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Past simple is used to talk about biographies, past actions or events finished in a determined period in the past. These
kind of sentences are used with some specific time expressions such as yesterday, last week, last year, in 1980, on
May 5th 2010, at 6:00 o’clock, when, etc.

You must keep in mind some past simple rules at the moment of writing affirmative, negative statements as well as
question both open and close questions.

Affirmative Nikola Tesla lived in Croatia. In affirmative sentences, the

Nikola Tesla designed the alternating-current (AC) electrical system. verbs are always used in past
Nikola Tesla was one of five children simple.
Negative Nikola Tesla did not live in Croatia. In negative sentences, you
Nikola Tesla did not design the alternating-current (AC) electrical use did not + the verbs are
system. always used in infinitive
Questions Did Nikola Tesla live in Croatia? In questions, you use Did +
Did Nikola Tesla design the alternating-current (AC) electrical the verbs are always used in
system? infinitive

In English there are regular and irregular verbs, regular verbs always add ED – D to form the past simple, irregular
verbs change from infinitive to past and past participle. You must study these verbs and memorize as well.

Read the history of two important people, complete the text putting in practice the information about past simple.
Write the verbs in parentheses into past simple.


Nikola Tesla (July 10, 1856 to January 7, 1943) ……………..……… (Be) an engineer
known for designing the alternating-current (AC) electric system, which is still the
predominant electrical system used across the world today. He also ……………..………
(Create) the "Tesla coil," which is still used in radio technology.

Throughout his career, Tesla ……………..……… (Discover), ……………..……… (Design) and ……………..………
(Develop) ideas for a number of important inventions — most of which were officially patented by other inventors —
including dynamos (electrical generators similar to batteries) and the induction motor.

He ……………..……… (Be) also a pioneer in the discovery of radar technology, X-ray technology, remote control and
the rotating magnetic field — the basis of most AC machinery. Tesla is most well-known for his contributions in AC
electricity and for the Tesla coil.

Tesla ……………..……… (Design) the alternating-current (AC) electrical system, which would quickly become the
preeminent power system of the 20th century and has remained the worldwide standard ever since. In 1887, Tesla

GFPI-F-019 V3
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……………..……… (Find) funding for his new Tesla Electric Company, and by the end of the year he had successfully
filed several patents for AC-based inventions.

Nikola Tesla vs. Thomas Edison

In 1884 Tesla ……………..……… (Arrive) in the United States with little more than the clothes on
his back and a letter of introduction to famed inventor and business mogul Thomas Edison, whose
DC-based electrical works were fast becoming the standard in the country.

Edison ……………..……… (Hire) Tesla, and the two men ……………..……… (Be) soon working
tirelessly alongside each other, making improvements to Edison's inventions.

Several months later, the two parted ways due to a conflicting business-scientific relationship,
attributed by historians to their incredibly different personalities: While Edison was a power figure who ……………..
……… (Focus) on marketing and financial success, Tesla was commercially out-of-tune and somewhat vulnerable.

Practice 2
Who is the most important person in history for you? Write some lines where you mention who was, what he/she did
and other important information about him/her.



Transformers are used to transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another
through electromagnetic induction. They are used either to step up or step down
voltage levels. A transformer is made of several different parts that function in their
own different ways to enhance the overall functioning of a transformer.

The transformers have some principal parts such as core, windings, insulating
materials, transformer oil, tap changer, conservator, breather, cooling tubes,
Buchholz Relay and explosion vent. The core, windings, insulating materials and
transformer oil are seen in almost every transformer, while the other components
are seen in transformers that are more than 50 KVA.
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Activity 3
Taking into account the parts mentioned above, match Column A (parts) and column B (definition)
1 Core ( ) It is like papers and card boards are used to isolate primary and secondary windings
from each other as well as the transformer core.
2 Windings ( ) It is used to support the windings. It is made of soft iron to reduce eddy current loss and
Hysteresis loss, and provides low reluctance path to the flow of magnetic flux.
3 Insulating materials ( ) It insulates as well as cools the core and coil assembly. The core and windings of the
transformer must be completely immersed in it that normally contains hydrocarbon mineral
4 Transformer oil ( ) It consists of several copper coil turns bundled together, each bundle connected to form
a complete one. It can be based either on the input-output supply or on the voltage range.
5 Conservator ( ) This is generally placed above the level of the conservatory tank.
6 Breather ( ) It is an airtight metallic cylindrical drum fitted above the transformer that conserves the
transformer oil. It is vented at the top and is filled only half with the oil to allow expansion and
contraction during temperature variations.
7 Tap changer ( ) It is placed over the connecting pipe that runs from the main tank to conservator tank; It
operates by the gases emitted due to decomposition of transformer oil during internal faults.
Thus, this device is used to sense and in turn protect the transformer from internal faults.
8 Cooling tubes ( ) It is used to balance voltage variations within the transformer, There are two types on
load and off load
9 Explosion vent ( ) It is a cylindrical container filled with silica gel, which is used to keep the air that enters
the tank moisture-free.
10 Buchholz Relay ( ) They are used to cool the transformer oil. The circulation of oil within the transformer
may be natural or forced. In the case of natural circulation, when the oil temperature rises, the
hot oil naturally moves to the top and cold oil moves down, while in case of forced circulation,
an eternal pump is used.

Listen to this short audio and complete it with the words into the box.
wires - currents - voltage - sinusoidal - transformer - electromagnetic - iron – core - circuit - ratio – turns - flux - winding

The question is how does a transformer work, and in simple terms as the Henry discovered I forgot what year but one time
ago, if you have two ………………….. and one of them has current going through it and that …………………..changing the
fact that it’s changing will induce a ………………… the wire that is parallel to it, so, if this is a …………………..current
going through this wire, you will have a sinusoidal voltage induced in this one, now, if that is true and you get excited the fact
that you have now a voltage and a wire that is not touching this one and you are greedy you will say well why do not I double
it because I will make it go around and come back again and you will in fact double what you have profound and if you are
still greedier and you keep making it many turns you will get fairly high voltage across that second wire and that is what a
………………… improved on a great deal because the coupling between this is an …………………..field that causes this
induction the intensity that field is proportional to the permeability of the medium if it is air you are not going to get much
effect if you do this with ………………… between you will get a significant folded so what is it a transformer for electric
power is simply “winding around a piece of iron coupled to another set of winding around the same piece of iron
…………………..” such that when you change current and one winding you get a voltage appearing on the other one so you
are transforming from one ………………… another and the voltage the …………………..of voltages across that depend
simply on the number of ………………….., if you have 50 turn on this one and 50 on this one you will get the same voltage
on both, if you have 50 on this and 200 on this one you will get four times the voltage on this one, that is how transformers
work, it is simply question of design the objective being to cause as much as possible of the …………………..or the field that
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goes through one coil to link the other one and that is how transformer designer go at it in building transformers and
sometimes rather than having just two ………………… may have three windings or four.

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