The Problem: It'S Background

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Chapter 1



The society has to grapple with numerous social problems and one of the major

societal problems surrounding the youth today is juvenile delinquency. This refers to the

phenomenon of minors being active in criminal activities. The problem is compounded

with the actuality of the age of the minors. Children are said to be more often to have a

delinquent behavior in their mid to late teens or the adolescent period. The occurrence of

the said problem has been observed throughout the different countries in the world and it

is an important issue to address because the youth are said to be the nations hope. It

appears that several studies have been conducted regarding the topic, however these

researches may varied accordingly to its time and place.

Adolescence is one of the most critical periods of life. It is a time of transition

from childhood to adulthood, during which young people experience changes following

puberty, but do not immediately assume the role, privileges and responsibilities of

adulthood. It is an important stage in the development of the person and how one makes

the transition to adulthood depends in large measure on how he or she face during the

defining period. (Greig, 2002).

Juvenile delinquency can greatly affect children’s personal happiness and social

behavior and up until now there is a continuing debate as to whether or not children

should be held criminally responsible for his or her actions. Children are a gift from God

that is supposed to be filled by their parent’s love and care. On the other hand, the parents

should also be well aware of the changing world and therefore should be there to prevent

problems from happening. They should also work together with the other social intuitions

that are also considered as a part of the children’s life. Working to prevent juvenile

delinquency and to rehabilitate juvenile offenders is a challenging and ideal way to spend

one’s career. It requires a wide range of skills from working with one individual to

prevent him or her to advocating social change and social justice.

The behavior of the children is shaped by the family, schools, institutions and in

general the society that has an extent influence of many factors that may change through

time based on the communities social and economic order.

Numerous risk factors have been identified as indicators or predictors of juvenile

delinquency and those factors represent dysfunction at several levels, specifically within

the structure of the offender’s family. Some of these factors include conflict within the

family, a lack of adequate supervision and/or rules, a distinct lack of parent-child

attachment, instability, poor home life quality, parental expectations, out-of-home

placements and inconsistent discipline. Social service professionals who frequently come

into contact with children must be especially vigilant in order to detect the presence of

any of the possibly contributory conditions mentioned above and to refer families to

appropriate sources of assistance as early as possible. Generally speaking, the

relationship between family conflict and delinquency is significant. (Shumaker, 2000).

The researchers choose to study juvenile delinquency to bring into focus the

situations of the children during the changes in their life. One of the goals of this research

is to discover the causes of juvenile delinquency and the findings of this research aims to

help, determine, support and strengthen the roles of organizations in formulating effective

ways in minimizing the delinquency of the children.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to analyze and determine the different cases, causes and problems

of Juvenile Delinquents in Poblacion # 2 Moncada, Tarlac for establishment of its


Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the cases of juvenile delinquency?

2. What are the causes of juvenile delinquency in terms of:

2.1 Family?

2.2 School?

2.3 Church?

2.4 Government?

3. What are the problems encountered by the delinquents in terms of the following:

3.1 Emotional?

3.2 Social?

3.3 Spiritual?

Significance of the Study

The researchers considered this study of great importance because it will serve as

an eye opener and source of background information to certain social institutions. The

result of this study would benefit the children and their perception towards the church,

their parents and the family, teachers, government system and the community where they


The study would give the children the idea or the information on to different

causes of juvenile delinquency. This would improve their knowledge and attitudes

towards their behavior. Thus the result of the deeper understanding, may contribute to the

fulfillment of their responsibilities as a part of the society.

Religion as one of the contributing factors shapes the child’s spiritual beliefs. It

will serve as a guide in determining moral preferences, thus molding a child’s character

starts from his spirituality brought by the teaching of their own churches. Our study will

remind everyone that it is important that children should know God.

The parents on the other hand, who are responsible in playing the positive role for

their children, would be provided the information on their roles in child rearing and also

the causes of juvenile delinquency so that they could be in a better position in regards to

the prevention of the occurrence of problems. The role of parents is to emphasize the

importance of education. This will inform them also on every possible outcomes of

involvement of their children in crimes.

