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Physical and Anholonomic Components of Tensors via

Invariance of the Tensor Representation
a b
W. Altman & A. Marmo de Oliveira
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica , CTA, São José dos Campos, Brazil
Universidade de Taubaté , Taubaté , Brazil
Published online: 08 Sep 2011.

To cite this article: W. Altman & A. Marmo de Oliveira (2011) Physical and Anholonomic Components of Tensors
via Invariance of the Tensor Representation, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 18:6, 454-466, DOI:

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Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 18:454–466, 2011
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1537-6494 print / 1537-6532 online
DOI: 10.1080/15376494.2010.538893

Physical and Anholonomic Components of Tensors via

Invariance of the Tensor Representation

W. Altman1 and A. Marmo de Oliveira2

Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, CTA, São José dos Campos, Brazil
Universidade de Taubaté, Taubaté, Brazil

(a) are dimensionally homogeneous in any given system of co-

This article is concerned with the theory of physical and anholo- ordinates, and
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nomic components of tensors of single and double field based on the (b) maintain the tensor properties.
method of invariance of the tensor representation. It obtains formu-
las that describe a more general tensor calculus, which includes, as
a particular case, the tensor calculus based on coordinate transfor- The search for such components leads to the concept of phys-
mation. Explicit expressions of the usual connections are obtained ical and anholonomic components of tensors. The notion of
from a study of the anholonomic connections. Also, expressions of physical components of vectors was first introduced by Ricci
the anholonomic components of the covariant derivative of a ten- and Levi-Civita [1] in a celebrated memoir published in 1901.
sor are provided. As an application of this theory, the nonlinear
kinematic equations of a body are written in terms of anholonomic Since then, Thirring [2], Hencky [3], and Cissotti [4] have some-
components. how contributed to the initial development of the Tensor Calcu-
lus (see Altman and Oliveira [5] for a more detailed historical
Keywords tensors, covariant, contravariant, explicit expressions, ten- introduction). An entirely satisfactory theory of physical com-
sor calculus ponents in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates was presented by
McConnell [6].
With respect to non-orthogonal coordinate systems, several
1. INTRODUCTION authors have defined physical components of second order ten-
sors (e.g., Green and Zerna [7], Sedov [8], Synge and Schild
The covariant and contravariant components of a vector in
[9], and Truesdell [10]). All these definitions differ except in the
general differ from the components used in physics. Consider,
case of orthogonal coordinates, where they are all equivalent to
for example, the components of the velocity v in a system of
McConnell’s physical components.
spherical coordinates:
Truesdell [10] noted that whenever tensors occur in classical
physics they can be defined in terms of vectors and scalars. In
∂r ∂θ ∂φ
vr = , vθ = , vφ = . (1a–c) these definitions, he replaced the vector components by their
∂t ∂t ∂t physical counterparts and made the hypothesis that the physical
components (of the tensor being defined and of the given vec-
These vector components are not dimensionally homogeneous,
tors) shall satisfy analogous relations to those existing among
since dim vr = LT−1 , dim v θ = T−1 , and dim v φ = T−1 . Thus,
the tensor and vector components. This hypothesis will be re-
they do not always present the dimension of the velocity, which
ferred in the sequel as “Truesdell’s hypothesis.”
is LT−1 .
In [10], Truesdell dealt only with mixed second order tensor
We note that the dimension of a tensor can be defined as
components and, in reference [11], he pointed out the connection
being the dimension of its components in an orthonormal Carte-
between his method and the theory of anholonomic components
sian system of coordinates. To remove the above-mentioned
[12, 13].
discrepancies, the tensor must have components that
A theory developed by Altman and Oliveira [14, 15] and
Oliveira and Altman [16], which includes all physical compo-
nents (mixed, covariant, and contravariant), shows the compat-
ibility and relationship among some of these definitions.
In reference [17], Altman and Oliveira presented some as-
Received 14 January 2010; accepted 22 August 2010.
Address correspondence to Wolf Altman, Instituto Tec- pects of the theory of physical and anholonomic components
nológico de Aeronáutica, São José dos Campos, Brazil. E-mail: of tensors by associating these components to the spaces of linear transformations and tensor products, respectively. More


specifically, two different methods associated with the theory erence and deformed configurations, are defined as follows:
developed by the authors in the above-mentioned references
can be used to determine the physical components of tensors, G  ,J , G I J = G
J = R I ·G J =G
J ·G
 I = GJI
both of them yielding the same result. They are as follows: × (I, J = I, I I, I I I ) (2a–d)
(a) The physical component method, which is based upon the
“Truesdell’s hypothesis.” In this case, each tensor was seen  I = GI J G
G  J, I ·G
GI J = G J =G  I = GJI = G
J ·G
as a linear transformation between two vector spaces prop- D
erly chosen. The concept of physical components depends
fundamentally on this linear transformation and on the unit
bases of the mentioned vector spaces. g j = r, j , gi j = gi · g j = g J · gi = g ji (i, j = 1, 2, 3).
(b) The method of “invariance of the tensor representation,” (3a–d)
which does not need the “Truesdell’s hypothesis.” The point
here is that such components are obtained by means of the g
invariance of the tensorial representation along with the de- g i = g i j g j , g i j = g i · g j = g j · g i = g ji = (3e–i)
composition of the tensor on both anholonomic and natural
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bases. Examples of this procedure are given in section 5 of  I , X I I , X I I I ) and

