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Vol. 85, 1990, pp. 1520-1583

Geologicand GeochronologicConstraintson the MetallogenicEvolution

of the Andes of Southeastern Peru


Departmentof GeologicalSciences,
Queen'sUniversity,Kingston,Ontario, CanadaK7L 3N6

GedlogoConsultor,Caminosdel Inca 698, Lima 33, Peru

Department of GeologicalSciences,Queen'sUniversity,Kingston,Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6


The post-Paleozoic metallogenicevolutionof southeastern Peru is clarifiedon the basisof

the stratigraphic
andlithologicsettingsof the majorityof the knownmetallicore depositsand
a regional
programofK-Arand4øAr-39Argeochronology. ThiscentralAndeantransect
a rangeof mineralizationtypesunparalleledin other regionsof the country.Contrasting
magmatic,tectonic,andmetallogenic relationships
areshownby the calc-alkaline-shoshonitic
Upper Triassic-HoloceneMain Arc magmaticdomain,underlyingthe presentCordilleraOc-
cidentaland Altiplano,and the more restrictedTriassic-PlioceneInner Arc domainof the
Cordillera Oriental, which incorporatesa great variety of igneoussuitesand exhibitsa cor-
respondinglydiversemetallogeny.Major economicmineralizationoccurredsimultaneously
in the two domainsonly duringthe late Oligoceneto early Mioceneinterval.
The earliestsignificantAndeanW, Cu, Mo, Sn, andAu mineralizationis hostedlargelyby
weaklyperaluminous granitesof the UpperTriassicto LowerJurassic (190-225 Ma) Carabaya
batholithin the Inner Arc; magmagenesisresultedfrom sedimentanatexisalongthe margin
of the PermianensialicMitu rift. Renewedrifting in the Middle Jurassic(ca. 170-180 Ma) in
thisareawasassociated with the emplacementof the volcano-plutonic AllinccfipacPeralkaline
Complex,syeniticplutonsof whichhostminorCu, Ag, andZr(-REE)vein systems. Mesozoic
mineralizationin the Main Arc, weak in comparisonto that in other centralAndeantransects,
comprises Upper Jurassic (145-165 Ma) Cu-Auveins(e.g.,RosaMaria), andmid-Cretaceous
(ca. 95-110 Ma) Cu (Santiago,Valparffiso) and Fe (Morritos,Cerro Pelado)veinsof the Ilo-
Itc district.RestrictedUpper Cretaceous(ca. 80 Ma) Cu-Pb-Zn-Agveinsin the Crucerodistrict
of the Inner Arc are interpretedasrecordinga brief episodeof arcbroadeningor bifurcation.
Large-scaleporphyryCu(-Mo, Ag) centerswere emplacedin the Main Arc in the interval
52.15 (Cuajone)to 57.1 Ma (Toquepala)asthe terminalstagein the evolutionof the subaerial
volcanicsuccession of the Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene ToquepalaGroup,whichhadpreviously
experiencedonly minorCu(-Pb-Ag-Au)vein mineralizationat ca. 80 (Challatita)and 62 Ma
(Llutadistrict).The earlyEoceneeventrepresents the metallogenic
culmination of the Peruvian
Coastalbatholithanditsextensionin northernChile. In contrast,onlythe northernextremity
of the upperEocene-lowerOligocenearc of northernChile occursin the studyarea,andthe
minor AtaspacaCu-Mo-Pb-Zn-Agstockworkand skarnmineralization(39-45 Ma) is a pale
reflectionof the coevalarrayof giantporphyrycopperdepositsfarthersouth.Muchof south-
easternPeru lackedmagmatismimmediatelybeforeand after the ca. 40-Ma Incaic orogeny
and hence experienceda metallogenichiatus.The Main Arc was resuscitatedin the Santa
Lucia area at 31 to 32 Ma; at 28.5 + 1 Ma it abruptlybroadenedto a width of ca. 235 km.
However,hydrothermalactivityremainedrestrictedin both scaleanddistribution.The mod-
erate-sizedBerenguela(ca. 27 Ma) and SantaBfirbara(23.5 Ma) epithermalAg depositsare
associatedwith calc-alkalinesubvolcaniccenters,in the latter caseemplacedin the initial
stages of cordilleranuplift.Post-Oligocene mineralization
in theMainArcwasalsoapparently

* Presentaddress:Nova ScotiaDepartmentof MinesandEnergy, 1496 Lower Water Street,Halifax,

Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 2X1.
** Present address:Apt. 2C-4, 2665 Favor Road, Marietta, Georgia 30060.
*** Presentaddress:556 EastHaskell Street, Apt. A, Winnemucca,Nevada, 89445; n•e Johnson.


sparsein comparisonto the broadly contemporaryepithermalAg-Au-basemetal depositsof

central and south-centralPeru, but it comprisesthe Au-rich veins of the Mafiazo camp (19
Ma) and the Ag veinsof the Cacachara(6.5-7 Ma) and Compuertacamps(7 Ma).
The Inner Arc revived at 28 to 29 Ma, simultaneously with the Main Arc broadening.
Anatexisresultingfrom shoshonitic basaltinjectiongeneratedstronglyperaluminousmon-
zogranitestockswith which are spatiallyassociatedmajor, high-grade,lithophile and base
metallode systems, includingSanRafael(23-24 Ma) andPalca11 (24-25 Ma), nowthe most
productivehard-rockSnandW depositsof the WesternHemisphere.However,the widespread
middle and late Miocene peraluminousmagmatismin this region failed to produceSn poly-
metallicmineralizationof the scaledevelopedin Boliviaat this time; only the smallJhsica
vein system(17.4 Ma) hasbeen confirmedto containSn, and the Sb veinsof the area (e.g.,
Collpa:12.3 Ma) are alsoof restrictedsize.In contrast,the uraniumstockworks (6.8-8.0 Ma)
associated with the rare element-enriched,rhyoliticMacusaniVolcanicsare largeandappar-
ently of high grade.
Althoughsharingseveralmetallogenicfeatureswith contiguous centralAndeantransects,
southeastern Peru differsmarkedlyfrom other areasof the countryin the natureand ageof
mineralization.Thus, the Inner Arc domaindoesnot persistto the northwest,and the radical
and commonlyabruptchangeswe definein the distributionof magmatism,and hencemin-
eralization,duringthe middleandlate Tertiary are apparentlyunrepresentedin centralPeru.
The individualmetallogenicevolutionof thisregionis ascribedto the inferredoccurrenceof
a markeddeflectionin the westernboundaryof the SouthAmericanplate throughoutthe

"Atenci6n,sefiorasy sefiores,un momentode aten- 2,500,000 by Bellido et al. (1972) with a detailed
ei6n: Volved un instante la eabeza haeia este lado de
explanatorytext by Bellidoandde Montreuil(1972),
la republiea... E1Peregrino." and the perceptivesyntheses of Ponzoni(1980) and
Nieanor Parra, Poemasy Antipoemas Soleret al. (1986) constitutean excellentintroduction
to the mineralizationof the studyarea,but theyreveal
the lackof detailedinformationon the greatmajority
SOUTHEASTERN Peru (Figs.1 and2) displaysa wider of the ore deposits.In the "southern"metallogenic
rangeofmineralization thanmorenortherlytranseets zone of Soleret al., only the Toquepalaand Quella-
of the PeruvianAndes.It has,however,receivedless vecoporphyrycoppercentershavebeenbriefly doc-
geologicscrutiny,perhapsbecause of the reputation umented in the international literature, and there are
of the PunoDepartmentasbeingcharacterized by few descriptionsof the geologyof the mines and
smalloredeposits (Purser,1971).The variegatedna- prospectsof the transectin nationaljournals.This
ture of the metallogenie
in thistranseet problemis particularlyseverefor the CordilleraOri-
of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Andeanorogenlargelyre- ental, an area which haswitnessed a marked increase
fleets the occurrence in the Cordillera Oriental of a
in explorationandminingactivityin the pasttwo de-
diverseassemblage of peraluminous
granitieplutons cades.Clark et al. (1984) andKontak(1985) provide
andrhyolitieignimbrites tin-tungsten-preliminaryaccountsof metallogenicrelationsin this
polymetallieanduraniummineralization of typesun- northwesterlyextensionof the Bolivian tin-silver-
representedor rare elsewherein the country.The polymetallicbelt, Kiilsgaardand Bellido (1959) re-
oceanwardpart of this regionalsohasthe greatest cord much useful information on the mines of the
concentration of majorporphyrycopper(-molybde- transect,and Robertson(1978) contributesvaluable
num)deposits in thePeruvianAndes,comprising the descriptionsof severaldepositsin northernPunoDe-
operating Toquepala and Cuajone mines and the partment. Fletcher et al. (1989) examinethe broad
Quellaveeo prospect.
In contrast,the scattered epi- geologicsettingof severalmineralizeddistrictsof the
thermalvein systems of the extensive Tertiarycon- CordilleraOccidentaland Altiplano.
tinentalvolcano-sedimentaryterraneof the Cordillera The geologyandphysiography of the southernPe-
Occidentaland contiguous Altiplanohavebeenless ruvianAndeswere firstcomprehensively documented
importantassources of silver,gold,lead,copper,and by Bowman(1916) andDouglas(1920). More recent
zinc than thosein geologicallycomparableareasto synthesesinclude those of Audebaudet al. (1976)
the northwest.Productivebed-rockandplacergold and S•brier et al. (1988). In a broadercontext,Dal-
depositsoccurin the CordilleraOriental andthe sub- mayracet al. (1980) and M(•gard(1987) document
Andeanlowlands, but the primarymineralization has the overall geologicevolutionof Peru; the latter au-
generallybeenassigned a Paleozoieage. thoratitivelyreviews(1988) the regionalgeologyof
The 1:1,000,000 nationalmetallogenicmapof De the Andesnorth of the Bolivian orocline,while Pitcher
las Casasand Ponzoni(1969), revisedat a scaleof 1: et al. (1985) provide a wealth of informationon the

• Contours
onMOHO ' '. '.'

• InnerArc .:'-'
•///////// Domain . .'?.•

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FIG. 1. Sketchmapsshowingselectedexistinggeologic,geophysical, and topographicfeaturesof

the centralAndesin the vicinityof the BolivianoroelineandAriea deflection.a. Locationof the study
area relativeto the major physiographic provincesof the regionand to contoursof crustalthickness
(afterJameset al., 1971b,andFukaoet al., 1989). The Inner Are teetono-magmatiedomainis delimited.
The Main Are occupiesthe entireAltiplanoandCordilleraOccidental.b. Area with averageelevation
above3,000 m, undisseeted and weakly erodedvolcaniccenters,and depth contourson the central
part of the subduetedslab(after Isaeks,1988).

PeruvianCoastalbatholith.Isacks(1988) advancesa lera Occidentalandon itsPacificslope,excellentre-

stimulatingmodelfor the Neogenetectonicevolution connaissance descriptionsof extensiveareasin the
of the oroclineregion. In additionto numerous1: CordilleraOccidental,Altiplano,andCordilleraOri-
100,000 geologicmapsand reportsfor 30' quadran- ental are presentedby Newell (1949), Laubacher
Peru,p,•ticularlyin the Cordil- (1978a andb), and Klinck et al. (1986).
glesin southeastern

Metallogenic researchat Queen's University has zoic. Radicalchangesin tectonic,stratigraphic,and

involved detailed studiesof the majority of the re- magmaticstylein mosttransectsindicatethat the on-
centlyproductiveore depositsin the region(Fig. 2), goingAndean orogenystartedin the Late Triassic,
including the Toquepala porphyry Cu-Mo center i.e., at 220 ___10 Ma.
(Zweng, 1984), the Cacachara(Johnson,1986), and We have previously advocateda distinctionbe-
SantaBS. rbara (Wasteneys,1990) epithermal silver- tween "Main Arc" and "Inner Arc" magmaticdo-
polymetallicvein systems, andthe lithophileandbase mainsin the post-Paleozoic centralAndes(Figs.1 and
metalveinsof the SanRafaeltin (Palma,1981; Kontak, 2), the fundamentalcriterionbeingthe natureof the
1985) and Palca 11 tungsten (Yamamura, 1990) overall igneouspetrochemicalassemblage,i.e., the
camps,aswell asreconnaissance studiesof manyother petrographicprovince (Clark et al., 1983a; 1984).
minesandprospects.Theseinvestigations havebeen Audebaudand Amosse(1981) advancea basically
carried out in the contextof analysesof the regional similar subdivision of the Cenozoic Peruvian Andes
and local settingsof mineralizationand an extensive into "Western" and "Eastern" domains but do not
geochronologicprogram. addressthe broader temporal or petrogeneticrela-
Publishedinformationon the ageofmineralization tions.We considerthispersistentbipartitesubdivision
in this ca. 200-km-wide transectis scantyor absent to be of fundamentalimportanceto metallogenesis.
in most districts.In the present paper we establish The Main Arc domain underlies the discontinuous
the stratigraphic, petrologic,and tectonicsettingof Cordillerade la Costa(Fig. 1) and the entire Cordil-
the ore depositsof the region, and documentK-Ar lera Occidental.The uppermostTriassicto Quater-
and4øAr-39Ar datesdeterminedfor the depositsand/ nary Andeanvolcanicand plutonicrocksof this ex-
or immediatelyassociated igneousrocks.Manyof the tensive region are ultimately of mantle origin, but
geochronologic data are otherwiserecordedonly in displaya significantrangeof contributionsfrom the
unpublishedtheses (McBride, 1977; Palma, 1981; upper andmiddlecontinentalcrust(e.g., Harmonet
Zweng, 1984; France,1985; Kontak,1985; Johnson, al., 1984; BarreiroandClark, 1984) andexhibitboth
1986; Wasteneys,1990; Langridge, in prep.). Our calc-alkaline(low to high K) and weakly alkaline
focus is on hard-rock metallic mineralization of (shoshonitic)affinities(Lef•vre, 1973; Dostalet al.,
broadlymagmatichydrothermalcharacter,although 1977). In contrast, the areally restricted Inner Arc
knowledgeof the geneticand temporalrelationsbe- domain,essentiallycoextensivewith the Cordillera
tween magmatismand local hydrothermalactivity Oriental of southeastern Peru and western Bolivia
rangesfromrigorousto tenuous(for an objectlesson, (Figs. 1 and 2), alsoincorporatesperalkalinerocks
seeFarrar et al., 1990b). Followingdefinitionof the and moderatelyto stronglyperaluminous, interme-
metallogenicepisodes,comparisonsare made with diateto acidic,volcanicandintrusivesuites(Carlier
those representedin other transectsof the central et al., 1982; Kontak et al., 1984, 1986; Laubacher et
Andes.Detailed accountsof the Toquepala(Zweng al., 1988;Pichavant et al., 1988aandb).
and Clark, in prep.), SantaBftrbara(Wasteneysand Bothdomainsare entirelyensialic(James,1971a;
Clark, in prep.), Cacachara(WoodmanandClark, in Clark et al., 1973), and the stratigraphicrecord
prep.), SanRafael (Clark et al., in prep.), and Palca throughoutthe Mesozoicand Cenozoicrulesout the
11 (Yamamuraand Clark, in prep.) depositswill be possibilityof the dockingof allochthonous terranes.
presentedin later publications.The factorsrespon- The Main Arc in southeastern Peru and northernmost
siblefor the metallogenichighsandlowsin thisregion Chileisunderlain bythinPaleozoic sedimentarystrata
are evaluatedelsewhere(Clark, in prep.) on the basis andby theca.1.9- to 2.0-Gagranuliteto amphibolite
of availablepetrogeneticand geodynamicdata. faciescrystallinebasementof the Arequipamassif
(Shackleton et al., 1979). The continentward persis-
Regionalgeologicand metallogeniccontext tenceof thelatterisuncertain,but upperProterozoic
The majorgeologicunitsexposedin thisAndean granitoidrockshave been locallyconfirmedto un-
transectare outlinedin Figure 3. Our discussion of derlie the Cretaceous-Cenozoic clastic fill of the A1-
Mesozoicand Cenozoiceventsemphasizesmagmatic tiplanoin northernBolivia(Lehmann,1978). In con-
and tectonicaspects,becausewe considersedimen- trast, the Inner Arc domain of the Cordillera Oriental
tary rocksto haveplayedessentiallya passiveromein is hostedby a thick, stronglydeformedsuccession of
metallic ore formation in this region. Southeastern clasticand lessercalcareous Paleozoicsedimentary
Peru exhibitsthe markedphysiographic subdivisionrocks (e.g., Newell et al., 1953; Laubacher,1978a
into CordilleraOccidental,Altiplano,and Cordillera andb) thataccumulated in extensivetrough,the"AI-
Oriental(Fig. 1), characteristic
of the greatAricade- tiplanoEarlyPaleozoicBasinDepocenter"of Ramos
flection or elbow, alsoknown asthe Bolivian orocline (1988), whichappearsto haveformedalonga long-
(Carey,1958).The centralAndeancordilleraevolved standingzone of weaknessin the Precambriansub-
beside the Pacific Ocean basin since at least the latest structure. The post-PaleozoicMain Arc-Inner Arc
Precambrianand has experiencedconvergentplate boundaryin southeastern Peru (Fig. 2) is considered
interactionand orogenesis
throughoutthe Phanero- to lie withinanextensive
morphotectonic subprovince
1524 CL.4• ET AL.

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termed the Precordillerade Carabayaby Laubacher atingthe articulatedarray(Fig. 1) of andesitic-dacitic

(1978a, b), for which the igneousrock chemistryis volcanoesconstitutingthe axisof the CordilleraOc-
poorly known. In contiguousBolivia, however, the cidental(de SilvaandFrancis,1990) andrepresenting
westernlimit of the Inner Arc, asdefinedby our stud- a northerly segmentof the central volcanic zone
ies (see also:J. Anguset al., unpub. data; Halls and (15ø30•-27ø30 • S). The complexchangesin the con-
Schneider,1988), clearlycoincideswith the abrupt figurationof the Cenozoicmagmaticarc in south-
physiographicinterfacebetweenthe CordilleraOri- eastern Peru, and in contiguousnorthern Chile-
ental and Altiplano and doesnot lie at the western northwesternBolivia,took placeover an intervalof
margin of the latter as indicatedby Redwood and majorchangesin the Pacificbasinplateboundaries
Macintyre(1989, their fig. 6). (Handschumacher, 1976; Cande,1985), in platecon-
The intrusive and volcanicigneousrocks of the vergenceratesandsense(e.g.,Pardo-Casas andMol-
Main Arc of southernPeru were emplacedpersis- nar, 1987), in the geometryof subduction (Jordanet
tently throughoutthe Mesozoicand Cenozoic (e.g., al., 1983), and in the thicknessof the orogeniccon-
Stewart et al., 1974; Pitcher et al., 1985), with dor- tinental crust (e.g., Tosdalet al., 1984); it alsocoin-
mantintervalsof up to 25 m.y. in mosttransects. They cided with the counterclockwise rotation of the Pe-
experienceda gradualcontinentwardmigrationfrom ruviansegmentof the orogento enhancethe appar-
the latestTriassicto the Paleogene.However, in con- ently long-standing Bolivianorocline(Isacks,1988;
trastto northernChile,wherea remarkablysystematic R. J. Langridge,in prep.).
eastwardmigrationof the Main Arc at an averagerate The studiedtransectis now underlainby a steeply
of ca. 0.85 mm/yr occurredfrom the Early Jurassic dipping(ca.30ø)Wadati-Benioff seismiczone(Isacks,
to the early Miocene (Farrar et al., 1970; Clark et al., 1988) but is flankedto the northwestby a domainof
1976), the superimposition of magmatismfor periods fiat subduction, lacking post-Miocene magmatism
of up to 50, or even 100 m.y., in 30- to 50-km-wide (Fig. 1). Thisis a Neogene(late Miocene:Nobleand
belts characterized the main loci of Mesozoic and Pa- McKee, 1977) discontinuity,perhapsresultingfrom
leogenevolcanismand granitoidplutonismin south- the subductionof the aseismicNazca ridge (Pilger,
easternPeru. The contrastedtime-spacearc geome- 1981) which now intersectsthe plate marginat lat
tries in this and contiguoustransectspredictablyex- 15 ø S, but it servesto delimit the area under consid-
erted a direct control on the distribution of ore erationandmaycoincidewith anearlier,mid-Tertiary
deposits. warp in the subducting plate (seebelow).In the im-
Large-scaleareal expansionof the Main Arc in mediatestudyarea,comparatively thick crustprob-
southeasternPeru took place in the late Oligocene ably prevailedduringthe Late Cretaceous to Paleo-
(Clark et al., 1984; Bonhommeet al., 1985; France, cene accumulationof the entirely subaerialvolcanic
1985;R. J.Langridge,in prep.).The presentextensive rocks comprisingthe Toquepala Group (Fig. 3).
geochronologicdata base demonstratesthat the arc However,the presentgreatthickness (ca.65 km;Fig.
broadenedrather thanmigratedat 28.5 ___ 1 Ma, i.e., 1) of crustunderlyingthe Main Arc domain(James,
within the limits of the applicabledatingtechniques 1971b; Fukaoet al., 1989) maybe shownfromstrati-
(Clark and McNutt, 1982). This critical Oligocene graphicandgeomorphologic relations(Tosdal,1978;
event, restrictedto the vicinity of the Bolivian oro- Tosdalet al., 1984) to be a largelyNeogenefeature:
cline, resultedin the juxtapositionof Main andInner upliftofthefoundation ofthevolcanic CordilleraOc-
Arc igneouslithotypesin the Peruviansegmentof the cidental commencedat 25 to 26 Ma. Isacks (1988)
Cordillera Oriental and in a combined arc width of ascribesthe massiveuplift which generatedthe ca.
ca. 320 to 350 km. Considered as a whole, however, 3,650-m a.s.l.Altiplanoaswell asa major accentua-
the Inner Arc displaysa magmatichistorydiffering tion of the Bolivianoroclineto unusuallyintensetec-
markedlyfrom that of the Main Arc andexperienced tonic shorteningof thermallyweakenedorogenic
widely separatedbursts of post-Paleozoicactivity lithosphereduringthe MioceneQuechuanorogeny
(Carlier et al., 1982; Kontak et al., 1984, 1990c and (seealsoLyon-Caenet al., 1985). In contrast,other
d), in strongcontrastto the quasicontinuous devel- workers(e.g.,BakerandFrancis,1978) arguefor a
opment of the Main Arc (Clark et al., 1984). Only dominantrole of magmaticunderplatingin crustal
very minormagmatismhasoccurredin the Inner Arc thickeningandhenceuplift. Konoet al. (1989) ad-
sincethe early Pliocene,while Main Arc igneousac- vancea compromisemodel on the basisof gravity
tivity hasbeen focusedalonga narrow zone, gener- studiesin southernPeru (Fukaoet al., 1989), in which

FIG.2. Locationmapof studytransectandthe areaimmediately to thewest,showingdepartmental

boundaries, majorcitiesandtowns,andselectedore deposits,the latterclassified
to size.
Filled circlesindicatedepositsfor whichgeochronologic
dataare presentedin thispaper;opencircles
recordundateddeposits; deposits
withbracketednamesarethosedatedin otherstudies.The approximate
boundary of the Inner Arc domainis shown.
15 2 6 CLARK ET AL.

o 50
I ! , ß ß i

Volcanic and
Sedimentary Units

and Cenozoic Plutons FIG. 14


Cretaceous - Paleogene Subaerial

• Mesozoic
Strata :ruce,ro_•
Paleozoic Strata
and Granitoid Rocks

(Arequipa Massif)

thrust Huancanb'


O ß ß cities


FIG, 8
½• .•.-
• eMazo
Cruz / J

6 • ./
Toquepala .•.)

I /'•' /
o I I

• I
4 j '•"18 ø
0 eTacna
/ /

72ow 71 'W

crustalthickeningin the Cordillera Oriental largely with a continentwardtransitionfrom Fe-, throughCu-

resultedfrom tectonicshorteningand is uncompen- dominatedzonesto a polymetallicdomainwhereCu
sated,whereasthat beneaththe Cordillera Occidental isjoinedby Pb, Zn, andAg; all are consideredherein
involvedunderplatingby maficmagmas. to lie within the Main Arc. Zentilli (1974) and Clark
A persistenttheme in Andean researchsincethe et al. (1976), however,emphasizethe markedincon-
work of Steinmann(1929) hasbeenthe delimitation sistencies in metal zoningin the centralAndes.The
of orogenwide,secularlydiscrete,compressional tec- wide compositionalspectrumof the Inner Arc mag-
tonic eventsconsideredto have been separatedby matism in southeastern Peru and northwestern Bolivia
more protracted periods of tectonic quiescenceor is paralleled by an extremely diverse metallogenic
extension.Althoughthisconceptis acceptedby most makeup,in whichthe economic metalsandmetalloids
workers (e.g., Pardo-Casasand Molnar, 1987), we characteristicof the hydrothermaldepositsof the
emphasizethat definitionof the ageof suchorogenies Main Arc are joined by globallyimportantconcen-
remainscontroversial;compare,for example,the dis- trationsof Sn, as well as by U, Li, and possibly,Zr
cordantchronologies andnomenclatures for the later and REE. Althoughwidespreadin the Main Arc, W,
Tertiary, "Quechua," eventsrecently advancedin Bi, andSbare greatlyenhancedin the Inner Arc.The
geomorphologic,stratigraphic,tectonic, and geo- sparseradiogenicisotopedata availablefor igneous
chronologicstudiesin southeastern Peru and contig- rocksdirectlyassociated with ore depositsof the Main
uousnorthernBoliviaby Tosdalet al. (1984), Lavenu Arc domainsuggestthat an increasinginvolvement
(1986), M•gard (1987, 1988), S•brier et al. (1988), of the continentalcrustin magmagenesiswasparal-
and Ellisonet al. (1989). leled by an increasingcomplexityin the ore metal
The mantle-derived melts of the central volcanic assemblageof the associatedore deposits.Crustal
zone of the Andes,and their predecessors,
are con- sources,probablylargelyigneous,areinferredto have
sideredto have experienceda historyof melting,as- addedAg 4- W and then Pb to a mantle metal asso-
similation,storage,and homogenization in a deep ciationcharacterizedby Cu(-Mo),Au, Fe (oxideores),
crustalzone (Hildreth and Moorbath, 1988). Stron- andminorCo, Zn, andMn (Clark, 1982). Anatexisof
tium andoxygenisotoperelationsin the correspond- metasediments, essentiallyrestrictedto the Inner Arc,
ing MesozoicandPaleogeneMain Arc rocksof, e.g., wasa prerequisitefor the generationof economicSn,
northernChile, are interpreted(McNutt et al., 1975; and probably U, deposits(Amosseand Audebaud,
Longstaffe et al., 1983) asevidencefor magmasources 1978; Audebaudand Amosse,1981). Suchvariable
in the lower crustor uppermantleandfor onlyminor interactions within the continental crust, rather than
upper crustal contributionsthrough assimilation- areal and temporal changesin the conditionsof
fractionalcrystallizationprocesses before substantial magmaand/or fluid generationassociated with the
crustalthickeningoccurredin the Neogene.In con- subductingslab(e.g., Sillitoe, 197œa,b) or the dis-
trast, both upper crustaland mantlemagmasources tributionof specificsupracrustalrocktypes(Petersen,
were directlytappedin the Inner Arc (Kontaket al., 1972), areconsidered to underliethe transverseeco-
1984), anda wide rangeof true anatecticconditions nomicmetal zonationdocumentedby Sillitoe(1976)
were involved in the genesisof its diverseperalu- and others. Variations in the extent of magma-crust
minoussuites(e.g., Pichavantet al., 1988a and b). interactionalsoaccountfor the importantaberrations
Whereasthe Main Arc resembles magmaticprovinces fromthe acceptedpatternsof metaldistribution, such
which are generatedas by-productsof subduction, asthe across-orogen enrichmentin Cu and Au, and
the Inner Arc exhibitsmagmaticandtectonicfeatures depletionin Pb,exhibitedby areasof northernChile
characteristic of ensialic rift zones and continental in- andnorthwestern Argentina(Zentilli,1974; Clarket
terior plutonicbelts.Dramaticvariationsin Inner Arc al., 1976).
magmachemistryare correlatedwith radicalchanges
in tectonicconditions,indicatingthat this domainis Format of data presentation
a narrowbut persistentbuffer zonebetweenthe An- Our focus is on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Andean
deanorogenand the Braziliancraton. orogenyand only brief mentionwill be madeof de-
monstrablyolder mineraldeposits.The Precambrian
Manyworkers(e.g.,Sillitoe,1972a, 1976; Ponzoni,
and Paleozoicbasementterranesare generallyonly
1980; Soler et al., 1986) have emphasizedthat this
weakly mineralized (Clark et al., 1976; Ericksen,
region exemplifiesthe transverseore metal zonation
consideredcharacteristicof Andean-typeorogens, 1980; Sillitoe, 1988). We considerfirst the available

FIG. 3. Geologicmap of the studytransect,modifiedand greatly simplifiedafter INGEMMET

(1975), outliningspecificareasof study,shownin more detailin Figures4 to 10 and 14 to 16. The
doublewavyline is our proposedboundarybetweenthe ArequipaandToquepalasegments of the
Coastalbatholith. If only Albian and youngerintrusionswere considered,the boundarywould lie
approximately midwaybetweenArequipaandToquepala.
159,8 CLARK ET AL.

geochronologicdata for mineralizationin the Main dard SP-85 biotite. The samemassspectrometer,but
Are, assignedto oceanward(Jurassic-Eocene) and undercomputercontrol,wasemployed.Otheraspects
continentward(OligoceneandMiocene)subprovinces of gasextractionand analysisremainedthe same.In
with respectto the axisof the Cordillera Occidental the incrementedheatingruns,a Lindbergfurnacewas
(Fig. 1). Thereafter we examinethe chronologyof employedto controlsteptemperatureprecisely.
ore formationin the narrow Inner Arc, subdividing The decayconstants andisotopeabundanceratios
the depositsintoMesozoicandCenozoicgroups.The used are thoserecommendedby Steiger and J•iger
locationmap, Figure 2, indicatesthe majorityof the (1977). Quotederrorsare at the 95 percentconfi-
dated depositsand districts,as well as those which dence level. To obtain maximum definition of age
remain unstudiedfrom the geochronologicstand- spectra,no errorwasassigned to the J valuesusedto
point, and severalkey depositsimmediatelywest of calculate4øAr/3•Ar stepages.If, therefore,compar-
the studytransect.Geologicdescriptionsand sketch ison is to be made between conventional K-Ar and
mapsarepresentedfor the miningdistricts,facilitating 4øAr/3•Ardates,approximately 0.5 percentofthedate
evaluationof the new geochronologic data;manyof shouldbe addedto the errorsquotedfor the 4øAr/
the study areasare outlined in Figure 3. In several 3•Arintegratedages.
districts,the sparsityor problematicsignificanceof Full analyticaldataare givenfor conventional K-
the agedeterminations requiresa moredetailedeval- Ar datesandfor 4øAr/39Ar total-fusion runs(Tables
uationof geologicrelations.The attentionwe pay to 1-4). The resultsof 4øAr/3•Arstep-heating experi-
severalsmallshowings isjustifiedby the information ments,however,are presentedonly in the form of
they provideon overallmetallogenictrendsandpat- apparentagespectra;completedatamaybe obtained
terns,andsuchapparentlysparsemineralizationmay from E. Farrar. We refer the radiometric dates to the
alsobe germaneto future mineral exploration. "Decadeof North AmericanGeology1983 Geologic
Time Scale" (Palmer, 1983). Our metallogenicepi-
sodesare considered to makeup a singlepost-Permian
The K-Ar and4øAr/39Ar totalfusiondatesandthe Andeanmetallogenic epoch;we realizethatthisusage
agespectrareportedare from studies(e.g., McBride, differsfromthatof Lindgren(1933), but it isrequired
1977; France, 1985; Kontak, 1985; R. J. Langridge, by the still incompletegeochronologic databasefor
in prep.; H. A. Sandeman, were un- the central Andes.
dertakenover a protractedperiod duringwhich the
analyticaltechniquesusedin the Queen'sUniversity Mesozoic to Eocene Mineralization
geochronologylaboratoryevolvedsignificantly. of the Main Arc Domain
Early argon extractions (McBride, 1977) were Introduction
madebyradio-frequency inductionheatingofsamples
in niobiumcruciblesin a pyrexvacuumline, following The oceanward slopesof the CordilleraOccidental
overnightbakeoutat ca. 150øC.In later K-Ar studies andthe Cordillerade la Costa(Fig. 1) are underlain
(France, 1985; Kontak, 1985), Ar extractionswere by UpperTriassic,andmoreextensively,Jurassic ma-
made in resistively heated tantalum crucibles rine volcanicandsedimentarystrataandby anUpper
mounted in a turret-type furnace connected to a Cretaceous to Paleogene subaerial volcanicseries,the
stainless steelvacuumsystem.All argonisotoperatios ToquepalaGroup (Fig. 3). These remnantsof a
were determined on an Associated Electrical Indus- succession of continentalmarginmagmaticarcsand
tries, Ltd., MS-10 massspectrometer,operatedstat- of flanking,largely shallow-water basins(MSgard,
of 3SAr,calibrated
LP-6 1987) are underlainby a basementdominatedby
interlaboratorystandardbiotite and JC-90 internal PrecambrianmetamorphicrocksandlowerPaleozoic
standardbiotite, as the spike.Potassiumconcentra- graniticplutonsassigned, respectively,to the Are-
tionswere determinedin duplicateon separatesam- quipamassif(Shackleton et al., 1979) and to the
ple aliquotswith anInstrumentationLaboratory,Inc., southerlyextensions
of the Silurian-DevonianSanNi-
143 flamephotometer,employinga lithium internal col/•sbatholith(MukasaandHenry, 1990; R. J. Lang-
standardanda sodiumbuffer(McBride,1977) or with ridge, Paleogeneand olderunits
an I.L. 251 atomicabsorption-emissionspectrometer are overlainunconformably by a generallythin cover
usinga CsC1internal buffer (France, 1985; Kontak, of Oligoceneto Quaternarycontinental clasticsand
1985). Potassiumanalyseswere referred to Bern 4M volcanics.The age relationsand stratigraphyof the
and LP-6 international standards. post-Eocenestrata,and the Neogenetectonicevo-
In the later 4øAr/39Arstudiesreportedherein lution of the transect,are documentedby Tosdalet
(Kontak,1985;R. J.Langridge,in prep.;H. A. Sande- al. (1981, 1984) and S•brier et al. (1988).
man,,samples andmonitors(JC90) were All significant
hypogene metallicmineralization in
irradiatedin position5C of the McMasternuclearre- thisregionisofpre-Oligocene ageanddisplays a close
actor,Hamilton,Ontario.Monitorsusedin the 4øAr/ association with granitoidplutonsandhypabyssal fel-
3•Aranalyses includedLP-6biotiteandinternalstan- sic stocks.The distributionand petrographyof the

