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Click to watch the New Moon Guidance for the Badass Butterfly Livestream

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© Crystal Lynn Bell | Spiritual Life Coach Certification |

Click to watch the New Moon Guidance for the Badass Butterfly Livestream

© Crystal Lynn Bell | Spiritual Life Coach Certification |

Click to watch the New Moon Guidance for the Badass Butterfly Livestream

The New Moon Ritual

Set the Mood and Prepare Yourself for Sunny's Super Love

1. Set the mood. Turn off your computer and phone. Put on some uplifting music that invokes good feelings in you. Make it positive and

2. Light some incense or put some essential oils in some water in a burner. Get yourself a pretty glass and fill it water. Hold the glass in
your hands and say a prayer of trust, love and optimism. Bring the water to your ritual space and sip on it as you do your ritual.

3. Get a white candle, but before you light it, say a word of thanks and bless the light that will come forth. Light the candle.

4. Grab your New Moon Ritual and Workbook and/or your journal and pen. Keep them near you because you’re going to need them after
you’ve done the meditation.

5. Get comfortable. You can sit at your altar, at your desk or on the floor or on your bed. Just get into a position where you can hangout and
focus on what’s really important to you and where you feel comfortable meditating, writing and praying.

© Crystal Lynn Bell | Spiritual Life Coach Certification |

Click to watch the New Moon Guidance for the Badass Butterfly Livestream

Meditate and Connect

Timing for this next section are entirely up to you. This is your ritual! Take a much or as little time as you desire. 10 minutes of
dedicated, focused concentration might be more powerful than 30 minutes of resistant, distracted sitting. Try to make this fun for
yourself, not a chore.

6. Take a few deep breaths and tune into your heart. Allow yourself to release any tension you may be holding. Put your dominant hand
over your heart and see if you can notice the beat or feel heat radiating from your chest. Feel your body and settle into peaceful
contemplation. You can lower your hands whenever you feel like doing so.

7. From your heart space, call upon your guardian angel to come forth and sit with you as you prepare to go on a journey into your
deepest self. As you inhale and exhale, feel the presence of your benevolent angel coming forth. If you feel confused about who your
personal angel is, then call upon Archangel Michael to guide you. Invite your angel by inhaling white, sparkly light and exhaling resistance,
doubt and fear. Inhale and feel his or her presence. Exhale and know that you are safe and protected. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

8. Bring your awareness to your third eye. In your mind’s eye, see a dark, dark indigo ocean of energy. This energy is called, The Void. The
Void is dark and mysterious and it is powerful. But it is yours. It is your protector, your strength and your very own personal mystery
space. Although The Void is dark in color, there is nothing harmful about it. We tend to associate darkness with horror, but this is a
function of the patriarchy. The Void is feminine and not controllable, which is why our egoic, rational self fears it. For the New Moon
Ritual, I want you to very gently practice allowing the deep indigo waters of the Divine Feminine to nurture you. So let your beautiful
protective angel support you and use your imagination to become at peace with The Void.

© Crystal Lynn Bell | Spiritual Life Coach Certification |

Click to watch the New Moon Guidance for the Badass Butterfly Livestream
9. Here you have two options. Both options are meant to help you find peace and healing with your Shadow Self by helping you practice
non-resistance with your Shadow Self.

Option A. The New Moon is also called the Black Moon because at this time of the month, we see its unilluminated side. The rich indigo
darkness of the New Moon can be likened to the sacred Void. The sacred Void can be understood as Pure Awareness, the canvas on which
all of life is painted. This sacred Void is what makes the New Moon so powerful for manifesting because you are connecting directly with
the substance of the Universe with the intention to create a powerful future for yourself.

If you feel unafraid to approach the sacred Void of the New Moon, allow yourself to sink into it, accepting your oneness with the canvas on
which all of creation is painted.

With your eyelids closed, gently roll your eyeballs upward to about a 45 degree angle and focus your energy on your 3rd Eye. Your 3rd
Eye Chakra is an energy center that helps you access your intuition. So taking some deep breaths, just focus your attention on your 3rd
Eye for several minutes. It might help you to imagine a rich indigo blue, the color of the night sky.

Allow yourself to sink deeply into the peace of this rich indigo color.

Surrendering to this process is going to help you resolve any feelings of loneliness, isolation or fear that you may be harboring. As you
sink into the indigo spectrum of being feel yourself surrendering any tension or holding patterns. You are fully supported here, fully loved
unconditionally. See if you can let go and let God/Goddess/Source of All.

Take several minutes to breathe into and out of this place of deep, dark peace. This practice is deeply healing for your Shadow, because

© Crystal Lynn Bell | Spiritual Life Coach Certification |

Click to watch the New Moon Guidance for the Badass Butterfly Livestream
this profound peace and connection with the sacred Void is what your ego has been resisting. It is this sense of nothingness that scares
the ego. Here is where you lose your identity and you become at one with the canvas of life itself. Spending peaceful time here, knowing
that you are safe is profoundly healing. So take several minutes to just sit and unwind, releasing and letting go. You can intentionally
breathe this sense of peace through all of your chakras, starting with your root, then your sacral, solar, heart, third-eye and then crown.
Feel yourself at one with All. Stay in this space for as long as you like.