In these expressions, the position vectors R(X
this article. r(x , x , x ) are assumed to be single-valued functions of the
1 2 3

curvilinear coordinates and have continuous derivatives up to

In reference [17], we gave more emphasis to the physical and any desired order at all points of the region where they are
anholonomic components of tensors determined by method (a). defined. The indices after a comma indicate differentiation with
On the other hand, here we are concerned with presenting in respect to X J when they are capital letters, and with respect to
more detail the theory of anholonomic components of tensors x j when they are small letters. Furthermore, G and g denote the
determined by the method presented in (b). In this context, we cofactors of G I J and gi j in the expansions of the determinants
obtain formulas that describe a more general Tensor Calculus, D = det(G I J ) and d = det(gi j ). The following relations are
which includes as a particular case the tensor calculus based also satisfied by the bases vectors and their associate metrics.
on coordinates transformation. In section 6, we obtain explicit
expressions for the usual connections as well as expressions of  J = δ IJ ,
I ·G
G G I K G K J = δ IJ , (2j,k)
the anholonomic components of the covariant derivative of a
tensor. In section 7, as an application of the theory, we get the
nonlinear kinematic equation of a body in terms of anholonomic
g i · g j = δ ij , g ik gk j = δij , (3j,k)

where δ IJ and δij are the Kronecker symbols defined on the

2. PRELIMINARIES configurations C and c.
Consider a body C at a fixed time t occupying a region C The expansions of a vector V , relative to a typical particle of
of a three-dimensional Euclidean point space C. Points P ∈ C C in the reference configuration C, read
are called material points and the region C is referred to as the
reference configuration. A configuration of C is a one-to-one  I (X ) = VI (X )G
V = V I (x)G  I (X ), (4a,b)
mapping φ : C → C, which takes material points of C to
places they occupy in C. The initial configuration, say, at t = 0, where V I (x) and VI (x) are the contravariant and covariant com-
is often chosen as a reference configuration but in general such ponents of V with respect to the natural bases. If the vector field
choice is not necessary. At a time t the body occupies a re- V is smooth on the region C, in the sense that it is of class C 1 ,
gion c of C, which is referred to as the current or deformed then the component form of the gradient of V denoted by ∇ V
configuration. The position of a material point of C in the is given by
configuration C is given by the curvilinear coordinante sys-
tem (X J ), (J = I, I I, I I I ) and the position of this point in the  J = VI ;J G
I ⊗G
∇ V = V;JI G J
I ⊗G (5a,b)
configuration c may be represented by a new set of curvilinear
coordinates (x j ), ( j = 1, 2, 3). and
The direct and reciprocal bases associated to each point X in
C are denoted by G = {G  J (X )}. Similarly,
 J (X )} and G ∗ = {G ∂V I ∂ VI

the counterparts of the bases G and G associated at each point V;JI = + V R  RI J , VI ;J = − VR  IRJ , (5c,d)
x in c are denoted by g = {g j (x)} and g ∗ = {g j (x)}. These basis
vector fields and their corresponding metrics (G I J (X ), G I J (X )) where the notation ();J indicates the covariant partial derivative
and (gi j (x), g i j (x)), called natural bases and metrics of the ref- with respect to X J , the symbol ⊗ denotes the tensor product,

and  RI J is the Christoffel symbol defined on C. Formulas (5a,b) ∂r

(xi ), i = 1, 2, 3 , whose tangent vectors are gi = . Such
can also be rewitten as ∂ xi
constraint is not a general rule because most basis systems of
∇ V = V,J ⊗ G (5e) tangent vector spaces do not satisfy condition (6c). In order to
go around this problem, we can introduce pseudodifferentials
and (or nonholonomic differentials) d x a as follows.
V,J = V;JI G
 I = VI ;J G
 I, (5f,g)
d x a = Jka d x k , (det J = 0), (7a)
where V;JIand VI ;J denote the covariant partial derivatives with
respect to X J of a contravariant component V I and of a covariant where Jka is a linear transformation which possesses an inverse,
component VI , respectively. The covariant derivative TI K ;J of d x k is an exact differential, and d x a is not necessarily an exact
the component TI K of a second order tensor T with respect to differential, named anholonomic or pseudo differential. From
X J reads the invariance of the vector dr we have

∂ TI K
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TI K ;J = − TM K  IMJ − TI M  KMJ , (5a) dr = d x k gk = d x a ba , (8b,c)

where (gk ) is a natural basis and (ba ) is a nonholonomic covariant
where the Christoffel symbols  IKJ are defined as follows
I Substituting relation (7a) in (8b,c) yields
K · ∂G
 IKJ = G . (5b)
dr = d x k gk = Jka ba d x k (8d,e)
For deformed configuration, formulas similar to the preced-
ing ones can be obtained by substituing the uppercase indices or
and letters which enter in the above expressions by lowercase
ones. This procedure and the other way around will be used in gk = Jka ba . (8f)
the sequel.
From relation (8f)
We have seen in the preceding section that the basis vectors in ba = Jak gk , (8g)
the current configuration were defined by formula (3a), namely,
which relates the anholonomic and natural bases. Similarly, for
∂r the reciprocal bases we can write
gi = i , i = 1, 2, 3, (6a)
b a = Jka g k . (8h)
where r is a single-valued function of the curvilinear coordinates
(x i ), i = 1, 2, 3. As we pass from a point P, with coordinates
Definition. A basis e = {e1 , e2 , e3 } is said to be anholonomic
x k , to a neighboring point, with coordinates x k + d x k , we have
if and only if
dr = gk d x k , (6b)
∂ea ∂eb
= a for some a = b ∈ {1, 2, 3}, (8a)
where the vectors of the basis {g k } are tangent to their respective ∂x b ∂x
coordinate line x k . Since these vectors gk , k = 1, 2, 3 are
functions of the curvilinear coordinates x k , and are assumed to
be differentiable, one can write: ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
= Jak k and = Jbk k . (9b,c)
∂ gk ∂ g j ∂xa ∂x ∂xb ∂x
= k , i = j (1, 2, 3), (6c)
∂x j ∂x This definition can also be applied to a contravariant basis of
which are the constrained conditions that the vectors of the vectors f ∗ = { f 1 , f 2 , f 3 } as follows:
natural or holonomic basis have to satisfy. The condition ex-
pressed by (6c) is an integrability one and, as such, a holonomic ∂ f a ∂ f b
 for some a = b ∈ {1, 2, 3}. (9d)
constraint that ensures the existence of a coordinate system ∂xb ∂xa

