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I used to have this back and forth within myself before I write or
comfort people in my life: “am I a hypocrite if I were to advise
others on things I have not yet been able to achieve 100%?” versus
“what if this person just requires a little push, while I still have a
long way to go? if i were to speak up, at least one of us will be
moving forward.” One day, I came to a realisation: I would never
be able to say that I have solved what I was going through 100%. I
was always going to be critical about my own progress — and there
are things that would take me a whole lifetime to figure out. It was
then I decided that I could use my words for the greater good: I
could help others while simultaneously helping myself.
There is a misconception that we should be firm and cutthroat to
get to the top, but is that really the truth? As people — whether it
being a student to a Minister — we should exist to uplift those
around us rather than tearing them down. Take that step to tell the
people in your life about how you appreciate them and are able to
resonate with them. Be real. Let’s help each other feel seen and

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