Option B. If you feel intimidated or defensive about The Void, you can imagine that you are on a boat, floating peacefully on a dark lake
at night. The sky over head is alight with the shimmer of stars. You can row your little boat out to the middle of the lake and just lay back,
observing the stars while the gentle movement of the water rocks you into peace. Feel yourself safe and at peace in your little boat. Feel
yourself connecting with the deep waters below, and the starry sky above. And after you have finished observing the stars, just close your
eyes and feel yourself rocking gently on the water. Inhale. Exhale. Breathe deeply, letting go of any tension you have. You can
intentionally breathe this sense of peace through all of your chakras, starting with your root, then your sacral, solar, heart, third-eye and
then crown. Feel yourself at one with All. Relax and let go, allowing a sense of ease to be your trustworthy companion. Stay in this
peaceful place for as long as you like.

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10. No matter which option you chose above, from your quiet place of peace, feel yourself connected to All and at the center of you is
rising a sparkling pin-prick of warm golden light. As you breathe, very slowly bring your awareness down from your 3rd Eye Chakra into
your Solar Plexus Chakra which is located at your sternum. The New Moon and the Sun are in the same zodiac sign, so bringing awareness

© Crystal Lynn Bell | Spiritual Life Coach Certification |

Click to watch the New Moon Guidance for the Badass Butterfly Livestream
to your Third Eye and your Solar Plexus is a powerful way to unite the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine inside you.

As you bring your awareness into your Solar Plexus, feel your own radiant light glowing inside you. Feel the light filling you up,
illuminating you from inside. Sit in peace for several minutes and just breathe the power of your own Inner Sun. Inhale. Exhale. If you
are aware of any negative thoughts or feelings, surrender them, with appreciation and Unconditional Love. Let go of your fears, doubts,
negative beliefs, worries and concerns. Breathe gently in this place of light and let go. You might notice that your tummy is getting warm
and activated as you focus your energy here. That is a good thing! Spend several minutes charging your battery with this awareness.

11. When you are ready, inhale deeply and while you are maintaining awareness of your Solar Plexus, concentrate also on your 3rd Eye
Chakra. If you are familiar with Yogic Breathing, you can employ the same techniques here. “Breathe through your pores-- windows and
doors…” Imagine that your Solar Plexus and 3rd Eye are portals of Life Force Energy and you are receiving New Moon Energy through
your 3rd Eye and Sun Energy through your Solar Plexus. Breathe deeply to help you maintain your focus for several minutes.

12. As you sit in oneness with the New Moon and Sun, say a prayer of appreciation for this moment and all things that inspire you. Spend
the next few minutes allowing yourself to feel your appreciation. Remember to use your breath to keep you connected to your body.

13. Say, “Thank you,” for all the love that has been bestowed upon you. Know that these words are appreciative, not grateful. What is the
difference, you might wonder? Appreciation puts you on the same level of abundance. It is a mirror reflection of abundance. Gratitude is
the feeling of having not had something and then getting it. It is about lacking something and then coming into having it. Appreciation is an
acknowledgement that you were never lacking. It is a knowing that you have always been a child of God/Goddess—even when you have

14. When you are ready to come out of your meditation, take several slow deep breaths and become aware of your body and the room in
which you are sitting. Open your eyes gently.

© Crystal Lynn Bell | Spiritual Life Coach Certification |

Click to watch the New Moon Guidance for the Badass Butterfly Livestream
15. You can end your ritual here or you can go to the workbook in the next session.

© Crystal Lynn Bell | Spiritual Life Coach Certification |

Click to watch the New Moon Guidance for the Badass Butterfly Livestream

© Crystal Lynn Bell | Spiritual Life Coach Certification |

Click to watch the New Moon Guidance for the Badass Butterfly Livestream
The Workbook

You can use this workbook and write your answers into it directly or you can use your own journal. The following contains questions and
instructions that you can use for every New Moon. You should revisit these questions each month and address them according to how you
feel in the moment. In addition to these you can download the particular Moon transit supplementary worksheet each month. That
worksheet will apply to the New Moon in the zodiac sign.

Step 1. Take a few deep breaths and tune into your heart. Allow yourself to release any tension you may be holding. Put your dominant
hand over your heart and see if you can notice the beat or feel heat radiating from your chest. Feel your body and settle into peaceful

Step 2. Write down what you experienced during the New Moon meditation and connection process. Be sure to include your insights, any
visions, emotions, thoughts and awakenings that came up for you.
Write in the space below:

Step 3. OPTIONAL: If you want, you can go to the New Moon Zodiac Supplementary Worksheet to learn about what is being emphasized
with this particular New Moon. You can find the link to that worksheet in your reminder email. Complete the questions on it and then skip
down to Step 6 on this worksheet.

