AR 50 107 Safety Rules For Operations With The PDF

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“AR 50-107 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ‘Wasmnarox, DC, 1 November 1979 NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND MATERIEL SAFETY RULES FOR OPERATIONS WITH THE SPECIAL ATOMIC DEMOLITION MUNITION (SADM) Birective 1 December 1979 ‘This regulation prescribes the safety rules for the Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM). Local limited supplementation of this regulation is permitted, but is not required. If supple- ‘ments are issued, Army Staff agencies and major Army commands will furnish one copy of each to HQDA(DAMO-NCS), WASH DC 20310. Other commands will furnish one copy of each to the next higher headquarters. Interim changes to this regulation are not official unless they are authenticated by The Adju- tant General. Users will destroy interim changes on their expiration dates unless sooner Anwy Reovuaniox] No. 50-107 auperseded or rescinded. Gener ‘Appleby. |. Purpose. This regulation sots forth the final safety rules for the Special Atomic Demolition Munition (GADM), as approved by the Secretary of Defense, 2, General. The purpose of these safety rules is to ‘ensure that the Special Atomic Demolition Muni tion (SADM) system incorporates the meximum safoly consistent with operational and logistical requirements, The safety roles contained herein ‘meet the following four DOD safety standards: . Prevent weapons involved in accidents or incidents, or jettisoned weapons, from producing, nuclear yield. 3, Prevent daiberate prosrming, arming, Iaonch- ing, fring, or releasing of nuclear weapons except upon execution of emergency war orders or when directed by competent authority. Prevent inadvertent prearming, arming, launching, fring, or releasing of nuclear weapons. 4. Ensure adequate security of nuclear weapons, punuant to the provisions of DOD Directive 5210.41 (as implemented by AR 0-8). 3. Applieability. 2. This regulation applias to the ‘Active Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard when’ equipped with’ the Special Atomic Demolition Munition (ADM). 1}, ‘These safety rules apply to all phases of ‘weapon system operations for the SADM. These safety rules do not in themselves provide the authority to conduet operations bat. compriee the basic framework, concepts, and roles within which approved operations may be conducted. ‘Those safety rules are basic controls and pro- ‘cedures for operations with the SADM. - Those sufety rules contained herein aromanda- tory for use in ell nuclear weapons operations throughout the stockpile-to-target eequence. Safety rules will not abrogate or abridge the authority oF responsibility of the commander to from specific safety rules in an emergency. However, this provision does not epply to the requirement for maintaining US custody of US cuclear weapons. Specific rules 6, 9, and 10 are to be complied with regardless of any emergency situation, unless the Thin repsation aupersedes (C) AR. 80-107, 10 July 1978 and (BRD) DA message, HQDA (DAMO-SGN) 010008, Mar 77, evbjects Spedal Atomie Domollion Munition (SADM) (B54 MOD t and 2) Safety Rules Revaon (U. UNCLASTFIED AR 50-107 ‘authorization contained therein has been granted. SADMa will not be expended until receipt and futbenticetion of e nuclear control order trans- miued by the commander of an appropriate unified or specified command or higher authority conveying releose (authorization for the use of faucleur Weapons granted by the US President). 4, Employment concepts and aystem description. Employment coneepts and systom desoription for the SADM can be found in— 2. FM &-28. 5, (CRD) FM 5-204. (CRD) TM 9-1100-205-10. (CRD) TM 9-1100-205-20. 5, Responsibilities. a. The Joint Chis of Stat have directed that commanders of unified and specified coromands that have nuclear-cepable ‘units assigned, or have beon charged with support of allied nuclont-capable units ensure implementa- tion and compliance with the concept of operations tnd approved safety rules by all units, including allied forees, that participate in operations with the SADM, 5. Component commanders will ensure adherence to these safety rules by all members of their com- mands. Commanders may prescribe additional rules thet may be necessary to meat unique ‘or to comply with directives ler of the unified or specified ss. a. Rule t. Selection, utligntion, security clearance criteria, ‘and clearance of personnel associated with and having access to war reserve SADMs will be in accordance with applieable Department of Dofonse and military department directives 2. Rule 2, No individual will be afforded the ‘opportunity to activate or tamper with the critical elements of the