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Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics taught men rhetoric, wisdom (Sophia),

and Virtue (Arete). It was also during

Lesson 1: What is Social Science?
this period where the pre-Socratic
Social Science is called the “Science of the “nature philosophers” such as Tales and
Society”. It focuses on studying the following: Democritus, began including humans
and human association in their domain
1. Changes in human relationship about by of study.
events; In this period, the scholars believed in
2. Interactions between humans and their two aspects that governed the world;
social and physical environment; nomos and physis. Nomos means “law
3. Effects and implications of past events and order”. It is the norms, laws,
to the present time; and conventions, and customs that emanate
4. Social systems, processes, and from rational thinking. Meanwhile,
institutions – and how humans relate to physis means “nature”. It is the core
these. characteristics of things – the essence
Severe definitions of Social Science of all matter and creation. The “nature
philosophers” and Sophists greatly
1. Seligman – “Social Sciences deals with believed in nomos, while Plato and
the activities of the individual as a Aristotle believed in physis.
member of the group.”
2. Mitchell – “Social Science is any study 2. Renaissance Period
concerning man and society. It should Romans studied man with the goal of
refer the application of scientific reaching Virtus, or total human
method to study of the intricate and excellence. Gradually, capitalism,
complex network of human relationship replaced feudalism, and the rise of the
and the form of organization designed modern state brought about by the
to enable people to live together in Peace of Westphalia gave way to the
societies. inclination of early scholars to a
3. Fairchild – “Social Science as a general discipline that is measure, observable
term for all the sciences which are and verifiable.
concerned with human affairs”
4. Peter Lewis – “Social science are The principal scholars during this period
concerned with the laws that govern were Maciavelli, Bodin, Hobbbes, Locke,
society and the social department of the Physiocrats and Adam Smith.

History of Social Science: The Renaissance period introduced 2

major shifts signifying a break from the
1. Pre-Modern Period past. First is the rejection that human
The center of study during this period associations were natural communities,
was the Greek city-state (polis), where due to the rise of the modern state
inquiries in “science” and “philosophy” which also gave way to the term
began. One of the city-states, Athens, “society”, “government”, “territory”,
had sophists, who study humankind and “sovereignty”, and “people” signifying
society. Sophists were teachers who autonomy and well-defined boundaries,
both tangible and not-tangible. Second The approach of natural science to
is the source and aim of knowledge and partition disciples such as biology,
the method to pursue it. chemistry, and physics cannot be
applied in social science. According to
Niccolo Maciavelli – hailed as one of social science theorists in this period,
the first modern social scientist, studied society is not decomposable into
citizens as distinct to government as individuals. Given this, there can be no
well made a distinction between the scientific study of society if it is dived
people who comprise the government into portions, or if its portions are
intended to serve the citizens. studied apart.

Thomas Hobbes – proposed the idea John Stuart Mill – in his book Logic
through his book Leviathan that society argued that the laws of society be the
is a group of individuals united by product of the laws of the actions and
agreements to accept authority, as the passions of human beings.
natural condition of humanity is “war of
all against all” and marked by self- 4. Modern Period
interest. The trajectory of Social Science from
the 20th century onwards followed the
John Locke and Jean-Jacque Rousseau same trajectory of the older Natural
– complete the trio called “contract Science, as it eventually became of
theorist” or “social contractualist”. research. Today, Lawrence Kempton’s
Rosseau, on the other hand believed, statement that social science as a
that human history is brought by science is very young, and so there is
unintended consequences and that still “confusion concerning its limits
there has been not much progress. and boundaries.”
Therefore, if humans will not institute
law and forge a social contract with
each other and with their government, Performance Task # 1
tyranny is inevitable.
Concept Pyramid Strategy
3. Industrial Revolution Period
The beginning of the 19th century A Concept Pyramid is a simple way of
ushered in the fruits of the brainstorming concepts and arranging
Enlightenment. It marked the beginning them in a sequence or negotiated
of the Industrial Revolution where hierarchical order. In some concept
Western Europe, specifically England, pyramids, concepts are placed in order
experienced a boom in scientific of preference or hierarchy.
discoveries which translated to Alternatively, a concept pyramid might
inventions and machines that made be used to identify specific elements or
possible mass production, thereby components in much the same way as a
making the lives of people especially concept web might.
those who are doing business easier.
In using a Concept Pyramid within a group “Science of Wealth”. On the other hand, one of
discussion, a useful process might proceed as the fathers of neoclassical economics, Alfred
follows: Marshall defined it as the “study of mankind in
the ordinary business of life”. As a social
1.Provide each group with a blank concept science, Economics seeks to study, production,
pyramid printed on a sheet of A4 paper. distribution, and consumption of goods and
2.The Concept Pyramid is divided into levels of
Geography – is the study of Earth and its lands,
any number. Students brainstorm elements or
features, inhabitants, and phenomena. This is
components and record each on separate
different from Geology which studies the
sheets of paper. They jointly construct the
earth’s surface down to the core of the Earth. In
concept pyramid by negotiating on the
Social Science, the focus is on human
hierarchical order in which the separate pieces
geography; the study of the relations between
of paper will be placed on the concept pyramid.
humans and the environment across the space.
It seeks to understand humans and their
Performance Task # 2
interaction with the environment and
Venn Diagram
Performance Task # 3 History – is the study of the past, especially
Compare and Contrast study of human and their past.

Jurisprudence – is the science of law. It includes

the principles and theories behind laws and
legal system
Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Linguistics – study of language – its forms,
Lesson 2: Disciplines of Social Science meanings, and contexts.

Political Science – is the study of government

and pollical behavior of humans when faced
Anthropology – is considered as the complete
with power. The discipline also examines the
“science of man”, because it focuses on the
distribution of power, and resources, and how
integration of Social Science, Humanities,
this impact and affect the world.
Physical Science, and Human Biology. Because
of this nature, Anthropology derives its data Psychology – is the study of the behavior and
from field research and cross-cultural studies. mind, with the goal of understanding individual
The end goal of Anthropology is to understand and groups. It examines the conscious and
humans and cultures across history through unconscious thoughts of humans and generates
developing and testing hypotheses about principles based on cases and tests.
human behavior, both past, and present.
Sociology – is the study of society and human
Communication Studies – focus on the process social action. It examines social rules and
of human communication: verbal, written and process that bind and separate people from
non-verbal communication each other, from their peers, from their groups
and from the institution where they belong.
Economics – According to Adam Smith, the
father of Economics, the discipline is the
Performance Task # 4

Table Representation Activity

Create a table from the different branches of Social Science that shows its different career paths,
branches and its definitions and purpose for the society.


 Communication Studies
 Economics
 Geography
 History
 Jurisprudence
 Linguistics
 Political Science
 Psychology Sociology
 Sociology

For Example:

Possible Career Path Branches of Psychology Definition and Its Purpose

Psychiatrist Abnormal Psychology Focuses on the study of mental

disabilities, its assessment and

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