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LEVEL: Intermediate – B1

• What do you think about social networking (SN) sites?

• Are you a member of an SN site?
• What do you use it for?


A. Tanya, 16 B. Adrian, 16
I spend a lot of my spare time on SN sites. I don’t think SN sites are for me. I really
They’re great for keeping in touch with my don’t like having too much information
friends and finding old classmates, too. about myself out there on the web. I
The other day, I found a friend from mean, anyone could find my e-mail and
elementary school. I was so happy to hear start sending me spam or viruses. There’s
her news. SN sites are also useful for also cyberbullying which can be very
helping people out. I saw on a friend’s nasty. A friend of mine had to stop using
page that one of his friends needed a an SN site last month because someone
driving instructor. My uncle is a driving was constantly saying terrible thing about
instructor and he’s on the same SN site. I her. Also, someone could pretend to be
introduced them and they were both you and commit crimes. Imagine that!
happy. My parents complain that playing
online games with friends is a waste of
time, but I totally disagree. You see, I’m
really into trivia games, but also word
games and chess, which I find amusing
and educational. So, I can’t see any
drawback there.
C. Ronnie, 15 D. Emma, 14
I’m not a big SN site user to be honest. I’m a member of an SN site but I’m
I can’t understand why people have to thinking about deactivating it. For one
update their status all the time. I don’t thing, it’s taking up too much of my time. I
want to know what someone is buying at play virtual games, chat with lots of people
the grocery store, or how long they’ve and I have hundreds of friends. The more
been waiting in traffic. What do I care? But time I spend on SN sites, the less time I
I find it useful for events. We’re putting on have for my real life. I think the final straw
a school play at the end of the year, and is my mom. She is a member of the SN
using an SN site makes it a lot easier. At site as me and I made the mistake of
the moment we’re organizing the tickets. making her one of my friends. She hasn’t
It really helps. lost touch with her classmates and she
We have out own page to advertise the really enjoy every move. It’s so
school play, and when it’s over we’ll embarrassing! I can’t do anything without
upload photos and videos of the her knowing.

1. Drawback
A disadvantage or inconvenience.
2. Nasty
Unpleasant or annoying.
3. Constantly
Continually occurring; persistent.
4. Update
To alter so as to be up to date
5. Highlights
An especially significant or interesting detail or event.
6. Deactivating
To render inactive or ineffective.


• Tanya enjoys using SN sites and uses them every day.

She’s playing an online game at the moment.
• I don’t understand why Emma is always chatting online with Linda. They see each
other five times a week. Tomorrow they’re spending the whole day together.

NOTE. Stative verbs (see, like, want, seem, understand, need, believe, imagine, know,
cost, etc) are NOT usually used in the Present Progressive.

Complete with the Present Simple on the Present Progressive of the verbs in
A: Why are you in such a hurry? What time _________________ the train to Houston
_________________ (leave)?
B: At 9p.m. But I _________________ (want) to be at the train station at six o’clock
because I _________________ (meet) my friend Sally.
A: Whose suitcase is this?
B: It’s Timothy’s. He _________________ (stay) with us for a few days.
A: Really? Where is he now?
B: He’s outside with Larry. They _________________(wash) the car. Larry
_________________ (always/wash) the car on Sundays.
A: Hey, Mary. Can you explain this text to me? I _________________ (not understand)
B: Not now, Kevin. I _________________ (work).
A: Oh, Mary. You _________________ (never/help) me!
A: Why _________________ the kids _________________ (cry)?
B: Because they can’t find their cat. They _________________ (think) someone took
A: Their cats is outside. It _________________ (sleep) next to the garage.


• What do you think of SN sites?

• With which writer do you share the same opinion?
• Have you had a similar experience?

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