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LEVEL 5 Future Tense Practice: Will or Going to?

(pgs 445-446) Responses

1. Philipp will be 15 next Wednesday (to be)

2. They are going to get a new computer. (to get)

3. I think my mother will like this CD. (to like)

4. Paul’s sister is going to have a baby. (to have)

5. They will arrive at about 4 in the afternoon (to arrive)

6. Just a moment. I will help you with the bags. (to help)

7. In 2020 people will buy more hybrid cars. (to buy)

8. Marvin is going to throw a party next week. (to throw)

9. We are going to fly to Venice in June. (to fly)

10. Look at the clouds! It is going to rain soon. (to rain)

11. What are your plans for the weekend? I am going to hide a geocache. (to hide)

12. Doris is always late. I’m sure she is going to be late tomorrow, too. (to be)

13. Would you like tea or coffee? I will have coffee. (to have)

14. Watch out! You are going to hurt yourself. (to hurt)

15. The friends are going to stay in tonight. They are grounded. (to stay in)

16. It’s starting to rain. I will put up the umbrella. (to put up)

17. Look! They are going to wash the car. (to wash)

18. I don’t think they will spend their holidays by the sea again. (to spend)

19. If you don’t stop bullying her, I will tell the teacher. (to tell)

20. It’s 5 o’ clock already. We are going to miss the bus. (to miss)
MAY or MIGHT (pgs 448-449 Exercises #9, #10) Responses

1. I was just wondering whether you ____ be able to help me. may - might

2. ____ God have mercy on your soul. May - Might

3. You ____ well be right. may - might

4. I told them I ____ go if I felt like it but wasn't sure. may - might

5. Students ____ only borrow four books at a time. may - might

6. The examiner says we ____ leave when we've finished. may - might

7. It ____ be very expensive, but it's much better than the others. may - might

8. I just ____ accept your offer. may - might

9. You ____ try asking her for help- she knows her stuff. may - might

10. You ____ have told me earlier! may - might

MAYBE or MAY BE? Responses

1. Maybe her nephew will go to the snowmobiling later today.

2. His stepsister may be the first person to do snorkelling among her family.

3. Sweets may be dangerous to your teeth.

4. Maybe one day I will learn and do water-skiing.

5. Her sister may be the last person that she tells about her uncle's death.

6. My father may be able to fix my tablet which is out of work.

7. If my grandmother needs help, maybe I will help her.

8. It may be the heaviest traffic jam I have ever seen.

9. Maybe if you practise enough, you will learn sailboarding.

10. John: Mom, where are my inline skates?

Mom: They may be in your room or on the stairs.

11. She may be able to continue her life without any help from her parents.

12. Maybe he can tell them about the game which they couldn't see last night.

13. I may be going to another city to visit my daughter.

Page 449 #9 Responses

2. She may not come to class tomorrow.

3. We may have a quiz tomorrow.
4. It may rain tonight.
5. Your idea might be better. Let’s try it.
6. This might not be the best way to solve the problem.
7. I might not go to the party. I’m not sure yet.
8. The homework might take a long time.

Page 449 #10 Responses

2. Maybe
3. may be
4. Maybe
5. may be
6. may
7. Maybe
8. may be

New Tasks:

 Page 450 Exercise 12 A, B and C.

 Pages 454 - 457 Exercises 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 and 11.

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