Private Office Opening Strategy PDF

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Safety – Post Lockdown

Resuming Office

5/9/2020 1
• Keep main entrance door open for sometime.

• Do not operate any electrical switches / equipment's including exhaust fans /


• Open all windows and allow air for natural ventilation for at least 30 minutes.

• Open toilet / pantry / cabin doors and windows / vents and keep open for at
least 30 minutes.

• Flush toilets / urinals once.

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• Allow water to run for a minute through all taps.

• Empty RO / Water Cooler / Freeze and clean them properly.

• Start exhaust fans / ceiling fans and run it for 30 minutes while keeping all
doors and windows open.

• Test all lights and computers for proper functioning.

• Do trial run of AC one by one before simultaneous operation after cleaning and
washing of filters.

• Clean AC grills with hot air.

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Work Force:
Identify the people you need to start work initially based on the
following criteria:

• Local or coming from surrounding towns / villages. Do not allow up-down.

• Area of residence must be from green zone.

• Conveyance means – own vehicle and not public transportation. Only sharing
of private four-wheeler can be allowed among team. Sharing of two wheeler is
strictly not allowed.

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Work Force:
• Route to work place should not be passing through red zone, identify alternate
route if required.

• Ask them to work from home if they are suffering from cough, sneezing,
cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and other critical diseases.

• Mask is mandatory till you reach inside the work place.

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Work Place:
• Plan revised seating arrangement considering social distance and decides
number people can be accommodated now. This will reduce strength by 30-
60% depending on your work place layout / design density, see example –
initial seating capacity was 26, now it becomes 19 even after utilizing
conference room due to social distancing.

• Make arrangement of sanitizer, thermal gun.

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Initial Layout Post Covid - 19

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Mode of operation:
• Do not use lift, use staircase.

• If it is necessary to use lift, maintain social distance. Use some object like pen
etc. to operate lift in absence of lift operator.

• Avoid touching handrail of stair.

• Keep shoes / footwear outside the premises.

• Clean your hands with sanitizer.

• Identify two persons to open the work place. They need to check each
other with the thermal gun for safety.

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Mode of operation:
• Keep mask in your pocket for safety of others.

• Do not bring bags and other unnecessary things.

• Flush the toilets properly and wash hands every time.

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

• Wash hands before eating.

• Advice to take lunch on the work desk itself.

• Do not change / rotate work place.

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Mode of operation:
• Keep metal water bottle from home and use it for drinking water. Fill it when
required. Avoid using glass.

• Drink green tea, black coffee and avoid use of unnecessary vessels.

• Bring food / snacks from home. Do not order anything from outside.

• Organize PC / laptop for the person selected to work from home, if they do not
have facility at home.

5/9/2020 1
Mode of operation:
• Decide how to distribute work to the person working from home and data
management to save their work properly for better coordination.

• Persons working should remain self quarantine at home during non-working


• Avoid using air-conditioners for a longer period. Try to bring fresh air
whenever possible.

• Adjust AC temperature between 28-30°C and if required switch on fan for

cooling effect.

• Keep premises entrance locked from inside to prevent entry of unauthorized /

person without prior intimation directly into the premises.

5/9/2020 1

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