TABLE1. K-Ar Age Determinations for Main Arc Mineralized Districts, SoutheasternPeru

Sample Material (cm3/g Atto% Apparentage(Ma)
no. Location Rocktype analyzed %K X 10-6 NTP) 4øAr anderror (___2•)
A. Ilo-Ite and Cocachacra districts

SP 120 17ø34'18" Diorite Hornblende 0.483 3.11 310.8 158.4 ___

71ø21'25" Biotite 5.295 33.96 7.4 157.6 ___
SP 112 17ø34'34" Granodiorite Hornblende 0.350 2.148 23.1 151.3 ___
SP 116 17ø40'43" Granodiorite-tonalite Hornblende 0.597 2.527 11.1 105.6 ___
71ø17'19" Biotite 7.565 31.37 4.6 103.6 ___
SP 114 17ø37'18" Granodiorite-tonalite Biotite 6.717 25.83 9.9 96.1 _ 2.9
71o10'57 ',
SP 149 17o01'46" Granodiorite Biotite 3.093 19.69 6.6 156.4 + 4.6
71ø41'58" (+ chlorite)

B. Toquepala-Cuajone district
SP 137 17ø13'17" Quartz monzodiorite Biotite 7.903 18.36 10.4 58.7 _+ 1.9
70o39'06 ',
SPTOQ 83-2 17ø 14'00" Dacite Biotite 6.850 15.44 9.14 57.1 _ 0.57
SP 78 17o01'38" Quartz vein Muscovite 8.696 17.99 2.7 52.3 _ 1.6
70ø42'26" envelope

C. Lluta (Cercana)district
SPATA 2 17 o48'48" Monzodiorite Biotite 7.445 1.749 16.80 60.33 ___1.30
SPIT I 17o50'28" Monzodiorite Biotite 7.124 1.715 8.54 60.90 _ 1.83

D. Ataspaca-Caplinadistrict

SPATA 3 17o43'36" Quartz monzodiorite Biotite 7.300 1.222 14.07 42.58 _ 0.96
SPATA 4 17o42'24" Quartz monzodiorite Biotite 7.296 1.122 6.80 39.15 __+
SPATA 6 17ø42'24" Potassic alteration Biotite 7.204 1.151 4.40 40.65 __+
69ø55'01" zone

E. Cacachara-Pavico district

CACH 39 16o37'59" Andesitc Biotite 6.63 2.148 41.05 8.316 _ 0.586

CACH 96C 16ø38'17" Dacite Biotite 7.10 1.945 30.82 7.035 __+
CACH 81 16ø38'40" Dacitic ash-flow tuff Biotite 7.01 1.806 21.79 6.617 _+0.146
CACH 156 16ø39'41" Dacitic Biotite 7.33 1.847 19.22 6.476 __+
70ø05'03" crystal-vitrictuff

F. Pucar5 district

COCA 1001 15ø02'30" Intrusiverhyolite Biotite 7.061 4.25 47.6 15.4 ___

intrusiverocksare well documentedin the 1:100,000 dominatein mostareas.Theseauthorsrecognizedthe

geologicmapsandquadranglereportsof Bellidoand polyphasenature of the Andean batholith, but ten-
Guevara(1961, 1963), Narv•ez and Garcia (1962), tativelyassigneda Cretaceousto Paleogeneageto all
Wilsonand Garcia(1962), Narv•ez (1964), Bellido granitoidintrusiveactivityon the basisof the contact
and Landa(1965), Jain (1965), Garcia(1968), and relationsof someplutonswith the volcanicstrataof
Bellido(1979). The plutonicrocksrangein compo- theUpperCretaceous to Paleocene
Toquepala Group.
sitionfromgabbroto alkalifeldspar
granite,butquartz The first geochronologicdatumfor the plutonic
diorite,quartzmonzodiorite,and granodioritepre- rocksof the regionwasprovidedby Laughlinet al.

(1968), but the existenceof Mesozoicintrusionswas important Fe showingsoccur near Ite where north-
of McBride(1977) west-strikinghypogenehematite-quartzveins with
andShnchez(1983a andb). Beckinsale
et al. (1985) averagewidthsof ca. 3 m (Narv•ez, 1964) and con-
present a selective review of these data and addition- taining minor magnetite and pyrite, have been
ally contributeseveralwhole-rockRb-Srisochrons
for trenched on Cerro Morritos. Bellido and de Montreuil
intrusiverocksof the Toquepaladistrict(seebelow). (1972) estimatereservesof ca. 10 million metric tons
They,andPitcher(1985),assigned theplutonsto the of •60 percentFe to shallowdepths.Boththe Mor-
Toquepalasegmentof the PeruvianCoastalbatholith; ritos prospectand the lessimportanthematite veins
giventhe ca. 150-m.y.timespanrepresented by the exposedonCerroPeladoarehostedby granitoidrocks
rocks,thisterminology is probablytooinclusive,but rangingin compositionfrom diorite to granodiorite
it isfollowedherein.Pitcheret al. (1985) alsodelimit anddisplayingboth gradationalandabrupttransitions
severalplutonicsuperunits in the area, following fromonelithologyto the otheron all scales(Narv•ez,
methodologydevelopedin the better studiedLima 1964). There are no recordsof iron productionfrom
segment.However, no U-Pb zircon datesare available either prospect.
for Andeanplutonicrocksin the immediatetransect: McBride (1977) determinedsixconventionalK-Ar
Mukasa's(1986) dataarefor plutonsto the northwest datesfor four granitoidsamplesin the Ilo area:the
of Arequipa(Fig. 3) whichonlyarguablyconstitute data (Table 1, a: samplesSP-112, -114, -116, and
partoftheToquepala segment. We stronglyadvocate -120) were interpretedas definingtwo episodesof
on petrographicandgeochemical,but alsosemantic, plutonism,of LateJurassic (ca.151-159 Ma) andmid-
grounds thattheboundary betweentheArequipaand Cretaceous(96-111 ma) age. The older dateswere
Toquepala segmentsof the batholith be sited south- obtained for diorite from the immediate littoral zone
eastof thecityofArequiparatherthanto itsnorthwest (sampleSP-120),andthe Albianagesfor granodiorites
(Fig. 3). Boilyet al. (1984) interpretthe Rb-Srdata andtonalitesfartherinland.S•nchez(1983a)obtained
to indicateca. 185 Ma asthe agefor the Chocolate similar Albian K-Ar dates for several granodioritic
Volcanics of theIlo-Ite area,but theysuggest anage samples northeastof Ilo but alsofoundEarlyto Middle
of ca. 150 Ma for moresoutheasterly sequences. Jurassicdates(196 and 182 Ma) for two dioritic rocks
The mineralization of the area includes scattered from the coastalzone. AlthoughMcBride's(1977)
auriferouscopperveins,hematite(-magnetite)veins, data(cited,but in part mislocated by S•nchez,1983a)
polymetallicveinsand skarns,and three majorpor- includedconcordantLate Jurassicdatesfor associated
phyry Cu-Mo centers;only porphyrydepositshave hornblende and biotite (SP-120), Beckinsaleet al.
been productivein the pasttwo decades.Our dis- (1985) madeno referenceto the possibleoccurrence
cussionof the age relationsof the ore depositsand of magmatismof this age in their analysisof the in-
mineralshowingsis subdividedinto sevendistrictsin trusivechronologyof the area.Instead,they inferred
four map areas,the locationsof which are shownin that intrusiontook place only in the Early Jurassic
Figure 3. More detailed geologicmapsof the min- and mid-Cretaceous. Because their older dates were
eralizedareasare includedin Figures4 through7. obtainedfrom the discontinuous belt of dioriticplu-
Ilo-Ite district tonsexposed alongthe coast (Narv•tez, 1964; Fig. 4),
they furtherproposedthat suchmaficrocksconstitute
Three smallcoppermineshave been active north a distinct Punta Coles superunit,whereasthe more
andnortheast of Ilo in the Cordillerade la Costa(Figs. widespread granodioriteswere assignedto a mid-
1-4). The Santiago, Valpar•/iso, andLiconaoperations CretaceousIlo superunit. Pitcher (1985) recorded a
developedhorizontallyextensiveveins,now deeply gabbroicto dioritic compositionfor the former and
oxidized,but with a chalcopyrite-pyrite-hematite hy- describedthe youngerrocksasrangingfromtonalite
pogene paragenesis.The veins occur within and at to granodiorite.Contrary to Pitcher's observations,
the marginof a leucocratic biotite-hornblende grano- the rocksof the areaare not generallyfoliated;pen-
diorite pluton (Narvftez,1964), intrusiveinto marine etrativedeformation islargelyconfinedto synplutonic
volcanicand sedimentarystrataof the LiassicChoc- maficdikes.An epizonal,but submarine,environment
olate Volcanics and Callovian Guaneros Formation of emplacementis inferred.
(Fig.4). Iron mineralization is alsowidelydeveloped We considerthe PuntaColesandIlo superunitsto
in the area. Pegmatitebodiesin the roof zone of a havebeen prematurelyestablished.Narv•tez(1964)
dioriteplutonnorthof Ilo containabundantmagne- emphasizedthat mafic and felsicgranitoidmagmas
tite, intergrownwith bytownite, Cl-rich (_•0.65 wt were intimatelyassociated in the area,particularlyin
%) hastingsite, andscapolite(Clark,,all the emplacementof the mixed diorite-granodiorite
commonto the magnetite (-Cu, Au) mineralization unit (Fig. 4), andthe seniorauthorhasobservedcon-
associated with maficplutonsof theArequipasegment vincingevidence(cf. Vernon et al., 1988) of mafic
of the Coastalbatholith(Atkinet al., 1985), but the and felsicmagmaminglingin the coastalarea north
occurrencesare apparentlyof negligiblesize. More of Ilo, e.g., globular enclaves(pillows) of diorite in

ß . .

I•' km •

-] Post-Mesozoic
17.80 , Ism?2I • Guaneros
Cu(-Au), W• Chocolate
(Llasslc) Volcanlcl

•'•* Yamayo
- Llasslc)

t(h)• ß
Precambrian Gnemaaes
- Granodlorlte
ornblende Diorite

vvvvvvvvvv river

• 2001, XxXxXxXxX

;loo Hi3
($PA•8) mina (abandoned)
Ma x x x x

x x x x

ø'0 100o/o Chambal

x x x x x x

XxX x x x x x
Cumulative % •Ar released
K - Ardate b-biotite

XxX 4øAr/39Ar


I I.A.
;.;. (Fe);
D G xxxxxxxxx

BI (SPAM -88) HB (SPAM -123)

I.A. 186.04+_8.75 Ma BI (SPAM -45)
I.A. 101.36+_2.23 Ma I.A. 104.65ñ1.12 Me

18øS 171ø15'W 71øW

FIG. 4. Geologicmapof the Ilo-Ite area,simplifiedafter Narv•tez(1964). It emphasizes

the pre-
Cenozoicunitsand givesthe distributionof metal minesand prospect.The locationsof the samples
datedby conventional
K-Ar and4øAr/S9Ar
methodsareshown,togetherwith step-heating
sevenmineralsfrom five granitoidsamples.Alsoshownare locationsandK-Ar datesfor samples16.80
and 17.80 from S•nchez (1983a).

bothbasaltic the upper reachesof the Rio de Ilo. Omissionof a
and composite(basaltic/dacitic)synplutonicdikes: high-errorlowesttemperaturestepgeneratesa more
thusno simplemaficto felsicintrusivesequencepre- preciseintegratedageof 184.52 _+5.76 Ma, andsteps
vailed duringbatholithconstruction. two throughfiveof the spectrumconformadequately
A partial resolutionof theseapparentinconsisten- to a plateauconfiguration.This date is taken to in-
ciesis providedby an ongoingprogramof 4øAr/39Ar dicateintrusionin the Middle Jurassic,in permissive
step-heatinggeochronology (R. J. Langridge,in prep; agreementwith the observedcontactrelationswith
R. J. Langridgeet al., in prep.), sevenage spectra the LiassicChocolateVolcanics.The plutonis appar-
from which are presentedin Figure 4. As would be ently unmineralized.
expectedfromthe variedK-Ar dates,mosthornblende A significantly
younger,Late Jurassic,4øAr/39Ar
and biotite age spectradeterminedfor the intrusive integratedageof 159.32 _+4.78 Ma wasobtainedfor
rocks of the area reveal evidence of thermal distur- freshhornblendefrom a dioriticrock croppingout
bance:true plateausare not widely displayed.The near the northwestcorner of the map area (Fig. 4:
oldest integrated age, 186.04 _+8.75 Ma, was ob- A). The age spectrumrevealsa smalldegree of re-
tainedfor hornblendein sampleSPAM-123 (Fig. 4: setting,but the overlapping errorsin the threehigher
spectrumF) from a smallexposureof granodioritein temperaturestepssuggestthat the age may be ac-

ceptedwith confidence.Thisdateis sensiblyidentical Whereas earlier workers (e.g., Soler et al., 1986)
to that yieldedby conventionalK-Ar datingof nearby have inferred a Jurassicage for the Fe deposits,the
sampleSP-120andisconsidered to confirmMcBride's new age data stronglyimply that all significantme-
(1977) inferenceof a Late Jurassicintrusiveeventin tallic mineralizationin the area is of Cretaceousage;
this area. only the very minor magnetite-amphibole-scapolite
Other agespectraobtainedin the presentresearch bodiesare associatedwith Middle Jurassicplutons.
yield mid-Cretaceousdates.Hornblende and biotite No datable material could be recovered from the
from SPAM-125 (Fig. 4: B and C) give essentially chloritizedandsilicifiedselvagesof the Santiagoand
concordantintegrated ages of 108.83 ___6.91 and Valparaisocopper veins,but traversesto the mines
104.04 ___ 4.74 Ma, respectively.The spectra,and fromthe Ri6 de Ilo revealnosignificant intrusivecon-
particularlythat for hornblende,are disturbed,but tacts, and it is inferred that these and the Licona vein
the similarityin the datessuggestthat intrusionoc- systemare hostedby a lithologicallydistinctive,leu-
curredin the mid-Cretaceous.Boththis andthe pet- cocraticgranodiorite-tonalitepluton ca. 100 to 105
rographically similarbiotite-hornblende granodiorite- Ma in apparentage. No dikes are observedin the
tonaliteSPAM-88 (Fig. 4: D andE) exhibitmoderate vicinity of the veinsand a mid-Cretaceousageis also
chloritization of hornblende and, to a lesser extent, tentatively proposedfor the hydrothermalactivity,
biotite. In the caseof SPAM-88,thisis probablyre- which may, however, have been coeval with the
flectedin the markedlyhighererrorin the integrated widespreadchloritization,perhapsat ca. 95 Ma. The
age for the hornblende(96.38 ___ 32.08 Ma) than in potentially economichematite veins of the Cerro
that for the biotite (101.36 _+2.23 Ma). However, 89 Morrito area are hostedby the mixed diorite-grano-
percentof the gasreleasedfromthehornblendeyields diorite unit of Narvftez(1964) which, on the upper
a more precise age of 97.39 ___9.86 Ma. As with slopesof Cerro Meca Chico, may be observedto in-
SPAM-125, emplacementin the mid-Cretaceousis trude the ca. 105-Ma PuntaMeca Grandediorite plu-
inferred.Bothof theserocksconformbroadlyto the ton. However, severalother total fusion4øAr/39Ar
characteristicsof Pitcher's (1985) Ilo superunit.In dates for biotites from the mixed unit are also of this
contrast,sampleSPAM-45,fromthe vicinityof Punta age (R. J. Langridgeet al., in prep.), and it is thus
MecaGrande,is a maficbiotite-bearingdiorite,and concluded that the iron mineralization at both Cerro
the plutonhasbeenassigned onpetrologicalgrounds Morritos and Cerro Peladowasemplacedin the A1-
to the PuntaColessuperunitby both Pitcher (1985) bian.
and Beckinsaleet al. (1985). The biotite, however, Cocachacra district
yieldsan almostundisturbedplateauspectrum(Fig.
4: G) with an integratedage of 104.65 ___ 1.12 Ma, The deep valley of the lower Rio Tambo(Figs.2
i.e., essentiallyidentical to those of the more felsic and 5) exposes severalstocksof hornblende-biotite
rocks. granodioritewhichintrudegneisses of the Arequipa
We interprettheK-Arand4øAr/39Ar agedatafor massif, clastic sedimentsof the probably Lower
the Ilo-Ite area as delimitingat least three distinct PermianCocachacraFormationandthe UpperTrias-
plutonicepisodes, (ca. 185 Ma), sic YamayoGroup, and andesiticvolcanicstrataof
of MiddleJurassic
(ca. 160-165 Ma), andmid-Cretaceous the LiassicChocolateVolcanics(BellidoandGuevara,
Late Jurassic
(ca. 95-110 Ma) age.This representsa compromise 1961, 1963). A wider rangeof granitoidrockscrops
between the chronologiesproposedby McBride outin the easternpart of the Puntade Bomb6nquad-
(1977) andBeckinsale et al. (1985), but the arealdis- rangle(right-handareaof Fig. 5) andincludesdiorites,
tribution of the intrusive age groupsremainsincom- monzonites,and a mixed granodiorite-dioriteunit
pletelydefined(R.J. Langridgeet al., in prep.).The similar to that of the Ilo-Ite district. Scattered Au-
earlier two events followed shortly on the eruption bearingcupriferousmineralizationoccursin associ-
of the andesites of the Chocolate Volcanics and the ation with the granitoid rocks, but only the now-
GuanerosFormation,respectively.The Albianintru- abandoned RosaMariaminehassupported significant
sionshaveno clearlocalvolcanicanalogues. Although production.
M. Boily (in Boily et al., 1984) briefly notesthe oc- Cordaniet al. (1985) providethe only published
currence of ca. 100-Ma volcanic strata beneath the geochronologic data for intrusiverocksof the area,
ToquepalaGroup,the mainlocusof the late Albian recordinga conventionalK-Ar date of 154 Ma for
volcanism,and of the associatedMochica deforma- granodioritefrom an impreciselylocated stock.
tional event, was far to the north, in central and McBride (1977) dated a sample(SP-149) from the
northernPeru (M•gard, 1987). It isalsoinferredthat granodioritestockimmediatelynorthof E1Fiscalob-
all three plutonicsuitescompriserocksrangingin taininga K-Ar ageof 156.4 ___ 4.6 Ma for chloritized
composition from dioriteto granodiorite; thus,the biotite (Table 1, a).
PuntaColes-Ilosupergroup subdivision shouldprob- R.J.Langridge (inprep.)hasdetermined 4øAr/•Ar
ably be abandoned. step-heatingdates,including threebiotite-hornblende

'•%.*..*.*.••x_;6U AU• ••1•• •5•.;'• -•' Granod•r•e-

-*•••:'• •PI••••
(b•;.•9! •
(•)•-1• I
I Units •
• Granite
•• •L"••."/ /•k •;;•;V • Chocolate
•////////////• • •'•[ •VVVVVVVVVVVV IvvvvI (Liassic•
•//••//•(SPAM - 82)•v •' • • vvvvvvvvvvvvv __• majorfault

•///////•///////• • • ] / VVV VVVV VVVVVV •:•:::•(:)•]

(Triassic- •- •'- road
• 7•-.
• •
• /'
v v v v v v v v v v p•=•%2;•Liassic
• '-• / / tvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ............
• /- / / •V V V• V V V V V V V V •'"'"'•?•:;•1
•pc•cnacra • river
[ • • •V V V V V V • K-Ar date

¾• ".• ., •w •• ' ' •////////• Precambrian• •o- .39-

0!o,• 10!%
Cumulative %39Ar released
71ø50'W 71ø40'W 71ø30'W
FIG.5. Geologicmapof the Cocachacra
area,simplifiedafterBellidoandGuevara(1961), showing
the locations
of the RosaMariamineandof samples
datedby the K-Ar and4øAr/39Ar methods. The
spectrumfor sampleSPAM-82Gwasdeterminedfor a monzonite dikeintrudinggranDdioritesample

pairs,for sixspecimensof granDdioritefrom outcrops complexnatureof the spectra,a LateJurassic

in the Rio Tambo valley between Cocachacraand El ca. 160 to 165 Ma isinferredfor all of the granDdiorite
Fiscal.Representative datafor biotiteandhornblende stocksexposedalongthe lowerRioTambo.Thesedata
from one granDdioritesample (SPAM-82), and a lendsupportto the occurrenceof UpperJurassic plu-
spectrumfor orthociasafroma 2-m-wideapliticmon- tons in the Ilo area.
zonite dike (SPAM-82G) which intrudesthe granD- Orthociasafrom the monzonitedike (SPAM-82G)
diorite are both givenin Figure 5. All agespectrafor cuttingSPAM-82yieldsanexcellentplateauspectrum
hornblendefrom this districthavesimilarconfigura- (Fig. 5) with an integratedageof 144.68 _+1.00 Ma.
tions,showingfairly well definedhighertemperature This date is significantlyyoungerthan both the in-
plateau segmentsand low-temperaturesteps with tegratedagesand plateausegmentsobtainedfor the
lower apparentages,suggestive of a smalldegreeof granDdioritehost, and despitethe low Ar retention
resetting.The biotite spectraare similarbut showin temperatureof orthociasa,is consideredto record a
additionlow maximaseparating the plateauandinitial distinctintrusiveepisodein the latestJurassic.This
segments,yielding a saddle-shapedconfiguration may havebeen responsiblefor the minorresettingof
similarto thoseof thermallydisturbedbiotite spectra the agesof the Rio TambogranDdiorites. Bellidoand
recordedby Berger(1975) andDallmeyerandRivers Guevara(1963) observethat the more mafic,dioritic
(1983). However,thisfeaturemayalsobe the result intrusionsin the easternpart of the area coveredby
of 39Arinternalrecoilgeneratedduringneutronir- Figure 5 alsocut the granDdiorites,but it would be
radiationowing to the presenceof fine interlamina- prematureto infer a latestJurassicage for them.
tionsof secondarychlorite(Lo andOnstott,1989), a The RosaMaria vein system,initially worked for
widespreadfeatureof the biotitesin the granDdiorites gold but more recently for copper, is hostedby a
of the area. The integrated agesof coexistinghorn- granodioriticpluton (Bellido and Guevara, 1963)
blende(162.55 _+ 6.58 Ma) and biotite (159.73 identicalin petrography to thatrepresentedby SPAM-
_ 1.82 Ma) in SPAM-82 (and in the other dated sam- 82 but displayingpervasivechloriticandlocalargillic
pies)arein satisfactory
anddespitethe alteration,andcut by (premineral)andesiticandfelsic

dikes.Tourmalineisobserved in quartzoseveinstones onceringstudyof Laughlinet al. (1968), who deter-

on the RosaMaria dumps.Moreover,veinletswith a mineda K-Ar ageof 60.2 (___ 1.8) Ma for biotite from
chalcopyrite-pyrite-hematite paragenesis similarto a premineralization"diorite" from an oxidizedout-
that whichdominates the RosaMariaveinsarevery crop in the vicinity of the Toquepalaopenpit. This
widelydevelopedin all of the granodiorite stockson bodyis one of a clusterof clearlyepizonalstocksas-
the north bank of the Rio Tambo. On thisbasis,a Late signedby Pitcheret al. (1985) to the Toquepalaplu-
Jurassic(ca.160 Ma) maximumagewouldbe inferred ton.Estrada(1975) subsequently recordeda K-At age
for the Au-Cu(-Fe) mineralizationof the district. of 56.2 Ma for hydrothermalsericitefroma near-cen-
However,the monzonitesampleSPAM-82Gandsev- tral Cu- andMo-richore zoneat the Quellavecopros-
eralnearbydikescontainirregularpatchesof a quartz- pect, an agebroadlysupportedby the whole-rockK-
assemblage,Ar data of Zimmermanand Kihien (1983). A latest
indicatingthathydrothermalactivityoccurredin the Cretaceousage(ca.70 Ma, Rb-Sr:Jameset al., 1974)
at ca.145 Ma.TheRosaMariadeposit hasbeenproposedfor the ToquepalaGroupvolcanics,
couldbe of either age. the eraplacementof which largely or entirely pre-
ceded granitoid intrusion, whereas S•brier et al.
Toquepala-Quellaveco-Cuajone district (1983) record a late Paleocenewhole-rockK-At date
A Paleogeneagehasbeen acceptedfor thistrio of (59.1 Ma) for the TinajonesRhyolite,anuppermem-
porphyryCu(-Mo, Ag) deposits(Fig. 6) sincethe pi- ber of the group.Beckinsaleet al. (1985) presenta

52.3 Ma (m)
SP - 78


v'•,vvvv. MU(SP-78 :;: ,•-,r•-•Upper

• iii•;'•'.-;;;IPliocene
•1 • • • ;• • • • JVolcanics
and • ] • • •
s I....

v V•• vv...........
• • •:•

vvv..v,vv.vvv vvvv
;• Monzonite

.I- • vV•

• •
• • •

Gabbro-Diorite Monzodiorite-

+++++++ abandoned
+++++++++++ VVVVVVVVVV v v v v•v v v ,• v v v v v v v :•:• mine
y•.•vwvv v •0vvvvvvv•
vvvvvvvv•vv • ••,,,•
vvvvvvvvvvv , • ..... quebrada
nver ß
K-Ar date
b- biotite
m - muscovite
t?øto's v v VVVVV•V v v v v v v•,Z• •
•VVV •VVVVVVVVVVV vvvV•V v• v•V•/v vvvvvvvvv • prospect
vVVvv vv vvv%•v'•,vvvv•vvvvvvvv
V VVVVv•/vvvvvvv
(•) 39Ar
++ +
.I- .I- .I- .I-
•++++++ 58.7 M•
v v v v v v v[+ + •v v v v v•
57.1 Ma {O•
+ ++++++
vvvvvvvv SPTOQ83 -2 ++++++
VVVVVVVVVV '++++++++++*++++
'+++++++'++++++++ 100'
::::::;:::: SPAM - 108

VVVVVVVVV +++++++++++++++++ 50
vvvvv •
:: [ • IA.
+++++++++ Norviii - '
vv ***[***•.
***-- *** • o/
0% •oo%
VV VVVVVVV ++++ Cumul•!iv•%3•r
v v v v 70o30'W

FIG. 6. Geologicmapof the Toquepala-Quellaveco-Cuajone area,modifiedafter BellidoandLanda

(1965), showingthe locations
of the Toquepala,Cuajone,andNorvillminesandthe Quellaveeoprospect,
andof datedsamples.Agespectraare presentedfor two granitoidrocks(A andB) andfor hydrothermal
muscovitefrom the Cuajonedeposit(C).

