Revised Safety Rules For SADM 1984 PDF

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= -SEERET THE JOINT CHIPS OF STAFF waswnoton ¢ 20 BM 257-84 25 April 1994 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief of staff, US Acsy Commander in Chief, US Atlantic Command Commander in Chief, US Central Command U8 Commander in Chief, Europe Comander in Chief, US Pacific Command Commander in Chief, US Readiness Command Subjects Revised Safety Rules for US Forces Bquipped With the Special Atonic Demolition Munition (BS4, Mod 2) 1, The Seccetary of Defense has granted final approval of the attached Safety gules for operation of the special Atoaic Denoli- tion’ Munition (B54, Mod 2) weapon systen. a. Part A ip a description of, and concept of operations for, the weapon syatem, D. Part B is the design safety features inherent in the veapon syaten, ©. Part C contains the approved safety Role: ‘This approval is oohtingent upon the system description, opera- ftonal concept, and design safety features cei unchanged. ‘hese rules supersede the safet: approval by 6H-161-77, 23 Pebruary'1977, "Pinal Approval of Safety Rales for Operation with the Special Atcmic Demolition Munition (8-54, MOD 1 and KoD 2).” UNCLASSIFIED WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS 1SM-3104 a 2. The approved safety Rules are basic controls and procedures for operatfons with the veapon systen described and do not rescind oF nodify any restrictions of hold orders or other specific tesporary imitations imposed ty competent authority. Changes to such restrictions will be made only upon receipt of instructions per- taining specifically to thes, 3, the Joint chiefs of staf request that you issue the Safety Rules in Part C and disseminate data concerning the operational concept and safety features of the system to your subordinate ele- ments, a8 appropriate. 4. Hithout attachment, this memorandum is UNCLASSIFIED. For the Joint Chiefs of staff: lun. Averneee DAVID 0. SWENNES Colonel, usar Secretary Attachments Reference: * Memorandum by the Secretary of Defens: Safety Rules for the US Forces Equipp Demolition Munition (854 Kod 2)" S April 1984, "Revised with the Special Atomic Copy tor eho cSar cue CINcAD CINCMAC CINCSAC USCINCSO Dir, DNA DECLASSIFIED 42 US.C. § 2162 '52(b)(3) mere DESCRIP AAD SAULT OF CPNBATIOUAL COMCETT OF THE PETAL Ase DBOLETTN MATTIE HSA, HED 2) OY 1.) pescazrrroe as (0) decarat, (2) (@) Firteg Componanes, The Firing ayacem consists of tbe, Fettovang sxjor oomponenca? 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Tos @ Folens show whe wafer Snodel-mabaree® pactagiags 8 Mette telus ” 9M Cloen bag (retained oy Savy) WCSEET Wylen Bag. 8 Woe feeaemttist's container ESRB Hgtgator Anonasly o 1913 Seareae/Snt ping Contatnar — HNNC2/1203 Stomege/Dntpping Contalene 7 {10H Storsge/snipping Contalone Mo changa. Prigurtiy fer avy wae for “ telpotng er storing she NEVETT unaare i seater prosaure container (020) » (0) (0) M2047 Hrhon Bax. The MESUET An a eippernd corryiag a ag vila attectante fer carrring the wetpon bv fwd hun Aseenbies to 2 4 cathlontes Ded and harmeaa, the wenpon can be ou viet on # aan's tusk, a ‘he waren may be emplaced without resoving (8 Cray the O4g. * (2) CO) BUY Gloty Bag. The MAN ae Piphzged by the NE}OT s rho oy but La retained (ov undurveses opacations by the tay, 1 a 7 Uttar fp runattan te the MESUAT Lut of « atlgntty di¢eerent design, ° (3) (0) HERO Yartenatas Paci, The HIINVE, eomoned of ene ” PESUT aylen bag, HONS att Sgater naseably, cusht ming put, and Namest, a ® 1s ed for Gellvery of the SHIN bp & paraahutise, A guisteretense ‘Mobeni pernita {te celee fron the partamatist before Lang ant suavena 16 balae nin at te end of © MToSafone (Sted ropes