 410 400 810 410 420 830
N.C. Wesleyan
Average Score Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Top Quartile Score (25%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Median Score (50%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Last Quartile Score (75%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Average Score 471 483 954 518 486 1004 487 473 960
Top Quartile Score (25%) 520 520 1040 600 570 1170 520 520 1040
Median Score (50%) 480 470 950 480 490 970 480 470 950
Last Quartile Score (75%) 440 410 850 450 410 860 440 410 850
Average Score 488 510 998 500 491 991 491 506 997
Top Quartile Score (25%) 530 560 1090 550 550 1100 530 550 1080
Median Score (50%) 480 500 980 500 500 1000 480 500 980
Last Quartile Score (75%) 440 450 890 450 420 870 440 450 890
Average Score 534 524 1058 547 531 1078 540 530 1070
Top Quartile Score (25%) 590 570 1160 610 580 1190 600 580 1180
Median Score (50%) 540 530 1070 550 530 1080 550 530 1080
Last Quartile Score (75%) 480 480 960 490 470 960 480 470 950
St. Andrews
Average Score 501 496 997 506 501 1007 507 499 1006
Top Quartile Score (25%) 616 620 1236 633 642 1275 625 629 1254
Median Score (50%) 496 484 980 497 497 994 496 491 987
Last Quartile Score (75%) 375 330 705 365 367 732 370 349 719
St. Augustine's
Average Score 400 410 810 400 420 820 400 410 810
Top Quartile Score (25%) 510 570 1080 520 550 1070 Data Not Provided
Median Score (50%) 400 400 800 400 410 810 Data Not Provided
Last Quartile Score (75%) 290 260 550 280 300 580 Data Not Provided
Average Score 546 520 1066 579 563 1142 561 540 1101
Top Quartile Score (25%) 600 570 1170 630 520 1150 610 590 1200
Median Score (50%) 540 510 1050 580 570 1150 570 530 1100
Last Quartile Score (75%) 490 470 960 550 510 1060 510 490 1000
Average Score 378 363 741 401 386 787 394 379 773
Top Quartile Score (25%) 420 400 820 440 450 890 440 440 880
Median Score (50%) 380 360 740 390 380 770 390 370 760
Last Quartile Score (75%) 310 300 610 350 320 670 340 320 660
Wake Forest
Average Score 639 646 1285 656 669 1325 652 663 1315
Top Quartile Score (25%) 690 700 1390 700 710 1410 700 710 1410
Median Score (50%) 640 650 1290 660 670 1330 650 670 1320
Last Quartile Score (75%) 590 600 1190 620 640 1260 610 630 1240
Warren Wilson
Average Score 604 542 1146 614 557 1171 613 555 1168
Top Quartile Score (25%) 680 630 1310 670 620 1290 670 620 1290
Median Score (50%) 630 550 1180 620 550 1170 620 550 1170
Last Quartile Score (75%) 500 490 990 570 500 1070 570 510 1080
Average Score 510 523 1033 502 507 1009 506 516 1022
Top Quartile Score (25%) 560 570 1130 560 560 1120 560 570 1130
Median Score (50%) 500 520 1020 490 490 980 500 510 1010
Last Quartile Score (75%) 450 470 920 440 440 880 450 460 910

Table 56. Averages and Quartiles of Recentered SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen in
(Cont.) North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

In-State Students Out-of-State Students All Students

Institution Verbal Math Total Verbal Math Total Verbal Math Total
Average Score 405 419 824 400 399 799 404 413 817
Top Quartile Score (25%) 460 480 940 440 450 890 460 470 930
Median Score (50%) 410 410 820 390 400 790 400 410 810
Last Quartile Score (75%) 340 360 700 360 350 710 350 360 710
Average Score Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Top Quartile Score (25%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Median Score (50%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Last Quartile Score (75%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Average Score Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Top Quartile Score (25%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Median Score (50%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Last Quartile Score (75%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
John Wesley
Average Score Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Top Quartile Score (25%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Median Score (50%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Last Quartile Score (75%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Average Score Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Top Quartile Score (25%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Median Score (50%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Last Quartile Score (75%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Average Score 518 514 1032 523 492 1015 522 499 1021
Top Quartile Score (25%) 563 588 1151 565 513 1078 565 565 1130
Median Score (50%) 485 525 1010 460 425 885 460 460 920
Last Quartile Score (75%) 408 463 871 355 338 693 355 355 710
Average Score Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Top Quartile Score (25%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Median Score (50%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
Last Quartile Score (75%) Data Not Provided Data Not Provided Data Not Provided
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT025.U/6-10-05
Note: The College Board has advised colleges and universities to report median and quartile scores in addition to
simple averages. The top quartile is the SAT score in which 25% of students score that high or higher. The
median is the SAT score in which 50% of students score that high or higher. The last quartile is the SAT score
in which 75% of students score that high or higher.

Table 57. High School Class Rank of Entering Freshmen in the
University of North Carolina, Fall 2004

Percent Distribution Cumulative Percent Distribution No. of Entering Freshmen

(For those reporting class rank) (For those reporting class rank) No. with No. w/o Total
Top Second Third Fourth Bottom Top 20 Top 40 Top 60 Top 80 Class Class Entering
Institution Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth Percent Percent Percent Percent Rank Rank Freshmen
Appalachian 37 40 18 4 1 37 77 95 99 2,301 215 2,516
East Carolina 30 33 20 5 12 30 63 83 88 3,509 3 3,512
Elizabeth City 13 24 30 25 8 13 37 67 92 520 40 560
Fayetteville 14 28 29 22 7 14 42 71 93 690 73 763
N.C. A and T 16 26 30 23 5 16 42 72 95 1,936 295 2,231
N.C. Central 12 20 28 27 13 12 32 60 87 979 185 1,164

N.C. School of the Arts 20 43 18 14 5 20 63 81 95 56 96 152
N.C. State 74 22 3 1 0 74 96 99 100 3,416 541 3,957
UNC-Asheville 45 40 13 2 0 45 85 98 100 615 92 707
UNC-Chapel Hill 92 6 1 1 0 92 98 99 100 2,892 697 3,589
UNC-Charlotte 37 39 21 3 0 37 76 97 100 2,357 272 2,629
UNC-Greensboro 33 39 22 5 1 33 72 94 99 2,009 169 2,178
UNC-Pembroke 24 29 24 16 7 24 53 77 93 704 56 760
UNC-Wilmington 50 37 11 2 0 50 87 98 100 1,632 265 1,897
Western Carolina 23 27 28 20 2 23 50 78 98 1,495 83 1,578
Winston-Salem 11 26 33 25 5 11 37 70 95 836 65 901
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT005.K/12-9-04
Table 58. High School Class Rank of Entering Freshmen in North Carolina
Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

Percent Distribution Cumulative Percent Distribution No. of Entering Freshmen

(For those reporting class rank) (For those reporting class rank) No. with No. w/o Total
Top Second Third Fourth Bottom Top 20 Top 40 Top 60 Top 80 Class Class Entering
Institution Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth Percent Percent Percent Percent Rank Rank Fresh.
Barber-Scotia Data Not Available
Barton 27 29 28 15 2 27 56 84 99 234 28 262
Belmont Abbey 16 26 24 26 9 16 42 66 92 109 65 174
Bennett 14 15 25 26 21 14 29 54 80 109 63 172
Brevard Data Not Available
Cabarrus 21 41 29 6 3 21 62 91 97 34 0 34
Campbell 74 17 7 2 0 74 91 98 100 700 39 739
Catawba 29 30 25 12 3 29 59 84 96 228 32 260
Chowan 9 20 30 26 14 9 29 59 85 202 88 290
Davidson 91 8 1 0 0 91 99 100 100 235 227 462
Duke 95 4 1 0 0 95 99 100 100 810 830 1,640
Elon 48 34 14 4 1 48 82 96 100 831 401 1,232
Gardner-Webb 42 26 16 11 4 42 68 84 95 322 68 390
Greensboro 13 26 23 30 8 13 39 62 92 181 68 249
Guilford 36 25 21 14 2 36 61 82 96 244 235 479
High Point 29 25 20 19 7 29 54 74 93 256 173 429
Johnson C. Smith Data Not Available
Lees-McRae 24 24 21 27 5 24 48 69 96 157 36 193
Lenoir-Rhyne 39 34 16 11 0 39 73 89 100 284 38 322
Livingstone Data Not Available
Mars Hill 25 30 19 22 5 25 55 74 96 217 131 348
Meredith 42 32 20 6 1 42 74 94 100 366 42 408
Methodist 24 33 24 15 5 24 57 81 96 340 178 518
Montreat 21 41 24 11 3 21 62 86 97 66 66 132
Mount Olive 20 29 30 13 7 20 49 79 92 128 149 277
N.C. Wesleyan Data Not Available
Peace 18 25 29 21 7 18 43 72 93 170 32 202
Pfeiffer 28 27 22 19 4 28 55 77 96 162 29 191
Queens 40 26 22 10 2 40 66 88 98 119 126 245
St. Andrews 25 29 25 13 8 25 54 79 92 155 48 203
St. Augustine's 33 28 19 12 8 33 61 80 92 155 173 328
Salem 54 20 17 7 2 54 74 91 98 121 34 155
Shaw 7 12 19 36 25 7 19 38 74 275 174 449
Wake Forest 89 9 1 0 0 89 98 99 99 737 382 1,119
Warren Wilson 24 32 26 15 3 24 56 82 97 117 93 210
Wingate 33 29 19 12 7 33 62 81 93 268 90 358

Louisburg 6 12 17 27 37 6 18 35 62 252 65 317

Southeastern Data Not Applicable

Heritage Data Not Available
John Wesley Data Not Available
Piedmont Data Not Available
Roanoke 30 20 30 17 3 30 50 80 97 30 0 30
Winston-Salem Data Not Available
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT026.U/6-6-05

Table 59. Number of Freshman Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees
in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004

In-State Out-of-State Total

Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Applications 3,808 3,962 7,770 917 996 1,913 4,725 4,958 9,683
Acceptances 2,520 2,836 5,356 533 664 1,197 3,053 3,500 6,553
Enrollees 1,143 1,110 2,253 125 138 263 1,268 1,248 2,516
East Carolina
Applications 3,122 4,762 7,884 1,083 1,993 3,076 4,205 6,755 10,960
Acceptances 2,331 3,832 6,163 776 1,597 2,373 3,107 5,429 8,536
Enrollees 1,087 1,727 2,814 245 453 698 1,332 2,180 3,512
Elizabeth City
Applications 485 686 1,171 212 295 507 697 981 1,678
Acceptances 382 563 945 137 211 348 519 774 1,293
Enrollees 226 239 465 37 58 95 263 297 560
Applications 566 949 1,515 217 357 574 783 1,306 2,089
Acceptances 452 841 1,293 160 296 456 612 1,137 1,749
Enrollees 233 391 624 48 91 139 281 482 763
N.C. A and T
Applications 1,583 1,646 3,229 1,250 1,735 2,985 2,833 3,381 6,214
Acceptances 1,335 1,436 2,771 960 1,412 2,372 2,295 2,848 5,143
Enrollees 826 832 1,658 248 325 573 1,074 1,157 2,231
N.C. Central
Applications 674 1,150 1,824 333 644 977 1,007 1,794 2,801
Acceptances 582 1,046 1,628 201 507 708 783 1,553 2,336
Enrollees 342 587 929 72 163 235 414 750 1,164
N.C. School of the Arts
Applications 100 90 190 226 301 527 326 391 717
Acceptances 53 42 95 106 98 204 159 140 299
Enrollees 44 34 78 40 34 74 84 68 152
N.C. State
Applications 5,786 4,755 10,541 1,864 1,704 3,568 7,650 6,459 14,109
Acceptances 3,436 3,100 6,536 880 920 1,800 4,316 4,020 8,336
Enrollees 2,080 1,491 3,571 171 215 386 2,251 1,706 3,957
Applications 810 985 1,795 345 451 796 1,155 1,436 2,591
Acceptances 538 793 1,331 222 337 559 760 1,130 1,890
Enrollees 222 345 567 60 80 140 282 425 707
UNC-Chapel Hill
Applications 3,352 4,684 8,036 4,418 6,396 10,814 7,770 11,080 18,850
Acceptances 1,844 2,724 4,568 877 1,296 2,173 2,721 4,020 6,741
Enrollees 1,217 1,714 2,931 273 385 658 1,490 2,099 3,589
Applications 3,110 3,969 7,079 690 1,079 1,769 3,800 5,048 8,848
Acceptances 2,239 2,842 5,081 509 823 1,332 2,748 3,665 6,413
Enrollees 1,060 1,241 2,301 139 189 328 1,199 1,430 2,629
Applications 1,666 3,904 5,570 565 1,171 1,736 2,231 5,075 7,306
Acceptances 1,243 3,149 4,392 391 894 1,285 1,634 4,043 5,677
Enrollees 562 1,389 1,951 78 149 227 640 1,538 2,178
Applications 706 896 1,602 132 188 320 838 1,084 1,922
Acceptances 618 800 1,418 114 176 290 732 976 1,708
Enrollees 337 382 719 17 24 41 354 406 760
Applications 2,296 3,518 5,814 971 1,915 2,886 3,267 5,433 8,700
Acceptances 1,379 2,264 3,643 511 1,063 1,574 1,890 3,327 5,217
Enrollees 609 907 1,516 132 249 381 741 1,156 1,897
Western Carolina
Applications 2,027 2,124 4,151 346 408 754 2,373 2,532 4,905
Acceptances 1,527 1,668 3,195 225 318 543 1,752 1,986 3,738
Enrollees 720 733 1,453 51 74 125 771 807 1,578
Applications 678 1,333 2,011 222 448 670 900 1,781 2,681
Acceptances 496 1,142 1,638 139 335 474 635 1,477 2,112
Enrollees 241 555 796 32 73 105 273 628 901
UNC Total
Applications 30,769 39,413 70,182 13,791 20,081 33,872 44,560 59,494 104,054
Acceptances 20,975 29,078 50,053 6,741 10,947 17,688 27,716 40,025 67,741
Enrollees 10,949 13,677 24,626 1,768 2,700 4,468 12,717 16,377 29,094
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT006.U/2-11-05

Table 60. Number of Freshman Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees
in North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

In-State Out-of-State Total

Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Applications Data Not Available Data Not Available
Acceptances Data Not Available Data Not Available
Enrollees Data Not Available Data Not Available
Applications 253 475 728 165 303 468 418 778 1,196
Acceptances 193 371 564 112 207 319 305 578 883
Enrollees 61 141 202 21 39 60 82 180 262
Belmont Abbey
Applications 165 228 393 201 261 462 366 489 855
Acceptances 115 142 257 141 186 327 256 328 584
Enrollees 35 42 77 43 54 97 78 96 174
Applications 0 115 115 0 594 594 0 709 709
Acceptances 0 82 82 0 400 400 0 482 482
Enrollees 0 35 35 0 137 137 0 172 172
Applications 122 109 231 151 176 327 273 285 558
Acceptances 95 76 171 111 124 235 206 200 406
Enrollees 43 37 80 49 28 77 92 65 157
Applications 9 91 100 0 0 0 9 91 100
Acceptances 5 41 46 0 0 0 5 41 46
Enrollees 5 29 34 0 0 0 5 29 34
Applications 634 880 1,514 267 251 518 901 1,131 2,032
Acceptances 370 462 832 143 168 311 513 630 1,143
Enrollees 237 297 534 112 93 205 349 390 739
Applications 275 155 430 201 211 412 476 366 842
Acceptances 159 99 258 115 155 270 274 254 528
Enrollees 87 56 143 53 64 117 140 120 260
Applications 241 179 420 391 210 601 632 389 1,021
Acceptances 163 136 299 276 168 444 439 304 743
Enrollees 62 42 104 114 72 186 176 114 290
Applications 355 353 708 1,638 1,808 3,446 1,993 2,161 4,154
Acceptances 109 102 211 433 464 897 542 566 1,108
Enrollees 48 39 87 176 199 375 224 238 462
Applications 587 646 1,233 7,682 7,834 15,516 8,269 8,480 16,749
Acceptances 237 265 502 1,724 1,578 3,302 1,961 1,843 3,804
Enrollees 120 125 245 735 660 1,395 855 785 1,640
Applications 666 1,082 1,748 2,255 4,060 6,315 2,921 5,142 8,063
Acceptances 319 554 873 821 1,617 2,438 1,140 2,171 3,311
Enrollees 138 188 326 319 587 906 457 775 1,232
Applications 475 879 1,354 491 783 1,274 966 1,662 2,628
Acceptances 280 502 782 285 429 714 565 931 1,496
Enrollees 84 158 242 72 76 148 156 234 390
Applications 347 275 622 271 223 494 618 498 1,116
Acceptances 238 198 436 195 178 373 433 376 809
Enrollees 84 63 147 63 39 102 147 102 249
Applications 442 540 539 673 925 1,598 1,115 1,465 2,580
Acceptances 272 288 560 480 729 1,209 752 1,017 1,769
Enrollees 94 103 197 114 168 282 208 271 479
High Point
Applications 266 360 626 514 831 1,345 780 1,191 1,971
Acceptances 197 267 464 414 646 1,060 611 913 1,524
Enrollees 72 114 186 103 140 243 175 254 429
Johnson C. Smith
Applications 346 506 852 1,034 1,699 2,733 1,380 2,205 3,585
Acceptances 182 273 455 558 883 1,441 740 1,156 1,896
Enrollees 51 71 122 138 171 309 189 242 431

Table 60. (Cont.) Number of Freshman Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees
in North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

