Academy For Foun Dation Education in Math & Scien Ce

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Academy for foun dation education in Math & Scien ce

1-9-295/13/A/4, Vidyanagar, Hyderabad - 500 044. Ph.No: 27600212 / 92465 43851 /
Class - X GASEOUS STATE Level - 2
1. Calculate the volume occupied by 7g N2 at 270C & 750mm of Hg.
2. 3.7gm of a gas at 250C occupy the same volume as 0.184gm of H2 at 170C at same pressure.What is the molecular
Wt. of the gas?
3. In Victor meyer’s experiment, 0.23g of a volatile solute displaced air which measures 112ml at NTP. Calculate the
Vapour Density & Mol.Wt. of the substance.
4. The pressure exerted by 12g of an ideal gas at temperature t0C in a vessel of volume V litre is 1atm. When the
temperature is increased by 100 at the same volume, the pressure increases by 10%. Calculate the temperature ‘t’ and
volume ‘V’ (Molecular weight of the gas = 120).
5. An LPG cylinder weighs 14.8kg when empty. When full, it weighs 29.0kg & shows a pressure of 2.5atm. In the
course of use at 270C, the weight of full cylinder is reduced to 23.2kg. Find out the volume of the gas in cubic metres
used up at the normal usage conditions & the final pressure inside the cylinder. Assume LPG to be n-butane with B.P
of 00C.
6. A balloon blown up with 1 mole of gas has a volume of 480ml of 50C. The balloon is filled to 7 8 of its maximum
capacity.Find out the following :
a) Will the balloon burst at 300C. b) The minimum temp. at which it will burst.
c) The pressure of gas inside the balloon at 50C. d) The pressure at which it will burst.
7. An open vessel at 270C is heated until 3 5 of air in it has been expelled. Assuming that the volume of the vessel remaining
constant,calculate : a) The temperature at which the vessel was heated.
b) The air escaped out if the vessel is heated to 900K.
c) The temperature at which half of the air escapes out.
8. A gas filled freely collapsible balloon is pushed from the surface level of lake to a depth of 100m. Calculate what percent
of its original volume, the balloon finally have?
9. A balloon is filled with hydrogen at room temperature. It will burst if pressure exceeds 0.2bar. If at 2 bar pressure, the
gas occupies 0.27lt volume; up to what volume can the balloon be expanded?
10. It is desired to increase the volume of 800cm3 of a gas by 29% without changing the pressure. To what temperature
the gas should be heated if its initial temperature is 250C.
11. A student forgot to add the reaction mixture to the round bottom flask at 270C, but put it on flame. After a lapse of time,
he realized his mistake. Using a pyrometer he found the temperature of flask was 4770C. What fraction of air would
have been expelled out?
12. Calculate the pressure of 1x1022 molecules of SO2 in pascal when enclosed in a vessel of 2.5lt capacity at the temperature
of 270C.
13. Density of a gas is found to be 5.46g/dm3 at 270C & 2 bar pressure. What will be its density at S.T.P.
14. A vessel of 1dm3 capacity contains 8gm of oxygen & 4gm of hydrogen at 270C. Calculate the partial pressure of each
gas and also the total pressure in the container (R = 0.083 bar dm3 k-1 mol-1).