The vectors of the anholonomic bases ea and f b can be

represented in terms of the natural bases g = {g1 , g2 , g3 } and
g ∗ = {g 1 , g 2 , g 3 }, respectively, as

ea = eak gk , fb = f kb g k , k, a, b = 1, 2, 3, (10a,b)


eak = e a · g k , f kb = f b · gk (10c,d)

are the components of ea and f b relative to the bases g and g ∗ ,


e a = eka g k , fb = f bk gk , (10e,f)

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eka = e a · gk , f bk = fb · g k (10g,h)

FIG. 1. Sphere with unit radius.
define, together with formulas (10c,d), the so-called factors of
basis transformation. and suppose that ρ = 1, 0 < θ < π, 0 ≤ φ < π (see Figure 1).
The factors of basis transformation eak , f ka , eka , and f ak as- This transformation defines a spherical system of coordinates
sociated with the anholonomic bases e = {ea }, f ∗ = { f a }, where r = xı + yj + z k is the position vector of P(x, y, z) in
e∗ = {e a }, and f = { f a }, respectively, satisfy the following Cartesian coordinates. Firstly, we will show that the unit basis
relations: vectors, denoted by eθ , eφ , in spherical coordinates and referred
to the current configuration, are
eaj eai = δij , f ja f ai = δij , (11a,b)

eθ = cos(θ) cos(φ)ı + cos(θ) sin(θ)j − sin(θ)k, (13a)

j j
eaj eb = δab , f ja f b = δab , (11c,d)
eφ = − sin(φ)ı + cos(φ)j . (13b)
where i, j, a, b = 1, 2, 3. To verify relation (10c), for example,
substitute Writing the expression of the position vector r in terms of
spherical coordinates, we have
ea = eaj g j and eb = ebi gi (11e,f)
r = xı + yj + z k = sin(θ) cos(φ)ı + sin(θ) sin(φ)j + cos(θ)k.

into the condition of reciprocity of the bases e = {e1 , e2 , e3 } and (14a,b)
e∗ = {e 1 , e 2 , e 3 }, i.e.,
Consequently, the expressions of the natural basis vectors are
 given by
0 if a = b
e a · eb = a, b = 1, 2, 3 (11g)
1 if a = b ∂r
gθ =  (14c)
= cos(θ)cos(φ)ı + cos(θ) sin(φ)j − sin(θ)k,
to get the desired result. Relations (11a,b) and (10d) are obtained
in a similar manner.
We note that since b is a generic basis, the pair of formulas ∂r
(8g) and (8h) can be transformed into corresponding formulas gφ = = − sin(θ) sin(φ)ı + sin(θ) cos(φ)j , (14d)
referred to the bases e or f by means of a suitable change of
bases and factors of bases transformations. where
Example: In order to illustrate these concepts, consider the     
transformation  ∂r    ∂r 
  = gθ · gθ = 1 and   = gφ · gφ = sin(θ).
 ∂θ   ∂φ 
x = sin(θ) cos(φ), y = sin(θ) sin(φ), z = cos(θ), (12a–c) (14e–h)

At this point, it is easy to verify that the basis vectors gθ and 4. PHYSICAL AND ANHOLONOMIC COMPONENTS
gφ satisfy the constrained condition of the natural or holonomic OF VECTORS
basis. In fact, The physical dimensions of the covariant and contravariant
components vk and v k of the same vector
∂ gφ ∂ gθ  
= = cos(θ) − sin(φ)ı + cos(φ)j . (14i,j)
∂θ ∂φ v = v k gk = vk g k , k = 1, 2, 3 (17a–b)

The substitution of the set of formulas (13c,d) into are generally different, since the vector of their bases are not
generally of unit length. The goal of finding components of
∂r  ∂r  ∂r  ∂r  vectors whose dimensions coincide with those of the vectors
eθ =   and eφ =   (15a,b)
∂θ  ∂θ  ∂φ  ∂φ  themselves, is accomplished by constructing the unit bases

ga g a
and, taking into account that ea = √ and fa = √ aa (18a,b)
gaa g
 ∂r   ∂r 
  = 1,   = sin(θ)
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 ∂θ   ∂φ  and their reciprocal counterpart

e a = gaa g a and fa = g aa ga , (19a,b)
are in agreement with formulas (13e–h), leads to the unit vectors
(12). where the double indices in the metric symbols do not con-
Denoting tribute to the summation convention. Expanding the vector v
with respect to these bases and taking into account the vector
eθ = e1 , gθ = g1 , eφ = e2 , gφ = g2 , (15c–f) invariance, we obtain

and, taking into account that eθ = gθ are unit vectors, we can v = [v a ]e ea = [v a ] f f a = [va ]e∗ e a = [va ] f ∗ f a = v a ga
write = va g a , a = 1, 2, 3, (20a–f)

