BLUE PLANET - Homework Page 18

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1.- Match these words with gaps.

dive jump float lake ocean sea

1 lake sea 4
Ocean 3

4 dive 5 jump

6 float

2.- Match nouns 1-6 with a-e.

1 length a) 40 kilograms
2 weight b) 25%
3 temperature c) 90
4 number d) 6 metres
5 percentage e) often
6 frequency f) 35°C
3.- Choose the correct word to complete the senteces.
2 Dolphins often jump up / out / off of the water.
3 These whales live at / to / in the Atlantic Ocean.
4 We always see whales on / in / by the trips.
5 The are sometimes near / between / next the boat.
6 What percentage of / in / to an iceberg is under water?
7 Water boils in /at / for a temperature of 100°C.
8 Humpback whales are famous for / of / to their jumps.

4.- Choose the best word or phrase a), b) or c)

2 Dolphins are never dangerous.
a) Are never b) never c) never are

3 Dolphins usually swim with other dolphins.

a) Weekly b) usually c) every day.

4 They sometimes jump out of the water.

a) Sometimes jump b) jump always c) often

5 They eat fish, but they are never eat other dolphins.
a) Never they b) they are never c) they never

6 Small dolphins sometimes play with other small dolphins. We see that
about occasionally.
a) Once a month b) occasionally c) never

7 We do trips once times a week.

a) Once b) twice c) three
5.- Write and answer questions with How often.
2 Q: How often do you go to the beach?
A: (twice a year)
I go to the beach twice a year.

3 Q: How often they go in a boat?

A: (almost never)
They almost never go in a boa.

4 Q: How often she buy an English newspaper?

A: (once or twice a week)
She buy an English newspaper once or twice a week.

5 Q: How often he swim in the sea?

A: (often)
He often swim in the sea.

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