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E8L PU!W oj 4lS 5U!Jq oi = (A) .

,.<;1snopuawaJl = (Ape) AJasuaww1 SUOSJad
Ml?I a4l JO d1a4 a4l 4l!M AllSJclAIUn 1Je1s no,{ uaaM1aq 4sep e = (u) UO!:P!JJ
asnou e JO mo qs aJJOJ oi = (A) :P!Aa spua!JJ Mau
arojaq sajpms J~o,.<; ~OJJ HO Jea,.<;
qis P!OAe oi = (A) apeAa a>Jew 01 = (J4d) sd14spuapJ WJO
auo 6u1>J~l JO pe a41 = (u) Jea,{ def
uouenqaq JO aJe1d e = (u) 6u111aMp a>J!I pue MOU>J AJ!Wl?J e JO sJaqwaw
ssauisnq e JOJ 1e11deJ = (u [d) spun]
Jla 'Al!SJaA!Un ell? siuaprns JOJ a41 Jll? 1e41 qs = (u) puapJ AJ!Wl?J
41s JOJ AclUOW ap!AOJd oi = (A) pun]
SJcllJt?nb 5U!A!J cl4l = (u) AJOl!WJOp no,.<; JOJ JlaM 06 s6u!4l
ssa141nJ = (Ipe) ll?OJ4nn:>
1uaJl?A!nba s,qs = (u) lJt?dJalunoJ ua4M AIUO uosJad papJe5aJ
41s ruaurajddns oi = (11.) lUawa1dwo:>
adAl 1uaJclH!P e OlU! 4lS a6ue4J ,.<;1asop e = (J4d) puapJ Ja4leaM-J!l?J
oi = (A) (asja 4lS OlU! 4lS) lJ.:IAUO) Al!A!lJe ue U! qs apn1:>u!
ssauisnq e = (u) arrnuax ssauisnq
qs 4l!M UO!ll?SJclAUOJ · lOU Ol = (A) (4lS WOJJ qs) apnpxa
e aAe4 01 = (A) ( qs 4l!M) asJaAuo:> 41s JO ,{rnuenb a5JeJ
AJaA e = (J4d) JO lS04 (a104M) e 41s/qs 4l!M 11neJ PU!J Ol = (A) asp!l!n
a1qe>1eaJq = (Ipe) ainpq 4lS/qs 4l!M
aas 01 4S!M lOU op I qs WOJJ (OL ·d) PL aJueue11. 1e aq Ol = (A) :P!Pt?JlUO:>
AeMe >JOOJ 01 = (J4d) aze6 AW lJaAe · 1uawn6Je ue = (u) :P!JJUO:>
uoueroadxa asraid :>!1qnd ap!MPIJOM pua!JJ e = (u) uo1uedwo:>
ajqamsaajd e = (u) ~O!ledpnue = (J·4d) wiep:>e paardsappw
aJuapadxa ,.<;q papaHe
d!4SUO!lelaJ Al!WeJ lclA lOU PU!W e = (u) .:lll?JS )IUl?Jq
1e1Jos JO ssauisnq e = (u) UO!ll?!J!HI? a1e1paww! s.aJ!M Jo s.puaqsnq
4lS a1nmsuOJ oi = (A J4d) JOJ lUnOJ)I? s,qs JO sraquraur = (u [d) SMl?J-U! MOU>J no,< qs = (u) a:>Ul?lU!l?nb:>e
aurou s.qs = (u) apoqe 4lS JO clA!leluasaJdaJ qs lJasap Ol = (11.) uopueqe
.snouiej AJaA = (Ipe) :>1uo:>1
CsL-vL ·dd) a1qnOJl = (u) a1sse4 (L-9 ·dd) q
L a6pa1Mou)I a6en6ue1 (1euO!SSclJOJd e ue41
Ja41eJ JJclSJnOA ,.<;q apeui SJ!edaJ PIO = (!pe) afil?lU!A
qs inoqe UO!leWJOJU! ,.<;1au!nua6 = (11.pe) AJnJl
aurou) 11asJno).. - 11 - oo = (J4d) Ala
aAqe5au peaids 01 = (A) AJ!J!A uo!leu,1:>u! dJe4s
lS IWJOJUOJ-UOU e = (u) 1aqaJ (6-8 ·dd) ) L e 6u!11.e4 (ado1s e JO) = (!pe) daa1s
spJo~ s.qs 1eadaJ oi = (A) aionb AlUn:>as = (u) ki!J!qe1s
4lS SS!W Ol = (A) )IOOJJ.:IAO Mel!/\ JO lU!Od AW poJ '1aa4M e = (u) a>iods
aA1ssaJxa = (Ipe) aA1ssasqo ssardxo oi = (J4d) uojujdo ,{w a:>1011.
