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Review Article

Drug Therapy cannot excise it.5 In this process, the viral DNA
polymerase is also inactivated.6
Acyclovir triphosphate is 30 to 50 times as potent
A L A S T A I R J . J . W O O D , M. D. , Editor an inhibitor of herpes simplex type 1 DNA polymer-
ase as of human cellular alpha-DNA polymerase.6
The meager production of acyclovir triphosphate in
A NTIVIRAL D RUGS uninfected cells and its specificity for viral DNA
polymerase result in minimal cellular toxic effects. In
addition, more than 80 percent of the acyclovir that
reaches the circulation is excreted unchanged in the
The median 50 percent inhibitory concentration
of acyclovir against herpes simplex virus type 1 is

LEVEN drugs approved by the Food and
Drug Administration for the treatment of vi- 0.1 µM,8 and it is 0.4 µM against herpes simplex vi-
ral infections (other than those caused by hu- rus type 2,8 2.6 µM against varicella–zoster virus,9
man immunodeficiency virus type 1 [HIV-1] or and 47.1 µM against cytomegalovirus.10 Despite poor
those complicating such infection) will be reviewed oral bioavailability, plasma acyclovir concentrations
in this article. They are seven nucleoside analogues, greatly exceeding the 50 percent inhibitory concen-
two closely related 10-carbon-ring amines, one py- tration against herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 are
rophosphate analogue, and a recombinant protein attained in adults after the administration of 200 mg
produced in bacteria (Fig. 1). The characteristics of of acyclovir.8 In contrast, 800 mg is necessary to pro-
these antiviral drugs are given in Table 1, manage- vide plasma concentrations above the median 50
ment of their adverse effects is outlined in Table 2, percent inhibitory concentration for varicella–zoster
and specific recommendations for their use are pro- virus.8 Because acyclovir has a relatively short half-
vided in Table 3. life in plasma7 (Table 1), 800 mg must be given every
four to six hours to patients infected with varicella–
APPROVED DRUGS zoster virus (Table 3). Acyclovir has proved effective
Acyclovir for the treatment of infections caused by herpes sim-
plex virus types 1 and 211,12 and varicella–zoster
Acyclovir is an analogue of 2'-deoxyguanosine virus13,14 and for the suppression of some forms of
that exerts its antiviral effect after being metabolized cytomegalovirus disease.15
to acyclovir triphosphate (Fig. 2). The initial step in
this process, the formation of acyclovir monophos- Valacyclovir
phate, is catalyzed by a thymidine kinase induced in Valacyclovir, the L-valyl ester of acyclovir, is avail-
cells infected with herpes simplex virus1,2 or varicel- able only as an oral formulation. After ingestion,
la–zoster virus3 or by a phosphotransferase produced the drug is rapidly converted to acyclovir by the en-
by cytomegalovirus.4 Cellular enzymes next add phos- zyme valacyclovir hydrolase in the gastrointestinal
phates to form acyclovir diphosphate and acyclovir tract and liver.16 Its oral bioavailability is three to
triphosphate. Acyclovir triphosphate inhibits the syn- five times that of acyclovir (Table 1).16 Valacyclovir
thesis of viral DNA by competing with 2'-deoxy- has proved effective in the treatment of infections
guanosine triphosphate as a substrate for viral DNA caused by herpes simplex virus17 and varicella–zoster
polymerase.1,2 Once acyclovir (rather than 2'-deoxy- virus18 and as prophylaxis against cytomegalovirus
guanosine) is inserted into the replicating viral DNA, disease.19
synthesis stops (Fig. 2). The incorporation of acy-
clovir monophosphate into viral DNA is irreversible, Ganciclovir
because the polymerase-associated 3',5'-exonuclease Ganciclovir, which was recently reviewed in the
Journal,20 differs from acyclovir by the addition of a
hydroxymethyl group at the 3' position of the acy-
From the Departments of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology and Pe-
clic side chain (Fig. 1). Its metabolism and mecha-
diatrics, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis. Address re- nism of action are similar to those of acyclovir, ex-
print requests to Dr. Balfour at the University of Minnesota Medical cept that it has a 3' carbon with a hydroxyl group
School, Box 437 Mayo, 420 Delaware St. S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455-
0392, or at balfo001@tc.umn.edu. that can permit primer–template extension (Fig. 2)
©1999, Massachusetts Medical Society. and so is not an absolute DNA-chain terminator.21

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

Acyclovir Valacyclovir Ganciclovir





Penciclovir Famciclovir Ribavirin Lamivudine




Foscarnet Amantadine Rimantadine Interferon alfa
3 Na+ -O P C • 6 H2O

Figure 1. Structures of 11 Antiviral Drugs.

Six of the 11 drugs resemble the natural nucleoside 2'-deoxyguanosine, and 2 others are analogues of aminoadamantane. Interferon
alfa is shown as a computer-generated three-dimensional model in monomeric form. It is much larger than the others (molecular
weight, 19,271).

