Lis Test 1 Cam 14 Part 1 and 2

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Test 1 SECTION 1 eet Questions 1-10 Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. CRIME REPORT FORM Location Details of suspect ‘Type of crime: theft Personal information Example Name Louise...... avlar. Nationality Al - Date of birth 14 December 1977 Occupation interior designer Reason for visit business (to buy antique 2 ) Length of stay two months Current address 3 Apartments (No 15) Details of theft Items stolen — awallet containing approximately 4£ - -as Date of theft 6. Possible time and place of theft outside the 7 — some boys asked for the 8 ~ one had a T-shirt with a picture of a tiger — he was about 12, slim build with 9 at about 4 pm. Crime reference number allocated 40 then ran off hair 10 Listening SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Induction talk for new apprentices Questions 11 and 12 Choose TWO letters, A-E. ‘Which TWO pieces of advice for the first week of an apprenticeship does the manager give? get to know colleagues learn from any mistakes ask lots of questions react positively to feedback enjoy new challenges moowp> Questions 13 and 14 Choose TWO letters, A-E. Which TWO things does the manager say mentors can help with? confidence-building making career plans completing difficult tasks making a weekly timetable reviewing progress moomp> "1 Test 1 Questions 15-20 What does the manager say about each of the following aspects of the company policy for apprentices? White the correct letter, A, B or C, next to Questions 15-20. A tis encouraged. B There are some restrictions. C tis against the rules Company policy for apprentices 15 Using the intemet 16 Flexible working 17 Booking holidays 18 Working overtime 19 Wearing trainers 20. Bringing food to work 12 © Listening skills 2.3 Listen again and complete the table on the previous page. First, write the synonyms or paraphrases you hear for the underlined words and phrases. Then explain why the other possible answers are incorrect. 3 Selecting from a list Sometimes, you need to choose an answer from a longer list. All of the ideas in the list will be mentioned, but only two or three options are correct. To help you concentrate, it can help to underline key words before you listen. Key words are important words in the question (or the words or phrases in an option that make it different to the others). 3.1 Look at the question and list of possible answers. Before you listen, underline the key ideas you need to listen for. What TWO disadvantages of the new mobile phone does the speaker mention? A itisn’t very user-friendly B it is very expensive C it can’t take photographs D ithas a short battery life E itis quite big 3.2 (B15) To help practise scanning a list, listen and put options ACE in the order they are mentioned. Don’t answer the question yet. Remember, the ideas will be paraphrased, so you may not hear the same words you see in the options. A. itisn’t very user-friendly B itis very expensive € itcan’t take photographs D it hasa short battery life E itis quite big 1 ten again and put a V or a X next to each option A-E, depending on whether or not it matches the information in the 1g. Which TWO options are correct? 24 Test Tip The questions in the Listening paper are in the same order as the information you hear. This means that you will hear the information you need for Question 1 before you hear the information for Question 2, ete. However, in questions where you have to choose an option from alist, (e.g. multiple choice or matching items) the list of possible options will be in random order. Test Tip Make sure that you pay close attention to any negatives in the options, as well as any adjectives. With matching or multiple choice tasks, pay careful attention to the question, as well as the ‘options. The question will tell you how many answers you have to choose, as well as What you need to listen for (e.g. problems, solutions, advantages, etc)

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