AJclA!l!SOd 6u!peaJ = (!pe) aA1suodsa1
pa4s!1qelsa ,.<;jluaJaJ = (Ipe) punojwau 41s JOJ qs 4l!M aiaduroo oi = (A) a111. papadxaun '.a:>ue4:> = (!pe) wopueJ
aJuauadxa JO >JJe1 e = (u) AlaA1eu sauru pcq U! pue scum poo5 11 6u1op sJa4lO 6u!AJasqo ,.<;q
· JcJP!SlnO ue = (u) l!JS!W U! = (WP!) U!4l pue )IJ!4l 46noJ4l lll>JS Mau ~ uJea1 Ol = (11. J4d) dn >1:>!d
clAllOW e = (u) .:IA!lUclJU! iuaumfue · aJe1d lSJ!J a4l U! = (Ape) AJll?U!6!JO
snoauciuods = (Ipc) aA1s1ndw1 ue u1 uouisod Jno,.<; U!l?lU!ew 6uqaaJ5 wJeM
qs clS!eJd Ol = (A) AJ!JOJfi oi = (~P!) punorf AW puers e = (J4d) awo:>1a:V. pawJe-uado
4lS JeaJ oi = (A) paarp >JU!4l 11e4M Alpexa a1!qow = (!pe) :>1pewou
u! l!J lOU saop 04M qs = (wp!) ,{es 01 = (J4d) puuu ,{w >1eads asJaAeJl Ol = (A) .:ll1?6111.eu
a1o4 aJenbs e U! 6ad puno i e 4l!M puoq aJ1dsu1 Ol = (A) clll?A!lOW
1e!:>ads e aAe4 no,{ qs = (u) alew1nos SlJed 5U!>JJ~M,;, (u 1d) S)!U1?4:>aw
(£ L •d) L )IJOM Sll!>IS dn l!Jds 01 (ajdnoa e JO)= (A) clll?Jedas UOllnJaxa pue
41s uo qs 6u,uue1d Ol 6U!ll?lclJ = .(fpe) Jl?J!lS!601
si1w111as 01 = (J4d) saucpunoq ras
411M aaJ5e 01 = (wp!) a,{a or a,{a ass
SUO!SSclJUOJ AllSOJaua5 = (u) ssaupu1~
· no,.<; JOJ poo5
a:iiew 01 = (J4d) sasuuorduroo a>1ew a1qeAa!i°aqun = (!pe) a1q1paJ:>U!
41s auop se4 04M qs JOJ Jei!W!S
1uaw1u!oddeS!P 4lS
41s op 01 = (J4d) Jno11.eJ a4l uJnlaJ WOJJ a1q!ssod se 4Jnw se l!Jauaq
6UOJlS = (u) uone.usruj
ruaumfiie ue Ol = (J4d) 4lS JO lnO lSOW cl4l l.:l6
CzL·d)H ainas 01 = (J4d) amdsrp e a11.1osaJ JOJ ,{ed 01 = (A) pun1
rasdn I.Ja11. = (Ipe) pare.usru] Ja5ueJlS e 4l!M 6u!1aaw
411M 41s moqe an5Je 01 = (A) JaJJenb papadxaun ue = (u) Jaluno:>ua
41s · asnods e = (u) JaUlJl?d
JO puo, aq 01 = (J4d) 4lS uo uaa>i aq :>la 'JaaJeJ e 'AaUJnof
qs aroufi: 01 = (A) :pa16au e lJl?lS Ol = (11.) (4ls uo) )!Jeqwa
(LL ·d) aL JeJ!W!S AJclA pua ue
aq 01 = (WP!) pod e u1 sead OMl a>111 Ol awo:> Ol = (J4d) asop e Ol Ml?JP
fiurpuodsauoo = (lpe) a11.n:>adsaJ d1a4 01 JapJo ssa:>oJd
4s,qJnJaJ 01 = (11.) a1e11.ouaJ U! 41s LI! da1s 01 = (A) aua11.JalU! e u1 a6e1s e '.ase4d e = (u) Jalde4>
JOS!11.pe ue = (u) JOlUclW 4lS 1noqe ASOU aq Ol = (A) .:IJclJJcllU! · 4lS a:>ua,Jadxa Ol = (J4d)
41s Pl!4J e ,.<;po1sn:> 4lS JO pua 6u111.1a:>aJ a4l uo ao
LI! lUcl!]!jOJd auiooaq oi = (11.) J.:llSl?W ie6a1 a41 se4 o4M qs = (u) ue1pJen6 6u16ua1ie4:> = (!pe) snO!l!qwr
auro.nno :>11a41sae MOU>J no,.<; auoawos 01 aso1J
alnOJ e ;a11.o = (J4d) Al?M a4l 6uo1£
ue 4l!M suapref 6u1u61sap S! 04M qs/JlclM MOU>J lOU op no,.<;
= (u) fiujuapref adeospucj 1e41 qs = (J4d) puapJ e JO puapJ (s-v ·dd) e~
5U!4lclWOS (4lS) unouoJd (uoJd) qJa11. ieseJ4d (A J4d) UO!lJunf uoJ (fuoJ)
,.<;poqawos (qs) UO!l!SOdaJd (daJd) aseJ4d (J4d) qJaApe (Ape) SUO!ll?!AaJqqv
I :
qJaA (A) unou 1em1d (u Jd) unou (u) aA!Pafpe (!pe)
stimulating (adj) = compensate (v) = to have to pay Sa (pp. 88-89)
thought-provoking money for damage you have
stone cold (phr) = completely cold caused array (n) = a certain number (of
stray (adj) = (of a pet) lost; without compliment (v) = to say a few good people/things)
home words to sb to please them burrow (n) = an underground
touch wood (idm) = let's hope for compromise (v) = to accept less passagethat some animals make
the best than what you wanted in order to to live in
tour (n) = a journey for pleasure reach an agreement with sb camera rig (n) = a structure for
during which you visit many crane (n) = a big machine for lifting holding movie cameras
places heavy objects compromise (v) = to do sth against
travel (n) = going from one place to deteriorate (v) = to worsen your beliefs and principles
another determine (v) = to officially decide crucial (adj) = essential
trek (v) = to walk in a hilly area for what sth should be culprit (n) = sb who has committed
pleasure diminish (v) = to become less a crime
trip (n) = a short journey displace (v) = to make sb/sth move detached (adj) = disconnected
variety is the spice of life (idm) = away from their place distant (adj) = far-away
