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Unit 9: Partners in Education

Lessons 1 & 2: Grammar

A Read the introduction to the Greenville Elementary School Parents’ Guide.

Draw one line under the adverb clauses of reason. Draw two lines under the
adverb clauses and infinitives of purpose.

Greenville Elementary School

Parents’ Guide
Welcome to our school! As a parent, you are welcome on campus because you are an important
part of your child’s education. There are many things that you can do to help your child succeed
in school. First, make sure that your child gets enough sleep, since well-rested children perform
better in school. In the morning, make sure that your child has a good breakfast so that he or she
is ready to learn. Since children do not always tell you what is happening in school, make sure
you check homework, ask questions, and stay in touch with your child’s teacher. Finally, read the
school bulletins to find out how you can volunteer at school. Parents are an important part of
the Greenville Team!

B Complete the sentences. Match the sentence parts.

1. c It’s good to have a school near your a. find out why she was absent.
home because b. inform parents about their children’s
2. Children should get to school on progress.
time so that c. your children can get to school on time.
3. Schools hold parent-teacher d. many parents are working full-time.
meetings to e. see an art exhibition.
4. After-school programs are popular f. they don’t miss the beginning of class.
5. The class went to the museum to
6. The school secretary called Grace’s
parents to

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C Complete the conversations from a parent-teacher conference. Use because,
since, so that, or to.

1. Mrs. Torres: Why are the children sitting together at desks?

Teacher: We do it so that the children can interact with each other. They work
in groups, research shows that children learn better that way.

2. Mr. Brandon: How are the children learning science?

Teacher: Well, we have a garden students can learn about plants, and
we take students to the science museum do hands-on
3. Mrs. Cervantes: Tell me about your after-school program.
Teacher: The children are grouped by grade levels work together on
homework. Tutoring is available some children need extra
help. The students also have free time outdoors they get some

D Combine the sentences. Use because, since, so that, or to. More than one
answer may be possible.
1. We wanted to speak to you. Alex is having some trouble in school.

We wanted to speak to you because Alex is having some trouble in school.

2. We are meeting with Mi-Young’s guidance counselor. We’ll discuss her college plans.

3. We’d like you to attend our Parents as Partners event. You’ll learn our goals for the year.

4. My son gets into trouble at school. He is bored with his schoolwork.

5. My son doesn’t know anyone at his new school. We encouraged him to join some after-
school clubs.

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Lesson 3: Life Skills and Study Skills

A Read Ariana’s elementary school report card. How many times a year does

she receive a report card?


Name: Ariana Li School: Greenville Elementary School
Teacher: Ms. Rose Kirkham Grade: 4
4 Demonstrating high achievement of requirements
3 Meeting requirements consistently
2 Developing the skills and understanding needed to meet requirements
1 Needing significant improvement to meet requirements
Grading Periods

LANGUAGE ARTS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Reads aloud with fluency and accuracy 3
Understands main events in a story 3
Knows how to use a dictionary 3
Writes compositions 2
Uses correct punctuation 3
Writes summaries of main ideas 2

MATHEMATICS 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Counts whole numbers to 1,000,000 4
Adds and subtracts numbers of three or more digits 3
Multiplies and divides two-digit numbers 2
Identifies different geometric shapes (such as 3
triangles, squares, rectangles)


Works well with other children 3
Follows directions 3
Accepts responsibility 3
Completes homework 3

Ariana is a good worker and a pleasure to have in class. She has made good progress in mathematics
this semester, and her reading has improved, too. Keep up the reading at home! She still needs to
work on writing. She is not meeting requirements in that area. I recommend extra tutoring after
school. I would also like her to talk more in class. We need to encourage her to overcome her shyness.

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B Complete the statements about Ariana’s report card.

1. Ariana is in the 4. In mathematics, Ariana has trouble

grade. with .

2. Ariana is demonstrating 5. Ariana’s teacher recommends that she

high achievement in . get after school.

3. In language arts, Ariana is not meeting 6. Ariana’s teacher would like her to
requirements with . in class.

STUDY SKILL: Use a bar graph

Look at the bar graphs. Answer the questions.

