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1. What bone is located in the upper jaw?

- Maxilla
2. What cell component is commonly used for personal identification?
3. What disease causes rapid and uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells?
- Cancer
4. What disease causes yellowing of the eyes, skin and urine?
- Jaundice
5. What do animal cells NOT contain?
- Cell wall
6. It filters the blood to excrete harmful substances in the form of urine?
- Kidneys
7. It helps keep the human body cool called?
- Perspiration
8. What is 70% of the human body made of?
- Water / H2O
9. What is a fertilized human egg initially called?
- Zygote
10. What is a single piece of coiled DNA called?
- Chromosomes
11. What is glucose?
- Monosaccharide
12. What is the cell membrane made of?
- Phospholipids
13. What is the correct name for the nerve cell?
- Neuron
14. What is the fastest-growing plant?
- Bamboo
15. What is the green color in plants named?
- Chlorophyll
16. What is the largest and longest bone in the human body?
- Femur
17. What is the largest artery in the body?
- Aorta
18. What is the largest organ I the human body?
- Skin
19. What is the most common element in the human body?
- Oxygen
20. What is the most common human blood type?
- 0+
21. What is the movement of organism away from sunlight know as?
- Negative photo taxis
22. What is the nerve from the eye to the brain?
- Optic
23. What is the periderm of a plant also known as?
- The bark
24. What is the rarest blood group?
- AB Negative
25. What is the scientific term for the production of light by living organism?
- Bioluminescence
26. What is the smallest bone in the body?
- Stirrup
27. What is the structure of the hindbrain?
- Pons
28. What kinds of plant a mango belong?
- Flowering
29. What metal is present in chlorophyll?
- Magnesium / Mg
30. What metal is present in hemoglobin?
- Iron
31. What method is used to kill the bacteria in milk?
- Pasteurization
32. What part of the body produces bile?
- Liver
33. What part of the eye adjusts to focus more clearly?
- The lens / lens
34. What part of the human body cleans up to 50 gallons of blood every day?
- The kidneys
35. What part of the human brain does alcohol effect?
- Cerebellum
36. What prevents the entry of food into respiratory passages?
- Epiglottis
37. Who scientist created the first recombinant DNA molecules?
- Paul Berg
38. Who scientist showed that genetic material is a heat stable chemical?
- Franklin Griffith
39. What types of proteins are collagen (fiber in bone and tendons and other connective
tissues) and elastin (elastic tissues)?
- Structural proteins
40. What type of tree bark is used to make Quinine (malaria therapy)?
- Cinchona
41. What was the first genetically engineered organism?
- Tobacco
42. What was the first animal to be successfully cloned?
- Sheep
43. Where are villi not found?
- In the colon
44. Where in the heart does the aorta originate from?
- Left ventricle
45. Where is the tympanic membrane found?
- Ear
46. In which process do plants bend towards light?
- Phototropism
47. Scurvy is caused by a deficiency of what?
48. The cells of human males have what two chromosomes?
- One X and One Y
49. What is more scientific term for “high blood pressure”?
- Hypertension
50. What is a prokaryotic cell missing?
- Nucleus
51. Where is pituitary gland attached to?
- Brain
52. What molecule in the blood carries oxygen?
- Hemoglobin
53. Where is a human’s appendix located?
- Right side
54. Where is undigested food stored?
- Right side
55. Which term means “weakening of the bones”?
- Osteoporosis
56. Which is longer: the large or small intestine?
- Small intestine
57. What name is given to the clear layer at the front of the eye?
- Cornea
58. If an atom has 13 electrons, how many shells will have electrons?
- 3 (spdf)
59. What is the best example of a crystal lattice?
- Diamond
60. What is the symbol that stands for the speed of light in a vacuum?
- C
61. Which term is used to describe the phase change of a liquid to gas?
- Boiling
62. What is the common solvent on Earth?
- Water
63. What forces keep molecules together when the surrounding energy drops?
- Attraction
64. What element is #1 on the periodic table of elements?
- Hydrogen
65. Which of these is an inert gas (stable elements)?
- Neon
66. How are elements in the periodic table arranged by?
- Atomic umber
67. What has the least energetic molecules?
- Solid
68. What are rows in the periodic table called?
- Periods
69. What is the lightest halogen (from top-light to bottom-heavy)?
- Fluorine
70. Is an scientific term of the compound NaC1
- Sodium chloride
71. It is the basic pieces of an atom?
- Neutron – electron – proton
72. What do chemical reactions create and break down through?
- Chemical bonds
73. Where will you usually find carbohydrates?
- Starches
74. What are the columns of the periodic table called?
- Groups
75. What smaller pieces are proteins made of?
- Amino acids
76. What force pulls liquids towards the grounds?
- Gravity
77. What is the term for a reaction happening in several steps?
- Reaction mechanism
78. What is water when it is at room temperature called?
- Liquid
79. Who came up with a periodic table that included all of the known elements?
- Dmitri Mendeleev
80. When water is in a solid form, what is it called?
- Ice
81. The equilibrium constant can be changed when what changes?
- Temperature
82. Phospholipids have what element in the compound?
- Phosphorus
83. How many basic structures do proteins have as they are being synthesized?
- 4
84. What do you call to the salt that absorbs water?
- Hygroscopic salt
85. When burning charcoal, what gas is produced?
- Carbon dioxide
86. What is the conversion of water vapor to water on a cold glass known as?
- Condensation
87. What form is most of the pure, drinkable water of the earth in?
- Icebergs
88. Acids change a litmus paper from blue to what color?
89. Which of these is necessary for a substance to burn?
- Oxygen
90. What does the lead of a pencil mainly contain?
- Graphite
91. “Cd” is the symbol of what element?
- Cadmium
92. What type of acid does milk have?
- Lactic
93. What gas is evolved when dilute sulfuric acid is added to Zinc?
- Hydrogen
94. With which metal does oxygen combine to form rust?
- Iron
95. What is the opposite off acids?
- Bases
96. Which metal is extracted from the ore ‘bauxite’?
- Aluminum
97. What is the minimum number of elements needed to form a compound?
- 2 only
98. “Co” is the symbol for what element?
- Cobalt
99. What appears when elements bond?
- Compounds
100. What are substances that control the rates of chemical reactions?
- Catalysts
101. What matter that does not enter chemical reactions describes as?
- Inert
102. Which one is a saturated compound?
- Propane
103. Who proposed the ‘theory of relativity’?
- Albert Einstein
104. What is the main element of organic compounds?
- C
105. What do you call the substance that dissolves other materials known as?
- Solvent
106. At room temperature, what is the only metal that is in liquid form?
- Mercury
107. What is the fourth- most abundant element in the universe in terms of mass?
- Carbon
108. Which is the first alkene member?
- Ethane
109. What is the element symbol for tungsten?
- W
110. According to the periodic table, what is calcium classified as?
- Alkaline earth metal
111. In the periodic table of elements, what is Krypton classified as?
- Noble gas / inert gas
112. What color does copper turn as it ages?
- Green
113. What is the chemical symbol for gold?
- Gold
114. What is the chemical symbol for potassium?
- K
115. What is the most abundant element in the earth crust?
- Oxygen
116. What type of lens does a magnifying glass have?
- Convex lens
117. What is it called when light bends as it enters a different medium?
- Refraction
118. What unit is electric resistance typically measured in?
- Ohms
119. What planet spins in the opposite direction to Earth?
- Venus
120. What is the most plentiful metal I the earth crust?
- Aluminum


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