In-State Out-of-State Total

Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Applications 204 265 469 211 245 456 415 510 925
Acceptances 169 218 387 164 185 349 333 403 736
Enrollees 63 67 130 34 29 63 97 96 193
Applications 398 644 1,042 182 253 435 580 897 1,477
Acceptances 303 580 883 123 211 334 426 791 1,217
Enrollees 98 147 245 28 49 77 126 196 322
Applications 224 297 521 422 521 943 646 818 1,464
Acceptances 122 139 261 214 258 472 336 397 733
Enrollees 53 52 105 91 73 164 144 125 269
Mars Hill
Applications 382 458 840 416 423 839 798 881 1,679
Acceptances 272 331 603 258 260 518 530 591 1,121
Enrollees 89 100 189 93 66 159 182 166 348
Applications 0 963 963 0 198 198 0 1,161 1,161
Acceptances 0 886 886 0 171 171 0 1,057 1,057
Enrollees 0 342 342 0 66 66 0 408 408
Applications 629 493 1,122 910 256 1,166 1,539 749 2,288
Acceptances 411 380 791 741 231 972 1,152 611 1,763
Enrollees 161 124 285 186 47 233 347 171 518
Applications 90 127 217 55 81 136 145 208 353
Acceptances 64 103 167 50 59 109 114 162 276
Enrollees 41 63 104 14 14 28 55 77 132
Mount Olive
Applications 247 305 552 69 115 184 316 420 736
Acceptances 205 265 470 43 75 118 248 340 588
Enrollees 102 145 247 13 17 30 115 162 277
N.C. Wesleyan
Applications 501 200 701 307 160 467 808 360 1,168
Acceptances 392 148 540 201 100 301 593 248 841
Enrollees 144 35 179 111 31 142 255 66 321
Applications 0 562 562 0 167 167 0 729 729
Acceptances 0 462 462 0 107 107 0 569 569
Enrollees 0 176 176 0 26 26 0 202 202
Applications 211 187 398 126 106 232 337 293 630
Acceptances 172 139 311 90 81 171 262 220 482
Enrollees 78 67 145 25 21 46 103 88 191
Applications 83 210 293 184 358 542 267 568 835
Acceptances 48 143 191 135 296 431 183 439 622
Enrollees 22 80 102 49 94 143 71 174 245
St. Andrews
Applications 122 160 282 179 346 525 301 506 807
Acceptances 101 125 226 132 285 417 233 410 643
Enrollees 38 42 80 43 80 123 81 122 203
St. Augustine's
Applications 367 426 793 719 717 1,436 1,086 1,143 2,229
Acceptances 183 200 383 418 418 836 601 618 1,219
Enrollees 68 47 115 119 94 213 187 141 328
Applications 0 179 179 0 260 260 0 439 439
Acceptances 0 126 126 0 162 162 0 288 288
Enrollees 0 76 76 0 79 79 0 155 155
Applications 458 764 1,222 724 1,107 1,831 1,182 1,871 3,053
Acceptances 242 429 671 427 610 1,037 669 1,039 1,708
Enrollees 89 121 210 121 118 239 210 239 449
Wake Forest
Applications 535 691 1,226 2,338 2,725 5,063 2,873 3,416 6,289
Acceptances 345 410 755 1,029 1,161 2,190 1,374 1,571 2,945
Enrollees 143 125 268 418 433 851 561 558 1,119

Table 60. (Cont.) Number of Freshman Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees
in North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

In-State Out-of-State Total

Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Warren Wilson
Applications 54 61 115 238 384 622 292 445 737
Acceptances 34 38 72 195 321 516 229 359 588
Enrollees 16 11 27 79 104 183 95 115 210
Applications 285 242 527 349 398 747 634 640 1,274
Acceptances 244 213 457 268 334 602 512 547 1,059
Enrollees 104 89 193 80 85 165 184 174 358
Senior Total
Applications* 9,973 14,107 24,080 23,363 28,989 52,352 33,336 43,096 76,432
Acceptances* 6,241 9,193 15,434 10,296 13,257 23,553 16,537 22,450 38,987
Enrollees 2,530 3,449 5,979 3,616 4,053 7,669 6,146 7,502 13,648
Applications 349 233 582 127 74 201 476 307 783
Acceptances 347 231 578 122 74 196 469 305 774
Enrollees 152 82 234 59 24 83 211 106 317
Senior and Junior Total
Applications* 10,322 14,340 24,662 23,490 29,063 52,553 33,812 43,403 77,215
Acceptances* 6,588 9,424 16,012 10,418 13,331 23,749 17,006 22,755 39,761
Enrollees 2,682 3,531 6,213 3,675 4,077 7,752 6,357 7,608 13,965
Southeastern Seminary
Applications 39 19 58 23 11 34 62 30 92
Acceptances 30 12 42 20 7 27 50 19 69
Enrollees 21 8 29 11 2 13 32 10 42
Applications 29 14 43 8 8 16 37 22 59
Acceptances 27 10 37 6 6 12 33 16 49
Enrollees 14 6 20 2 0 2 16 6 22
John Wesley
Applications 8 5 13 1 1 2 9 6 15
Acceptances 8 4 12 1 0 1 9 4 13
Enrollees 8 3 11 0 0 0 8 3 11
Applications 24 26 50 21 13 34 45 39 84
Acceptances 14 21 35 17 11 28 31 32 63
Enrollees 14 16 30 10 5 15 24 21 45
Applications 11 9 20 17 36 53 28 45 73
Acceptances 7 5 12 7 23 30 14 28 42
Enrollees 5 5 10 4 16 20 9 21 30
Applications Data Not Available Data Not Available
Acceptances Data Not Available Data Not Available
Enrollees Data Not Available Data Not Available
Bible Colleges Total
Applications 72 54 126 47 58 105 119 112 231
Acceptances 56 40 96 31 40 71 87 80 167
Enrollees 41 30 71 16 21 37 57 51 108
Applications* 10,433 14,413 24,846 23,560 29,132 52,692 33,993 43,545 77,538
Acceptances* 6,674 9,476 16,150 10,469 13,378 23,847 17,143 22,854 39,997
Enrollees 2,744 3,569 6,313 3,702 4,100 7,802 6,446 7,669 14,115
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT027.U/6-6-05
* Totals do not include applications and acceptances from institutions that did not provide data.

Table 61. Number of Undergraduate Transfer Applications, Acceptances, and
Enrollees in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004
In-State Out-of-State Total
Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Applications 562 582 1,144 119 116 235 681 698 1,379
Acceptances 467 520 987 92 97 189 559 617 1,176
Enrollees 360 377 737 54 44 98 414 421 835
East Carolina
Applications 730 1,073 1,803 175 264 439 905 1,337 2,242
Acceptances 622 983 1,605 130 221 351 752 1,204 1,956
Enrollees 472 753 1,225 59 78 137 531 831 1,362
Elizabeth City
Applications 82 155 237 27 25 52 109 180 289
Acceptances 76 151 227 24 25 49 100 176 276
Enrollees 65 112 177 18 17 35 83 129 212
Applications 142 433 575 39 112 151 181 545 726
Acceptances 114 396 510 35 94 129 149 490 639
Enrollees 84 281 365 20 36 56 104 317 421
N.C. A and T
Applications 297 348 645 247 289 536 544 637 1,181
Acceptances 237 308 545 221 263 484 458 571 1,029
Enrollees 152 181 333 66 66 132 218 247 465
N.C. Central
Applications 192 394 586 59 64 123 251 458 709
Acceptances 150 344 494 38 46 84 188 390 578
Enrollees 106 229 335 19 21 40 125 250 375
N.C. School of the Arts
Applications 40 14 54 58 56 114 98 70 168
Acceptances 22 9 31 33 25 58 55 34 89
Enrollees 16 7 23 23 13 36 39 20 59
N.C. State
Applications 1,587 1,366 2,953 469 432 901 2,056 1,798 3,854
Acceptances 645 533 1,178 85 96 181 730 629 1,359
Enrollees 553 420 973 50 43 93 603 463 1,066
Applications 144 169 313 61 101 162 205 270 475
Acceptances 120 148 268 50 83 133 170 231 401
Enrollees 82 101 183 17 27 44 99 128 227
UNC-Chapel Hill
Applications 649 736 1,385 525 502 1,027 1,174 1,238 2,412
Acceptances 282 420 702 257 262 519 539 682 1,221
Enrollees 231 335 566 132 130 262 363 465 828
Applications 1,089 1,326 2,415 305 409 714 1,394 1,735 3,129
Acceptances 931 1,192 2,123 243 347 590 1,174 1,539 2,713
Enrollees 710 848 1,558 114 137 251 824 985 1,809
Applications 561 1,245 1,806 141 336 477 702 1,581 2,283
Acceptances 468 1,064 1,532 106 276 382 574 1,340 1,914
Enrollees 298 623 921 35 62 97 333 685 1,018
Applications 148 379 527 21 21 42 169 400 569
Acceptances 135 347 482 15 18 33 150 365 515
Enrollees 135 334 469 15 18 33 150 352 502
Applications 746 922 1,668 253 350 603 999 1,272 2,271
Acceptances 585 779 1,364 161 242 403 746 1,021 1,767
Enrollees 472 605 1,077 94 113 207 566 718 1,284
Western Carolina
Applications 387 469 856 51 121 172 438 590 1,028
Acceptances 344 444 788 44 111 155 388 555 943
Enrollees 260 281 541 33 80 113 293 361 654
Applications 217 513 730 31 66 97 248 579 827
Acceptances 215 513 728 30 66 96 245 579 824
Enrollees 142 320 462 16 30 46 158 350 508
UNC Total
Applications 7,573 10,124 17,697 2,581 3,264 5,845 10,154 13,388 23,542
Acceptances 5,413 8,151 13,564 1,564 2,272 3,836 6,977 10,423 17,400
Enrollees 4,138 5,807 9,945 765 915 1,680 4,903 6,722 11,625
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT007.U/6-6-05

Table 62. Number of Undergraduate Transfer Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees
in North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

In-State Out-of-State Total

Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Applications Data Not Available Data Not Available Data Not Available
Acceptances Data Not Available Data Not Available Data Not Available
Enrollees Data Not Available Data Not Available Data Not Available
Applications 63 245 308 38 49 87 101 294 395
Acceptances 43 172 215 27 28 55 70 200 270
Enrollees 34 105 139 7 7 14 41 112 153
Belmont Abbey
Applications 68 153 221 36 26 62 104 179 283
Acceptances 41 100 141 29 17 46 70 117 187
Enrollees 17 53 70 13 6 19 30 59 89
Applications 0 16 16 0 27 27 0 43 43
Acceptances 0 11 11 0 16 16 0 27 27
Enrollees 0 7 7 0 12 12 0 19 19
Applications 17 14 31 38 45 83 55 59 114
Acceptances 12 12 24 27 28 55 39 40 79
Enrollees 8 5 13 14 15 29 22 20 42
Applications 30 287 317 0 0 0 30 287 317
Acceptances 15 129 144 0 0 0 15 129 144
Enrollees 10 83 93 0 0 0 10 83 93
Applications 491 457 948 190 186 376 681 643 1,324
Acceptances 410 419 829 152 119 271 562 538 1,100
Enrollees 314 282 596 88 71 159 402 353 755
Applications 61 87 148 23 14 37 84 101 185
Acceptances 48 76 124 16 9 25 64 85 149
Enrollees 43 66 109 11 7 18 54 73 127
Applications 28 26 54 36 15 51 64 41 105
Acceptances 20 14 34 19 9 28 39 23 62
Enrollees 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 2 5
Applications 3 7 10 20 17 37 23 24 47
Acceptances 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
Enrollees 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
Applications 25 20 45 204 158 362 229 178 407
Acceptances 6 5 11 38 30 68 44 35 79
Enrollees 4 4 8 22 15 37 26 19 45
Applications 44 63 107 108 139 247 152 202 354
Acceptances 24 31 55 51 90 141 75 121 196
Enrollees 10 12 22 32 37 69 42 49 91
Applications 314 873 1,187 46 97 143 360 970 1,330
Acceptances 182 496 678 29 55 84 211 551 762
Enrollees 138 308 446 24 37 61 162 345 507
Applications 88 73 161 34 22 56 122 95 217
Acceptances 54 50 104 17 11 28 71 61 132
Enrollees 39 39 78 10 5 15 49 44 93
Applications 280 757 1,037 54 81 135 334 838 1,172
Acceptances 171 462 633 29 46 75 200 508 708
Enrollees 83 211 294 37 59 96 120 270 390
High Point
Applications 117 222 339 77 68 145 194 290 484
Acceptances 93 200 293 55 46 101 148 246 394
Enrollees 56 109 165 39 34 73 95 143 238
Johnson C. Smith
Applications 35 44 79 45 49 94 80 93 173
Acceptances 6 13 19 7 10 17 13 23 36
Enrollees 5 11 16 3 6 9 8 17 25

Table 62. Number of Undergraduate Transfer Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees
(Cont.) in North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

In-State Out-of-State Total

Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Applications 40 105 145 36 26 62 76 131 207
Acceptances DNA 96 DNA 30 21 51 DNA 117 DNA
Enrollees 35 81 116 13 4 17 48 85 133
Applications 95 154 249 22 60 82 117 214 331
Acceptances 54 96 150 13 39 52 67 135 202
Enrollees 39 86 125 5 10 15 44 96 140
Applications 35 29 64 31 20 51 66 49 115
Acceptances 28 22 50 26 14 40 54 36 90
Enrollees 27 12 39 20 12 32 47 24 71
Mars Hill
Applications 35 75 110 98 60 158 133 135 268
Acceptances 28 65 93 27 22 49 55 87 142
Enrollees 21 58 79 25 12 37 46 70 116
Applications 0 261 261 0 23 23 0 284 284
Acceptances 0 247 247 0 21 21 0 268 268
Enrollees 0 153 153 0 17 17 0 170 170
Applications 230 330 560 58 56 114 288 386 674
Acceptances 102 187 289 39 46 85 141 233 374
Enrollees 79 107 186 23 11 34 102 118 220
Applications 108 190 298 62 53 115 170 243 413
Acceptances 80 152 232 43 38 81 123 190 313
Enrollees 58 134 192 38 25 63 96 159 255
Mount Olive
Applications 138 178 316 34 18 52 172 196 368
Acceptances 124 162 286 26 14 40 150 176 326
Enrollees 79 94 173 5 4 9 84 98 182
N.C. Wesleyan
Applications 79 87 166 27 15 42 106 102 208
Acceptances 67 36 103 17 14 31 84 50 134
Enrollees 30 33 63 10 6 16 40 39 79
Applications 0 128 128 0 38 38 0 166 166
Acceptances 0 96 96 0 15 15 0 111 111
Enrollees 0 46 46 0 8 8 0 54 54
Applications 89 180 269 37 31 68 126 211 337
Acceptances 62 126 188 23 22 45 85 148 233
Enrollees 47 88 135 15 16 31 62 104 166
Applications 82 345 427 34 52 86 116 397 513
Acceptances 79 273 352 18 34 52 97 307 404
Enrollees 79 240 319 11 19 30 90 259 349
St. Andrews
Applications 19 41 60 28 37 65 47 78 125
Acceptances 14 DNA DNA 16 22 38 30 DNA DNA
Enrollees 10 32 42 7 10 17 17 42 59
St. Augustine's
Applications 28 41 69 56 42 98 84 83 167
Acceptances 18 28 46 32 25 57 50 53 103
Enrollees 5 9 14 14 13 27 19 22 41
Applications 5 94 99 0 19 19 5 113 118
Acceptances 4 78 82 0 6 6 4 84 88
Enrollees 3 69 72 0 4 4 3 73 76
Applications 103 268 371 39 45 84 142 313 455
Acceptances 83 237 320 25 19 44 108 256 364
Enrollees 39 110 149 8 7 15 47 117 164
Wake Forest
Applications 26 34 60 93 63 156 119 97 216
Acceptances 8 11 19 40 34 74 48 45 93
Enrollees 5 7 12 17 19 36 22 26 48

Table 62. Number of Undergraduate Transfer Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees
(Cont.) in North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

In-State Out-of-State Total

Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Warren Wilson
Applications 19 25 44 73 112 185 92 137 229
Acceptances 9 14 23 47 77 124 56 91 147
Enrollees 7 5 12 17 35 52 24 40 64
Applications 55 65 120 47 45 92 102 110 212
Acceptances 29 41 70 26 28 54 55 69 124
Enrollees 20 25 45 13 15 28 33 40 73
Senior Total
Applications* 2,850 5,974 8,824 1,724 1,808 3,532 4,574 7,782 12,356
Acceptances* 1,914 4,157 6,071 945 1,025 1,970 2,859 5,182 8,041
Enrollees 1,346 2,685 4,031 543 559 1,102 1,889 3,244 5,133
Applications 17 DNA DNA 5 2 7 22 DNA DNA
Acceptances 17 DNA DNA 5 2 7 22 DNA DNA
Enrollees 6 10 16 5 1 6 11 11 22
Senior and Junior Total
Applications* 2,867 5,974 8,841 1,729 1,810 3,539 4,596 7,784 12,380
Acceptances* 1,931 4,157 6,088 950 1,027 1,977 2,881 5,184 8,065
Enrollees 1,352 2,695 4,047 548 560 1,108 1,900 3,255 5,155
Southeastern Seminary
Applications 32 8 40 30 7 37 62 15 77
Acceptances 28 8 36 26 7 33 54 15 69
Enrollees 26 8 34 25 5 30 51 13 64
Applications 5 5 10 0 0 0 5 5 10
Acceptances 5 5 10 0 0 0 5 5 10
Enrollees 3 2 5 0 0 0 3 2 5
John Wesley
Applications 37 35 72 1 3 4 38 38 76
Acceptances 31 29 60 1 3 4 32 32 64
Enrollees 21 23 44 1 2 3 22 25 47
Applications 17 10 27 25 13 38 42 23 65
Acceptances 15 9 24 10 7 17 25 16 41
Enrollees 14 9 23 7 4 11 21 13 34
Applications 12 9 21 8 8 16 20 17 37
Acceptances 5 4 9 5 5 10 10 9 19
Enrollees 2 2 4 5 4 9 7 6 13
Applications Data Not Available Data Not Available Data Not Available
Acceptances Data Not Available Data Not Available Data Not Available
Enrollees Data Not Available Data Not Available Data Not Available
Bible Colleges Total
Applications* 71 59 130 34 24 58 105 83 188
Acceptances* 56 47 103 16 15 31 72 62 134
Enrollees 40 36 76 13 10 23 53 46 99
Applications* 2,970 6,041 9,011 1,793 1,841 3,634 4,763 7,882 12,645
Acceptances* 2,015 4,212 6,227 992 1,049 2,041 3,007 5,261 8,268
Enrollees 1,418 2,739 4,157 586 575 1,161 2,004 3,314 5,318
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT028.U/7-13-05
* Totals do not include applications and acceptances from institutions that did not provide data.

