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Direction des affaires internationales

French Language Proficiency Form

This form must be filled out by the Exchange Coordinator at student's home university
and is mandatory for all students who are not from a French speaking university.

Name of Student :
Home University :

Please note that most programs of study require a minimum B2 (or its equivalent) level French
proficiency. Some programs accept all types of proof of French proficiency, whereas others
require official tests and higher scores. Please read carefully the requirements for each program
before completing this form.

French proficiency is evaluated by (please select one of following) :

Student's home university

The student's level of French was tested by the home university (French
Department, Language Department, etc.). The student is proficient for the
proposed Study Plan and has the level of French required by the selected
program of study. .............................................................................................................................

The language proficiency test/letter indicating the student's level of French is

attached (mandatory).

Official French language test

The student has taken the official test and has reached the minimum
level required by the program of study selected on the Study Plan.

The official French test is attached (mandatory).

Name of Exchange Coordinator :

Home University :

Signature :

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