For the family, as the basic unit of the society, we all know that this is the first

social unit that mainly influences us because it is the first social world that we encounter.

This is where we as individuals learn our attitudes and behaviors that should be

considered as an appropriate act. This study will help them to be aware on what are the

things that they should portray inside their home as a family member. This study will also

increase their awareness on the problem of juvenile delinquency in such a way that they

could supervise their child especially in dealing towards their emotional problems. This

would serve as a factor in establishing a God fearing home and the ways on how they

should develop, nurture and discipline their children.

The study would be functional also on the side of the teachers that would at least

try to make clear the problems that the students may experience if he or she tries to

participate in acts that abide the law. The teacher may then carry out certain strategies for

them, to prevent committing such crimes. The educational systems may work together

with the families and other social organizations.

The result of the study would like to show and proposed certain recommendations

that are responsive for the rehabilitation and prevention of juvenile delinquency. This will

be specifically useful to the Barangay Poblacion # 2 Moncada, Tarlac. The local

government could help developing intervention programs or some curfew policies.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study will focus on answering the questions regarding the cases, causes and

problems of juvenile delinquents. Specifically the study was conducted in Poblacion # 2

Moncada, Tarlac. It is limited to the analysis of cases that involves their personal life,

family background and other social pressures. This study includes children who commit

only minor crimes. Other children with serious crimes were not involved in this study due

to the sensitivity of the issue in the life of the children. The crimes they committed where

not directly stated in the presentation of data because the respondents wishes not to

mention it, thus they only hinted their violations. The study also presents the causes and

problems met by the delinquents. From the data that has been gathered, certain

recommendations were proposed.


The subjects of this study were ten (10) children with the ages of 13-18 that were

identified through the help of the Barangay Captain of Poblacion # 2. The children were

selected because some were not open in the discussion of their cases. Nevertheless, the

names and disclosures of the cases were treated with utmost confidentiality to assure the

protection of their dignity.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined in this study to facilitate understanding. The

terms are based on observable characteristics on how it is used in the study.

Juvenile Delinquency. It is an antisocial behavior specifically attributed to

children. This refers to crimes committed by minors in which they deviates certain norms

and laws set as a standard in the society.

Juvenile. Refers primarily to the persons eighteen years of age and below.

Delinquent. This refers to children whose behavior brings him to repeated

violation or conflict with the law.

Analysis. An in depth study of problems with its underlying causes.

Antisocial Behavior. It is often characterized by the disobedience and disrespect

to the officers or those people who are in authority.

Educational Attainment. This refers to the level of education finished or

currently enrolled by the respondents.

Parents’ Educational Attainment. This refers to the highest level of education

attained by the respondent’s parents.


Drop out Students. These are students who quit from schooling either

temporarily or permanently.

Family Structure. The composition and membership of the family and the

relationship among the members of the family.

Family Income. Amount of money received in a certain amount of time. In this

study, it refers to the monthly income of the family.

Peer Pressure. It is the influence of a peer group encouraging a certain person to

change his attitudes or way of living. In this study, it refers to the respondent’s friends

and classmates.

Mass Media. It is all about the media technologies used for communication it

may contribute to children’s exploring activity because of the exposure to certain

content of movies, magazines, television or music.

Type of Environment. The combination of physical conditions that influences

the growth and development of an individual.

Social Pressure. It influences and changes every individual’s practices and

beliefs. In this study it includes the environment and the people they deal with everyday.

Prevention. Refers to the keeping of unlawful behavior.

Community Based Programs. These are the programs that a certain community

provides and developed for the sole purpose of interventions for cases of delinquency and

other related crimes.

Youth Rehabilitation Centers. These are care facilities that provides help, care,

treatment and other rehabilitation services that are being offered to children that mostly

needed help and or children that have an antisocial behavior.


Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).A government

agency that is responsible for the protection and welfare of Filipino children as well as

their rights to promote social development.

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