Performance Task-Written Task 2-5

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 Both Hinduism and Buddhism, two of the world’s greatest religions, trace their origin in India. Throughout its
long history, Hinduism became the source of three religions, namely, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.
 Buddhism fervor gradually waned in native India as result of resurging Hinduism absorbed the rising challenge of
other new religions as it incorporated their elements into the Hindu Belief.
 Most Hindu adherents told several key moral values such as Karma and Dharma. Buddhism moral thoughts and
actions are principally guided by the “Four Noble Truths” and the “Eight-fold Paths.”
 In Hinduism, there are four desirable goals in life (purusartha). All Hindus aim to achieve the four-fold purpose
of life that includes dharma, artha, kama, and moksha.
 In Buddhism, the principal purpose of one’s life is to terminate all forms of suffering caused by attachment to
impermanent entities.
 The destiny of all Hindus involves reincarnation until such time they gain ultimate enlightenment. Hinduism
believes that within the human is an eternal soul (atman) that is being reborn million of times and in many forms
subject to the moral law of karma. On the other hand, Buddhism hold that no soul is being reborn because there
is no permanence in anything.
 Honoring women in Hindu society as a fundamental teaching has been laid down n one of the supplementary
arms of the Vedas, the Manusmriti or the “Law of Manu”. Women have enjoyed considerable freedom in their
religions life in Buddhism as compared to Hinduism.

Written Task # 2 and Performance Task # 2

1. Why is Buddhism is considered one of the most practical among the world’s great religions?
2. In what aspects are Buddhism similar to and different from Hinduism?
3. How can Buddhism affect change on powerful countries that use war to gain political advantage?
4. Why does Buddha believe that one must truly understand the “Four Noble Truths” and “The Middle Way”
before beginning the “Noble Eightfold Path”?

Written Task # 3 and Performance Task # 3

1. Why do you think Buddhism gradually died down in India even though it originated there?
2. How does the concept of Reincarnation differ from the concept of heaven and hell in other religions?
3. How does karma affect one’s destiny in both dharmic religions? Explain.

Performance Task # 4

Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism using the table provided below.

Hinduism Buddhism





Views on women
Written Task # 4

Write an essay about the difference in popularity between Hinduism and Buddhism.


Organization The concept was clearly and 10
creatively conveyed
Content Concepts are clearly used and 5
Presentation The idea was clearly presented based 5
on the words used
Total: 20 Points

Performance Task # 5

In 1/8 Illustration board, make a poster showing the commonalities among the two Abrahamic religions (Judaism and


Organization The concept was clearly and 20
creatively conveyed
Content The illustrations were appropriate to 15
the theme.
Visual Presentation The idea was clearly presented based 15
on the pictures and words used.
Total: 50 Points

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