Ganciclovir is converted to ganciclovir monophos- the 3 µM needed to inhibit the majority of strains
phate by a viral-encoded phosphotransferase pro- of cytomegalovirus.24,25 Intravenous ganciclovir is
duced in cells infected with cytomegalovirus.22,23 It effective for the suppression and treatment of cyto-
is a better substrate than acyclovir for this phospho- megalovirus disease.24,26,27 Oral ganciclovir has also
transferase, and the intracellular half-life of ganciclo- proved useful for the suppression of cytomegalovi-
vir triphosphate is at least 12 hours, as compared rus disease,28 but its value is limited by its low bio-
with 1 to 2 hours for acyclovir (Table 1).4 This dif- availability (8 to 9 percent).29
ference is the reason why ganciclovir is superior to
acyclovir for the treatment of cytomegalovirus dis- Penciclovir
ease. The peak plasma concentration after intrave- Penciclovir is structurally similar to ganciclovir,
nous administration of usual doses greatly exceeds differing only by the substitution of a methylene

1256 · Apr il 2 2 , 19 9 9

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Acyclovir Metabolized to acyclovir tri- Herpes simplex, varicella– Epstein–Barr, herpes B Oral bioavailability, 10–20%;
phosphate, which inhibits zoster, cytomegalovirus (herpes simiae) plasma half-life, 2–3 hr;
viral DNA polymerase intracellular half-life of
acyclovir triphosphate,
1–2 hr§
Valacyclovir Same as acyclovir Herpes simplex, varicella– Oral bioavailability, 54%;
zoster, cytomegalovirus plasma half-life, 2–3 hr; in-
tracellular half-life, 1–2 hr§
Ganciclovir Metabolized to ganciclovir Cytomegalovirus Herpes simplex, varicella– Oral bioavailability, 8–9%;
triphosphate, which inhib- zoster, Epstein–Barr, plasma half-life, 2.5 hr;
its viral DNA polymerase human herpesvirus 8, intracellular half-life of
herpes B (herpes simiae) ganciclovir triphosphate,
12 hr§
Penciclovir Metabolized to penciclovir Herpes simplex Only available topically, with
triphosphate, which inhib- no appreciable systemic
its viral DNA polymerase absorption; intravenous
formulation under devel-
Famciclovir Same as penciclovir Herpes simplex, varicella– Hepatitis B Oral bioavailability, 77%; plas-
zoster ma half-life, 2 hr; intracellu-
lar half-life of penciclovir
triphosphate, 7–20 hr§
Foscarnet Inhibition of viral DNA pol- Cytomegalovirus, acyclovir- Human herpesvirus 8, Oral bioavailability, 0%; plas-
ymerase and reverse trans- resistant herpes simplex, human immunode- ma half-life, 6 hr; triphasic
criptase at the pyrophos- acyclovir-resistant varicella– ficiency virus type 1 elimination due to deposi-
phate-binding site zoster tion in bone matrix
Ribavirin Interference with viral mes- Lassa fever, hantavirus (hemor- Respiratory syncytial virus, Oral bioavailability, 32%;
senger RNA rhagic fever renal syndrome), parainfluenza, influenza plasma half-life, 30–60 hr;
hepatitis C (in chronic cases A and B, measles, han- some absorption of aero-
in combination with inter- tavirus (pulmonary syn- solized formulation
feron alfa) drome)
Lamivudine Inhibition of viral DNA pol- Hepatitis B (chronic cases), Oral bioavailability, 86%;
ymerase and reverse trans- human immunodeficiency plasma half-life, 5–7 hr
criptase virus type 1
Amantadine Blockage of the M2 protein Influenza A Oral bioavailability, >90%;
ion channel and its ability plasma half-life, 10–31 hr
to modulate intracellular in young adults; peak con-
pH centrations higher and
plasma half-life longer in
patients »60 years old
Rimantadine Blockage of the M2 protein Influenza A Oral bioavailability, >90%;
ion channel and its ability plasma half-life, 25–36 hr;
to modulate intracellular 75% of drug is metabolized
pH in liver
Interferon alfa Induction of cellular en- Hepatitis B and C, human Hepatitis D Oral bioavailability, 0%; plas-
zymes that interfere with herpesvirus 8, papilloma- ma half-life, 2–3 hr
viral protein synthesis virus

*This list excludes drugs used exclusively for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection.
†Safety and efficacy have been documented in controlled clinical trials.
‡Efficacy is supported by uncontrolled clinical data or results of in vitro susceptibility studies.
§Intracellular half-lives are based on in vitro data.

bridge for the ether oxygen in the acyclic ribose part travenous preparation is being studied as a treatment
of the molecule (Fig. 1). Its metabolism and mech- for mucocutaneous herpes in immunocompromised
anism of action are similar to those of acyclovir, ex- patients.
cept that it is not an obligate DNA-chain terminator30
(Fig. 2). The in vitro inhibitory effects of penciclovir Famciclovir
on herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 and varicella– Famciclovir is the diacetyl-6-deoxy analogue of
zoster virus are similar to those of acyclovir.31 penciclovir (Fig. 1). It is well absorbed after oral
The oral bioavailability of penciclovir is poor. At administration and is rapidly metabolized to penci-
present, it has been approved only as a topical for- clovir by deacetylation in the gastrointestinal tract,
mulation for the treatment of herpes labialis. An in- blood, and liver, after which it is oxidized by the liver