16-point whole-rockRb-Sr isochronfor the plutons risonandMcDougall, 1982) at 62.74 +_ca. 0.35 Ma,
of the Toquepalaarea,assigned to the Yarabambasu- probably
perunit of the Coastalbatholith,obtainingan age of resented
by SP-137.Someoftheconsiderable
61 ___4 Ma. This isochron,althoughregardedassta- in the whole-rockisochronpresentedby Beckinsale
tisticallyacceptableby Beckinsaleet al. (p. 180) has et al. (1985)maythusreflectincorporation of rocks
a mean squareweighted deviation(MSWD) of 2.6 ofsignificantly
differentages.Considered asawhole,
and showsconsiderablescatter. Both the granitoid thepredominantly quartzmonzodioritic rocksof the
plutonsand the ToquepalaGroup are transectedby areado not conformpetrographically to the grano-
the regionallyextensiveIncapuquiofault,whichcon- dioritic-monzogranitic
Linga-Yarabamba superunit (of
stitutedthe northeasternboundaryof the Eoceneto theArequipasegment ofthebatholith) towhichthey
early OligoceneMoqueguafore-arcbasin(Marocco are assigned by Pitcheret al. (1985).Asin the Co-
and Noblet, 1990) but has been inactive since the cachacradistrict,the monzoniticmagmasexsolved
mid-Tertiary (Tosdalet al., 1984). metalliferous
In Table 1, b, and Figure 6 we record new K-Ar mineralization has been documented within these in-
and 4øAr/S9Ar
age datafor intrusiverocksfrom the trusions.
Toquepalaarea.A latestPaleoceneK-Ar dateof 58.7 Porphyry Cu(-Mo) mineralizationat Toquepala
___1.0 Ma for freshbiotite from a melanocraticquartz (Richardand Courtright,1958) is associated with a
monzodioritesample(SP-137) taken from the 31-R- complexintrusivecenter dominatedby porphyritic
4 railway tunnel (1,500 m from its southportal), 4.5 daciteplugs,a daciticdiatreme,andunusually exten-
km northwestof the marginof the Toquepalapit, is sivehydrothermal breccias.Zweng(1984)andZweng
similarto that reportedby Laughlinet al. (1968) for and Clark (1984, andin prep.) presenta revisedge-
a surfacesampleof the sameintrusion.The two dates netic modelfor the deposit,defininga sequenceof
overlapwithin limits of error, but we favorthe youn- mineralization-alteration events similar to that doc-
ger date becauseof the higherpotassiumcontentof umentedat E1Salvador,Chile,by Gustafson andHunt
the analyzedmica (7.90 vs. 5.76 wt %). Significantly (1975) but differingradicallyin the relativeimpor-
older4øAr/S9Ar dateswereobtainedfor two samplestanceof the stages. The polyphase natureofthe dacite
fromthe plutonexposedsouthof the Incapuquiofault intrusions is implicitin the earlierdescriptionsof the
in the broader mine area. Here, biotite from SPAM- deposit,but Zweng (1984) first distinguished three
108, representativeof the quartz-poorgranodiorite intrusions.Of these,the Main Porphyryis the one
which is the major faciesof thisbody, yielded an in- mostextensivelyexposedin the openpit. This is an
tegratedageof 65.40 ___ 1.73 Ma. The spectrum(Fig. essentially barrenintrusioneraplacedlate in the de-
6: A) exhibitsa convex-upward profilewhich,in view velopmentof the early-stage(A vein-type)Cu-rich
of the slight chloritizationof the mica, may reflect stockwork thatprecededthe mainstage(Bvein-type)
eitherS9Arrecoileffectsor aminorthermalresetting. chalcopyrite-molybdenitemineralization which
SPAM-113 is from a fine-grained,aplitic monzonite dominatesthe deposit.It is almosteverywhereperø
dike cuttinggranodioritesimilarto the abovesample.vasivelyoverprintedby quartzosericite-pyrite (phyl-
Slightly sericitizedorthoclase(degree of ordering lic)alteration,but anareaof essentiallyfreshporphyry
confirmedby X-ray powder diffractionstudies)from wasencountered onthe 3,070-m (northwest)levelof
the pit in 1983. Magmaticbiotite from this sample
this rock yieldsa clearly-definedplateau(Fig. 6: B),
with an integratedage of 62.74 ___ (SPTOQ83-2)appearsunalteredin thin sectionand
0.35 Ma, in per-
missiveagreementwith the olderdatefor SPAM-108. yieldedanearliestEoceneconventional K-Ardateof
Similarmonzoniteformsa largerplutonimmediately 57.1 ___0.6 Ma (Table1, b). The micacouldhavebeen
north of the Incapuquio fault and several discretedegassed by subsequent hydrothermalor intrusive
stockselsewherein the district.Smallmiaroliticpeg-eventsin the center(seeMaksaevet al., 1988b), but
matite bodies rich in tourmaline, and with quartz we tentativelyacceptthe dateasrecordingthe age
lensescontainingpyrite andchalcopyrite,are widely of early-stageore formationat Toquepala.Thus,ca.
associatedwith the monzonitesin Quebrada La Si- 2 m.y. mayhaveintervenedbetweenmonzodiorite
m•t. rron•l.. intrusionand mineralization,althoughthe data are
We concludethat the intrusionscroppingout to insufficientto establishstatistically
the agedifference
the west, northwest,and southwestof Toquepalaare of theseevents.Beckinsaleet al. (1985) presenta 10-
not strictly coeval,despitetheir broadpetrographic pointRb-Srwhole-rockisochron(MSWD -- 1.5) for
similarities.Instead,our datastronglysuggestthat in- dacite porphyriesfrom Toquepala,yielding an ap-
trusionin the vicinityof the Toquepalaminespanned parentageof 57 ___ 5 Ma: the samplescomprisepre-
the latest Cretaceousto latestPaleoceneinterval (ca. mineralization dacite(presumably theMainPorphyry)
59-66 Ma). The excellent plateau displayed by and the postmineralization"dacite agglomerate,"
SPAM-113 orthoclaseis interpretedasevidencethat which fills in a diatreme (Richard and Courtright,
the hostdike cooledrapidlyto belowca. 130øC (Har- 1958). Of theseintrusions,the earlierhasgenerally

sufferedalmosttotaldestruction of magmatic minerals Eocene,someI to 2 m.y. after the contiguous,pre-

in an environment in which both Rb and Sr were mo- dominantly monzodioriticplutons. Our K-Ar and
bile, andthe daciteagglomerate is onlylocallyunal- 4øAr/a"r datarevealthatthemineralizeddaciticand
tered.The isochronis thereforesomewhatproblem- latiticstocksconstitutedthe terminalstage,or stages,
atic, but it probablyindicatesthat late-stagephyllic in a complexintrusivehistoryat least 8 m.y. in du-
alteration closelyfollowed the initial intrusiveand ration. We proposethat the main Cu mineralization
hydrothermaleventsin the Toquepalacenter. eventsat the three depositswere not simultaneous,
No publishedgeochronologic dataare availablefor the Cuajone orebodyhavingapparentlybeen em-
the Cuajonedeposit,the geologyof whichhasbeen placedlater than that at Toquepala.
outlined by Manrique and Plazolles (1975) and
Satchwell(1983). We record a K-Ar date (Table 1, Tarata region
b) and4øAr/a•Ar agespectrum (Fig.6: C) fora single Severalsmallgranitoidplutons,hostedmainlyby
hydrothermal muscovite separate(sampleSP-78).The Mesozoic marine strata, lie southeastof the stocksof
specimenwascollectedfrom the southernslopesof the Toquepala district, but these intrusionsare not
the canyonof the R•oTorata, 400 to 500 m north of consideredby Pitcheret al. (1985) in their overview
the northernlimit of the orebody,and comprises of the southeastern segmentsof the Coastalbatholith.
quartz-chalcopyrite-pyriteveinletswith coarsemus- The area is widely, thoughapparentlynot strongly,
coviteselvages,cuttinga plagioclaseand quartzpor- mineralized.Four districtsare distinguished:Chal-
phyriticintrusiverockassigned to the mainore-host- latita, Lluta, Ataspaca,andTarata (Fig. 7).
ing quartz latite porphyryin the Cuajoneopen pit Challatita district:Minor coppermineralizationis
(Stevenson, 1972). The earlyEoceneK-Ar age,52.3 documentedfrom the Challatita district by Wilson
+__ 1.6 Ma, is similar to, but probablysignificantly and Garcia (1962), who report the recoveryof mal-
youngerthan, the K-Ar and Rb-Sr datesdetermined achite ores from an adit at the foot of Cerro Mina.
for Toquepala.The age differenceis supportedby Hornblendeseparatedfrom a sampleof biotite-horn-
the 4øAr/a"rspectrum, whichyieldsan integrated blendegranodiorite(SPAM-132)fromthe hostpluton
ageof 52.37 +_1.88 Ma. Thisspectrumis essentially yieldsa complex, disturbed,
4øAr/a"rspectrum, with
undisturbed,but there are largeerrorsin the lowest an integrated age of 78.18 ___ 4.82 Ma (Fig. 7: E).
and highesttemperaturesteps.A more preciseand Seventy-fourpercentof the gasreleased(steps5-8)
reliableage,52.15 ___ 1.2 Ma, is derivedfromsteps3 defines a broad plateau with an age of ca. 77.40
to 5 whichdefinea plateauaccounting for 89 percent +__
1.17 Ma, but steps4 and 9, both with high errors,
of the gasreleased.Fluid inclusionmicrothermomet- yield higher apparentages,in the formercaseasso-
ric data (Clark, for quartz in a veinlet ciatedwith an unusuallyhigh Ca/K ratio. We tenta-
borderedby the dated muscoviteindicatethat the tively interpret the spectrumas an asymptoticap-
chalcopyrite-bearing assemblage crystallizedfrom a proachto an age of ca. 80 Ma. Whereasthe low ap-
boilingaqueous brineat 340ø___ 5øCundera confining parentagesof the firstthreestepsmayrevealresetting
pressureof ca. 0.14 kbars.The muscovitewasthere- duringchloritization,epidotization,andcoppermin-
fore probablydepositedcloseto its argonretention eralization,it is moreprobablethat the superimposed
temperatureand cooledrapidly. thermal event was related to emplacementof the
Satchwell(1983) statesthat the greaterpart of the nearby ca. 60-Ma intrusionsexposedin Quebrada
hypogenecopper mineralizationin the deeper ex- Palca(seenextsection).The copperveinsare inferred
posedzonesof the depositis associatedwith quartz- to be ca. 80 Ma in age.
sericite(-illitc) alterationandpredatedthe majorep- The datafor sampleSPAM-132representthe first
isodeof molybdenitemineralization.Satchwell'sde- record of Late Cretaceousgranitoidintrusionin this
scriptionsuggests that in its alteration-mineralization part of the Coastalbatholith:the agecorresponds to
relationsthe Cuajonedepositdiffersmarkedlyfrom thatoftheTiabaya superunit (80-81 Ma)oftheAr-
Toquepala(Zweng, 1984) and other major porphyry equipasegmentof the batholith(MukasaandTilton,
systems.We tentatively accept the new latest early 1984; Beckinsaleet al., 1985), an event not recog-
Eoceneagedataasdefiningthe time of the mainpe- nized elsewherein the studyarea.
riod of chalcopyriteemplacementat Cuajone;how- Lluta (Cercana)district:In the minorbut extensive
ever, it ispossiblethat the datemayrecordan episode Lluta, or Cercana,copper (-Pb, Ag) mining district
of phyllic alterationand reopeningof an earlier vein (Vargas,1975), supergenesulfide-enriched and oxi-
system. dized quartz veinsare exposedon both sidesof Que-
The K-Ar dates for the Toquepala and Cuajone bradaPalcaandhavebeen workedsporadically(Fig.
centers,togetherwith the dataof Estrada(1975) and 7). Minor acanthiteand galenaare associatedwith
Zimmerman and Kihien (1983) for Quellavecoand the hypogenechalcopyrite-pyriteassemblages. The
thoseof Beckinsaleet al. (1985), confirmthat the ma- mineralizationoccurswithin the Lluta (hornblende-
jor depositsin thisdistrictwere emplacedin the early biotite-) quartz monzodiorite stock which intrudes

vvvvvvvvv•,•v•( fkvvvvvvxlyvvvvvvvvvvvv . .

vvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvv'• vvvvvvvvvvv

............. v• vV•vV
•/ ........... I•' km
vvvvvvlSPAM. 161F"Z• U'.,..•'v-• Fv73A
vvvv •vv?
vv .........

vvvvvvvv ß
:• OIIgocene
Voicanics and Sediments

vvvvvvvv Pica
vvvvvvvvv •
_,T'AR"AYA vV •-•"• Granitold
...... .... vYv' vV vV Cretacaous - Eocene

vv• vvv
o , vvvwvvvvvv
W•'• Volcanic
v v x-•.•.• v v v v v v.•
:_::_ Jurassic
Sedimentary Rocks

__-• Triassic
Sedimentary Rocks

ß• • fault
•.• abandoned
ß K - Ar date b-biotite
(•) 4øAr/39Ar
iCu HB (SPAM - 138)
I.A. 45.21_+4.21 Ma


I.A. 40.22_+0.85 Ma

• 501,
'"' 0

Cumulative %39Ar raleased

- 144)
HB (SPAM - 132)
I.A. 78.18_+4.83 Ma


FIG.7. Geologicmapof the Lluta-Ataspaca-Tarata

of abandoned
thelocationsof datedsamples,
and age spectrafor four granitoidsamples.

marine sedimentsof the BajocianSanFranciscoFor- 7: F) which representsa closeapproachto a plateau

mationandthe CallovianAtaspacaFormation(Wilson andyieldsanintegratedageof 62.12 ___ 1.94 Ma. This
and Garcia, 1962). isslightlyolderthanthe conventionaldatefor SPATA-
We collectedsamplesof monzodioriticto grano- 2, but the errorsin the agesoverlap.
dioritic intrusive rocks from Quebrada Palca 2 km On the basis of these data, we infer that intrusion
northeast of the southwestern contact of the main of the Lluta plutontook placein the late Paleocene;
pluton (SPATA-2), and from a small outcrop, un- the associated mineralizationwasprobablyof similar
mappedby Wilson and Garcia(1962), in Quebrada age. Contemporaneitywith the earlier intrusionsin
Tocuco, 7 km northeastof Pachia (SPIT-i). Their the Toquepaladistrictis evident.
conventionalK-Ar biotite ages, 60.33 ___1.30 and Ataspaca district: The inactive Ataspacamining
60.90 ___1.83 Ma, are almost identical. In addition, district (Fig. 7) comprises16 small Cu minesand
biotite in sampleSPAM-144, from an outcrop1.5 km prospectsand two Pb-Ag prospects(Vargas,1975).
southwestof the Lluta mine, yields an essentially The depositsclusterwithin andadjacentto the Atas-
concordantspectrum(R. J. Langridge,in prep.; Fig. pacagranitoidplutonwhichintrudesJurassic volcanic

and sedimentarystrata of the Junerata,Pelado, and mayhavebeenresponsible

for the hornblende-biotite
AtaspacaFormations(WilsonandGarcia,1962). The discordancein sampleSPAM-138.
Ataspacastockcomprisesseveralfacies:quartz mon- These age determinationsare interpreted as evi-
zodioritic rockspredominate,but monzonitic,grano- dence for an Eocene episodeof intrusionand poly-
dioritic, and quartz dioritic faciesare represented. metallic mineralizationin the Ataspaca-Caplinadis-
Numerous base and precious metal prospectshave trict. Our dataare in broadagreementwith thoseof
beendevelopedwithin the stockandits envelopebut S•nchez(1983b), who recordsa 39.9-Ma K-Ar biotite
productionhasprobablybeen minor.CENTROMIN date for granodioritefrom this area.
investigated the areaasa polymetallic(Cu-Pb-Zn-Mo- Tarata district:S/mchez(1983b) alsoprovidesthe
Ag-Au)prospectin the early 1980s.No detailedac- onlypublishedgeochronologic datafor the clusterof
countsof the mineralizationhavebeen published,but largelygranodioritic plutonsin thevicinityofthetown
vein and stockwork-disseminated ores have been ex- of Tarata. He obtained a K-Ar date of 40.8 Ma for
plored in both the intrusionand its countryrocks, biotite froman outcropnearthe settlementof Ticaco.
whereasmoderatelyextensivechalcopyrite(-cuban- We recordsimilardatesfromthe 4øAr/39Ar analysis
itc) skarns,rich in andraditic garnet, hedenbergitic (R. J. Langridgeet al., in prep.) of coexistinghorn-
pyroxene,and actinolite,occurin limestonesof the blendeandbiotitein granodioritefroma localitynear
PeladoFormationadjacentto quartz monzodiorite. the northwesternlimit of the samepluton. Both spec-
All dates determined for this district are middle or tra (Fig. 7: A and B) displaysignificantdisturbance,
late Eocene(France,1985; R. J. Langridgeet al., in that for biotite is probablya resultof chloritization.
prep.).Unalteredcoarse-grained quartzmonzodiorite The (two-step)hornblendeintegratedage of 44.83
(SPATA-3)fromanoutcropof the Ataspaca pluton3 4. 4.30 Ma is probablysignificantlyhigherthan that
km south-southwestof the 1983 CENTROMIN camp of the associated mica, 39.37 4. 0.94 Ma. Omission
yields a conventionalK-Ar biotite date of 42.58 of the egregiouslyyoungsecondstep of the biotite
q-0.96 Ma (Table1, d). 4øAr/39Ar age spectraare spectrumincreases the integratedageto 43.53 _ 0.26
presentedin Figure7 (C andD) for coexisting
horn- Ma, in satisfactoryagreementwith the hornblende
blende and biotite in sampleSPAM-138of quartz date. We concludethat intrusiontook placeat ca. 44
monzodioritefrom an outcrop 200 m from sample Ma, in the middle Eocene and coevallywith that in
SPATA-3.Both spectraare only slightlydisturbed, the Ataspacadistrictto the south.
but theintegratedageof thehornblende(45.21 ___ 4.2 A middleor late Eoceneageis further inferredfor
Ma) is significantly
greaterthan that for the biotite the probablyuneconomiccopper-bearingveinsand
(39.92 ___4.2 Ma). This discrepancy persistsif only skarnsat scatteredlocationsin the Tarataarea (Jain,
the moreconcordantsteps4 and5 of the hornblende 1965), particularlyat Picasa,3 km westof the town.
spectrumand steps3 to 7 of that for the biotiteare All are locatedwithinor at the marginsofgranodiorite
taken into account(apparentages,46.01 4- 1.45 vs. stocks.It wouldbe prematureto assumea similarage
40.22 4. 0.65 Ma). We infer that intrusionhad oc- for the more important Pb-Ag vein systemswhich
curredby ca. 45 to 46 Ma, i.e., the middleEocene. have been worked farther to the west (Jain, 1965),
The youngerbiotite dateprobablyreflectsa super- in the Molleraco-Minaytitadistrict.
the epizonalenvironmentof intrusion. Summary
Two furthersamples (SPATA-4and-6) weretaken
from CENTROMIN's exploratoryJudithdrift (3,780 From the above data and discussion,we infer that
m asl),whichis entirelywithin intrusiverocks.The felsic intrusive rockswere emplacedin at least eight
quartz monzodioriteis mediumgrainedand meso- episodesin the Toquepalasegmentof the Peruvian
craticandiscut by stockworks of pyrite-chalcopyrite Coastal batholith sensu lato. The Cordillera de la
veinlets,andthoseby chloriticshearzones.A ca. 20- Costaexposes plutonsof MiddleJurassic(ca.185 Ma),
m-wide length of the drift exposesa melanocratic Late Jurassic(ca. 160-165 Ma), latest Jurassic(ca.
granodioriteporphyry comprisingplagioclaseand 145 Ma), and mid-Cretaceous(ca. 95-110 Ma) age.
biotite phenocrystsin a saccharoidal matrix rich in Batholithdevelopmentmay,however,havebegunin
biotite,quartz,albiticplagioclase,andK feldspar.The the Early Jurassic,at ca. 196 Ma (Beckinsaleet al.,
coarse-andfine-grainedbiotite in part replaceshorn- 1985). The inlandbelt of youngerintrusionsunder-
blende,andthe porphyryisinferredto havesuffered lyingthe PrecordilleraandaxialCordilleraOccidental
weak potassicalteration. The quartz monzodiorite comprisesplutonswith Late Cretaceous(ca. 80 Ma),
yields(Table1, d) a biotitedateof 39.15 4. 0.85 Ma, latestCretaceous(ca. 63-66 Ma), late Paleocene(ca.
andthe biotitized porphyryoneof 40.65 4. 0.88 Ma. 59-62), and middle to late Eocene (ca. 40-46 Ma)
These are identical within the limits of error but are ages.All but the earliestplutonsare associatedwith
probablysignificantly youngerthanthe datesobtained hydrothermalmineralization,generallyof limitedex-
for the main facies of the stock, suggestingthat a tent. In addition, the emplacementof subvolcanic
widespreadhydrothermalevent at ca. 40 to 41 Ma polyphasedacite,andprobably,latiteporphyrystocks

and associatedporphyry copper depositsoccurred thatveinformationwasonlyrarelydirectlyassociated

over the interval, ca. 52 to 57 Ma, i.e., in the early with shallowintrusiveactivitybut took placewithin
Eocene. pre-SillapacaGroupstrataasa resultof geothermal
circulationduringor immediatelyfollowingeruption
Oligoceneand Miocene Mineralization of those mid-Miocene volcanics,and was controlled
of the Main Arc Domain by regionalnorthwest-trendingstructures
faultzone:Fig.3), considered
Introduction activethroughoutthe Oligocene-Pliocene interval.
The ore metals were inferred to have been leached
The terracednortheasternslopesof the Cordillera from the apparentlyCu- and Ag-richTacazaGroup
Occidentalandthe contiguous Altiplanoareunderlain volcanicrocks(FornariandVilca, 1977). In the pres-
predominantlyby continentalvolcanic,volcaniclastic, ent discussion, we record geologicand geochrono-
and clasticstrataof Oligoceneto Plioceneage (Fig. logicdatafor severalminingdistrictsin this region
3), which record stagesof cordilleranuplift, inter- which demonstrate that the metallogenicmodelof
montanebasindevelopment,and Main Arc magma- Fletcher et al. is untenable.
tism.Thesestrataforma generallythincoveronlower
andupperPaleozoicsedimentary andigneousrocks, Cacachara-Pavico district
whichcrop out in severalbasementhighsor uplifts
(Newell, 1949; Ellisonet al., 1989). The Cacacharaand nearby Pavico (or SanBosco)
Tertiary stratigraphicrelations in this wide area mineshave been sourcesof silver for over 250 years
were first documentedby Jenks(1946) and Newell (Kiilsgaardand Bellido, 1959). The former (Fig. 3)
(1949), who delimited two major sequencesof sub- was the major silver mine of the transectin recent
aerial volcanic rocks, the "Tacaza Volcanics" and decades(Benavides,1984) until its closurein 1988,
overlying"SillapacaVolcanicsor Group," both with andreportedreservesof 0.4 million metric tonsat 30
type sectionsin the SantaLuc•adistrict(Fig. 3). Ma- oz/metric ton Ag and a cutoff grade of 5 oz/metric
roccoand del Pino (1966) promotedthe former to ton in 1985 (unpub.rept., Colquiminas, S.A.).Annual
group status.Extensive sequencesof molassicsedi- silverproductionaveragedabout22 metrictons.The
ments(redbeds)underlyingthe volcanicrockswere orescontainca. 5 percentZn and2.5 percentPb, as
assignedto the Puno Group. Mendivil (1965) estab- well asconsiderableCu. Only the Pavicomine is re-
lishedthe dominantlyvolcanicBarrosoGroup,which corded in the 1:100,000 geologicmap of the sur-
overliesthe SillapacaGroupandconstitutes all of the roundingHuaitire quadrangle(Garciaand Guevara,
volcanic edifices of the Cordillera Occidental which 1975) and neither depositis describedin the quad-
predatedthe Pleistocenealpineglaciation.Klincket ranglereport by M•trquez(1978).
al. (1986) assignthe modernstratovolcanoes of the The geologyof this isolatedminingdistrict(Figs.
CordilleraOccidentalto the AmpatoGroup.Strati- 2 and 8a) and the structureand mineralogyof the
graphicrefinementswithin this almostentirely un- Cacacharadeposit are documented by Johnson
fossiliferoussuccession have been contributedby (1986). Whereasthe PavicoAg-Pb-Znmineralization
Portugal(1974), and with the aid of K-At geochro- occursdispersedin the matrix of an andesiticdia-
nology,by Kaneokaand Guevara(1984), Franceet treme, that at Cacacharacomprisesthree east-north-
al. (1984), France(1985), and Klincket al. (1986). east-trendingquartz-rich veins, developed over a
The last-citedwork involvedextensivequadrangle vertical interval of 160 to 200 m and hostedby a
mappingsouthand southwestof Lake Titicacaandis dacitic dome. The veinsare superimposedon dikes
summarized by Ellisonet al. (1989). Klincket al. re- of phreaticbreccia (Clark et al., 1986; Johnsonand
definethe limitsof the TacazaandSillapacaGroups Clark, 1986). The major Ag-bearingmineralsare
and propose,in addition,the establishment of an in- pyrargyrite,tetrahedrite,andpolybasite.Electrumis
terveningpredominantlyignimbriticPalca Group. abundantin anearly,Ag-poor,basemetalsulfidevein
Wasteneys(1990) providesa detailedaccountof the stage(Johnson,1986); Au gradeslocally attain 0.3
geologyand geochronology of the key SantaLucia oz/metric ton. The observedstratigraphicrelation-
area,defining(H. A. Wasteheyset al., in prep.)local shipsare illustratedin schematicform in Figure 8b.
formational subdivisions in broadconformity with the The dacitic dome intruded a succession of subaerial
stratigraphicschemeof Jenksand Newell. Thus, the andesiticand daciticflowsand is itself cut by a pipe
PalcaGroupis not recognizedherein;its pyroclastic of dacitic intrusionbreccia,which may be a feeder
unitsare assigned to the SillapacaGroup. for a dacitic ash-flow unit which overlies the earlier
Few of the scatteredepithermalAg-Au-basemetal volcanics.The ore-bearingveinsclearlypostdatethe
vein systemsof the region have received detailed daciticbrecciaand are thereforeprobablyyounger
documentation,but Fletcher et al. (1989) advancea than the daciticashflow. The youngestvolcanicunit
regionaltectonicmodelfor the mineralization,much in the areaisa crystal-lithictuff of daciticcomposition;
of which is hostedby the TacazaGroup.They argue the temporalrelationshipsof thisandthe mineralized
1540 CLAt{• ET AL.

''!!!" - .
a •... -;:•.•;::•:•:•::. fi:• /
....- • •.-.•-•

-• Alluvial

;•' ::'?•
' :. . + i :r'• Ash-flow
.-; -:-:>-'-•-:->:............... tuff
• :'::--%-.':'::•:•:'•½"'i:•
½½•;•:;::{•:- ' ..--::--::--::.-::--'
t•"• Dacite
.... ::::• •::::::::' .::.."•.:::.'-
;•" •:.7.::::::'
.......... :::_.•"
/".-.'::-.::. .•;:-.-. ....
,_0• Pavico

'• Upper

• limitof mapping ':•'"""';•

•0 I 2km
2'---J '"':::'"":"•
Lower andesitc



FIG.8. GeologicmapoftheCacachara-Pavico miningdistrict,afterJohnson (1986),showinglocations

of datedspecimens fromtheCacachara igneous center.All units,withtheexception of theprobably
Oligocene PunoGroup,areassigned to theupperMiocene(-Pleistocene) Barroso Group.b. Cartoon
the mutualrelationships
of the datedunitsin the vicinityof the Cacachara mine.

veins are unknown. The rocks of the mine area were The agedatado not fully constrainthe time ofmin-
assignedto the Capillune and Llallahui Formations eralization.Althoughvein formationpostdatedem-
by Garcia and Guevara (1975) but to the Tacaza placementof the daciteporphyryat 7.03 _ 0.4 Ma,
Groupin the 1:1,000,000 nationalgeologicmap(IN- it is not clear whether it precededor followedem-
GEMMET, 1975); neither is correct. placementof thetwo felsicpyroelasticunits(seeTable
New K-Ar biotite ages(Table 1, e) havebeen de- 1, e). Nonetheless,our tentativetemporalcorrelation
termined(France,1985) for early andesitc("Middle of the dacitic intrusion breccias and ash-flow tuff im-
Andesitc"unit of Johnson,1986), daciteporphyry, plies that mineralizationwas younger than 6.62
daciticash-flowtuff, and late crystal-lithictuff. The __+
0.15 Ma, and we considerit probablethat it oc-
agesdelimit a narrowinterval (8.32-6.48 Ma) in the curredbefore 6.48 __+ 0.18 Ma, the time of eruption
late Mioceneand conformto the inferred sequence of the crystal-lithictuff. We favor, therefore,a late
ofextrusiveandhypabyssal events.Correlationof the Miocenerather than Plioceneage for the Cacachara
Cacacharavolcanicsuite with the regionallyestab- deposit.The ageof the Pavicodepositis alsoincom-
lishedNeogenestratigraphicgroupsremainsuncer- pletely delimited,but the large brecciabody which
tain. However, if the BarrosoGroup of Mendlvil hoststhe ore cutsthe Middle Andesitcunit (Fig. 8),
(1965) is consideredto extendbackat leastto ca. 6.5 indicatingthatthe mineralization isyoungerthan8.32
Ma, asinferredby KaneokaandGuevara(1984; see _ 0.59 Ma.
alsoKlincket al., 1986), the younger,felsic,rocksof An association of the Cacachara-Pavico mineral-
the mine area maybe regardedasinitial manifesta- izationwith earliestBarrosoGroupvolcanismwould
tionsof thismajorupperMioceneto Pleistocenevol- be in permissiveagreementwith the metallogenic
caniccycle. modeladvancedfor the regionimmediatelyto the

northby Fletcheret al. (1989), whostate(p. 70-71) and subaerialeruption of the marieto intermediate,
that convectivefluid circulationgeneratingmineral- predominantlyshoshoniticvolcanicsof the Yapoco
ization was stimulatedby "Sillapacaor Barrososub- andPiruaniFormations.Volcanism,controlledby the
volcanic centres." However, the Cacachara veins oc- northwest-trendingstructures,began in the early
cur within a hydrothermallyaltered subvolcanicda- Oligocene,probablyshortlybefore 31 Ma, and per-
citic intrusion, and the local absence of the Tacaza sistedto ca. 26 Ma. The Lim6n Verde monzogabbro
Group volcanicsrules out the possibilitythat they stock (orthoclasedate, 30.28 4- 0.61 Ma; BARB-17)
representthe sourceof ore metals;in both respects, is interpreted as a feeder for the earlier shoshonitic
the mineralization of this district fails to conform to volcanics.
the conceptsof Fletcher et al. 3. Subvolcanic intrusion of calc-alkaline horn-

Santa Lucia district

blende diorite stocksand high K andesitcdikesand
sills.The intrusions
haveagesin the range28.21 4- 3.4
(averageof two hornblendedatesfor BARB 189) to
Numeroussmall-to medium-sizedbaseand pre-
ciousmetaldepositsare clusteredin the vicinityof 26.45 4- 2.7 Ma (averageof two hornblendedatesfor
thetownofSantaLuela(KiilsgaardandBellido,1959; BARB-199),
thus overlappingwith the shoshonitic
Bellidoet al., 1972). The district(Figs.2, 3, and9)
haslongbeena sourceofAg, Au, Cu, Pb, andZn ores. 4. Major uplift anderosionin the latestOligocene
to earliestMiocene. The period correspondsto the
Presentproducersinclude the SantaB•.rbaraAg
(-Cu, Pb, Au) mineof Minsur,S.A.,the subjectof QuechuaD2 orogenicpulse of Ellisonet al. (1989)
studiesby Arenas(1977), Wasteneys(1990), and and was accompaniedand followed by the eruption
WasteneysandClark (in prep.);the smallTaeazaCu- of the rhyoliticignimbritesof the ChurumaandSanta
(-Ag)mine;andthe Copaeabana Ag(Cu-Pb-Zn) mine LuciaFormations.The ash-flowtuffs,assigned to the
(Minsur,S.A.)of the Compuerta camp.The largest Palca Group by Klinck et al. (1986), yield agesin the
range of 21.59 4- 0.88 (SPAM-228) to ca. 16.5 Ma.
hydrothermal centerin the areais the Berenguela
Ag-Cu deposit(15-20 millionmetrictons:1.2-1.4% The main ventswere probably in the Cordillera Sil-
Cuand4-5 oz/metrie tonAg)which,havingproduced lapaca, but distal pyroelasticfacies were in part
at least400 metrictonsof silverin the earlieryears trapped in the SantaLucia structure,a ca. 8-km-di-
of thiscentury,achieved renewedprominence in the ameter, crudely circular basin first recognizedby
1960sasa testcasefor the applicationof the TORCO Wasteheysand Clark (1986). This is interpretedby
pyrometallurgiealprocess,becausemuch of the Cu Ellisonet al. (1989) as a calderabut was probably
andAg reserves occursubmicroscopically dispersed generatedtectonicallyasa resultof extensioncaused
in Mn oxides. by strike-slipdisplacementon the Lagunillasfault
This arealies near the northeastern boundaryof zone (Wasteheys,1990).
the Cordillera Occidental and on the western flank 5. Further short-liveduplift anderosion,followed
of the Cabanillas High (Ellisonet al., 1989) andis by eruptionof the predominantlydaciticlavasof the
SillapacaFormation.This volcaniceventwasbrief in
bounded tothesouthwest bythestrueturally complex
Lagunillas troughandfaultzone.We haveremapped the SantaLuc•aarea,extendingonly from ca. 16.2 to
anareaof 400 km2surrounding SantaLue•aat a scale 14.7 Ma (Wasteheys, 1990). The majoreruptivecen-
andClark,1986;Wasteneys,ter was again in the Cordillera Sillapaca,but dacitic
of 1:50,000(Wasteneys
1990). Of the numerousK-Ar and 4øAr-3'gr dates plugs were emplacedin the preexistingSantaLucia
which have been determined (France et al., 1984;
France, 1985; R. J. Langridge,in prep.), we record 6. Followinga protractedapparenthiatus,volca-
onlythose4øAr-3"rdateswhichareinterpreted as nism resumedin the late Miocene, with the eruption
constraining the ageof localmineralization(Table2). of the shoshoniticTolaoccoFormation,which overlies
Our studiesdefinethe followingeventsin the later anerosionsurfacein the easternpart of the maparea.
Tertiary historyof the area: In the immediateSantaLuc•adistrict,monzogranitic
porphyrydikesassigned to the Condorpufiuna Rhy-
1. ProlongedPaleogeneerosionof Paleozoieand olite Formation(Wasteheys,1990) were emplacedin
Mesozoicunits, which generatedthe Puno Group an en echelonseriesaroundthe southernmarginof
molasse.Depositionwas controlledby northwest- the SantaLuciastructure,probablyduringrenewed
trending fault zonesand the elasticstrataare thin to movementalongthe Lagunillasfault zone.
absent in the immediate Santa Lue•a area. Ellison et
al.(1989)identifyagenerally weakepisodeoffolding, Of the aboveunits,the Yapocoand PiruaniFor-
termed the QuechuaD• phase,which affectedthe mations, the Lim6n Verde Monzogabbro, and the
Puno Group strata at 30 to 32 Ma. hornblende-diorite
stocksare assigned to the Tacaza
2. Largely quiescent,shallow-water(lacustrine), Group (overallagerange,ca. 24-ca. 32 Ma), the Sil-
1542 CLAaK F•TAL.

CC 21.6 Ma (b)

Pb, Zn, (Cu)3

I 28.3 Ma (h)
• Tacaza

26.8 Ma (h)
BARB - 140
26.8 Ma (wr)

WAg, Cu, Pb,
BARB - 17
Cerro LimSn

23.5 Ma (m) 26.5 Ua (h)
BARB - 422 BARB - 199
,""C•rrillos /



5 krn 6.97 Ma (b)

BARB - 280
-• 15ø45's (
0 '• •

QUA TI•RNAR Y Ol.l(;O('lfNl'.'

