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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research

Department of Mechanics
College of Engineering
University of Duhok
Subject: Thermodynamics II
Course Book: Second Year
Lecturer's name: Firas Mahmood Younis / M. Sc.

Academic Year: 2019/2020

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫به‌ڕێوه‌به‌رایه‌تی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانه‌به‌خشین‬

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research

Course Book
1. Course name Thermodynamics II
2. Lecturer in charge Firas Mahmood Younis
3. Department/ College Mechanical Department / Engineering
4. Contact e-mail:
Tel: +9647510351664
5. Time (in hours) per week Theory: 2
Tutorial: 1
6. Office hours Thu (12:00 – 1:00)
7. Course code
8. Teacher's academic profile EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND:
 1997 M.Sc., Mechanical Engineer / Thermal Power / Mosul
 1994 Bachelors, Mechanical Department / College of
Engineering / Mosul University.

9. Keywords Energy, Efficiency, Power, Cycle, Heat Engine, Carnot, Entropy,

10. Course overview:
Thermodynamics is a subject of fundamental interest to Mechanical engineers. Thermodynamic is
most important many of the subjects which come in later like Heat and Mass Transfer,
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Internal Combustion Engine will require fundamental
knowledge of Thermodynamics.
Present course can be viewed as the next step, where the thermodynamic principles will be
employed to discuss about different power producing & absorbing cycles. Subsequently the gas &
vapor power cycles will be analyzed, followed by the principles of cogeneration & combined
Learning Objectives: The course is aiming to

1) state the First Law and to define heat, work, thermal efficiency and the difference between
various forms of energy.

2) identify and describe energy exchange processes (in terms of various forms of energy, heat
and work) in aerospace systems.

3) explain at a level understandable by a high school senior or nontechnical person how various
heat engines work (e.g. a refrigerator, an IC engine, a jet engine).

4) apply the steady-flow energy equation or the First Law of Thermodynamics to a system of
thermodynamic components (heaters, coolers, pumps, turbines, pistons, etc.) to estimate
required balances of heat, work and energy flow.
12. Student's obligation
The role of students and their obligations throughout the academic year are due to the
attendance and completion of all tests, exams, assignments and reports.

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫به‌ڕێوه‌به‌رایه‌تی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانه‌به‌خشین‬

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research
All students must follow the following instructions:
 The student must attend to the class before the lecture's beginning so as to understand the
 The Attendance is compulsory for all.
 All mobile phones and other Electronic devices must be in silent or switched off.
Students are required to submit their homework and assignments to the lecturers for assessment
13. Forms of teaching
The lecturer going to use the data show to expose the following items :
1. Expose the lecture as Microsoft power point.
2. Expose the special software and animation move that represent the subject.
3. The lecturer will use the White board in displaying the subject and the figures.
The lecturer will depend on his lectures that will receipt the lectures to the students before the
14. Assessment scheme
 ‌ omework 5%.
 Quizzes 10%.
 Monthly Exam 25%.
 Final Exam 60%.

15. Student learning outcome:

Upon completion of this course the student will be able to
1- Define the first law of thermodynamics for a control volume, including with turbines,
compressors, nozzles, diffusers, heat exchangers, and throttling devices.
2- Explain the second law of thermodynamics, including why it is necessary, how it is defined
(Kelvin-Planck and Clausius), the nature of irreversibility, and the Carnot cycle.
3- Explain the concept of entropy, including the Clausius Inequality, using thermodynamic tables,
setting up entropy balances, and calculating isentropic efficiency of pumps, compressors,
turbines, and heat exchangers.
4- Represent heat transfer in an internally reversible process as an area on a temperature–
entropy diagram.
5- Analyze closed systems and control volumes, including applying entropy balances.
6- Use isentropic efficiencies for turbines, nozzles, compressors, and pumps for second law
16. Course Reading List and References‌:
1. Younis Cencel; “Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach”, Eighth Edition, Published
by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2015 by
McGraw-Hill Education.
2. MICHAEL J. MORAN and others; ”Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics”,
Seventh Edition

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫به‌ڕێوه‌به‌رایه‌تی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانه‌به‌خشین‬

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research
17. The Topics: Lecturer's name
Lecture Name No. of Weeks

 Course Introduction and Syllabus. 1

 Mass and energy analysis of control volumes. 1
 Mass and energy analysis of control volumes. 1
 The second law of thermodynamics. 2
 Entropy. 2
 Gas power cycles. 2
 Vapor and combined power cycles. 3
 Refrigeration cycles. 1
 Gas Mixtures. 2

18. Practical Topics (If there is any)

19. Examinations:
Sample of the nature examination questions:
Define the following:
Heat engine: A device that operates in a cycle and does a certain amount of net positive work as a
result of heat transfer from a high temperature body.
Kelvin–Planck Statement: It is impossible for any device that operates on a cycle to receive heat
from a single reservoir and produce a net amount of work.
What four processes make up the ideal diesel cycle?
Process 1-2 Isentropic compression,
Process 2-3 Heat addition at constant pressure (This process corresponds to the injection &
burning of the fuel in the actual engine).
Process 3-4 Isentropic expansion, and
Process 4-1 heat rejection at constant-volume.

A Carnot heat engine receives heat at 900 K and rejects the waste heat to the environment at 300
K. The entire work output of the heat engine is used to drive a Carnot refrigerator that removes
heat from the cooled space at -15oC at a rate of 250 kJ/min and rejects it to the same environment
at 300 K. Determine (a) the rate of heat supplied to the heat engine and (b) the total rate of heat
rejection to the environment.

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫به‌ڕێوه‌به‌رایه‌تی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانه‌به‌خشین‬

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research

A piston–cylinder device contains 1.2 kg of saturated water vapor at 200oC. Heat is now
transferred to steam, and steam expands reversibly and isothermally to a final pressure of 800 kPa.
Determine the heat transferred and the work done during this process.

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫به‌ڕێوه‌به‌رایه‌تی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانه‌به‌خشین‬

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research

20. Extra notes:

21. Peer review ‫ هاوه‌ڵ‬8‫پێداچوونه‌وه‌ی‬

This course book has to be reviewed and signed by a peer. The peer approves the contents of
your course book by writing few sentences in this section.
(A peer is person who has enough knowledge about the subject you are teaching, he/she has to
be a professor, assistant professor, a lecturer or an expert in the field of your subject).
‫ئه‌م کۆرسبووکه‌ ده‌بێت له‌الیه‌ن هاوه‌ڵێکی ئه‌کادیمیه‌وه‌ سه‌یر بکرێت و ناوه‌ڕۆکی بابه‌ته‌کانی کۆرسه‌که‌ په‌سه‌ند بکات و جه‌ند‬
‫ووشه‌یه‌ک بنووسێت له‌سه‌ر شیاوی ناوه‌ڕۆکی کۆرسه‌که و واژووی له‌سه‌ر بکات‬.
‫هاوه‌ڵ ئه‌و که‌سه‌یه‌ که‌ زانیاری هه‌بێت له‌سه‌ر کۆرسه‌که‌ و ده‌بیت پله‌ی زانستی له‌ مامۆستا که‌متر نه‌بێت‬.‌‌

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation ‫به‌ڕێوه‌به‌رایه‌تی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانه‌به‌خشین‬

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