e1 = e11 g1 where e11 = 1, since e1 = g1 . (15g–i) where

√ va
Similarly, [v a ]e = gaa v a , [v a ] f = √ aa (20g,h)
1 1 [va ] f ∗ = g va , [va ]e∗ = √
aa (20i,j)
e2 = e22 g2 where e22 = , since e2 =
g2 . g aa
sin(θ) sin(θ)
Secondly, in order to verify whether the basis (e1 , e2 ) is non- are called physical components of v relative to the bases e, f ,
holonomic, let us calculate the terms of the condition f ∗ , e∗ , respectively. The bracket notation [·]B denotes physical
or anholonomic components of a vector (or tensor) referred to
∂e2 ∂e1 anholonomic basis B of the considered vector (or tensor) space.
= (2) , (15a) Since the physical components are special cases of anholonomic
∂ x (1) ∂x
components, they can also be written as
[v a ]e = eka v k , [v a ] f = f ka v k , (21a,b)
∂ ∂ ∂ 1 ∂
= and = , (16b,c) [va ] f ∗ = f ak vk , [va ]e∗ = eak vk , (21c,d)
∂x (1) ∂θ ∂x (2) sin(θ) ∂φ

as follows where the factors of basis transformation are obtained after com-
parison of formulas (19g,j) with (20a,d). Thus,
∂e2 ∂e2
(a) = , (16d) √ δa
∂x (1) ∂θ eka = δak gkk , f ka =  k , (22a,b)
∂e1 1 ∂e1 cos(θ) g kk
(b) = = e2 = cot(θ)e2 . (16e–g)  δk
∂ x (2) sin(θ) ∂φ sin(θ) f ak = δak g kk , eak = √ a . (22c,d)
Therefore, the basis (e1 , e2 ) is nonholonomic.

FIG. 2. Geometrical interpretation of physical components.

the components of T are referred to a natural basis, we have

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The physical components of a vector defined by formulas

(19g,j) are interpreted physically in Figure 2. This figure shows
that the components defined by formulas (19g) and (19i) are  I ⊗ gk (I = I, I I, I I I ; k = 1, 2, 3) .
T = T I kG (23b)
parallel projections of the vector v onto the directions gk and
g k , respectively, while the components (19h) and (19j) are or- From the condition of invariance of T, we can write
thogonal projections over the same directions, respectively. It
should be noted that the components referred to the bases (e)  A ⊗ ec = T I k G
T = [T A c ] F⊗e F  I ⊗ gk
and ( f ∗ ) add by the parallelogram rule to form the vector itself. × (A = I, I I, I I I ; c = 1, 2, 3). (24c,d)
Furthermore, from Figure 2, we have
Now, taking into account the expressions of F  A and ea as func-
[va ]e∗ = [va ] f ∗ cos(g k , gk ) (22a)  I and gi , respectively (see formulas (9f) and (9a)), we
tions of G
[T A c ] F⊗e = T I k FIA ekc , (24e)
[v ] f = [v ]e cos(g , gk ).
a a k
where the sum is over the repeated indices. This formula is the
law of transformation, under change of bases, of the contravari-
Since the factor cos(g k , gk ) is dimensionless, this shows that the
ant components T I k of a second-order tensor of double field to
components [va ]e∗ and [v a ] f have the same physical dimensions
their anholonomic counterpart [T A c ] F⊗e . Analogously, the laws
as the components [va ] f ∗ and [v a ]e , respectively. Thus, the com-
of transformation of the tensor components TI k , T· Ik , and TI· k to
ponents defined by formulas (19g,j) have the same dimensions.
their anholonomic counterparts referred to the bases F ∗ ⊗ e∗ ,
F ⊗ e∗ , and F ∗ ⊗ e, respectively, are given by
TENSORS [T A c ] F ∗ ⊗e∗ = TI k FAI eck , T·cA F⊗e∗
= T· Ik FIA eck , c
T A· F ∗ ⊗e
A second-order tensor of double field T, whose components = TI· k FAI ekc . (24f–h)
are referred to anholonomic bases, can be defined as linear
combinations of tensor products of the type W  ⊗w  (or w
 ⊗W ) Single tensor fields can be included as a special kind of

where W and w  are elements that belong to one of the bases double tensor field. In fact, after setting g = G, g ∗ = G ∗ ,
of the sets {E, E ∗ , F, F ∗ } and {e, e∗ , f, f ∗ }, respectively. For e = E, e∗ = E ∗ , f = F, and f ∗ = F ∗ , the preceding formulas
instance, the expression lead to the following anholonomic components of single tensor
T= T Ac  A ⊗ ec , (A = I, I I, I I I ; c = 1, 2, 3)
[T AC ] F⊗E = T I K FIA E KC , [T AC ] F ∗ ⊗E ∗ = TI K FAI E CK .
(23a) (25a,b)
represents a contravariant second-order tensor of double field.    
Here, we have that B = F ⊗ e is a basis of the considered ten- T· AC F⊗E ∗
T A· F ∗ ⊗E
= TIK· FAI E KC , (25c,d)
sorial space and [T A c ]B denotes the anholonomic components
of the tensor of double field referred to the basis B. Instead, if which hold true for the points of the region C.