Tacaza Group SYMBOLS
• Alluvium
PLIOCENE •i• Cerro
Barroso Group bedding
::• Hornblende
R Tolaocco
Fm. i• Piruani
/ flow-lamination
• unconformtly normal fault
•-• Auquirane
• Gondorpufiuna
Fro. thrust fault
• Yapoco
Sillapaca Group
•[•'• Sillapaca
Fm. .• Lim6.
'• fold
..,• Churuma Fm. ß
'.•-• Puno
:• Ccanccosane
'i'• Santa
Fm. -•--• Ayavacas
Lst.Fnl. ß prospect
• unconformity
Group ....•- limit

FIG. 9. Geologicmap of the SantaLucia district, showingthe locationsof active and abandoned
andof samplesdatedby the 4øAr/a9Ar
total fusiontechnique.Geologyis after
Wasteneysand Clark (1986) and Wasteneys(1990).

lapaca Formation to the SillapacaGroup (local age Formationsto the Sillapacarather than the Tacaza
range= 14.7-21.6 Ma), andthe Condorpu•unaRhy- Group (H. A. Wasteheyset al., in prep.).
olite and TolaoccoFormation to the BarrosoGroup The greater part of the metallic mineralizationin
(<7 Ma). We differ from Jenks(1946) and Newell the mapareaishostedby TacazaGroupvolcanicrocks
(1949) only in assigningthe felsicignimbritesof the or the underlyingMesozoicstrata;the best-defined
Churuma("white tuff," Jenks,1946) andSantaLucia structural feature in the area, the Santa Lucia basin,

TABLE 2. 4øAr/39Ar

Volume of Apparent
Size a9Ar•c age
Sample Material fraction 4øAr/ a6Ar/39Ara7Arc•/ (cms X 10-6 J 4øArra,t (Ma)and
no. Location analyzed (mesh) a9Ar (X10-a) a9Ar•c NTP) (X10-a) (%) error (___2a)
BARB 17 15040'00" Orthoclase -60, +100 2.110 6.911 1.062 0.050 8.02 51.60 30.28___0.61
70036'50" (monzogabbro)
BARB 189 15ø38'15" Hornblende -40, +60 1.951 7.155 5.971 0.0169 8.11 53.62 28.30 _ 3.4
70038'40" (microdiorite) 1.937 7.155 5.990 0.0169 8.11 53.46 28.13 _ 3.4
BARB 199 15041'20" Hornblende -40, +80 1.751 5.932 5.753 0.01669 8.14 56.62 25.54 _ 2.53
70038'30" (microdiorite) 1.881 5.495 5.753 0.01669 8.14 60.81 24.41 _ 2.92
BARB 140 15ø39'10" Hornblende -40, +80 1.854 6.980 4.474 0.0295 8.07 51.50 26.80_ 1.3
70034'05" (intrusive
SPAM 231 15ø40'00" Whole rock -60 3.11 0.007 0.214 0.124 4.82 59.52 26.83 _ 0.28
70ø40'51" (rhyolitic tuff)
BARB 422 15040'00" Sericite -60 1.605 1.819 0.0297 0.0846 8.17 74.45 23.50 _ 0.52
70ø40'51" (phyllic
SPAM 228 15034'22" Biotite -40, +80 3.39 37.52 0.0356 0.2887 3.55 23.38 21.59 _ 0.88
70ø35'10" (rhyolitic tuff)
BARB 280 15044'20" Biotite -40, 4-80 0.470 3.986 0.032 0.207 8.23 28.29 6.97 _ 0.50
70034'30" (intrusive

J = dimensionlessirradiation parameter

apparentlyexperiencedno significanthydrothermal subvolcanic stock of hornblende diorite. A late Oli-

activity. goceneage(ca.26.4-28.2 Ma) is inferredfor hydro-
Numeroussmallmagnetite-richandraditicgarnet thermalactivityhere andat Lim6nVerde.
skarn bodies on the flanks ofCerro Lim6n Verde have Severalcontrastinggeneticmodelshave been ad-
been mined as material for smelter flux. The orebodies vanced for the BerenguelaAg-Cu deposit, which
are developedin horizonsand lensesof red-bedclas- comprisesseveralwest-northwest-trending massiveto
ticswhichconstitutea faciesof the CretaceousAya- stockworkbodies of manganeseoxideshostedby
vacasLimestoneFormation(Klincket al., 1986), ad- faulted limestonesof the AyavacasFormation.Hy-
jacent to the subvolcanic Lim6n Verde monzogabbro pogeneandsupergenecopperandsilvermineralsare
stock.AlthoughPortugal(1974) suggested that iron invariablyassociatedwith the Mn oxide concentra-
oxidemineralswere concentratedduringdeposition tions,which are dominatedby cryptomelaneandto-
of the sandstones, the epigeneticnatureof the ore- dorokite.CandiottiandCastilia(1983) proposedthat
bodiesisclearandwe inferthathydrothermal activity the baseand preciousmetalswere absorbedby sed-
took place at ca. 30.3 Ma, coevalwith intrusion.Else- imentary Mn oxides from downward-percolating
where in the district,minor coppermineralizationis groundwater and were derivedfrom overlyingmo-
directly associatedwith several small hornblende rainicdepositsbearingsulfideclastserodedfrom the
diorite stockswhichintrudethe YapocoFormation. Lim6n Verde stock.In contrastKlinck et al. (1986)
The nameLim(•nVerde waspromptedby the bright and Fletcher et al. (1989) statethat the Mn-Cu-Ag
green malachiteand chrysocollaextensivelydevel- bodiesreplacefaulted limestone,the former authors
opedin outcropsof chalcopyrite-pyrite veinlets.The envisaginga controlby swallowholeswhich formed
veinscut AyavacasLimestoneFormationbedsadja- throughkarsticweatheringof the limestone.
cent to a propylitizedfine-graineddiorite plug and We concurwith the conceptthat the Berenguela
are intimatelyassociated with dikesof phreaticbrec- orebodies result from fracture-controlled metaso-
cia.The dioriticrocksoccurin the immediatevicinity matism of the carbonate rocks; however, we infer a
of the monzogabbrostock,but the mutual relations direct relation to a subvolcanicintrusion,on the basis
of the two intrusiverocktypesare uncertain.A short of the widespreadoccurrencein the immediatemine
distanceto the southwest, a groupof oxidizedcopper area of polyphasephreatic breccia dikes and lenses.
veinshavebeen exploitedto a limited extentat Cer- Candiotti and Castilla's "tills" and Klinck et al.'s "flu-
rillos. The mineralization is associated with a series vio-glacialriver gravels" have been reinterpreted
of northeast-striking, subverticalpebbledikes,which (Clarket al., 1986) asthe surfaceexpression of a large
cut YapocoFormationagglomeratesadjacentto a hydrothermalbrecciapipe. The intimateassociation

of brecciation and mineralization is shown by the coeval date of 26.83 _+0.28 Ma, for an HF-leached
presenceof Mn-rich ore concentrations alongquartz- whole-rocksampleof rhyodacitictuff fromthe Cerro
richfracturesadjacentto bodiesofbreccia.Moreover, Hermoso Formation (SPAM-231), is in permissive
the dominantrocksoccurringasclastsin the breccias agreementwith the hornblendeage, but the rock is
are, with the exceptionof limestoneand quartzite, hydrothermallyalteredandthe geologicerror in the
"exotic"fine-grainedquartzdioritesandhornblende- date maybe high.The ageof mineralizationis better
plagioclase-porphyritic dacite,both exhibitingintense definedby the 4øAr/39Ar
dateof 23.50 _ 0.52 Ma for
argillic alteration.We infer that theseigneousrocks a concentrateof hydrothermalsericiteseparatedfrom
represent,at the least,the heat sourcewhich drove phyllicallyaltered phreaticbreccia (BARB-422)ad-
the large-scalehydrothermalsystem.The daciticpor- jacent to the main SantaB/trbaravein on the 3,932-
phyry clastsproved too altered to date, but a late m level of the mine (588 m southof the mainshaft).
Oligocene(26.80 _ 1.3 Ma; BARB-140)hornblende The date, at the Oligocene-Mioceneboundary,con-
agewasobtainedfor a dikeoftrachyandesite exposed firms that the Cerro Hermoso Formation represents
on the northernedgeof the mainopenpit, in an area the first manifestationof felsicpyroclasticactivity in
cut by numerousMn-rich veinlets.The unalteredna- this region of the Cordillera Occidental,antedating
ture of thisrock stronglyimpliesthat it wasemplaced by some2 m.y. the earliestashflowsof the Churuma
subsequent to mineralization,
andthustheBerenguela Formation.A latestOligoceneor earliestMioceneage
depositis consideredto be late Oligocenein age,pos- is inferred for the mineralization, which may have
siblycoevalwith the copperveinsin the Lim6nVerde beentriggeredby the initial stageof cordilleranuplift
area. in this region.
The SantaBftrbarasilver(-Cu, Pb) mine, at present Three smallerbaseand preciousmetal depositsin
the most important in the Santa Lucia district, has the area have been documented. The Tacaza
reserves in excess of 1 million metric tons, with a Cu(-Pb, Ag) mine is locatedwithin the type section
grade of 15 oz/metric ton Ag. Productionin 1988 ofJenks'(1964) andNewell's(1949) TacazaVolcanics
amounted to 2,342 metric tons of concentrates,with andworksa seriesof northeast-trending veinshosted
27.5 percentCu, 12.9 percentPb, and 105.4 oz/met- by plagioclaseandaugitcporphyriticshoshonitic and
ric ton Ag. The concentratecompositionreflectsthe banakiticflowswith agglomerateintercalations. These
rolesof argentianchalcocite,bornitc, and chalcopy- rocksare assignedto the YapocoFormation on geo-
rite as the major silver hostsin the hypogene ore. chronologic and petrologic grounds (Wasteneys,
Less important are argentian tennantite and minor 1990). Klinck et al. (1986) report a whole-rockK-Ar
tetrahedrite,pearceitc,andbetekhtinite(Wasteneys, date of 17.5 ___ 0.6 Ma for stronglyaltered "andesitc"
1990; Wasteneysand Clark, 1990). A gold recovery from the mine area and assignthe volcanicsto a
circuit wasinstalledin 1987. As Fletcher et al. (1989) "younger Tacaza" (i.e. post-22 Ma) sequence.This
record, the vein systemas a whole hasa remarkable age is incompatiblewith analyticallymore reliable
configuration,circularin plan (ca. 1.25-km-surface biotite4øAr/a•Ar dates(e.g.,21.59_ 0.88 Ma;SPAM-
diam)and with the overallform of an invertedcone 228) for the tuffsof the overlyingChurumaFormation
(Wasteneyset al., 1990), conformingcloselyto the (PalcaGroup of Klinck et al., 1986). We therefore
margin of a diatreme filled with weakly stratified questionthe validity of the 17.5-Ma date, preferring
rhyodacitictuffs,assignedto the Cerro HermosoFor- to infer an age of ca. 26 Ma for the hostrocksof the
mation (Wasteneys,1990). The veins are superim- Tacazadepositon the basisof severaldatesobtained
posedon a polyphaseseriesof concentricand radial for flowsof theAuquiranesectionof theTacazaGroup
phreaticand phreatomagmatic breccia dikeswhich, a short distance to the south of the mine. Subvolcanic
togetherwith the diatreme, comprisethe SantaBftr- intrusionsof monzogabbroand hornblende diorite
bara Complex (Clark et al., 1986; Wasteneys,1990; occur in the mine area but have not been delimited.
Wasteneyset al., 1990). Despite its clearly proximal The Tacazaveinsare superimposed upondikesof
volcanicsetting,the vein systembearsstrongeranal- polymicticpebble breccia.The dominanthypogene
ogiesto the adularia-sericitethanthe acidsulfateclan ore mineralsare chalcociteand bornitc. Copper sul-
of epithermalpreciousmetal deposits(Heald et al., fidesand galenaalsooccurin two mantosin the im-
1987). Hydrothermal alteration is dominated by mediatevicinity of the veins.Thesequasiconcordant
phyllic assemblages. orebodies comprise disseminationsand patches of
The Cerro Hermoso diatreme is inferred to have sulfidein amygdaloidal units;analogies maybe drawn
beenemplacedwithina northwest-trending faultzone with the Chile-typestrata-boundCu(-Ag)depositsof
alongthe valley of the Rio Verde, precededby intru- the shallowmarine to subaerialJurassicof northern
sion of an extensive series of hornblende andesitc Chile (Ruiz et al., 1971). Fletcher et al. (1989) argue
(-diorite)sillsinto the YapocoFormationflows.One that the hydrothermalfluids were pondedbeneath
sill in the immediatemine area yieldsa 4øAr/3•Ar impermeablewelded tuffs of the Palca Group (our
hornblende date of 26.9 _ 2.7 Ma (BARB-199). A ChurumaFormation), spreadinglaterally to form the

mantos.However,the overlyingtuffsare onlyweakly metalCayachiraprospect,but discussion is warranted

welded andthe major strata-boundorebody,SanSal- because Klinck et al. (1986) report an Albian
vador-27, lies 75 m below the unconformity.We K-Ar date (104 _ 4 Ma) for the nearby Cerro Paco
therefore are not convinced that mineralization oc- "(micro-)granodiorite" plug.The mineralization, with
curred after accumulation of the lower Miocene tuffs an averagegrade of 15 oz/metric ton Ag, 6 percent
and suggestthat it couldbe older or youngerthan Pb, 7 percentZn, and0.3 percentCu (R. ValdiviaU.,
the Oligocene-Mioceneboundary.Similaritieswith pers.commun.,1984), formsa peneconcordant manto
the larger SantaBirbara veinsincludethe association with an averagethicknessof 60 cm extendingfor at
with phreatic breccia dikes, the abundanceof chal- least 1.2 km alongstrike in brecciatedolistostromic
cociteandbornitc, andprobably,the association with AyavacasFormation cherry limestones.The nearby
hornblendeporphyritic intermediateintrusiverocks flow-bandedplug also intrudesthe AyavacasFor-
of late Oligoceneage. The two depositsmay, there- mation, for which a Cenomanian (i.e., ca. 91-97.5
fore, be approximatelycoeval. Ma) age is established(Newell, 1949; Klinck et al.,
Small-scalemining of silver-rich ores has taken 1986). The K-Ar date, for altered biotite, is therefore
placesincethe 19th centuryin the Compuertacamp. problematic.However,Yoshikawaet al. (1976) record
Two mainsetsof veins,hostedmainlyby PunoGroup Mesozoic,includingCretaceous,K-Ar datesfor gran-
clasticsediments,have been worked in the abandoned itoid intrusionsin the generalTintaya area (Fig. 2),
Huiscar and San Germln mines,and contiguousto and Marocco and Noblet (1990) infer that igneous
the latter, in the active Copacabanamine. The Co- clasts in the molasse of the Cuzco-Sicuani basin record
pacabana-San Germln veinsare dominatedby chal- Late Cretaceousor Paleocenearc magmatismover
cocite, tennantite, and dolomite, whereas the Huiscar 350 to 400 km from the (present)Peru-Chiletrench.
mine worked argentiangalena and sphalerite-rich These scatteredobservations,together with the rec-
ores.One seriesof veins(Copacabana-San Germln) ord of mid- andUpper Cretaceousmafic-intermediate
hasa generaleast-southeast trend (,Kro- igneousrocksin the Inner Arc domain,lend support
mar, S.A., 1986) but comprisessegmentswith alter- to the tentative suggestions by McBride et al. (1983)
natingeast-southeast andsoutheast strikes;the second and Clark et al. (1984) that the later Cretaceoussaw
series(Huiscar)is very narrowandtrendsnortheast. a markedexpansion(or bifurcation)of the arc in the
The east-southeast-trending veinsare closelyasso- vicinityof the presentBolivianorocline.It ispossible
ciated with an en echelon array of lensy dikes of that both Cretaceousand Neogeneintrusionsoccur
quartz-feldspar porphyriticrhyolite,which displays in the Cayachiraarea,but we favora Tertiary agefor
the samealternationof segmentswith east-southeastboth the mineralizationand for the nearby subvol-
and southeastorientations.At depth, the porphyry canic stockwhich is juxtaposedwith a ca. 1.5-km-
dikesincreasein sizeandnumber;mostare postmin- wide pipe of fragmentalrocks,whichincludephreatic
eral, but someare cut by barite veinsassociated with breccias.Although this probable diatreme system
argillicalteration,demonstrating a temporaloverlap bearsmanysimilaritiesto the SantaBirbara Complex,
of magmatismand hydrothermalactivity.We tenta- we prefer to assignit to the upper MioceneCondor-
tively infer that the emplacementof both veinsand pufiunaRhyolite Formationon the basisof the lith-
porphyrydikeswascontrolledby transcurrent dextral ologicalsimilarities(Wasteneys,1990) of the intrusive
movement on the regional Lagunillasfault zone, rocks.
within which the deposit lies, the east-southeast-, From the precedinggeologicand geochronologic
southeast-,and northeast-trendingstructuresrepre- relations,we concludethat mostbaseand precious
sentingR, P, andR' Riedel shears,respectively.This metal epithermal mineralization in the Santa Lucia
is in close agreementwith the tectonic model ad- district accompaniederuption of the TacazaGroup,
vancedby Fletcheret al. (1989) for mineralizationin generally exhibiting a close associationwith upper
thisregion.However,we favora geneticrelationbe- Oligocene,calc-alkalinesubvolcanic intrusions.The
tweenthe rhyoliticdikesandthe vein systems. These SantaBarbaravein systemwasdirectlyassociated with
dikesare inferred to belongto the Condorpufiuna an apparentlyisolatedfelsicexplosivecenterwhich,
RhyoliteFormation,the type areafor whichlies 3 to from its close association with a hornblende andesitc
5 km to the east-northeast,and which constitutesan sill complex,we interpret to be the terminalstageof
arcuatesystemof subvolcanic intrusionsconforming the TacazaGroup. Both the Cerro Hermosodiatreme
to the southernmargin of the earlier Santa Lucia andthe mineralizationmayalsobe regardedasbeing
structure.The late Miocene age, 6.97 _ 0.50 Ma, transitionalbetween the dominantlymarielate Oli-
obtainedfor biotite from the type locality (BARB- goceneandthe felsicearly Miocenevolcanicregimes.
280), is thusconsideredto recordthe ageof miner- Lessimportanthydrothermalactivity occurredin as-
alizationin the Compuertadistrict,despitethe sim- sociationwith hypabyssalfelsic magmatismcoeval
ilarities of some of the veins to the Santa Birbara veins. with the earlieststagein the accumulation of the up-
No direct agedataare availablefor the silver-base per Miocene-PleistoceneBarrosoGroup. None ap-

pearsto havetakenplaceduringSillapacaGroupvol- tapata")mines,aswell asfrom the SanAntoniode

canism(cf. Fletcher et al., 1989). Esquilache
camp,recovering Ag- andAu-richsulfide
Ma•azo district
The structuralgeologyof the areais well known
The long-established MafiazoCu-Pb-Zn-Agcamp from the work of Newell (1949), who demonstrated
(Figs.2, 3, and 10) hasrecentlyemergedasa signif- that the CretaceousAyavacasLimestone Formation
icantsourceof bed-rockgold (Arenas,1988; Fletcher isjuxtaposed with the PaleogenePunoGroupclastic
et al., 1989). The polymetallicvein and stockwork sedimentsalong a west-northwest-striking, north-
mineralization of the area is associated with small vergingthrustfaultandisitselfoverlain,
stocksof diorite and granodiorite,with daciticflow overthrustby, mid-Callovianshales,sandstones,
domesand a large dacite dike. Presentproductionis limestones,and quartz arenitesof the Lagunillas
mainlyfrom the LosRosalesAu-Cu vein, whichdis- Group.Newell's"Maravillas"or "Mafiazo"thrustis
playsa downwardzonationfromcopper-to gold-rich considered by Klincket al. (1986) andEllisonet al.
ores(Fletcheret al., 1989) andwhichis hostedby (1989) to representa segment of the Lagunillasfault
the Cerro Vizcachane dioritic plug, intrusive into zone.Newell (1949) andotherworkershaveinferred
sandstones andred shalesof the probablyOligocene that the minor dacitic intrusionsin the southernpart
PunoGroup.In addition,a custommill processes ores of the Mafiazo area were controlledby the thrusts.
from the Aladino 6, SantaMestres,and Lulita ("Pal- The daciticbody underlyingCerro Caracollois in-

Mina Los

(3926 m a.s.I.)

0: :1 km

• CCALAPAMPA :.:.Mina Santiaguito•.

'San Martin
• unconsolidated
'x ,
: diorite
":'•'• Puno
• Ayavacas
• thrust
San Marcpsi
•, • activemine'abandoned
mine or prospect

Santa Carmen

ßSanta .'.
• 20 Integrated age 19.03 Ma

0 I 2 3
I " I kI
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6
. . . i . . . i , . , i , . - • . ß ß

70'20'W Cumulative

FIG. 10. Geologicmapof the Mafiazominingdistrict,modifiedafterNewell(1953)andArenas

section(A-A')throughtheLulita(Paltapata) mine(inset).
isfor hydrothermal

terpreted as a partially extrusive dome (Arenas, The W(-Mo) and Au mineralizationof this area is
1988). The Pb-Zn-Agmineralizationat SantaMestres assignedto the Andeanbasement.
is associatedwith dacitic and minette dikes, and with Pucard-Putina area
a pipe of phreatic(probablyphreatomagmatic) brec-
cia, which may be a marginalfaciesof the dome. Small-scalemining of antimonyand basemetal-
We havedatedhydrothermallyaltered dacitepor- rich oreshastakenplace at severallocalitieson the
phyry from the Lulita Au(-Cu,Pb,Ag)mine, whichin Altiplanonorthwestof Juliaca(Figs.2 and3). The Sb
recent yearshasyielded ca. 200 to 300 metric tons/ deposits mayrepresentpartof the extensive, andonce
month of ores with ca. 1.5 percent Cu, 0.8 percent productive(Purser,1971), antimonysubprovinceof
Pb, 0.8 percentZn, 3 to 4 oz/metricton Ag, and3 to the Precordillerade Carabayato the northeastwhere,
5 g/metric ton Au. Quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite-ar- in the SantaRosaandPutinadistricts(Fig. 11), stibnite
gentian tetrahedrite-electrumveinlets comprisea veinscontainingvaryingamountsof argentiangalena,
stockwork within a 50-m-wide dike situated 10 m sphalerite,scheelite,and wolframiteare hostedby
southof the thrust separatingthe Ayavacasand La- lower Paleozoic clasticstrata, forming inliers in the
gunillasFormationanddippingsouth,broadlyparallel Putina synclinorium (Newell, 1949; Laubacher,
with the thrust (inset in Fig. 10). Mineralization is 1978a andb). The localoccurrenceof cassiteriteand/
associatedwith intense quartz-sericite(muscovite)- or Snsulfosalts (e.g.,Petersen,1960) in severalof the
pyrite alterationof the host porphyry.The dated Precordillerandepositssuggeststhat this area con-
sample,which yielded a high purity concentrateof stitutes a transition between the Main and Inner Arc
hydrothermalmuscovite,wastaken from the north- domains.There are no moderndescriptionsof these
west end (1989) of the 4,330-m sublevel. deposits,but severalare associatedwith subvolcanic
The 4øAr/a9Ar muscovite spectrumyieldsan inte- stocksof sanidineporphyriticrhyolite and of quartz
grated age of 19.03 _4-0.18 Ma. Althoughthe spec- andplagioclase porphyriticquartz-latite.Preliminary
trum is not a true plateau,the apparentagesof the fluid inclusion
studies (Kontak,1985) of samples from
majorityof the gasfractionsoverlapwithinthe limits the SanIsidro depositin the SantaRosacampreveal
of error (2a), and the integratedage is acceptedas a complex,multistage,thermal history,and elevated
approachingthe time of crystallizationof the mica. depositiontemperatures(>240øC), suggestiveof a
This early Miocenedate differsfrom all otherssofar magmatichydrothermalrather than, e.g., a meta-
determined for mineralization in the Main Arc domain morphogenicor submarineexhalativeorigin.
in this transect.The impliedage corresponds to the No geochronologic dataare availablefor the Pre-
time of eruption of the Churumaand SantaLucia cordilleranSbdeposits,but a K-Ar dateof 15.4 _4- 0.4
Formationignimbritesof the SantaLuciadistrict,and Ma (Table 1, f) wasobtainedfor biotite from a stock
thus,to that of the PalcaGroupofKlinck et al. (1986). of flow-banded,vesicular,quartz and sanidinepor-
Despiteitsassociation with dioriticratherthandacitic phyritic rhyolite which forms a prominent topo-
intrusive rocks, we further infer that the Los Rosales graphicfeatureat Pucar•t(Figs.2 and 3). Thisintru-
Au-Cu vein systemis alsoof early Mioceneage. sionis cut by swarmsof phreaticbrecciadikes.No
Cabanillas district
miningactivityisevident,but floatof quartzveinstone
Paleozoicmarinestrataare extensivelyexposedin around the foot of the hill. Ten kilometers to the
the Cabanillashigh (Ellisonet al., 1989), which sep- north, the Liliana-Maurillia 3 mine worked Sb(-Pb,
aratesthe SantaLucla districtfrom the Altiplano.In Ag, Sn)veinscuttinga brecciatedrhyolitestockvery
the hillsto the westof the villageof Cabanillas,Lower similar in lithology to that at Pucar•t (Robertson,
Devonian clasticsedimentsof the CabanillasGroup 1978). On this basis,we tentativelyinfer a middle
(Newell, 1949) are intruded by the Cerro Yaretane Mioceneagefor at leastsomeof the antimonianveins
granodiorite-monzogranite pluton (Laubacher, of this district. It should, however, be noted that
1978a; Clark et al., 1990a), probablythe largestPa- Klincket al. (1986) recordthe occurrenceofstibnite
leozoicgranitoidbody in the immediatetransect.K- in a quartz-cemented brecciaat Ccera,50 m fromthe
Ar and4øAr/agAr dating(Clarket al., 1990a)yields contactof the Huisaroquetonalitestock,situated20
an Early Permianage (ca. 277 Ma) for the intrusion. km eastof PucarS.,and for which a TriassicK-Ar biotite
Wolframite-and molybdenite-bearing quartzveins age of 236 _4-6 Ma wasobtained.It is possiblethat
exploiteduntil recentlyby the smallSanJudasTadeo, more than one episodeof Sb mineralizationis rep-
or Porvenir,mine (Fig. 2) are alsoof Permianage(ca. resented in this wide area.
260 Ma: Clark et al., 1990a). Auriferous placers in
the valleys draining the Cerro Yaretane pluton are Summary
derived from pyrite- and gold-bearingquartz veins Geochronologic coverageof the polymetallicmin-
whichare tentativelyconsideredto be a lateralfacies eralization of the continent-ward half of the Main Arc
of the lithophilemetalmineralization. domainis incomplete,but the datarecordedfor the

70*30' 70 ø 69030 '


ß Sn Sn
ß Cu Fe•l/Cu
$ Au
--• Pb
Au I 'Zn

Ollachea [] Fe •
2 • Sb W

+ +++++++++
+ + +
+ + + + +
+ +

¸ W
•___•4o Mn

•- [•
4 $•
+ + + + + + ++ + Jurassic

+ +
+•--• Triassic Lower Jurassic

'•),,• +++,++
61 62 • 18•11 !•'• Devonian
- Carboniferous

San Rafael


36 Cuyo

30' --
I• district
• Lin•acp,
/3^ 25ß
O 56
[ 57
Sb-W-Pb-Zn-Ag •/••
Rosa) 60•

1.5ø' ', 0 25

©Pucarfi km
FIG. 11. Mineral depositmap of the Cordilleraand Precordillerade Carabaya.Major intrusive
centersof Devonianor Carboniferous (?),Triassicto EarlyJurassic,
andmid-Jurassicageare outlined
(modifiedafter Laubacher,1978a, b).
The deposits are numberedasfollows(thosefor whichdirectgeochronologic dataare presented
herein are italicized,and significantpastor presentproducersare asterisked):1 = Huscocachi; 2
-- Ucuntaya; 3 = PioX; 4 = SantoDomingo; 5 = TresMadas(no.2); 6 = SantaMarta;7 -- unnamed;
8 = Rescate;9 = Martha; 10 = SanRafael*; 11 = Quenamari*; 12 = Minastira; 13 = Mormoroni; 14
= Cantuta;15 = Volcdn;16 = Levans;
17 = Padua(1 and2); 18 = unnamed;
19 = Aurora;20 = Calv6rio;
21 = Olga;22 = Rosario;
23 -- unnamed;
24 -- unnamed;
25 = Cunchulli;
26 = SanPablo-Antonia;
27 -- SanFrancisco;28 = LilianaMaurillia*;29 = SanIsidro*;30 -- unnamed;31 = Cecilia*;32 -- San
Antonio*;33 = Jaime;34 = Nazareth;35 = Princesa;36 = Nicaragua;37 = Altura;38 = SantaAna
Dos*;39 = SantaAna Uno*;40 -- Casade Plata*;41 = Cerrodel IncaAzul*; 42 -- Condoriquifia*; 43
-- Sol de Cobriza;44 = Coetapalo;45 = Dominga;46 -- SanAntoniode Padua;47 -- Esquifia;48
= Sarita;49 = unnamed; 50 = SanJos•;51 -- Ocuara;52 = SantaAna;53 -- SantaRosadePatambuco*;
54 = CuyoCuyo;55 = Condoriqui6a; 56 = GavildndeOro*;57 -- AnaMaria*;58 -- Jdsica;
59 = Palca
11'; 60 -- LosEspafioles;
61 = Collpa*;62 = Revancha;and63 = Corani*.The areaoccupiedby the
uraniumprospects of theQuenamari Mesetaisoutlinedby a vertical-line
pattern;thelocationof the
Picotaniuraniumprospect by U(P) andthatof the Coasaradiometricanomalies by (U).

Cacachara,SantaLucia, Mafiazo andPucarft(-Putina) a 1:500,000 geologicmap.Francis(1956) andCarlier

districtsdemonstratethat hydrothermalactivity oc- et al. (1982) describedaspectsof the magmatismof
curredepisodically overanintervalof at least20 m.y., the Cordillerade Carabaya,forminga foundationfor
extendingfrom the late Oligoceneto the late Mio- the more detailed petrologicwork of Noble et al.
cene. The substantialSantaBftrbaraand Berenguela (1984a), Kontak et al. (1984, 1985, 1986), and Pi-
Ag-Cu centers,aswell asthe Tacazaandother smaller chavantet al. (1987, 1988a and b). Geochronologic
Cu-rich depositsof the SantaLucia district,are con- data for the igneousrocksare recordedby Lancelot
sideredto have been emplacedin the late Oligocene et al. (1978), Carlier et al. (1982), Clark et al. (1983b),
(ca. 23.5-29 Ma); the Lulita Au(-Cu, Pb, Ag) stock- Bonhommeet al. (1985, 1988), Kontaket al. (1987),
work is of early Mioceneage(19 Ma); the Sb-bearing Laubacheret al. (1988), andPichavantet al. (1988a).
veins of the Pucar•t-Putinaregion may be of middle Kontaket al. (1990c and d) synthesizethe available
Miocene age (ca. 15 Ma); and the Ag-Pb-Zn-Cuveins petrogeneticand geochronologic data for, respec-
in the Compuertaand Cacacharacampsare, respec- tively, the late Paleozoicto early Mesozoicand Ter-
tively, probablyand clearlyof late Mioceneage (6- tiaryintervalsin the region.Geochronologic andpet-
7 Ma). The moreimportanthydrothermalsystemsare rogenetic researchis underway on Oligocene to
age-equivalentto the volcanismof the Tacaza,(lower) Miocene volcanic-subvolcanicrocks in the region
Sillapaca(or Palca),and (lower) BarrosoGroups.The (Cheilletz et al., 1990, andin press;Sandemanet al.,
essentiallymonophase metaIlogenic
modelof Fletcher 1990; Yamamura,1990; Clark et al., in prep.).
et al. (1989) is not supported;indeed, the daciticSil- The areais dominatedby a thick succession of Or-
lapacaGroup asdelimitedby Klinck et al. (1986) and dovicianto Lower Permian,dominantlymarine, sed-
Ellisonet al. (1989) wasapparentlythe only stageof imentary strata, unconformablyoverlain by Lower
subaerialvolcanismnot directly responsiblefor me- Permian molassicclastics(Mitu Group) and by the
tallic mineralization. Further, at least the Santa Bftr- Cretaceous continental clastics of the Putina basin,
bara, Lulita, Compuerta,and Cacacharadepositsare or synclinorium(Laubacher,1978a). Ordovicianto
closely associatedwith felsic (dacitic to rhyolitic) Devonian units of the SanJos•, Sandia,and Ananea
hypabyssalintrusions.Finally, hydrothermalbreccias Formationsdisplaythe effectsof strongcompressive
with phreatic, or even phreatomagmatic,character- tectonism,ascribedto a Late Devonian to early Car-
•stics(see Sillitoe, 1985) occur in the immediatevi- boniferous(early Hercynian)orogenyby M•gard et
cinitiesof the Lim6n Verde (-CerriIlos),Berenguela, al. (1971), but they are widely preserved in a
Cayachira,and Tacazadepositsand containclastsof subgreenschist faciesmetamorphicstate. Areas of
dioriteor daciteporphyrysuggesting
the high-grade,low-pressure metamorphism, exposedin
occurrenceof epizonalintrusionsat depth. We ad- the SanGabfroandInambari(Sandia)valleys,surround
vocate a correlation between the epithermal miner- intrusivecomplexes locallyexhibitingstrongfoliation;
alizationof the Cordillera Occidentaland Altiplano they are regardedby Laubacher(1978a) as repre-
with Oligocene and Miocene subvolcanicstocks. sentingmetamorphicculminationsand synkinematic
However, the regionaltectonicmodel of Fletcher et intrusionsof Devonian to early Carboniferousage.
al. (1989) remainsplausible,with the rider that both The late Hercynianorogeny(Laubacher,1978a), of
hydrothermalcirculationandepizonalintrusionwere EarlyPermianage(Clarket al., 1990a), affectedboth
controlled by the major northwest-trendingstrike- the lower Paleozoicstrataand units of the Mississip-
slip fault zones. pian Ambo Group and the PennsylvanianTarma and
Copacabana Groups(Newell et al., 1953). It involved
Mesozoic Mineralization of the Inner Arc Domain generallyweak compression andprobablyno signif-
Introduction icant metamorphism,and was immediatelyfollowed
by continentalrifting,formingthe northwest-trending
The Cordillera Oriental separatesthe Altiplano Mitu trough and associated alkali basalts(Kontaket
from the sub-Andeanlowlands (Fig. 1). The 5,000- al., 1985, 1990c). Renewedtectonismduringthe late
to 6,000-m-highglaciatedpeaksof thiscordilleraare Eocene Incaic orogeny(Laubacher,1978a and b;
traditionallyassignedto the Cordillerade Carabaya, Laubacheret al., 1988) generateda southwest-verg-
andin the vicinity of the Bolivianborder,to the Cor- ing foldandthrustbelt acrossthe Putinasynclinorium.
dillera,or Nudo, de Apolobamba.Thismountainchain Immediately to the northeast,alongthe presentaxis
is in part boundedto the southwestby the Crucero of the cordillera, coeval (ca. 38 Ma) thermal and tec-
depression, a Tertiary intermontanebasin(Laubacher tonicactivitygaveriseto the Zongo-SanGabfmzone
et al., 1988), andby the extensiveuplandsof the Pre- (Fig. 13) within whichK-Ar dateswere radicallyreset
cordillera de Carabaya(Figs. 11, 12, and 13). The (Farrar et al., 1988; Kontak et al., 1990d). The in-
geology of this abundantlymineralized region has tensity of the thermal disturbanceincreasessystem-
been documentedby Newell (1949), Newell et al. aticallyfrom southwestto northeastacrossthis zone.
(19,53), and Laubacher(1978a and b), who provides Further compression occurredin the latestOligocene
15 5 0 CLARK ET AL.