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Acyclovir Reversible nephropathy Uncommon Crystallization of drug in renal tu- Give 1 liter of fluid per gram of acyclovir; infuse
bules, almost exclusively after in- each dose at a rate of 6 mg/ml or less over a
travenous administration 1-hr period; reduce dose in patients with renal
insufficiency according to creatinine clearance.
Gastrointestinal disturbances Uncommon Direct effect Reduce dose if necessary.
Irritation at infusion site, phlebitis Uncommon High alkalinity of acyclovir in solu- Ensure that intravenous device is intact, with no
tion (pH, 11) extravasation.
Headache Uncommon Direct effect on central nervous sys- Reduce dose.
tem or effect of metabolite (car-
boxymethoxymethyl guanine)
Rash Rare Idiosyncratic Discontinue drug for moderate-to-severe rashes.
Encephalopathy Rare Precipitated by renal failure or by Discontinue drug.
other drugs with adverse central
nervous system effects
Valacyclovir Same as for acyclovir Same as for Same as for acyclovir Same as for acyclovir.
Thrombotic microangiopathy Rare Unknown; appears limited to immu- Discontinue drug.
nosuppressed patients receiving
multiple drugs
Ganciclovir Bone marrow suppression, especially Common Direct effect Reduce dose; reduce or discontinue other marrow-
granulocytopenia suppressive drugs; administer granulocyte growth
Renal insufficiency Uncommon Probably crystallization of drug in Ensure adequate hydration; reduce dose in patients
renal tubules with renal insufficiency according to creatinine
Fever, headache Uncommon Probably a direct effect Reduce dose if necessary.
Irritation at infusion site, phlebitis Uncommon Alkalinity of drug Ensure that intravenous device is intact, with no
Rash Rare Idiosyncratic Discontinue drug for moderate-to-severe rashes.
Encephalopathy Rare Probably direct toxic effect aug- Discontinue drug.
mented by other drugs with ad-
verse central nervous system
Penciclovir None†
Famciclovir Headache, nausea, diarrhea Uncommon Probably direct toxic effects Reduce dose if necessary.
Interactions with drugs inhibiting Theoretical Oxidation of drug in liver Dose reduction may be necessary in patients with
or requiring hepatic oxidation hepatic insufficiency; mutagenesis and carcinoge-
nicity have been reported in laboratory animals.
Foscarnet Renal insufficiency Common Direct damage to renal tubules Hydrate with up to 2 liters of isotonic saline before
administration; monitor renal function during
therapy; reduce dose in patients with renal failure
according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Electrolyte imbalance, especially Common Chelation of divalent metal cations Measure serum electrolytes at least twice weekly
hypocalcemia during first 2 weeks of therapy, and provide oral
or intravenous replacement as needed.
Nausea, vomiting Common Direct effect or due to electrolyte Dose reduction is usually not necessary.
Anemia Uncommon Direct effect on bone marrow Dose reduction is usually not necessary.
Penile ulcers Uncommon Contact dermatitis due to local accu- Hydrate before administration and maintain ade-
mulation of foscarnet quate hygiene.
Seizures Rare Direct effect or due to electrolyte Discontinue drug.

at position 6 of the purine ring.32 The intracellular pyrophosphate from nucleoside triphosphates and
half-life of the active drug, penciclovir triphosphate, thus blocking further primer–template extension
is very long, suggesting the potential for once-daily (Fig. 2).35 Foscarnet must be given intravenously,
dosing. Famciclovir is effective against genital herpes33 because a tolerable oral formulation has not been
and herpes zoster infections.34 developed. It is not metabolized to any appreciable
degree and is eliminated by glomerular filtration and
Foscarnet tubular secretion. Clinical studies have proved fos-
Foscarnet (trisodium phosphonoformate) is an or- carnet equivalent to ganciclovir for the treatment of
ganic analogue of inorganic pyrophosphate (Fig. 1). cytomegalovirus disease36 and superior to vidarabine
It forms complexes with viral DNA polymerase at its for the treatment of infections caused by herpes sim-
pyrophosphate-binding site, preventing cleavage of plex viruses that are resistant to acyclovir.37

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Ribavirin‡ Anemia Common Hemolysis and possibly bone mar- Reduce dose.
row suppression
Skin, eye, and upper airway irrita- Uncommon Contact irritant Avoid direct contact if possible.
Bronchospasm Uncommon Direct irritant to mucosal tissues Discontinue aerosolized form of the drug.
Lamivudine Lactic acidosis and severe hepato- Rare Possible interference with mito- Discontinue drug.
megaly with steatosis chondrial function
Amantadine Nausea and anorexia Common Possible direct effect Effects may resolve during therapy; reduce dose if
Central nervous system dysfunction Uncommon Dopaminergic effect on central necessary; because of its high (>90%) oral bio-
nervous system availability and dependence on renal elimina-
Death from overdose Rare Dopaminergic activity on cardio- tion, dose must be reduced by 50% in patients
vascular system »65 years old; reduce dose in patients with re-
nal insufficiency according to manufacturer’s in-
Rimanta- Nausea and anorexia Uncommon Possible direct effect Effects may resolve during therapy; reduce dose if
dine necessary.
Central nervous system dysfunction Less frequent Dopaminergic effect on central Reduce dose by 50% in patients »65 years old,
than with nervous system and patients with renal or hepatic failure.
Interferon Influenza-like symptoms Common Intrinsic pyrogenic effect or release For all adverse effects, reduce or withhold dose
alfa Gastrointestinal disturbances Common of proinflammatory cytokines temporarily; discontinue if severity warrants.
Central nervous system dysfunction, Common Effect of immune dysregulation on
including depression psychoneuroendocrine function
Bone marrow suppression Common Antiproliferative effect
Autoimmune phenomena Uncommon Immune dysregulation

*The list does not include drugs used exclusively to treat human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection.
†No adverse effects were reported in a controlled trial of a 1 percent penciclovir cream.
‡Ribavirin is teratogenic in laboratory animals and thus may pose a threat to care givers exposed to the aerosolized form.
§This effect has been reported in health care workers as well as in patients exposed to the aerosolized form of the drug.

