GUIDE 02 Ingles Juan

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1. Leer el texto coloca (1-3) en el lugar correcto (a ,b

o c).
1. Acording to the WWF (the worldwide fund for
nature), human activy has destroyed 50% of the
world’s forests.

B. We create pollution, we build reads, kill

animals, cut down trees, pollute the sol, air and
water, and consume resources without thinking of
the effects forest are necessary to purify the air.
Trees absorb Co2 and retease oxyacn. They also
maintain the water cycle by releacing water vapor
into the atmosphere. The forests are the habitad
of many organism and animals they provide food
and water, cleary, deforestations is our biggest
2. Our lifestyle is responsible for most
environmental problems.
A. Our planet is on ecosystem, made up of many
ofther smail ecosystems, but. Human actions have
transformed the earth. Too much Co2 in the
atmosphere is changing the climate of the planet.
This change creates other conditions that affect
3. In an ecosystem, everything, has a specific vole
to play if something imbalance in other parts of
the ecosystem.
C. A healthy ecosystem allows many urtterent
species to live together, this when it is bludversity,
and it is sustainable when it is capable of
providing the necessary coditions for all epecies to
live and reproduce.
2.Relaciona cada una de las acciones con una
palabra tomada del texto escríbela en ingles.

1. The natural envio enviroment where species

RTA: they live a healthy ecosystem.

2. Connected and interdepend.

RTA: there is a symbiotic relationship between
all living things.
3. Cutting down lange numbers of trees.
RTA: The planet is deforesting and pollution is
4. Communities of living organisms shaning
mutual needs and benefits.
RTA: we call this biological diversity.
5. Capable of supporting inselft.
RTA: is a ecosystem
6. A varricty of different species living in the sume

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