+ + + + + +

+ + + + + + + +

'+*+++++++++++++++ +
+ + + + + + +

• +

Macusl PLUTON--


ß 0•'•..88/ø LIMACPAMPA



i!!• Group •'}•/•,?p_•?.•'•
Allincc•.pac UacusaniSyenite
Granitoid pluton
Triassic •'• andassociated
ß' mafic dykes
Permian ß".-..•:• MituGroup

iferous _• Tarma/Copacabana
Ambo Group Gp.
Devonian •_•-• Ananea
Group ,y:/,;•San Gab•.n
plut•qics (?)
Ordov- •TTTTTT• Sandia Fm.
i•:::• SanJoss
Fro. I 0 km 25 15 ø

FIG.12. Geologic
Groups isgeneralized
et al.,

(ca. 24 Ma: Clark et al., in prep.) duringthe initial rhyodaciticash-flowtuffswereemplaced in closeas-

stagesof the protractedQuechuaorogeniccycle sociation with mafic-intermediate shoshonitic volca-
(Laubacheret at., 1988). nism(Clark et al., 1983b; Bonhommeet at., 1985;
The lowerandupperPateozoicstrataareintruded Kontak et at., 1986, 1987; Laubacheret at., 1988)
(Fig. 12) by severallargeplutonsof weaklyperalu- alonga west-northwest-trending beltsurrounding the
minous monzograniteassignedto the Carabaya Crucerodepression andextending to the west-north-
bathotithby Kontaket at. (1990c), and for which west.In the Miocene,a resumptionof peratuminous
Permian(Lancelotet al., 1978) andTriassic(Kontak volcanism,but with a significantly differentcompo-
et al., 1990c)agesareproposed.Scatteredfeldspath- sition,generated therhyoliticashflowsofthePicotani
oid-bearingsyeniteplutonsandperalkalinevolcanic (Kontak,1985;Laubacher et at., 1988;Sandeman et
unitsaregroupedastheprobablyJurassic Allincc/tpac al., 1990)andQuenamari (orMacusani) (Nobleet at.,
PeralkalineComplex,or Group, by Kontaket at. 1984a;Pichavantet al., 1988a;Cheilletzet al., 1990)
(1990c).With the exceptionof the localintrusionof fields (Fig. 13). The area has been magmaticalty
smallgranodioritestocksin the mid- and Late Cre- quiescent sinceca.3 Ma (Bonhomme et al., 1988).
taceous,the Inner Arc domain was thereafter mag- The location numbers,distribution, and great va-
riety of the ore depositsof this area are shownin
maticallyquiescentuntil the late Oligocene(ca.28.5
Ma), whenperatuminous plutonsand Figure11. Thisregionhaslongbeena significant

I' I

•-.,• Tertiary
13030 '
• Tertiary
• Pre-Tertiary
(27.1) K-Ar age range - intrusiverocks

23.7 K-Ar age range- volcanicrocks


(24.2) •1• x • x
Santo •,•,- '' % /';;• •
SanRafael-Ouenamari CayconiField •• •
• • (25.9-22.6).•(27.1) /• •. z• • • • • • •7;•;• •

, 23:7
• •••

14ø30 '
- Pic • ( 17.4

• • • • '•Ancocalw/
• • •Basin

"I' Palca #1 1 . .
0 25

70 30' 70ø 69030'

FIG. 13. Sketchmapshowingthe Tertiaryunitsof the CordilleraandPrecorditlera de Carabaya,
the Crucerodepression andAnanea-Ancocatabasin,andthe approximate boundaries of the Zongo-San
GabSntectono-thermat zone(ZSGZ:afterFarraret at., 1988, andKontaket at., 1990d).Agesof intrusive
andvolcanicrocksare mainlyfrom Clark et at. (1983b), Kontaket at. (1986, 1987), andBonhomme
et at. (1988). AR -- Aricomapluton;CO = Coasapluton;LI -- Limbanipluton;LM = Limacpampa
pluton;MS = MacusaniSyenite;SG -- SanGabancomplex--all Jurassicor older.

sourceof gold(Fornariet al., 1988) frombothbed- SanRafaelandPalca11 (loc59) minesare the largest
butbasemetalproductionsourcesof, respectively,tin andtungstenin theAndes
fromthe Cecilia(loc31), SanRafael(loc10), and andthe mostproductivebedrockoperationsfor these
Carabaya ("Quenamari"or"Nazareth": loc11)mines metalsin the WesternHemisphere.The rhyolitictuffs
hasbeenmoreimportant in recentyears.Moreover, of the Macusanifield hostseveralpotentiallyimpor-
sincethe 1970s,theregionhasemerged asa major tant concentrations of high-gradeuraniumstockworks
lithophilemetalprovince;at the presenttime, the (Flores et al., 1983).
15 5 2 CLARK ET AL.

The metallogenichistoryof the regionis summa- occurred(Turner, 1968). If a crystallizationage of

rized by Clark et al. (1984) and Kontak(1985), and 200 Ma is assumedfor the muscovite,a 70 to 75 per-
geologicguidelinesfor tin and tungstenexploration cent Ar loss is indicated. The considerable local vari-
are proposedby Kontakand Clark (1988). The con- ationin muscoviteapparentagesuggested by the data
clusionsof thosepapersrequire modificationin the may be a functionof grain size and/or the extent of
light of recently acquiredage data.The mineralde- interaction of the micaswith the 300 ø to 400øC H20-
positsof the region are herein subdividedinto Me- CO2-CH4-NaC1fluidsimplicatedin the evolutionof
sozoicand Cenozoicgroups.Discussionof the older the Zongo-S•tnGab/•nzone (Kontaket al., 1990d).
mineralization includes an evaluation of a series of The availableK-Ar and4øAr/39Ar
datafor thisdis-
Au-, Sn-,andW-bearingquartzveinswhichhavetra- trict demonstratethat mineralizationtookplaceprior
ditionallybeen regardedas of Paleozoicage, a con- to 112.4 _ 2.4 Ma, whereasthe Rb-Sr isotoperela-
clusionwhichwe question. tionsstronglysuggesta post-Carboniferous age.The
mostconservativeinterpretationwould be to assign
Cerro Condoriquiria-Limacpampa district the Condoriqui•a Sn(-W, Zn, Au) veinsto the Late
The Condoriquifia("Condoriquefia")deposit(loc Triassic-Early Jurassicmetallogenicepisoderecog-
55), the first significanttin-dominantbedrock min- nized elsewherein the Cordillerade Carabaya.If so,
eralizationto be recognizedin Peru (Petersen,1960), the foliation of the Limacpamparocks could result
comprisesa seriesof cassiterite-richzonesof massive from their locationcloseto the northeasternmargin
greisenanda groupof narrow,but laterallyextensive, of the Zongo-San Gab/•n zone (Figs. 13 and 14).
cassiterite-bearing, quartz-chloriteveins,containing However, similarfabricsin the Triassic(Heinrich et
abundantwolframite, sphalerite,and arsenopyriteas al., 1988) two-micaleucogranites of the Zongopluton
well as erraticallyhigh Au grades(Petersen,1960). of the Cordillera Real, northwest Bolivia, are inter-
The deposit,onCerroCondoriqui•a,ishostedby two- preted (Heinrich, 1988; Clark et al., in prep.) asre-
mica monzogranitesand muscoviteleucogranitesof cordingintrusionat depthsof ca. 10 to 15 km, i.e.,
the smallLimacpampapluton(Figs.12 and 14), which in the upper mesozone.Exhumationof the deeper
intrudes tourmaline-rich andalusite-biotite hornfelses partsof the CordilleraRealbatholithduringthe Incaic
derived from Siluro-Devonian clastics of the Ananea orogeny is consideredto have occurred owing to a
Formation(Laubacher,1978a andb). Both the veins ca. 90 ø rotation (up to the northeast)during devel-
and the granitesare affectedby variablyintensefo- opment of a crustal-scale"duplex" (Farrar et al.,
liation, locallyapproachinggneissic.The tectonized 1990). A similarmodelmaybe suggested for the An-
nature of the granites, and the wide extent of the anea-Limacpampa transectof the Zongo-SanGab•tn
metamorphicaureole,led Laubacher(1978a and b) zone (Kontaket al., 1990d).
to assignthe center a possibleCarboniferousage. Ananea district
The peraluminousLimacpampagranitelieswithin
the ca. 38-Ma Zongo-SanGabSnzone (Farrar et al., Alsosituatedwithin the Zongo-SanGab/•nzone is
1988; Kontak et al., in pressb) and is therefore dif- the Ananea,or La Rinconada, district(Figs.11-14),
ficult to date in the absence of U-Pb zircon data. which hasbeen a gold camp sinceat leastthe 17th
However, our Rb-Sr studies(Kontak et al., 1990c) century when placer mining flourishedin the Cha-
showthat a negativeinitial Sr isotoperatio would be quiminasarea. Productionfrom the fiuvio-glacial
definedif the graniticrockswere as old as Carbon- gravelsof the Ananea-Ancocalabasin at the south-
iferous. Muscovitefrom the granite yields an Rb-Sr westernfoot of the Cordillera de Apolobambahas
ageof 199 Ma at a reasonableassumedinitial ratio of persistedepisodically to the presentday (Fornariet
0.710. ConventionalK-Ar data are given in Table 3 al., 1982, 1988). The sourceof the placergold,and
for a muscovite(LMP-2A) anda muscovite-biotite pair of the intimately associateddetrital cassiteriteand
(LMP-1) from the vicinity of the Condoriqui•apros- wolframite,wasundoubtedlyin bedrockdepositsex-
pect. The datesrange from 112.4 to 37.1 Ma, and posed at elevationsof ca. 5,000 to 5,250 m on the
there is extremediscordance betweenthe coexisting slopesof the NevadoAnanea-NevadoNacariamassif.
micasin sampleLMP-1. The geologyof the miningdistricthasbeendescribed
The conclusionthat these sampleshave suffered by Fornariet al. (1988). Of the two mainestablished
intensethermaldisturbanceis stronglysupportedby underground operations,the Ana Maria mine has
the4øAr/a9Ar agespectrum forLMP-1muscovite (Fig. probablyyieldedno more than 1 metric ton of gold
14, b; Kontak et al., 1990d), which yields an inte- i• recent years,but the extent of the workingsand
gratedageof 81.04 _ 1.48 Ma. This spectrumis typ- the high gradesof the ores(to 25 g/metricton Au)
ical of thermally overprintedmicas(e.g., York and suggestthat long-termproductionhas been signifi-
LopezMartinez, 1986), andwith the exceptionof the cantlyhigher.The nearbyGavil/•nde Oro workings
saddle,crudelyapproximates a profile that wouldbe have supporteda populationof up to 2,500 garim-
expectedif extensivevolumediffusionof argonhad peiros and dependentsduring the past decade.No

69030 ' W

BJ (COCA-268)

I IA=179.5+3.7
Ma I
150 14ø S-
0 100
per cent 3•r released


Sn Cu)
osc-,I \. .-•,

• [ LB-6
•IA-- b

- -..\
' Active
mine [
I."' ' .' ' • LMP-1
,• Inactive
mine /37.1_+.0.8
/, LM,- (g)l•
/•: .."ß ' "'-?.\
' '/
, S-
• ' ' ' ' ' •I•1),'-•, Condorique•'a
• Prospect " ' ' •1•.•' • Sn(-W Au)
Ma• "•;', "• '
ß K-Ar date I LMP-2A
I - .' ." Limacpampa
Gavil•n de Oro
I Bibiotite ß

. .

Zongo - San Gab•n Zone 43ñ10

I I•1 Au
25 km
[• • '. (Au). -•
i i

F•G.14. SketchmapofsoutheasternsegmentoftheCarabayabatholith,showing
in the text,andof samples
datedby the K-Ar and•øAr/a9Arstep-heating
techniques(spectraa-c). The Zongo-SanGabhnzone is outlined.

goldproductionfiguresare availablefor this mine, considerationsplacesomeconstraintsonthe environ-

buta singlemeter-wide
veinyielded3 metrictonsof mentandtimingof hydrothermalactivity.Fornariet
wolframiteand1 metrictonof cassiterite,monthly, al. (1988) recordedthat the Ana Maria mine hasex-
in theearly1960s(Robertson,1978).Oldworkings ploited up to eight separatemantoorebodies--lat-
showing evidence
of considerable
production extend erally extensive,but thin (max.20 cm), systems of
for several kilometers to the east of the Ana Maria gray quartzveinsbroadlyconformablewith the bed-
mine(J.C. Kovaf•ik,pers.commun.,1990). ding of the east-northeast-striking,
The age of the Au-lithophilemetal-basemetal folded, Lower Devonian turbidites of the Ananea
but geologic Formation(Laubacher,1978a). A subordinateseries

TABLE3. K-At Age Determinationsfor Inner Arc Mineralized Districts, SoutheasternPeru

(cma/ Apparentage
Sample Material g X 10-6 Atm % (Ma) and
no. Location Rocktype analyzed %K NTP) 4øAr error(_+2a)

a. Limacpampa-Ananeadistrict
LMP-2A 14ø32•30•' Monzogranite Muscovite 8.617 38.83 17.7 112.4 _+ 2.4
60ø30•00 •'
LMP-1 14ø32'30" Monzogranite Muscovite 8.654 30.71 15.5 89.1 _+ 2.1
69 ø30'00 •
LMP-1 14ø32•30• Monzogranite Biotite 6.872 10.01 17.2 37.1 _+ 0.8
69ø30'00 •'
GDO-1 14ø37•30•' Quartz vein Muscovite 7.001 40.56 5.9 143.2 _ 10.1
69 ø30•00•' envelope

b. Coasa district

BAR 16 14ø04'37 • Greisen Muscovite 5.292 46.42 2.3 212.7 _+ 4.3

70ø10'00 •'
COCA 1011 14ø00'26•' Quartz vein Muscovite 8.685 66.38 7.0 186.7 _+ 3.8
COCA 1012 14ø00'26•' Monzogranite Biotite 6.584 52.22 0.9 193.4 _+ 3.9
70ø05•03 •

c. Aricoma district

LB-6 14 ø 18'49 •' Quartz vein Muscovite 7.844 73.04 2.3 225.0 _+14.8
OSC-1 14ø10•00 •' Monzogranite from Biotite 6.987 55.65 3.1 194.1 _+ 3.9
vein envelope

d. Crucero district

COCA 382 14 ø 17'20" Granodiorite Whole rock 2.811 9.37 8.5 83.8 _+ 3.1
COCA 387 14016'05" Granodiorite Whole rock 2.426 7.31 10.3 74.4 _+ 1.6
COCA 292A 14ø 15•47" Diabase Whole rock 0.665 3.25 22.9 121.5 _+ 2.6
70ø04•31 •'

of white quartzveinscuttingbeddingisalsorecorded. axial-planarcleavageof the turbidites.The vein cuts

Native gold is associatedwith arsenopyrite,pyrite, both of thosefabricsand alsoa north-northwest-dip-
pyrrhotite,and particularly,galena.The foldedand ping spacedcleavage(the S1foliationof Fornari et
boudinagednatureof the mantosisascribedby Soler al., 1988); somevein segments are controlledby the
et al. (1986) andFornariet al. (1988) to deformation intersectionof the bedding and the spacedcleav-
duringthe early Hercynianorogeny,i.e., in the Late age. The host sedimentaryrocks, which exhibit
Devonianor early Carboniferous.In additionto the subgreenschist,anchimetamorphic faciesconditions,
quartzveins,a broadlyconcordant,laminated,weakly displayno widespreadhydrothermalalteration,but
auriferous(ca. 2 g/metric ton) body of arsenopyrite, within ca. 5 to 10 mm of the vein, the rocks are con-
pyrrhotite,andpyrite,with ca. 15 percent"detrital" verted to extremelyfine grained,melanocraticsel-
quartz,is interpretedasa sedimentaryexhalativeho- vagescomprisingwhite mica,quartz,andTi(-Fe) ox-
rizon (Fornari and Bonnemaison,1984). The quartz ides(leucoxene),whichsurviveaswispyseptawithin
veins are consideredto representsuboceanicfluid the vein quartz. The irregular contactsand anasto-
conduits. mosingnatureof the mantosare thusascribedin part
Preliminaryfield andpetrographicstudiesunder- to their emplacementthroughreplacementof the host
takenduringthe presentresearchdefinethe following rocksby hydrothermalfluids;the Ti oxidesare re-
stagesin the developmentof the San Jorge manto gardedasrefractoryphases.Although,in the senior
(level 2, 5,200 m) of the Ana Maria mine: author'sopinion,neither nativegold nor sulfidemin-
eralscan be demonstratedto be directly associated
1. Emplacementof the mantoof grayquartz.This with this stageof quartzintroduction,J. C. Kova•ik
to thebeddingandweak (pers. commun.,1990) recordsthat ore-grademin-

eralizationis highly persistentin the mantos.Appar- varietyof formsandattitudeswith respectto regional

ently primaryfluid inclusionsin mantoquartzall have structures.The exhalativemodel advocatedby For-
•4 equiv wt percent NaC1. nariet al. (1988) thereforecannotsatisfyall observed
2. Folding and boudinageof the mantos.Defor- featuresof the deposits. The anchimetamorphic grade
mationof the veinsis clearly shownby the intense of the hostrocksandthe occurrenceof muchgold in
recrystallizationof the quartz and by at least two cavitiesindicatethat all mineralizationtook place at
stagesof tectonicstylolitedevelopment. J. C. Kova•ik relatively shallowdepths.Whereaswe are not con-
(unpub. data) documentsthe developmentof sub- vincedby the evidencefor truly exhalativeprocesses,
vertical ore shootsin the area to the eastof Ana Maria, we acceptthat the mantosdevelopedin a late kine-
with matic, and possibly,late metamorphicenvironment.
isoclinal folds. In contrast,the crosscuttingveins were emplaced
3. Local dilation of the youngerstylolite seams, duringan episodeof brittle fracturingin a very shal-
with the introduction of minor Fe-rich chlorite, fine- low environment.It is implicit that hydrothermalac-
grainedwhite quartz, ilmenite, and pyrite and trace tivity overlappedwith a transitionfromcompressional
amountsof Mo-poor scheelite. to extensionaltectonics and with probably abrupt
4. Emplacementof south-dipping(ca. 40o-55 ø) uplift and erosionalexhumationof the area.The An-
veinsof milky quartz. These "ramales"have chlori- aneaveinsdisplayclosesimilaritiesto the bedding-
tized selvages andcontainchlorite,pyrite,pyrrhotite, parallelauriferousquartzveinswarmsof the Paleozoic
arsenopyrite,sphalerite,galena,minorscheelite,and Meguma terrane, Nova Scotia. These controversial
possibly,nativegold where they transectthe manto. deposits(Keppieet al., 1986) are consideredby Kon-
Brecciascomprisingangularfragmentsof metasedi- tak et al. (1990b) to have formed in association with
mentaryhostrock are locallydeveloped.Sulfidemin- late kinematic plutonismduring the rise of deep,
erals,andapparently,goldwere introducedinto con- metamorphicallyderivedfluids.The onlyexposedin-
tiguous areasof the manto. Fluid inclusionsin the trusive body in the immediateAnanea district is a
milky quartzdisplayhighlyvariableliquid/vaporra- small lens of strongly deformed and chloritized
tiosandvariableamountsof CO2 (or CH4 .9). granodiorite,but a similarmodel may be applicable.
5. Extensivedissolutionof the milky quartz.The The age of the gold-bearingveinsremainsincom-
dissolution generatedmegascopic cavitieswhichwere pletely defined.In Table 3, a, we record a conven-
partiallyfilled in by the millimeter-scaleplatesand tional K-Ar date of 143 _ 10 Ma for hydrothermal
even euhedra of gold which characterizethe ores. muscovitedirectlyassociated with cassiterite
Inclusionsof sperrylite and micheneritehave been Gavilfmde Oro workings.This earliest Cretaceous
observedin one coarsegold grain (J. Kova•ik, pers. datum is tentatively interpreted asindicatinga min-
commun., 1990, has confirmed the occurrence of Pt imum age for the veins.Thus, it is clear that at least
alloysin the nearbyAu placers).Vug development the Sn mineralizationwas not generatedduring the
wasassociated with pseudomorphous growthof pyrite Eocenedevelopmentof the Zongo-SanGab•n zone.
after pyrrhotiteandthe depositionof minorankerite. The compressional tectonicenvironmentof the earlier
mineralizationstagesmayhavebeenthat of the early
Similarrelationsare evidentin the larger Gavil•n Hercynian orogeny, as proposedby Fornari et al.
de Oro depositwhere early, sinuousbut extensive, (1988), but it could alsohave developedduring the
mantosof grayquartzare cutby severalmilky quartz late Hercynian(EarlyPermian)tectono-thermal event
veins rich in muscovite, cassiterite, and wolframite, (Laubacher,1978a and b). The superimposedepi-
striking ca. 60ø and dipping 20ø SE (Robertson, zonaleventwhich,we infer, wasresponsiblefor much
1978). Handspecimens fromthe dumpsdisplayvein- of the ore gradeAu, may have occurredduring the
lets of white vuggy quartz, rich in sulfidesand with uplift and rifting which generatedthe Mitu trough,
traces of gold, cutting wolframite- and cassiterite- alsoin the Early Permian. However, the closeasso-
bearingquartzveinstone.As at Ana Maria, the bulk ciation of lithophile metal (Sn,W) associations with
ofthe goldat Gavilftnde Orowasthereforeapparently gold in the Ananeacamppromptsanalogieswith the
introducedlate in the history of the veins and was nearbyCerro Condoriquifiadistrict(Fig. 14). In par-
associated with extensivedissolution of quartzwhere ticular, the markedly changingtectonic conditions
brittle fractures intersected the mantos. implied by the earlier and later veins at Ana Maria
From the above data, it is concluded that the em- may directly reflect the transition from initial em-
placementof at leastthe high-gradegoldmineraliza- placementof the Carabayabatholithat ca. 225 Ma,
tion was separatedfrom turbidite sedimentationin throughuplift, to the intrusionof the younger,more
the Early Devonianby a complexseriesof tectonic intenselymineralized stocksat ca. 190 to 200 Ma.
andhydrothermalevents.Like manyother goldde- Petersen(1960) indeedproposeda geneticrelation
posits(e.g., Tourignyet al., 1989), the vein systems betweenthe two centers,suggesting that the Au-rich
of the Ananeadistrictare multiphase,comprising
a veinsin the vicinity of Ananeaandthe Condoriquifia

Sn(-W, Au) veinsconstitute,respectively,distaland Gabfinzone (Kontak et al., 1990d). On this basis,we

proximalfaciesof a large-scale hydrothermalsyste m can only infer that the plutonsare Early Cretaceous
related directly to emplacementof the Carabaya or older.
batholith; in contrast,Fornari et al. (1982, 1988) do Bedrockquartzveins(asat Huscocachi; Ioc 1) have
not consider the occurrence of cassiterite and wolf- been significantsourcesof gold (Soleret al., 1986)
ramite in the Ananea bedrock mineralization, and but have apparently not been geologicallydocu-
therefore, do not addressthese relations. We concur mented;these and other depositsin the San Gabfin
with Petersenand cite analogieswith the Permian intrusionsare tentativelyinterpretedasthe sourceof
SanJudasTadeo district (seeabove),where Au-rich the placer gold which is still being recoveredfrom
veins similarly appear to represent (Clark et al., severalsitesbelow Ollachea.As in the broadlycom-
1990a) a peripheralzone arounda W(-Mo) core, and parablesettingsin the Cerro Condoriquifiaarea (see
the lateral zonation from wolframite- to gold-rich above)andin the Zongodistrictof Bolivia(Farraret
veins in the Pacollo district of the Cordillera Real, al., 1990a; Clark et al., in prep.), we envisagethat
Bolivia(AhlfeldandSchneider-Scherbina, 1964). The the foliated granitoidrocks of the complexrecord
gold-bearingfluidsmay have been derived from the batholithemplacement conditions at depth;the sparse
granitoidmagmasor fromthe extensivemetamorphic natureof the primarymineralizationmayreflectthe
aureoleswhichareinferredto surroundthe Carabaya high pressuresunder which the hydrothermalfluids
batholith at mesozonaldepths.On this basis,we ten- evolved.
tativelyfavora Jurassicagefor the golddeposits. An extensive area south of Ollachea is underlain

Ollachea district
by alkalineandperalkalinesyeniticrocks,constituting
the MacusaniSyeniteof Francis(1956), oneof several
Despite the groundworklaid by Douglas (1920) centers of silica-undersaturated magmatismin the
and Francis (1956), the geologyof the precipitous western Cordillera de Carabaya (Kontak, 1985).
valleyof the Rio SanGabfin,whichtransectsthe axial These phaneritic intrusive rocksgrade upward into
Cordillera Oriental north of Macusani(Figs. 11 and compositionally equivalentvolcanics,whichunderlie
12), remainsill-defined. Laubacher (1978a and b) NevadosAllinccfipacand Japumato the east of the
providesa sketchmap approximatelydelimitingthe upper Rio San Gabfin. The extrusiveunits were as-
two major igneoussuiteswhich are incisedby the signedto the Lower Permian Mitu Group by Lau-
river: the San Gabfin Complex, north of Ollachea bacher (1978a and b), but we elsewhereargue for
(Kontaket al., 1990c),andthe AllinccfipacPeralkaline the existenceof a distinct AllinccfipacPeralkaline
Complex to the south (Francis, 1956; Laubacher, Complex in this area (Kontaket al., 1990c). The al-
1978a; Kontaket al., 1990c). Clarificationof the age kaline rocks range in compositionfrom gabbro,
relationsin this areaishinderedby its locationwithin through diorite to nepheline- and amphibole(bar-
the Zongo-SanGabfinzone,preventingprecisedating kevikite andhornblende)-pyroxene (aegirine-augite)
of the numerous,once productive,metallic mineral syenites,and have compositions largely in the plu-
depositsassociatedwith the two complexes. masiticand miaskiticfieldsof Sorensen(1974).
The scatteredplutonsof the SanGabfin Complex Mining activitywithin the AllinccfipacGroup has
(the Coranibatholith)intrude clasticstrataof the Or- been restricted to scattered silver-rich veins: the
dovicianSanJos• and SandiaFormationsand are in largestmine, at Ucuntaya(loc 2), worked Cu-Ag ores
part surroundedby an extensiveaureoleof low-pres- (Zambranoet al., 1965). Francis (1956) documents
sure metamorphism(Kontak, 1985) culminatingin numerousColonialor olderbedrockworkingsfor sil-
sillimanite-bearing assemblages definingconditions ver along the Rio San Gabfin and recordshigh Au
correspondingto the bathozone1-2 transitionof Car- gradesfromonelocality.The smallPioX Pb-Ba(-Mn)
michael(1978), i.e., P = ca. 2.2 kbars.The intrusive veinsystem(loc3), southof the mainsyeniteplutons,
rocks,rangingin composition from olivine-pyroxene may alsorepresenthydrothermalactivity associated
gabbroto two-micaleucogranite,are variably,and with the alkaline magmatism.Ore samplesfrom a
locallystrongly,foliated.Compositional trendssug- prospectin the vicinity of JuroJuro,ca. 9 km south-
gesta comagmaticorigin throughfractionalcrystal- southwestof Ollachea,compriseveinletsof analcime,
lization of a maficparent but with extensivecontam- 1 to 2 cmwide andcontainingdisseminations of native
ination by aluminoussedimentaryrocks.These fea- silver, acanthite,and cuprostibite(Cu2Sb),a sulfur-
tures are not sharedby other granitoidsuitesin the poorassemblage similarin somerespectsto thosede-
Cordillerade Carabaya.Only K-Ar datesfor biotites scribedfrom the Ilimaussaqperalkalinesyeniteby
are availablefor the SanGabfinComplex:theserange Karup-Moller (1974). However, other Ag mineral-
from 123 to 38 Ma (n = 5) and,togetherwith biotite izationin the syeniticrocksappearsto havebeenrich
datesfrom the enclosingmetapelites,decreasesys- in pyrite, galena,and argentiantetrahedrite.
tematicallyfrom southto northacrossthe Zongo-San Ore mineralaccumulations moretypicalof alkaline

intrusionsalsooccurin the mainbodyof the Macusani Coasa district

Syenite.Robertson(1978) tentativelyidentifiedeu-
dialyte as a constituentof veinletsin at leastone lo- Hydrothermalmineralizationdemonstrably related
cation.This hasbeen confirmedin the presentwork; to the granitoid rocks of the extensiveCarabaya
alluvialcobblesof pyroxene-richsyenitein the Juro batholithis widely dispersed(Figs. 11, 12, and 14)
Juroareahaveat leasttwo stagesof irregularfractures but rarely of significantextent or grade. The large
in whichthe mainmineralsare apatite,eudialyte(C1 (ca. 1,300 km2) Coasamonzogranitic-granodioritic
rich), and steenstrupine.Semiquantitativeelectron pluton (Laubacher,1978a andb; Kontaket al., 1984,
microprobeandproton-induced X-ray analysisof the 1985, 1990c) is hostto severalsmalllithophile and
eudialyte showsit to containca. 4 to 5 wt percent basemetaldeposits,noneof whichhassustainedma-
BE•O3 (Y > Ce > La > Nd). This steenstrupinecon- jor production.Contactmetamorphicmineralassem-
tainsonlytracesof uranium.Noneof theseapparently blagesin the aureoleindicateemplacement at a depth
hydrothermalmineralshasbeen observedin the host of ca. 6 to 8 km (Kontak, 1985), possiblytoo great
syenite (cf. Bailey et al., 1981). Kontak (1985) has for the developmentof extensivebrittle fracturingin
reported veinlets of tugtupite from the nepheline the immediatepostmagmaticperiod. Our K-Ar and
syenitenear the baseof the intrusivecomplex.Our Rb-Sr data for the intrusive rocks and the U-Pb zircon
more recent work has shown that sodalite occurs date (238 _+11 Ma) of Lancelot et al. (1978) are in-
widelyasveins,locally5 to 6 cm in width,but proton- terpreted asrecordinginitial batholithemplacement
induced gamma-rayanalysis(detection limit ca. 10 in the Late Triassic,at ca. 220 to 230 Ma (Kontaket
ppm) reveals no significantBe in the feldspathoid al., 1990c). The Triassicgranitoids,althoughpre-
(J.D. MacArthur,pers.commun.,1990). The sodalite dominantlyperaluminousand with initial Sr isotope
also lacksthe intenseblue color of the long-mined ratios of >0.7082 (Kontak et al., in pressa), are
andprobablycoevalCerro Sapooccurrencein Bolivia broadly comparablein chemistryand mineralogyto
(Brendler, 1934; Ahlfeld and Schneider-Scherbina, the I-Caledonianclan of Pitcher (1983).
1964), but similarly forms veins cutting nepheline Skarn mineralization occurs at several locations
syenite.Stronglysaline,weakly saline,and gaseous alongthe southand west marginsof the pluton.A
aqueousfluidinclusionsare abundantin the Ollachea smalldeposit,comprisingpyroxene-richendoskarn,
sodalitevein material. The veinletsare borderedby greisen-bordered quartzveinlets,andamphibole-ep-
zones of intense microbrecciation and sodalite re- idote-rich exoskarnin adjacentTarma Group lime-
placementof feldsparandnepheline.A hydrothermal, stone,is exposedat the southerncontactnearQueafi-
possiblyexplosive,origin is favored,as in the com- ani (loc 18). The intrusionshowsan abrupt outward
parableDitro Complex,Romania(Streckeisen,1960). transition from coarse-grained,rapakivi-textured
No metallic minerals have been observed in the so- monzogranite to tourmaline-richleucogranitein the
dalite veins.The extentof the eudialytevein system, vicinity of the skarns.The mineralizationcomprises
andhence,the potentialfor economicZr or REE min- chalcopyrite,galena,acanthite,and pyrrhotite.Hy-
eralization, is unknown. drothermal muscovite(BAR-16) from this prospect
Much of the main syeniticintrusivecenter appar- yielded a Late TriassicK-Ar age of 212.7 _+4.3 Ma
ently liessouthof the Zongo-SanGab•tntectonother- (Table 3, b).
The more extensive Cu skarns and veins of the Vol-
malzone,but foliationislocallydevelopedandbiotite
from theserocksyieldsvariableK-Ar dates,ranging c•mprospect(loc15;Robertson,1978;Kontak,1985)
from 184 (Stewartet al., 1974) to 156 Ma (Kontaket occurat the contactof the westernlobe of the pluton,
al., 1990c). The mica datesshowa broadinversecor-
in an area where the granitoidrocks show abrupt
relation with the intensityof foliation.Exposuresof transitionsfrom hornblende-biotitemonzograniteand
syenogranite(locally tourmalinized)to quartz-poor
quartz-freesyenitesouthof Ayapataexhibitapparent diorite, monzonite,and syenite(Kontaket al., 1984,
gradationalrelationswith the monzograniteof the
1985). The deposithasnot been directly dated,but
westernlobe of the Coasapluton (Robertson,1978; the presence of endoskarnmineralization suggests
Kontak, 1985), for which a Late Triassicage is in- that hydrothermalactivity occurredcontemporane-
ferred(Kontaket al., 1990c).It is,therefore,possible ouslywith intrusion,for whichLate Triassicto Early
that the syenites,and the Allincc•tpacPeralkaline Jurassic K-Ar biotite agesof 198 to 210 Ma havebeen
Complexas a whole, may be essentiallycoevalwith determined (Kontak et al., 1990c). Minor scheelite
the granitoid plutons of the Carabaya batholith. occurs in the Volcftn ores.
However, in the absenceof other geochronologic Severalmineraldeposits havebeenexploredwithin
data, we accepta Middle Jurassicage (ca. 170-180 the Coasapluton, mainly for tungsten.The Levans,
Ma) for the alkalinerocksandfor their associated Ag- or Huarachani, wolframite-(molybdenite)-quartz
rich and Zr-REE mineralization. veins (loc 16) are rich in speculariteand pyrite, av-