Table 63. Number of Graduate Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees
in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004
In-State Out-of-State Total
Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
Applications 222 554 776 106 183 289 328 737 1,065
Acceptances 183 422 605 54 65 119 237 487 724
Enrollees 169 388 557 40 41 81 209 429 638
East Carolina
Applications 406 1,032 1,438 147 313 460 553 1,345 1,898
Acceptances 354 872 1,226 90 168 258 444 1,040 1,484
Enrollees 320 806 1,126 61 114 175 381 920 1,301
Elizabeth City
Applications 5 20 25 0 1 1 5 21 26
Acceptances 5 20 25 0 1 1 5 21 26
Enrollees 4 16 20 0 1 1 4 17 21
Applications 10 45 55 1 0 1 11 45 56
Acceptances 10 45 55 1 0 1 11 45 56
Enrollees 10 42 52 1 0 1 11 42 53
N.C. A and T
Applications 168 350 518 151 73 224 319 423 742
Acceptances 115 190 305 81 45 126 196 235 431
Enrollees 85 147 232 30 25 55 115 172 287
N.C. Central
Applications 93 248 341 19 39 58 112 287 399
Acceptances 84 214 298 18 34 52 102 248 350
Enrollees 69 168 237 12 17 29 81 185 266
N.C. School of the Arts
Applications 14 11 25 33 41 74 47 52 99
Acceptances 12 8 20 29 27 56 41 35 76
Enrollees 9 7 16 19 14 33 28 21 49
N.C. State
Applications 978 962 1,940 3,253 1,910 5,163 4,231 2,872 7,103
Acceptances 687 608 1,295 910 575 1,485 1,597 1,183 2,780
Enrollees 567 513 1,080 465 278 743 1,032 791 1,823
Applications 2 8 10 0 1 1 2 9 11
Acceptances 2 8 10 0 1 1 2 9 11
Enrollees 2 7 9 0 1 1 2 8 10
UNC-Chapel Hill
Applications 778 1,578 2,356 4,714 5,295 10,009 5,492 6,873 12,365
Acceptances 444 829 1,273 1,364 1,525 2,889 1,808 2,354 4,162
Enrollees 380 716 1,096 585 687 1,272 965 1,403 2,368
Applications 374 760 1,134 505 422 927 879 1,182 2,061
Acceptances 319 591 910 335 267 602 654 858 1,512
Enrollees 251 496 747 120 101 221 371 597 968
Applications 360 898 1,258 433 915 1,348 793 1,813 2,606
Acceptances 231 578 809 191 350 541 422 928 1,350
Enrollees 161 427 588 92 152 244 253 579 832
Applications 42 87 129 7 5 12 49 92 141
Acceptances 41 87 128 7 5 12 48 92 140
Enrollees 33 70 103 3 0 3 36 70 106
Applications 182 309 491 136 260 396 318 569 887
Acceptances 129 219 348 51 79 130 180 298 478
Enrollees 107 174 281 28 39 67 135 213 348
Western Carolina
Applications 200 404 604 103 157 260 303 561 864
Acceptances 167 319 486 71 116 187 238 435 673
Enrollees 137 250 387 44 64 108 181 314 495
Applications 19 67 86 0 1 1 19 68 87
Acceptances 19 67 86 0 1 1 19 68 87
Enrollees 19 66 85 0 1 1 19 67 86
UNC Total
Applications 3,853 7,333 11,186 9,608 9,616 19,224 13,461 16,949 30,410
Acceptances 2,802 5,077 7,879 3,202 3,259 6,461 6,004 8,336 14,340
Enrollees 2,323 4,293 6,616 1,500 1,535 3,035 3,823 5,828 9,651
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT008A.U/6-3-05

Table 64. Number of First Professional Applications, Acceptances, and Enrollees

in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004
In-State Out-of-State Total
Institution Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total
East Carolina
Applications 316 300 616 6 7 13 322 307 629
Acceptances 45 48 93 0 1 1 45 49 94
Enrollees 40 39 79 0 1 1 40 40 80
N.C. Central
Applications 436 454 890 400 482 882 836 936 1,772
Acceptances 97 129 226 28 82 110 125 211 336
Enrollees 54 81 135 8 25 33 62 106 168
N.C. State
Applications 30 143 173 65 269 334 95 412 507
Acceptances 14 51 65 5 25 30 19 76 95
Enrollees 12 45 57 0 14 14 12 59 71
UNC-Chapel Hill
Applications 963 1,046 2,009 2,577 2,524 5,101 3,540 3,570 7,110
Acceptances 308 322 630 216 241 457 524 563 1,087
Enrollees 246 246 492 54 62 116 300 308 608
UNC Total
Applications 1,745 1,943 3,688 3,048 3,282 6,330 4,793 5,225 10,018
Acceptances 464 550 1,014 249 349 598 713 899 1,612
Enrollees 352 411 763 62 102 164 414 513 927
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT008B.U/6-3-05



This year is the fifth year that tables on student financial aid received by students attending North
Carolina colleges and universities have been displayed in revised form. The revisions are made possible by a
new data collection system, which was implemented for the first time in 1998-99. Data in Table 65 show the basic
format for collecting and summarizing the data. The unduplicated counts of recipients in this table include all
students who received financial aid of a given form (grants/scholarships, loans, scholarship/loans, jobs, all forms
combined) during the 2003-04 academic year or during the summer sessions of 2004.

In these years of the new system, several institutions were not able to report all of the requested data. In
the few such instances where this occurred, data tables show “DNA” in cells where data are not available. Even
with these occasional gaps in data, it is believed that the new data are more accurate and more useful to the

An important change in reporting data in this section is the shift to reporting aid received by
undergraduates, graduates and first professional students in separate tables. The new system provides a
breakdown by degree level, which makes this level of detail possible.

Table 65. Undergraduate Student Aid Expenditures by Program and Sector, 2003-04

Table 66. Grants and Scholarships Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and
Universities, 2003-04

Table 67. Guaranteed Loan Programs and Other Loan and Work Programs Provided to Undergraduate
Students in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-04

Table 68. Scholarship/Loans Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and
Universities, 2003-04

Table 69. North Carolina Legislative Tuition Grants (NCLTG) and State Contractual Scholarship Funds
(SCSF) Awarded to Students in North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities, 2003-04

Table 70. Financial Aid for Graduate Students in North Carolina Universities, 2003-04

Table 71. Financial Aid for First Professional Students in North Carolina Universities, 2003-04

Table 65
Undergraduate Student Aid Expenditures by Program and Sector in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004

_____University of North Carolina_____ ________NC Community Colleges_________ _______NC Private Institutions________ ______________Total___________________
No. of Amount Avg per No. of Amount Avg per No. of Amount Avg per No. of Amount Avg per
Institution Recipients Received Recipient Recipients Received Recipient Recipients Received Recipient Recipients Received Recipient
Section I - Grants & Scholarships
Federal Pell grant 41,102 $111,754,329 $2,719 78,141 $183,342,427 $2,346 19,971 $52,318,383 $2,620 139,214 $347,415,139 $2,496
Fed Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) 8,224 $7,757,760 $943 8,090 $2,672,489 $330 6,085 $9,763,747 $1,605 22,399 $20,193,996 $902
Student Incentive grant (NCSIG) 4,753 $3,144,788 $662 2,974 $1,574,812 $530 864 $560,700 $649 8,591 $5,280,300 $615
Health Professions Ed. Assistance Act (HPEAA) - - - - - - 10 $3,380 $338 10 $3,380 $338
Workforce Investment Act (WIC) (CC only) - - - 12,529 $12,612,591 $1,007 - - - 12,529 $12,612,591 $1,007
Veterans Educational Benefits (all programs) 1,787 $11,972,341 $6,700 6,779 $42,035,709 $6,201 765 $4,044,612 $5,287 9,331 $58,052,662 $6,221
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) grant 1 $2,000 $2,000 245 $158,856 $648 149 $570,006 $3,826 395 $730,862 $1,850
Other federal scholarship or grant 1,259 $2,824,605 $2,244 1,880 $1,171,377 $623 1,815 $24,689,994 $13,603 4,954 $28,685,976 $5,790
NC Legislative College Opportunity Grant 42 $57,430 $1,367 - - - - - - 42 $57,430 $1,367
UNC Need-Based Grant (UNCIG) 26,411 $28,998,822 $1,098 - - - - - - 26,411 $28,998,822 $1,098
Escheats 345 $447,460 $1,297 - - - - - - 345 $447,460 $1,297
Appropriated Grants 8,177 $6,901,833 $844 - - - - - - 8,177 $6,901,833 $844
Freshman Scholars Program 23 $53,293 $2,317 - - - - - - 23 $53,293 $2,317
Incentive Scholars Program (HBCUs, UNC-P) 1,072 $2,619,710 $2,444 - - - - - - 1,072 $2,619,710 $2,444
Incentive Scholarships for Native Americans 395 $657,918 $1,666 - - - - - - 395 $657,918 $1,666
Minority Presence Scholarship General Pgm I 913 $905,635 $992 - - - - - - 913 $905,635 $992
Minority Presence Scholarship General Pgm II 129 $129,509 $1,004 - - - - - - 129 $129,509 $1,004
Academic Enhancement Scholarship 9,412 $13,564,406 $1,441 - - - - - - 9,412 $13,564,406 $1,441
Graduate Assistant Tuition Award 32 $84,128 $2,629 - - - - - - 32 $84,128 $2,629
Other graduate assistant benefits 24 $15,973 $666 - - - - - - 24 $15,973 $666
NC Division of Vocational Rehabilitation 1,280 $3,146,989 $2,459 1,566 $1,049,271 $670 479 $1,738,440 $3,629 3,325 $5,934,700 $1,785
NC Legislative Tuition Grant (NCLTG) - - - - - - 30,003 $46,971,001 $1,566 30,003 $46,971,001 $1,566
NC Veterans Scholarship 480 $2,811,286 $5,857 293 $295,090 $1,007 40 $117,666 $2,942 813 $3,224,042 $3,966

NC State Contractual Scholarship Fund (SCSF) - - - - - - 12,936 $32,737,775 $2,531 12,936 $32,737,775 $2,531
Tuition remission (not waivers) 2,298 $1,626,369 $708 5,437 $2,253,698 $415 757 $6,291,539 $8,311 8,492 $10,171,606 $1,198
NC Community College Grant (CC only) - - - 10,291 $8,266,730 $803 354 $639,201 $1,806 10,645 $8,905,931 $837
NC Community College Child Care Grant (CC only) - - - 1,027 $1,605,377 $1,563 - - - 1,027 $1,605,377 $1,563
Other NC state scholarship or grant 3,426 $3,281,261 $958 3,703 $1,518,968 $410 182 $305,828 $1,680 7,311 $5,106,057 $698
Foundation grant/scholarship (non-athletic) 1,875 $3,420,149 $1,824 4,336 $2,709,293 $625 1,768 $2,609,885 $1,476 7,979 $8,739,327 $1,095
Externally administered private grant/scholarship 13,819 $31,565,436 $2,284 4,721 $2,897,195 $614 6,776 $19,256,840 $2,842 25,316 $53,719,471 $2,122
Institutional grant/scholarship (need-based) 13,361 $23,352,860 $1,748 4,259 $2,013,337 $473 15,689 $94,469,634 $6,021 33,309 $119,835,831 $3,598
Institutional grant/scholarship (non-need-based) 12,772 $25,969,642 $2,033 2,444 $1,088,070 $445 20,289 $92,471,327 $4,558 35,505 $119,529,039 $3,367
Athletic grant-in-aid 3,411 $27,173,117 $7,966 162 $129,126 $797 5,015 $44,210,270 $8,816 8,588 $71,512,513 $8,327
Tutition waivers 1,282 $485,477 $379 19,625 $7,269,809 $370 256 $1,275,743 $4,983 21,163 $9,031,029 $427
Other non-federal, non-state scholarship/grant 1,372 $4,958,994 $3,614 1,733 $953,904 $550 1,144 $2,762,359 $2,415 4,249 $8,675,257 $2,042
Total Sec. I Grants and Scholarships 72,226 $319,683,520 $4,426 131,365 $275,618,129 $2,098 61,401 $437,808,330 $6,994 264,992 $1,033,109,979 $3,867
Table 65
Undergraduate Student Aid Expenditures by Program and Sector in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004

_____University of North Carolina_____ ________NC Community Colleges_________ _______NC Private Institutions________ ______________Total___________________
No. of Amount Avg per No. of Amount Avg per No. of Amount Avg per No. of Amount Avg per
Institution Recipients Received Recipient Recipients Received Recipient Recipients Received Recipient Recipients Received Recipient
Section II - Scholarship Loans
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) 316 $2,585,824 $8,183 - - - 200 $4,725,033 $23,625 516 $7,310,857 $14,168
Other federal scholarship loan - - - 2,149 $2,741,767 $1,276 - - - 2,149 $2,741,767 $1,276
NC Scholarships for Health, Science, & Math (HSM) 23 $97,364 $4,233 32 $85,468 $2,671 55 $248,294 $4,514 110 $431,126 $3,919
NC Teaching Fellows Program 1,364 $8,285,162 $6,074 - - - 158 $965,676 $6,112 1,522 $9,250,838 $6,078
Nurse Education Scholarship/Loan Program 99 $153,115 $1,547 824 $771,917 $937 13 $30,000 $2,308 936 $955,032 $1,020
Nurse Scholars Program 426 $1,986,334 $4,663 191 $524,980 $2,749 107 $407,250 $3,806 724 $2,918,564 $4,031
Prospective Teacher Scholarship Loan (PTSL) 371 $921,730 $2,484 58 $90,039 $1,552 119 $288,801 $2,427 548 $1,300,570 $2,373
Other NC state scholarship loan 21 $92,200 $4,390 252 $254,643 $1,010 29 $97,600 $3,366 302 $444,443 $1,472
Other non-federal, non-state scholarship loan 11 $21,337 $1,940 139 $91,096 $655 151 $1,005,852 $6,661 301 $1,118,285 $3,715
Total Sec. II Scholarship Loans 2,630 $14,143,066 $5,378 3,617 $4,559,910 $1,261 824 $7,768,506 $9,428 7,071 $26,471,482 $3,744

Section III - Loans

Federal Perkins Loan Program 8,467 $18,953,807 $2,239 - - - 6,072 $15,289,693 $2,518 14,539 $34,243,500 $2,355
Federal Family Ed. Loan Pgm (FFELP) - Sub Stafford 33,050 $108,391,356 $3,280 4,467 $9,973,844 $2,233 24,987 $83,910,389 $3,358 62,504 $202,275,589 $3,236
FFELP - Unsubsidized Stafford 27,960 $98,637,568 $3,528 3,081 $7,567,863 $2,456 17,457 $61,662,797 $3,532 48,498 $167,868,228 $3,461
FFELP - PLUS 7,998 $55,778,043 $6,974 190 $807,465 $4,250 6,015 $60,153,472 $10,001 14,203 $116,738,980 $8,219
Federal Ford Direct Loan Pgm (FFDLP) - Sub Stafford 18,954 $62,416,781 $3,293 72 $154,968 $2,152 6,168 $19,839,250 $3,216 25,194 $82,410,999 $3,271
FFDLP - Unsubsidized Stafford 12,155 $41,097,815 $3,381 50 $155,656 $3,113 2,296 $7,210,445 $3,140 14,501 $48,463,916 $3,342
FFDLP - PLUS 5,037 $32,022,683 $6,357 22 $53,703 $2,441 1,427 $10,507,339 $7,363 6,486 $42,583,725 $6,565
Other federal loan - - - 18 $34,314 $1,906 120 $740,220 $6,169 138 $774,534 $5,613
NC Community College Loan (CC only) - - - 465 $155,230 $334 - - - 465 $155,230 $334
Other NC state loan - - - 10 $26,950 $2,695 49 $601,552 $12,277 59 $628,502 $10,653
Foundation-awarded loan (non-athletic) 34 $40,000 $1,176 184 $77,609 $422 92 $525,420 $5,711 310 $643,029 $2,074

