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WEEK 5 Day 1 Date: ____________

A. Content Standards
➢ Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and
fruit trees.
B. Performance Standards
➢ Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees.
C. Learning Competency
➢ Identifies the appropriate tools and equipment in plant propagation and their
uses. (TLE6AG-0d-5)

Propagating Trees and Fruit Trees


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
Home Economics and Livelihood Education. Pages 73-75
Josephine Bemardino et al.
4. Additional
B. Other Learning Resources
Pruning shears,hoe, sprinkler, trowel, wheelbarrow, shovel, rake,
hand fork, bolo, crow bar, shovel, other tools and equipment: like hose,
sprayer, weighing scale, piece of wood or bamboo

A Reviewing previous lesson
Differentiating trees arrangement in an orchard
(Group Activity)
Assemble the puzzle to form a layout/design in the arrangement
of trees in an orchard. The first group to finish will be the winner.
Describe each design that you formed.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Study the jumbled letters to form a word.
1. OTLSO - it is a handheld device that aids in accomplishing a
2. QEPUIMNET -supplies or tools needed for a purpose
2. PATIONPROGA -act or action of propagating -to cause to
continue or increase
Today’s lesson has something to do with the words you formed.
We are going to identify the tools and equipment used in plant
propagation as well as their uses. Can you name a tool or
equipment and site its uses?How can plant propagation be a
source of income of the family.

C. Presenting examples/instances of new lesson

On the working table, show all the tools and equipment used in
plant propagation.
(Video presentation)
The teacher will group the pupils into 5.
Each group will work on the activity assigned to them.
Group 1 ( Totoy Bibo )
Directions: In a form of a dance, present the different tools and
equipment used in propagation of trees and fruit
bearing trees your group
identified. Give also the uses of each.
Group 2 ( Finding my Soul mate )
Provide pictures of tools and equipment used in
propagation of trees and strip of papers written therein
the uses of each tool.
Directions: Pupils holding the picture will find the one holding a
strip of paper bearing its uses.If everybody find its soul
mate, they will conduct a simple “Parade of Tools and
Equipment Used in Propagating Trees” around the
Group 3 ( D’ Voice KIDZ )
Directions: Create a song,rap or jingle about the tools and
equipment used in propagation of trees and fruit
bearing trees that your group identified.
Group 4 ( Draw and Label Me)
Directions: Draw and label the tools and equipment used in
propagating trees that your group identified.
Group 5 ( We are The Gardeners )
Role play where and how each tool that you identified is being used.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Group presentation and discussion of out put.
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the different tools and equipment used in
propagating plants did your group identify?
2. What are the uses of each?
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
Discuss on some concepts for clarification.
Ask: Suppose there is no trowel or sprinkler available in your school
or in the house, what other things around can be used in place
of them?
Give some things to be observed for proper care,
maintenance and handling of the tools and equipment.

F. Developing mastery
(Pick,Name and Tell)
A pupil will pick one picture in the box, identify the picture and tell its

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills

Are you now ready to use these tools in propagating plants? Do
think your knowledge about the tools and equipment will help you?
How will it help you?

H. Making Generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What are the different tools and equipment used in propagating
trees and fruit bearing trees?
What are its uses?

I. Evaluating Learning
Directions: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the blank before each number.
A B.
_____ 1.A toolused for digging holes for
planting seedlings A. crowbar
_____ 2. It is used for hauling fertilizers and
soil and for carrying other tools
and materials B. trowel
_____ 3. used to hand cultivate the garden
plot by loosening the soil and
removing the weeds around the plant C.hoe
_____ 4. It isused for digging holes for planting
seedlings D. shovel
_____ 5. A toolused to turn over soil and dig up
plants for propagation. E. Rake
J. Agreement
Ask each pupil to name a tool he/she likes best.
Tell him/her to complete this sentence;
Of all the tools used in propagating trees, I like _____________
best because, it can help me in ______________________________
WEEK 5 Day 2 Date: ____________
A. Content Standard
Demonstrate an understanding of scientific practices in planting
trees and fruit trees.
B. Performance Standard
Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
C. Learning Competency
Demonstrate scientific way of propagating fruit-bearing trees-
Marcoting (TLE6AG-0D-5)
Propagating trees and fruit trees
A. References
B. Home Economics and Livelihood Education by Josephine
C.Bernardino, pages 67, 77-79
C. Other Learning Resources
Laptop, Pictures, video, projector, plants use for marcoting,
A. Reviewing previous lesson
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the tools that are appropriate for propagating
2. Give an example of fruit-bearing trees?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Video Presentation:
The teacher will present a video of different fruit-bearing
Guided Question?
1. How does the trees in the community planted
2. Are this practices is important?

