Rubric: 4 3 2 1 Design

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4 3 2 1
Design  Layout is organized and  Layout is organized but  Layout could use a  No layout scheme –
uses consistent style style is a little little improvement just random
 Color scheme has visual inconsitent (theme,  Two or more elements, colors, and
appeal and works with fonts, graphics) inconsistent element fonts
content  Has minor  Hard to read fonts
 Fonts are legible and inconsistency or one  Layout distracts from
consistent distracting element content
 Color scheme is
Content  The topic and message  Topic and main ideas  Topic is given but  Topic or main ideas
are clear and easy to are clear main ideas are unclear are absent or very
understand  Examples are given or lacking unclear
 Examples are given and  Examples given makes  No example is given
are used to understand the understanding the
topic better topic difficult
Graphics  The graphics used  Most graphics  All graphics relate to  Graphics do not
represent information represent the the topic but do not relate to the topic
appropritely information represent  Color, shape, size,
 Color, shape, size, and appropriately appropriately and arrangment are
arrangement of  Color, shape, size, and  Color, shape, size, and distracting and
graphics contribute arrangement are arrangement are misleading
meaning to the overall catching and contribute present but do not
message some meaning add to the information
Time  Group member  Group member  Group member  Group
Management completed usually often did not member did
assigned tasks completed complete not complete
on time. assigned tasks assigned tasks most of the
on time and did on time, and assigned tasks
not hold up held up on time and
progress on the completion of often forced
projects because project work. the group to
of incomplete make
work. lastminute
and changes
missing work.
Cooperation  Group member  Group member  Group member  Group
treated others usually treated sometimes member often
respectfully and others treated others treated others
shared the respectfully and disrespectfully disrespectfully
workload fairly. shared the or did not share or did not
workload fairly. the workload share the
fairly workload fairl

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