Breast Cancer Article

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Clinicopathological characteristics and treatment outcomes of breast

. cancer among adolescents and young adults in a developing country

Brest cancer remains the most common cancer among women , in Jordan it tends to
be diagnosed at an earlier age which tends to be more aggressive leading to worse
outcomes and a need for more aggressive treatment which lead to more long term
. treatment related problems

Consecutive patients aged 40 years or younger with pathologically confirmed

diagnosis between 2006 and 2013 were included , total of 21 patients excluded
. because of lack follow up , and all non-Jordanian patients were excluded as well

Tumor stage , type of surgery , systemic chemotherapy , radiation therapy , tumor

. recurrence and death data were collected

A total of 417 patients with pathologically confirmed diagnosis of breast cancer were
. included , the median age at diagnosis was 36 years

. of patients with first degree family history of breast cancer ) 72 ( 17.3%

. had first degree family relatives with other cancers like ovarian cancer ) 20 ( 4.8%

: On presentation 63 ( 15.1% ) patients had metastatic disease

. with visceral metastasis including liver , lung and brain 79% _

. with bone metastasis 20% _

Other patients with non-metastatic disease like T3 or T4 disease , positive axillary

. lymph nodes

: Conclusion

median age at diagnosis in our country is at least 10 years younger than that of the _
.. west , the thing that must be taken into consideration

a significant percentage of patients present with locally or metastatic disease even _

. among youngest

had GIV disease at diagnosis while only 6% of GIV disease present at diagnosis 15%
. in western

both chemotherapy and endocrine therapy may have a significant negative impact _
on fertility that needs to be taken into consideration even before initiation of
. treatment

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