erage50 to 60 cm wide, and trend at 158ø to 162ø, Suchrocksmay be parental to the W(-Mo) mineral-
parallel to a regionallydeveloped,steeplyinclined ization developedwithin, and perhapsadjacent to,
joint system.The country rocks comprisecoarse- the Coasapluton.
grainedmonzogranitecut by swarmsof aplitic and
Aricoma district
quartz porphyriticrhyolite dikes;local float displays
laminatedpegmatitic-apliticcomplexeswith unidi- The 150-km2Aricomaplutonis the hostof the Sa-
rectional growth textures.These features strongly rita polymetallicprospect(Figs.11, 12, and14). The
imply that the Levansveinsformedcloseto the apex biotite monzogranites andgranodioritesof thisintru-
of a stockinternalto the large monzograniticpluton;sionyield biotiteK-Ar agesof 211 to 217 Ma (Kontak
the laminatedrocksare interpretedas representing et al., in pressa). Dalmayracet al. (1980) presented
a stockscheider. in a preliminaryform a 234 ___9-Ma U-Pb zircondate
Vein-selvage muscovite from the level 1 adit which we interpret to recorda contributionfrom an
yieldeda K-Ar ageof 186.7 ___
3.8 Ma, whereasbiotite inherited Pb component,and we suggestthat, as in
from unalteredmonzogranite300 m southwestof the the Coasaarea, initial intrusiontook place at 220 to
workingsgavea significantlyolderageof 193.4 ___ 3.9 230 Ma rather than earlier. A muscoviteageof 225.0
Ma (Table 3, b). This part of the intrusionli•esclose ___
14.8 Ma (Table 3, c) was obtainedfor greisenas-
to the southwesternlimit of the Zongo-San Gab•tn sociatedwith a systemof quartz-tourmaline-pyrite
tectono-thermal zone (Kontak, 1985; Farrar et al., veins exposeda short distancesouthof the south-
1988; Kontaket al., 1990d). Thermaloverprintingis easternmarginof the Aricomaintrusion(loc 49); the
recordedby a 4øAr/39Ar
age spectrum(Fig. 14, b) economicpotential of this hydrothermalzone is un-
determined for biotite from COCA-268, a monzo- known.
granite collected 6.25 km east-northeastof Huaram The Sarita, or Oscoroque,Cu-W-Mo(-Sn) deposit
chani(Kontak,1985). The spectrum,whichyieldsan in the northernsectorof the Aricomapluton (loc 48),
integratedage of 179.5 ___ 3.7 Ma, displaysa saddle by far the mostimportantbaseand lithophile metal
characteristicof disturbance.Thermalmodeling,fol- mineralization known to be associated with the Cara-
lowingTurner (1968) and Dodson(1973), suggests baya batholith,hasbeen briefly describedby Rob-
that the mica experienceda relativelybrief (ca. 1-3 ertson(1978), Guerrero(1980), CandiottiandGuer-
m.y.) thermal pulseat a temperatureof ca. 160ø to rero (1983), andKontak(1985). Severaldistincthy-
175øC, in conformitywith microthermometricdata drothermalfaciesare represented,includingswarms
for fluid inclusionspreservedin microfabricsdevel- of pipelike bodiesrich in W, Mo, and Sn and sur-
opedduringthe overprinting(Kontak,1985; Kontak roundedby zonesof potassic K feldspar-richalteration
et al., 1990d). It is estimatedthat the biotite lostonly superimposed on an intenselyalbitizedgranite,and
ca. 4 percentradiogenicargon,andfromthe apparent at a lower altitude, chalcopyrite-richlodeswith vari-
agesof the plateausegments flankingthe saddle,that ablyepidotized,sericitized,albitized,andchloritized
originalintrusionoccurredat ca. 190 Ma (seeDall- envelopes.Numerousapliticandbasalticdikesoccur
meyer, 1975). The Levansdepositis locatedin an in the district.
areaof the plutonlessaffectedby the Zongo-SanGa- A conventionalK-Ar ageof 194.1 ___ 3.9 Ma (Table
bftn event than the above sampleand we estimate 3, c) was obtainedfor biotite (OSC-1) from monzo-
that only ca. 3 percent radiogenicargon losstook granitein the lowerpartof the mineralizedarea.The
placeat thistime in the mine area.We concludethat samplewastaken from an outcropadjacentto a Cu-
the Eoceneactivityhasnot significantlyaffectedthe rich vein andcontainsdisseminated chalcopyrite.This
two K-Ar mica dates from the Huarachani area and ageis distinctlyyoungerthanothersdeterminedfor
that their "reversediscordance"(i.e., muscovitedate granitoidrocksof the Aricomadistrict.A 4øAr/39Ar
lessthanbiotite date)is evidencethat the Levansveins step-heatingrun on this biotite yieldsa weakly dis-
formed at least 7 to 8 m.y. after the Coasamonzo- turbed age spectrum(Fig. 14, c), with an integrated
granitehad cooledbelow ca. 250 ø to 300øC (the Ar- age of 187.11 ___ 1.18 Ma. The Saritaprospectlies
blockingtemperatureof biotite). On thisbasiswe in- closeto the southwesternlimit of the Zongo-SanGa-
fer that lithophile metal mineralizationin this area b•tnzone and the spectrumrecordsan Ar lossof no
was probablynot directly associatedwith the em- morethan5 percent.This mayreflectthe lateEocene
placementof the voluminous monzogranites at ca.220 tectono-thermal event,but the ageprofilediffersfrom
to 230 Ma, but with youngerintrusionsof approxi- those of disturbedmicaselsewherein the zone (cf.
mately 190 to 195 Ma, i.e., of Early Jurassicage. spectrumfor LMP-1, Fig. 14, and Kontak et al.,
Southwestof Coasavillage, there is an extensivebut 1990d). The configurationof steps3 through12 is
undelimited outcrop of cordierite-biotite granite, similar to thoserecordedby Lo and Onstott (1989)
distinctlymore peraluminousthan the main monzo- for chloritized biotites and interpreted by them as
granites initialratio resultingfrom3"r recoil.SampleOSC-1biotiteap-
andwith a muchhigherS7Sr/S6Sr
(0.7241 versus0.7082-0.7087: Kontaket al., 1990c). pearsfreshin thin sectionandcontainsca. 7 percent

K (Table 3), but it is from a site closeto a vein with 11). These rocksare consideredto be of Hercynian,
irregularlychloritizedselvages.We tentativelypro- i.e., Paleozoicage, and the datesto reflect Andean
posethat granitoidrocksdatingfrom ca. 205 to 210 resetting,but we considerit probablethat the age
Ma were invadedby youngerintrusionsand hydro- data record a westward extension of the Cretaceous
thermal fluids in the Early Jurassic,at ca. 185 to intrusiveactivitywe identifyin the Cruceroarea.The
190 Ma. onlymineralization documented in thisbelt, however,
is of Cu and Sn (the Tres Marlas and Rescatepros-
Crucero district
pects:locs5 and8), of a type unlikelyto be associated
A small mill formerly operated by the Banco with intermediate calc-alkaline stocks. The intrusions
Minero at Puncotira processed silver-bearing of the Crucero districtmay representpart of an ex-
Pb-Cu(-Zn) sulfide, and more recently, oxide ores pandedCretaceousarc (Clark et al., 1984).
from severalvein depositsin a districtcenteredca. Summary
15 km north-northeast of the town of Crucero(Figs.
3 and 11). The veins,amongwhichthoseof the Cerro Definitionof the agerelationsof the mineralization
delIncaAzul (loc41) andCasade Plata(loc40) mines emplacedin the earlier stagesof developmentof the
(sometimesgrouped as the Tambopatamine) have Inner Arc domain is far from complete. However,
been the mostproductive,are hostedby strataof the granitoidmagmatism of the polyphase,UpperTriassic
Carboniferousto Lower PermianTarma and Copa- to Lower Jurassic, Carabaya batholith is implicated
cabanaGroupsin the vicinityof severalsmallstocks in a wide range of lithophile (W, Sn, and Mo) and
of hypabyssal granodiorite.The Altura(loc37), Santa basemetal deposits,mostof modestsize. We favor a
Ana Uno (loc 38), and SantaAna Dos (loc 39) oper- genetic relation between the batholith and the Au
ationshavealsoproducedmixedsulfideconcentrates; lithophilemetalveinsof the broaderAnaneadistrict.
the firsttwo depositsarehostedby fine-grainedhorn- The limited extent of much of the bedrock mineral-
blende granodiorite.These vein systemsare domi- ization may directly reflect the generallydeep level
nated by quartz and carbonates:early periods of of exposureof the magmatichydrothermalsystem.
brecciation, and of silicification and chloritization of We consider the evidence for the occurrence of Pa-
the wall rocks,were followedsuccessively by quartz- leozoicmineralizationunconvincing.Minor argentian
chalcopyrite-pyrite andcarbonate-galena (-acanthite- base metal vein systemsare associatedwith Upper
sphalerite)stages(Kontak, 1985). Whole-rockK-Ar Cretaceous"I-type" stocksin at least one area.
datesfor the intrusionshostingthe Altura and Santa Cenozoic Mineralization of the Inner Are Domain
Ana Uno depositsare, respectively,74.4 and83.8 Ma
(Table 3, d). Whole-rockdatesof suchrocksare sub- Introduction
ject to uncertainty,but the agesare tentativelyac- In contrastto the restrictedscaleof hydrothermal
ceptedasevidencefora LateCretaceous metallogenic activity associatedwith the Carabayabatholith, the
episode. smallerepizonalgraniticstocksof Tertiary agein the
One sulfidic(Cu,Zn, Pb)veinsystemin the district, Cordilleraand Precordillerade Carabayagenerated
that of Condoriquifia(loc42), notto be confusedwith severallargeandhigh-gradelithophileandbasemetal
the Sn-W depositnear Limacpampa,hasbeen shown deposits(Kontakand Clark, 1988). The geochrono-
(Bateman,1982; Kontak, 1985) to containacicular logic data basefor the intrusionsand ore depositsof
cassiteriteand is comparablein its parageneticevo- the area has been documentedelsewhere (Clark et
lution to the chloritic lodes of the San Rafael and other al., 1983b, 1984; Kontak et al., 1987; Farrar et al.,
ca. 25-Ma districts(e.g., Clark et al., 1983b). Kontak 1990b) and requiresonly brief summary.However,
et al. (1990a) have, moreover,shownthat the Pb iso- we include new data for two mineralized districts in
tope compositionof the oresis identicalto that of the the region.
Sn-bearingvein systems,whereasthosefrom the Sno
free depositsin the Cruceroareadiffermarkedly. Mineralizationassociatedwith upper Oligocene
The smallSol de Cobrizacoppervein system(loc granitic plutons
43), is developedin limestones adjacentto a diabasicSmall,composite,epizonalintrusivecentersin the
intrusion, which yields an Early CretaceousK-Ar SanRafael-Quenamariand SantoDomingodistricts
whole-rockdateof 122 Ma (Table3, d; Kontak,1985). (Figs. 11 and 13) are associatedwith, respectively,
The Pb isotopecompositionof this ore hasno equiv- Sn-Cu(-Ag)and Pb-Zn-Ag(-Cu,Sn), and Zn-Pb-Cu-
alent in the region, lendingsupportto the isolatedSn(-Ba)vein systems,exhibitinglateral (Quenamari
apparent age. andSantoDomingo)andvertical(SanRafael)zonation
Bonhommeet al. (1985) report five whole-rockK- from early Snto later baseandpreciousmetalassem-
Ar datesin the range,66 to 169 Ma, for largelyin- blages (Arenas, 1980; Kontak, 1985; Kontak and
termediateepizonalgranitoidrocksfroman east-west Clark, 1988; Clark et al., in prep.). The host mon-
belt betweenAjoyaniandMinaSantoDomingo(Fig. zogranitesare markedly peraluminousand petro-

graphically distinctive, with phenocrystsof alkali breccia, as at Berenguela.Similarrelationsmay per-

feldspar,biotite,andcordieriteandmicrophenocryststain at the smallMartha (loc9) andCerro Moromoroni
of sillimanite,and are interpretedasproductsof va- (loc 13) hematite deposits.Each occursin mixed
por-absent,biotite-mediated,partialmeltingof semi- limestoneandclasticfaciesof the Tarma-Copacabana
pelitic protolithsin the continentalcrust (Kontaket Groups;at Cerro Moromoroni,the iron mineralization
al., 1984; Clark et al., in prep.). Intrusionwasaccom- is concentrated with chalcedonic silicain crosscutting
panied,andprobablycausedby, injectionof mantle- fragmentalbodies,describedas sandstonedikesby
derived shoshoniticbasalt magmasinto the crust Kontak (1985) but perhapsrepresentingmultistage
(Kontaket al., 1986). The stocksexposedwest and phreatic brecciabodies.Barite is abundantin both
northwestof the Crucerodepressionare disposedin deposits,and at Cerro Moromoroniforms_•15-cm-
a broadlycirculararray, inferred to delimit a large wide veinscuttingthe hematite-cemented breccias.
pluton at depth (Kontakand Clark, 1988; M. J. Ar- The latter depositlies a shortdistancebelow an un-
enas,unpub. data; Clark et al., in prep.). This, and conformablyoverlyingsuccession of upperOligocene
the flagrantlycrosscutting contactsof the intrusions, volcanicbrecciasand flows of shoshoniticcomposi-
impliesemplacementin an extensional or neutraltec- tion, intrudedby the 24.9 _ 0.5-Ma Antautagranite,
tonic setting. a wide dike of cordierite-biotitemonzogranite.
K-Ar datesof magmaticbiotitesin the SanRafael, The Mn andFe(-Ba)depositswestof the Crucero
Quenamari,and SantoDomingo stocksrange from depressionare interpreted as havinga geneticrela-
23.1 ___ 0.7 to 27.1 ___ 1.0 Ma (Fig. 13), whereasun- tionshipwith the upper Oligoceneto lower Miocene
mineralizedstocksof this provincewere emplaced peraluminousgraniteintrusions,being either distal
overthe interval,20.0 ___ 0.5 to 24.9 _ 0.5 Ma (Kontak faciesof Sn-basemetal veinsor, more probably,the
et al., 1987; Sandemanet al., 1990). However, K-Ar productsof small-scale fluid circulationunassociated
datesfor hydrothermalmuscoviteand adulariafrom with other mineralization.The latter is preferredbe-
the SanRafael veins (Clark et al., 1983b; Kontak et causethe associated granitesat MinastiraandAntauta
al., 1987) indicate that mineralizationtook place at show none of the hydrothermal alteration effects
ca. 22.6 ___0.5 to 23.6 ___ 0.6 Ma, perhapssignificantly which are widely developedin the SanRafael,Que-
later than monzograniteintrusionin the SanRafael- namari,andSantoDomingostocks(KontakandClark,
Quenamariarea.At the southeastern extremityof the 1988). The lead isotopecompositions of the Martha
region affectedby this late Oligocenemetallogenic and Minastiraores(Kontaket al., 1990a), extremely
episode, 4øAr/39rdatingof hydrothermal biotiteand radiogenicwhen comparedto thoseof the SanRafael
adulariafrom the large Palca 11 W-base metal vein and allied vein systems,are interpretedasreflecting
system(Farrar et al., 1990b; Yamamura,1990) dem- the dominanceof host-rock over magmatic metal
onstratesthat ore formation is essentiallycontem- sources.
poraneous,at 24-25 Ma, with that at SanRafaeland Also possiblyof mid-Tertiary age is the Rosario
is considerablyearlier than emplacementof the Mo(-W, Sn, Cu) mineralization(loc 22), comprising
nearby Cerro Corimpataand Pucaorco(micro-)gra- a series of molybdenite-wolframite-pyrite-quartz
nitic stocks(8.4 and 12.4 Ma, respectively:Kontak veinsassociated with a phyllicallyaltered felsicpor-
et al., 1987; Laubacher et al., 1988; Farrar et al., phyryplug.Althoughmolybdeniteoccursonlyrarely
1990b). in the Tertiary veinsof the region,being more char-
In addition to the Condoriquifia(Crucero) Sn- acteristicof the PermianandTriassic-Jurassic depos-
bearing veins, other mineralizationin the Carabaya its, the ore-lead isotopecompositionof the mineral-
regionwhich may havebeen contemporaryincludes izationis very similarto that of undoubtedmid-Ter-
the manganese depositsformerlyworkedat the Min- tiary systems (Kontak et al., 1990a). Moreover,
astira (loc 12) and San Francisco(loc 27) mines.At textural relationssuggestthat much of the pyrite in
both locations,broadly strata-boundlensesof man- the veinsis pseudomorphous after lathsof pyrrhotite,
ganReandother Mn oxidesare hostedby limestones asat SanRafael-Quenamari.
of the Pennsylvanian-lowermost PermianTarma and The mostimportantmineralizationof problematic
Copacabana Groups. Audebaud and Laubacher age in the regionis that of the Cecilia-SanAntonio
(1969) concludedthat these depositsoccur within Zn-Pb-Agdistrict (loc 30-32), in which the Cecilia
karst cavernsdevelopedbeneathan erosionsurface mine wasthe major producer,reportingreservesof
now overlainby continentalclasticsof the Permian 1.2 millionmetrictonsat 6.8 percentZn, 2.68 percent
Mitu Group. However, at leastthe Minastiradeposit Pb, and 2.35 oz/metricton Ag prior to its closurein
is situatedadjacentto a smallplug of cordierite-bio- 1985 (Sassos,1984). The deposit compriseswide
tite-(sillimanite)granite(Kontak,1985), andsamples veins (to 12 m) of essentiallymassivesulfide and
from the mine showthat Mn oxide replacementof strata-bound mantos of sulfide veinlets, both hosted
limestonewas controlled by thin dikes of phreatic by quartzarenitesof the AmboGroup,immediately

beneath the contact with the Tarma-Copacabanaobtainedfor the basaltsand rhyodacitesand of 16.7
Group. Whereaswe originallyinterpretedthe min- ___ 0.4 to 17.9 ___0.6 Ma for the overlyingrhyolites.
eralizationto be of "sandstone lead" type (Clarket 4øAr/39Ar step-heatingagedeterminations (Sandeman
al., 1984), inferringemplacement duringthe diagen- et al., 1990) demonstratethat major eruptionin the
esisof the clasticrocks,petrographicstudydemon- areapersistedto 15.99 ___ 0.48 Ma, terminatingprior
stratesthatthe ore mineralswere introducednotonly to the initiation of large-scalepyroclasticactivity in
after diagenesisbut following the developmentof the Macusani(Quenamari)field at ca. 10 Ma. Sande-
fabricsindicativeof intensepressure solution(Girard, manet al. (1990) distinguishtwo faciesin theyounger
1984; Kontak,1985). Bothvein andmantoorescon- rhyolitesof the area,neitheridenticalto the ash-flow
tain abundantmarcasite,pseudomorphous after eu- tuffsof the Macusanifield: a lower unit with promi-
hedralpyrrhotite,aswell asdelicatelyzonedsphal- nent muscoviteandbiotitephenocrysts, andan upper
erite crystals strongly suggestiveof open-space with biotite and sillimanite.
growth.Moreover,stanniteisa widespreadaccessory Preliminary investigations(Arenas, 1985) have
constituent of the ores.Thesefeaturesaresuggestive shownthatCerroLintere ( 14ø32';long69o45')
of a shallowmagmatichydrothermalorigin,prompt- isunderlainby a ca.1-km-diameter, crudelyelliptical,
ing analogieswith the mineralogicallysimilarlater intenselyfracturedstockof muscovite-rich leuco-
stagesof the tin-bearingvein systemsat SanRafael granite, associatedwith previouslyundocumented
and elsewhere(Clark et al., in prep.). Kontaket al. mineralization(Fig. 15A). The north andsouthcon-
(1990a) showthat the leadisotopecomposition of the tactsof the stockare gentlytransgressive to the bed-
Cecilia sulfidesis very similarto that at SanRafael dingof the surrounding ash-flowtuffs.The latter dis-
and SantoDomingo.Moreover,the Cecilia-SanAn- playalteredphenocrysts of biotitebut lackmuscovite,
tonio camplies only 1.5 km northwestof an outlier and are thuspetrographically similarto the earlier
of the volcanicfield of the PicotaniMeseta(Fig. 15), rhyodaciticignimbritesof the meseta(Sandemanet
which exposeslarge volumesof upper Oligocene al., 1990). At the westernmarginof the leucogranite
rhyodaciticash-flowtuffsmineralogicallyand chem- stock, a small faulted enclaveof fiuviatile conglom-
ically similar to the monzogranitesat San Rafael- eratesintercalatedwith sandstones is disconformably
Quenamariand SantoDomingo (Laubacheret al., overlainby a subhorizontal basaltflowwith a vesicular
1988; Sandemanet al., 1990). Cordierite-biotite upper facies.This basalthas phenocrysts of olivine
granite float occursin a streamvalley 0.6 km north and clinopyroxene,and its high K20 content (2.10
of the Ceciliamine. On the basisof theseobservations, wt %) andsanidine-rich matrixpermititsclassification
we tentativelyassignthe Cecilia baseand precious as an absarokite. Contacts between the basalt and the
metaldeposits to the lateOligoceneto earlyMiocene graniteare not well exposed: to the westthe former
metallogenicepisoderepresentedin thoseotherdis- isoverlain,broadlyconformably, by rhyodacitic tuffs.
tricts. Mineralizedveinscut both the sedimentaryrocks
Picotani district
and the leucogranite(Fig. 15A). On the southern
slopesof Cerro Lintere, the veinscontainspecular
An extensiveareaof essentially fiat-lyingsubaerial hematite,kaolinite,andcarbonates(veinD), or pyrite
volcanic rocks, the Picotani Meseta, lies at the north- andquartz(veinC). In contrast,the majorveinof the
ern marginof the Precordillerade Carabayaand in district(B), exposedat lower altitudein the valleyto
part separatesthe Crucerodepressionfrom the An- the west of Cerro Lintere, contains massiveFe-rich
anea-Ancocala basin(Figs.13 and 15). The eruptive sphaleriteintergrownwith acicularand tabularcas-
rocksof the area were assignedto the rhyoliticMa- siteriteandminorpyrite,marcasite(afterpyrrhotite),
cusaniVolcanicsby Laubacher(1978a and b), but arsenopyrite,chalcopyrite,fluorite,andquartz.Vein
more recent studies(Laubacheret al., 1988; Sande- B andthe thinnerbut mineralogically similarvein A
manet al., 1990) haveshownthat,in additionto felsic dip steeplyto the southeastand penetrate,as thin
ash-flowtuffssimilarin somerespectsto the ignim- fractures,the westernmargin of the Cerro Lintere
britesof the Macusani(Quenamari)field,thePicotani intrusion(Arenas,1985). The main segmentof vein
areaexposessubstantial volumesof basaltandof san- B, which strikes at ca. 80 ø and is 2 to 4 m wide, ter-
idine,biotite, andcordieriteporphyriticrhyodacitic minatesabruptlyat its southwest end andis inferred
tuffs.Laubacheret al. (1988) problematically assign (A. Cheilletz and G. ArroyoPauca,pers. commun.,
all unitsin the area to the CayconiFormation,with 1989) to occupya shorttensionalfracturedelimited
a type sectionin the Cruceroarea (Fig. 13). horizontally by northeast-strikingdextral shear
ConventionalK-Ar agesfor the Picotanivolcanics planes.None of the veinsis observedto cut the ash-
are presentedby Kontak (1985, in Pichavantet al., flow tuffssurroundingthe intrusion,but Laubacher
1988a) and by Bonhommeet al. (1988) and Lau- et al. (1988) record the existenceof tourmalinized
bacheret al. (1988). Datesof 22.9 to 24.8 Ma were tuff on the northernslopesof Cerro Lintere, and ex-
1562 CL•RK ET

Pb-Zn-Ag . ___) I

• c..
Q.• Picotani
I COCA-1100

0 5 10 Fluvio - Glacial Sediments


+1• Tertiary
/VVVV i,•,1•
VVVVVVVV• ! Offvine
- Plagioclase


V ""'•"•'
'' •,•
V V V V V V V V,V(•
v v v v v v v•':*•::•:•
!• vvv•:•:•;:.,


!•!!•i•ii• -',.J
% I
II CoarseClasticSediments

with Dioritic Sills and Quartz Veins

x' • 4772 m I
' •- *C•
•'• / strike
VV .......
• !•:•E>-'•
- vvvv• • •

-'•"'"-"'"'"-'""• ::•17.40
II • fault
•!• .11o3I
/,,, . :'
................ I mine;
/ ';::::::.... :E::: v v v v v v .... v.
/ ":"' ":;::•i *****vv,•v. o 1

./ ............. 69o46,W

• 4øAr/3•Ar

• 4øAr/39Ar
FIG. 15. Geologicrelationsin the PicotaniMesetaarea(mainlyafter Arenas,1986; Laubacheret
al., 1988; andSandemanet al., 1990). District map (top left) showsoutlineof the PicotaniOligocene-
Miocenevolcanicfield, locationof the Cecilia mine (seetext), and of a singledated sample.Local map
A, of the Cerro Lintere area, illustratessurroundingsof the J•sicaSn(-Zn)prospect,and the locations
of twosamples datedby the 4øAr/a•Ar totalfusionmethod,LocalmapB showsthe northeastern margin
of the meseta,with the locationsof the HuacchanealluvialAu-Snworkingsand the Picotaniuranium
prospect,from whichwasobtainedthe sanidineagespectrum.

tensivekaolinizationis evidentsouthof the mountain, J•sica vein systemis assumedto be ca. 17.4 Ma in
suggestingthat hydrothermalactivity may have af- age, and thus to representthe first recordedSn min-
fecteda wide area.The veinshavebeenexploredby eralization associated with the Miocene two-mica
Minsur, S.A., as the J•sica(or Jessica)prospect(loc granitesand rhyolitesof the region,and with mag-
58) and gradesof 2 to 3 percent Sn have been re- matismdifferingsignificantly
in composition
ported. rogenesis
from the precedingSanRafaelcycle.How-
We havedetermined4øAr/a9Ar total fusiondates ever, cassiteritehasnot been observedin vein seg-
(Table 4) for biotite in the rhyodacitictuff exposed mentsdefinitelyhostedby the stock.
immediatelynorthof HaciendaPicotaniandfor mag- Uraniummineralizationhasbeen explored(J. Va-
matic muscovitein the Cerro Lintere leucogranite lenciaHerrera,pers.commun.,1989) in the Llojarani
(100 m west of vein D outcrop;Fig. 15A). A third Grandeareanearthe northernmarginof the Picotani
date, on a whole-rocksampleof the absarokite(120 Meseta (Fig. 15B). Disseminations
of autunite,pre-
m northeastof the J(•sicaworkings),is tentativelyin- sumablyafter pitchblende,occurin a muscoviteand
terpreted as recordingthe time of crystallizationof sanidineporphyriticfelsicash-flowtuff, characteristic
itsabundantsanidine. The datesdefinelateOligocene of the earlierrhyolitesof the district.A phyllically
agesfor the basalticflow (26.86 +__ 0.17 Ma) andPi- alteredandpyritizedrhyolitestockcropsout 1.5 km
cotanirhyodacite(23.99 +__ 0.07 Ma), and a signifi- to the northeast.
4øAr/agAr stepheatingof freshsan-
cantly younger, early Miocene, age (17.40 4- 0.14 idine from the weaklyalteredhostrock in the main
Ma) for the leucogranite.The datesfor the absarokite Picotaniprospectpit yieldsa plateauspectrumwith
and rhyodaciteare similarto but slightlyolder than an integratedage of 16.73 4- 0.36 Ma. On thisbasis,
the conventionalK-Ar agesrecordedby Bonhomme anearlyMioceneageisinferredfor thismineralization
et al. (1988) and Laubacheret al. (1988) for com- (Sandeman et al., 1990). Fluvio-glacial
parablerock types in this district. beenexploitedfor manyyearsfor gold,andto a lesser
Thus, we conclude that the Cerro Lintere leuco- extent,cassiterite(Robertson,1978) in the vicinity
granite is a lower Miocene subvolcanic intrusion, of Hacienda Huacchani. A short distance to the
withthe earliestphaseofperalu- northeast, Lower Devonian turbidites of the Ananea
minousrhyoliticpyroclasticeruptionin the Inner Arc Formationare intruded by a sheetedseriesof thick
domain.The rhyolitic ash-flowtuffs of the Picotani microdioritic
dikeswhichare segmented by north-
Meseta(Sandemanet al., 1990) differ from thoseof northeast-trending dextralstrike-slipfaultsassociated
the Macusanifield (Pichavant et al., 1988a,b), and with laterally extensivequartz veins (Laubacher,
more dramatically,from the underlyingrhyodacitic 1978a). Theseundatedveins,or the nearbyCerro
tuffswhich,with theirbiotiteandcordieritcpheno- Carabarcunamantos(Fornari et al., 1988), could
crysts,are interpretedas extrusiveanaloguesof the representthe sourceof the Au andSnin the gravels
SanRafael-type monzogranites.Theapparently small of the Huacchani district,but derivation

4. •øAr/a9Ar
Volume of
agaric Apparent
Sample Material Fraction •øArraa/
aeAr/a"r a7Arcd(cmaX 10-e J 4øArraa(Ma)and
no. Location analyzed (mesh) a•Ar (X 10-a) a•Ar•c NTP) (X10-a) (%) error(__2a)
Picotani Meseta

COCA 1102 14ø32'15" Whole rock -80,+100 4.235 0.368 1.30 0.142 3.541 56.26 26.86_0.17
69ø45'10" (absarokite)
COCA 1100 14ø33'34" Biotite -40, +60 3.704 1.717 0.00146 3.331 3.614 87.65 23.99 _ 0.07
69ø48'41" (rhyodacite)
COCA 1103 14ø32'16" Muscovite -45, +60 2.682 1.291 0.0161 0.350 3.614 87.10 17.40ñ0.14
69ø45'08" (microgranite)

Quenamari Meseta
MAC- 12 14ø05'41" Sanidine -60, +80 2.123 8.006 0.00956 0.172 3.642 88.16 12.26 ñ 0.14
70ø39'27" (intrusive
Ma-89-14 14ø01'11" Muscovite -18, +40 2.351 4.025 0.00266 0.171 3.637 48.76 7.51 ñ 0.14
70%8'13" (intrusive

J = dimensionless

workingof the fluvio-glacialdepositsof the Ananea- et al., 1983; Arribas and Figueroa, 1985; Valencia
Ancocolabasinisalsopossible. A sourcein the ignim- and Arroyo, 1985). Supergenealterationto oxidate
brites is consideredimprobable. assemblages (nutunite,meta-autunite,gummite,etc.)
is widespreadand intense. Minor mineralizationoc-
Uranium, antimony, and basemetal mineralization
cursin interflowsediments.The majoruraniumcon-
of the Macusanidistrict
centrations,which display similaritiesto the Lake-
The MacusaniVolcanics,a thick sequenceof Mio- view, Oregon,deposits(CastorandBerry, 1981), are
ceneto Plioceneperaluminousrhyoliticash-flowtuffs confinedto specificflows and are thus both strata
which fills in the northwesternpart of the Macusani bound and stratiform. Hydrothermal activity was,
intermontanebasin,formingthe Mesetade Quena- however, most intense close to the northern and
marl (Figs.13 and 16), hostseveraluraniumdeposits, northeastern boundariesof the ignimbritefield,where
someof considerablesizeandgrade.The mineraliza- the generallynortheasterlydippingflowsare warped
tion in mostof the showingscomprisespitchblende upward againstfaultswhich were active duringvol-
-(melnikovitic) pyrite veinlet stockworks,the indi- canismandthusdelimitedthe basin,andwhichprob-
vidualveinletsshowinga controlby both steeplyin- ably reactivateda zone of uplift originallygenerated
clinedjointsandgentlydippingshearfractures(Flores within the Zongo-SanGab•n zone. The Macusani

• to Ollachea
;o50'S (10+0.5-4_+1 Ma)

f6• :i:i• Intrusive
VVVVVV v•vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv • •m

i.•.• Cord•erite-
vvvvv t't.hmni . vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Pre-Tertlary
VVVV I vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvqvvvvvvvvvv
V•lVVV ß • fault
vvvvvvVV M E S E T A D I::v/vvv Chllcuno
IlVVV•...•vvvvvvvvv •-• , , •-- $kI Jl, I• il• • • vvvvvvvvv Dinnrhn• ...-... roan
,'• lvvvvvvvvv [.I I I l-- IM /-A I\/I /A H I vvvvvvvvv ..........
I •/VVVVVVVVV '•'•, •'• •'• ß ß ''' ß '•' ß ' VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYV
/vvvvvvvvvvvvvv iv.;/'.vvvvvvvv;,-•vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv\\x
e ß uran,um
-14øSvvvvvvvvvv--vvvl ' 17.51
_ ......... vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv • 40- ,39•r
..... [o[al •'umon
ß age
Vvvvvvvvvvvv•,vvv!, _+U.14Malmllvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv .-. • Ar/
•vvvvvvve,•, ...... niza]V,,.• •,., o•_.•,•' ']vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv"x_•
t;orani vv .......... • ,,,"' ',-,• - ,', vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv\
'IV)/ I
'•VV 'V•J.'.'. •¾V V VV V V
I-'" • •9ß&•.Z.,2'(•vvvvvv Hevancna vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv,,vv,z•-
I •'" "'•"v',x,• '• \v vwwvwt•l•vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv•'• •
] I •'•r',,•_ __ N. VVVXg-V•VVV•'•lølVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV\ • \ -- ß
•' Wtnlloa ,•001Dla -,,,•v• "%v V vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv"•,4 \,,.,.Macusam
"k'"-'..' •-
./' x •,/'•_ I,',,X •'**t*•:/IYV•,. •vvvvvvvvvvvvV / "-...
{- • k.•'-•
•_ v'•, , r-*++,¾,.•.v..v.•. x..•vvvvvv•v• / ..
xx'• •r •\ • I ...._ I' -•kvvv'•,. X•vvvvvy' '•/ • 'x
--- I'.'.a,._. I Ma - 89 -151 '•v•9¾v• (.•,z-z-•9v./ -
%•x', I •-_ I %•'•Z.• "" 30,

12 I • P 20. BI (Ma- 89- 15)
, • I.A. 24.18+_0.72
I I •-
to Nunoa km • 15-
0 10C

70140'W 70i30,
w Cumulative
FIG. 16. Geologicsketchmap of the Tertiary rocksof the Mesetade Quenamari,modifiedafter
Floreset al. (1983), showingthe locationsof the uraniumprospectsand radiometricanomalieshosted
by the Macusanirhyoliticash-flowtuffs,andof the mineraldepositsassociated with subvolcanic
at the southernmargin of the ignimbrite field. Also shownare the locationsof two samplesdated by
the 4øAr/a•Artotal fusionmethod,andan agespectrumfor a microgranitefrom the Ninahuisastock.

