COVID-19 Contract Counterparties Scramble To Keep Up

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;ource document Events of Force Majeure No and why
:nStandardisation of PFI Contract (SOPC) Version 4 for UK context; (a) war, civil war, armed conftict or terrorism; or No. List of force majeure events purports to
:section 5.4} (b) nuclear, chemical or biological contamination; or be exhaustive, and unlikely to fit an epidemic
:H) draft Standardisation of PF2 Contracts (SOPC) for UK context (2012 - (c) pressure waves ca used by devices travelling at supersonic speeds. under "biological contamination".
intended to replace SOPC 4}
:section 15.4}
>ource: World Bank, UK HM Treasury
>ower Purchase Agreement produced for wind projects in the US context Force Majeure event includes: Yes or no, as the definition is not exhaustive.
)ource: World Bank (Section 14.1} (a} acts of God; No mentioning of epid emic or further
{b) civil disturbance, sabotage, strikes; lock-outs, work stoppages; or elaboration to state events such as
(c) and action or restraint by court order or public or governmental Authority. non-availability of fuel, economic hardship,
inability to sell will not constitute force
majeure. Further examination required.
BOT Agreement for treatment of Effluent/ Wastewater for common Force Majeure events includes: Yes or no. List of force majeure events is not
law jurisdictions (a) act of God; exhaustive, and no mention of epidemic
Source: World Bank (Section 19.1) (b) war and hostilities; or plague. Further examination required.
(c) rebellion and revolution;
(d) contamination by radio-activity;
(e) riot and strikes; or
(f) acts or threats of terrorism.
Source document Events of Force Majeure No and why
Power Purchase Agreement for emergency power generation complex- Definition of "natural force majeure: include: Yes. Epidemic Included as natural force
thermal power generation plant for Africa (i} acts of God; m ajeure events.
Source: World Bank (Section 15.1) (il} epidemic or plague; or
(ill) explosion or chemical contamination.
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for Small Scale Rural Power Projects in Definition of "other force majeure events" include but not limited to: Yes, epidemic is specifically included as an
South east Asia (a) earthquake, flood, storm, cyclone, lightning; Other Force Majeure Event.
Source: World Bank (Section 16.1.4) (b) fire, explosion, or chemical contamination; or
(c) epidemic or plague.
Power Purchase Agreement for oil fired power plant for use in developing Definition of "natural force majeure: include: Yes. Epidemic included as natural force.
countries (i) acts of God; majeure event
Source: World Bank (Section 13.1.1) (li} epidemic or pl ague; or
(ill} explosion or chemical contamination.
Concession Agreement for an International Airport in India Force Majeure events includes, amongst others: Yes. Epidemic included as a force majeure
Source: World Bank (Schedule 1) (a} strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action or labour disputes; event.
(b) any accidental toss of or damage to cargo in the course of transit
by any means and intended for incorporation into the Airport;
(c) toss of or serious accidental damage to the Airport; or
(d) epidemic.
' have been available are probably now within the View of government
• defined exclusions fi-om cover. The key priorities within government stemm ing
In the context of dispute resolution, which from the outbreak ofCovid-19 appear to be
must inevitably now aJise on specific projects, it is implementing measures that (a) optimise
, interesting that in the UK, the Lord Chiefjustice has preservation of life, including tlu-ough availability
' already flagged new measures to address the impact of hospitals and m edical practitioners etc, (b)
• of Covid-19- see : ensure good public order is maintained, (c) achieve
' coronavirus-covid-19-message-fi.-om-the-lord-chief- wide-spread public acceptance around restricting
, justice-to-judges-in-the-civil-and-family-courts. movements or imposing isolation of people, (d)
These measures are intended to allow the courts minimise economic fallout, and (e) enable a course
' to continue to work but note that it "will not be of appropriate actions to be plotted and undettaken.
: business as usual"_Measures being imposed in Where government agencies have been
' the judicial systems elsewhere, including the US, in the course of procuring projects, we are
• Ausu-alia and many Em opean court systems, va1y starting to see delays in that process already,
' from temporary shut-downs in individual cases with the possible exception of public hospitals
• "in-person proceedings", to staggering and elderly care facilities. These latter types of
' the scheduling of matters and limiting the number projects, however, face different procurement
of people within court rooms, along with other issues, including sourcing much-needed medica l
: measures aimed at protecting public safety. ventilators and protective equipm ent for medics.
Project Finance International March 25 2020 51

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