SADM so as to couse, thea or later, uneuthorized presrming, arming, oF firing of the SADM. To preclude such opportunity, there will be present, during all operations, minimum of two authorized persons, each capable of detecting incorrect or unauthorized procedures with respect to the task being performed end familiar with the portinent nuclear safoty and securily requirements. @, Rate §. Adequate physical security measurce, jn accordance with applicable Department of 2 Defense and military department directives, will bbe instituted during all operations with’ the SADM, 4. Rule 4. Only authorized equipment and ‘procedures a8 designated in applicable publications ives approved at departmental or higher level for this system will be employed for all ‘operations with the ADM. All militery depart- ment or higher approved technical and operational procedures involving nuclear weapons and nuclear ‘wespon systems throughout the stockpile-to-arget sequance will be consistent with these specific rules and nuclear safety standards. ¢: Rule 6. War reserve SADMG will not be used for maneuvers, capability exercises, inspections, or trining. J. Rule 8, War reserve SADMs will be Kept in the triple eonseeutive packaging system containers (does not apply to MC1292 explosive plane wave generator (BPWG) when stored separately) aud Stored in fzed special ammunition storage installa tions exeapt whon authorized maintenanee, repair, retrofi, inspections, or explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) rondor-safe procedures are boing performed, ‘or until recopt of authenticated authorization to ‘expend the munition. Field storage in triple con- secutive packaging system containers may be authorized by the appropriate service component commander or his designated representative to ‘maintain a required state of operational readiness. Rule 7. Lock secure cover combinations will ‘bo verified only when the SADM is initially rectived by a service and immediately after changing a combination. 1, Bule 8. Lock secure cover combinations will ‘be changed following: (1) The loss oF possible compromise of the ‘combinstion. (2) The suspension, for cause, from nuclear duties of any person having knowledge of the combination (where PAL ic not applicable) of SADM in the custody of his unit or activity. 4, Rude 9. The lock secured cover will neither bo unlocked ner removed except when— (1) Authenticated authorization to expend SADM is reesived. (2) Combinations must be changed or verified. UNCLASSIFIED (3) Performing suthorized maintenance, re- pair, retrofits, inapestions, or EOD render-ale procedures (&) Removing the MC1292 EPWG from the cafe well for soperate storage or when replacing the EPWG in the SADM safe well, 3. Rule 10. The MC1292 EPWG will not be placed in tho functional (ARM) wll until recsipt ‘of authenticate! authorization to expend the ‘munition, Tmmediately following the completion of any authorized operation requiring the unlock+ ing and removal of the lock secured cover, it will bbe replaced and locked. The absence of the MC1202 EPWG from the functional (ARM) woll end the locked condition of the lock secured cover will be ‘verified by a second qualified person. 7H. Rule 11, Tn those commands in which the ‘employment of a PAL device has been prescribed, safeguarding and transmission of codes and AR 50-107 enabling of PAL devices wil be in accordance with plans and procedures established by the com- anders of unified or specified commands 3 approved by the Joint Chieis of Staff. 1 Rule #2, Tn those commands in which the employment of a PAL device has not been prescribed, as 4 minimum, the following measures will bo established for control of combinations for the locking dovio (1) Combinations will be classifled SECRET- FORMERLY RESTRICTED DATA and placed in an envelope which is sealed in a manner which vvll reveal tampering (2) Access to envelopes containing combina- tions will be limited to the unit or installation commander and the minimum number of other esseutial personnel, The unit or instalation com= ander will be responsible for controlling such ‘Tha proponent agency for this regulation is the Ofice ofthe Deputy Chief f Staff for Operations and Plans, Users are invited to nd comments ‘and suggested Improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Chenges te Publications and Blonk Forms) direet to HDAIDAMO-NCS), WASH be 20310. By Order of the Seeretary of the Army: Official J.C, PENNINGTON ‘Major General, United Stater Army The Adjutant General DISTRIBUTION: F.C. MBYER General, United States Army Chief of Stagy ‘To bo distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-29 and 12-35, requirements for SADM, UNCLASSIFIED

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