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Detailed Lesson Plan in (TLE)

Computer Hardware Servicing

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
1.Identify Computer Hazards and Risks.
2.Assess health and safety when working with computers.
3.Appreciate health and safety measures when working.


Reference: Technology and Livelihood Education (Computer Hardware Servicing)
Page: 68-74
Materials: PowerPoint presentation (lesson content, video, images), Handouts, Visual aids
and picture (optional)
Level: Grades 7 to 8
Estimated Time: 20 minutes




A. Initiatory Activities
1. Daily Routine
1.1. Opening Prayer (A volunteer will lead a prayer)

1.2. Customary Greetings

Before taking your seats, pick up the
scattered papers under your chairs
and be sure that your chairs are (Students arrange their chairs.)
properly aligned.
Thank you ma’am.
You may now take your seats.

1.3. Attendance Monitoring Nobody, ma’am.

Who is absent, attendance officer?

Very good.
2. Review: 5 Minutes

 Ok class, let’s review what we discussed

 who can tell what we discussed Our lesson yesterday is all about preparing and
yesterday? interpreting technical drawing.
 Now, what is drawing? The art of representing any object by means of
lines and shades.
 Very good.

A diagram that uses graphic symbols to depict

 Now what is Flowchart?
the nature and flow of the steps in a process.
 And the other name or term is called
“Flow Diagram”
 What are the Elements of a Flowchart The elements are Terminator, Processes, Sub –
Processes, Decision, Connection, and Arrow
 Ok Very good.
 To develop understanding of how a
process is done.
 So when you should use Flowchart?  To document a process.
 When planning a project.
 Ok Very good.
 Who can enumerate the Basic Oval, Box, Triangle, Diamond, and Circle.
symbols of a flowchart?
(Define Meaning)
 How about the 2 types of Flowchart? Linear and Deployment Flowchart

 Very good.

3. Motivation

 Ok class before we move on to our

next topic, you’re going to think of a
possible situation on that will happen
on this picture.
 (Display first slide) ok what’s the (Someone will trip, falls or hurt)
possible situation to happen if you’re
going to see this (display the cables
running on the floor.) (Error in connection to router, system unit,
 Ok next, (Display third slide, cable speakers, power supply. Etc.)
routing). Ok what’s the possible
situation to happen if you’re going to
see this? (Electric Shock, burn)
 Ok last, (display third slide, loaded
outlet). Ok what’s the possible
situation to happen if you’re going to
see this? (we observed that when computer cables,
 Ok class, what did you noticed. plugs, wires are not properly connected,
Observed during this activity. arranged or fixed on its place there’s always
risk when neglected)
B. Developmental Activities
1. Lesson Proper:
Define key vocabularies: Computer
Workplace Hazards; OHS
(Occupational Safety and Health)
 Ok class let’s define first the word Hazard is a situation that has the potential to
hazard (call a student to define) harm the health and safety of people.
 Ok thank you, so hazard is anything
that can you or someone.
 Next, OHS (Occupational Safety and A planned system of working to prevent illness
Health) and injury where you work by recognizing and
identifying hazards and risks.

 Ok thank you, so why do you think

OHS is important? To identify and
eliminate hazards where you working
and decide how dangerous they are.
2. Discussion
1. Discuss 3 steps used to manage health
and safety at work (explain and give example)
a. Spot the hazard (Hazard identification)
b. Assess the Risk (Risk Assessment)
c. Make the changes (Risk Control)

2. Discuss common hazards

encountered by computer technicians
and users (explain and give examples).
a. Physical hazards
b. Mechanical hazards
c. Chemical Hazards
d. Electric Shock hazards
e. CRT monitors high voltage hazards.
3. Generalization
Ask about what they have learned about
hazard Identification, Assessing, and
Controlling risks.
Ask the students, class did
you understand the lesson? If yes, proceed to
application if not ask if there is any question
about it?

4. Evaluation
A. Direction: Read carefully each
statement below. Place T on the line if the
statement is TRUE. Place F if the statement is
__ 1. Health and safety procedure is the
responsibility of all persons in the computer
and technology industries.
__ 2. Spotting the hazards means working out
how likely it is that a hazard will harm
someone and how serious the harm could be.
__ 3. If you need temporarily run a cable
across the floor, place a danger sign similar to
those wet floor signs used by cleaning devices.
__ 4. An LCD Monitor has a high – voltage
anode inside it, which can carry a charge of up
to 25, 000 volts, and it can still be holding a
high charge days after the power is removed.
__ 5 .

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