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True Self Love Gives You The Fortitude And Grit To

Withstand Any Difficulty In Life

This typical trail of thought is how most people tend to treat self love: as a reward for
finally becoming the person they want to be. This behavior implies that their self love is
subject to them being objectively ‘good’ or ‘successful.’

However, as Aristotle stated: “Humans, deep down, love the self more than their
favorite others (family and loved ones). But, as cultural animals, they can come to
believe that they love their favorite others more than they love the self.”

Which means, you already love yourself…

Just as Rumi stated, “Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all
the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

And this scripture example from the Christian Bible shows, Jesus is
not commanding self love – but assuming it, evident in the text: ‘Love your neighbor as
you (already do) love yourself,’ which means: Jesus assumes that every human being
by nature loves himself.

You don’t have to learn to love yourself – you just need to remember,

unpack and believe it.

To Love Yourself Is The Key To Happiness

Self love is confident, warm and caring. It’s the complete acceptance of who, and what
you are – the appreciation and affirmation of yourself.

It’s the unconditional support, self-care, and compassion you give yourself that
ultimately translates to good health, great self-esteem, happiness, total balance, and
Self love is thus a basic necessity, a fundamental positive value that leads to inner
peace and happiness.

What True Self Love Looks Like

What self love is not:

Self love is not that desperate need to be better or more deserving than others. It is not
being selfish or vain. It is not conditional on certain desired outcomes. And it’s not
the exaggerated sense of importance that stems from classic narcissism.

What true self love is:

Self love is open and honest.

It’s the ultimate commitment; to get to know and accept yourself as you are. To fully
experience life as it happens to you. To continually seek ways to physically,
psychologically and spiritually grow from these experiences.

True self love is giving yourself unconditional respect, appreciation, and evaluation of

being great. It’s reminding yourself that you deserve to have all your personal needs
met while considering yourself as worthy, valuable, and deserving of happiness.

It’s fully knowing – no matter what you do, or neglect to do, right or wrong – that you’ll
always love yourself and be true to who you are – no matter what.

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