Ribavirin DNA polymerase as well as HIV reverse transcrip-

Ribavirin is a guanosine analogue that has an in- tase. Lamivudine is effective as monotherapy for the
complete purine ring rather than an acyclic ribose treatment of chronic hepatitis B and in combination
moiety (Fig. 1). After intracellular phosphorylation, with other antiretroviral drugs for the treatment of
ribavirin triphosphate interferes with early events in HIV-1 infection. Lamivudine has high oral bioavail-
viral transcription, such as the capping and elongation ability and a relatively long plasma half-life (five to
of messenger RNA, and inhibits ribonucleoprotein seven hours), which make once-daily dosing feasible
synthesis.38,39 It has a broad spectrum of activity in vi- for patients with chronic hepatitis B.
tro against RNA viruses (Table 1). The concentration
Amantadine and Rimantadine
of the major metabolite — 1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxa-
mide — is higher in the urine after oral administration Amantadine hydrochloride is an amine with a
than after intravenous administration, implying that unique 10-carbon ring; rimantadine hydrochloride is
the drug is degraded in the gastrointestinal tract and a homologue created by the insertion of a methylat-
liver.40 Aerosolized ribavirin is absorbed systemically, ed carbon bridge between the amino group and the
as indicated by the presence of measurable concentra- 10-carbon ring (Fig. 1). Both drugs appear to inhib-
tions in the plasma.41 Clinical efficacy has been dem- it the replication of influenza A viruses by blocking
onstrated for the treatment of infections caused by the viral M2 protein ion channel, thereby reducing
hemorrhagic fever viruses (with oral and intravenous the effect of this viral protein on viral uncoating and
formulations of ribavirin)42,43 and hepatitis C (with pH regulation in infected cells.45
oral ribavirin in combination with interferon).44 Amantadine has high oral bioavailability and many
side effects, especially among patients 60 years old
Lamivudine or older, in whom peak plasma concentrations are
Lamivudine is a pyrimidine nucleoside originally approximately three times as high as in younger
developed as an antiretroviral drug (Fig. 1). It is a adults given the same dose and the plasma half-life
cytidine analogue that is metabolized intracellularly is about 12 hours longer.46 Amantadine is eliminated
to lamivudine triphosphate, which inhibits hepatitis B by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion of the

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Genital herpes, ini- Acyclovir, 200 mg orally 5 times Acyclovir, 5 mg/kg intra- Effect of antiviral therapy on trans-
tial episode daily or 400 mg 3 times daily for venously every 8 hr for mission is not known.
10 days 5 days (severe cases only)
Valacyclovir, 1 g orally twice daily
for 10 days
Famciclovir, 250 mg orally 3 times
daily for 5–10 days†
Genital herpes, re- Acyclovir, 200 mg orally 5 times Acyclovir, 200–400 mg orally Suppression is usually preferable to
current episode daily or 400 mg 3 times daily for 2–3 times daily for 1 yr or episodic treatment; daily dose
5 days longer, if necessary should be titrated to the lowest
Valacyclovir, 500 mg orally twice Valacyclovir, 500–1000 mg amount required to prevent re-
daily for 5 days orally once daily currences; efficacy and safety
Famciclovir, 125 mg orally twice Famciclovir, 125–250 mg orally of suppression with valacyclovir
daily for 5 days twice daily and famciclovir for more than
1 yr are not known.
Herpes labialis in Penciclovir, 1% cream applied to Acyclovir, 200 mg orally Acyclovir, 200 mg orally Best results are obtained from early
an otherwise skin or lips every 2 hr during 5 times daily for 5 days† 5 times daily just before and patient-initiated therapy; pro-
healthy person waking hours for 4 days during exposure to the sun† phylaxis is effective for sun-
induced episodes.
Mucocutaneous Acyclovir, 5 mg/kg intravenously Acyclovir, 400 mg orally Acyclovir, 400 mg orally Intravenous penciclovir appears to
herpes in an im- every 8 hr for 7 days‡ 5 times daily for 10 days† 3 times daily for 2–3 mo† be equivalent to intravenous acy-
munocompro- Valacyclovir, 1 g orally Valacyclovir, 1 g orally 3 times clovir.
mised patient 3 times daily for 7 days† daily for 2–3 mo†
Famciclovir, 500 mg orally Famciclovir, 500 mg orally
twice daily for 7 days† twice daily for 2–3 mo†
Mucocutaneous Foscarnet, 40 mg/kg intravenous- Cidofovir gel is being evaluated for
herpes due to ly 2–3 times daily for 7–21 days acyclovir-resistant herpes.
ant virus
Herpes encephalitis Acyclovir, 10–15 mg/kg intrave- Treat before semicoma or coma
nously every 8 hr for 14–21 develops; morbidity and mortal-
days‡ ity are high despite treatment.
Neonatal herpes Acyclovir, 10–15 mg/kg intrave- Morbidity and mortality are high
nously every 8 hr for 14 days† despite treatment for disseminat-
ed disease; suppression after ini-
tial therapy is being evaluated.
Chickenpox in an Acyclovir, 20 mg/kg (maximum, Adolescents, adults, and patients
immunocompe- 800 mg) orally 4 times daily for with secondary cases in families
tent patient 5 days are most likely to benefit from
Chickenpox in an Acyclovir, 10 mg/kg intravenously Varicella–zoster immune glob- Treat as soon as possible to prevent
immunocompro- every 8 hr for 7–10 days†‡ ulin, 1 vial/10 kg intramus- visceral dissemination; immune
mised patient cularly (maximum, 5 vials) globulin must be given within
96 hr after exposure.
Herpes zoster in an Valacyclovir, 1 g orally 3 times Acyclovir, 800 mg orally Patients »50 years or those with
immunocompe- daily for 7 days 5 times daily for 7 days ophthalmic zoster are most like-
tent patient Famciclovir, 500 mg orally every ly to benefit from treatment.
8 hr for 7 days
Herpes zoster in an Acyclovir, 10 mg/kg intravenously Foscarnet (for acyclovir- Acyclovir, 400–800 mg orally Treatment can be started as long as
immunocompro- every 8 hr for 7 days‡ resistant virus), 60 mg/ 4 times daily for up to 3 mo new lesions are still forming.
mised patient kg intravenously 2–3 after transplantation†
times daily for 7–14

intact drug,47 and hence the altered pharmacokinet- Interferon Alfa

ics in older adults are most likely due to declining Natural interferons are glycoproteins with antiviral
renal function. Rimantadine is also absorbed well; activity that is postulated to be due to the induction
75 percent of a dose is metabolized in the liver, of cellular enzymes that interfere with the synthesis of
mainly by hydroxylation.48 Older adults require a re- viral proteins.51 Commercial preparations of interferon
duction in the dose, presumably because of an age- alfa are slightly smaller than the natural proteins (mo-
related decline in hepatic function. Both drugs are lecular weight, approximately 19,000) and are made in
effective for the prevention and treatment of influ- bacteria by recombinant-DNA techniques (Fig. 1). In-
enza A infections.49,50 terferons are not orally bioavailable and need to be