C. Presenting examples/ instances of new lesson

Video presentation of proper ways in propagating trees/fruit-
bearing trees(marcotting).
Guided Questions:
1. What are the importance of propagating trees and fruit-
bearing trees?
2. What are the things to consider in marcotting?
3. Can you identify the proper ways on propagating trees and
fruit-bearing trees (marcoting)?
The teachers will analyze all the possible answers given by the

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Group Activities
Group 1. Arrange the picture according on how marcotting is done .
Group 2 Assemble the words on how to marcotting a tree
Group 3. Compose a simple song/rap about marcotting

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills

Using the power point presentation the teacher will clarify some
concepts that were not clearly identify by the learners.
1. Thing to consider in marcotting.
2. Kinds of plants use marcotting in propagating tress.

F. Developing Mastery
Show and Write
Direction: The teacher will show pictures of propagated fruit-
bearing trees. The pupils will identify if the pictures show the proper
way of marcoting.

G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts and skills

Answer the following questions:
1. Why is it important to know and demonstrateproper ways in
propagating trees and fruit-bearing trees?
2. How it will help you in your daily life? For your family?

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What are the steps in macotting a fruit-bearring tree?

I. Evaluation
The pupils will be group into 4. They will demonstrate how
marcoting is done the group will be graded by the use of rubrics

J. Assignment
Find other way of propagating fruit-bearing trees in our community.

WEEK 5 Day 3 Date: ____________

D. Content Standard
Demonstrate an understanding of scientific practices in planting
trees and fruit trees.
E. Performance Standard
Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
F. Learning Competency
Demonstrate scientific way of propagating fruit-bearing trees-
Budding (TLE6AG-0D-5)

Propagating trees and fruit trees


Home Economics and Livelihood Education by Josephine C.
Bernardino, pages 67, 77-79
Other Learning Resources
Laptop, Pictures, video, projector

A. Reviewing previous lesson
Call 2 from the group what are the ways of propagating tree-
marcotting? Ask 3 of the pupils what are the other ways of
propagating trees in their community?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Ask the following questions:
1. What are the available fruit-bearing tree in your
2. Do you think there are other way of propagating those
fruit-bearing trees?

C. Presenting examples/ instances of new lesson

Group Activity
Directions: The class will be divided into 4 groups; each
group will be given strips of paper. Watch carefully on the
video andwrite at least three (3) reactions about the video.
Finish your output in 2 minutes.Each group will be given
time to discuss their reaction about the video.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
The teacher will call 5 pupils in each group. They will pick
picture and tell something about the picture.

E.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2(Deepening)

After the group presentation the teacher will analyse all their
answers. Using video presentation the teacher will discuss
the different way of propagating of fruit-bearing trees.

F.Developing Mastery
The teacher will pass a picture while she play the music as
the music stop the pupils who hold whe picture will tell
something about the picture.

G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts and skills

Answer the following question:
1. What is the importance of knowing ways on how to
propagate fruit bearing trees by budding in your

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What areways on how to propagate fruit bearing trees
by budding?

I. Evaluation
The pupils will be group into 4. They will demonstrate how Budding
is done, the group will be graded by the use of rubrics

J. Assignment
Find other way of propagating fruit-bearing trees in our community.

WEEK 5 Day 4 Date: ____________

A. Content Standard
Demonstrate an understanding of scientific practices in planting
trees and fruit trees.
B. Performance Standard
Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
C. Learning Competency
Demonstrate scientific way of propagating fruit-bearing trees-
Grafting (TLE6AG-0D-5)

Propagating trees and fruit trees


A. References
Home Economics and Livelihood Education by Josephine C.
Bernardino, pages 67, 77-79
B. Other Learning Resources
Laptop, Pictures, video, projector


A. Reviewing previous lesson

Answer this: How does propagating tree will help you and your

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

The teacher will show different pictures of propagating trees
1. Which of the picture show proper way of marcotting?
2.Tell something on how budding is done?
3. What are the proper way in propagating trees.
C.Presenting examples/ instances of new lesson
Video presentation of proper ways of propagating treesGrafting
Group I (re arrange the picture on how grafting is done)
Group II ( write the procedure on how grafting is done)

D.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Group Presentation (2 (two) minutes per group)
Let each group have freedom in their presentation with the proper
guidance of the teacher.