Parent involvement in child’s school, 1996–2003

100 88% 1999
77% 78% 77%
72% 73% 2003
75 67% 65% 70%

50 39% 37% 42%


Attended general Attended scheduled Attended school event Acted as a volunteer or

meeting meeting with teacher served on a committee
Source: U.S. Department of Education

1. What are the two most popular ways for parents to be involved in their child’s school?

2. What is the least popular way for parents to be involved in their child’s school?

3. What percentage of parents attended a general meeting in 1996?

4. What percentage of parents attended a school event in 2003?

5. Is parent participation in school increasing or decreasing?

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Lessons 4 & 5: Grammar

A Read the paragraph. Look at the underlined adjective clauses. Circle the
person or thing that each adjective clause gives information about.

At our school, many parents participate in the school clean-up day. They vacuum rugs that
have gotten dirty, repair books that have fallen apart, and do other things the teachers have
requested. Some parents volunteer on other projects that benefit the school. For example, we
have one parent who is a painter. He spent a weekend painting the school library using paint
his boss had donated. Finally, the school bake sale is an event that everyone enjoys. It raises
money the teachers need to pay for field trips.

B Complete the sentences. Match the sentence parts.

1. d My children go to the same school a. who help children with their homework.

2. The walls are covered with pictures b. that immigrated to the U.S.

3. There is an auditorium c. the children have painted.

4. Many of the children come from d. that I went to.

e. that students use for concerts and
5. There are volunteer tutors performances.

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C Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words.

1. Julian was working on a project who / that took the whole weekend.

2. At bake sales, children sell cakes and cookies that / who their parents have made.

3. The child that read / reads the most books over the summer will win a prize.

4. Many parents are looking for schools which / who have after-school programs.

5. After-school care is important for parents who is / are working full time.

6. It’s important to have a principal which / who communicates well with parents.

7. The school district gave an award to the school that / who had the highest test scores.

D Combine the sentences. Use who, that, which, or no pronoun. More than
one correct answer may be possible.

1. We enrolled Sun-Young in a school. The school had good test scores.

We enrolled Sun-Young in a school that had good test scores.

2. Sue had a teacher. She liked the teacher.

3. The teachers meet in a room. The room is used for conferences.

4. Luis couldn’t do the homework. The teacher had assigned the homework.

5. There is a special program for the children. The children get good grades.

6. Carmen takes a bus. The bus stops directly in front of her school.

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Lesson 6: Reading


Read the letter to the editor. Answer the questions.

1. Why was the letter written?

2. What will the school budget pay for?

Letters to the Editor

Vote “Yes” for The new budget will also for five years. As a teacher,
guarantee funds for art, music I find it demoralizing and
School Budget education, and librarians. disheartening to watch the
As a teacher in the Greenville Experts agree on the value cost of living rise every year
School District, I urge readers of the arts, because research without a corresponding rise
to vote for the school budget, shows that children who take in our pay. Many of us are
which will provide additional art and music classes perform spending our own money to
funding for our district’s better in school than those pay for classroom supplies
public schools. who do not. Currently, our such as pens and copy
At a time when our district school has an art room that is paper. Teachers are already
has been adversely affected never used because we do not underpaid enough without
by state budget cuts, this have an art teacher. We have having to take on this extra
money is desperately needed a librarian who comes to our burden.
for a variety of reasons. First, school only one day a week. If we value our public
it will enable us to keep class Without more funding, next schools, educational funding
sizes low. When class sizes year we may have to reduce or must be our state’s highest
are large, teachers have less eliminate our music program. priority. Please vote “Yes” to
time available to work with This will affect the education support our schools.
individual students. This of all of our students.
measure would also provide Finally, the budget
funding for support staff, provides for an increase in Joseph Cezus
who help keep our schools teachers’ salaries, which have English teacher
clean and safe. remained at the same level Greenville Elementary School

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A Read the letter again. Complete the sentences, according to the letter.

1. Class sizes should be low because .

2. Support staff are important because .

3. Arts education is important because .

4. The art room and the library are not used more because .

5. Teachers need a salary increase because .

B Read the statements from the letter. Which are facts?

Which are opinions? Write Fact or Opinion.
Reading Skill:
1. Research shows that children who Distinguishing Fact from Opinion
take art and music classes perform better in When you read, be careful to
school. distinguish between facts and
2. Teachers’ salaries have remained at the same
level for five years.

