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Finding Clients

GUIDE STAGE 1 Build a killer portfolio
Build or website
your top 3 (Free)
STAGE 5 projects list Name here Contact Me
Making Local Connections that Last!

1 2 3
You need to be able to show at least 3 unique projects (Paid)
My favorite and most recommended step in finding clients is connect- to potential clients that show the type of work you can do
ing with local small or medium sized business owners. You can do or the style that you have. Wordpress
this online by finding local Facebook business groups. Squarespace
Work on personal projects and take on design
You can do this in person by connecting with your chamber of challenges or student projects to build these top 3
commerce or local small business body/group or gathering. Serving Show 3 of your top projects on the first page of your
portfolio pieces. portfolio website or pdf portfolio. Have a clear or easy
on the board of directors and volunteering for a local non-profit to
make connections. Asking to speak or teach at a local small business quick way to contact you.
Remember, you can replace your top 3 as your skills
seminar/workshop etc about marketing/branding/design. and projects/work improves. Projects can be paid client work or personal projects as
It may sound old school, but visiting local business with a business long as you clearly define what types of projects they
Your top 3 projects should represent the type of work you are.
card in hand can help land you those first few clients. Great clients are most interested in doing and receiving (paid work).
tend to refer you to other clients, and local ones tend to do that
more because of the personal relationship you build with them. Have a very small bio or brief description of what makes
Adding an illustration or Photography project to a graphic you unique, put this secondary to your work, work will
design portfolio may confuse the potential viewer. Seek to
Where to find local connections always need to be listed first. Or you can place a small
show consistent project types and have a separate area or
headline near your work that can describe your unique Your Local Chamber of Commerce page to show off other skills unless it is related somehow to
your design work or projects. brand positioning. Example: Creativity meets practi- Serving in Voluntary Capacities cality etc.) Connect with those needing your skills
(search for a local small (Website Coder/Developer may need a Graphic Designer Less is MORE. Do not overwhelm with too many photos per
business group in the for client projects!) project. Just a few that truly represent the project is
groups section) suggested. Those looking your at website/portfolio will be

STAGE 4 Getting Listed on Paid

Freelance Websites STAGE 3 looking at many.

Spec Sites
There are several reputable paid freelancing websites you can Trying Out Spec or
(free/low cost) Work
get your portfolio listed on. Several of these can lead to higher
paying projects if your portfolio is strong enough to withstand the
very strong competition in the area of design. Spec work or working on a project before getting paid
(if at all) is one way to improve and fill your portfolio Low Pay Design Sites
Building a profile on a few of these websites could land you a small with real client projects. I highly encourage you to
project or gig. It could also lead to further work if your rating is high seek out spec work that is non-profit based so you
Paid Freelancing can help others in need and also build your portfolio.
from your first job. Ratings are everything on these websites and
keeping it high and keeping clients pleased is the way to continued
Spec work should only be done for fun and for
Warning! project leads.
practice. I encourage my students to pursue spec or I believe designers should be It is hard to get started as most jobs will go to those freelancers fee free work only if the project will be enjoyable and fairly compensated for their
fulfilling and can add to your portfolio in a positive work when they reach a certain with pervious projects and high reviews. Standing out with that skill level. I only recommend the great portfolio will be the key to landing that first project without way or open up new connections for you.
websites above for those in the having a prior client review. That is why stage 1 and 2 are so very beginning of their graphic
important and are first in this process. Seek out local non-profit companies in your area, design learning journey and do
ask them to see if they need any graphic work. After not recommend the following
It is still hard to make progress on these online websites. Step an agreed upon time limit working at a low or free websites listed for long term
Lindsay Marsh 5 has been the most successful step for me as a freelancer for the rate, work out a situation where you can do future client work.
A Graphic Created for
The Graphic Design Masterclass: Learn GREAT Design
last 14 years as it depends heavily on local in-person networking. work for fixed higher reasonable rate.
Redistribution of this graphic without permission is prohibited.

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