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Cytomegalovirus Ganciclovir, 5 mg/kg intravenous- Foscarnet, 60 mg/kg intra- Acyclovir, 800 mg orally Oral ganciclovir is probably best
disease in trans- ly twice daily for 14–21 days† venously every 8 hr for 4 times daily for 3 mo (in in patients undergoing heart
plant recipients 14–21 days† renal-transplant recipients)† and lung transplantation, but
Ganciclovir, 1 g orally 3 times definitive data are not available.
daily with meals for 2–3 mo Valacyclovir is effective as pro-
(in liver-transplant recipients) phylaxis in renal-transplant
Acyclovir, 10 mg/kg intrave- recipients.
nously every 8 hr for 1 mo, Intravenous ganciclovir should
followed by 800 mg orally not be started until after en-
4 times daily for at least 3 mo graftment in recipients of bone
(in bone marrow–transplant marrow transplants; recipients
recipients)†‡ of heart transplants are usually
Ganciclovir, 5–6 mg/kg intra- given 5 mg/kg every 12 hr for
venously 5–7 days/wk for the first 2 wk after transplanta-
3 mo (in recipients of bone tion; dosage may be reduced
marrow, heart, or liver trans- to 5 days/wk for outpatients.
Influenza A Rimantadine, 200 mg orally Amantadine, 100 mg orally Rimantadine or amantadine, Reduce dose in patients »65 yr;
daily for 5–7 days in adults; twice daily for 5 days same dose as for treatment treatment has been associated
5 mg/kg/day (maximum, in adults; 2.2 mg/kg for 10 days–6 wk after expo- with transmission of drug-
150 mg) for 5–7 days in (maximum, 75 mg) sure during influenza season resistant virus to family mem-
children <10 yr§ twice daily for 5 days bers.
in children <9 yr
Respiratory syncytial Ribavirin, 20 mg/ml of water Respiratory syncytial virus im- Ribavirin therapy is not practical
virus, severe (6 g of ribavirin in 300 ml mune globulin, 750 mg/kg except for hospitalized patients,
pneumonitis of sterile water), delivered by a intravenously, or monoclonal and efficacy has been ques-
small-particle aerosol 18 hr/day antibody (palivizumab), tioned; aerosol can be deliv-
for 3–7 days 15 mg/kg intramuscularly, ered by respirator, mask, or
monthly during respiratory tent.
virus season in infants with
prematurity, bronchopulmo-
nary dysplasia, or both
Chronic hepatitis B Interferon alfa, 5 million units Relapses are common after inter-
daily or 10 million units 3 times feron alfa is discontinued.
weekly subcutaneously or intra-
muscularly for 16–24 wk
Lamivudine, 100 mg orally once This dosage of lamivudine used
daily for up to 1 yr as monotherapy could lead to
rapid emergence of resistant
strains of human immunodefi-
ciency virus in patients infected
with both viruses.
Chronic hepatitis C Interferon alfa, 3 million units sub- Combination of interferon alfa
cutaneously or intramuscularly and ribavirin produced a sig-
3 times weekly, and ribavirin, nificantly higher rate of sus-
500–600 mg orally twice daily, tained virologic responses than
for 24 wk interferon alfa alone.

*In patients with renal failure, the dose may need to be reduced according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
†The drug is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for this indication.
‡The dose for children under 12 years of age is calculated according to body-surface area and should be 250 mg per square meter instead of 5 mg
per kilogram or 500 mg per square meter instead of 10 mg per kilogram.
§The drug is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for this indication in children.

given by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection. Re- ADVERSE EFFECTS OF ANTIVIRAL DRUGS

liable data on the inhibition of viral replication in vitro Because viruses are obligate intracellular pathogens
are not available, most likely because interferons exert dependent on host-cell functions, skeptics once be-
their antiviral action by inhibiting viral RNA transcrip- lieved that selective inhibitors of viral replication could
tion and translation and by augmenting cellular im- not be found. This belief was reinforced by failures
mune function. Interferon alfa has proved effective for with early antiviral drugs, such as systemic idoxuridine
the treatment of diseases caused by papillomaviruses,52 and cytarabine, and relatively recently with fialuri-
human herpesvirus 8 (Kaposi’s sarcoma),53 hepatitis B dine.57 Fortunately, drugs that have a greater effect on
virus,54 and hepatitis C virus.44,55,56 viral replication than on host-cell function have now

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O– –P=O O=P–O–
Herpes HO O
Herpes thymidine
simplex kinase H2C

monophosphate O=P–O–

Acyclovir O CH2
P–P–O O diphosphate –O–P–O O O
–O–P –
O –P
– –
Cytoplasm – O O O=P–O–
Acyclovir O
Cell triphosphate
membrane CH2
Herpes DNA O=P–O–

Figure 2. Mechanism of Action of Acyclovir in Cells Infected by Herpes Simplex Virus.