15. 0.01 mole of CH4 & 0.96gm of oxygen were enclosed in a flask maintained at a temperature of 270C. The pressure
inside the flask was found to be 101325 Nm-2.Calculate the volume of the flask & also the partial pressure of each gas.
16. At 270C, hydrogen is leaked through a tiny hole into a vessel for 20min. Another unknown gas at the same temperature
& pressure as that of hydrogen leaked through the same hole for 20 min. After the effusion of the gases, the mixture exerts
a pressure of 6 atm.The hydrogen content of the mixture is 0.7 mole. If the volume of the container is 3 lt, what is the
molecular mass of the unknown gas?
17. Two bulbs A & B of equal capacity are filled with He & SO2 respectively at the same temperature.
a) If the pressure in two bulbs is same, calculate the ratio of R.M.S velocities for them.
b) At what temperature velocity of SO2 becomes half of the speed of He molecules at 270C.
c) How will the speeds be effected if volume of B becomes four times?
d) How will the speeds be effected if half of molecules of SO2 are removed from B.
18. A balloon of diameter 20m weighs 100kg. Calculate its pay-load if it is filled with helium at 1 atm & 270C. [ Density
−3 −1
of air = 1.2kg m & R = 0.082 atm3 atm k ] [Hint : pay load = mass of air displaced – mass of filled balloon]
19. The density of gas is 0.259gm/lt at 400k & 190torr.Find its molar mass.
20. A car tyre has a volume of 10 litre when inflated. The tyre is inflated to a pressure of 3 atm at 170C with air. Due to driving,
the temperature of the tyre increases to 470C.Calculate :
a)What would be the pressure at this temperature?
b)How many litres of air measured at 470C & pressure of 1 atm should be let out to restore the tyre to 3 atm at 470C?
21. A certain quantity of a gas occupies 100ml when collected over water at 150C and 750mm pressure. It occupies 91.9ml
in dry state at N.T.P. Find the vapour pressure of water at 150C.
22. If 200ml of N2 at 250C and a pressure of 250 mm is mixed with 350ml of O2 at 250C & a pressure of 300mm, so that
the volume of the resulting mixture is 300ml, what would be the final pressure of the mixture at 250C?
23. 1500ml flask contains 400mg O2 & 60mg H2 at 1000C.
a) What is the total pressure in the flask?
b) If the mixture is permitted to react to form water vapour at 1000C, what will be left & what will be their partial
24. The reaction between gaseous NH3 & HBr produces a white solid NH4Br.Suppose small quantities of NH3 & HBr
are introduced simultaneously into opposite ends of an open tube which is 1m long, Calculate the distance of white solid
formed from the end which was used to introduce NH3.
25. One mole of nitrogen gas at 0.8 atm takes 38sec to diffuse through a pin hole whereas 1 mole of an unknown compound
of xenon with fluorine at 1.6 atm takes 57 sec to diffuse through the same hole. Calculate the molecular formula of the
26. At what temperature will hydrogen molecules have the same root mean square speed as nitrogen molecules at 270C?
27. A mixture of He & Ar weighing 5 gm occupies a volume of 10dm3 at 270C & 1 atm. What is the percentage composition
of the mixture.
28. Three gases x, y, z exist in the molar ratio 1:3:5. If partial pressure of y is 450 mm. Calculate
a) Partial pressure of x b) Partial pressure of z c) Total pressure
29. If the temperature is increased by 50% & the pressure is decreased by 25% then the change in the volume of the gas
is ______________________.
30. An evacuated glass vessel weights 50.0g when empty, 148.0g when filled with a liquid of density 0.98gml–1 and
50.5g when filled with an ideal gas at 760 mm Hg at 300 K. Determine the molecular weight of the gas.

31. A plant virus is found to consist of uniform cylindrical particles of 150 in diameter and 5000 long. The specific volume
of the virus is 0.75 cm3/g. If the virus is considered to be a simple particle, find its molecular weight.
32. Calculate the total pressure in a 10 L cylinder which contains 0.4g of helium, 1.6g of oxygen and 1.4g of nitrogen at 270C.
Also calculate the partial pressure of helium gas in the cylinder. Assume ideal behaviour for gases.
33. A mixture of H2O(v), CO2 and N2 was trapped in a glass apparatus with a volume of 0.731ml. The pressure of total
mixture was 1.74mm of Hg at 23 0C.The sample was transferred to a bulb in contact with dry ice
(–750C) so that H2O(v) are frozen out.When the sample returned to normal value of temperature, pressure was 1.32mm
of Hg. The sample was then transferred to a bulb in contact with liquid N2 (–950C) to freeze out CO2. In the measured
volume,pressure was 0.53mm of Hg at normal temperature.How many moles of each constituent are in mixture?
34. Two bulbs X and Y of equal volume, connected through a stopcock, contained 0.6 mole of O2 gas at 0.4 atm. pressure
at 270C (at the open position of the stopcock). If the first bulb was heated to 1170C keeping the other at the same
temperature (270C), what will be the final pressure and moles of the gas in each bulb?
35. A glass bulb contains 2.24lt of H2 and 1.12lt of D2 at STP. It is connected to a fully evacuated bulb by a stopcock with
a small opening. The stopcock is opened for some time and then closed. The first bulb now contains 0.10g of D2. Calculate
the percentage composition by weight of the gases in the second bulb.
36. One litre of gaseous mixture is effused in 5 min. 11 seconds, while 1 litre of oxygen takes 10 min. The gaseous mixture
contains methane and hydrogen. Calculate
a) Density of gaseous mixture. b) The percentage by volume of each gas in the mixture.
37. The pressure in a bulb dropped from 2000 to 1500 mm of mercury in 47 minutes when the contained oxygen leaked
through a small hole. The bulb was then completely evacuated. A mixture of oxygen and another gas of molecular weight
79 in the molar ratio of 1:1 at a total pressure of 4000mm of mercury was introduced. Find the molar ratio of the two
gases remaining in the bulb after a period of 74 minutes.
A 38. Two gases A & B having same volume diffuse through a porous partition in 20 & 10 seconds respectively.The molecular
weight of A is 49.Find the molecular weight of B.
39. Calculate the R.M.S Velocity of Chlorine molecules at 170C & 800mm pressure.
40. At what temperature R.M.S velocity of Chlorine gas will be equal to that of SO2 at N.T.P ?
Objective Work Sheet :2
1. Helium atom is two times heavier than a hydrogen molecule.At 298K,the average kinetic energy of He atom is
a) 2 times that of Hydrogen molecule b) Same as that of Hydrogen molecule
c) 4 times that of Hydrogen molecule d) Half that of Hydrogen molecule
2. Dalton’s Law of partial pressures is not applicable to ( under normal conditions)
a) H2 & N2 mixture b) H2 & Cl2 mixture c) H2 & CO2 mixture d) H2 & O2 mixture
3. How much should the pressure be increased in order to decrease the volume of the gas by 5% at a constant temperature
a) 5 % b) 5.26 % c) 10 % d) 4.26 %
4. Which of the following is/are incorrect ?
a) At altitudes, the pressure of air is low b) At altitudes, density of air is low
c) At altitudes, cooking takes place slower d) At altitudes, water will boil at a temperature greater than 1000C