Externally administered private loan 2,480 $16,057,814 $6,475 483 $1,256,809 $2,602 2,921 $26,159,645 $8,956 5,884 $43,474,268 $7,389
Institutional loan (need-based) 320 $422,137 $1,319 905 $478,869 $529 531 $1,703,236 $3,208 1,756 $2,604,242 $1,483
Institutional loan (non-need-based) 38 $82,134 $2,161 397 $113,710 $286 44 $108,256 $2,460 479 $304,100 $635
Other non-federal, non-state loan 1,448 $11,413,670 $7,882 15 $68,496 $4,566 115 $716,879 $6,234 1,578 $12,199,045 $7,731
Total Sec. III Loans 72,227 $445,313,808 $6,165 8,747 $20,925,486 $2,392 41,295 $289,128,593 $6,839 122,269 $755,367,887 $6,123

Section IV - Employment
Federal Work Study (FWS) 5,726 $7,323,598 $1,279 2,778 $3,953,457 $1,423 11,823 $14,738,454 $1,247 20,327 $26,015,509 $1,280
Assistantships 34 $115,417 $3,395 - - - 85 $77,350 $910 119 $192,767 $1,620
Campus Job (not FWS) 4,072 $6,875,528 $1,688 - - - - - - 4,072 $6,875,528 $1,688
Total Sec. IV Employment 9,435 $14,314,543 $1,517 2,665 $3,953,457 $1,483 11,908 $14,815,804 $1,244 24,008 $33,083,804 $1,378

Section V - Total
Total All Categories 96,248 $793,454,937 $8,244 140,695 $305,056,982 $2,168 71,038 $749,521,233 $10,010 307,981 $1,848,033,152 $5,876

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR065/08APR05
Table 66
Grants and Scholarships Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004

___________Pell Grants___________ _________SEOG Awards_________ ________Student Incentive________ _______Athletic Grant-in-Aid_______ _Other Grants and Scholarships*_
__Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__
Institution Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Total
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 2,460 $6,183,995 $2,514 460 $211,569 $460 143 $93,509 $654 309 $1,990,670 $6,442 9,219 $9,435,956 $1,024 $17,915,699
East Carolina 4,687 $12,778,380 $2,726 1,051 $989,809 $942 566 $369,751 $653 362 $3,518,713 $9,720 6,628 $10,558,957 $1,593 $28,215,610
Elizabeth City 1,396 $4,277,516 $3,064 127 $359,616 $2,832 156 $102,900 $660 90 $271,929 $3,021 3,460 $4,074,964 $1,178 $9,086,925
Fayetteville 2,369 $6,891,250 $2,909 980 $725,380 $740 344 $203,297 $591 79 $315,103 $3,989 3,114 $6,199,303 $1,991 $14,334,333
N.C. A and T 4,367 $12,703,247 $2,909 864 $539,313 $624 495 $327,250 $661 192 $1,549,554 $8,071 8,563 $12,618,211 $1,474 $27,737,575
N.C. Central 3,038 $9,050,360 $2,979 790 $900,083 $1,139 406 $277,550 $684 114 $497,227 $4,362 5,273 $6,782,053 $1,286 $17,507,273
N.C. School of the Arts 172 $495,557 $2,881 53 $48,703 $919 4 $2,796 $699 - - - 825 $1,509,882 $1,830 $2,056,938
N.C. State 3,818 $10,192,985 $2,670 732 $657,644 $898 565 $371,510 $658 397 $5,000,112 $12,595 16,182 $36,209,533 $2,238 $52,431,784
UNC-Asheville 858 $2,125,128 $2,477 144 $83,199 $578 52 $33,250 $639 135 $720,988 $5,341 2,121 $2,122,177 $1,001 $5,084,742
UNC-Chapel Hill 2,307 $6,060,123 $2,627 848 $1,118,730 $1,319 379 $243,600 $643 469 $5,845,263 $12,463 11,090 $37,631,021 $3,393 $50,898,737
UNC-Charlotte 4,191 $10,697,331 $2,552 493 $540,659 $1,097 351 $272,158 $775 218 $1,787,099 $8,198 9,178 $10,970,042 $1,195 $24,267,289
UNC-Greensboro 3,439 $8,782,782 $2,554 292 $495,818 $1,698 503 $327,444 $651 266 $1,598,357 $6,009 8,254 $10,709,939 $1,298 $21,914,340
UNC-Pembroke 2,117 $5,667,633 $2,677 103 $110,868 $1,076 213 $137,322 $645 213 $789,005 $3,704 2,854 $3,121,955 $1,094 $9,826,783
UNC-Wilmington 2,282 $5,638,456 $2,471 408 $281,215 $689 178 $113,683 $639 227 $1,495,207 $6,587 5,981 $8,232,048 $1,376 $15,760,609
Western Carolina 1,743 $4,500,852 $2,582 299 $182,943 $612 126 $82,818 $657 244 $1,513,965 $6,205 6,287 $5,764,581 $917 $12,045,159
Winston-Salem 1,858 $5,708,734 $3,073 580 $512,211 $883 272 $185,950 $684 96 $279,925 $2,916 2,958 $3,912,904 $1,323 $10,599,724
UNC Total 41,102 $111,754,329 $2,719 8,224 $7,757,760 $943 4,753 $3,144,788 $662 3,411 $27,173,117 $7,966 101,987 $169,853,526 $1,665 $319,683,520

Community Colleges
Alamance 1,272 $3,013,139 $2,369 482 $91,340 $190 31 $19,250 $621 - - - 2,325 $1,784,627 $768 $4,908,356
Asheville-Buncombe 1,382 $3,103,051 $2,245 123 $95,432 $776 52 $28,700 $552 - - - 1,962 $1,905,300 $971 $5,132,483
Beaufort Co. 808 $2,108,777 $2,610 38 $28,396 $747 67 $38,850 $580 - - - 1,162 $870,637 $749 $3,046,660
Bladen 1,185 $2,985,927 $2,520 199 $38,000 $191 78 $42,350 $543 - - - 111 $276,150 $2,488 $3,342,427
Blue Ridge 573 $1,274,530 $2,224 46 $25,000 $543 23 $7,000 $304 19 $18,283 $962 946 $696,889 $737 $2,021,702
Brunswick 498 $1,334,137 $2,679 - - - 18 $11,550 $642 - - - 345 $361,268 $1,047 $1,706,955
Caldwell 1,362 $3,022,413 $2,219 93 $41,152 $442 39 $24,150 $619 - - - 2,394 $1,865,317 $779 $4,953,032
Cape Fear 2,532 $5,767,790 $2,278 485 $153,550 $317 84 $47,600 $567 13 $7,817 $601 2,073 $2,821,473 $1,361 $8,798,230

Carteret 790 $1,803,100 $2,282 89 $25,266 $284 31 $15,400 $497 - - - 469 $296,166 $631 $2,139,932
Catawba Valley 1,464 $3,281,350 $2,241 185 $29,500 $159 36 $18,550 $515 - - - 1,532 $1,242,101 $811 $4,571,501
Central Carolina 1,610 $3,790,992 $2,355 225 $70,900 $315 48 $26,600 $554 - - - 2,131 $2,604,051 $1,222 $6,492,543
Central Piedmont 3,488 $6,977,711 $2,000 825 $229,511 $278 72 $36,400 $506 - - - 4,448 $1,680,441 $378 $8,924,063
Cleveland 1,215 $2,824,100 $2,324 68 $19,886 $292 34 $18,550 $546 - - - 352 $531,989 $1,511 $3,394,525
Coastal Carolina 1,766 $4,025,392 $2,279 227 $64,740 $285 50 $26,950 $539 - - - 1,443 $3,828,716 $2,653 $7,945,798
Coll. of Albemarle 805 $1,945,708 $2,417 134 $45,002 $336 37 $20,300 $549 - - - 693 $1,038,111 $1,498 $3,049,121
Craven 1,157 $2,717,235 $2,349 162 $120,500 $744 72 $30,100 $418 - - - 1,183 $440,644 $372 $3,308,479
Davidson County 1,526 $3,480,920 $2,281 277 $49,218 $178 - - - - - - 1,335 $998,004 $748 $4,528,142
Durham 1,814 $3,921,809 $2,162 107 $36,800 $344 59 $32,900 $558 - - - 1,121 $1,551,450 $1,384 $5,542,959
Edgecombe 1,594 $3,755,620 $2,356 - - - 20 $11,200 $560 - - - 1,192 $613,400 $515 $4,380,220
Fayetteville 4,219 $10,337,219 $2,450 161 $69,250 $430 173 $105,000 $607 - - - 4,692 $19,837,591 $4,228 $30,349,060
Forsyth 2,078 $5,035,963 $2,423 130 $116,841 $899 117 $36,837 $315 - - - 1,840 $2,285,862 $1,242 $7,475,503
Gaston 1,955 $4,438,609 $2,270 113 $53,393 $473 75 $41,650 $555 - - - 2,037 $1,408,023 $691 $5,941,675
Guilford 3,079 $7,369,645 $2,394 264 $128,899 $488 172 $94,500 $549 - - - 3,327 $3,070,283 $923 $10,663,327
Halifax 1,300 $3,198,573 $2,460 45 $32,184 $715 38 $20,300 $534 - - - 1,114 $881,210 $791 $4,132,267
Haywood 790 $1,940,047 $2,456 264 $38,225 $145 25 $14,000 $560 - - - 1,065 $791,050 $743 $2,783,322
Isothermal 1,068 $2,534,330 $2,373 48 $13,285 $277 33 $18,550 $562 - - - 1,443 $1,405,267 $974 $3,971,432
James Sprunt 677 $1,716,282 $2,535 71 $24,000 $338 45 $16,350 $363 - - - 964 $916,877 $951 $2,673,509
Johnston 967 $2,182,220 $2,257 42 $23,605 $562 40 $23,800 $595 - - - 2,976 $1,632,356 $549 $3,861,981
Lenoir 1,445 $3,701,208 $2,561 - - - 63 $26,600 $422 52 $41,026 $789 1,188 $865,417 $728 $4,634,251
Martin 549 $1,480,151 $2,696 72 $24,222 $336 32 $19,250 $602 - - - 552 $333,714 $605 $1,857,337
Mayland 427 $934,537 $2,189 75 $35,180 $469 10 $5,250 $525 - - - 1,419 $1,003,406 $707 $1,978,373
McDowell 587 $1,408,436 $2,399 20 $11,600 $580 14 $8,400 $600 - - - 945 $877,840 $929 $2,306,276
Mitchell 932 $2,139,514 $2,296 75 $23,592 $315 17 $10,150 $597 - - - 640 $498,265 $779 $2,671,521
Montgomery 489 $1,238,817 $2,533 69 $14,032 $203 14 $8,050 $575 - - - 532 $267,539 $503 $1,528,438
Nash 1,090 $2,199,454 $2,018 32 $12,000 $375 14 $5,950 $425 - - - 927 $501,619 $541 $2,719,023
Pamlico 188 $400,822 $2,132 70 $20,600 $294 4 $2,450 $613 - - - 470 $304,505 $648 $728,377
Piedmont 866 $1,995,081 $2,304 151 $26,405 $175 33 $19,250 $583 - - - 654 $605,553 $926 $2,646,289
Pitt 2,357 $5,828,000 $2,473 236 $76,871 $326 121 $70,000 $579 42 $43,621 $1,039 1,530 $2,185,845 $1,429 $8,204,337
Table 66
Grants and Scholarships Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004

___________Pell Grants___________ _________SEOG Awards_________ ________Student Incentive________ _______Athletic Grant-in-Aid_______ _Other Grants and Scholarships*_
__Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__
Institution Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Total
Randolph 1,042 $2,379,278 $2,283 96 $22,104 $230 40 $14,700 $368 - - - 319 $199,974 $627 $2,616,056
Richmond 1,128 $2,706,463 $2,399 105 $36,050 $343 61 $26,600 $436 - - - 794 $817,170 $1,029 $3,586,283
Roanoke-Chowan 847 $2,212,938 $2,613 206 $28,120 $137 29 $17,500 $603 - - - 374 $268,019 $717 $2,526,577
Robeson 1,697 $4,048,898 $2,386 140 $50,200 $359 96 $77,200 $804 - - - 1,916 $1,701,406 $888 $5,877,704
Rockingham 908 $2,012,078 $2,216 32 $19,198 $600 30 $10,150 $338 - - - 1,080 $1,004,937 $930 $3,046,363
Rowan-Cabarrus 2,270 $5,490,986 $2,419 23 $7,525 $327 86 $42,675 $496 - - - 1,699 $2,697,976 $1,588 $8,239,162
Sampson 924 $2,132,189 $2,308 137 $41,750 $305 45 $17,150 $381 - - - 886 $756,789 $854 $2,947,878
Sandhills 1,925 $4,532,749 $2,355 252 $62,800 $249 69 $38,850 $563 - - - 2,144 $2,392,357 $1,116 $7,026,756
South Piedmont 816 $1,843,529 $2,259 52 $25,721 $495 18 $6,650 $369 - - - 907 $737,588 $813 $2,613,488
Southeastern 1,257 $3,389,326 $2,696 334 $109,239 $327 95 $51,800 $545 36 $18,379 $511 1,140 $618,037 $542 $4,186,781
Southwestern 800 $1,911,411 $2,389 51 $24,425 $479 42 $19,950 $475 - - - 1,108 $772,740 $697 $2,728,526
Stanly 596 $1,410,760 $2,367 70 $11,872 $170 52 $23,800 $458 - - - 548 $764,857 $1,396 $2,211,289
Surry 1,039 $2,377,136 $2,288 92 $43,973 $478 40 $23,800 $595 - - - 948 $864,323 $912 $3,309,232
Tri-County 659 $1,558,878 $2,366 134 $20,849 $156 24 $12,950 $540 - - - 644 $552,751 $858 $2,145,428
Vance-Granville 2,455 $5,605,087 $2,283 229 $65,236 $285 45 $29,400 $653 - - - 3,397 $2,429,530 $715 $8,129,253
Wake 2,519 $5,493,177 $2,181 36 $44,000 $1,222 98 $51,450 $525 - - - 1,629 $1,614,800 $991 $7,203,427
Wayne 1,401 $3,276,136 $2,338 184 $62,500 $340 54 $18,900 $350 - - - 1,329 $1,491,697 $1,122 $4,849,233
Western Piedmont 1,400 $3,507,207 $2,505 111 $39,000 $351 55 $28,350 $515 - - - 1,693 $1,332,158 $787 $4,906,715
Wilkes 1,207 $2,807,208 $2,326 44 $18,750 $426 65 $39,900 $614 - - - 2,186 $1,436,650 $657 $4,302,508
Wilson 1,347 $3,434,384 $2,550 59 $30,800 $522 39 $20,300 $521 - - - 595 $366,560 $616 $3,852,044
Comm. Coll. Total 78,141 $183,342,427 $2,346 8,090 $2,672,489 $330 2,974 $1,574,812 $530 162 $129,126 $797 80,868 $87,899,275 $1,087 $275,618,129

Public Total 119,243 $295,096,756 $2,475 16,314 $10,430,249 $639 7,727 $4,719,600 $611 3,573 $27,302,243 $7,641 182,855 $257,752,801 $1,410 $595,301,649

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Barton 384 $974,594 $2,538 122 $235,508 $1,930 25 $16,800 $672 141 $706,125 $5,008 2,094 $5,421,584 $2,589 $7,354,611
Belmont Abbey 252 $649,754 $2,578 191 $111,427 $583 19 $11,900 $626 124 $647,944 $5,225 1,065 $4,302,607 $4,040 $5,723,632
Bennett 402 $1,276,924 $3,176 51 $147,522 $2,893 - - - - - - 380 $982,737 $2,586 $2,407,183