Anholonomic counterparts of the components of a Physical counterparts of the components of a second-order
second-order tensor of single field tensor of single field
√ √ √ 
[T ab ]e⊗e = i, j T i j eia ebj [T ab ]e⊗ f = i, j T i j eia f jb [T ab ]e⊗e = T ab gaa gbb [T ab ]e⊗ f = T ab gaa / g bb
√ √ √ 
[T ab ] f ⊗e = i, j T i j f ia ebj [T ab ] f ⊗ f = i, j T i j f ia f jb [T ab ] f ⊗e = T ab gbb / g aa [T ab ] f ⊗ f = T ab / g aa g bb
·j ·j √ √ √ 
[Ta· b ]e∗ ⊗e = i, j Ti eai ebj [Ta· b ]e∗ ⊗ f = i, j Ti eai f jb [Ta· b ]e∗ ⊗e = Ta· b gbb / gaa [Ta· b ]e∗ ⊗ f = Ta· b / gaa g bb
·j ·j √ √ √ 
[Ta· b ] f ∗ ⊗e = i, j Ti f ai ebj [Ta· b ] f ∗ ⊗ f = i, j Ti f ai f jb [Ta· b ] f ∗ ⊗e = Ta· b g aa gbb [Ta· b ] f ∗ ⊗ f = Ta· b g aa g bb
√ √ √ 
[T·ab ]e⊗e∗ = i, j
T·i j eia eb [T·ab ]e⊗ f ∗ = i, j
T·i j eia f b [T·ab ]e⊗e∗ = T·ab gaa / gbb [T·ab ]e⊗ f ∗ = T·ab gaa g bb
√ √  √
[T·ab ] f ⊗e∗ = i, j T·i j f ia eb
[T·ab ] f ⊗ f ∗ = i, j T·i j f ia f b
j [T·ab ] f ⊗e∗ = T·ab / g aa gbb [T·ab ] f ⊗ f ∗ = T·ab g bb / g aa
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√ √  √
[Tab ]e∗ ⊗e∗ =
Ti j eai eb [Tab ]e∗ ⊗ f ∗ = Ti j eai f b
j [Tab ]e∗ ⊗e∗ = Tab / gaa gbb [Tab ]e∗ ⊗ f ∗ = Tab g bb / gaa
i, j i, j

√ √ √ 
[Tab ] f ∗ ⊗e∗ = Ti j f ai eb
[Tab ] f ∗ ⊗ f ∗ = Ti j f ai f b
j [Tab ] f ∗ ⊗e∗ = Tab g aa / gbb [Tab ] f ∗ ⊗ f ∗ = Tab g aa g bb
i, j i, j

The laws of transformation, under change of bases, of the

components of a second-order tensor of single field to their interpret physically than the tensor components. In reference
anholonomic counterparts are listed in Table 1. [17], it was shown that they carry the same dimensions as the
Let rectangular Cartesian components.
It should be noted that expressions (26a), (26b), and (26c)
[T AC ] E⊗E = T I K E IA E KC , [T AC ] F⊗E = T I K FIA E KC coincide with the ones defined by Ericksen [13], Green and
(26a,b) Zerna [7], and Sedov [8], respectively. The theory developed
here is general, since besides dealing with the components de-
fined by Ericksen, Green, and Zerna, and Sedov, it contains
[T AC ] E⊗F = T I K E IA FKC , [T AC ] F⊗F = T I K FIA FKC
the definitions produced by Synge and Schild [9] and Truesdell
be all anholonomic components of the tensor component T AC , The above formulas, namely (23e–h), (24), and (25), can be
as listed in Table 1. extended to higher order tensors of double field, as follows.
... A R a1
The substitution of the factors of base transformation [formu- The quantities [TBA11...B Q b1 B
] are said to be the anholonomic
las 21a–d)] in expressions (25a–d) yields the following physical components of the mixed double tensor field of the contravariant
components: order R, r and covariant order Q, q, referred to the basis
[T AC ] E⊗E = T AC G A A G CC ,
√ · · ⊗ E ⊗
E ∗ ⊗ ·
B =
E ⊗ · · · ⊗ E ∗ ⊗ f ⊗ · · · ⊗ f
[T ] F⊗E = T √
, (27a,b)

R times Q times r times
⊗ f ∗ ⊗ · · · ⊗ f ∗, (28a)

q times

[T AC ] E⊗F =T √AC
, [T AC ] F⊗F
= T AC √ √ . (27c,d)
G A A G CC  
...A R a1 K
TBA11...B Q b1
= E IA11 . . . E IARR E BK11 . . . E B QQ f ia1 1 . . . f iar r f bk11 . . .
The substitution of formula (21a–d) in the expressions of the B

× f bqq TKI11...I R i 1

anholonomic components listed in Table 1 yields the physical k
...K Q k1 ...kq . (28b)
components listed in Table 2. These quantities are simpler to
As an example, let us apply this definition to the mixed third- { f a } = F {gi } = δia g ii {gi }. (31g,h)
order tensor of double field
The last expression can be written in the form
T = TKI i G  K.
 I ⊗ gi ⊗ G (28a)
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ 1 ⎤⎡ ⎤
f 1 h 0 0 g1
Suppose we want to find the anholonomic components of T ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
referred to the basis B = F ⊗ e ⊗ F ∗ . Thus, from the definition ⎣ f 2 ⎦ = ⎣ 0 h 0 ⎦ ⎣ g2 ⎦
(28b) we have f 3 0 0 h3 g3