Volcanicsare (Noble et al., 1984a; Kontak, 1985; Pi- total-fusiondate of 12.26 _ 0.14 Ma (Table 4), im-
chavantet al., 1987, 1988a andb) stronglyenriched plyinga middleMioceneagefor the Collpaveinsys-
in numerous lithophileandalliedelements(e.g.,F, tem. The Revanchaantimonymineralization(loc 62)
Li, P, B, Sn,W, andBe),andunmineralized rhyolites is hostedby ash-flowtuffs,but it is not clearwhether
contain5 to 19 ppmU (Pichavantet al., 1988b).Con- theseare of MacusaniVolcanicstype and age.The
ventionalK-Ar dating(Barneset al., 1970; Kontak, depositis situatedcloseto the northeastern extremity
1985;Pichavant et al., 1988a)hassuggested
anoverall of an extensiveoutcropof cordierite-biotitemonzo-
agerangeof ca. 4 to 10.5 Ma for the mainMacusani graniteof SanRafaeltype,the Ninahuisa stock,which
(Quenamari)ignimbritefield.A comprehensive yieldsa 4øAr/•"r biotiteagespectrumcloselyap-
gramof 4øAr/39Ar
mineralagedetermi- proachinga plateauand with an integratedage of
nationacrosswell-definedsections(Cheilletzet al., 24.18 _ 0.72 Ma. This intrusionmayhavebeen pa-
1990;andin press)hassinceclarifiedthestratigraphic rental to the Revancha veins, but the intrusive rocks
relationsof the volcanicsuccession, definingseven closestto the depositare extremelyfresh,containing
eruptive cycles,with agesof 10.0 _ 0.5, 7.8 to 8.0 abundantglass,translucent sanidine,andmauve,un-
___0.1, 7.5 ___0.1, 7.3 ___0.1, 6.8 to 7.0 ñ 0.1, 6.7 pinitizedcordierite.There featuresstronglysuggest
_ 0.1, and4 _ 1 Ma, anddemonstrating that all sig- that (seeKontakand Clark, 1988) the granitewas
nificant uranium mineralization occurs in flows 8.0 uninvolvedin hydrothermalactivity,andby analogy
_ 0.1 Ma or younger.The mostimportantdeposits with the Collpadeposit,a middleMioceneratherthan
(ChapiAlto,Pinocho,andChilcunoVI) arehostedby late Oligoceneageisinferredfor the Revanchaveins.
tuffswith agesin the range6.8 to 7.0 _ 0.1 Ma. The Stibnitehasnot been observedin the Sn-W poly-
mineralizationhas not been directly dated but is metallic veins associatedwith the upper Oligocene
clearly no older than the latest Miocene, and the intrusionsin this region.
modelsgenerallyacceptedfor deposits of thistype The ageof the Coranideposit(loc63) remainsun-
(Goodelland Waters, 1981; Valenciaand Arroyo, certain. The Pb-Zn-Ag veins are hosted by Ambo
1985) suggest that hydrothermal activitywasessen- Group psammites(Floreset al., 1983), but it is not
tially contemporaneous with volcanism. known whether the veins predate or postdatethe
The clusterof uraniumshowings andradiometric nearby MacusaniVolcanics.
anomaliesin the Chaccaconiza area (Floreset al.,
1983) occursin Macusaniash-flowtuffs less than 1 Summary
km from a rhyoliticstock,with stronggeochemical
affinitieswith the volcanics(Cheilletz et al., 1990), The mostimportantore depositsof the Inner Arc
whichyieldsa 4øAr/39Ar totalfusionmuscovite date domainwere emplacedduringthe earlieststageof
of 7.51 ñ 0.14 Ma (Table4; Sandeman et al., 1990). Cenozoicperaluminousmagmatismin the late Oli-
The intrusionis inferredto have controlledhydro- gocene,representedby epizonal cordierite-biotite
thermal circulation in this area, but intrusive bodies (-sillimanite)monzogranitic stocks.
The metallogenic
havenot beendelimitedin the vicinityof the larger signatureis complex--tin occurringtogether with
uranium-enriched areas to the north and northeast. copper,lead,zinc,silver,barium,andprobably,man-
The little-knownsouthernmarginof the Macusani ganese--perhaps reflecting intimate petrogenetic
(Quenamari)field has been a modestsourceof Pb- relationsbetweenthe anatecticmagmas andmantle-
Zn-Ag ores(Coranicamp)and of stibnite(Revancha derivedbasalticmelts(Kontaket al., 1986; Clark et
and Collpa (Kolpa) camps).There are no modern al., in prep.). Gold is conspicuously absent.Whereas
geologicdescriptions of thesedeposits, but they are the Palca11 veinsformedat thistime (Farraret al.,
of vein type and occur in an area in which several 1990b), it is not clearwhy tungsten,whichoccursin
hypabyssal felsicstocksintrudeboththe marginof onlytraceamountsin the SanRafael-Quenamari and
the Macusaniignimbritepile andthe adjacentAmbo SantoDomingodeposits,is so enriched.The major
Groupsedimentarystrata(the areais erroneouslyas- differencebetweenthe Sn- and W-bearingveinsis
signedentirely to the MacusaniVolcanicsby Lau- thestrongly reducedandcomparatively S-poornature
bacher,1978a andb). oftheformer(withnoprimaryFe oxides butabundant
We have dated intrusive rocks from the vicinities pyrrhotite) and the oxidizedand S-richnature of the
of the two antimonymines.The recentlyabandoned latter (rich in hematiteandpyrite). The intrusionin-
Collpamine (loc 61) workedstibniteveinscutting ferred to be parentalto the Palca11 veinsis not ex-
AmboGroupstratain closeproximityto a swarmof posedand it maybe petrochemicallydifferentfrom
rhyoliticdikes,someshowingintensehydrolytical- the S-type,ilmenite-series
teration. The dikes are offshoots of a flow-banded with the Sn mineralization.
stockof sanidineand quartz porphyriticrhyolite Subsequent episodes
of crustalmeltingin the re-
which displaysclosecompositionalanalogies
to the gionwere muchlessfecund,the only majordeposits
nearbyMacusaniVolcanics.Magmaticbiotite from beingthe upper Mioceneuraniumveinsof the Ma-
thisCerroSumperuni intrusionyieldeda 4øAr/•"r cusanifield (Quenamari).The smallJ•sicaSn-Zncen-

ter probablyrepresentsanearlyMiocenecontinuation to be parentalto, and henceessentiallycoevalwith,

of the SanRafael-typeSn-basemetal mineralization, mineral depositswithin them. That this is not nec-
but despitethe extreme enrichmentin Sn and other essarilytrue isshownby the settingof the RosaMaria
lithophilemetalsof the rhyolitesof the mainMacusani depositin the Cocachacradistrict;the hostgranodi-
field, the subvolcanicstocksassociated with the ig- orite date is ca. 165 Ma, but there is evidence for
nimbrites appear to host no tin mineralization of hydrothermalactivity in direct association with the
Mexican type (Burt and Sheridan, 1988). The anti- ca. 140-Ma monzoniticdikes.Clearly, the uncertain-
monydeposits,however,were probablyemplacedin ties are greaterwhere the mineralizationoccursnear,
the middle Miocene at the outsetof this major py- but not in, the dated intrusions(see Farrar et al.,
roclasticactivity. 1990b). Further work on direct datingof vein or al-
The majorlate EoceneZongo-SanGab•tnzonetec- teration minerals is indicated.
tono-thermaleventwasnot demonstrably associated Perhaps the most serious uncertainties concern
with crustalmelting, and despitethe large-scalecir- thosedepositsfor which there are no significantlyre-
culationof saline fluids triggered by the tectonism strictive stratigraphicor geochronologicdata (e.g.,
(Kontaket al., 1990d), playedno significantminer- Cecilia)or wherethe mineralageshavebeenmodified
alizing role. Only the weak radiometricanomalies by later tectono-thermalevents(e.g.,GavilS. n de Oro).
alongthe stronglyfaultedandcataclastic (Laubacher, Our coverageof the Au(-W, Sn, Sb, platinum-group
1978a) northeasterncontactof the Coasapluton (G. element,basemetal)veinsof the CordilleraOriental
Arroyo Pauca, pers. commun., 1989) may record isparticularlyscanty.Thus,the ageof the largeSanto
metal concentrationat this time (Fig. 11). Domingovein system(Fig. œ),which yielded 500 to
1,000 kg of Au annuallybetween 1896 and 1930
Synthesisand RegionalCorrelations (Fuchs,1898; Soleret al., 1986) is constrainedonly
Lacunae and uncertainties to the post-Cambrian.The geologicrelationshipsof
the veins of the Ananea district also remain conten-
Forthe firsttime,ourgeologicandgeochronologic tious. We presenthere and elsewhere(Clark et al.,
datapermit a coherentoverviewof the metallogenic in prep.) our reasonsfor favoringa Mesozoicrather
evolution of southeasternPeru, and hence, a com- than Paleozoicage for this mineralization,but more
parisonwith relationshipsestablishedto the north- reliablegeochronologic dataarerequired.At present,
west, in central and south-central Peru, and to the the only significantmetallicdepositsof pre-Andean
south,in BoliviaandnorthernChile.The groundwork origin are the San JudasTadeo W(-Mo, Au) veins
is laid for the developmentof modelsrelatingmetal- (Clark et al., 1990a) andthe Aurorared-bedcopper-
logenesisand the magmaticand tectonichistoryof barite deposit,respectively,definitely and probably
the post-Paleozoic continentalmargin.Definitionof of Permianage.
the mineralizationage in this extensiveregion is, Despitetheseproblems,we considerthat the geo-
however,far from comprehensive (Fig. 2). Several chronologicdata sufficientlydelimit the majorityof
significantore depositsremainundated.Theseinclude the metallogenic episodesrepresentedin the transect.
the Norviii andCanauraCu(-Au) depositsin the Cre-
taceousto Paleogenearcof the CordilleraOccidental Metallogenicepisodesof southeasternPeru
for whichwe assumeagesof ca. 60 and 40 Ma, re- Metallic mineralizationin this ca. 90,000-km2 re-
spectively, by analogywith the nearbyToquepalaand gionof Peruwasassociated with Andeanintermediate
Ataspacacenters.A more importantlacunais repre- andfelsicmagmaticactivityrangingin agefromLate
sentedby the once-productiveSanAntonio de Es- Triassicto at leastthe latestMiocene.Major ore de-
quilache,Mantode Laycacota,andCondoroma-Kata posits,however,were emplacedat widely spacedin-
Ag-basemetal epithermaldistrictsof the Cordillera tervalsand are geographically scattered.The major
OccidentalandAltiplanoandby the smallerHuacul- andminormetallogenicepisodesdefined,or implied,
lani and Pizacoma mines close to the Bolivian border by our studiesand thoseof previousworkersin the
(Fig. 2). At leastthe firstfour of theseare hostedby Main and Inner Arc domains are summarized in Table
volcanicstrataof the TacazaGroupandare therefore 5 andFigure 17. The increasedfrequencyof miner-
noolderthanlate Oligocene,but their minimumages alizationin the Tertiary is consideredto be real and
cannotbe delimited;there islittle evidenceto support not a functionof the datingtechniques.It is almost
Fletcher et al.'s (1989) model ascribingthe hydro- certainlyinfluencedby the exposurelevel of the as-
thermalactivityentirelyto thermalgradientsimposed sociatedigneousbodies,but there is probablyno re-
during eruption of the middle Miocene Sillapaca lationshipbetweenthe size of the ore depositsand
Group. the amountsof intrusiveandvolcanicrockspreserved
Equallysignificant,andpotentiallycritical,arethe from each epoch.Only during the late Oligoceneto
assumptions underlyingthe presentresearch.Gran- earliest Miocene did demonstrable economic miner-
itoid plutonsandsubvolcanic intrusionsare inferred alization occur simultaneouslyin the two domains.

5. Andean

Episode Main Arc Domain Inner Arc Domain

LateMiocene(ca.6-12 Ma) CACACH^R^--Pavico andCopacabana QUENAMARI MESETA U; Collpa,

(Compuerta)Ag-Pb-Zn(-Cu) RevanchaSb
Mid-Miocene (ca. 15-17.5 Ma) Sbdepositsof AltiplanoandPrecordillerade J•sica(Sn-Zn);PicotaniU
Early Miocene (ca. 19 Ma) Au (-Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag), Mafiazodistrict
(ca. 23.5-28 Ma) (Cu-Fe); SANTA BARi3^RA (Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn- (Ag-Pb-Zn-CuoSn);SantoDomingo
Au) (Zn-Sn-Cu-Ag);PALCA11 (W-Cu-
Late Eocene (ca. 39-43 Ma) Ataspaca(Cu-Pb-Zn-Mo-Ag-Au); Tarata
district (Cu)
Late Paleocene (ca. 60 Ma) Lluta district (Cu-Pb-Ag)
Late Cretaceous(ca. 74-84 Ma) Challatita (Cu) Crucero district (AgoPb-Zn-Cu)
Mid-Cretaceous (ca. 95 Ma) I1odistrict Cu(-Fe, Au) and Fe
Early Cretaceous(ca. 122 Ma) Sol de Cobriza (Cu)
Late Jurassic(ca. 145-155 Ma) RosaMaria Au-Cu(-Fe)
Middle Jurassic(ca. 170-180 Ma) Ollachea district (AgoPb-Zn)(?Zr, REE)
Late Triassicto Early Jurassic(ca. SARITA(Cu-W-Mo-Sn); Levans(W-
120-220 Ma) Mo); Volc•tn(Cu(-W)); [?Au(-Sn,W)
veins of Ananea-Limacpampaarea]

• Majorepisodes
andlargerore deposits
are capitalized;
regardingthe ageassignments
or the
presenceof economicmineralization

Despitethe markedlyepisodicincidenceof magma- Ilo-Ite district,are probablyof only minor economic

tism in the Inner Arc, contrastingwith the quasicon- importance in any context.
tinuousactivity in the more extensiveMain Arc, sig- We concludethat two majormetallogenicepisodes
nificanthydrothermaleventstook place with com- are represented in thisAndeantransect,bothfalling
parable frequencyin the two environments. within the Tertiary. The oneof earlyEoceneageem-
As in Figure 2, the rankingof the importanceof placedthe Toquepala,Quellaveco,andCuajonepor-
the depositsandepisodes in Table 5 is in part global phyry copperdeposits,the Cerro Verde-SantaRosa
andin part internalto the region.Thus,the porphyry porphyry,andprobablythe Chapivein-replacement
copperdepositsof the Cuajone-Toquepala districtare deposit,a short distanceto the west (Fig. 2). This
world classin terms of tonnageand grade: the San episode,delimitedby the K-Ar age datafor the To-
Rafael deposithas yielded over 36,000 metric tons quepala(57.1 Ma) andCuajone(52.15 Ma) deposits,
of metallic tin and the Palca 11 deposit, although at affected a restricted swath of the Cordillera Occiden-
an early stageof development,has producedover tal and was apparently unrepresentedin the Inner
4,500 metric tons of ferberite and scheelite concen- Arc domain, where there is no record of Paleogene
tratesand clearlyrepresentsa considerable concen- magmatichydrothermal activity.The episodeof late
tration of high-gradetungstenores (Willig and Del- Oligocene(to earliestMiocene)age, generatedim-
gado,1985). All maybe considered to be majorde- portantmineralizationin both the Main and Inner
posits.In contrast,the mostimportantrecent sources Arcs. In the former, we cite 23.5 Ma for the Santa
of Ag-Au-base metal ores in southeasternPeru, BfirbaraAg-Cu-polymetallic vein systemand,lessse-
namely,theAtaspaca, Cacachara, SantaBfirbara,Ber- curely,infer thatthe BerenguelaAg(-Cu,Mn) deposit
enguela,Mafiazodistrict,andCeciliadeposits, aswell formedshortlypriorto 26.8 Ma. Thus,we conclude
the several undated districts of the Cordillera Occi- thatthe oldersignificant
dental, are almost certainly smaller than many Ag- of this area were associated either with intermediate
Au-Pb-Zn(-Cu)centersof central and south-central (ca. 26-28 Ma) stagesin the evolutionof the region-
Peru (Petersen,1965). They are consideredto be of ally extensiveTacazaGroup, and particularlywith
moderatescalein the present contextbut probably high K calc-alkalinemagmatism,or with the early
would not achievethis rankingeven in the national stages of the ensuinglatestOligoceneto middleMio-
arena;Benavides(1984) ranksthe Cacacharadeposit, cene interval of felsicexplosivevolcanism(Franceet
recentlythe mostimportantsilverproducerof the al., 1984; France, 1985; Klinck et al., 1986; Waste-
transect,asonly the 24th in the country.Finally, nu- neys,1990). In the Inner Arc, the mostproductive
merousdeposits,e.g., thoseof Cu(-Au) andFe in the lithophile-basemetalvein systems of the Cordillera

A B c

Main Arc /•MainArc InnerArc •Main Arc Inn4rArc

A-P• • J•l-Pb-Zn-Sb
• .... • ....

I SR-•
35-- Cu-Fe

I Cu-Pb-Z.-A; I

65-- Cu(-Pb,Ag)

r I
80-- [ Cu
......... ]• Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu

i i
i i
II Cu(-Fe,Au)iII
I (-Cu,Fe) II I .I
I _j





i 1
i i
! Au (-Cu) !
155-- I I
I ...... !


i 1
II Ag-Cu (Zr) II





ß 245--

FIG. 17. Tabular summaryofmetaliogenicepisodesin the southeastern Peru studyarea (B) and in
contiguoussouth-centralPeru (A) and northernmostChile-northwesternBolivia (C). Sourcesof geo-
chronologicdata are summarizedin text. Major episodesare in black, minor in white; gradationally
shadedepisodesare thosefor which the intensityof mineralizationis inferredto haveincreasedor
decreasedwith time (seetext). Episodesweaklyconstrainedby either geochronologic or stratigraphic
data are delimited by dashedlines (BM = basemetals).The Au mineralizationof the Inner Arc of
southeasternPeru is not shownbut is tentativelyassignedto the Jurassic.

and Precordillerade Carabayaformedat this time. et al. (1979), McBride et al. (1983), and Redwood
These includethe SanRafael and Palca 11 deposits, andMacintyre(1989) for Bolivia.In addition,refer-
the veinsof the smallerQuenamari(Carabaya)camp ence is made to Chilean transectssouth of lat 25 ø S,
(Hannington,1983), andthoseof the SantoDomingo particularlythe generalCopiap6(or E1Salvador)dis-
prospect,for which K-Ar agesin the range 22.3 to trict (lat 27o-29 ø S) of the norte chico,where the
ca. 25 Ma havebeen determinedor inferred (Clark agesof the ore depositsare well established(e.g.,
et al., 1983b; Kontak et al., 1987; Farrar et al., Clark et al., 1970, 1976; Clark and Zentilli, 1972;
1990b). Moreover,we advocatea similaragefor the Quirt, 1972; Zentilli, 1974; Haynes,1975). However,
undatedbut mineralogicallycomparableCondori- despitethe expansionin geochronologic researchin
quifia(Crucerodistrict)polymetallicveins,the minor the past decade, considerableuncertaintypersists
Mn and Fe oxidedepositsof the area,andthe exten- with regardto the ageof ore depositsin manyareas
sive veins and mantos of the Cecilia-San Antonio Zn- of the Andes.Thus,the metallogenic historyproposed
Pb-Ag district. The supergeneenrichmentof the by Vidal (1985) for the MesozoicandPaleogeneof
lower Eoceneporphyrycopperandvein deposits,in- centralandsouthernPeruislargelyunconstrained by
cludingCuajone,Quellaveco,and Toquepala(Clark direct ore depositdating.Selectionof the successive
et al., 1990b)alsooccurredduringthelateOligocene time framesin Figure 18 wasinfluencedby our in-
to early Miocene. Geomorphologicand geochrono- evitablysubjectiverecognitionof discretemagmatic
logicstudiesin thisareahavedemonstrated that chal- hydrothermalevents. The ensuingdiscussionis in
cocitedevelopmentbeganin the late Oligocene(at chronologicalorder.
ca. 25-26 Ma) and persistedinto the mid-Miocene Although the initiation of the Central Andean
(ca. 12 Ma). Supergeneactivitywasstimulatedby a orogenyin the Late Triassicmaybe recordedby the
succession of majorupliftevents(Aymaraor Quechua minor submarinevolcanismof the YamayoGroup
91 andtheir successors)whichaffectedthe oceanward (Petersen, 1954; Bellido and Guevara, 1963), pre-
frontof the Oligo-Miocenevolcanicarc(Tosdalet al., servedalongthe littoralof southeastern Peru,the first
1981, 1984). importantAndeanmetallogenicevent wasrestricted
to the orogen,in the presentCordilleraOriental of
Metallogenicevolutionof the centralAndes: southeastern Peru andnorthwesternBolivia(Figs.17
A comparativeanalysis and 18a). Predominantlyvein-type W-Sn(-base
The longitudinal discontinuity of manycentralAn- metal),andprobablyAu, mineralizationis associated
deantectonic,magmatic,andmetallogenic subprov- in both areasof the tin belt with Upper Triassicto
incesor "belts" has been emphasizedby Sillitoe LowerJurassic granitoidintrusions whichwereclearly
(1974), Soler et al. (1986), and other workers.This focusedby the northeastern boundaryof thePermian
is seenin significant differences in the metallogenicMitu ensialicrift (Laubacher,1978a; McBride et al.,
evolutionof the variousorogenictransects(Clarket 1983; Clark et al., 1990a), probablyduringpersisting
al., 1976; Sillitoe,1988).In thiscontextwe arepar- or renewed crustalextension.These plutonicrocks
ticularlyconcernedwith temporalaspects:the defi- representa rangeof crustalpartial meltsinferredto
nitionoftheextenttowhichthemetallogenic episodes havebeentriggeredby mantle-derived alkalibasaltic
outlinedin our studiesarerepresentedin areasto the magmatism (Kontaket al., 1985, 1990c). Hydrother-
northwest (i.e.,centralPeru,incorporating thecentral mal activitywasbroadlysynchronous in the Peruvian
andsouth-central metallogenic segments of Soleret and Boliviansegmentsof this areallyrestricteddo-
al., 1986) andto the south(i.e., northernmost Chile-- main:K-Ar and4øAr/39Ar datesfor granitoidrocksin
north of lat 25ø S, the norte grande--andnorth- the CordillerasReal and Mufiecas(or Apolobamba)
westernBolivia). of Boliviarangefrom 202 to 225 Ma (outsideof the
The episodesof mineralizationin transectsto the Zongo-SanGab•tnzone),and K-Ar datesfor hydro-
northandsouthof the studyareaaregivenin Figure thermalmuscovitesfrom 195 to 210 Ma (McBrideet
17; the approximate areasaffectedby the episodes, al., 1983).Miller andHarris(1989) reportRb-Srdates
aswell asthe broadercoevalmagmaticarcs,are out- of 284 4- 16 to 300 4- 48 Ma for Boliviangranitesfor
lined in Figure 18. These mineralizeddomainsare which either Late Triassicto Early Jurassicor late
not strictlymetallogenicsubprovinces, sinceno ac- Oligoceneto early MioceneK-Ar dateshave been
countis takenof the intensityof hydrothermalactiv- determined(Everndenet al., 1977; McBride et al.,
ity. The majorprimaryandsecondary sources of geo- 1983). Details of the Rb-Sr studiesare not given,
chronologic dataare Pitcheret al. (1985) andSoler however, and althoughthere is evidencefor Late
andBonhomme (1988a, andnumerous paperscited Permian intrusive activity in the Cordillera Real
therein) for central and southern Peru; McBride (McBrideet al., 1987; Clark et al., 1990a), we seeno
(1977),Sillitoe(1988),andMaksaev et al. (1988aand compellingreasonto accepta Carboniferous to Early
b) fornorthernmost Chile;andMcBride(1977),Grant Permianage for the mineralizedplutons.


FIG. 18. Sketchmapsshowingareasin the centralAndesaffectedby selectedMesozoicandCenozoic

magmaticandmetallogenic episodes. Shadingdelimitsapproximate volcano-plutonicdomainsandblack
areasrepresentthe more important,or in somecases,metallogenicallysignificant,mineralizations.
Radiometricages are given (18f) for the severalregionscontributingto the critical 30ø to 46-Ma
episode;ZSGZ representsthe Zongo-SanGab•tntectono-thermalzone of Farrar et al. (1988). Map "a"
incorporatesthe locationof the Permo-Triassicvolcano-plutonicbelt of northernChile, emplacement
of which had terminatedprior to the intrusionof the Carabayabatholithin the studytransect.

Whereasepizonallevelsof the plutonsare widely izationis similarlyinferredto be no older thanTrias-

exposedin the Cordillera Real of Bolivia, and major sic. Comparableargumentsare appliedto the study
mineralizationcoincidentwith the earlieststagesof transect,where the more importantareasof Au min-
magmatism ispreserved(Fig. 17), the deepererosion eralization(Ananea-SantoDomingoand Ollachea-
of several of the intrusions in the Cordillera de Cara- SanGab/in)occurin areasdisplayingextensivehigh-
baya (Kontak, 1985) may have obliterated most of temperaturemetamorphism.
their significantepizonal lithophile metal deposits. We alsoinfer that the most significantMesozoic
Conversely,we suggestthat abruptuplift andmajor Sn-W-Modepositsof the Cordillerade Carabayawere
rotationof batholithsduringthe late EoceneZongo- emplacedin the Early Jurassic,in associationwith
SanGab/inevent(Farraret al., 1988, 1990a) exhumed stronglyperaluminousstocksintrudedinto the Upper
widespread,in part mesothermal,Au(-W-Sn-Sb)vein Triassicplutons.This Cu and W, Mo, Sn mineraliza-
systemswhich have given rise to important Quater- tion was coeval with the establishment of the Main
nary placerdepositsin both BoliviaandPeru. Thus, Arc in littoral Peru and Chile. It may record the in-
the gold (-scheelite-stibnite)veins of the eastern cursionof alkalibasaltmagmasinto metaclasticstrata
slopesof the CordilleraRealclearlyoverprintthermal previouslyunaffectedby anatexis,perhapstriggered
metamorphicassemblages whichdevelopedat depths by a tectonicevent which affectedthe entire orogen
of ca. 5 to 14 km aroundthe ZongoandYani plutons, as a result of larger scaleplate interactions.
the former definitelyof Late Triassicage (Heinrich In the Main Arc, Middle to Late Jurassic,basicto
et al., 1988; Farrar et al., 1990a), and the mineral- intermediateplutonismaffecteda narrowbut longi-

tudinallyvery persistentbelt (Fig. 18b) which may deposit(see Figs. 17 and 18c). To our knowledge,
be traced at least from south-central Peru to central there are no confirmed mid-Cretaceous mineral de-
Chile (e.g.,Farrar et al., 1970; McBride, 1977; Parada positsin northernmostChile, but we infer that the
et al., 1988). Important Fe skarnmineralizationin smallCu(-Fe, Au) veinsof the Ilo districtandthe he-
southernPeru (Marcona:Injoque et al., 1988) and matite veins in the Ite area of southeastern Peru con-
Chile-type Cu mantosand Cu(-Fe, Co, Au, Mo, U) stitute a link, albeit weak, in this chain of mineraliza-
veinsystems in northern(CarrizalAlto:Zentilli, 1974; tion.