A herpes simplex virion is shown attaching to a susceptible host cell, fusing its envelope with the cell membrane, and releasing
naked capsids that deliver viral DNA into the nucleus, where it initiates synthesis of viral DNA. Acyclovir molecules entering the
cell are converted to acyclovir monophosphate by virus-induced thymidine kinase. Host-cell enzymes add two more phosphates to
form acyclovir triphosphate, which is transported into the nucleus. After the 3'-terminal hydroxyl of the growing herpes simplex
DNA chain cleaves pyrophosphate from acyclovir triphosphate (indicated by the red arrow in the inset), viral DNA polymerase in-
serts acyclovir monophosphate rather than 2'-deoxyguanosine monophosphate into the viral DNA (indicated by black arrows in the
inset). Further elongation of the chain is impossible because acyclovir monophosphate lacks the 3' hydroxyl group necessary for
the insertion of an additional nucleotide, and the exonuclease associated with the viral DNA polymerase cannot remove the acy-
clovir moiety. In contrast, ganciclovir and penciclovir have a 3' hydroxyl group; therefore, further synthesis of viral DNA is possible
in the presence of these drugs. Foscarnet acts at the pyrophosphate-binding site of viral DNA polymerase and prevents cleavage
of the pyrophosphate from nucleoside triphosphates, thus stalling further primer–template extension. The red bands between the
viral DNA strands in the inset indicate hydrogen bonding of the base pairs.

been developed. All antiviral drugs, nevertheless, have and to the central nervous system. In this case, effi-
the potential to cause adverse effects (Table 2), and cacy is of primary importance.
some are unexplainable, such as the thrombotic mi- Antiviral drugs can be used for prophylaxis, sup-
croangiopathy associated with valacyclovir in patients pression (to keep viral replication below the rate that
with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.58 causes tissue damage in asymptomatic but infected
patients), preemptive therapy (triggered by qualita-
CURRENT ISSUES IN ANTIVIRAL THERAPY tive or quantitative evidence of infection before symp-
The goals for treating acute viral infections in im- toms become apparent), or treatment of overt disease.
munocompetent patients are to reduce the severity Because the efficacy of antiviral therapy is limited in
of the illness and its complications and to decrease immunocompromised patients, prophylactic or sup-
the rate of transmission of the virus. Thus, safety pressive strategies become more important for these
and convenience of dosing are important attributes patients.
for an antiviral drug. The goal of antiviral therapy in
patients with chronic viral infections, on the other Genital Herpes
hand, is to prevent viral damage to visceral organs, Three drugs are approved for the treatment of
especially the liver, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract, genital herpes infections: acyclovir, valacyclovir, and

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famciclovir. Acyclovir is the only one available for in- A placebo-controlled trial subsequently found that a
travenous administration. In a study of primary geni- seven-day course of intravenous acyclovir accelerated
tal herpes infection, a 5-day course of intravenous acy- healing by at least a week.11 Thus, intravenous acy-
clovir resulted in complete healing of lesions in an clovir is now considered the standard for the preven-
average of 9 days, as compared with 21 days in pa- tion and treatment of tissue-invasive herpes simplex
tients given placebo (P=0.002); the duration of pain virus infections in immunocompromised patients
was also shorter in the patients treated with acyclo- (Table 3). In a recent trial, penciclovir given intra-
vir.12 This therapy is practical only for patients who are venously in doses of 5 mg per kilogram of body
ill enough to require hospitalization or who are will- weight every 8 or 12 hours was equivalent to intra-
ing to make frequent visits to an outpatient clinic. venous acyclovir, and it may soon be available as an
In most patients with primary herpes infections alternative.63 For patients who do not require hospi-
and all those with recurrent infections, oral therapy talization, oral administration of valacyclovir, famci-
is appropriate. For the treatment of first genital her- clovir, or acyclovir is acceptable for treatment and for
pes infections, oral acyclovir or valacyclovir59 is pref- the suppression of recurrences.
erable to famciclovir on the basis of peer-reviewed Recurrences of herpes labialis in otherwise healthy
data. Acyclovir is the treatment of choice for initial persons are short-lived, and the need for therapy is
episodes of genital herpes in pregnant women, be- questionable. Penciclovir cream has been approved
cause it has been used more than the other drugs for recurrent orofacial herpes in immunocompetent
and seems safe. patients.64 For patients who begin therapy in the
For the treatment of recurrent infections, clinical prodromal period or when the lesions are in the
trials have demonstrated that acyclovir, valacyclovir, erythematous stage, oral acyclovir shortens the clini-
and famciclovir have equivalent efficacy.17,33,60 Gener- cal illness by one to two days.65 Acyclovir also reduced
ic acyclovir is usually less expensive than the other the rate of reactivation from 26 percent to 7 percent
two drugs and therefore preferable. If the costs of in a placebo-controlled study of 147 skiers who began
the drugs are equivalent, however, the choice is be- suppressive therapy before exposure to the sun.66
tween the safety record of acyclovir and having to
take fewer daily doses of valacyclovir or famciclovir. Neonatal Herpes
For suppressive therapy, acyclovir has been used Neonatal herpes infections are difficult to diag-
safely for longer periods and in many more patients nose and treat. Intravenous acyclovir is the treatment
than the other two drugs. However, there are no of choice, but morbidity and mortality remain high
data to suggest that either valacyclovir or famciclovir except among infants whose disease is limited to the
at the doses recommended for the treatment of gen- skin, eyes, or mouth.67 Prolonged oral administra-
ital herpes has more adverse effects than acyclovir. tion of acyclovir after initial treatment with intrave-
Preclinical studies with famciclovir revealed carcino- nous acyclovir has been advocated, because infants
genicity in laboratory animals, so some physicians who have more than three cutaneous recurrences in
are reluctant to use it for long-term suppression. the first year of life have an increased risk of neuro-
Acyclovir ointment is approved for genital herpes, logic impairment.67 In a small study, suppression of
but most physicians do not recommend it because it the virus with oral acyclovir prevented cutaneous re-
is active only against superficial cutaneous lesions. currences but was associated with transient neutro-
A hotly debated issue is whether suppressive ther- penia.68 Oral acyclovir suppressed symptomatic gen-
apy can reduce the transmission of genital herpes. In ital herpes in late pregnancy in a placebo-controlled
a study of 16 women with recurrent herpes infec- study of 46 women but had no effect on viral shed-
tions, treatment with acyclovir decreased the num- ding or fetal outcome.69
ber of days that herpes simplex virus DNA could be
detected in genital tract specimens, but this effect Herpes Encephalitis
was lost soon after the drug was discontinued, indi- Despite antiviral therapy, herpes encephalitis causes
cating that it must be continued indefinitely to pre- substantial morbidity and mortality, most likely be-
vent transmission.61 Furthermore, the fact that the cause of the delay between the onset of disease and
virus cannot be detected in the genital area by cul- the initiation of therapy. The therapy of choice is in-
ture or molecular techniques does not prove that a travenous acyclovir, which is most beneficial if given
patient is not infectious. before the patient lapses into semicoma or coma.70
In a study of 69 patients, 12 of the 32 patients (38
Mucocutaneous Herpes percent) who received acyclovir had only minor
Mucocutaneous herpes is debilitating in immu- impairment or none at all, as compared with 5 of the
nocompromised patients. The ability of intravenous 37 patients (14 percent) who received vidarabine
acyclovir to suppress reactivation of mucocutaneous (P=0.02).70 Some physicians treat patients with her-
herpes simplex infections was first demonstrated in pes encephalitis for 21 days because of the possibility
patients who had received bone marrow transplants.62 of late relapses.