TBAa F⊗e⊗F ∗
= TKI i FIA eia FBK . (28b) where h i = g ii . The 3 × 3 matrices E, F, E ∗ , and F ∗ are
called matrices of transformation of frames. The Cartan matrix
The substitution of formulas (21a–d) into formula (28b) leads C(J ) of a differentiable nonsingular square matrix J is defined
to by [18]

  gaa √ B B Aa C(J ) = (d J ) · J −1 . (31a)
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TBAa F⊗e⊗F ∗ G TB
As an example of a Cartan matrix, let us take
(no summation over the double
(29a) ⎡ ⎤
indices in the metric symbols),
h1 0 0
⎢ ⎥
J = ⎣ 0 h2 0 ⎦ (31b)
which is the expression of the physical component of the third-
order tensor of double field referred to the basis B = F ⊗e⊗ F ∗ . 0 0 h3
Since the covariant derivatives of vector and tensor compo-
nents have also a tensor character, the above theory can be used from relation (31i) and its inverse
to obtain their anholonomic counterparts. For instance, by us- ⎡ 1

ing formula (29a), the covariant derivative of the components h1
0 0
⎢ ⎥
Ŝ Aa of the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor with respect to X B , J −1 = ⎣ 0 1
0 ⎦. (31c)
denoted by Ŝ;B , reads 0 0 1

  gaa √ B B Aa Thus,
Ŝ;B F⊗e⊗F ∗
=√ G S;B , (29b)
G AA ⎡ ⎤⎡ 1 ⎤
dh 1 0 0 h1
0 0
⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
which is the expression of the physical components of S;B (d J ) · J −1 = ⎣ 0 dh 2 0 ⎦ ⎣ 0 h12 0 ⎦

referred to the basis B = F ⊗ e ⊗ F . 0 0 dh 3 0 0 h13
⎡ 1 ⎤
0 0
⎢ h ⎥

⎢ 2
dh (33a,b)

6.1. Frames and Matrices dh 3
0 0 h3
Definition. A system of basis vectors g = {gi }, i = 1, 2, 3,
is called a frame and is denoted as a column vector. For typo- is the Cartan matrix C(J ) of the differentiable nonsingular
graphical convenience, a column vector will usually be written square matrix J . The following notation will be used in the
as a generic vector in braces. sequel:
The frames e = {ea }, f ∗ = { f a }, e∗ = {ea }, and f = { f a },
where a = 1, 2, 3, are related with the frames g = {gi } and d(h a ) b i b
(C(J ))ab = δ , Jai = δia h i , (J −1 )ib = Nib = δ ,
g ∗ = {g a } as follows: hb a hi i
  where N = J −1 .
{ea } = E {gi } = √ a {gi }, (31a,b)
6.2. Matrices of Connections
  Now, let us take a differentiable curve r = r(t) through a
{ f a } = F ∗ g i =  {g i }, (31c,d) point r0 of the body. The tangent vector dr to this curve can be
g ii written as
{ea } = E ∗ g i = δia gii {g i }, (31e,f) dr = d x i gi = [d x a ]e ea = [d x a ] f f a (35a–c)

and the associated matrices , , and , are such that where N = J −1 .

In the case of the connection , we have
d{gi } = {g j }, (36a)
δia h i j d(h a ) b ha d(h a ) b
b·a =  + δa = b ab + δ , (39c,d)
b j i
δjh h b h hb a
d{ea } = {eb }, (36b)

where J = F and h i = g ii .
d{ f a } = { f b }. (36c)
6.3. Connection Symbols
The matrix  is called natural connection while , and  are The quantities ac
defined by
called anholomic connections. We should observe that the ma-
trices , , and  are functions of the frames (not of points) ac
= ∂c (ba ) · b b (40a)
referred to bases of the type b ⊗ b∗ (for instance  is a matrix
referred to the bases f ⊗ f ∗ ). The following definition summa- where ∂c = ∂∂x c , are called connection symbols of . Let us
rizes the formulas (35a–c).
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observe that this definition is equivalent to

Definition. Let {ba } be a frame such that {ba } = J {gi }. A matrix
 is said to be a matrix of a connection relative to J if ∂c (ba ) = bb ac
. (40b)

d{ba } = {bb }. (37) Since our reference is the natural basis, we can write, in terms
of the bracket notation,
The next theorem provides us with an expression to calculate 
in function of .  b
= ac b⊗b∗ ⊗b∗
, (40c)
Theorem 1. Let  be a natural connection. If  is a matrix of
connection relative to J , then that is, ·ac
are the anholonomic components of ac b
. Note that b
∗ ∗
stands for either e, e , f , or f . For instance, from the formula
 = J  J −1 + C(J ), (38a) b·ac = ac f ⊗ f ∗⊗ f ∗
. (40d)

where C(J ) = (d J )J −1 is the Cartan matrix of J . we can deduce that

Proof: We have seen that ha hc b (h a ),c h c b
b·ac = [ac
] f ⊗ f ∗⊗ f ∗ = ac + δa (40e,f)
hb hb
{ba } = J {gi }, (38b)
There are several kinds of anholonomic components of . For
so that instance,

d{ba } = d J {g j } + J d{g j } = d J {g j } + J {g j }  b hb b (1/ h a ),c b

b·ac = ac e⊗e∗ ⊗e∗
=  + hb δa , (40g,h)
= (d J + J ){g j }. (38c) h a h c ac hc

1 (1/ h α ),c b
[ac ] f ⊗e∗ ⊗e∗ = b + δ . (40i)
d{ba } = {bb } =  J {g j }, (38f,g) h a h c h b ac hb hc a

we have that
6.4. Anholonomic Derivatives
 J {g j } = (d J + J ){g j }, (38h) Let w = wa ba be a vector field, where the letters wa = [wa ]b
and wa = [wa ]b∗ , denote the anholonomic components of w.
which implies
For each connection  there are two kinds of components of

 called anholonomic covariant derivatives of w,  which are
 = C(J ) + J  J −1 . (38i) ∂xc
defined as follows:
In terms of components, the above formula reads ∂ ∂
 = (w;cb )bb ⇐⇒ w;cb = c (w)
(w)  · b b (41a,b)
j j ∂x c ∂x
·ab = Jai i N bj + d(Jai )Nib = Jai i N bj + (C(J ))b·a , (39a,b)

and where gi j and G I J are the metrics in the current and reference
configurations of a point of the body C .
∂ ∂
 = (wb;c )b b ⇐⇒ wb;c = c (w)
(w)  · bb (41c,d) The strain tensor E I J may be expressed in terms of the dis-
∂x c ∂x placement vector u , or in its components with respect to the base
 I or gi . In terms of displacement vector expression (43)
vectors G
To calculate the anholonomic covariant derivatives of w we will
prove the following:
Theorem 2. If bb ac
= ∂c (ba ) then EI J =
1   I · u ,J + u ,I · u ,J ).
(G J · u ,I + G (44)

