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Report of SIP for First 15 days

Week 1

I reported to my reporting manager Mr Ajit Singh Sond on 7Th

of April on whatsapp messenger where he gave some of the insights about internship process and how
we will be progressing with the time interval. He asked us to download the Teams app and sent the
invite link in the evening where we have to report everyday on 10 am.

On the first day of the internship i.e. 8 th April, he taught us about Branding and discuss various aspects
of branding for e.g.-

What can be branded? How companies brand their products? When should companies go for branding?
What is the benefit of having a brand? Types of identity (Core and Extended) and which identity
(extended identity) can be formed by Branding?

In the end of the day I submitted a report, where we interpret the hidden meaning of 5 International
and 5 National brands’ tagline, logo and link with their slogan, and U.S.P. (unique selling proposition).

The second day 9 th April was the succession of the Branding concept where we were taught about the
concept of Brand personality, and we discussed about the pros and cons of Brand personality along with
the concept of Generic Branding.

In the end of the day I submitted two reports, first to extrapolate the Brand personality of the previously
chosen 5 International and 5 National brands and second is to present the concept of Generic brands
where I picked the example of LAYS with their pros and cons.

On the third day 10th April we were taught about the concept of co-branding, its types (ingredient and
composite) and how it helps the brands coming together. In the end I submitted a report of 3 examples
of co-branding and how it helps respective brands in enhancing their brand equity.

11th April being Saturday we were asked to just read the articles about Harshad Mehta scam and
acquainted us with the (Marriage women protection act).
Week 1 was mostly about concept polishing by linking it with practical examples to get a clearer picture
of the Branding process.

Week 2

Week 2 started with a very intriguing topic- Brand Extension strategies, difference between line and
category extension and discussed briefly about the branding strategy to be when launching a new
product in the market. We further dived deeper into the concept of Umbrella-Branding with examples
from the industry.

On the second day of week-2 14th April we discussed the concept of Brand re-positioning and tried
finding answers to questions like when a company needs to Re position its Brand? With brief intro on
Crisis management.

Later on I submitted two reports one on Brand repositioning where I cited a case study of successful
brand repositioning of Titan watches and second on Crisis management and tried to find out what goes
wrong in case of Pepsi in 1993.

On third day Wednesday, we were taught about Branding strategy of Niche-Brands and a brief intro of
concept Silver-bullet Brand. I submitted two reports one on Niche Branding citing an example of Bike
manufacturer Harley Davidson Automotive and another of Silver-Bullet brand Intel

On fourth day we were introduced with our target part (insurance selling) and he discussed about three
types of insurance product.

On fifth day 17th April we have been allotted a task to create our own Brand and discuss how we
position it in the market that we have to submit on next week.


Sumit Shewani (P191B058)

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