Brevard 225 $544,678 $2,421 111 $109,833 $989 3 $2,100 $700 145 $565,165 $3,898 906 $3,019,318 $3,333 $4,241,094
Cabarrus 79 $151,904 $1,923 66 $22,425 $340 1 $700 $700 - - - 505 $627,940 $1,243 $802,969
Campbell 1,175 $2,851,624 $2,427 137 $331,627 $2,421 38 $25,900 $682 197 $1,931,847 $9,806 7,142 $19,948,862 $2,793 $25,089,860
Catawba 495 $1,241,060 $2,507 234 $133,333 $570 32 $19,950 $623 282 $1,592,893 $5,649 2,650 $7,767,517 $2,931 $10,754,753
Chowan 382 $1,006,336 $2,634 71 $201,616 $2,840 17 $9,800 $576 - - - 1,547 $4,437,439 $2,868 $5,655,191
Davidson 124 $322,178 $2,598 86 $159,070 $1,850 5 $3,500 $700 185 $1,980,341 $10,705 1,655 $13,610,173 $8,224 $16,075,262
Duke 664 $1,782,340 $2,684 450 $1,729,726 $3,844 12 $7,700 $642 332 $8,411,394 $25,336 4,842 $52,355,819 $10,813 $64,286,979
Elon 431 $1,088,575 $2,526 306 $276,395 $903 36 $23,450 $651 294 $3,217,693 $10,945 3,132 $7,350,212 $2,347 $11,956,325
Gardner-Webb 955 $2,321,731 $2,431 90 $294,316 $3,270 29 $18,900 $652 305 $3,150,920 $10,331 4,028 $8,981,585 $2,230 $14,767,452
Greensboro 361 $944,643 $2,617 112 $110,681 $988 13 $8,400 $646 - - - 2,246 $5,511,585 $2,454 $6,575,309
Guilford 800 $1,860,606 $2,326 101 $271,850 $2,692 14 $11,200 $800 - - - 4,057 $12,717,386 $3,135 $14,861,042
High Point 939 $2,398,963 $2,555 93 $139,296 $1,498 38 $24,500 $645 181 $1,817,291 $10,040 4,860 $13,868,336 $2,854 $18,248,386
Johnson C. Smith 1,056 $3,086,769 $2,923 365 $446,961 $1,225 40 $25,900 $648 130 $719,879 $5,538 1,445 $2,944,719 $2,038 $7,224,228
Lees-McRae 290 $788,979 $2,721 132 $128,678 $975 14 $9,450 $675 177 $839,394 $4,742 1,482 $4,949,529 $3,340 $6,716,030
Lenoir-Rhyne 417 $1,032,774 $2,477 97 $245,848 $2,535 28 $19,250 $688 215 $1,310,771 $6,097 3,222 $7,897,083 $2,451 $10,505,726
Livingstone 780 $2,469,291 $3,166 167 $200,346 $1,200 45 $30,100 $669 54 $382,905 $7,091 1,880 $5,297,965 $2,818 $8,380,607
Mars Hill 537 $1,441,323 $2,684 154 $182,163 $1,183 27 $18,550 $687 204 $985,126 $4,829 3,131 $6,559,551 $2,095 $9,186,713
Meredith 473 $1,153,239 $2,438 248 $184,232 $743 62 $41,300 $666 - - - 3,197 $9,603,196 $3,004 $10,981,967
Methodist 670 $1,611,001 $2,404 151 $239,988 $1,589 25 $16,100 $644 - - - 4,586 $33,724,358 $7,354 $35,591,447
Montreat 359 $757,080 $2,109 57 $133,336 $2,339 9 $5,250 $583 123 $842,753 $6,852 1,572 $4,189,756 $2,665 $5,928,175
Mount Olive 880 $1,869,789 $2,125 127 $132,904 $1,046 32 $18,200 $569 148 $537,179 $3,630 4,324 $7,730,675 $1,788 $10,288,747
N.C. Wesleyan 749 $1,997,992 $2,668 81 $88,063 $1,087 42 $22,750 $542 - - - 2,173 $5,462,895 $2,514 $7,571,700
Peace 222 $605,845 $2,729 182 $53,600 $295 19 $12,250 $645 - - - 1,780 $4,773,144 $2,682 $5,444,839
Pfeiffer 420 $1,057,190 $2,517 95 $197,623 $2,080 12 $8,400 $700 203 $661,779 $3,260 2,746 $5,904,273 $2,150 $7,829,265
Queens 296 $675,150 $2,281 68 $77,898 $1,146 7 $3,850 $550 175 $781,633 $4,466 1,709 $5,214,884 $3,051 $6,753,415
Saint Andrews 242 $621,198 $2,567 86 $116,756 $1,358 5 $2,800 $560 190 $655,389 $3,449 1,300 $4,822,105 $3,709 $6,218,248
Saint Augustine's 1,136 $3,488,014 $3,070 605 $1,040,356 $1,720 - - - 275 $1,122,994 $4,084 2,330 $4,496,979 $1,930 $10,148,343
Salem 391 $1,028,154 $2,630 48 $145,947 $3,041 32 $21,350 $667 - - - 1,555 $6,860,565 $4,412 $8,056,016
Shaw 1,805 $5,253,171 $2,910 320 $825,580 $2,580 101 $67,200 $665 242 $1,272,860 $5,260 2,628 $5,829,724 $2,218 $13,248,535
Wake Forest 332 $865,657 $2,607 284 $651,354 $2,294 20 $13,650 $683 276 $8,005,412 $29,005 4,292 $26,843,387 $6,254 $36,379,460
Table 66
Grants and Scholarships Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004

___________Pell Grants___________ _________SEOG Awards_________ ________Student Incentive________ _______Athletic Grant-in-Aid_______ _Other Grants and Scholarships*_
__Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__
Institution Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Total
Warren Wilson 189 $460,972 $2,439 92 $134,858 $1,466 4 $2,800 $700 - - - 978 $3,555,220 $3,635 $4,153,850
Wingate 374 $962,128 $2,573 245 $121,573 $496 22 $14,000 $636 286 $1,603,801 $5,608 3,664 $8,905,218 $2,430 $11,606,720
Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total 19,286 $50,641,626 $2,626 5,825 $9,622,689 $1,652 828 $537,950 $650 4,884 $43,743,488 $8,956 91,103 $326,468,326 $3,584 $431,014,079

Junior College
Louisburg 337 $868,434 $2,577 21 $70,411 $3,353 32 $20,300 $634 131 $466,782 $3,563 1,168 $2,931,936 $2,510 $4,357,863

Private Sr. & Jr. Total 19,623 $51,510,060 $2,625 5,846 $9,693,100 $1,658 860 $558,250 $649 5,015 $44,210,270 $8,816 92,271 $329,400,262 $3,570 $435,371,942

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary - - - - - - - - - - - - 402 $444,352 $1,105 $444,352
Heritage 83 $184,902 $2,228 37 $7,129 $193 - - - - - - 75 $104,094 $1,388 $296,125
John Wesley 77 $184,145 $2,391 58 $22,185 $383 4 $2,450 $613 - - - 61 $73,986 $1,213 $282,766
Piedmont 109 $238,202 $2,185 103 $26,377 $256 - - - - - - 273 $504,116 $1,847 $768,695
Roanoke 79 $201,074 $2,545 41 $14,956 $365 - - - - - - 330 $428,420 $1,298 $644,450
Sem. & Bible Coll. Total 348 $808,323 $2,323 239 $70,647 $296 4 $2,450 $613 - - - 1,141 $1,554,968 $1,363 $2,436,388

Private Total 19,971 $52,318,383 $2,620 6,085 $9,763,747 $1,605 864 $560,700 $649 5,015 $44,210,270 $8,816 93,412 $330,955,230 $3,543 $437,808,330

Grand Total 139,214 $347,415,139 $2,496 22,399 $20,193,996 $902 8,591 $5,280,300 $615 8,588 $71,512,513 $8,327 276,267 $588,708,031 $2,131 $1,033,109,979

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR066/08APR05

Table 67
Guaranteed Loan Programs Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004

___FFELP - Subsidized___ __FFELP - Unsubsidized__ ______FFELP - Plus______ ___FFDLP - Subsidized___ __FFDLP - Unsubsidized__ ______FFDLP - Plus______ Guaranteed
No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total Loans
Institution Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Provided
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 3,778 $12,295,145 3,323 $11,229,054 2,082 $13,411,651 - - - - - - $36,935,850
East Carolina 6,903 $23,919,394 5,426 $18,657,981 1,362 $10,126,333 - - - - - - $52,703,708
Elizabeth City - - - - - - 1,140 $3,074,996 588 $1,815,082 181 $877,832 $5,767,910
Fayetteville - - - - - - 2,240 $7,559,888 720 $2,315,167 175 $802,341 $10,677,396
N.C. A and T - - - - - - 5,294 $17,109,469 2,527 $8,538,521 1,033 $6,787,989 $32,435,979
N.C. Central - - - - - - 3,780 $13,105,354 2,398 $8,573,510 927 $5,118,733 $26,797,597
N.C. School of the Arts - - - - 1 $6,667 331 $1,138,937 177 $657,607 148 $1,530,561 $3,333,772
N.C. State 5,558 $16,909,219 5,710 $19,060,548 1,473 $10,942,630 - - - - - - $46,912,397
UNC-Asheville - - - - - - 1,088 $3,546,270 789 $2,604,328 181 $1,103,101 $7,253,699
UNC-Chapel Hill 2,238 $5,675,507 2,819 $10,582,792 874 $7,219,225 - - - - - - $23,477,524
UNC-Charlotte 6,067 $21,812,379 4,676 $18,055,591 554 $3,688,365 - - - - - - $43,556,335
UNC-Greensboro 4,397 $14,400,611 3,688 $13,272,360 1,239 $7,982,638 - - - - - - $35,655,609
UNC-Pembroke 2,089 $6,485,674 1,171 $3,551,218 174 $857,163 - - - - - - $10,894,055
UNC-Wilmington - - - - - - 3,222 $11,482,567 3,007 $10,629,418 1,568 $11,492,035 $33,604,020
Western Carolina - - - - - - 1,859 $5,399,300 1,949 $5,964,182 824 $4,310,091 $15,673,573
Winston-Salem 2,020 $6,893,427 1,147 $4,228,024 239 $1,543,371 - - - - - - $12,664,822
UNC Total 33,050 $108,391,356 27,960 $98,637,568 7,998 $55,778,043 18,954 $62,416,781 12,155 $41,097,815 5,037 $32,022,683 $398,344,246

Community Colleges
Alamance - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Asheville-Buncombe 216 $533,505 167 $447,376 4 $17,585 - - - - - - $998,466
Beaufort Co. 37 $80,188 15 $40,299 - - - - - - - - $120,487
Bladen - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Blue Ridge 21 $52,678 - - 9 $54,105 - - - - - - $106,783
Brunswick - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Caldwell 178 $414,756 107 $267,764 4 $30,364 - - - - - - $712,884
Cape Fear 282 $611,439 233 $554,813 49 $235,026 - - - - - - $1,401,278

Carteret 37 $69,105 39 $64,277 - - - - - - - - $133,382
Catawba Valley 61 $112,717 27 $48,197 - - - - - - - - $160,914
Central Carolina - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Central Piedmont - - - - 25 $61,783 - - - - - - $61,783
Cleveland - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Coastal Carolina - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Coll. of Albemarle - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Craven 85 $197,726 62 $165,564 - - - - - - - - $363,290
Davidson County - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Durham - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Edgecombe - - 25 $40,098 - - - - - - - - $40,098
Fayetteville 940 $2,079,093 670 $1,291,455 - - - - - - - - $3,370,548
Forsyth - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gaston - - - - - - 72 $154,968 50 $155,656 22 $53,703 $364,327
Guilford 775 $1,860,865 590 $1,545,469 5 $11,846 - - - - - - $3,418,180
Halifax 15 $26,484 11 $36,695 - - - - - - - - $63,179
Haywood 96 $207,085 70 $148,315 4 $15,248 - - - - - - $370,648
Isothermal - - - - - - - - - - - - -
James Sprunt 24 $52,193 19 $40,045 - - - - - - - - $92,238
Johnston 73 $146,651 85 $241,587 - - - - - - - - $388,238
Lenoir 126 $258,428 - - 5 $34,434 - - - - - - $292,862
Martin 181 $468,924 149 $529,355 - - - - - - - - $998,279
Mayland - - - - - - - - - - - - -
McDowell - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mitchell - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Montgomery - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nash - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pamlico - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pitt 314 $678,617 - - 43 $175,733 - - - - - - $854,350
Randolph - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table 67
Guaranteed Loan Programs Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004

___FFELP - Subsidized___ __FFELP - Unsubsidized__ ______FFELP - Plus______ ___FFDLP - Subsidized___ __FFDLP - Unsubsidized__ ______FFDLP - Plus______ Guaranteed
No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total Loans
Institution Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Provided
Richmond - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Roanoke-Chowan - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Robeson - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rockingham 35 $92,833 9 $16,065 - - - - - - - - $108,898
Rowan-Cabarrus - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sampson - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sandhills 48 $69,652 60 $120,225 - - - - - - - - $189,877
South Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Southeastern 44 $71,249 41 $75,998 - - - - - - - - $147,247
Southwestern 69 $157,662 52 $133,438 - - - - - - - - $291,100
Stanly - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Surry 10 $15,025 17 $34,865 3 $7,894 - - - - - - $57,784
Tri-County - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Vance-Granville - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wake 609 $1,334,818 564 $1,572,812 33 $151,549 - - - - - - $3,059,179
Wayne 64 $129,961 54 $132,998 1 $1,800 - - - - - - $264,759
Western Piedmont 93 $192,981 - - - - - - - - - - $192,981
Wilkes 34 $59,209 15 $20,153 5 $10,098 - - - - - - $89,460
Wilson - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Comm. Coll. Total 4,467 $9,973,844 3,081 $7,567,863 190 $807,465 72 $154,968 50 $155,656 22 $53,703 $18,713,499

Public Total 37,517 $118,365,200 31,041 $106,205,431 8,188 $56,585,508 19,026 $62,571,749 12,205 $41,253,471 5,059 $32,076,386 $417,057,745

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Barton 640 $2,140,092 479 $1,778,695 152 $1,329,116 - - - - - - $5,247,903
Belmont Abbey - - - - - - 521 $1,834,586 280 $975,946 213 $1,671,849 $4,482,381
Bennett 384 $1,356,110 179 $694,766 - - - - - - 110 $968,112 $3,018,988
Brevard 295 $1,028,937 192 $703,617 67 $594,079 - - - - - - $2,326,633

Cabarrus 126 $214,956 135 $280,546 4 $18,965 - - - - - - $514,467
Campbell 1,826 $6,615,004 1,220 $4,596,508 699 $5,638,088 - - - - - - $16,849,600
Catawba 792 $2,553,578 627 $2,089,631 223 $1,509,487 - - - - - - $6,152,696
Chowan 570 $1,901,558 374 $1,272,125 220 $1,651,804 - - - - - - $4,825,487
Davidson 213 $600,346 198 $614,477 135 $2,201,227 - - - - - - $3,416,050
Duke 2,173 $7,878,606 317 $1,264,894 581 $9,814,998 - - - - - - $18,958,498
Elon 1,210 $4,517,082 692 $2,496,222 504 $6,366,117 - - - - - - $13,379,421
Gardner-Webb 1,514 $5,572,287 1,133 $4,066,543 191 $1,493,007 - - - - - - $11,131,837
Greensboro 627 $2,242,900 486 $1,767,695 167 $1,514,746 - - - - - - $5,525,341
Guilford 1,144 $3,896,357 723 $2,396,449 141 $1,153,050 - - - - - - $7,445,856
High Point 2,103 $5,886,461 1,318 $3,434,136 244 $1,861,140 63 $217,248 42 $133,651 5 $39,900 $11,572,536
Johnson C. Smith - - - - 57 $736,557 1,246 $4,496,188 748 $2,824,195 710 $5,854,537 $13,911,477
Lees-McRae 481 $1,618,285 373 $1,412,389 132 $1,079,102 - - - - - - $4,109,776
Lenoir-Rhyne 716 $2,537,338 448 $1,491,360 314 $2,410,554 - - - - - - $6,439,252
Livingstone - - 818 $2,873,284 - - 1,029 $3,087,071 - - - - $5,960,355
Mars Hill 741 $2,441,269 424 $1,480,513 157 $1,101,925 - - - - - - $5,023,707
Meredith 1,001 $3,534,895 719 $2,665,464 176 $1,789,723 - - - - - - $7,990,082
Methodist 1,179 $3,920,302 680 $2,414,089 236 $2,370,011 - - - - - - $8,704,402
Montreat 436 $1,409,962 372 $1,483,531 44 $303,022 - - - - - - $3,196,515
Mount Olive 904 $2,391,329 855 $2,691,156 30 $142,582 - - - - - - $5,225,067
N.C. Wesleyan 977 $2,888,364 799 $2,663,207 133 $735,784 - - - - - - $6,287,355
Peace 421 $1,189,315 306 $1,000,970 186 $1,450,628 - - - - - - $3,640,913
Pfeiffer 547 $3,012,987 615 $4,214,585 87 $516,231 - - - - - - $7,743,803
Queens 536 $1,737,755 529 $1,725,888 91 $851,104 - - - - - - $4,314,747
Saint Andrews 331 $1,037,433 110 $338,833 120 $942,951 - - - - - - $2,319,217
Saint Augustine's - - - - - - 1,329 $4,009,055 703 $2,316,724 330 $1,760,285 $8,086,064
Salem 429 $1,418,716 285 $975,498 44 $334,469 - - - - - - $2,728,683
Shaw - - - - - - 1,980 $6,195,102 523 $959,929 59 $212,656 $7,367,687
Wake Forest 804 $2,669,190 800 $2,762,896 406 $6,276,369 - - - - - - $11,708,455
Warren Wilson 366 $1,275,924 143 $448,528 128 $1,184,556 - - - - - - $2,909,008
Wingate 677 $2,371,079 464 $1,910,150 238 $2,042,399 - - - - - - $6,323,628
Table 67
Guaranteed Loan Programs Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004

___FFELP - Subsidized___ __FFELP - Unsubsidized__ ______FFELP - Plus______ ___FFDLP - Subsidized___ __FFDLP - Unsubsidized__ ______FFDLP - Plus______ Guaranteed
No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total Loans
Institution Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Provided
Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total 24,163 $81,858,417 16,813 $60,008,645 5,907 $59,413,791 6,168 $19,839,250 2,296 $7,210,445 1,427 $10,507,339 $238,837,887

Junior College
Louisburg 458 $835,617 463 $1,008,736 60 $473,660 - - - - - - $2,318,013

Private Sr. & Jr. Total 24,621 $82,694,034 17,276 $61,017,381 5,967 $59,887,451 6,168 $19,839,250 2,296 $7,210,445 1,427 $10,507,339 $241,155,900

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Heritage 39 $133,924 18 $64,288 1 $9,600 - - - - - - $207,812
John Wesley 112 $379,481 63 $219,300 8 $29,008 - - - - - - $627,789
Piedmont 117 $368,048 42 $141,019 18 $119,803 - - - - - - $628,870
Roanoke 98 $334,902 58 $220,809 21 $107,610 - - - - - - $663,321
Sem. & Bible Coll. Total 366 $1,216,355 181 $645,416 48 $266,021 - - - - - - $2,127,792

Private Total 24,987 $83,910,389 17,457 $61,662,797 6,015 $60,153,472 6,168 $19,839,250 2,296 $7,210,445 1,427 $10,507,339 $243,283,692

Grand Total 62,504 $202,275,589 48,498 $167,868,228 14,203 $116,738,980 25,194 $82,410,999 14,501 $48,463,916 6,486 $42,583,725 $660,341,437

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR067/08APR05

Table 67
Other Loan and Work Programs Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004

