CELTA Online Unit 7 Task 1 - Reflection

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CELTA Online Unit 7 Task 1: Reflection

The second part of this unit will focus on the students you will be teaching but first, think back to when
you learnt a foreign language (if you have not learnt another language, think about another activity or
skill you have learnt and perhaps followed a class for e.g. a painting or drawing class, or a sports course
such as a tennis, scuba diving, climbing etc.).

Look at the questions below and note your answers on the notepad.

1. How old were you when you learnt it?

2. Why did you learn it?
3. How did you learn it? e.g. In a group? One-to-one? Through the study of books? Through
visuals? By doing? Through demonstrations (for a sport or activity)?
4. Where did you learn it?
5. If you had classes, how often were they? Was it an intensive or extensive course?
6. What did/didn’t you enjoy about it?
7. How successful do you think your learning was?

Your responses

2. It is international and popular language to know
3.In a group
4. At school and then Univesity
5.3times a week
6.I didn't enjoy to learn the words by heart
.7. Quite successful as I know English fluently at present

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