Co) (0) nga 103 ntzaiog 96 Searage caneaseer, Pe a IUCR wos Compa and Coane... " (07) tuateae masttdone VILL net be erpended unttt recast ‘a asnentteation of & melear gontrol order teancatttet by the ‘omar of en ayorepriate wifted or qecitied coment, or ntgher sutnrity, convening prover ealeave authority (uttnortastion for the vee ‘OF mlear woes arantad by tne OS Prestgnet). malieae authortty aay 1 sapere ction preceinas (De mite ith teen of the SOW oe on nieoguent oy tua mot, (2) (8) mioteer control ardere centeinirg mtrertty for tin retuse, selective relesee, caneedtation tnd/or beratmtlon wil be ranmdtied tres the Hationsl Command autnorLtiau Chewoph the unital and fled ccanends dows trough norent channels ta moaleee coltvary ‘hate car control orders mt Oe properly varifted sed ste, ‘stoendontet in accorennee wit Je MAb 13 are applicabie commend Beteerseeagess miner ses pares i _—eovereersteretn » nee x DECLASSIFIED a A (1) (O) Setuparding une tennant ing of ML soden and euing (ntestlog) of PAL teens Wi b6 tn serardinee with plies ant Drocesires prevoribed the comune af salted or spett“tet omen, o8 divested i suthirleet Oy che sotnt Conte of Seaet Ln FEO POD 12, ant aw eat of annual JeS-dtreced reviaves Mm (0) Secures. ippttete military oiparement dissections, Anotuting taeie that aglotect the provi stoot of aporopetate 000 Arentiven, att be espe for the protection of tte wapon nyten. DECLASSIFIED C. § 552(b)(3)5 IS C. § 552(b)(1); 2161-2166 E.O. 13526 § 3.3(6)(4),(5),(8) JS 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(3); a 42 U.S.C. § 2162 ror 1 (0) Tew YEI0 Tontotoured sover:Inpedan uaatharised aenene eo ttle mettion coatrate, "(OD Ree SAE oontcek te saFaey-etred $n the. SAPd petition, DECLASSIFIED i mee Oem NTE TAT APRS ema Dave Sey ane tt ho ti ren tre tate dnote eatto 100 Hepner ese 1 att ata octet an oan ert cette ering mete, lat rad yb wpe cece easter toe, a tare sw ey bb a See tnt ed a rit ed ment A's rea ne rng pee rae ser. RULE, Cir plas pre ne rp dinate, 2 RULE fee et amore op an ers ve 2 sa tr Dern ratty fr wert prt tcp mt oe es = + Bue 3. fare an Jeurt_tue auttorited perscar present dirtag ag. operation vith a var reserve auclear weapon. They must be able to detent Loacrrect or unsuttortzed pescadures to the task belng perforees, They must alse be fanitiar wizh applissblo satety and souurtty requireaents. + ALAS. Comply wien applicabie security cirettves. + BALAT+ Bo not wee thm er reserve SDH for maesrers, ‘cmviluty tcoretses, preticiency saspections, or tracing, Fe BIL 6. Keep mer reserve S4Dt in tiete abtsping ind storige Containers watt ratovad Le suctortaed by che comundar of che aaltied OF wpvcteied comund, exsepe hen yerforaing functions specified 12 mela 7. 6: BLT, Hesore te Loatesoured cover aly vise (17 Ae AON Phsiog Craar to expect SM us Heselve, o (2) comioattons mist be ahanged or verified, or GQ) pertoraing suthertted diaaralogy anlatenasce, rapes, see ot nee Seskearegeg retroctt, Lnspetions, or enploatve ordaaee dienes) (E00) render-safe procedare, oF 2 (9) amorieg the explosire plase ware fpeeratar (E40) tro 3 he SUPE walt for wparste storagt, or to cephace {8 tn the SUPE well, . by Bulabs Vatloving coupletion of sporation Listed $m rules 102). 5 (3), a08 (2) cove, have a second person wertfy AE the EPS ‘ 2 HOF tn tbe ABU wall and that te Loat-secured cover 18 replaced ant 1 teokad. a 4 Buleds, Do pot pase the OG La the ARK Walt of the SAD ’ ents 1” (1) Toa nave roootved and authenticated # matetn eonteet " contar, scorering proper release authority, and (2) You have recetred an KM Firing Coles expat the wasgen. cy Je Bale W Gmply with appltsaste BAL directives. i : DECLASSIFIED

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