Step 4. Now is the time to dream about what you desire. Say, “Yes,” to it in your mind. Do you see a beautiful home in your vision? Say,

© Crystal Lynn Bell | Spiritual Life Coach Certification |

Click to watch the New Moon Guidance for the Badass Butterfly Livestream
“Yes.” Do you see a gorgeous man or woman who is loyal, savvy, devoted to you and sexy as hell? Say, “Yes!” Do you see a new job, a new
car, or a loving community of friends? Say, “Yes!” Whatever your heart sends to you, say, “Yes,” to it. Spend 5 to 10 minutes with this
step. If you notice that you have trouble believing you can have what you want, don’t worry, you’re going to do some Shadow Work

Step 5. Write down what your heart said. Let yourself get excited and creative. If you can feel or sense the strategy of how to achieve it,
you can write that down, too. If not, don’t worry. That can come later.
Write in the space below:

Step 6. If you feel any resistance to your heart’s desires, or you felt like you couldn’t hear your heart, or you doubt your heart or yourself,
then do Shadow work. Shadow work is an intellectual approach to emotional healing. It’s a way to access your deeply buried
subconscious emotions with your mind so that you can become aware of them and then take action to heal them. For example,
uncovering a limiting subconscious belief is a Shadow work exercise. If you would like to learn how to do Shadow work in depth (which I
totally recommend because it accelerates your healing process) then I can help you. Just book in for a complimentary Discovery Session
and I can talk to you about my Shadow Work for the Badass Butterfly program. But for now, here is a simple but effective way to handle
your Shadow.

1. Listen to your resistance, doubt, fear. What is that negative feeling or thought informing you about yourself or the situation.
Listen and validate whatever comes up for you. DO NOT try to stuff down or deny what you are feeling. For example, if you have a
thought that says, “I can’t do that. It’s too much for me. I’m not ______ (insert any descriptor that fits for you. Ie smart, pretty,
young, etc) enough” don’t push the thought aside and start convincing yourself that you can do it. That doesn’t actually address

© Crystal Lynn Bell | Spiritual Life Coach Certification |

Click to watch the New Moon Guidance for the Badass Butterfly Livestream
the problem. Instead, go directly toward the thing negative thought or emotion and feel it. Acknowledge it and validate it. Say to
it, “Yes, that is a valid fear. I understand why you feel that way. I have felt that way before.” This will help release some of the
pressure off the hidden part of your psyche that doesn’t feel like it can express itself directly.
2. Write down all the fears, resistances and doubts that your mind reveals to you. This validates your psyche, too. You will notice
that you are starting to feel better, more relieved. This is partly because what has been hidden is now revealed. But it’s also
because you’ve dumped all this scary energy that was blocking the flow of your creative energy. Also, you can now see what the
problem is. Now, you can set out to find solutions.
Write in the space below:

3. Address all of your fears and resistances one by one. If the problem is that you don’t have enough money, for example, brainstorm
how to create more money. Or if the problem is that you don’t have enough time, look at your calendar and see how you can
rearrange your schedule and how you can delegate some tasks. I suggest writing down all your solutions as it helps you shape the
Write in the space below:

4. Any fears or resistances that remain because you cannot find reasonable solutions should be addressed with Angelic assistance.

© Crystal Lynn Bell | Spiritual Life Coach Certification |

Click to watch the New Moon Guidance for the Badass Butterfly Livestream
Call upon your Angels to help you overcome whatever is remaining. Talk to them out loud and/or write out your requests to them.

Write in the space below:

5. Seek professional earthly assistance. You might feel like you need professional help in the earthly plane. GET IT. Hire a coach or a
therapist or a trainer. Take a class, join a group. Do whatever you need to address your fears and resistances. Don’t keep
suppressing, ignoring and merely coping with whatever holds you back. The New Moon is the time to make BIG, bold decisions
and to take BIG, BADASS actions. Write down what you will do to address your issues.
Write in the space below:

Step 7. Tune back into your heart. Breathe into your heart space and reconnect with your desire.

Step 8. Now it’s time to have a talk with God/Goddess/Source of All. Open your mouth and tell Source how happy you are about your
vision and dreams and how excited you are to know what you want. Also, rejoice in the Shadow work you have done. Share your ideas
and your desires with Source. Recognize your connection to the Divine. Talk to It with respect, but be honest. You can share your fears,

© Crystal Lynn Bell | Spiritual Life Coach Certification |

Click to watch the New Moon Guidance for the Badass Butterfly Livestream
as well. Feel free to write to Source if you feel inspired.
Write in the space below:

Step 9. Silence. Shh… now just listen. Listen to the wisdom that comes from deep within you. Say, “Yes,” to this wisdom and invite it to
expand through you. Enjoy it. Sit for at least 10 minutes. I strongly suggest you write down what you heard. You will probably want to
revisit it in the future.
Write in the space below:

Step 10. Your ritual for this New Moon is now complete.

© Crystal Lynn Bell | Spiritual Life Coach Certification |

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