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2nd and 3rd Law of

Prepared and compiled:
Engr. Alexander Hamilton S. Atienza
Learning Objectives
LO42: State the second and third laws of
thermodynamics. (CO1)
LO43: Explain the applications of the second and
third laws of thermodynamics. (CO1)
LO44: Analyze and solve problems on heat
engines and refrigerators. (CO3, CO5)
LO45: Describe the Carnot cycle. (CO1)
LO46: Solve problems on Carnot cycle. (CO3,CO5)
Spontaneous Processes
Objects spontaneously tend to cool

Fluids move from higher to lower

pressure environments spontaneously

Objects spontaneously fall from

elevated positions

Spontaneous processes allows occur in a predictable direction, and have

the potential to produce work
Spontaneous Processes
A reversible process is one which, at any point of
time, can be reversed to attain the exact state as in
the beginning.

Obviously, for this to happen, we would need

infinite intermediate steps, and thus infinite time.

In practice, no process is exactly reversible.

Rather, all spontaneous processes are irreversible in
• Heat transfer through a finite temperature difference
• Unrestrained expansion of a gas or liquid
• Spontaneous chemical reaction ClipArt courtesy of PowerPoint 2002

• Spontaneous mixing
• Friction (sliding and flow) ClipArt courtesy of PowerPoint 2002

• Electric current flow through a resistance

• Magnetization or polarization with hysteresis
• Inelastic deformation
• And many more … ClipArt courtesy of PowerPoint 2002

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John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Whenever energy is transferred, the value of energy
cannot be conserved and some energy must be
permanently reduced to a lower value.

Statements of the Second Law of Thermodynamics

1. Kelvin Planck Statement
2. Clausius Statement
LO42,LO43: Statements of the 2nd Law
• Kelvin-Planck Statement
• It is impossible for any system to
operate in a thermodynamic cycle and
deliver a net amount of energy by work
to its surroundings while receiving
energy from a single thermal reservoir

• Clausius Statement
• It is impossible for any system to
operate in such a way that the sole
result would be an energy transfer by
heat from a cooler to a hotter body

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John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

As temperature T approaches absolute zero,

then entropy S approaches to zero.
LO44: Power Cycles (Heat Engines)

Wcycle QL
  1
Heat Engine
a device that converts heat(INPUT)into mechanical energy(OUTPUT)
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John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
LO44: Refrigeration and Heat Pump

  a device that converts heat from a
Wcycle QH  QC cooler(OUTPUT) to a hotter system by using
mechanical energy(INPUT)
Heat Pumps Heat Pump
QH QH a device that converts heat from a
  cooler to a hotter(OUTPUT) system by using
Wcycle QH  QC mechanical energy(INPUT)
LO45:Carnot Cycle
Reversible power cycle: Two adiabatic processes
alternated with two isothermal processes

Carnot power cycles operated in reverse may be regarded as a reversible

refrigeration or heat pump cycle, with maximum coefficient of performance
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John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
The Kelvin Temperature Scale

 QC  TC
  
 QH rev TH

 Q 
T  273.16  
 QH  cycle

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273.16 K is the Triple Point temperature of water

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John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
LO45: Carnot Cycle
Carnot Engine/Cycle
is the most efficient engine/cycle that operates between
two temperature limits
Nicholas Leonard Sadi Carnot
-retired army corporal at the age of 24 and was the first
person to recognize the energy processes in machines
-he noted that the higher the temperature of the steam
entering the engine and the lower the temperature of the
steam leaving the engine, the greater the engine’s work
LO44: Maximum Performance
Heat Engines Refrigerators & Heat Pumps

max  1  max 

 max 

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John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
1. A heat engine operates on the Carnot Cycle. It produces 50KW
of power while operating between temperature limits of 800◦C
and 100◦C. Determine the engine efficiency and the amount of
heat added.
2. A Carnot refrigerator needs 250KW while operating between
temperature limits of 313K and 263K. Determine a.) coefficient of
performance; b.) heat supplied per sec. c.) heat rejected per sec.
3. A Carnot heat pump uses air as the working substance. The
temperature limits of the cycle are 300K and 940K,respectively.
the heat released per cycle is 4.2KJ. Solve for the heat pump
efficiency and work.
Learning Objectives
LO42: State the second and third laws of
thermodynamics. (CO1)
LO43: Explain the applications of the second and
third laws of thermodynamics. (CO1)
LO44: Analyze and solve problems on heat
engines and refrigerators. (CO3, CO5)
LO45: Describe the Carnot cycle. (CO1)
LO46: Solve problems on Carnot cycle. (CO3,CO5)

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