The displacement vector u and its derivative u ,I may be ex-

w;cb = w,c
+ wa ac
. (42) pressed in terms of the base vectors of the reference configura-
tion of the body C . Thus,
Proof: First, we note that
u = U M G  M.
u ,I = U M;I G (45a,b)
 = ∂c (w ba ) = ba ∂c (w ) + w ∂c (ba ).
∂c (w) a a a
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and the covariant differentiation reads

U M;I = U M,I − U R  M
I. (45c)
bb ac
= ∂c (ba ), (42d)
Substituting formulas (45a,b) into (44) and using the following
therefore, relations:

 = ∂c (wa ba ) = ba ∂c (wa ) + wa bb ac

∂c (w) b
(42e,f) G  ,I ,
I = R  I ·G
G  J = δ IJ ,  I ·G
GI J = G
GI J = G J,
 I ·G
we obtain the expression of Green’s strain tensor components
= bb ∂c (w b ) + wa bb ac
b b 
= (∂c (w b ) + wa ac )bb , (42g,h)
◦ 1
E I J = E J I = E I J + U;IM U M;J (I, J, M = I, I I, I I I ),
that is, 2
∂  b 
 = ∂c (w b ) + wa ac bb . (42i)
∂x c
◦ ◦ 1
EIJ = EJI = (U I ;J + U J ;I ) (47c,d)
This implies 2

w;cb = w,c
+ wa ac
. (42j) Observe that from the relations (44) and (47c,d) we infer the
◦ ◦
symmetry of E I J = E J I and E I J = E J I . The anholonomic

Similar result holds for wb;c , i.e., components of E I J and E I J , both referred to the basis E ∗ ⊗ E ∗
wb;c = wb,c − wa bc
. (42k)
[E AB ] E ∗ ⊗E ∗ = E AI E BJ E I J (48a)
Likewise results hold for tensors of all orders. For instance, if
we consider the component Tba of a mixed second-order tensor and
we have
◦ ◦
Tb;c = a
Tb,c + Tbd dc
− Tda bc
. (42l) E AB = E AI E BJ E I J . (48b)
E ∗ ⊗E ∗

From this point on, for the sake of simplicity, we shall introduce
7. KINEMATIC EQUATIONS an additional notation in which we leave out the brackets and
We define a symmetric tensor E I J , called the strain tensor, the indication of the basis in the standard bracket notation. Also,
by the equation we underline the letters excluding the indices. For instance,
◦ ◦
1 [E AB ] E ∗ ⊗E ∗ = E AB and E AB = E AB . (48c)
EI J = (gi j − G I J ), (43)
2 E ∗ ⊗E ∗

After substituing expression (47a,b) in (48a) we obtain In order to have the second term of the second member of
expression (53a) written in terms of anholonomic components
◦ 1 substitute the formulas
E AB = E AI E BJ E I J = E AI E BJ E I J + U;IM U M;J , (49a,b)
2  C  C    
U C;A = U;A E⊗E ∗
= U,A E⊗E ∗
+ U B E  CB A E⊗E ∗ ⊗E ∗
where A, B = I, I I, I I I . From the anholonomic components, (55a,b)
U C;A = U;A E⊗E ∗
= EM E A U;IM ,
U C;B = UC;B E ∗ ⊗E ∗ = UC,B E ∗ ⊗E ∗ − [U A ] E ∗ CA B E⊗E ∗ ⊗E ∗
  in the nonlinear term U C;A U C;B to obtain
U C;B = UC;B E ∗ ⊗E ∗ = E CM E BJ U M;J , (50c,d)
 C  C  C  !
together with formulas (48a–d), we have U;A E⊗E ∗ [UC;B ] E ∗ ⊗E ∗ = U;A E⊗E ∗ + [U B
] E  ∗
B A E⊗E ⊗E ∗ ·

◦ ◦
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E I J = E IA E JB E AB , E I J = E IA E JB E AB , (51a,b)
UC;B E ∗ ⊗E ∗ − [U A ] E ∗ CA B E⊗E ∗ ⊗E ∗ (55e)

U M;J = E M E J U C;B , U;IM = E CM E IA U C;A .

where [ CB A ] E⊗E ∗ ⊗E ∗ and [CA B ] E⊗E ∗ ⊗E ∗ are given by formu-
las (40g,h), where the lowercase indices and letters that enter
The substitution of expressions (51a–d) in (49b) leads to
in these expressions are substituted by uppercase indices and

