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Guidelines for Cooking Contest:

The challenge is to prepare Gourmet Filipino a la carte dishes which will highlight the use of local green
leafy vegetables as the main ingredients.
These dishes are:
• Appetizer/Snack
• Entrée/Main Course
• Dessert

A limited time of three (3) hours broken down into segments is allocated for the entire competition.


The contest is open to all departments. Each participating team should be composed of two (2)members
Participants will bring their own ingredients. The following seasonings are not allowed in the contest: Magic Sarap,
Ginisa mix, or any ready made seasonings.
1. The participants must provide a Title Card which contains the tit le and the brief description
of each
of the dishes on display. This must be submitted together with the Recipe Form. A five (5)- point
deduction from the total score shall be incurred for non-submission of the title card.
2. The title cards must be placed on the display area of the participant’s dishes prior to judging.
3. All competitors are requested to wear proper cooking attire. Each team must bring at least three (3)
plain white kitchen towels.
4. All preparation and cooking of dishes, including garnishes, must be entirely made and crafted on the
spot. A team who brings in any cooked item will be disqualified. Before the competition starts, each
working area will be checked by the committee to ensure that no item (e.g., food and beverage) has been
brought in.
5. Every team should prepare two plates for each dish – one for display and another one to be served to
the judges for tasting.
6. The participants will be given a total of three (3) hours broken down into four (4) segments. Dish is to be
served and displayed at the end of each segment.

Segment 1 (30 min): Mise en place

Segment 2 (1 hr): Appetizer/snack
Segment 3 (1 hr): Preparation, cooking, plating and final touch for entrée or main course and
Segment 4 (30 min): Clean up, organization of the competition area, and writing of recipes

7. One team will be declared as Grand Winners. Teams who will garner top scores in the different
categories shall also be recognized.


 Taste and Nutritional Value (30%) - The dish should be nutritionally well balanced and
must emphasize Philippine taste
 Visual appeal (20%) - Contrast of plating and design
Cleanliness and Sanitation (20%)- Contestants should wear complete Personal Protective
Equipment, with proper hygiene: (no heavy make-up for girls and clean haircuts for boys, no
jewelries, clean fingernails),proper garbage segregation, and cleanliness of workplace area
 Originality and Creativity(20%) - Recipes are not copied from magazines, cook books, or
other contests
 Overall Presentation (10%) – Appetizer and main course shall complement the flavors,
taste, and styles of each other
Fruit and Vegetable Carving Competition format & guideline
Participants are to carve, present and display within two hours, their finished product
following the declared theme. Artistic skill in carving will have great impact on scores.
1. Participants will be given by the school with working tools, watermelon for carving,
cucumber, onion, tomatoes, and carrots for garnishing to be used in the competition.
Participants are allowed to bring their own tools. No power tools allowed.
3. A concept for the “art” can be made. This may be a banquet or buffet centerpiece.
4. Space provided for entry set-up is 70 cm x 70 cm. Height limit is 70 cm.
5. No pre-slicing, carving or preparation of vegetables before the competition. No
     mark or drawings should be visible on the fruit and vegetables. Coordinators and
    judges will check  the materials before the start of competition. Any materials with
    marks or drawings will be taken out.
6. Accessories like wires, pins, adhesive and toothpicks are allowed except Styrofoam.
7. Participants can use props, linens to enhance the total presentation of their entries;
    however, this will not be included in judging.
8. Participants will register with the Organizing Committee two (2) hours before the
    actual start of competition. Competitors who are late will be disqualified.
9. Time allotment for the competition is two hours. Going beyond the allotted time
     will mean  a penalty of one point per minute, which will be subtracted from the 
     total score.
10. Participants should not have any form of identification in their competition clothes
      or uniform.All utensils and other paraphernalia should not bear any logo or
      identification marks of the establishment represented.
11. Entries will be displayed until 4:00 p.m. on the competition day. Organizer may 
     dispose any  uncollected exhibits after 4:30 p.m. on that day.


Degree of Difficulty 0 - 30 points
Artistic Achievement 0 - 20 points
Work Involved and Work Details 0 - 30 points
Originality 0 - 20 points

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