many different things make life distort (v) = to report sth in an evolving (adj) = developing
more interesting untrue or incorrect way immersive (adj) = engaging
vibrant (adj) = (of colours) bright drastically (adv) = radically multiple (adj) = numerous
wobble (v) = to move from side to draw on the knowledge (phr) = to render (v) = to change the condition
side in an unsteady way use certain information to of sth
achieve sth subtly (adv) = not quite obviously
7c (pp. 80-81) drench (v) = to make sb/sth terabyte (n) = a unit measuring
completely wet computer storage, equal to 1
crave (v) = to long for sth trillion bytes
rapids (pl n) = the section of a river elimination (n) = removal
emissions (pl n) = exhaust fumes viable (adj) = functional
with the fast-moving water visual (adj) = observable
ration (n) = an individual amount of enforce (v) = to make sure that
sth people observe a law, a rule, etc Sb (pp. 90-91)
sturdy (adj) = strong and well-made exhalation (n) = breathing air out of
your mouth anchor (n) = a newsreader
7f (p. 84) exposure (n) = not being protected caption (n) = words under a picture
from sth dangerous explaining it
harness (n) = a set of straps to keep columnist (n) = a newspaper/
groan (n) = a moan
sb in place and prevent them magazine journalist who writes
grunt (n) = a short low sound to
from falling about a specific subject
murky (adj) = ( of water) dark and show annoyance or boredom
innovation (n) = a new method or concise (adj) = brief and clear
dirty correspondent (n) = a newspaper/
tow (v) = to pull sb with a rope TV journalist who is employed to
make an exception (phr) = to not
Skills Work 7 (p. 85) include sb in a rule report from a specific area
moisten (v) = to make sth a little wet exquisite (adj) = very beautiful and
cacophony (n) = a loud annoying monitor (v) = to closely watch and delicate
combination of sounds check sth feature (n) = a rather long story in a
chirp (v) = (of an insect or bird) to opposition (n) = strong disapproval newspaper/magazine
make short high-pitched sounds presently (adv) = soon first-rate (adj) = excellent
emanate (v) = to come from a regulate (v) = to control a process get around (phr v) = (of news) to
particular source reluctantly (adv) = unwillingly spread
icequake (n) = a violent shaking due scarce (adj) = rare heading (n) = the title of a chapter
to the breaking up of masses of ice scope (n) = a range of things included hold a press conference (phr) = to
intermittently (adv) = sporadically in an activity, subject, etc have a meeting during which sb
sharp (adv) = exactly answers journalists' questions
Language Knowledge7 smart (adj) = clever; (of a person) inadequate (adj) = not enough
(pp. 86-87) insufficient (adj) = less than needed
neat and clean
a course of action (phr) = a number snap (n) = an unexpected loud invaluable (adj) = highly useful
of steps that you should take in sound of sth breaking issue a press release (phr) = to
order to achieve sth soak (v) = (of a liquid) to seep into a make an official statement for the
a range of (phr) = a variety of sth place newspapers, radio and TV
absorb (v) = to soak up a liquid square (adv) = directly lavish (adj) = extravagant
adaptation (n) = changing sth to stream (n) = a number of things one let on (phr v) = to reveal secret
make it suitable for a new purpose after the other information
adequate (adj) = sufficient the extent of (phr) = the degree of make the front page (phr) = (of a
alternate (adj)= happening every sth piece of news) to be so important
other day the scale of (phr) = the magnitude that it appears on the first page
appropriate (adj) = suitable of sth of a newspaper
approximate (adj) = not exact the size of (phr) = the news bulletin (n) = a brief TV /radio
canopy (n) = the top level of dimension/amount of sth programme with the most
branches of trees in a forest virtually (adv)= almost important pieces of news
optimum (adj) = the most suitable

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