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

Chickenpox be considered for treatment if they present with

When treatment with acyclovir is begun within 24 moderate-to-severe pain. Patients of any age with
hours after the appearance of rash, the duration and ophthalmic zoster should receive antiviral therapy,
severity of chickenpox are decreased by 25 to 30 because they can lose their vision if not treated. Oral
percent.14,71,72 The rationale for treating all adoles- acyclovir reduces the incidence and severity of ocu-
cents and adults is that chickenpox is more severe for lar complications, especially anterior uveitis, when
them than it is for young children. In a comparison begun as late as seven days after the onset of rash.78
of children and adolescents (13 to 18 years of age) A long-standing debate has been whether to use
in the placebo groups of two nearly identical studies, glucocorticoids in patients with acute herpes zoster.
the adolescents had more skin lesions (P=0.003) The results of two recent trials in which all patients
and higher constitutional-illness scores (P=0.03) received acyclovir were similar; as compared with
than the children.72 The rationale for treating chil- placebo, oral glucocorticoid therapy accelerated the
dren is that chickenpox is not always mild, and it is healing of skin lesions by two days, or 10 percent of
impossible to predict exactly which child is destined the total healing time, but did not reduce the inci-
to have a severe case. Since acyclovir therapy is safe, dence of postherpetic neuralgia.79,80 Nevertheless, the
the risk–benefit ratio favors treatment. Concern that use of glucocorticoids remains controversial; the po-
widespread treatment will lead to the emergence of tential for adverse events must be weighed against
viral resistance or blunting of the immune response the short-term quality-of-life benefit they provide
has been allayed by data to the contrary from con- when given in conjunction with antiviral therapy.
trolled trials.71 In immunocompromised patients, intravenously ad-
Chickenpox can be life-threatening in neonates, ministered acyclovir prevents both cutaneous and vis-
children with leukemia, and recipients of transplants, ceral dissemination of zoster, even when therapy is
all of whom should be treated with acyclovir. Most initiated as late as six days after the onset of rash.13
authorities recommend treatment for pregnant wom- Valacyclovir and famciclovir are logical alternatives
en, particularly during the second and third trimes- for patients with moderate immunosuppression and
ters. Intravenously administered acyclovir prevents the localized herpes zoster.
spread of the virus to the visceral organs if given
Respiratory Virus Infections
promptly.73 In a study of eight immunocompromised
children, the four who received acyclovir within two Amantadine and rimantadine reduce the severity
days after the onset of rash had uncomplicated chick- and shorten the duration of influenza A infections if
enpox, whereas the four treated more than four days given to otherwise healthy adults within 48 hours
after the onset of rash had visceral disease.74 Switch- after the onset of illness.49,81 Whether these drugs can
ing from intravenous to oral acyclovir is permissible prevent the complications of influenza is not known.
once the fever has disappeared, provided there is no Both amantadine and rimantadine also provide ef-
evidence of visceral chickenpox.75 fective prophylaxis against influenza A.50 Rimantadine
is preferable to amantadine because it has fewer ad-
Herpes Zoster verse effects (Table 2), but it is also more expensive.
The compelling reason to treat herpes zoster with Although placebo-controlled trials have reported
antiviral drugs is to prevent the severe lingering pain that aerosolized ribavirin is effective in infants hos-
— postherpetic neuralgia — that is a common com- pitalized for severe lower respiratory tract infections
plication of the infection, especially among patients caused by respiratory syncytial virus,82 this therapy
over 50 years of age. The problem is first how to de- has become controversial because of concern about
fine the pain and then how to quantify it objective- cost, convenience, and the accuracy of these results.83
ly.76 Acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir, if given Passive prophylaxis with immune globulin is a useful
within 72 hours after the onset of rash, accelerate approach for infants at high risk — for example,
cutaneous healing by an average of two days.18,34,77 those born prematurely, those with bronchopul-
Valacyclovir is slightly more effective than acyclovir monary dysplasia, or those meeting both conditions.
in alleviating zoster-associated pain. In a compar- In a placebo-controlled trial involving 510 premature
ative trial, the median duration of pain was 38 days infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, monthly
among 384 patients who received a 7-day course of treatment with respiratory syncytial virus immune
valacyclovir, as compared with 51 days among globulin during the season when most respiratory
376 patients who were given acyclovir (P=0.001).18 virus infections occur significantly decreased the rate
With respect to convenience of dosing and efficacy, and duration of hospitalization for infections caused
valacyclovir and famciclovir are preferable to acyclo- by this virus.84 Respiratory viruses are usually more
vir (Table 3). pathogenic for immunocompromised patients, but
Patients over the age of 50 years should be offered antiviral therapies for influenza A and respiratory
antiviral therapy, because they are at the highest risk syncytial virus infections are the same as those pre-
for postherpetic neuralgia. Younger patients should scribed for immunocompetent patients.85,86

