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9. Identify-the segment in the sen: 14.,Select the' in\> t: a~propriate

tence .which con'tatns (he' word to fill In the blank and
, I '
grammatical error. If there is make a meani , gful sentence,
'no error, select 'No,EITOT~. It's a 'venue for every occasion
Sushrruta's youngest sister is and one that offers__ '_meals,
not only beautiful but even on special day:s.
intelligent" also. (1) offensive. {2i amusing
,{ 1) but even intelligent also (3), thrilling (4) delightful '

(2) ts not only beautiful 15,. Select the m& t apj>njpr!ate
(3) .No Error, . ,~.
\, ,
option to su~stitute, the un-:
,(4)Sushmita's youngest sister derltnedsegnte t in the given
'10. Select the correctly spelt word. sentence. If there is no need'
(1) Wadnesday to substitute it;, select No im-
(2) Worthwile provement '
(3) Wayther , I had
, to reconsider
. j my decision
(4) Weird' ' , ,as,going to S¥ria ~ight been
,11. 'S~kct the most ,_~pprbpriate dangerous. ,~,I .,
, antonym of the word. > " 1(l), had to,be ' '
APPIAUD ,J, ' , '
, (2) might' have, been
, '

(1) 'Cheer (2) Criticize f?) may have '

(3) Praise, ' ' (4) Clap
12. Select thernost appropriate
'..option to fil1_intheblank and '
,'1'6. Select the most appropriate.
.'word to fill ift the blank and
make a grammatically
, \ correct.
' m<iliea rheill1i gful sentence.
sentence. Winning both the races has'
, I wasn't feeling well yesterday. been a . surprise. but the
, but I feel a little ' to- \ success is well deserved. ,
day. :, "- (1) sattsfymg ~(2) pleasant
(I) more better
_ (3) ci~lized "I( ) cbamung ,
, (2}best
1'1. Select the. most aPP!opriate
(3) better
meaning of tll1egiven tdtom.:
(4) good
No strings attached .
13. Select the most appropriate
(l) Without' condition,S or re-
option to substitute the-un-
derlined segment in the given
, .sentence. If there=ts no 'need. (7) Forced to d something

to substitute it. select No irn- ' (3) Involvmg a choice to be ,4

provement 'made .- \,'..,
A little 'carefulness 'can have " (4) Lacking cl litj'
averted the accident. 18. Select 'the mos! appropriate
_(l) can averted synonym of the given word,
(2J could have averted Abandoned
I, '
(3) could have avert (1) Continued ( ) Adopted
(4) No,improvement , (S) Initiated I
(k}Deserted _'
19. Seiect the mo'st appropriate I
' meahing of the giv~nidiom. ' , flltil0:4 .(3)~.(4)~ ..
When pigs fly' : 1... ~...;---'---...,.....,,--...I

. (1) A difficult situation " 26. ~ ~ 'CfiT6 '>!l1!T '#. 'FAW' "fi1
_(2) An argument between two 'TIN' fulm'~ t
'NBT' "fi1'SHG' 32. 'l.lfc:: '+' 'Cfi1 3l~:-' t '-' 'cnr 3l~ 'x'
people ' '~ ,~ l"m om m~ 'lW!T ' 'B' to.
'+' 'Cfi1 3l~ '+' (f~ 'x' 'Cfi1 3l~ '>;-'
(3)'A practical idea 'WATER' "fi1:~ ~ ~ ,? ~, eft
. (4) A time that will never come (lrGHTIN (2) TINGH 10x5+3-2+3=?'
20.Select the, most appropriate (3) NIGHT (4) 'NIGTH (1)5 ' (2)21
antonymof the word. i ' "
,:#, 'EXE91,J-
(1)Cleared (2) Crowded
(3) Choked (4) Crammed
27. ~ ftl'h 'CfiT6 ~
~ 'lfRIT ,~ m om
'* ~ '#
'CfiT6 33. ~ ~
(3') 53
Cfi1 ~
(4) 18

