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Army Family Team Building Level III

Building Cohesive Teams

A is for Attitude
Do you have the attitude needed to build or maintain a team?
Each of the following items represents an attitude needed to support effective team
building. Think about how you interact with others. Think about a group you are leading
presently or led in the past. Rate yourself according to the following scale. Put your
response on the line in front of each item. Then add your score and place the total below.
1 = Never 2 = Rarely 3 = Sometimes 4 = Usually 5 = Always

_____ 1. Encourage members to work together and support one another.
_____ 2. Communicate openly and honestly. Encourage others to do the same.
_____ 3. Understand that conflict is normal within groups, but work to resolve it quickly.
View it as a way to improve team performance.
_____ 4. Involve members in problem solving, goal setting, and improvement activities to
develop a sense of ownership.
_____ 5. Assist members in meeting and getting to know one another. Promote an
atmosphere of trust and respect. Develop an appreciation for the talents and
abilities of each individual.
_____ 6. Build trust among the members by keeping my word and agreements we’ve
_____ 7. Believe people will perform as a team when they know what is expected of them
and what benefits they will accrue.
_____ 8. Recognize the individual skills, knowledge and experience of each member and
use their respective skills appropriately.
_____ 9. Keep an open mind and do not respond negatively to the ideas of others or their
_____10. Acknowledge the need to redirect those members who are not meeting realistic
standards after appropriate coaching.

_____________ TOTAL

2006/7 3.4 Handout 2-1

Army Family Team Building Level III

Team Building Attitude:

Scoring and Interpretation
Look at your score at the bottom of Handout 2-1 and compare it to the following score sheet key.

ƒ If your score is 40 to 50, you have the type of attitude needed to build and maintain
a strong team.

ƒ If your score is 30 to 39, you will need to put forth some reasonable effort, but team
building will be possible. To begin improving your skills, choose one aspect of
effective team building to concentrate on today.

ƒ If your score is below 30, you may need to re-examine your team building attitude.
Looking back at the ten items, can you choose two that were most difficult for you?
Focus on improving your skills in those areas.

2006/7 3.4 Handout 2-2

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