____Work Study (FWS)____ ______Perkins Loan______ ___Institutional Loans__ ______Other Loans_______ Non-Guaranteed Guaranteed Total
No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total Loans Loans Total
Institution Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Provided Provided Amount
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 579 $778,323 492 $793,505 - - 216 $1,195,640 $2,767,468 $36,935,850 $39,703,318
East Carolina 444 $588,802 1,507 $2,584,395 - - 949 $6,800,965 $9,974,162 $52,703,708 $62,677,870
Elizabeth City 290 $425,913 40 $97,142 103 $64,345 - - $587,400 $5,767,910 $6,355,310
Fayetteville 359 $354,918 210 $571,470 - - 3 $15,600 $941,988 $10,677,396 $11,619,384
N.C. A and T - - 173 $378,888 - - 1,051 $8,815,668 $9,194,556 $32,435,979 $41,630,535
N.C. Central 592 $421,991 246 $388,239 35 $70,034 26 $25,000 $905,264 $26,797,597 $27,702,861
N.C. School of the Arts 1 $634 60 $129,331 - - 43 $424,111 $554,076 $3,333,772 $3,887,848
N.C. State 679 $786,962 1,511 $2,684,164 56 $75,562 603 $3,706,671 $7,253,359 $46,912,397 $54,165,756
UNC-Asheville 101 $98,811 79 $232,365 - - - - $331,176 $7,253,699 $7,584,875
UNC-Chapel Hill 830 $1,459,175 2,147 $5,462,862 116 $196,812 425 $2,725,227 $9,844,076 $23,477,524 $33,321,600
UNC-Charlotte 215 $264,257 363 $1,153,129 44 $81,518 - - $1,498,904 $43,556,335 $45,055,239
UNC-Greensboro 300 $545,806 378 $1,000,249 - - 289 $1,652,174 $3,198,229 $35,655,609 $38,853,838
UNC-Pembroke 247 $221,852 73 $251,165 - - 86 $407,841 $880,858 $10,894,055 $11,774,913
UNC-Wilmington 288 $481,088 370 $1,033,208 4 $16,000 231 $1,447,106 $2,977,402 $33,604,020 $36,581,422
Western Carolina 442 $363,865 705 $1,941,746 - - - - $2,305,611 $15,673,573 $17,979,184
Winston-Salem 359 $531,201 113 $251,949 - - 40 $295,481 $1,078,631 $12,664,822 $13,743,453
UNC Total 5,726 $7,323,598 8,467 $18,953,807 358 $504,271 3,962 $27,511,484 $54,293,160 $398,344,246 $452,637,406

Community Colleges
Alamance 116 $194,749 - - - - 2 $19,000 $213,749 - $213,749
Asheville-Buncombe 104 $85,061 - - 104 $33,695 4 $6,037 $124,793 $998,466 $1,123,259
Beaufort Co. 33 $55,469 - - 2 $1,000 2 $22,000 $78,469 $120,487 $198,956
Bladen 47 $36,106 - - - - - - $36,106 - $36,106
Blue Ridge 29 $34,084 - - - - 3 $7,806 $41,890 $106,783 $148,673
Brunswick - - - - - - - - - - -
Caldwell 66 $87,679 - - - - - - $87,679 $712,884 $800,563
Cape Fear 127 $223,723 - - - - - - $223,723 $1,401,278 $1,625,001

Carteret 50 $45,297 - - 97 $41,558 - - $86,855 $133,382 $220,237
Catawba Valley 15 $18,809 - - - - 10 $26,950 $45,759 $160,914 $206,673
Central Carolina 70 $95,237 - - - - - - $95,237 - $95,237
Central Piedmont 100 $304,832 - - - - 353 $830,070 $1,134,902 $61,783 $1,196,685
Cleveland 26 $45,474 - - - - - - $45,474 - $45,474
Coastal Carolina - - - - - - - - - - -
Coll. of Albemarle 41 $39,050 - - 35 $24,012 3 $1,690 $64,752 - $64,752
Craven 73 $109,225 - - 36 $14,500 1 $550 $124,275 $363,290 $487,565
Davidson County - - - - - - 7 $23,500 $23,500 - $23,500
Durham 23 $61,849 - - 13 $6,372 - - $68,221 - $68,221
Edgecombe 26 $21,962 - - 72 $16,593 14 $29,314 $67,869 $40,098 $107,967
Fayetteville 76 $128,146 - - 465 $251,867 58 $31,709 $411,722 $3,370,548 $3,782,270
Forsyth 33 $70,101 - - 3 $1,237 11 $30,496 $101,834 - $101,834
Gaston 53 $90,509 - - - - 5 $15,250 $105,759 $364,327 $470,086
Guilford 90 $217,014 - - - - - - $217,014 $3,418,180 $3,635,194
Halifax 61 $76,230 - - 52 $21,196 - - $97,426 $63,179 $160,605
Haywood 58 $53,538 - - - - - - $53,538 $370,648 $424,186
Isothermal 12 $28,384 - - - - - - $28,384 - $28,384
James Sprunt 38 $51,763 - - - - - - $51,763 $92,238 $144,001
Johnston 35 $64,862 - - 153 $111,825 - - $176,687 $388,238 $564,925
Lenoir 101 $91,807 - - - - 74 $21,513 $113,320 $292,862 $406,182
Martin 40 $30,936 - - 18 $5,584 10 $3,327 $39,847 $998,279 $1,038,126
Mayland 36 $27,712 - - - - 23 $6,079 $33,791 - $33,791
McDowell 15 $24,819 - - - - - - $24,819 - $24,819
Mitchell 34 $27,344 - - - - 1 $2,391 $29,735 - $29,735
Montgomery 33 $23,220 - - 35 $15,921 - - $39,141 - $39,141
Nash 15 $22,453 - - - - - - $22,453 - $22,453
Pamlico 19 $6,710 - - - - 55 $31,783 $38,493 - $38,493
Piedmont 27 $38,139 - - 23 $9,838 - - $47,977 - $47,977
Pitt 88 $171,520 - - - - 67 $314,705 $486,225 $854,350 $1,340,575
Table 67
Other Loan and Work Programs Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004

____Work Study (FWS)____ ______Perkins Loan______ ___Institutional Loans__ ______Other Loans_______ Non-Guaranteed Guaranteed Total
No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total Loans Loans Total
Institution Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Provided Provided Amount
Randolph 49 $51,182 - - - - - - $51,182 - $51,182
Richmond 43 $52,181 - - - - - - $52,181 - $52,181
Roanoke-Chowan 76 $42,870 - - - - - - $42,870 - $42,870
Robeson 24 $36,816 - - - - - - $36,816 - $36,816
Rockingham 26 $43,734 - - 53 $20,823 4 $3,485 $68,042 $108,898 $176,940
Rowan-Cabarrus 15 $11,645 - - - - 8 $18,550 $30,195 - $30,195
Sampson 61 $67,682 - - - - 16 $4,764 $72,446 - $72,446
Sandhills 95 $112,494 - - - - - - $112,494 $189,877 $302,371
South Piedmont 32 $54,173 - - - - 150 $27,844 $82,017 - $82,017
Southeastern 68 $58,322 - - - - 95 $38,084 $96,406 $147,247 $243,653
Southwestern 46 $59,351 - - - - - - $59,351 $291,100 $350,451
Stanly 3 $54,964 - - 3 $540 12 $1,912 $57,416 - $57,416
Surry 49 $78,912 - - - - 45 $10,491 $89,403 $57,784 $147,187
Tri-County 23 $35,315 - - - - - - $35,315 - $35,315
Vance-Granville 63 $126,419 - - 109 $4,003 6 $0 $130,422 - $130,422
Wake 51 $75,445 - - - - 20 $37,145 $112,590 $3,059,179 $3,171,769
Wayne 85 $123,122 - - - - - - $123,122 $264,759 $387,881
Western Piedmont 62 $87,033 - - 29 $12,015 69 $29,959 $129,007 $192,981 $321,988
Wilkes 45 $45,269 - - - - 7 $18,250 $63,519 $89,460 $152,979
Wilson 52 $32,715 - - - - 40 $4,754 $37,469 - $37,469
Comm. Coll. Total 2,778 $3,953,457 - - 1,302 $592,579 1,175 $1,619,408 $6,165,444 $18,713,499 $24,878,943

Public Total 8,504 $11,277,055 8,467 $18,953,807 1,660 $1,096,850 5,137 $29,130,892 $60,458,604 $417,057,745 $477,516,349

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Barton 433 $483,315 93 $234,397 - - 109 $834,275 $1,551,987 $5,247,903 $6,799,890
Belmont Abbey 133 $138,427 - - - - - - $138,427 $4,482,381 $4,620,808
Bennett 98 $82,246 25 $73,200 - - - - $155,446 $3,018,988 $3,174,434

Brevard 92 $68,093 40 $74,000 - - 21 $150,005 $292,098 $2,326,633 $2,618,731
Cabarrus 13 $9,500 - - - - - - $9,500 $514,467 $523,967
Campbell 406 $241,858 275 $730,164 - - 118 $912,543 $1,884,565 $16,849,600 $18,734,165
Catawba 235 $321,307 211 $621,696 40 $97,577 33 $194,033 $1,234,613 $6,152,696 $7,387,309
Chowan 206 $157,834 230 $195,098 - - 83 $503,420 $856,352 $4,825,487 $5,681,839
Davidson 285 $304,993 225 $741,246 - - 167 $1,810,778 $2,857,017 $3,416,050 $6,273,067
Duke 1,988 $3,890,543 1,675 $3,495,602 35 $119,885 414 $5,891,972 $13,398,002 $18,958,498 $32,356,500
Elon 328 $294,928 291 $600,149 3 $8,000 253 $2,870,355 $3,773,432 $13,379,421 $17,152,853
Gardner-Webb 363 $539,190 217 $715,321 1 $2,679 151 $944,938 $2,202,128 $11,131,837 $13,333,965
Greensboro 194 $123,554 175 $272,637 81 $115,425 95 $698,538 $1,210,154 $5,525,341 $6,735,495
Guilford 85 $66,349 291 $910,970 143 $775,127 50 $364,864 $2,117,310 $7,445,856 $9,563,166
High Point 180 $155,022 116 $315,479 - - 166 $1,061,173 $1,531,674 $11,572,536 $13,104,210
Johnson C. Smith 474 $530,000 77 $263,594 - - 145 $1,188,531 $1,982,125 $13,911,477 $15,893,602
Lees-McRae 303 $365,301 32 $53,211 - - 25 $88,495 $507,007 $4,109,776 $4,616,783
Lenoir-Rhyne 178 $134,668 181 $574,068 - - 82 $416,978 $1,125,714 $6,439,252 $7,564,966
Livingstone 226 $268,511 - - - - 119 $732,024 $1,000,535 $5,960,355 $6,960,890
Mars Hill 271 $259,970 169 $271,052 10 $23,900 24 $170,223 $725,145 $5,023,707 $5,748,852
Meredith 356 $209,073 28 $61,655 46 $154,562 352 $2,110,522 $2,535,812 $7,990,082 $10,525,894
Methodist 899 $1,066,600 - - - - 169 $1,413,544 $2,480,144 $8,704,402 $11,184,546
Montreat 115 $149,962 40 $133,445 - - 20 $114,963 $398,370 $3,196,515 $3,594,885
Mount Olive 138 $138,150 18 $58,750 - - 21 $92,735 $289,635 $5,225,067 $5,514,702
N.C. Wesleyan 129 $82,113 82 $107,450 - - 17 $91,773 $281,336 $6,287,355 $6,568,691
Peace 203 $160,888 - - - - 56 $389,001 $549,889 $3,640,913 $4,190,802
Pfeiffer 242 $181,421 207 $376,352 - - 24 $139,557 $697,330 $7,743,803 $8,441,133
Queens 181 $99,663 5 $3,000 - - 48 $255,670 $358,333 $4,314,747 $4,673,080
Saint Andrews 186 $212,623 2 $3,000 - - 32 $242,693 $458,316 $2,319,217 $2,777,533
Saint Augustine's 557 $830,778 283 $636,233 - - - - $1,467,011 $8,086,064 $9,553,075
Salem 109 $125,965 10 $34,227 - - 7 $15,975 $176,167 $2,728,683 $2,904,850
Shaw 327 $402,421 46 $68,280 - - 18 $166,733 $637,434 $7,367,687 $8,005,121
Wake Forest 833 $1,513,434 948 $3,475,568 216 $514,337 293 $3,166,776 $8,670,115 $11,708,455 $20,378,570
Table 67
Other Loan and Work Programs Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004

____Work Study (FWS)____ ______Perkins Loan______ ___Institutional Loans__ ______Other Loans_______ Non-Guaranteed Guaranteed Total
No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total Loans Loans Total
Institution Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Recipients Amount Provided Provided Amount
Warren Wilson 365 $753,638 4 $5,014 - - 29 $228,589 $987,241 $2,909,008 $3,896,249
Wingate 534 $232,752 - - - - 148 $1,416,956 $1,649,708 $6,323,628 $7,973,336
Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total 11,665 $14,595,090 5,996 $15,104,858 575 $1,811,492 3,289 $28,678,632 $60,190,072 $238,837,887 $299,027,959

Junior College
Louisburg 90 $81,170 76 $184,835 - - 1 $10,000 $276,005 $2,318,013 $2,594,018

Private Sr. & Jr. Total 11,755 $14,676,260 6,072 $15,289,693 575 $1,811,492 3,290 $28,688,632 $60,466,077 $241,155,900 $301,621,977

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary - - - - - - - - - - -
Heritage 10 $7,020 - - - - - - $7,020 $207,812 $214,832
John Wesley 8 $17,156 - - - - 1 $8,196 $25,352 $627,789 $653,141
Piedmont 26 $22,097 - - - - - - $22,097 $628,870 $650,967
Roanoke 24 $15,921 - - - - 6 $46,888 $62,809 $663,321 $726,130
Sem. & Bible Coll. Total 68 $62,194 - - - - 7 $55,084 $117,278 $2,127,792 $2,245,070

Private Total 11,823 $14,738,454 6,072 $15,289,693 575 $1,811,492 3,297 $28,743,716 $60,583,355 $243,283,692 $303,867,047

Grand Total 20,327 $26,015,509 14,539 $34,243,500 2,235 $2,908,342 8,434 $57,874,608 $121,041,959 $660,341,437 $781,383,396

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR067/08APR05

Table 68
Scholarship/Loans Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004

______________ROTC_____________ ______NC Teaching Fellows______ ________Nurse Education________ ________Nurse Scholars_________ ___Other Scholarship/Loans*___
__Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__
Institution Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Total
Public Institutions
University of North Carolina
Appalachian 17 $89,416 $5,260 234 $1,424,458 $6,087 - - - - - - 112 $275,000 $2,455 $1,788,874
East Carolina 21 $134,603 $6,410 184 $1,123,650 $6,107 - - - - - - 64 $167,088 $2,611 $1,425,341
Elizabeth City 5 $23,844 $4,769 - - - - - - - - - 5 $41,320 $8,264 $65,164
Fayetteville 2 $3,989 $1,995 - - - - - - - - - 16 $20,345 $1,272 $24,334
N.C. A and T 55 $467,561 $8,501 21 $126,050 $6,002 35 $35,190 $1,005 16 $58,500 $3,656 - - - $687,301
N.C. Central 7 $27,540 $3,934 19 $118,860 $6,256 - - - 7 $27,500 $3,929 13 $44,792 $3,446 $218,692
N.C. School of the Arts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
N.C. State 127 $1,012,688 $7,974 130 $800,172 $6,155 - - - - - - 11 $38,884 $3,535 $1,851,744
UNC-Asheville - - - 46 $261,832 $5,692 - - - 1 $2,500 $2,500 7 $15,000 $2,143 $279,332
UNC-Chapel Hill 79 $810,736 $10,262 222 $1,350,762 $6,085 12 $18,840 $1,570 76 $357,500 $4,704 22 $70,000 $3,182 $2,607,838
UNC-Charlotte - - - 106 $648,400 $6,117 7 $17,951 $2,564 89 $420,684 $4,727 - - - $1,087,035
UNC-Greensboro - - - 151 $921,200 $6,101 9 $30,975 $3,442 114 $540,500 $4,741 62 $151,250 $2,440 $1,643,925
UNC-Pembroke - - - 47 $281,500 $5,989 - - - - - - 20 $63,410 $3,171 $344,910
UNC-Wilmington - - - 132 $789,954 $5,985 2 $10,000 $5,000 47 $226,250 $4,814 45 $116,150 $2,581 $1,142,354
Western Carolina - - - 72 $438,324 $6,088 11 $12,159 $1,105 59 $286,000 $4,847 40 $98,142 $2,454 $834,625
Winston-Salem 3 $15,447 $5,149 - - - 23 $28,000 $1,217 17 $66,900 $3,935 9 $31,250 $3,472 $141,597
UNC Total 316 $2,585,824 $8,183 1,364 $8,285,162 $6,074 99 $153,115 $1,547 426 $1,986,334 $4,663 426 $1,132,631 $2,659 $14,143,066

Community Colleges
Alamance - - - - - - 5 $9,920 $1,984 3 $8,500 $2,833 - - - $18,420
Asheville-Buncombe - - - - - - 22 $36,180 $1,645 10 $30,000 $3,000 8 $22,000 $2,750 $88,180
Beaufort Co. - - - - - - 10 $15,710 $1,571 8 $22,500 $2,813 8 $23,500 $2,938 $61,710
Bladen - - - - - - 4 $5,530 $1,383 - - - - - - $5,530
Blue Ridge - - - - - - 9 $7,470 $830 1 $3,000 $3,000 1 $3,000 $3,000 $13,470
Brunswick - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Caldwell - - - - - - 13 $11,300 $869 1 $3,000 $3,000 4 $13,000 $3,250 $27,300
Cape Fear - - - - - - 16 $31,000 $1,938 3 $9,000 $3,000 - - - $40,000