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Hepatitis Viral Resistance

The treatment of chronic hepatitis B, C, and D Strains of influenza A with point mutations that
was recently reviewed in the Journal.87 Several prep- alter the amino acid sequence of the M2 protein and
arations of interferon alfa have been approved for thus render them resistant to amantadine and riman-
the treatment of these infections. Sustained clinical tadine have been transmitted between members of a
or virologic responses occur in only about 33 per- household,94 but the danger, if any, that these strains
cent of patients with chronic hepatitis B or C who pose to the general population is not known. In
are given interferon alfa alone, and most have a re- contrast, mutant strains of herpes group viruses that
lapse after therapy is discontinued. are resistant, usually because they do not induce
There are two promising recent developments for phosphorylation of guanosine nucleosides (Fig. 2),
the treatment of chronic hepatitis. Lamivudine has have caused serious illness in immunocompromised
proved beneficial in patients with chronic hepatitis patients.95,96
B88,89 and is now approved for this indication (Table Viral resistance should be suspected when patients
3). The other important development is the combi- — almost exclusively those who are immunosup-
nation of interferon alfa and ribavirin as a therapy pressed — have no response to appropriate doses of
for chronic hepatitis C. Twenty-four weeks of treat- antiviral drugs within five to seven days. If virologic
ment resulted in a sustained virologic remission (as testing is possible, phenotypic or genotypic analysis
measured by serum hepatitis C virus RNA) in 18 of of a culture should be performed. Cultures of le-
50 patients assigned to combination therapy, as com- sions are preferred in the case of patients with mu-
pared with 9 of 50 patients assigned to monotherapy cocutaneous herpes, herpes zoster, or chickenpox.
with interferon alfa (P=0.05).44 Blood treated with anticoagulants is the specimen of
choice from patients with cytomegalovirus disease.
Cytomegalovirus Disease
Data on in vitro susceptibility are usually available
Cytomegalovirus disease responds to treatment within two weeks to guide the choice of alternative
with either foscarnet or ganciclovir.24,36 Most physi- therapies. Genotypic analysis can theoretically be
cians prefer ganciclovir because of the potential side done more quickly, but assays for mutations causing
effects of foscarnet, but these can be obviated or drug resistance are not yet widely available. In the
minimized with maintenance of hydration and elec- absence of such tests, foscarnet is the drug of choice
trolyte balance90 (Table 2). The quantity of cyto- for infections with herpes simplex virus and varicel-
megalovirus in the blood determines the extent of la–zoster virus that do not respond to acyclovir and
tissue damage,91 and therefore the duration of treat- for cytomegalovirus infections that do not respond
ment should be guided by repeated measurements to ganciclovir.
of cytomegalovirus in blood samples. Retreatment is
necessary in approximately one third of patients. FUTURE DIRECTIONS
Cytomegalovirus disease is associated with high Seven of the 11 antiviral drugs reviewed are nu-
morbidity, especially among recipients of bone mar- cleoside analogues. Two others — amantadine and
row transplants, making prevention an important rimantadine — are similar to each other in structure
priority. However, there is no consensus on the op- and activity. Clearly, new drugs with different struc-
timal preventive regimen, because the results vary tures and mechanisms of action are needed. An
according to the underlying disease and the intensity exciting advance in drug therapy has been the com-
of the immunosuppressive regimen. Significant re- puter-aided design of molecules that precisely inac-
ductions in the incidence of cytomegalovirus disease tivate viral enzymes or receptors. Successful drugs
have been reported with the use of oral acyclovir such as zanamivir, an inhibitor of influenza A and B
among recipients of renal allografts,15 intravenous neuraminidases, are being developed with the use of
ganciclovir among recipients of bone marrow, liver, this approach.97,98 Recent progress in antiviral re-
and heart transplants,20 intravenous acyclovir fol- search includes the discovery of inhibitors of herpes-
lowed by oral acyclovir among recipients of bone virus proteases99 and the development of new drugs
marrow transplants,92 and oral ganciclovir among re- for the management of cytomegalovirus, including
cipients of liver transplants.28 a valine ester of ganciclovir; cidofovir, a pyrimidine
The duration of prophylaxis has varied widely, but nucleotide; and fomivirsen, an antisense oligonucle-
the consensus is that it should be given for at least otide.100
three months (Table 3). A three-month course of The potential of antiviral therapy has not yet been
valacyclovir has recently been reported to be effica- realized, especially for the management of chronic
cious in recipients of renal allografts.93 Another ap- viral infections. Lessons learned from antiretroviral
proach, termed preemptive therapy, is to begin anti- therapy serve as a primer for the following predic-
viral drugs when evidence of active (or increasing) tions. The clinical diagnosis of viral disease will be
cytomegalovirus replication is documented, but be- confirmed more swiftly with the use of quantitative
fore symptoms develop.27 molecular techniques, which in turn will permit ear-

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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

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