Reflection PE

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Reflection in PE2

Swimming is one of the most popular sports around the world.

As well as being fun, swimming is a great way to keep fit, stay
healthy and make friends. Swimming is a healthy activity that you
can continue for a lifetime. It is a low impact activity that has many
physical and mental health benefits. Swimming is a relaxing and
peaceful form of exercise. It helps us to alleviate stress, improve
coordination, balance and posture, improve flexibility, provide good
low impact therapy for some injuries and conditions and provides a
pleasant way to cool down on a hot day.
Swimming is a great activity for people of all ages. Common
swimming styles are breaststroke, backstroke, side stroke and
freestyle.The most common used style is the freestyle. Aside from
the enjoyment that can be derived from it, swimming is also taken
in a competitive level. Swimmers who are continuously training are
said to have a lot of health benefits as well as the fun and thrill from
the competition. This workout, requires the whole body to move
against the resistance of the water. It keeps the heart rate up but it
takes some of the impact stress off the body, builds endurance,
improves muscle strength and enhance cardiovascular fitness,
keeps the heart and lungs healthy, tones muscles and provides an
all -over body workout because all of the muscles in the body are
A sport like swimming, does not only provide health benefits but
also teach us a technique for surviving circumstances involving
water bodies. The different styles of strokes are very useful in case
of emergency wherein the most applicable style is necessary to be
used. Whether for saving energy or for using speed. Learning
swimming is an exciting, thrilling and fun. Awareness of its benefits
are convincing enough to engage in this kind of sport and also in
order to maintain our health.
Bowling is a low impact, easy to learn sport and also great for all
ages from young children to senior citizens. Although bowling does
not really stand out in the world of sports, some people love to play
and have fun in playing bowling. The bowling also provide a lot of
health benefits and helps in connecting people together. The
bowling helps the bowler to burn calories by walking 60 ft in every
turn. It also strengthen the muscles by repeatedly swinging the ball.
It improves the flexibility and balance. Throwing the ball also
stretch the joints, ligaments and muscles that improves the
flexibility of the body and throwing the ball and maintaining the
proper posture of the body improves the balance. Striking a group
of pins in a long distance target requires the coordination of the
eyes and the hand in order to hit the designated target. The better
the hand-eye coordination the chances of hitting the mark is also
high. Improving the social life is also the goal of the sport bowling.
When a player is not on the lane, they are usually hanging out with
their friends on the other lane.
Bowling is a great stress reliever. Both the physical and mental
health are deriving benefits from it. Physical exercise and
socialization far outweighs the benefits to the body than the
frustration of the odd gutter ball.

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