3. Many of us are spending our own money to pay for classroom supplies.

4. Teachers are already underpaid enough without having to take on this extra

5. Educational funding must be our state’s highest priority.

C WORD WORK. Find the boldface words in the article. Match the words
with the definitions.

1. additional a. get rid of, cut

2. adversely b. negatively, in a bad way

3. eliminate c. more

4. disheartening d. disappointing, making you lose hope

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Lessons 7 & 8: Grammar

A Complete the conversations. Choose the correct words.

1. A: What’s wrong with that little boy under the slide?

He’s crying.
B: He must have / should have fallen off.
A: Where’s his teacher?
B: She’s in the classroom. She must not have /
shouldn’t have seen it.
2. A: Luisa hit Shaheen, but the principal punished
Shaheen. It wasn’t his fault!
B: The principal must not have / shouldn’t have done that. He must have / should have
punished Luisa instead.
3. A: Why is that girl staying in the classroom instead of going out to play?
B: I don’t know. She might have / should have done something wrong. Or she might not
have / must not have finished her homework.

B Complete the sentences. Use the expressions in the box. More than one
answer may be possible.

could have couldn’t have might have

must have should have shouldn’t have

1. Diana, you have to miss recess. You shouldn’t have thrown that paper airplane.

2. Sam went to the doctor yesterday. He been sick.

3. You have not done your work. You finished your paper by now.

4. Mr. Stevens’s class isn’t at lunch. The teacher kept them late. Or

they gone on a field trip.

5. Felix has been absent all week, so he known about the test today.

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C Look at the pictures. What do you think happened? Write a sentence for
each picture. Use the words in the box.

may (not) have might (not) have could (not) have must (not) have

1. 2.

The kids must have broken the window.

3. 4.

5. 6.

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Lesson 9: Writing START TIME: _______

A Look at the organization of a letter from a parent to a school principal. Then read the
sentences. Decide which paragraph each sentence belongs with. Write the number.

As a parent of a child in Springfield Middle School, I was very upset to hear that the school
board has decided to cut the popular after-school sports program next semester.
1 Sports are beneficial to teenagers in many ways.

2 I think there are many ways that we could raise money for after-school sports.

Sports should not be considered an “extra” at our school. Let’s work together to keep this
valuable program alive.

Guillermo Villas

1. Exercise keeps teenagers healthy and physically

Writing Tip
fit. 1
2. One possibility would be to hold fund-raisers, such as When a writer uses more than one
paragraph, it’s important to put similar
a bake sales. information together.
3. Success in sports helps children develop confidence
and social skills.
4. Another option is to ask parents to pay a small fee or to volunteer.
5. Studies also show that teens who are involved in sports are less likely to use drugs.
6. Finally, we could ask local businesses to donate money or sponsor a team.

B Read the paragraph. Add a final “s” to five more words.

We would like to encourage all parent to attend our monthly PTA meetings. The
PTA helps to raise funds for many program and activities, and provide money for
classroom materials. The PTA also organize volunteers to help at the talent show
and other community event. Most importantly, PTA meetings keep parent
informed about what’s happening at school.

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Review & Expand: Vocabulary START TIME: _______

A Complete the sentences. Use the noun form of the Learning Strategy:
underlined words. Use a dictionary if necessary. Making Nouns from Verbs

1. When Luisa enrolled in a computer class, she filled Many nouns are formed by adding
endings such as -ment or -ion. Expand
out an enrollment form. your vocabulary by learning the noun
forms of verbs.
2. The teacher said that Hae-Jin’s math had improved.

She was pleased with her .

3. It’s important for parents to participate in their children’s education. Parent

helps children succeed in school.

4. More volunteers are needed to help supervise students during the after-school program.

The parents are worried that there is not enough .

5. The teacher assigns a four-page paper every weekend. She says it’s a difficult .

B Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

conference grades open house report card subject

1. Teachers complete a report card for each student at the end of each semester.

The students receive from A to D for their work.

2. If a student is having problems at school, the teacher may ask to have a parent-teacher

3. Many schools have an where parents can meet the teachers and see

examples of student work.

4. In high school, students have a different teacher for each . For

example, a math teacher teaches math.

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