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BSA 1-19
Definition of Moral Philosophy and Moral Reasoning

Moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that contemplates what is right and

wrong. It explores the nature of morality and examines how people should live their lives

in relation to others. The discipline is concerned with what is morally good and bad and

morally right and wrong. Moral reasoning is the mental process that nurses set in motion

to come to some decision of right or wrong in any moral dilemma.

Cases of Moral Consideration

CARE Ready to Respond to Philippine’s Taal Volcano, Possible Hazardous Eruption

By CARE Staff
Published: January 15, 2020
Retrieved from reliefweb

CARE has deployed an assessment team into the area to gather information on

priority needs of the affected population. CARE and its partners are closely monitoring

the activity of Taal Volcano together with our partner ACCORD (Assistance and

Cooperation for Community Resilience and Development) and CDRC (Citizens Disaster

Response Center). “CARE and partner teams are ready to provide assistance to those

who are affected by the Taal Volcano eruption” says David Gazashvili, CARE Philippines

country director.

Filipinos on surgical mask frenzy mode as PH confirms first novel coronavirus case
By CNN Philippines Staff
Published: Jan 31, 2020 2:11:25 PM
Retrieved from cnnphilippines

Since the Philippines reported its first case of the novel coronavirus or 2019-nCoV,

fear of catching the respiratory disease caused by the deadly virus has spread quickly.

CNN Philippines learned that medical supply stores in Manila, Pagadian City and

Bukidnon have run out surgical masks amid growing anxiety about the novel coronavirus,

which has killed 213 people and sickened over 9,000 so far in mainland China. People

flocked to medical equipment shops in Cebu City and Bambang in Manila in search of

face masks, not minding the heat and the long queues. Despite the shortage, one

Bambang store opted to give their remaining face masks for free. Individuals may go to

the cashier area of the Medical Depot and ask for a free mask.

Volunteers brave the danger zones around the brooding volcano to save pets and other
By JC Gotinga
Published: January 15, 2020 1:06 PM
Retrieved from rappler

A group of volunteers has been going around parts of this province badly hit by

ashfall from Taal Volcano to rescue pets and other animals left behind by evacuees.

Rappler caught up with them in Agoncillo town late afternoon on Tuesday, January 14,

when they rescued around 30 cats and dogs, as well as a few chickens. One of their

leaders, Kevin Villena, said they found the animals in distress. Some were trembling,

hungry, and thirsty. The group takes in stray dogs, and others entrusted to them by

owners who come to check on their homes.

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