E.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills

Using the power point presentation the teacher will clarify some
concepts that were not clearly identify by the learners.
Proper way of Grafting(ppt)

F. Developing Mastery
Show and Write:
Directions. The teacher will show five statements and the learners
will write Yes if the statement is a proper way of caring seedling
and No if it is not.
Step 1: Vertical Incisions
Step 2: Prepare the Scion
Step 3: Connect Scion and Rootstock
Step 4: Protect the Graft
Step 5: Secure the Graft
Step 6: Secure the Plastic

G. Finding Practical Applications of concepts and skills

Answer the following questions:
1. Why is it important to know the proper way of grafting?

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What are the proper way of Grafting?

I. Evaluation
The pupils will be group into 4. They will demonstrate how Budding
is done, the group will be graded by the use of rubrics
J. Assignment
Have a picture documentation of different way of propagating
fruit-bearing trees..

WEEK 5 Day 5 Date: ____________

A. Content Standards
➢ Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and
fruit trees.
B. Performance Standards
➢ Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees.
C. Learning Competency
➢ Observe healthy and safety measures in propagating fruit-
bearing trees. (TLE6AG-0d-5)

Propagating Trees and Fruit Trees


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
Home Economics and Livelihood Education. Pages 73-75
Josephine Bemardino et al.
Learning and Living in the 21st Century pages 122-
4. Additional
B. Other Learning Resources
Hairnet, garden gloves, apron, boots, hats, protective eyeglasses
and face mask.

A Reviewing previous lesson
Ways of Propagating fruit-bearing trees

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

“ Safety First” Where can you see that sign. What does it mean?
In everything we do like plant propagation, our first priority is
safety and healthy. Do you know of ways on how to be safe and
healthy while doing the activity? How ? Write your answers on the
metacards and paste them on the board.

C. Presenting examples/instances of new lesson

Present some healthy and safety measures in propagating fruit-
bearing trees.
(Video presentation)
The teacher will group the pupils into 5.
Each group will work on the activity assigned to them.
Group 1 ( Recite It )
Directions: Create a poem about the healthy and safety measures
in propagating plants.
Group 2 ( Post It )
Directions: Make a poster showing the healthy and safety
measures in plant propagation.
Group 3 ( I Can Do That )
Directions: Create an innovative presentation about the healthy
and safety measures on plant propagation.
Group 4 ( Don’t Talk To Me )
Directions: Show us the ways on how to be safe and healthy on
plant propagation without talking.
Group 5 ( I can Write )
Direction: Write a slogan in promoting safety in plant propagation.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Group presentation and discussion of out put.
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the healthy and safety measures in plant
2. What do you think might happen if you refuse to follow the
precautionary measures in plant propagation.?

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Discuss on some concepts for clarification.
Ask: Aside from the safety measures that we have studied, what
other ways whom you think will help in keeping us safe while
propagating plants?
Ask: How will you take care the tools and equipment to last long and
maintain its efficiency?

F. Developing mastery
( Ready, Get set, Go )
Select a member from your group to be the gardener. Using available
materials that you have, make him ready to go to the farm to propagate plants.
What particular activity in school or in your house wherein you can apply
the skills you’ve learned today?

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills

Your teacher in TLE announced that your class will be planting mango seedlings
in the school backyard tomorrow. Draw yourself ready to do the activity safely.

H. Making Generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What are the healthy and safety measures to be observed in plant propagation.
I. Evaluating Learning
Direction: Observe the picture.Write the healthy and safety measures in
propagating plants shown. ( Do and Explore)

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Now that you already know the healthy and safety measures in propagating
plant, are you now ready to propagate plant safely? Will it help you in your daily
living? How?

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