Clark et al., 1976) andnorthernmost(e.g.,BuenaEs- A transitionfrom dominantlysubmarineto domi-

peranza,MantosBlancos:Maksaevet al., 1988a) Chile nantlysubaerialvolcanism, andassociatedplutonism,
are associated with this shallow-marine to subaerial or from a Marianasto a Chileantype of subduction
•nagmatism. We inferthattheRosaMar•aAu-Cu(Fe) (Uyeda and Kanamori,1979), occurredthroughout
veinsof the Cocachacradistrictare part of this me- the central Andes in the later Cretaceous and is in-
tallogenicdomain,but it is apparentthat mineraliza- terpreted as initiating the developmentof thicker
tion of thisagein southeastern Peruwasminorrelative crustthanhadprevailedin the preceding100 to 120
to that in areas to the north and south. No strata- m.y. This engendered(Clark et al., 1976) a diversi-
boundCu depositshavebeendocumented fromeither fication of the ore metals and associated metalloids:
the ChocolateVolcanicsor the GuanerosFormation, economicor subeconomic concentrationsof copper,
evenwheretheseunitsare intrudedby maficstocks. molybdenum,iron, gold,cobalt,zinc, andmanganese
The probablyminor Cu-Ag-dominated veinsof the were now joined in manyareasof the Main Arc do-
Middle Jurassic
MacusaniSyeniteconstitutethe only main by crustallyderived silver, tungsten,arsenic,
economic metallic mineralization known to be asso- bismuth,antimony,mercury,andlead.
ciatedwith the peralkalinemagmatismof the Inner Althoughthe SantaRosaandHuantajayasilverde-
Arcdomainof southeastern PeruandBolivia.The po- positson the Chilean coastnear Iquique may be of
tential for Zr and REE depositswhich may be asso- Late Jurassicor Early Cretaceousage (Clark et al.,
ciatedwith theseJurassic intrusionshasnotbeensys- 1976), the Caracolesdeposit, also in northernmost
tematicallyassessed in either country. Chile, is the oldestsilver-richvein systemconfirmed
Voluminousgranitoidintrusiveactivity occurred in the Main Arc in the regioncoveredby Figure 18;
duringthe mid-Cretaceous (Fig. 18c) alongalmost Maksaevet al. (1988b) considerthis mineralization
the entirecentralAndeanconvergent plateboundary. to have formed between 75 and 85 Ma. A similar Late
Thisincludedthe initialstagesof the Coastalbatholith Cretaceousagemaybe inferred for severalimportant
proper(Beckinsale et al., 1985) andoverlappedwith Ag-Cu depositsin the Copiap6districtfarther south
marinevolcanismandwith attenuationandincipient (Zentilli, 1974; Clark et al., 1976), andVidal (1985)
breakupof the continentalmargincrustin northern hastentativelyassigned agesin thisrangeto numerous
Chile(e.g.,Zentilli,1974;]•berget al., 1984),and smallCu(-Au, Mo, W) vein-, skarn-and porphyry-
in centralPeru,with the eruptionof the marinevol- type depositsassociated with the Coastalbatholithin
canicsof the Albian-Cenomanian CasmaGroupin a central and southernPeru (Figs. 17 and 18d). The
longitudinalmarginalbasin(Athertonet al., 1983). thick subaerialvolcanic(-hypabyssal)succession of
On a broaderscale,the intensemagmatism coincided the largely Upper CretaceousToquepalaGroup in
with the initiationof sea-floorspreading in the South the studytransectis extensivelyexposed,but no sig-
Atlantic. Major mineralizationdefinitely associated nificant base or precious metal mineralizationis
with the Albian granitoidplutonsincludesthe an- known to be directly associatedwith theserocks,al-
desite-hosted Fe (-Cu, Au) skarns and some thoughnumeroussubvolcanicintrusionshave been
Au(-Cu)veinsof northernChile (Haynes,1975; Clark documented(A. PlazollesValdivia, pers. commun.,
et al., 1976; Colley et al., 1989) andtourmalinebrec- 1986). Only the very minorCu veinsin the Challatita
cia and Au-rich porphyry copper mineralizationin area may be broadlycoevalwith the main period of
north-central Chile,to thesouthof theareaof Figure ToquepalaGroup eruption. However, scatteredPb-
18 (Munizagaet al., 1985; Sillitoe, 1988). In south- Zn-Ag(-Cu) vein systemsformed at this time in the
centralPeru,Vidal (1985) proposes anAlbianagefor Inner Arc domain(Fig. 18d), asin the Crucerodistrict
the Monterrosas, R•o Seco,Acar•,andotherCu(-Fe, andin the Monolito(Sorata)areaof the northwestern
Co, Au) vein deposits,but geochronologic dataspe- Bolivian Cordillera Oriental, where McBride et al.
cificallyfor the mineralization arelacking.However, (1983) reportwhole-rockK-Ar datesof 82.7 and78.8
Vidal (1987) convincinglyarguesfor a submarineex- Ma for shoshonitic andesitic and dacitic dikes asso-
halativeorigin, and hencemid-Cretaceous age, for ciated with minor Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization. This
the productiveLeonila-Gracielamassivebarite-Zn- event remainspoorly defined, but the recent sedi-
(-Pb,Ag) deposits of centralPeru,andreportsK-Ar mentologicstudiesof MaroccoandNoblet (1990) in
(sericite)agesof 106 and 116 Ma for alterationas- theCuzco-Sicuani intramontane basinstrengthenour
sociatedwith the nearbyAurora Augustadiscordant suggestion (Clarket al., 1984) thatthe centralAndean

are experienceda marked broadeningin the Late The coherenceof the ensuingmagmatic-metallo-
Cretaceous.The availableradiometricdatessuggest geniceventin the vicinityof the oroclineislessclearly
that this putative event immediately followed the defined. In Figure 18f we follow Sillitoe (1988) in
SantonianPeruvian orogeny (Steinmann,1929; Vi- groupingtogether all late Eoceneto mid-Oligocene
cente,1981). However,our observations suggestthat, igneousandhydrothermalactivity,embracingthe in-
unlike the late Oligocenearc expansion,it did not terval 30 to 46 Ma. In Chile, this belt incorporates
causeInner Arc anatexis,and hence, no lithophile the greatestknownconcentrationof giantporphyry
metal mineralizationwas emplaced. Cu(-Mo) centers,includingChuquicamata,E1Abra,
Epizonalmonzodioriticto granodioriticplutonism andLa Escondida,aswell asa largenumberof smaller
of late Paleoceneage(ca. 59-64 Ma) in southeastern Cu (and/or Mo)-dominateddeposits.An extensiveK-
Peru, asin the Lluta (Cercana),andprobably,Norviii Ar geochronologicdata base (Quirt et al., 1971;
districts,had associatedminor Cu(-Pb, Ag, Au) min- McBride, 1977; Sillitoe, 1981, 1988) hasbeen aug-
eralization,contemporaneous with comparablysmall mentedby the detailed4øAr/39Ar
of Maksaev
Cu(-W, Mo, Au) depositsin the Campanani (Lluta) et al. (1988a) on severalof the porphyry depositsin
district in northernmost Chile, from which McBride northernmost Chile. Porphyry mineralization oc-
(1977) reportsa 62.6-Ma K-Ar agefor a mineralized curred from 31 to 41 Ma between latitudes 27 ø and
granodiorite.Farther south,Maksaevet al. (1988b) 20 ø S, in associationwith a narrow magmatic arc,
infersimilarages(60-63 Ma) for Cu veinsin the Sierra generallyof only modestvolume,coincidingin part
Gorda-Copuchadistrict.This widespreadepisodeof with the West Fissure fault zone, a continental-scale
minor Cu mineralization probably persistedto the structure. In southeastern Peru, Yoshikawa et al.
northwestof the studyarea, but unambiguousgeo- (1976) andNoble et al. (1984b) presentK-At agesof
chronologicdataare lacking(Fig. 17). In Figure 18e, 31 to 38 Ma (Fig. 18f) for intrusionsandCu-Fe skarn
this late Paleocene event has been combined with the and stockwork mineralization in the inland Anda-
immediately succeeding,far more important, early huaylas-Yauri subprovince (Bellido et al., 1972),
Eocene(ca.52-58 Ma) episodeof porphyryCu(-Mo, which many authorshaverecognizedasconstituting
Ag) emplacementwhich dominatesthe Main Arc do- ananomalyin the metallogenic zonationof the central
main of southeasternPeru, extendingfrom Cerro Andes (Sillitoe, 1976), where the great majority of
Verde to Toquepala(Fig. 2). Again,the extentof this significantFe depositslie closeto the continental
episodein south-central Peruis poorlydefined(Vidal, margin.In west-centralPeru, Soler and Bonhomme
1985), but its persistencesouthwardinto northern- (1988a and b) report discordantK-Ar datesof 25.9
mostChileisconfirmedby ca.58-Ma agesdetermined to 29.3 Ma which are interpreted asindicatinga ca.
by Quirt et al. (1971; seealsoSillitoe, 1981) for the 31-Ma age for the Atacochaand Milpo polymetallic
medium-sizedMocha porphyry copper deposit,and vein andskarncenters;they tentativelyascribea sim-
by similaragesreportedfor the E1Inca andCachinal ilar ageto the Uchucchacua silverdeposit.The above
de la Sierra silverveinsby Maksaevet al. (1988a) and mineralization lies within a ca. 125-km-wide upper
for thelargeE1Guanacoepithermalgold(-Cu)deposit Eoceneto Oligocenemagmaticarc, delimitedby No-
by Puiget al. (1987). Stillfarthersouth,the Paleocene ble et al. (1979) andothers,the emplacementof which
to early Eocenebelt (Sillitoe, 1988) assumesa more beganat ca. 40 to 41 Ma followingthe majorepisode
polymetallic nature: copper-rich veins and breccia of thin-skinnedcrustalshorteningand uplift consti-
pipeslocallycontainsignificantW, Au, and Bi (Ruiz tuting the Incaic orogeny(Steinmann,1929; Noble
et al., 1965) and ca. 50- to 65-Ma agesare recorded et al., 1979; M•gard, 1984). Maksaevand Zentilli
for severalAg-rich depositsof the Copiap6 district (1988) similarlyemphasizethatthe richlymineralized
by Zentilli (1974), Haynes (1975), and Clark et al. coevalarc in northernChile wasgeneratedin the af-
(1976). termath of the Incaic compression.
Despite their apparentlyerratic mineralizationin- The greater part of the southeasternPeru transect
tensity,the MesozoicandPaleogenevolcano-plutonic is demonstratedto constitutea significanthiatusin
arcs display a remarkablecontinuity from at least this importantupper Eoceneto mid-Oligocenemag-
southernPeru to central Chile (Fig. 18b-e), with ex- matichydrothermaldomainin the vicinityof the Arica
tensivesuperimposition of magmaticactivity of dif- deflection.The Ataspacagranodioriticcenter, with
ferent agesin Peru contrastingwith a more orderly its Cu polymetallic,in part porphyry-style,mineral-
continentwardmigrationin Chile (Farraret al., 1970; ization, located 320 km north-northwest of the
Clark et al., 1976; Colley et al., 1989). The oldest northernmostdocumented,broadly coeval (39 Ma:
belts,of Jurassicage,are apparentlytruncatedby the McBride, 1977), Chilean porphyry copper-typede-
presentcoastlineof the Africa deflection,but with posit, Queen Elizabeth (Sillitoe, 1988), clearly ex-
the exceptionof the still poorly definedCretaceous tends this richly endowed belt into southernmost
activityin the Tintaya area and in the CordilleraOri- Peru. However, only minor Cu mineralizationis re-
ental,magmatism wasconfinedto a narrowzonesub- corded from the upper Eocene stocksnear Tarata,
parallel and closeto the presentcontinentalmargin. andthislargelygranodioriticarcis apparentlysevered

fartherto the northwest.Althoughcalc-alkalinefelsic A dramaticchangein the magmaticand tectonic

intrusive activity persistedinto the mid-Oligocene activityof the studytransectensuedin the late Oli-
both in northernmostChile and in the Andahuaylas- gocene, at 28.5 ___1 Ma.Geochronologic studies(e.g.,
Yauri belt of south-centralPeru, the initiation of mafic Tosdalet al., 1981; Clark et al., 1983b; Franceet al.,
shoshonitic volcanism in the Santa Lucia area at ca. 1984; Bonhommeet al., 1985; Kontaket al., 1987;
31 to 32 Ma (Wasteneys,1990; thispaper)is inferred R. J.Langridge, in prep.)demonstrate thatat thistime
to reflect a radicallydifferenttectono-magmatic con- magmatism abruptlyrevivedacross a widthof 320 to
text, despiteits locationon the stronglycurved tra- 350 km, extendingfromthePacificslopeof thepres-
jectory of the mid-Tertiaryarc overall. ent Cordillera Occidental. The Main Arc alone, en-
As in transectsto the south and northwest, the Main compassing thepresentCordilleraOccidental andthe
Arc domainbetween, approximately,Tarata andTin- Altiplano,attaineda width of ca. 230 km. Felsicig-
tayaexperienceduplift andcrustalshorteningin the nimbrites,inferredto haveeruptedfromthe location
late Eocene to mid-Oligocene.The uncomformity of the modernvolcanicarc(Tosdalet al., 1981),dom-
beneath the fore-arc basinalsuccession
constituting inatedthe oceanwardportionof the late Oligocene
the continentalMoqueguaFormation(Bellido,1979; Main Arc, whereas mafic and intermediate calc-al-
MaroccoandNoblet, 1990), whichnowunderliesthe kaline(mediumto highK) andshoshonitic
Llanuras Costaneras between the axial Cordillera Oc- dominated acrossits continental areas. The coeval
cidental and the Cordillera de la Costa, could have suscitationof the contiguousInner Arc involved
been generatedduring the Incaic orogenyat ca. 40 crustalmeltingwhichresulted,atleastin southeastern
to 43 Ma and may extendacrossthe submarinecon- Peru, from the emplacementof mantle-derived
tinental slopeasthe well-definedEocene-Oligocene shoshonitic (absarokitic)magmas(Kontaket al.,
erosionsurface(van Huene and Lallemand, 1990). 1986).Broadening
Erosionof the •52-Ma ToquepalaGroup, however, andMcNutt,1982),andtheavailable
probablycommencedearlier and the on-landstrati- 39Ardata reveal no clear transversesecularmigration
graphic record may be incomplete.Farther inland, of the inner and outer limits of the arc.
physiographicdifferentiationof the emergingCor- Majorupliftat ca.25 to 26 Ma (Tosdalet al., 1984;
dillera Oriental and Altiplano occurredasa result of Wasteneys, 1990) clearlyfollowedthisradicalrevival
thin-skinned,largelysouthwest-verging thrustingand of magmatism. Arc broadeningin southeastern Peru
folding(Newell, 1949; M•gard, 1988; Ellisonet al., thereforeprecededthe initiationof the Aymar•tor
1989) in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca(the Huancan• QuechuaD• episodeof regionalcrustalshortening
thrust and fold belt of M•gard, 1988; Fig. 3). How- (S•brieret al., 1988;Ellisonet al., 1989).Arcbroad-
ever, we infer that the greatestuplift took place to eningprobablyalsoprecededthedevelopment ofthe
the northeast,alongand immediatelycontinentward central Andean foreland thrust and fold belt in the
of the presentaxisof the Cordillera Oriental. Here Miocene,but the two featuresclearlycoexistedfor a
the Zongo-SanGab•tntectono-thermalzone records protractedperiod.
(Farraret al., 1988;Kontaket al., 1990d)majorthick- A strictlycontemporaneous (28-29 Ma) reactiva-
skinnedcompression involvingbasementuplift, and tion of both maficand peraluminousgranitoidmag-
probably, rotation acrosscrustal-scaleduplexesin matism occurred in the Illimani volcano-plutonic
sometransects(Farraret al., 1990a), shortlyprior to centerof the BolivianCordilleraReal (McBrideet al.,
38 Ma, the time of Ar retention in biotites at the root 1983), but the still scantyagedatafor the northern
of the zone. BolivianAltiplano (Everndenet al., 1977; Naeseret
Broadanalogieswith the Mio-Pliocenebasement al., 1987; Swansonet al., 1987; Lavenu et al., 1989;
upliftsof the SierrasPampeanas of the northwestAr- Clark et al., in prep.) suggestthat arc expansionat
gentinianforeland(Jordanet al., 1983) suggest that this latitude was not coherent until ca. 24 to 25 Ma,
southeastern Peruexperienced fiat subduction at this i.e., until the latestOligoceneorogenicevent.Red-
time. No magmatismhasbeen recognizedin associ- wood and Macintyre (1989) recognizeonly a mid-
ation with the Incaic orogeniceventsin much of Miocene(ca. 17 Ma) arc expansionin this area.Re-
southeastern Peru, accountingfor the absenceof up- stricted arc broadeningalso occurredin the south-
per Eoceneto lower Oligocenehydrothermalmin- western Bolivian Altiplano in the late Oligocene
eralization.Steepsubduction is,however,inferredto (Kussmaul et al., 1975). In south-centralPeru(ca.13ø
havepersistedin centralPeru. Noble et al. (1984b) S), the K-Ar dataof McKeeand Noble (1982) dem-
suggested that the Andahuaylas-Yauri granitoidbelt onstrate that Main Arc volcanism revived at ca. 27
resulted from shallowsubduction,but we believe that Ma, althoughthe majormagmaticflare-upthere was
it occupiesa transitionalposition,possiblyacrossa assigned to the period 17 to 23 Ma (seealsoNoble
major warp in the subductingplate, along which et al., 1974). There wasa markeddiminutionof ig-
magmas rosewith minimalassimilation of crustalma- neousactivityin centralPeru (ca. 11ø S) in the mid-
terials,leadingto majormineralization with a mantle Oligocene,leadingSolerandBonhomme (1988b,p.
geochemicalsignature(Cu, Fe ___ Au). 175) to concludeerroneously that "[a] lackof mag-

maticactivitythroughout mid-to-lateOligocenetimes enguelaAg-Cu deposits.The arealextentof thislate

is generalover the PeruvianAndes." Oligoceneto earliestMioceneevent,unrecognized
The significance
of the arcbroadening isproblem- in previousmetallogenicsynthesesof the Peruvian
atic,largelybecausedirectlycomparableeventshave Main Arc (e.g.,PetersenandVidal, 1983; Soleret al.,
not been documented in other Mesozoic to Recent 1986), is poorly defined. However, Robertson's
orogens:thus, the large-scaleMesozoic-Cenozoic (1978) conclusionthat the Ag-basemetalmineraliza-
displacementof the cordilleranarc in the western tion of the Manto de Laycacotacamp (Fig. 2) incor-
United States(Coney and Reynolds,1977) involved poratesshallow-water(lacustrine)exhalativehorizons
migration(ca. 1000 km) of the arc front over a pro- in the TacazaGroup(>_ca.25 Ma: Franceet al., 1984;
tracted period (90 my), rather than instantaneous Wasteneys,1990) suggeststhat other Ag-rich epi-
broadening.However, from the age, areal distribu- thermal centersin the CordilleraOccidentalmay be
tion, andchemistryof the igneousrocksin the study of this age. The SantaB•trbaraveins (23.5 Ma), in
area, we infer that, followinga late Eoceneto mid- particular,displayan intimateassociation with initial
Oligoceneepisodeof fiat subduction, a steeperangle upliftin the SantaLuciaregionin the latestOligocene,
of oceanicplate descentabruptlyensuedin the late andwith the first localoutbreakof felsicpyroclastic
Oligocene. activity,bothmanifestations of the Aymar•t,Quechua
The late Oligoceneto early Miocene interval of D1, or QuechuaD2 (Ellisonet al., 1989) orogeny.
broad arc activity gaverise to extensivemineraliza- The ignimbrite-dominatedoceanwardportion of the
tion,particularlyin the Inner Arc domain,wherelarge arc is apparentlybarren, but few eruptive centers
andhigh-gradebedrocktin depositswere emplaced havebeen recognizedto date (Tosdalet al., 1981).
in Boliviaand southeastern Peru (Figs.17 and 18g). The Au- and Ag-rich veinsand stockworksof the
Detailed K-Ar studiessuggestthat Sn and W vein Mafiazodistrictare inferredto be ca. 19 Ma in age
mineralization commenced at ca. 24 to 26.5 Ma in onthebasisof the datedphyllicalterationassemblage
spatialassociation with 25- to 28.5-Ma peraluminous from the Lulita deposit,andthus,representa metal-
granitoidstocksin both the Cordillerade Carabaya Iogenic episodeslightly younger than that of the
and CordilleraReal segmentsof the tin belt (Clark et nearbySantaLucia area.This mineralizationrecords
al., 1983b; McBride et al., 1983; Kontak et al., 1987; the only hydrothermalactivity in southeastern Peru
Farrar et al., 1990b). Alsoin Bolivia,at latitude19050' known to be coevalwith the early Miocene (ca. 18-
S, minor Sn-W mineralizationwasassociatedwith the 20 Ma) episodeof uplift (Tosdalet al., 1984) andvo-
Kumuranapluton (25.25 Ma), representingthe initial luminousignimbriticvolcanism(Tosdalet al., 1981;
magmatismof the richly mineralizedLosFrailes-Po- Wasteneys,1990) in the Cordillera Occidental,con-
tosl area (Schneider, 1987; Halls and Schneider, sideredby Tosdalet al. (1984) to representthe final
1988). Vein formationthereafter persistedto ca. 22 phaseof the tectoniccycle initiated in the late Oli-
Ma in the Cordillera de Carabayaand, southof the gocene. Supergene enrichment of the Cuajone,
Cordillera Real, in the CordillerasQuimsaCruz and Quellaveco,andprobably,Toquepalaporphyrycop-
SantaVera Cruz. Subsequently,at ca. 20 to 21 Ma, per depositswasinterruptedat ca. 18 to 18.5 Ma by
the major focusof mineralizationin the Boliviantin abruptuplift of the oceanwardslopeof the Precor-
belt migratedsouthalongthe proto-CordilleraOri- dilleraandattendantmanflingby rhyoliticignimbrites
ental to generateLlallaguaand other large subvol- (Clark et al., 1990b).
canictin depositsof west-centralBolivia(Grantet al., In northwestern Bolivia, on the eastern shores of
1979). Schneiderand Halls (1985) also emphasize Lake Titicaca, a 23.3-Ma (biotite) K-Ar agehasbeen
that the Kumarana-Azanaques magmatichydrother- determined(McBride,1977) for the smallPfilpitodel
mal episode(ca. 20-25 Ma) of the Potos•areamay Diablorhyodaciticstock,whichis associated with mi-
be distinguished fromlater eventsin the centralseg- nor Pb-Sb(-Sn,asteallite andberndtite) mineraliza-
ment of the Bolivian tin belt. tion (Clark et al., in prep.), possiblyrepresentinga
Clark et al. (in prep.) argue that, whereasthe transition between the Main and Inner Arc metallo-
granitoidstocksof the Cordillerade Carabayawere genicdomains.Elsewhereon the BolivianAltiplano
emplacedin a structurallyneutral (postkinematic) the majorityof the red-bedandalliedcopperdeposits
environment,the immediatelyensuingformationof includingCorocoro,formedin this interval (ca. 18-
Sn- and W-rich veins (ca. 24 Ma) occurredduring a 23 Ma: Clark et al., in prep.), as did probably the
compressional tectoniceventwhichmaybe assigned restrictedmineralization of thistype in the SantaRosa
to either the QuechuaD• or, preferably,the Aymar•t (Desaguadero)district in the study area (Fig. 2).
orogenicphase(seealsoLaubacheret al., 1988; S•- However, there is no evidence for the occurrence of
brier et al., 1988). epithermalveins in association with the scattered
In the Main Arc, we recognizea significantmetal- subvolcanicstocksof early Mioceneage on the Bo-
logenicepisodeat ca. 23.5 to 28 Ma, responsible for livian Altiplano. Whereas late Oligoceneto early
the SantaB•trbaraAg-basemetaland,probably,Ber- Miocenevolcanismand shallowplutonismpersisted

in the Main Arc southinto northernmostChile, only Ma; Chocaya,ca. 12.5 Ma; Grant et al., 1979; Schnei-
the large La Coipa Ag-Au epithermalcenter in the der, 1987). The extremeenrichmentsin Sn(_•53ppm)
Copiap6 (or E1 Salvador)district of northern Chile and other lithophileelementsexhibitedby the rhyo-
(Rivera-Cabello,1988; Colley et al., 1989) hasbeen litic ash-flowtuffsof the main middle to upper Mio-
confirmedto fall in thisagerange(23-24 Ma: Zentilli, cene(ca.4-10 Ma) MacusaniVolcanics(Pichavantet
1974; Clark et al., 1976). al., 1988b; Cheilletz et al., in press)andby the scat-
The geochronologic datafor the studytransectdo tered subvolcanicstockswith similar geochemical
not permit delimitationof the area of the Main Arc features(Farraret al., 1990b;Yamamura,1990) raises
in southeastern Peru that experiencedthe succeeding expectations that concentrations of thesemetalsmay
middle (ca. 17 Ma) to late (ca. 7 Ma) Miocenemetal- be locally developed.However, the majority of the
logenicepisode,or episodes, whichgeneratedthe vast stocksknownto be of thisageandpetrochemicalaf-
majority of the large Ag and basemetal depositsof filiationdisplayno evidenceof interactionwith high-
the centraland southernareasof the country(Erick- temperaturemagmatogene fluids(Yamamura,1990).
son et al., 1987; Candiotti, 1988; Soler and Bon- In contrast,the uraniummineralizationdeveloped
homme, 1988a and b; alsoPetersen and Vidal, 1983, extensively in the Macusani Volcanics, and less
and referencestherein), includingthe rich veinsof stronglyin the _•8-Ma (Schneider,1987) LosFrailes
the Puquio-CaillomaAg district(16.3-17.1 Ma) im- ignimbrite field of Bolivia (Michel and Schneider,
mediatelyto the west of the area under discussion 1978), displaysdirect geochemicalcongruencewith
(Fig. 2). Someof the baseand preciousmetal epi- the hostrocks,and the derivation of the uranium from
thermal depositsof the northern BolivianAltiplano the rhyolitesis indisputable.The depositsdelimited
(e.g.,La Joya,Viscachani) are alsoof middleMiocene in the Quenamari(Macusani)fieldincludethe largest
age (ca. 12-16 Ma; McBride, 1977; Redwoodand andrichestof thisclanyet recognizedworldwide(cf.
Macintyre,1989). Volcanismof thisageisrepresented GoodellandWaters,1981) andrepresenta significant
in the area of studyby the SillapacaFormation,the late Miocenemetallogenicepoch,one that wasless
predominantlydacitic eruptive centersof which are well developedin Bolivia.
preservedin the SantaLucia district (14.7-16.2 Ma: Whereas a transition to Sb-dominant mineralization
Wasteneys,1990) and elsewherein the inner Cor- tookplacelocallyin the Boliviantin belt in the latest
dilleraOccidentalandAltiplano(Klincket al., 1986). Miocene (ca. 8 Ma: Schneiderand Halls, 1985), our
The sparseavailabledata suggestthat at leastsome data for the Collpa districtsuggestthat this had oc-
of the antimony-richmineralization on the south- curredby 12 Ma in the studyarea. Both in Bolivia
easternPeruvianAltiplano,and perhaps,in the Pre- and Peru, however,it is probablethat theseclearly
cordillerade Carabaya,may have been emplacedat epithermalstibnitedepositsrepresentmuchweaker
this time (e.g., Pucar•t:15.4 Ma). However, most concentrationsof antimony than the mesothermal
eruptivecentersof middleMioceneagein the transect Sb(-W, Au) veins(e.g., Ahlfeld, 1974) and havecer-
arenotknownto hostsignificant epithermalveins(cf. tainly been lessproductive.
Fletcheret al., 1989); thisisnot a functionof erosional The mostimportantsilverdepositof recent years
level andis interpretedasrepresentinga true metal- in southeasternPeru, Cacachara,was emplaced,co-
logeniclull. evallywith the veinsof the lessimportantCompuerta
The smallJ•sicaSn-Znprospect(17.4 Ma) consti- camp,at ca. 7 Ma, in the later stagesof the Oligocene
tutesthe onlylocalbroadcontemporaryof the series to Mioceneexpandedarc, associated with the earliest
of very large Sn-Ag(-Bi, basemetal) epithermalde- eruptionsof the BarrosoGroup. Broadly contempo-
positsgeneratedin the centralandsouthernsegments rary Main Arc epithermal mineralization on the
of the Bolivian tin belt in the later early Miocene, northern BolivianAltiplano includesthe Laurani Ag-
including Oruro (16.3 Ma; McBride et al., 1983), Au-Cu-Pb-As-Sbcenter (8.0 Ma; McBride, 1977) and
Chorolque (16.2 Ma), Tatasi (15.6 Ma), and Tasna probablythe minorPb-Zn-Ag-Sbveinsof the Patricia-
(16.4 Ma; Grant et al., 1979). This contrastin min- Pacuni area (ca. 8.1 Ma; Redwood and Macintyre,
eralizationintensityis striking,giventhe broad sim- 1989). To the northwest of the study transect, the
ilaritiesin petrochemistry (Kontak,1985; Schneider, extremelyrich Ag(-Au)veinsof the Arcataminehave
1987) of the coevalperaluminousigneousrocksin beeninterpretedasca.5 Ma in age(Candiotti,1988),
the two areas,but we emphasizethat the Cerro Lin- but Fornari and Viica (1977) and Soleret al. (1986)
tere microgranitestockisthe onlysubvolcanic center bracket the timing of mineralizationbetween 3.66
of thisagesofar recognizedin the Cordillerade Ca- and 3.73 Ma. Although upper Miocene epithermal
rabaya,andthat significantvolcanismat thistime was baseandpreciousmetalveins,andlocally,porphyry
largelyrestrictedto the PicotaniMeseta(Sandeman Cu(-Mo, Au) centers are known from the Sierras
et al., 1990). However, there are alsono knownPe- Pampeanasof northwestern Argentina (McBride,
ruvianequivalentsof the importantlate-middleMio- 1972; Clark et al., in prep.; seealsoEricksonet al.,
ceneBolivianSn-Ag-basemetalcenters(Potosl,13.8 1987), and coevalmineralizationalmostcertainlyex-

ists in western Bolivia and northernmost Chile, there be inferred to have controlled the Triassic-Jurassic
is a strikingpaucityof geochronologic datafor central lithophilemetalvein systems of the Inner Arc domain
Andean ore depositsin this time interval. This pre- in both Peru and Bolivia, and the major Paleogene
vents delimitation of the area of the Main Arc affected porphyrycopperdepositarraysof the Main Arc; im-
by late Miocenehydrothermalactivityand an assess- portantcontrastsare apparentbetweenthe intensity
ment of the importanceof thisperiod. It is, however, of such mineralization in southeastern Peru and in
clear that severaladequatelydissectedvolcaniccen- adjacentareas,andpresentconcepts of the transverse
tersof the Lower BarrosoGroupin southeastern Peru segmentationof Andeanmetallogenicsubprovinces
exhibit no evidence of metallic mineralization. are probablyinsufllcientlyrefined.
Plio-Pleistoceneageshave been reported for epi- The persistentmetallogenicindividualityof the
thermal vein systemsin more northerly transectsof regionsurrounding the Aricadeflection,aswell asits
the Peruvian Andes, as at Atunsulla, in Nevado Por- internalvariability,impliesthat for the past220 m.y.
tugueza(Noble andMcKee, 1982; PetersenandVidal, this segmentof the orogenhasincorporateda first-
1983) and Ccarhuaraso(D.C. Noble, in Candiotti, orderdiscontinuityin the plateboundary.It ishoped
1988). Metallicmineralizationof thisagehasnotbeen that the presentresearchwill contributeto the de-
confirmed from the contracted Pliocene-Holocene velopmentof moresophisticated andpredictiveme-
volcanicarc of southeasternPeru, despitethe wide tallogenicmodelsfor: the Andes and other, more
range of erosionallevel displayedby the stratovol- complex,ensialicconvergentorogens.
canoesof the Barrosoand (lower) AmpatoGroups. Acknowledgments
ConcludingStatement The field and laboratory studieswhich form the
The southeasternmost area of Peru embraces the basis for the research summarized herein were funded
entire array of geologicand physiographicprovinces throughNaturalSciencesandEngineeringResearch
which constitutethe Central Andean orogen and is Councilof Canadagrantsto A.H.C. andE.F. Logistical
an ideal settingin which to elucidatethe overall re- assistancein the field was generouslyprovidedby
lationshipsof hydrothermalprocessesand the mag- Minsur, S.A., Southern Peru Copper Corporation
matic and tectonic events which define this classic (SPCC),the InstitutoGeo16gico, Mineroy Metalfir-
convergent plateboundaryenvironment. Our aimhas gico(INGEMMET), the InstitutoPeruanodeEnergia
been to provide a detailed and unified geologicand Nuclear (IPEN), and the United NationsRevolving
geochronologic data base for the ore depositsand Fund (UNRF) for Natural ResourcesExplorationin
their hostrocks,a prerequisitefor the elaborationof Peru. We are particularlygratefulfor the assistance
metallogenicmodels.Our coverageof the known and advice of: Fausto Zavaleta, the late Adolfo M•-
mineralization is not complete, particularly in the dico,FortunatoBrescia,PastorLuque, SixtoParedes,
Neogeneprovinceof the Cordillera Occidentaland Nestor Rold•tn,Rafil Valdivia, and Vidal Ayque of
in the Precordillerade Carabaya,and severalimpor- Minsur, S.A.; Armando Plazolles, Jorge Manrique,
tant groupsof ore deposits,suchasthe goldveinsof Frank Stevenson,and Paul Satchwell of SPCC; Guido
the AnaneaandSantoDomingodistricts,clearlymerit del Castillo, Felix Espinoza, and Rafil Rosasof
more detailed attention. However, the observations Colquiminas,S.A.; FernandoArias and JorgeTaipe
in thispaperconsiderably amplifythe earlysyntheses of SociedadAn6nimaMineraRegina;TommyCinzano
of De las Casasand Ponzoni (1969), Bellido and de and Elias Mestos of Compafila Minera Altiplano;
Montreuil (1972), Bellido et al. (1972), Ponzoni GuillermoAbele of CENTROMIN; JosephE. Kova•ik,
(1980), and Petersenand Vidal (1983), and demon- formerly of UNRF, Arequipa;Gregorio Flores and
stratethat the more recent metallogenicschemesof Guillermo Diaz of INGEMMET; Ralph Ellison,
Clark et al. (1984), Soler et al. (1986), and Fletcher formerlyof ProyectoIntegradodel Sur (BritishGeo-
et al. (1989) require significantmodification. logicalSurvey/INGEMMET);Alain Cheilletz of the
Aswouldbe expected,southeastern Peru displays Centre de RecherchesP•trographiqueset G•ochi-
many similaritiesin its metallogenicevolutionwith miques,Nancy;and Crist(>balMiletich, JuanSaldar-
other transects of the central Andes. However, it is riaga,GuidoArroyo,andJacintoValenciaof IPEN.
equallyapparentthat the regionof the Aricadeflec- An early report and samplescollectedby Ronald
tion, consideredasa whole,hasbeenmetallogenically C. R. Robertson provedof greatvalueto ourresearch.
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