'iI'!' 3{t' rr:ft,

21. Select the most appropriate '~ '# 'MAl)SOLEUM' "fi1,,~ "~"""',~~''''''''';'''~
" Vl1'l"" "1>1 ,-\'1"1 t. ,'B <:1<>1 ,
synonym of ,the given word; ~ ~ ~?
t, ~ CJZff am ~ \&I ~mT 1t
(1) Unlucky -.
(2) Adverse
, . (2) ,MOELOSUAM .' , ,
, (3) Favourable,
(41 Crucial ,
22; 'Identify the segment in the sen- .
ten ce which contains the
- ,28. ~
~W<!IT ~. !HI"1Cli'CI,Cfi ~
~ ~ \i[r f11l1f(1f@ct ,
(7) 'Cfil.
(lrlZtJ '-(2) ~

graramattcal e%r., ~'~?- ,

After a heated argument they ACEG!, BDFHJ, KMogs, 7 , (3) [~] , (4) .~
went to their respective place. UWYAC, VxzBD ;
,0) they went
(1) PQRlV (2) LPRlV :.l4. ~B'= 2 (f1l1fBUT = 431ft BOSS,
, (2) After a heated argument
(3) TUVWX '(4) LNPRT =7
. (3) respective place ...
(4) to their , 2901~ ~ m~ '# 'BHAI' <8 , (1) '56 (2) 59

23. Select 'the most appropriate '2819'~ ~.%, ift ~ m (3) 55 (4) m ) ,
option'to substitute the un· ,'>!l1!T.,# 'CDGfI' -" ~' ~ ~ 35. ~ ~ cn't ~i~ "it -mm 11<\'B
\. "

aerlined segment in the given ~T ' - ,(fW' OO~i1,~ ~' -qq ~

'seHt~nce. If there is no need I '11<\'B~'tffit:' '.' ,
,to substitute it, select No im- I
(1) 3478.
(3) 3487,
(2) 8437 ,
. (4) 7348 ,').rnm:~::~:7
provement, '. ,
While th~,.teacher was scruti- 30.,,~ ~ B" C, D,'F, G (fm H ~ (l)~' '(2)~
~nizing the sums, SWaminathan -qfcffi ,,#' in:
'Cfi"t am
lJ\9' ~ ~
, (3) mm (4) ,fu1B1
was .ga2ing' on his face. ~I . "', . -, ~ ,
36.'-:m ~ "fi1~ 'iI'! f1P1fi."ff'&d
(1) gaZe' on,
, (2tNo improverrient
B (f2IT C mu
'R ~ ~ 1
SlJ~ :q' SlI(~ql'<".lCfi :fqM, (7) col'
(3) gazed atz ',~ C'cf; ~ ~ F~'%i ~,<ntrft:
(4) gazing at_ B (f~ H <in'
'Cfi1 ~, D %1 "
24~Select the most appropriate
-word for- the, given group of
'# G~ ~",~
(1) 697 '
(3) 371 .
(2} 84 "
(4) 346
words., '. ' , ,
A farge croWd Of people intent
on Gausing trouble or Violence
'(2) 'it<f; ~ , 37. ~
afu: ~ ~ ~
*~ ~ c:n1 ~
'$ ~''G1R 'Cfi1
Cll. Mob ' , :(2) Procession '(4) ~ 'tmr m1'Cfi1 .f1 PI f(1 Md ~'llr '# fusw:iT
(3) ,Spectatorsr(4) Audience
31. cB ~ FfiT ~ ~ f;rn#eft +r.n t I eft Tj?:ft ~ ~) -q 'B
25ddentify the segment in the sen~
tence which contains the T[<ft 3l1~'ftHam:~ t (~_ eft ~,oR
m fc::WTr,7
~ 1:9M ~ 'R' ~ fi:nR
granullaticru error. ' ~;Wft),
-Q! ") '--

Ram ,CaJ:lnot ~tJ;ldraw all his

money unless he does not give
a prior notice.
.(1) all his money
' fr:, ./

(2) Ram cannot withdraw

(l)~ (21~,' ,',
(3),a poor notice.
(4) unless~h'e does nOt give , .

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