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First step: As tempting and as clockwork it feels to use this typical

response, stop saying “I’m fine” or “I’m good” when you are clearly
not. Although it is understandable that you may not want to dump
your problems on an acquaintance or a stranger, you have close
friends or family who are happy to be there for you. To be honest, I
still struggle with the idea of being open with what I feel because I
feared burdening others with my problems. When I tried talking to
the people in my life, I realised that the fear I had was in my own
head. Yes, they may feel worried about you and wished they could
help you get out of whatever you are going through. However the
reality is that they won’t be carrying around your problems as their
own burden after you confide in them. You have the right to
express who you are and how you feel — don’t take that luxury
away from yourself.
While I am still trying to be more honest about what I feel, another
outlet that has helped me be more expressive has been the creative
route. Through writing and doodling, it has helped me to express
my emotions freely without talking outloud. Listening and relating
to music has also helped me tremendously in lifting my mood and
feeling comforted.
All in all, I discovered that being simply honest with your
emotions is the most freeing thing a person could ever do for
themselves. Allow yourself to embrace it all. Embrace all that you
feel. Know that by being open with what you feel, you are being
your authentic self
— and that, is just being beautifully human.

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