E AB = E AB + U C;A U C;B (A, B, C = I, I I, I I I ) (52)
or using the bracket notation • Ericksen [13] has already noticed that the method of
  anholonomic components does not include all cases, as
◦ 1  C   for example, Greeen and Zerna’s definition of physi-
[E AB ] E ∗ ⊗E ∗ = E AB + U;A E⊗E ∗ UC;B E ∗ ⊗E ∗ .
E ∗ ⊗E ∗ 2 cal components. Truesdell [10] and Ericksen [13] dealt
(53a) only with anholonomic components of single field re-
where ferred to the bases E and E ∗ of the undeformed con-
  figuration (or e or e∗ of the deformed configuration)
◦ 1 I J of the body, and, therefore, omitting the bases F and
E AB = E E (U I ;J + U J,I ) (53b)
E ∗ ⊗E ∗ 2 A B F ∗ (or f and f ∗ ). For each given second order tensor,
there are 16 anholonomic components shown in Ta-
The expression of the anholonomic small strain components ble 1. If we omit f and f ∗ on the formulas of Table 1,

then only four components are left. This fact shows the
E AB can be obtained substituting
importance of keeping the bases f and f ∗ .
  The same reasoning holds for anholonomic com-
U I ;J = U I,J − U K  IKJ = U A E IA ,J − U C E KC  IKJ (54a,b)
ponents of higher order tensors of single or dou-
ble field. The theory here developed is more gen-
and eral because it deals with anholonomic components
  of single and double fields referred to bases whose
U J ;I = U J,I − U K  JKI = U B E JB ,I − U C E KC  JKI (54c,d) elements belong to one of the sets {E, E ∗ , F, F ∗ }
and {e, e∗ , f, f ∗ }.
in formula (53b) as follows • Consider Cauchy’s first law of motion expressed in
terms of a reference state as follows:
◦ 1 I J     
E AB = E A E B U A E IA ,J + U B E JB ,I − 2U C E KC  IKJ ,
2 Div "  = ρ0 a ,
S + ρ0 P (56a)
where and the boundary conditions

U A = E AI U I , U B = E BJ U J and U C = E CK U K (54f–h) ν " 

S = F. (56b)

In these formulas, " S is the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress and

tensor, P is the referencial body forces, a is the accel-

eration vector, ρ0 is the mass density in the reference x i = x i (x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) i = 1, 2, . . . , n. (60b)
configuration, F  is the prescribed superfice traction,
and ν is the exterior normal. Because the above equa- From these coordinates transformations [19, 20]
tions are invariant under change of bases we can rep-

resent them in component forms referred to natural ∂xi ∂xi i
and anholonomic bases, respectively. Substituting the dxi = d x i
and d x i
= dx . (61a,b)
∂x i ∂x i
The following statements hold for an arbitrary dis-
Div "
S = S;K
gk ,  = P k gk , a = a K gk (57a–c)
P placement vector d x referred to the natural bases {gi }

and {gi } of the coordinate systems x i and x i , respec-
ν = ν K G  = F k gk , "
F S ="
S K k gk (57d–f)

d x = gi d x i = gi d x i , i = 1, 2, . . . , n,
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in the above equations, we obtain the following com- i = 1 , 2 , . . . , n . (61c,b)

ponent forms of these equations referred to natural

bases: Multiplying gi d x i = gi d x i by g i and then by g i ,
we obtain
S;K + ρ0 P k = ρ0 a k , νK "
SKk = Fk
d x i = g i · gi d x i , i = 1, 2, . . . , n, (62a)
× (k = 1, 2, 3; K = I, I I, I I I ), (58a,b)

Similarly, the equations (56a,b) can be represented d x i = g i · gi d x i , i = 1, 2, . . . , n. (62b)
in component form referred to the anholonomic basis
E, by the equation
From (61a,b) and (62a,b) we have
Ŝ;A + ρ0 P C E = ρ0 Ü C E , ∂xi
    gii = g i · gi = , (63a)
[ν A ] F ∗ Ŝ AC F⊗E = F C E . (59a,b) ∂ xi

Since the procedure of getting these equations is the

same, the above results show that the anholonomic gii = g i · gi = . (63b)
components in equations (59a,b) are related just in ∂xi
the same way as the tensor components in equations
As an example, suppose that the bases {g, g ∗ } and
(58a,b). Furthermore, these equations present the same
{G, G ∗ } change to natural and anholonomic ones.
formal aspect.
Then, the anholonomic components of the mixed
• The anholonomic tensor calculus is well founded com- Ij
fourth-order tensor components Tk R , referred to the
ponentwise on a change of bases and not of coordinates ∗ ∗
bases B = G ⊗ e ⊗ g ⊗ F reads
(since they do not exist). On the other hand, the holo-
nomic tensor calculus, which is founded on the idea of 

coordinate transformation, may as well be founded on TbA Dc = Tk R G IA ecj gbk FDR , (64a)
the notion of transformation of bases. Thus, the essen-
tial notion is that of transformation of bases and not of A
where G IA = ∂∂XX I , gbk = ∂∂xxb and ecj and FRD are (an-

coordinates. Therefore, the change of bases allows for

holonomic) factors of bases transformation, as we have
the unification of both calculus on one context only.
seen in section 3. When all the bases are holonomic,
The following examples illustrate what we just said.
formula (64a) can be written as:
We associate to each point on an n-dimensional
manifold two systems of coordinates, namely, x i and

x i , related to each other by the following admissible TbA Dc = Tk R G IA g cj gbk G D
, (64b)
coordinate transformation:

where B = G ⊗ g ⊗ g ∗ ⊗ G ∗ and G IA , g cj , gbk ,
x i = x i x 1, x 2, . . . , x n
i = 1 , 2 , . . . , n (60a) R
GD are (holonomic) factors of base transformation.

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B ∂ X I ∂ x j ∂ x b ∂ X D Oxford, 2nd ed., 1968.
8. L.I. Sedov, Introduction to the Mechanics of Continuous Medium, Addison-
where Wesley, London, 1965.

9. J.L. Synge and A. Schild, Tensor Calculus. Toronto University Press,
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g cj = , R
GD = (64d)
∂x j ∂ X D 10. C. Truesdell, The Physical Components of Vectors and Tensors, Z. Angew
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