Carteret - - - - - - 6 $3,832 $639 - - - 40 $18,867 $472 $22,699
Catawba Valley - - - - - - 12 $16,510 $1,376 7 $21,000 $3,000 1 $450 $450 $37,960
Central Carolina - - - - - - 25 $13,281 $531 3 $6,000 $2,000 - - - $19,281
Central Piedmont - - - - - - 15 $14,220 $948 - - - 13 $11,700 $900 $25,920
Cleveland - - - - - - 6 $3,995 $666 1 $1,500 $1,500 7 $10,500 $1,500 $15,995
Coastal Carolina - - - - - - 5 $15,000 $3,000 12 $13,980 $1,165 1 $600 $600 $29,580
Coll. of Albemarle - - - - - - 12 $13,400 $1,117 4 $10,500 $2,625 28 $21,675 $774 $45,575
Craven - - - - - - 15 $19,120 $1,275 3 $9,000 $3,000 5 $13,397 $2,679 $41,517
Davidson County - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 $2,032 $508 $2,032
Durham - - - - - - 29 $21,200 $731 1 $3,000 $3,000 - - - $24,200
Edgecombe - - - - - - 27 $11,178 $414 2 $6,000 $3,000 - - - $17,178
Fayetteville - - - - - - 13 $24,350 $1,873 3 $9,000 $3,000 2,158 $2,757,973 $1,278 $2,791,323
Forsyth - - - - - - 45 $42,130 $936 1 $1,500 $1,500 1 $3,000 $3,000 $46,630
Gaston - - - - - - 18 $24,070 $1,337 13 $39,000 $3,000 11 $23,800 $2,164 $86,870
Guilford - - - - - - 9 $21,413 $2,379 4 $9,000 $2,250 - - - $30,413
Halifax - - - - - - 4 $5,145 $1,286 5 $13,500 $2,700 15 $38,400 $2,560 $57,045
Haywood - - - - - - 12 $4,810 $401 3 $9,000 $3,000 3 $4,400 $1,467 $18,210
Isothermal - - - - - - 2 $4,000 $2,000 2 $4,500 $2,250 6 $14,500 $2,417 $23,000
James Sprunt - - - - - - 13 $13,940 $1,072 3 $6,000 $2,000 46 $18,770 $408 $38,710
Johnston - - - - - - 24 $12,930 $539 3 $9,000 $3,000 - - - $21,930
Lenoir - - - - - - 17 $6,890 $405 4 $12,000 $3,000 - - - $18,890
Martin - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 $2,600 $1,300 $2,600
Mayland - - - - - - 20 $8,390 $420 - - - - - - $8,390
McDowell - - - - - - 10 $6,374 $637 1 $3,000 $3,000 - - - $9,374
Mitchell - - - - - - 10 $11,676 $1,168 1 $1,500 $1,500 - - - $13,176
Montgomery - - - - - - 10 $5,690 $569 - - - - - - $5,690
Nash - - - - - - 18 $15,310 $851 2 $4,500 $2,250 6 $17,000 $2,833 $36,810
Pamlico - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 $7,200 $1,800 $7,200
Piedmont - - - - - - 7 $6,000 $857 1 $3,000 $3,000 5 $2,632 $526 $11,632
Pitt - - - - - - 20 $14,648 $732 2 $6,000 $3,000 2 $2,250 $1,125 $22,898
Table 68
Scholarship/Loans Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004

______________ROTC_____________ ______NC Teaching Fellows______ ________Nurse Education________ ________Nurse Scholars_________ ___Other Scholarship/Loans*___
__Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__
Institution Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Total
Randolph - - - - - - 15 $10,400 $693 2 $6,000 $3,000 - - - $16,400
Richmond - - - - - - 9 $14,040 $1,560 3 $9,000 $3,000 11 $19,685 $1,790 $42,725
Roanoke-Chowan - - - - - - 15 $8,130 $542 6 $18,000 $3,000 73 $63,173 $865 $89,303
Robeson - - - - - - 13 $13,460 $1,035 6 $18,000 $3,000 4 $12,000 $3,000 $43,460
Rockingham - - - - - - 13 $12,750 $981 3 $9,000 $3,000 - - - $21,750
Rowan-Cabarrus - - - - - - 12 $19,120 $1,593 4 $12,000 $3,000 6 $15,250 $2,542 $46,370
Sampson - - - - - - 38 $15,320 $403 3 $9,000 $3,000 6 $15,091 $2,515 $39,411
Sandhills - - - - - - 28 $21,790 $778 3 $9,000 $3,000 8 $12,295 $1,537 $43,085
South Piedmont - - - - - - 2 $3,050 $1,525 - - - 1 $900 $900 $3,950
Southeastern - - - - - - 23 $20,400 $887 3 $9,000 $3,000 2 $2,100 $1,050 $31,500
Southwestern - - - - - - 3 $5,200 $1,733 5 $15,000 $3,000 1 $3,000 $3,000 $23,200
Stanly - - - - - - 6 $9,300 $1,550 10 $30,000 $3,000 1 $250 $250 $39,550
Surry - - - - - - 18 $19,110 $1,062 12 $36,000 $3,000 25 $6,536 $261 $61,646
Tri-County - - - - - - 8 $4,200 $525 3 $4,500 $1,500 - - - $8,700
Vance-Granville - - - - - - 10 $17,560 $1,756 3 $9,000 $3,000 8 $20,400 $2,550 $46,960
Wake - - - - - - 65 $51,200 $788 - - - 25 $30,539 $1,222 $81,739
Wayne - - - - - - 12 $14,645 $1,220 4 $12,000 $3,000 1 $1,968 $1,968 $28,613
Western Piedmont - - - - - - 21 $13,714 $653 6 $18,000 $3,000 4 $3,945 $986 $35,659
Wilkes - - - - - - 12 $11,270 $939 8 $24,000 $3,000 75 $22,635 $302 $57,905
Wilson - - - - - - 18 $10,646 $591 - - - - - - $10,646
Comm. Coll. Total - - - - - - 824 $771,917 $937 191 $524,980 $2,749 2,630 $3,263,013 $1,241 $4,559,910

Public Total 316 $2,585,824 $8,183 1,364 $8,285,162 $6,074 923 $925,032 $1,002 617 $2,511,314 $4,070 3,056 $4,395,644 $1,438 $18,702,976

Private Institutions
Senior Colleges & Universities
Barton - - - - - - - - - 27 $120,250 $4,454 14 $37,450 $2,675 $157,700
Belmont Abbey - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bennett - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Brevard - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cabarrus - - - - - - 3 $5,000 $1,667 10 $27,000 $2,700 1 $1,500 $1,500 $33,500
Campbell 18 $250,834 $13,935 - - - - - - - - - 50 $204,544 $4,091 $455,378
Catawba - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 $23,750 $2,375 $23,750
Chowan - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 $10,000 $2,500 $10,000
Davidson 25 $490,000 $19,600 - - - - - - - - - - - - $490,000
Duke 81 $2,526,772 $31,195 6 $9,500 $1,583 2 $5,000 $2,500 - - - 2 $7,500 $3,750 $2,548,772
Elon 7 $106,135 $15,162 89 $570,192 $6,407 - - - - - - 8 $16,250 $2,031 $692,577
Gardner-Webb - - - - - - - - - 25 $69,000 $2,760 15 $33,834 $2,256 $102,834
Greensboro - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 $32,500 $2,500 $32,500
Guilford - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
High Point - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Johnson C. Smith 1 $6,531 $6,531 - - - - - - - - - - - - $6,531
Lees-McRae - - - - - - 4 $10,000 $2,500 8 $24,000 $3,000 5 $16,000 $3,200 $50,000
Lenoir-Rhyne - - - - - - 3 $5,000 $1,667 29 $138,000 $4,759 5 $17,500 $3,500 $160,500
Livingstone - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mars Hill - - - - - - - - - - - - 31 $106,600 $3,439 $106,600
Meredith - - - 63 $385,984 $6,127 - - - - - - 7 $13,867 $1,981 $399,851
Methodist 15 $226,385 $15,092 - - - - - - - - - 3 $7,500 $2,500 $233,885
Montreat - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mount Olive - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500
N.C. Wesleyan - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 $5,000 $2,500 $5,000
Peace - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Pfeiffer - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 $10,000 $2,500 $10,000
Queens - - - - - - 1 $5,000 $5,000 8 $29,000 $3,625 - - - $34,000
Saint Andrews - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Saint Augustine's 4 $34,526 $8,632 - - - - - - - - - 150 $1,000,852 $6,672 $1,035,378
Salem - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 $14,800 $2,114 $14,800
Shaw - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 $9,600 $2,400 $9,600
Wake Forest 49 $1,083,850 $22,119 - - - - - - - - - 2 $6,500 $3,250 $1,090,350
Table 68
Scholarship/Loans Provided to Undergraduate Students in North Carolina Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004

______________ROTC_____________ ______NC Teaching Fellows______ ________Nurse Education________ ________Nurse Scholars_________ ___Other Scholarship/Loans*___
__Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__ __Amount Received__
Institution Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Recipients Total Avg./Rec. Total
Warren Wilson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wingate - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 $62,500 $3,906 $62,500
Sr. Coll. & Univ. Total 200 $4,725,033 $23,625 158 $965,676 $6,112 13 $30,000 $2,308 107 $407,250 $3,806 354 $1,640,547 $4,634 $7,768,506

Junior College
Louisburg - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Private Sr. & Jr. Total 200 $4,725,033 $23,625 158 $965,676 $6,112 13 $30,000 $2,308 107 $407,250 $3,806 354 $1,640,547 $4,634 $7,768,506

Seminary/Bible Colleges
Southeastern Seminary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Heritage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
John Wesley - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Piedmont - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Roanoke - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sem. & Bible Coll. Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Private Total 200 $4,725,033 $23,625 158 $965,676 $6,112 13 $30,000 $2,308 107 $407,250 $3,806 354 $1,640,547 $4,634 $7,768,506

Grand Total 516 $7,310,857 $14,168 1,522 $9,250,838 $6,078 936 $955,032 $1,020 724 $2,918,564 $4,031 3,410 $6,036,191 $1,770 $26,471,482

UNC-OP ProgAssess/Abs.GR068/08APR05

Table 69. North Carolina Legislative Tuition Grants (NCLTG) and
State Contractual Scholarship Funds (SCSF) Awarded to Students in
North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004
As of June 30, 2004
Number of Total Amount Avg. per Number of Total Amount Avg. per
Institution Recipients Provided Recipient Recipients Provided Recipient
Independent Senior Institutions
Barber-Scotia College 446 $ 624,600.00 $ 1,400 325 $ 447,150.00 $1,376
Barton College 685 1,146,150.00 1,673 354 807,400.00 2,281
Belmont Abbey College 462 709,881.00 1,537 148 518,375.00 3,503
Bennett College 133 215,100.00 1,617 48 135,300.00 2,819
Brevard College 266 436,275.00 1,640 137 283,525.00 2,070
Cabarrus Coll. of Health Sci. 185 252,900.00 1,367 124 235,400.00 1,898
Campbell University 2,806 4,401,187.00 1,568 1,335 3,745,775.00 2,806
Catawba College 1,018 1,623,600.00 1,595 337 1,073,050.00 3,184
Chowan College 365 583,695.00 1,599 165 389,125.00 2,358
Davidson College 316 556,200.00 1,760 110 347,600.00 3,160
Duke University 838 1,469,475.00 1,754 280 908,600.00 3,245
Elon College 1,217 2,077,689.00 1,707 370 1,318,075.00 3,562
Gardner-Webb University 1,758 2,651,164.00 1,508 850 1,985,775.00 2,336
Greensboro College 649 1,042,200.00 1,606 294 696,025.00 2,367
Guilford College 1,090 1,616,112.00 1,483 356 1,125,575.00 3,162
High Point University 1,530 2,356,200.00 1,540 721 1,650,550.00 2,289
J. C. Smith University 408 634,500.00 1,555 371 415,525.00 1,120
Lees-McRae College 525 840,600.00 1,601 238 547,525.00 2,301
Lenoir-Rhyne College 907 1,493,325.00 1,646 498 1,067,275.00 2,143
Livingstone College 602 956,700.00 1,589 309 608,850.00 1,970
Mars Hill College 825 1,310,669.00 1,589 341 887,425.00 2,602
Meredith College 1,332 2,248,425.00 1,688 321 1,594,450.00 4,967
Methodist College 1,122 1,573,800.00 1,403 566 1,207,250.00 2,133
Montreat College 733 1,141,200.00 1,557 209 748,275.00 3,580
Mount Olive College 1,828 2,470,800.00 1,352 912 1,834,525.00 2,012
NC Wesleyan College 1,119 1,658,150.00 1,482 380 1,272,625.00 3,349
Peace College 604 1,006,425.00 1,666 219 644,875.00 2,945
Pfeiffer University 843 1,252,075.00 1,485 407 850,850.00 2,091
Queens University 379 601,438.00 1,587 191 450,725.00 2,360
St. Andrews Presby. College 327 522,900.00 1,599 108 353,650.00 3,275
St. Augustine's College 745 1,158,525.00 1,555 479 763,950.00 1,595
Salem College 511 784,800.00 1,536 127 549,450.00 4,326
Shaw University 1,739 2,540,700.00 1,461 875 1,767,975.00 2,021
Wake Forest University 1,101 1,908,900.00 1,734 343 1,194,325.00 3,482
Warren Wilson College 140 219,638.00 1,569 71 140,800.00 1,983
Wingate University 748 1,240,875.00 1,659 319 813,450.00 2,550
Independent Senior Total 30,302 $ 47,326,873.00 $ 1,562 13,238 $ 33,381,075.00 $ 2,522
Independent Junior Institutions
Louisburg College 412 653,400.00 1,586 182 411,950.00 2,263
Grand Total 30,714 $ 47,980,273.00 $ 1,562 13,420 $ 33,793,025.00 $ 2,518

*The allocations above were made under the North Carolina Legislative Tuition Grant (NCLTG) program which is administered by the
North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority. NCLTG awards are paid to Institutions for and on behalf of eligible students each
term as defined under NCLTG Regulations.
**The allocations above were made under the State Contractual Scholarship Fund (SCSF) program to North Carolina resident
undergraduate students attending private colleges and universities in North Carolina. The funds were then granted by the Institutions to
their North Carolina undergraduate students on the basis of financial need.
Source: North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority

Table 70. Financial Aid for Graduate Students in North Carolina Universities, 2003-04

Grants & Scholarships Scholarship/Loans Loans Assistantships Federal Work Study Total
No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total Graduate
Institution Recipients Received Recipients Received Recipients Received Recipients Received Recipients Received Aid

University of North Carolina

Appalachian 470 $1,232,381 4 $8,750 483 $5,144,282 376 $2,247,048 18 $9,664 $8,642,125
East Carolina 550 3,464,192 16 82,526 1,405 14,561,822 846 4,568,602 8 19,033 22,696,175
Elizabeth City 10 3,844 - - 4 22,491 - - - - 26,335
Fayetteville 57 195,196- 1 704 271 2,024,990 19 31,100 8 12,500 2,264,490
N.C. A and T 571 3,163,082 - - 524 5,293,042 153 689,022 - - 9,145,146
N.C. Central 278 684,874 2 5,000 774 10,213,999 32 175,175 27 50,600 11,129,648
N.C. School of the Arts 61 383,314 - - 53 609,589 40 102,850 - - 1,095,753
N.C. State 3,367 26,478,089 2 9,650 1,303 15,296,277 2,343 37,181,903 21 52,740 79,018,659
UNC-Asheville - -- - - 8 64,394 - - - - 64,394
UNC-Chapel Hill 2,077 16,659,036 45 252,607 2,507 40,817,342 2,944 38,584,363 52 436,860 96,750,208
UNC-Charlotte 1,357 6,819,934 26 135,603 1,039 11,913,772 205 1,793,677 - - 20,662,986
UNC-Greensboro 1,026 5,214,890 38 180,958 1,179 11,179,111 18 149,400 - - 16,724,359
UNC-Pembroke 42 330,903- - - 142 890,260 28 216,000 - - 1,437,163
UNC-Wilmington 485 1,310,820- 3 12,000 441 4,664,647 256 1,838,178 1 1,500 7,827,145
Western Carolina 349 1,021,579 4 24,452 403 4,328,086 226 1,182,764 5 2,142 6,559,023
Winston-Salem 8 13,314 2 9,750 63 726,204 - - - - 749,268
UNC Total 10,708 66,975,448 143 722,000 10,599 127,750,308 7,486 88,760,082 140 585,039 284,792,877
Private Institutions
Campbell 73 203,963- 1 9,240- 209 2,963,376 - - 1 468 3,177,047
Catawba 4 1,050- - -- - - - - - - 1,050
Duke DNA 60,164,707 DNA 354,704 DNA 45,081,059 47 18,054,548 99 541,521 124,196,539
Elon 18 66,152- 3 16,700- 130 2,171,574 - - 1 501 2,254,927
Gardner-Webb 90 241,408 3 16,500- 341 2,602,391 - - - - 2,860,299
Greensboro - - - - 3 21,106 - - - - 21,106
High Point 11 13,900 - - 198 1,190,368 - - 1 602 1,204,870
Lenoir-Rhyne 41 129,545- - -- 46 238,222 - - - - 367,767
Meredith 24 48,400 - -- 62 581,299 - - - - 629,699
Methodist 20 81,745 2 13,000 33 750,140 - - - - 844,885
Montreat 9 30,862 - -- 24 190,494 - - - - 221,356
Pfeiffer 235 360,542- - -- 505 3,220,592 24 80,043 - - 3,661,177
Queens 37 106,200 - -- 77 622,600 - - - - 728,800
Salem 22 28,483- - -- 89 413,598 - - - - 442,081
Show 3 3,000 - - 152 1,971,546 - - - - 1,974,546
Wake Forest 572 9,560,490 5 39,280 612 12,518,654 - - 3 11,792 22,130,216
Warren Wilson 25 99,150 - -- 29 243,744 - - - - 342,894
Wingate 17 50,921- - -- 39 157,760 - - - - 208,681
Southeastern Seminary 350 382,806 - -- - - - - - - 382,806
Piedmont 1 3,601 - - 3 11,570 - - - - 15,171
Private Total 1,552 * 71,576,925 14 449,424 2,552 * 74,950,093 71 * 18,134,591 105 554,884 165,665,917
GRAND TOTAL 12,260 * 138,552,373 157 1,171,424 13,151* 202,700,401 7,557 * 106,894,673 245 1,139,923 450,458,794
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.TT006A.U/6-2-05
NOTE: "DNA" represents data not available.
* The total number of recipients is the sum of those reported. No values for "DNA" institutions were imputed.

