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[Appropriate Greeting]

Foremost, I would like to congratulate in advance the 240

participants who had just committed themselves to undergo this
60 days Basic Internal Security Operations Course (BISOC).
My commendation also goes to the Regional Special Training
Unit 1 (RSTU1) and the Regional Public Safety Battalion 1
(RPSB1) for spearheading the conduct of this BISOC for our
newly graduated Police Officer 1’s as replacement of the
Special Counter-Insurgency Operations Unit Training (SCOUT).
This marks another step in our continuing thrust to improve the
PRO1’s capability and efficiency on matter of internal security

As police, we are not only detailed for crime prevention

and crime solution. We do not only deal with criminals, but we
also deal with any entity who gives threat to national security, to
include with terrorism and insurgency. I would like to stress that
building up of our Internal Security Operations (ISO) capability
is very high on our priority list taking into consideration of the
previous and recent atrocities happened in our region. These
incidents should be a wake-up call to all of us especially you,
our junior police personnel, for you to take this training
seriously and we are determined to arm you with the requisite
skills and the corresponding confidence to fight the insurgents.
I would like also to emphasize the stern commitment in of
this command in carrying the fight against insurgency and
PRO1 continues its effort to protect our internal security within
our area and neighbouring localities. As PNP members, we
cannot contain to be inactive and deaden. We have to do what
is expected of us. It is our duty as men in uniform to bring
peace, order and unity which will allow us to function in our
daily lives in a normal environment.

Having this BISOC is of utmost importance, for it is

designed to equip you with the requisite professional
knowledge and skills before you assume jobs of greater
responsibility, considering you as front liners particularly in the
field of Internal Security Operations (ISO). Remember that you
are here not merely to acquire training to be eligible for
promotion, or to be qualified to hold specific positions; you are
here to become better public servants.

I wish to stress, however, that proficiency is not enough.

It is of equal importance to have the willingness to perform your
assigned tasks. In short, you must be both able and willing.
And to be truly successful, you need to add commitment and
I hope after your training, you will all become professional
anti-insurgents specialists. Put your best foot forward. Always
remember that the more you sweat during the training, the less
you bled in battle. Good luck and May God bless us all!

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