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As we know that there are three stages of communication

● We have learned that sense and emotions are natural ways of communication.
● At sensory level in driving response seeing, smelling and touching play a vital role. At
● this stage people also communicate with help of their senses.
● Laughing , smiling and anger plays important role at emotional level.
● Personality or situation of someone can be judge by its emotions. According to the emotion others we can also judge the better
time to say something.
● Feelings can also be judge because of communication.
● Emotional attention,helps to learn feelings and we will succeed when we communicate with people.
● We will also notice the emotions of people that how people feel.
● People also control their emotions during work
● We can also help the people due to interaction because when we interact we will able to to judge the emotions of people
according to situation.
● Language and speech plays a great role in sentimental level. For conveying ideas
to companions it helps the people.
● With the help of related language we can also convey our thoughts and emotions.
● We can also say that it is the method of measuring of social media emotions.
● Its effects will be postive or neagtive.
Here we can also discuss some other kinds of interaction
Direct Interaction means talk or interact wit people face to face. It involve physical attraction.
Physical interaction with people which can also be fighting , pulling and pushing involves in the direct interaction.
We can also say that direct interaction between sister and brother.
The baby and mother are the several example in this case.
Language is the storage of symbols , vocal aspects and gesturing also involves in it . In this aspect we suppose and relate things with the
good things.
#Example: My brother is brave like lion. Here lion is symbol.
When we interact with people they observe us and tell us about good or bad point in our personality. In this way we can Change our
It is the fundamental scheme that human exist in the nature of meaning.
In this, music also help us to show love for someone.
We can understand this by supposing the example of an interview session. When a person go for interview the boss observes the
actions, sentences or thinking of that person and be make to that behavior. It also contain question answer session.
Another example is that when we go at new place we donot know about the people of the place and we also do not know about their
reactions and behaviour.
But we adjust oversleves in that situation. The person who has good interaction he will make a good responce.
● Social interaction plays an important role in the existence of any society. If there is no interaction society cannot be survive.
● We can also enhance the attraction of our personality due to interaction because when we will communicate with some other
person definetly he will tell us about bad and good points of our personality and we boost personality.
● Social Interaction also increase charm of our personality.
● We can also solve many problems because of interaction. We can make progress and relations with others because of
interaction .
● Social interaction impact postive effects on humn being. It lower happening of depression and tension.
● If we not interact with people it will be result in lonely.
● A deficiency of social interaction keep people at risk.
● Most of the people have high blood pressure and they are not active,it can put them at a risk of death.
● So the people who enjoy the way of life and interact with one another happily they deduct many health problems. They also
reduce the depression.
● Unluckily, social interaction be a more troublesome for those people who canmot live separate or nt able to do work.
● It is necessary to study nature of communiation for understanding every society.
● When people communicate with one another they generate rules and system, in which they learn how to live.
● Natural and social structures can be developed and changed due to Interaction.

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