5. Which of the following give(s) a straight line graph keeping the third parameter constant ?
a) P vs V b) P vs 1/V c) V vs T d) P vs T
6. Absolute zero is defined as the temperature at which
a) all molecular motion ceases b) ether boils c) liquid helium boils d) all the options
7. If the four tubes of a car are fitted to the same pressure with nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen & neonseperately,then which
one will be filled first ?
a) Nitrogen b) Oxygen c) Hydrogen d) Neon
8. Same mass of CH4 & H2 is taken in a container.The partial pressure caused by H2 is
a) 8/9 b) 1/9 c)1/2 d) 1
9. X ml of H2 gas effuses through a hole in a container in 5sec.The time taken for effusion of same volume of a gas
specified under identiical conditions is
a) 10sec : He b) 20sec : O2 c) 25sec : CO d) 55sec : CO2
10. Two gases A & B present separately in two vessels X & Y at the same temperature with molecular weights M & 2M
respectively effused out. The orifice in vessel X is circular, while that in Y is a square. If the radius of circular orifice is
equal to that of the length of the square orifice, the ratio of rates of effusion of gas A to that of gas B is

a) b) c) 2Π d)
11. A gas is said to behave like an ideal gas when the relation = K , when does a real gas not behave like an ideal gas?
a) when the temp. is low b) when both T & P are low.
c) when the temp. is high & pr is low d) none.
12. In a closed flask of 5 litres, 1g of H2 is heated 300 to 600k. Which statement is / are correct?
a) pressure of the gas increases b) rate of collision increases
c) the no. of moles of gas increases d) the energy of gaseous molecules increases.
13. At S.T.P, 0.5 mole of the H2 gas & 1 mole of He gas
a) have equal average kinetic energies b) have equal molecular speeds
c) do not occupy equal volumes d) have equal effusion rates.
14. At what temperature, the R.M.S velocity of SO2 be same as that of O2 AT 303K?
a) 273K b) 606K c) 303K d) 403K
15. 10gm C2H6 is filled in a bulb of 1 litre capacity which can withstand a maximum pressure of 10 atm. At what temperature
will the pressure of gas reach the bursting limit?
a) 760C b) 361.40C c) 92.40C d) 1200C
16. When a gas is heated from 250C to 500C const. pressure of 1 bar, its volume.
a) Increases from v to 2v b) Increases from v to 1.5v
c) Increases from v to 1.084v d) Increases from v to 1.8v
17. The molecular weighs of two ideal gases A & B are 100 & 200 resp. 1gm of A occupies vet of volume at S.T.P. What
is the volume occupied by 1gm of B at S.T.P?

a) b) V c) V2 d) 2V
18. A bubble of volume V1 is at bottom of a pond at 150C & 1.5atm. pr. When it comes at the surface, it observes a pr.
of 1atm. at 250C & has volume V2. Calculate V2:V1.
a) 15.5 b) 0.155 c) 155.0 d) 1.55
19. A gas with molecular formula CnH2n+2 diffuses through a porons purg at a rate 1/6th of the rate of diffusion of hydrogen
gas under similar conditions. The formula of the gas
a) C2H6 b) C10H22 c) C5H12 d) C6H14
20. Equal volume of ethane & methane are mixed in an empty container at 250C. The fraction of total pressure exerted by
1 2 8
ethane is a) b) c) d) 3 2
2 3 15

21. The volume of a gas at 00C is 273 ml. Its volume at 120C & the same pressure will be

12 273
a) 273+ ml b) 273+ ml c) 273+12ml d) 273–12ml
273 12

22. The pressure exerted by 12g of an ideal gas at temperature t0C in a vessel of V litre is one atmosphere. When the
temperature is increased by 100C at the same volume, that pressure increase by 10%. Calculate the temperature t and
volume V (Molecular mass of the gas = 120).
a) 100 K & 0.82 lt b) 200 K & 0.82 lt c) 100 K & 8.2 lt d) 10 K & 0.82 lt
23. 2.5L of a sample of a gas at 270C and 1 bar pressure is compressed to a volume of 500 mL keeping the temperature
constant, the percentage increase in the pressure is:
a) 100% b) 400% c) 500% d) 80%
24. Which of the following gas will have density of 1.8 g L–1 at 760 torr pressure and 270C?
a) O 2 b) CO 2 c) NH3 d) SO2
25. 10g C2H6 is filled in a bulb of 1 litre capacity which can withstand a maximum pressure of 10 atm. At which temperature
will the pressure of gas reach the bursting limit?
a) 760C b) 361.40C c) 92.40C d) 1200C

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