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NAME:___________________________________________________ DATE: _______________________

Los alumnos deben ser capaces de:

 Observar un mapa y escribir oraciones utilizando las preposiciones de lugar.

 Completar oraciones.
 Leer un texto y responder preguntas acerca de este.
 Leer definiciones y seleccionar la respuesta correcta.

I.- Look at the map again and write sentences using the prepositions of place.

1) ___________________________________________________________________________________.
2) ___________________________________________________________________________________.
3) ___________________________________________________________________________________.
4) ___________________________________________________________________________________.
5) ___________________________________________________________________________________.

II.- Read and complete.

1) The is in front of the police station. (parque)

2) There are two next to the bank.(iglesia)

3) There is a behind my house.(supermercado)

4) The is between the park and the mall.(cine)

III.- Read the text and answer the questions.

My family is composed by four members only. My dad, who is a postman. He works at the
post office and he is delivering letters right now. His name is Eric. My mom who is a waitress
and her name is Martha. She is working at an Italian food restaurant. And me, my name is
Luisa and I am studying at the local school I am a student. We also have a dog, her name
is Risa.

1) What is the father`s name?_________________________________________________________

2) What is the mother doing?__________________________________________________________

3) Where is the daughter studying?____________________________________________________

4) Who is Risa?_______________________________________________________________________

5) How many people are part of the family?___________________________________________

IV.- Circle the alternative that is best represented.

1) People come here to send letters to other people.

(A) Book Store (B) Post Office (C) Shoe Shop

2) People who come here can travel to other cities.

(A) Cinema (B) Supermarket (C) Train Station

3) People come here to check their teeth.

(A) Bakery (B) Dentist (C) Mall

4) People who come here buy meat for their BBQs.

(A) Butchery (B) Restaurant (C) Shoe shop

5) People can call here for help when a house is in fire.

(A) Fire Station (B) Hospital (C) Police Station

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