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Timestamp Score Name Email

6/14/2020 13:16:55 1 / 2 Elizabeth Watts elizabeth5252watts@gma

6/14/2020 13:20:21 1 / 2 Maya
6/14/2020 13:24:59 1 / 2 Katie
6/14/2020 13:29:59 1 / 2 Aecian Wandel
6/14/2020 13:52:22 1 / 2 Noah
6/14/2020 15:01:26 1 / 2 Ronni
6/14/2020 19:17:51 1 / 2 Ronni
Which districts did you a Did you attend a Title I s Did you or any of your peDid you know that families
Mesa Public Schools, FloYes, I attended a Title I I'm not sure. Yes, I knew that families
Florence Unified I don't know what a Title I'm not sure. No, I didn't know familie
Other No, I never attended a TitNo, I never noticed anyonYes, I knew that families
Other No, I never attended a TitNo, I never noticed anyonNo, I didn't know familie
Other I don't know what a Title No, I never noticed anyonYes, I knew that families
Florence Unified, Other Yes, I attended a Title I Yes, I or a friend receiveYes, I knew that families
Florence Unified, Other Yes, I attended a Title I Yes, I or a friend receiveYes, I knew that families
Do you believe schools should have more funding to support students who's needs are not being met? Explain.
Yes, students need to have their basic needs met before they can learn.
I believe schools should have more funding to support students as they attend school for a long portion of their child
Absolutely. Schools should be able to support students in all of their learning aspects.
Yes absolutely. I know of kids who depend on meals at school to eat, that is an important resource for those childre
I think it is very important to help students in need with whatever it may be. It is the best policy to treat all students t
I think it is very important to help students in need with whatever it may be. It is the best policy to treat all students t
not being met? Explain.

or a long portion of their childhood.

nt resource for those children that we can’t afford to lose.

t policy to treat all students the same.
t policy to treat all students the same.

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