Table 71. Financial Aid for First Professional Students in North Carolina Universities, 2003-04

Grants & Scholarships Scholarship/Loans Loans Assistantships Federal Work Study Total
No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total First Prof.
Institution Recipients Received Recipients Received Recipients Received Recipients Received Recipients Received Aid

University of North Carolina

East Carolina 73 $426,313 15 $122,786 251 $4,546,462 1 $2,187 - $ - $5,097,748
N.C. Central 116 377,906 - - 335 5,839,471 1 2,500 18 24,250 6,244,127
N.C. State 256 494,304 21 178,140 243 4,967,640 - - - - 5,640,084
UNC-Chapel Hill 1,447 7,118,953 69 523,500 1,655 34,310,727 35 160,210 8 10,015 42,123,405
UNC Total 1,892 8,417,476 105 824,426 2,484 49,664,300 37 164,897 26 34,265 59,105,364
Private Institutions
Campbell 478 1,781,532- 74 569,500- 632 16,382,996 3 12,000 1 395 18,746,423
Duke 1,201 14,571,009 9 370,679 1,166 29,026,247 - - 140 316,474 44,284,409
Gardner-Webb 198 640,797 - -- 41 282,970 - - - - 923,767
Shaw - - - - - - - - - - -
Wake Forest 364 6,459,336 35 1,167,962 832 20,020,324 175 199,946 142 206,466 28,054,034
Southeastern Seminary 1,179 1,348,551 - - - - - - - - 1,348,551
Private Total 3,420 * 24,801,225 118 * 2,108,141 2,671 * 65,712,537 178 211,946 283 523,335 93,357,184
GRAND TOTAL 5,312 * 33,218,701 223 * 2,932,567 5,155 * 115,376,837 215 376,843 309 557,600 152,462,548
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.TT006B.U/6-2-05
NOTE: "DNA" represents data not available.
* The total number of recipients is the sum of those reported. No values for "DNA" institutions were imputed.



Figure 17. Percent Dormitory Utilization in the University of North Carolina, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004

Table 72. Capacity and Utilization of Dormitories in the University of North Carolina, Fall 1994 to Fall 2004

Table 73. Enrollment by Type of Housing in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004

Table 74. Enrollment by Type of Housing in North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

Figure 17. Percent Dormitory Utilization in the University of
North Carolina, Fall 1994 - Fall 2004




96% 95.8%
95.6% 95.6%
95.2% 95.2%




1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AG004.U/7-12-05

Table 72. Capacity and Utilization of Dormitories in the University of North Carolina,
Fall 1994 to Fall 2004

Number of Normal Percent of Percent of

Total Students Capacity Capacity Enrollment
Year Enrollment Housed in Dorms of Dorms Used in Dorms

Fall 1994 152,871 42,326 44,413 95.3% 27.7%

Fall 1995 153,146 42,982 45,408 94.7% 28.1%

Fall 1996 151,619 43,584 45,763 95.2% 28.7%

Fall 1997 153,582 43,917 45,110 97.4% 28.6%

Fall 1998 154,219 44,168 45,701 96.6% 28.6%

Fall 1999 155,444 44,848 46,802 95.8% 28.9%

Fall 2000* 162,761 45,586 47,674 95.6% 28.0%

Fall 2001* 169,792 46,107 47,661 96.7% 27.2%

Fall 2002* 176,967 47,062 48,487 97.1% 26.6%

Fall 2003* 183,347 48,232 50,671 95.2% 26.3%

Fall 2004* 189,615 48,290 50,497 95.6% 25.5%

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT014.U/6-2-05
*Including N.C. School of the Arts, Non High School, since Fall 2000.
Table 73. Enrollment by Type of Housing in the University of North Carolina, Fall 2004

College-Owned (or Related) Housing

College Dormitories Fraternity Other
Number % of Total % of Normal Married and College- Type of
Total Actually Enrollment Normal Capacity Student Sorority Owned Housing
Institution Enrollment Housed in Dorms Capacity Used Housing Housing Housing Commuters* Unknown

Appalachian 14,653 4,756 32.5% 4,797 99.1% 98 - - - 9,799

East Carolina 22,767 4,936 21.7% 5,314 92.9% - 258 - 17,573 -
Elizabeth City 2,470 1,196 48.4% 1,320 90.6% - - - 1,274 -
Fayetteville 5,441 1,097 20.2% 1,100 99.7% - - - 4,344 -
N.C. A and T 10,383 1,998 19.2% 2,114 94.5% - - - 8,385 -
N.C. Central 7,727 2,123 27.5% 2,303 92.2% - - - 5,604 -
N.C. School of the Arts 788 383 48.6% 394 97.2% - - - 405 -
N.C. State 29,957 6,546 21.9% 6,935 94.4% 180 351 - 22,880 -

UNC-Asheville 3,574 1,277 35.7% 1,317 97.0% - - - 2,297 -
UNC-Chapel Hill 26,878 7,271 27.1% 7,449 97.6% 130 702 - 18,775 -
UNC-Charlotte 19,846 4,234 21.3% 4,386 96.5% - - - 15,612 -
UNC-Greensboro 15,329 3,757 24.5% 3,901 96.3% - - - 11,572 -
UNC-Pembroke 5,027 1,233 24.5% 1,571 78.5% - - - 3,794 -
UNC-Wilmington 11,574 2,401 20.7% 2,364 101.6% - - - 9,173 -
Western Carolina 8,396 3,408 40.6% 3,558 95.8% 38 218 - 4,732 -
Winston-Salem 4,805 1,674 34.8% 1,674 100.0% - - - 3,131 -

Total 189,615 48,290 25.5% 50,497 95.6% 446 1,529 0 129,551 9,799

Percent of Total
Enrollment 25.5% 0.2% 0.8% 0.0% 68.3% 5.2%
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT013.U/2-11-05
*Includes privately owned housing in community and commuters from home.
Table 74. Enrollment by Type of Housing in North Carolina Private Colleges and Universities, Fall 2004

College-Owned (or Related) Housing

Total College Dormitories Fraternity Other
Resident Number % of Total % of Normal Married and College- Type of
Credit Actually Enrollment Normal Capacity Student Sorority Owned Housing
Institution Enrollment Housed in Dorms Capacity Used Housing Housing Housing Commuters* Unknown
Barber-Scotia Data Not Available
Barton 1,231 474 38.5% 608 78.0% - - - 757 -
Belmont Abbey 791 375 47.4% 595 63.0% - - - 416 -
Bennett 504 380 75.4% 429 88.6% - - - 124 -
Brevard 584 406 69.5% 603 67.3% - - - 178 -
Cabarrus 306 - - - - - - - 306 -
Campbell 6,982 1,402 20.1% 1,515 92.5% 126 - 203 5,251 -
Catawba 1,395 652 46.7% 744 87.6% - - - 743 -
Chowan 687 458 66.7% 727 63.0% - - - 229 -
Davidson 1,714 1,519 88.6% 1,536 98.9% - - - 152 43
Duke 12,770 4,179 32.7% 4,326 96.6% - - 1,015 7,576 -
Elon 4,796 2,073 43.2% 2,092 99.1% - 137 248 2,098 240
Gardner-Webb 3,724 1,101 29.6% 1,139 96.7% - - - 2,623 -
Greensboro 1,226 570 46.5% 627 90.9% - - 4 652 -
Guilford 2,511 844 33.6% 883 95.6% - - 41 1,626 -
High Point 2,842 1,053 37.1% 1,117 94.3% - - 8 1,781 -
Johnson C. Smith 1,415 995 70.3% 1,151 86.4% - - - 420 -
Lees-McRae 875 548 62.6% 615 89.1% - - - 327 -
Lenoir-Rhyne 1,579 756 47.9% 782 96.7% - - 20 803 -
Livingstone 1,016 562 55.3% 631 89.1% - - 23 431 -
Mars Hill 1,384 779 56.3% 900 86.6% - - - 605 -
Meredith 2,169 825 38.0% 994 83.0% - - - 1,344 -
Methodist 2,277 860 37.8% 869 99.0% - - - 1,417 `
Montreat 1,003 284 28.3% 395 71.9% - - - 719 -
Mount Olive 2,583 273 10.6% 297 91.9% - - - 2,310 -
N.C. Wesleyan 1,776 567 31.9% 591 95.9% - - - 1,209 -
Peace 695 383 55.1% 415 92.3% - - 22 290 -
Pfeiffer 2,053 506 24.6% 669 75.6% - - 1 1,546 -
Queens 2,107 544 25.8% 727 74.8% - - - 1,563 -
St. Andrews 741 567 76.5% 776 73.1% - - - 174 -
St. Augustine's 1,395 856 61.4% 1,094 78.2% - - - 539
Salem 1,114 413 37.1% 440 93.9% - - 45 656 -
Shaw 2,709 823 30.4% 1,292 63.7% - - - 1,886 -
Wake Forest 6,504 2,926 45.0% 3,016 97.0% - - - 1,040 2,538
Warren Wilson 865 652 75.4% 710 91.8% 1 - - 124 88
Wingate 1560 437 28.0% 470 93.0% - - 609 514 -

Senior Colleges and

Universities Total 77,883 30,042 38.6% 33,775 88.9% 127 137 2,239 42,429 2,909

Louisburg 571 480 84.1% 521 92.1% - - - 91 -

Private Senior and

Junior Total 78,454 30,522 38.9% 34,296 89.0% 127 137 2,239 42,520 2,909

Southeastern 2,110 48 2.3% 53 90.6% 20 - 626 1,416 -

Heritage 102 20 19.6% 48 41.7% 4 - - 78 -
John Wesley 170 18 10.6% 32 56.3% 4 - 1 - 147
Piedmont 266 123 46.2% 210 58.6% 8 - - 135 -
Roanoke 172 119 69.2% 244 48.8% 20 - - 33 -
Winston-Salem Data Not Provided

Bible Colleges Total 710 280 39.4% 534 52.4% 36 - 1 246 147

GRAND TOTAL 81,274 30,850 38.0% 34,883 88.4% 183 137 2,866 44,182 3,056
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AT015.U/2-23-05
*Includes privately-owned housing in community and commuters from home.


UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AR001.U/5-25-05



The basic data used in this publication were provided by North Carolina colleges and universities on annual
North Carolina Higher Education Data survey forms (NCHED) of the University of North Carolina, Integrated
Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), and unit record data for the University of North Carolina and NC
Community College System. The sources of basic data for each section are listed below.


SDF Unit Record Data (the University of SECTION V. FACULTY

North Carolina and NC Community
College System) NCHED A-5 Full-Time Instructional Faculty in
Institutions of Higher Education,
NCHED A-1.1 Degree-Credit Enrollment, Fall Fall 2004


Report in Higher Education, 2004
(private colleges only) NCES Academic Library Survey, 2003-04

NCHED A-1.1 Extension Credit Enrollment, Fall


NCHED A-1.3 "Home Base" of Students, Fall 2004 NCHED A-3 Student Tuition, Fees, and
Charges for the Academic Year
NCHED A-1.6 Survey of Enrollment by Age, 2004-05
Fall 2004

NCHED Enrollment and Credit Hours in SECTION VIII. ADMISSIONS

(Suppl. 2) Summer Session(s), 2004
NCHED A-4 Admission Practices, Fall 2004
NCHED A-1.8 Upper-Division and Post-Bacca-
laureate Enrollment by Degree SDF Applications, Acceptances, and
Field, Fall 2004 (the University of (Student Actual Enrollment; SAT Scores;
North Carolina only) Data File) and High School Class Rank, Fall
2004 (the University of North

Historical enrollment data accumulated by the NC

Board of Higher Education and the University of North SECTION IX. STUDENT FINANCIAL AID
Carolina Office of the President.
NCHED A-10 Student Financial Aid Summary
(for the twelve-month period
FAF Unit Record Data (the University of
NCHED A1.2 New Undergraduate Transfer North Carolina)
Students, Fall 2004

IPEDS C Completions, between July 1, SECTION X. STUDENT HOUSING

2003 and June 30, 2004
NCHED A-2 Student Housing Report, Fall
UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AR002.U/5-25-05 2004



The definitions below are intended to facilitate the better understanding of information presented in this
report. These are selected from the University of North Carolina's reporting forms and the US Department of
Education's Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System forms.

1. ENROLLMENT for UNC and private institutions refers to the headcount degree-credit enrollment. The degree-
credit enrollment includes full-time and part-time students enrolled in courses basic to or creditable to a bachelor's
or higher degree including extension courses but excluding students in correspondence, adult education, audited
courses, short courses, and those enrolled for individual lessons only.

Undergraduate includes students who have not completed a full four-year program or its equivalent and also
students in a five-year bachelor's program. This classification includes students in junior and community
colleges in programs transferable to four-year institutions.

First Professional includes students who are in a professional school or program (law, medicine, dentistry,
pharmacy, veterinary medicine, and theology) which requires at least two or more years of previous college
work for entrance.

Graduate includes students who have attained at least one standard bachelor's degree or first professional
degree and who are or might be candidates for a master's or doctorate degree.

First-Time Freshman includes new students who have not attended college prior to the immediately previous
summer sessions. Also includes students who entered with advanced standing (college credits earned
before graduation from high school).

Special/Unclassified includes students who are not candidates for a degree, diploma, certificate, or equivalent
award, although taking courses in regular classes with other students.

Full-Time Student includes students registered for 12 or more semester credit hours as undergraduate or 9 or
more semester credit hours as graduate or first professional students.

Part-Time Student includes students registered for less semester credit hours than a full-time load.

FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) of Part-Time Students

Undergraduates Graduates
12 or more semesters credit hours = 1 9 or more semester credit hours = 1
9 to 12 semester credit hours = 3/4 6 to 9 semester credit hours = 3/4
6 to 9 semester credit hours = 1/2 3 to 6 semester credit hours = 1/2
Less than 6 semester credit hours = 1/4 Less than 3 semester credit hours = 1/4

In-State Students are those whose legal residence, as determined at the institution, is in North Carolina.

Out-of-State Students are those whose legal residence, as determined at the institution, is in a state other
than North Carolina or in a foreign country.

2. TRANSFER refers to students transferring to North Carolina institutions who have college credits from other
institutions in a previous regular session(s). A former student transferring back to his original institution after
attendance at another institution is not classified as a transfer.

3. DEGREES in this report refer to earned degrees conferred (not honorary). Specifically, the following degrees
are included:

Bachelor's Degree requires successful completion of at least four but not more than five years of academic

First Professional Degree signifies the completion of the academic requirements for a selected profession,
which is based on an educational program requiring at least two academic years of previous college work for
entrance and which requires a total of at least six academic years of college work for completion. Examples
of first professional degrees are the Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.) and Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), Doctor of
Dental Surgery (D.D.S.), Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.), and Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degrees.

Master's Degree is customarily granted upon successful completion of one (sometimes two) academic years
of work beyond the bachelor's degree.

Doctorate Degree includes such degrees as Doctor of Education, Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.), Doctor
of Public Health, and the Doctor of Philosophy in any field.

4. FACULTY refers to the professional personnel employed in colleges and universities who are primarily
assigned to resident instruction and departmental or organized research. This does not include other
professional personnel in library, auxiliary enterprises, and public service activities.

5. EXTENSION ACTIVITY is defined in this report as any on- or off-campus instructional, research application, or
public service activity sponsored by the reporting institution which is in addition to the regular on-campus
instructional and research activities provided for the regularly enrolled, on-campus, degree candidate.

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.AR003.U/7-20-04


North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

Enrollment by Race, Residency Status, Gender, and Class Level, 2004-05

In-State Out-of-State
Men Women Total Men Women Total Total
Black 14 15 29 0 0 0 29
White 108 95 203 0 0 0 203
Hispanic 2 6 8 0 0 0 8
Asian 29 33 62 0 0 0 62
American Indian 5 0 5 0 0 0 5
Non-Resident Alie 0 3 3 0 0 0 3
Total 158 152 310 0 0 0 310

Black 21 21 42 0 0 0 42

White 98 91 189 0 0 0 189
Hispanic 5 2 7 0 0 0 7
Asian 25 26 51 0 0 0 51
American Indian 3 3 6 0 0 0 6
Non-Resident Alie 2 3 5 0 0 0 5
Total 154 146 300 0 0 0 300

Total 312 298 610 0 0 0 610

UNC-GA ProgAssess/Abs.UR005/10-12-04

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